#smart cities
ireton · 6 months
Hawaii - "Government Officials Contradict Own Citizens" Accounts on Maui Fire Disaster.
7 Nov 2023 In the aftermath of the devastating August fire that claimed over 100 lives in Lahaina, Maui, an independent journalist partnered with Project Veritas to investigate the claims of Lahaina residents who shared their water and electricity was not functioning on the morning of the deadly fire. This journalist held meetings with multiple representatives from the Maui mayor’s office and the governor's office, all of whom clung to the official narrative that the water supply had not been interrupted. As the historic town of Lahaina continues to grapple with the devastating aftermath of these fires, community members continue to raise questions about the government’s emergency response.
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Cashless Beast System Is Unfolding All Around Us, New Stores Will Have No Cashiers or Registers
As much as Americans claim they are against this, they're precious Super Bowl has been this way since 2020 and they haven't done anything about it. You sold your freedom for bread and circus.
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awesomecooperlove · 8 months
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dciricnetworks · 2 months
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ppcbug · 3 months
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Kowloon Walled City was once the most dense place on earth and was essentially a 15 minute city. Within 15 minutes one could shop, work or even go to the dentist in Kowloon. Under the guise of convenience politicians in Canada want to create cities that’ll resemble something more like ghettos where everyone will own nothing and be happy. Where you’ll be trapped!
15 minute cities are NOT about your health or the environment, it’s about control!
#voteppc to reject globalism
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dciric1 · 4 months
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The Science of Networks: Grand Paris
©Dragana Ciric
STRAND 2023 Exhibition
On Architecture - Challenges in Design
Gallery of Science and Technology, Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 5-19 December 2023, Belgrade, Serbia
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wizofreuse · 8 months
“Permaculture Design Principles Revolutionize Architecture with Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Approach”
Permaculture design principles are gaining popularity in the field of architecture due to their sustainable and eco-friendly approach. Permaculture …“Permaculture Design Principles Revolutionize Architecture with Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Approach”
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akonoadham · 8 months
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ajwxyzwordpress · 8 months
Designing the City of the Future: How would I?
Come across how the city of the future can be designed to prioritize sustainability, livability, and smart technologies. Explore principles such as green spaces, smart transportation, advanced technology integration, & community engagement in this article
Designing the City of the Future: How would I? Welcome to you all, Come across how the city of the future can be designed to prioritize sustainability, livability, and smart technologies. Explore principles such as green spaces, smart transportation, advanced technology integration, and community engagement in this insightful article. Embrace a vision that fosters resilience, efficiency, and…
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mtariqniaz · 9 months
The Transformative Benefits of Artificial Intelligence
Title: The Transformative Benefits of Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the most revolutionary technologies of the 21st century. It involves creating intelligent machines that can mimic human cognitive functions such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. As AI continues to advance, its impact is felt across various industries and…
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infrastructureone · 10 months
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ireton · 1 year
DISCLAIMER: Please do your own research and come to your own conclusions.
What is the C40 Group ?
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awesomecooperlove · 1 year
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dciricnetworks · 4 months
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The Science of Networks: Grand Paris
©Dragana Ciric, 2023
STRAND 2023 Exhibition
On Architecture - Challenges in Design
Gallery of Science and Technology, Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Belgrade, 2-19 December 2023
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leparoledelmondo · 1 year
Efficienza energetica
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Secondo le stime dell’Agenzia Internazionale dell’Energia entro il 2030 la crescita economica sarà del 40%, e utilizzerà il 7% in meno di energia. Ma questa stima prevede uno sforzo molto ampio nel migliorare l’efficienza delle strutture, dei trasporti e dei processi industriali. Ad esempio le pompe di calore sono più efficienti delle caldaie alimentate a combustibili fossili e, sempre ad esempio, i motori elettrici ottimizzano l’energia molto meglio di quelli a scoppio. Un altro aspetto riguarda la possibilità di regolare automaticamente l’utilizzo dei dispositivi sulla base delle abitudini e dell’ora del giorno per evitare grandi sprechi di energia. Aggiungiamo un ulteriore esempio per aumentare l’efficienza energetica: l’illuminazione stradale. Un adeguato uso di sensori, associato a dispositivi in grado di modulare la luminosità delle lampadine utilizzate nei lampioni, permetterebbe di diminuire l’intensità luminosa quando non ci sono auto che percorrono uno specifico tratto di strada diminuendo il consumo fino al 15%. Lo stesso principio si può applicare a uffici e attività commerciali dove sistemi smart per il controllo di riscaldamento, produzione d’acqua e illuminazione possono consentire un risparmio di circa il 40% dell’energia.
Photo by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash
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