#Samrt cities
queretarotv · 1 month
Expone Municipio de Querétaro alcances del Centro de Innovación y Tecnología Creativa
En los trabajos de la Cumbre de Ciudades Inteligentes & Expo Transformación Digital y Verde que se realiza en Taipéi, Taiwán, el Coordinador de Proyectos e Innovación del Municipio de Querétaro, participó en el foro “ICF Smart Cities and Intelligent Communities” para exponer las ventajas competitivas del Centro de Innovación y Tecnología Creativa, interesar a los representantes de empresas y…
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Optogenetics is a biological technique to control the activity of neurons or other cell types with light. This is achieved by expression of light-sensitive ion channels, pumps or enzymes specifically in the target cells. On the level of individual cells, light-activated enzymes and transcription factors allow precise control of biochemical signaling pathways.[1] In systems neuroscience, the ability to control the activity of a genetically defined set of neurons has been used to understand their contribution to decision making,[2] learning,[3] fear memory,[4] mating,[5] addiction,[6] feeding,[7] and locomotion.[8] In a first medical application of optogenetic technology, vision was partially restored in a blind patient.[9]
Optogenetic techniques have also been introduced to map the functional connectivity of the brain.[10][11] By altering the activity of genetically labelled neurons with light and using imaging and electrophysiology techniques to record the activity of other cells, researchers can identify the statistical dependencies between cells and brain regions.[12][13]
In a broader sense, optogenetics also includes methods to record cellular activity with genetically encoded indicators.
In 2010, optogenetics was chosen as the "Method of the Year" across all fields of science and engineering by the interdisciplinary research journal Nature Methods.[14] At the same time, optogenetics was highlighted in the article on "Breakthroughs of the Decade" in the academic research journal Science.[15][16][17]
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bliiot-jerry · 8 months
BLIIoT Industrial Modbus MQTT SNMP Ethernet Remote IO Module
Industrial PLC expansion IO module and data acquisition IO module, support RS485, RJ45 Ethernet port, support as Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP, SNMP V1/V2 and MQTT protocol. Suitable for a wide range of industrial data acquisition and remote monitoring applications.
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dholerasmartcity · 11 months
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Dholera SIR is a new smart city project in India, which is set to become the country’s largest city development. Dholera will have an integrated approach to development, which will include a sustainable city master plan. The master plan will be divided into five zones: Residential Zone, Industrial Zone, Tourism Zone, Knowledge-IT Zone, Green Zone, Etc. The demand for smart cities will rise significantly with the development of the country. The demand for smart cities is expected to rise by 37% between 2021 and 2026. This will lead to a growth in investment in this space as well. It is definitely a good time to invest in this space as the demand is rising and the return is also expected to be good. However, you must do thorough research to find out the best project to invest in this space.
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xhemilbeharaj · 2 years
Samsung dhe qyteti i parë i mençur në Korenë e Jugut
Samsung dhe qyteti i parë i mençur në Korenë e Jugut
Gjiganti jukorean Samsung ka paralajmëruar se ka filluar ndërtimin e shtëpive të mençura në qytetin Busan. Samsung Electronics ka theksuar se ka siguruar pajisje të ndryshme shtëpiake, dhe ka bërë zgjedhjen e 56 shtëpive në Samrt Village, kompleksin e parë në kuadër të  Eco Delta City, transmeton Telegrafi. Eco Delta City promovohet si qyteti i qyteti i mençur me 30 mijë shtëpi, i shtrirë në 12…
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dholeraprime · 4 years
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Future is in-Makring Still Avaiting for Right Investment Opportunity? India's Planned Samrt City For Best Quote Contact us. M- +91922703377 or Visit - Dholera Smart City Plots Price
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blogdorubenssales · 5 years
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A Cidade de Parnamirim foi destaque no encontro anual da Rede Brasileira de Cidades Inteligentes e Humanas - RBCIH, dentro do Congresso Connected Samrt Cities, realizado em São Paulo, nos dias 17 e 18. O município foi representado pelo Secretário Adjunto do GCTI e vice-presidente nacional da Rede Brasileira de Cidades Inteligentes e Humanas, Dario Cândido de Medeiros. Na ocasião, Dario de Medeiros, mostrou o que já foi implantado e o que está sendo realizado dentro do conceito de Cidades Inteligentes e Humanas aliado ao tema trabalhado ao longo de mais de oito anos em Parnamirim: A tecnologia a serviço do cidadão. O tema do encontro foi “Os desafios para a implantação de projetos de Cidades Humanas, Inteligentes, Criativas e Sustentáveis (CHICS) para uma Administração Pública Inteligente”. E, foi apresentada a Iniciativa “Núcleos de Ativação e de Sustentabilidade das Cidades Inteligentes e Humanas” - NASCIH, projeto da Rede Brasileira de Cidades Inteligentes e Humanas (RBCIH) em parceria com o Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Comunicações - MCTIC, bem como foram apresentadas discutidas as temáticas abaixo: Painel 1: As iniciativas da Rede Brasileira de Cidades Inteligentes e Humanas – RBCIH O Projeto das “Cidades Humanas Inteligentes, Criativas e Sustentáveis” – CHICS e a iniciativa dos “Núcleos de Ativação e de Sustentabilidade das Cidades Inteligentes e Humanas” – NASCIH. Painel 2: Projetos nos Municípios parceiros da RBCIH. Painel 3: Projetos com Parceiros Internacionais. Painel 4: Ações com os parceiros governamentais em Cidades Inteligentes. "É muito gratificante participar de um evento deste, junto com cidades que tomamos como referência anos atrás e, comprovar que temos ações que já ultrapassam a dessas cidades. Estamos no caminho certo, só continuar avançando. O nosso Prefeito Rosano Taveira, tem apoiado e demonstrado sensibilidade a causa da ciência, tecnologia e inovação como um dos poucos caminhos hoje existente para geração de emprego e renda." disse o secretário Dario Cândido. Matéria na íntegra blogdorubenssales.blogspot.com https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mejeSAlqQ/?igshid=1902dtht0c5h4
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discountsbargain · 6 years
Up to 76% Off from Banggood.com
Coupon Code from Coupon Code Up to 76% Off from Banggood.com was submitted on 2018-02-28 states that the coupon code as “Up to 76% Off for XIAOMI Home Tech Gadget Including XIAOMI Samrt Home, XIAOMI New Arrivals, Home Appliance Gadget” so as to make use of the coupon code you have got to enter it in Web site Once you have completed purchasing before checkout click the Reveal code and copy the coupon code that will display Coupon Up to 76% Off from Banggood.com valid online only
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A young boy who lives in the city with parents. He is very samrt for his age, and his parents excpect much of him in school. He badly wants a dog but in the small apartment they live in and the small amount of money his parents earn it’s not possible....until....
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lokeshinfra-blog · 8 years
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