#RP Blood Ball
@alteregozowie @cannibalxroses
“I swear on every soul you own, Al, if you don’t come outta that room right fuckin’ now ready for the Ball, I’m tellin’ Vox your most embarrassing drunk moments.”
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a-hell-of-a-time · 1 month
((Here is Andre's tentative outfit for the Blood Ball event.
Yes, he is going in partial drag since it is a masquerade.
Andre will be attending with:
BJ (@micsmasmuses)
Caim (My OC)))
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gamblins · 1 month
starter ft. @radiodemon77 for the masquerade ball
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husk was more than happy to come & attend the party that was the talk of the town. the feline himself already mingling & dancing the night away. taking a light break he found himself resting at the tables chatting away with a few that was near by talking big game about his casino
in corner of an eye he noticed an overlord just like himself lurking around. husk hummed softly sitting up on his chair that he was leaning back on. he wasn't sure if he should approach or not but he stood up as he likes to chat and make himself known
" your the radio demon right? "
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voxiiferous · 1 month
"Vox! Oh, thank Christ you're here, I was so worried I wouldn't know anyone"! (blood ball baby angel thinks he's a pariah ,pls protect him)
@rocxyoulikeahurricane | Blood Ball
He's seen another Angel earlier-- and no, seeing the literal Voice of fucking God on the dithering by the cannibal's buffet table wasn't weird or anything like that, or that in one of the corners he'd seen Belphegor napping. Truly, Rosie had outdone herself, and raised diplomatic questions all the while. Everyone seemed to be having a good time at least.
He looks away from the drink Hellaina had shoved in his hands when she'd whirled away to go dance with her wife, Dia had left her purse with him, and so the butterfly bag is looped over his shoulder. (Or well, Dia's dress had spin, but they seemed to be having a good time.
"Adam, how nice to see you. I wouldn't have missed it. Are you enjoying yourself?" he asks, eyeing the mild panic that seems to have calmed in the first man. "I doubt Christ has much to do with it, though there does seem to be a mild divine presence here tonight."
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singthesongsofsin · 1 month
🌊🌊 | @hellsdisneyprincess | Blood Ball: Paper Faces
Hell was odd, or maybe, it was just that he had spent far too many centuries apart from people. Sea cucumber didn't care for strange social graces after all.
He blinks as a young woman bumps into him, debating, on his own, if he would try the cannibal's cuisine. His date had, and so had many others, but... well he wasn't human, and had never been human, and yet the idea of eating it discomfited him. Would it be polite to try it? What was the source of such disturbance? Technically speaking he didn't need to eat, but if the stares the angels had given him when he left counted for anything, perhaps the exhaustion showed more clearly than he intended. Or maybe it was just that he was an unfamiliar sight.
"It's perfectly all right. We both seem to be trying to decide if it's worth eating or not." He looks at her, pausing for a split second.
"I'm sorry you look so much like--" Metatron pauses, the same familial address he's never quite been able to claim faltering. "Like someone I lost."
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outofradios · 1 month
{I'm so excited for ball event if you want if to Interact with Alastor let me know and we can work something out!!!}
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five-eyed-peacock · 1 month
Hell's favorite peacock
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Orcus Ars Goetia
Is going to the ball dressed in drag, like he does with any event!!
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cameronthegoatsin · 1 month
Valentine smiled, scanning the room from under the mask on her eyes. Her arm was interlocked with Cameron, insisted by the other to make sure both kept safe from harm. Being a top star in a risqué industry made Valentine highly wanted, and while she was sure she could keep her own, she found it sweet her friend worried about her safety.
They stayed out of the way for the most part, mingling with others and chatting privately. The songs were beautiful, and the angelic-like sinner couldn't help but admire the dresses and suits of all the other residents of Hell.
When a particularly beautiful song came on, stringed orchestra based, the winged woman turned to her date, a kind smile on her face.
"Do you know how to dance?"
Cameron looked up at her date. "...barely..." She admitted. "I can try, I guess...?" Her voice was shaky, this environment wasn't something she was used to and everything was fancy... Cameron couldn't handle this, she was panicking with the mere idea of messing up and everyone suddenly becoming upset with her.
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themosthatedbeingg · 1 month
Father and son —Blood ball
Lucifer had two wine glasses in hand , normal red wine for now, he’ll get one with blood later , he walked across the ballroom towards his Son, handing him the small glass.
“It’s Been a while since I’ve been to one of these .. but Rosie is a good friend of mine so I had to stop by at least , his cape swished behind him, as me moved to people watch , seeing demons and overlords mingle and keeping an eye on a few sinners , so far this ball seemed to be going off without a hitch.
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copaceticjillybean · 1 month
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Here is Jillian's outfit for The Blood Ball Event, should she end up going (My writing has been a bit finicky lately, so I don't want to promise anything.) She will be going by herself, though will look forward to seeing everyone there! ^W^
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The Blood Ball
Husk had scrambled until the last minute to pull together an outfit worthy of attending Rosie’s Blood Ball, but he could finally say with certainty that he felt prepared to conquer the evening. After his fall from grace, the feline had shut himself away from social gatherings, attending only if the Radio Demon demanded his presence.
He still remembered the first party after he had fallen from grace: Alastor parading him around all night as his newest thrall, and the mortification that he could never show his face among Pride’s elite again.
That was about to change tonight.
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes of his defeat, Husk embodied the fire that used to ignite his wings and tail at the height of his demonic power. Though that form was now held under Alastor’s conservatorship, he had found ways of manufacturing his own flames with help from his newest friend, the King of Hell.
Emerging from his room, Husk sported a black swallow-tail suit jacket with gold embroidery, feather shoulder pauldrons, and a heart-shaped open back for his wings. His matching, straight cut slacks flared with the addition of an over skirt fabric that cracked and glowed with golden magma light. His clawed hands were covered with gauntlet gloves: metallic outwardly, but soft leather on the palms. Four rings bearing the symbols of card suits adorned his tail, his ear tips glistened with pointed cuff earrings, and a pair of gold-patterned wingtip shoes clicked smartly as he strode. Husk’s mask was a dazzling gold with blazing motif’s and pointed edges that actually flickered with golden fire! A half-cape of the same flames billowed from his left shoulder, and as it brushed his clothes, it became clear that the garment and mask embellishments were illusory magic that no one needed to fear.
The Gambling Demon was back, and he’d be damned if he let anyone spoil this night for him.
Current dates:
@statiicstag @visage-of-hell @angie-long-legs @hzbinsouled @damnedrainbows @themosthatedbeingg @ang3lcakess
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statiicstag · 1 month
"I feel so silly for asking but.." She looks down at her hands for a moment, lips twisting at the fact that she was so nervous to ask, "..I'll be hosting a ball this weekend. Would it be a terrible inconvenience to inquire if you're busy? I..I would like for you to be there, at my side, if possible."
Of course he knew of her ball—and ever more prepared than he is, she's beat him to the punch. His head tilts fondly as she stammers through a nervous inquiry, hopelessly endeared.
❝ Do forgive me for the interruption, my dear, ❞ he says, a finger gently placed upon her lips as to shush her politely. ❝ I simply don't believe it to be gentlemanly of me to have a lady ask me to her very own event. May I do the honors? ❞
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With this he takes her hand, halfway bending in what could almost be seen as a bow, pressing a chaste kiss to her knuckles ❝ Would you so kindly accompany me to your masquerade for the night? ❞
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voxiiferous · 1 month
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Vox is going to the ball as Rosie's date, so that requires matching her, therefore a black/red suit with floral, and nature-y details.
While he might not be able to wear a mask in the traditional sense, he could change the projection display settings to match.
Let's add the plus ones to this: He's asked both Rosie (@cannibalxroses) and Alastor (@outofradios) (look at him, with a pretty cannibal on either side).
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singthesongsofsin · 1 month
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Is Metatron's theme obvious enough? (It's pearls). The veil/cape is just a glamour for his wings. Like with Belphegor there is, at best, a rather loose adherence to gender binary. It's all white, or in the sort of iridescent colours that pearls come in, so it matches his hair.
Even though he's an angel, and a very high authority at that, he promises to behave!
@cannibalxroses for her lovely hosting! @alastrophe because Alastor is Metatron's date.
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outofradios · 1 month
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𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖊! 𝕷𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝖆𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉, 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊'𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖐 𝖇𝖊𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖞𝖔𝖚
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[I loved every second of working out Alastor masquerade attire went into a deep dive of mardi gras and masquerade looks to come up with this, I went with reds black and white mixed in with gold}
Photos found on Pinterest. all credit to the rightful owns
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damnedrainbows · 1 month
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“May I have this dance?”
Cat Dad and his lil butterfly princess
@magicfeatherbean4 @gctchell @top-shelf-tender
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