#She Spoke 2 Me was done 3 months before that Glam Slam show
sweetpeachjones · 6 years
YMUB pt. 7
Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6
A/N: Thank you for putting up with me
 For my anon n @pupyluv247 xoxoxo
"Ugh, why is it so damn hot in Oakland?" You lie in your silk sheets tossing and turning desperately trying to find some comfort. It wasn't the temperature that had you going crazy like, your hormones were raging. It has been 3 weeks since you moved out and got your own place. Three weeks since you and Erik spoke. He would call and you ignored his calls you ended up changing your number altogether. He would come by the office and your secretary would block him. If he got belligerent security was called and he would leave but Erik was persistent and it was a matter of time before you had to face him. You decided on taking a cold shower before drifting off to sleep, however, your cell phone was almost begging you to call Erik. He didn't know where you lived and tonight wasn't the time to found out. The glow of the phone irritated you so much that you took the battery out and put it in ur drawer. Only then you were able to get some rest. The next morning after finishing your first appointment, you were waiting for your second when you received a call from the University. "Hello Mrs. Stevens" "Yes" "Oh hello this is Shelia from the Black  Excellence committee and I wanted to inform you that you and your husband are going to be nominated with humanitarian of the year award." "Oh wow well I'm honored." "I'm glad you are you guys have done so much work for our city and beyond it's time you have been recognized. So the ceremony is Aug 11 a month from now and I will email you further details okay." "Okay, thanks so much." "No thank you and have a wonderful day." As soon as you hung up your secretary buzzed in about Erik calling. You told your secretary to say you were in a meeting. As your second appointment walked in. At 5 pm you prepared to leave as you walked out the door you smelled some familiar cologne you knew immediately who it was, you reached into your pocket and grabbed hold of your switchblade just in case. You stalking me now." You said flatly and kept walking. You didn't have to look back to know he was following you. "You can't keep ignoring me Y/N" "Wanna bet, what do you want" "You of course" "Oh thought I was unless to you." You turned as you walked in the parking deck Erik quickly follow seeing you walked to an unfamiliar car.
"What's this?, Where's your car?"
"None of your business but I bought this baby as soon as I moved out. I figured you would have some sort of tracker and found out where I am." You fiddled with the keys as you dropped them in water the other day, it has been malfunctioning since then. You pressed the unlock button only to have the car alarm go off. Frustrated u bang the keys on the roof, Erik silently watched you throw a temper tantrum. He calmly grabbed the keys from you pressed on some buttons, silenced the alarm and unlock your car door. He opened the door for you and waited til u got in. You said nothing as u got in and he slammed the door. You wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off his face as he waited for you to say something. You didn't you just started the car. "Is there something else you need." "Yeah, did u get the call from the school,?" "I did, and?" "Sooo we need to make arrangements to pick up" "No I'll meet you a block from the venue and we will ride up together so no one is suspicious." "Why can't I pick u up" "You seriously need to ask me that question, move out my damn way." You put the car in drive and pulled off unnecessarily hard. He jumped back just in time before you ran over his toes. The night of the ceremony You spent all day with your stylist and glam squad aka your sister and boy cousin and they primped and prepped for tonight evening. You settled on a rose gold evening gown with diamond accessories. Once done you looked like an Aphrodite herself. You had an Uber XL bring you to the designated spot you and Erik agreed upon. Erik was leaning against the car looking up and down the street apprehensively waiting on your vehicle. Once the driver pulled up he open your car door and you stepped out. Erik's jaw dropped as you walked towards him. He was looking extra delicious in his black tux and gold accessories. His gold slugs gleamed at you when his smiled and held out his arms awaited a hug. You hesitated but he wasn't having that as he pulled you in a tight bear hug. You almost melted being in those strong arms and he had the nerve to wear your favorite cologne you bought him. He was making it damn near making possible to have an orgasm off sight and smell alone. His hands were dangerously close to your ass as you pulled away. Any fondling and you would just have to have him. "Erik we have to go" We have time, he said as he leaned in closer to kiss your neck "Uh huh I ain't here for all of that." Girl bring your sexy ass here, grabbing ur waist, we need to get in character. Finally kissing his way on your neck and earlobe. You were minutes from giving in. "Erik", you whispered "Yea baby", he answered as his hands were creeping under ur skirt. If he went any further it would have been game over. "If you don't get your fucking hands from under my skirt, I swear your eyes gonna match your outfit." And with that, you pushed him away. He sucked his teeth, knowing u want it just trying to fight but let you win this round. He Chuckled and said "okay princess off to the ball" holding the car door open. You glared at him for his little smart ass comment as you climb in the vehicle. He still managed to slap your ass HARD. One pulling up to the venue, the site was immaculate, you couldn't wait to get out the car. You almost felt intoxicated breathing the same air as Erik. You needed a drink fast. As you stepped people were calling you to take pics, you felt like a star because this was your nite, well yours and Erik. Y'all pose for several pictures but looking like the happiest couple in the world. If they only knew. Inside were pictures of you two at various points of your humanitarian work. Pictures of y'all with kids from Sudan, Nigeria, South Africa you working alongside women making dinner, pics of Erik building with hospitals and schools with the locals. Relief efforts after earthquakes and flooding both of y'all dirty from hard work but happier as ever. You almost felt nostalgic about how good you felt working and those happy faces of the people you help and the long steamy showers with Erik after a days work. It was too much emotion at once and you couldn't get to the open bar faster. As you made your way to the open bar Erik followed you like a hawk. “What would you like to drink ma'am?” “I'll have a whiskey.” “She will have apple cider” You looked at Erik with a fake smile. “Oh, honey, you are sweet but I got this”, adding venom in your voice. “I'm sure you do buttercup, just pace your self”, also adding base in his voice. The bartender looked confused feeling the conversation was deeper than face value. " I'll have a red wine please" Erik glared at you. "What doctors recommend at least one cup of red wine a day." Someone tapped you on your shoulder and turned to see a group of students that wanted to congratulate you personally. Among the crowd was Davida standing there looking bashful. You saw her and you attitude immediately went sour. Erik look shocked and nervous as he to was surprised she was here. He told her about but didn't think she would show up. You downed your first drink fast. "What the fuck are you doing here?", you whisper angrily. "Look Y/N, I didn't come here to fight or cause drama, I want to make amends with you and whether you like it not we're gonna be family." You stood in silence looking at her like she done lost her damn mind. Erik started to say something but you interrupted him you looked at her stepped closer so she can hear you. "I am not Erik so you can't-fool me. I know that baby is not his and your just looking for a meal ticket, if that's how you eat then fine but I'd be damn you ain't eating off MY plate." And you walked off leaving Erik confused about the conversation and Davida dumbfounded. The ceremony went lovely, you had just the kick in the ass you need to focus on the event and not think boning your sexy yet unfaithful husband. When it was time for you and Erik to accept your awards he spoke first. You kind of zoned out until he mentioned of opening a center for women's empowerment in your name. You were shocked to say the least and was speechless. Everyone clapped and cheered whispering amongst themselves. " Wow, such a beautiful couple. " Oh wish I had a marriage like that" Sadly the only ones who weren't fooled by the hype didn't clapped which was you, Erik, and Davida. You stepped outside to get some fresh air as took a sip of your drink a deep voice stirred you out your thoughts. You look to the sound and almost choked on your drink, It was your old mentor from grad school Ellis Watts. He was 6 years older and you guys had a hot sex fling for while Erik was back home and you were away at school. After all these years he still looked good. “OMG, what are you doing here?” “Well, I was in town and heard you were being honored so here I am.” Y'all embrace for what seemed longer than needed. You realized lots of people was around so you decided to go to this secluded spot in the gazebo in the backyard. "I'm so glad you came to support me, I figured we left things kinda weird." "Well I know you were just homesick and missing your boyfriend. But we did have some great times together., He sighed you it was hard to let you go, I thought about almost every day" "Hmm imagined if I didn't leave, where could we have been." "Are you having some kind of doubts about your marriage, are you happy?" You didn't answer as you tried to fight back tears. You wept silently as Ellis hugged you and let you cry. He rubbed your back to soothe you. You looked up at him as he was at least 5 inches taller than and pecked his lips as a thank you,  the kiss got more intense as your arms moved to around his neck. The kiss ended abruptly when you heard a pounding thud and you open your eyes quick enough to see Ellis on the ground holding his jaw. Confused you see Erik in complete rage. He gave Ellis no time to recover as he pounces on him punching him in the face. Somehow Ellis overturned Erik and both were giving and taking blows. STOP IT, PLEASE STOP ERIK GET OFF HIM! you yelled. Erik stopped and look at you. Leave Erik! I'm not going nowhere until you come with me! You noticed a crowd was drawing and assume the cops were next. Fine just go I'll follow. He quickly left and you pulled some napkins out of your purse. I'm so sorry about that, you said as you cleaned Ellis's lips. That's fine really if I'd have you as my wife I'd be fighting anyone who looks your way. You laughed to yourself and finished cleaning him. Y/N!!!!! you heard Erik yell. "You better go, I'll take it from here." "Okay here's my card call me ok" You left just as quick to catch up with Erik. Both got into the car y'all came in and left. "Driver our house" "You mean your place, I don't live there anymore." "STFU, and why the fuck was you kissing on that nigga?" "You seriously asking me that while your baby mama pregnant AF at our event." "That's beside the point though, no knows the issue with her however you kissing another nigga who ain't your husband's at an event for us!" He had point but fuck him "Fuck u Erik I ain't gotta explain shit!" The rest of the drive was silent. Once the car pulled up, you quickly hopped out and stormed towards the door. Erik was right behind with you with the keys. When he opened the door, you started for the stairs but Erik grabbed your arm and swung you back to him and pinned you to the wall. He was still pissed. "So you fucking that nigga?" "Fuck u, Erik" "I'm not asking you again!" "Unlike the piece of shit, you are I don't have to fuck every dick that walks by." "That's cause you know that my pussy and can't no nigga fuck you like I can. How long as it been a month maybe two I know that pussy is wet AF right now begging to eaten and fuck properly.” You just turned your head cause he was absolutely right. Then he went for the kill sucking on your earlobe as his hands went under your dress. "Just as I thought", he picked you and found a better way to release his emotions. The next morning The sunlight plus the urge to pee woke you up. Erik has arm tightly around your ribcage keeping you snugly against him. You look down and you were completely naked. You subtle movement woke up the sleeping beast behind you "Where you going?" "I have to pee" "Mhmm well come back" He moved his arms like granted access. After you did your thing you looked in the mirror while you washed your hands. You noticed the passion marks and slight bruises over your neck and chest. Last night was everything you needed and more but you couldn't continue this cycle.  You needed to leave. You snuck out the bathroom and went towards the dresser, you quietly got some casual clothes and almost melted how neat your drawers were. You kept your clothes in a certain way while Erik just threw his in the drawer. The fact he took the time to fix it how you like making you all warm and fuzzy inside. But damn that! You gather some more clothes shut the drawer quietly. The sound you heard almost made your heart stopped. “Where you going” “Huh” “I said where are you going, getting out of bed walking towards you.”
You looked like a deer in headlights didn't know your next move. “We're you leaving me?” “I can't stay here Erik” “Who said you can't your my wife this is your house.” He was getting loud almost frightening. He snatched the clothes out of hands and threw them across the room. "Oh you were gonna leave me and go with that nigga wasn't you. After I gave you something special something near and dear you gonna fuck a nigga and leave you got me FUCKED UP" he grabbed a glass vase of flowers and threw them across the room. You watched the water and flowers go everywhere but you couldn't let him intimidate you. "Oh save your bullshit Erik, we both know you bought that center out of guilt. And as much as you have been fucking around you should have no reason to question what I do." You stormed towards the door finding your courage but he blocked the door and got on his knees. He wrapped his arms around your waist. Okay, baby, I'm sorry. You're right, I'm trying to do better, I'd want to make this right. Please stay." His sniffing made your heart broke and you just wanted to lay in bed and cuddle and forget this ever happen. But it did and these are the consequences. "The only reason you want to make this right is that you got her pregnant. Now I looked past the other times but you are making a fool of me. And I can't be here for that now move I need to go." Erik stood up but his demeanor was deadly. "Fine you wanna take your ass to him then go." He reached behind him and locked both doors. "But you gotta find another way to leave other than this front door" "What negro move" Erik's was stiff as a boulder. He instead grabbed your arm and led you towards the balcony. Your first thought was he gonna throw you over so you kicked and screamed making it difficult. He pushed you on the balcony and locked the sliding glass door leaving you out by yourself. Erik, Erik open this damn door! You banged but to no avail, he didn't answer. He climbed back in bed and turned the TV up loud to drown you out. Frustrated you stop knocking and looked for a solution. You looked over and saw the pool, if you jumped you could make it, since you're on the third floor the deep end would have to be your target. But you wasn't much of a swimmer. You had no other option. And hitting the ground wasn't one of them.  You looked behind you and Erik was facing you but looked at tv. You climbed over holding on the balcony as you made your jump. All Erik saw was your red shirt floating past the balcony rails. "I know this bitch didn't!" He ran downstairs as he saw your body enter the water in a weird way. Since you didn't bob back up he knew something was wrong and the blue liquid was starting to turn red. Oh, shit y/n! He yelled once he got to the patio. He dove in and retrieve your unconscious body. He gave you CPR as you weren't responding. "Come on baby breathe dammit" He blew one more time and pumped your chest until you spit up water. He was so happy he cradled your head in his arms and noticed the cut on your forehead. He carried you bridal style in the house as he went and got the first aid kit. You started to protest but he wasn’t having it. He just took care of cleaning you and laid in bed as the painkillers took effect. He didn't want it to happen this way but as far as you and he was concerned his wife was back.
@curls-and-crosses @killmoncoochie @killmongersgurl @pupyluv247 @kreolemami @dumbchick @thiccdaddy-mbaku @wakandan-aesthetic @errin261 @lunaerly @muse-of-mbaku @royallyprincesslilly @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers  @nemesispawn @imgabbyrae @hausofgucci @inxan-ity@wakandalivesforever @killmvnger@whorderofthepheonix @goddessofthejungle @chaneajoyyy  
@imaginewhoever @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @bezzywazhere @wakanda-inspired
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darlingnisi · 7 months
A reason why One Nite Alone and the Diamonds and Pearls era are connected for me.
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