#TK Flora
bloodredyuki · 1 year
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Found family
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
babes i didn't get half of this ask but ofc I'll tell u about my man
he radiates daddy energy
like a man who knows he's hot but who doesn't brag, that's my type
i like tall, blond, older men so he's like my type
he has a job and that's attractive
he's attractive too that helps
im in love w his gentleman manners
he's fr the man of my dreams
like yes spoil me, yes buy me flowers, yes dance with me, yes tell me you're proud of me, yes hold my hand, yes kiss my forehead
he's such a respectful man and that's exactly what i need cuz I've been through hell relationship wise and he'd just be so patient w my traumas
and he reads
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americansrequiems · 21 days
inspiration saturday (retry)
thank u both @alrightbuckaroo and @nancygillianmvp for the tags <33 this is something i'm calling the intimacy and grief exploration fic bc the way this just popped up into my head..... the poem is aubade by amber flora thomas! since the last post wanted mess up this is a repost !!
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tagging the regulars: @sznofthesticks, @heartstringsduet, @carlos-tk, @reyesstrand, @lemonlyman-dotcom and etc etc
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weirdbeancurd · 5 months
All strung up- an ultrakill tk fic
@yarnprism, i thought you might enjoy this fic lol
Gabriel let out a sigh. Even though he didn’t need to breathe, it felt like an appropriate reaction to the situation at hand. After the light was torn from his body and 24 hours passed without incident, Gabriel felt lost, to say the least. It turns out the council even lied about his impending doom. Lying bastards, the lot. 
    He eventually tracked down the machine he once hated with every fiber of his being. V1 ended up exploring the surface, sustaining itself on the new life that began to prosper. It was tense at first, neither one being able to trust the other, but they bonded pretty quickly. It’s not like they had much else to do. Turns out, the machine had hobbies other than extreme violence, one of which being fishing. It provided sufficient blood and a decent meal for Gabriel, who had a newfound need for food, water and sleep. It was certainly something to get used to, after an eternity of being untouchable, but he enjoyed it. V1 taught him that what makes life valuable is that it is finite. In all his years, he could not cherish his time because it could not be quantified. It wasn’t until he (supposedly) had mere hours to live that he learned there was more to life than being a slave to the council. V1 felt a similar way, as a weapon created for a war that ended before it began. And he would be lying if he said he didn’t feel any comradery between the machine and himself. Two sides of the same coin, they are. 
    In their quest for friendship, Gabriel had gone ahead to scout for a new fishing spot for V1. He still had his wings after the fall, though less like a projection, and more feathery. Using said wings felt even more freeing than his previous projections. He could feel the wind rustling his feathers, and the sharp, yet gentle sting of air gliding against his skin. His armor was left at their base, choosing to wear just his tunic so flight would be easier. He observed the lush flora that started to flourish after the apocalypse, a sign that maybe, the world could be salvaged. Admiring the greenery turned out to be a mistake however, as he crashed into a set of broken power lines hanging over a building. Never had Gabriel been so grateful for the electrical grid being down.
    After the initial shock had worn off, he attempted to free himself, but only ended up getting himself more tangled. They’d curled around his wings, immobilizing them. It was a bit uncomfortable, but luckily didn’t cut off any blood flow. His arms were strung up above his head, the rest of his body dangling below, only inches from the ground. He was stuck. A sigh seemed to be a befitting reaction, and so he did. 
    Gabriel’s face burned in embarrassment, caught in an unbecoming situation. But! No worries, he could always just teleport himself out of these binds and- oh. He forgot he couldn’t do that anymore. He lost that ability along with his light. He groaned in frustration. He would just have to wait until V1 caught up with him. After a minute, Gabriel heard the familiar sound of the whiplash being cast out and retracted. He called V1 over.
    “M-machine?! I need assistance please.” 
The sounds paused for a second before continuing in his direction. Eventually, metallic steps sounded on the building he was strung over. An electronic trill played through V1’s speakers, a sound he had learned meant it was amused. He turned his head away in shame.
    “I… I don’t want to talk about it. Please just get me down?”
The machine nodded, approaching him to undo the binds that held the (former) Righteous hand of the Father. It grasped his waist, preparing to pull him down. He let out an uncharacteristic yelp.
    V1 quickly retracted its hands, cocking its head in concern.
    “It’s alright, you didn’t hurt me. It just…” He paused, refusing to meet V1’s optic. It definitely didn’t hurt, but it sure as hell tickled. 
    “...nevermind. You may continue.”
V1 narrowed its optic in response, as if doubting his answer. It grabbed his waist again, making Gabriel choke back some giggles.
    “Machihine! Be careful!”
It never encountered a predicament like this. If it didn’t hurt, then what was Gabriel feeling? V1 searched its database for a word to describe it, and quickly found the answer.
lightly touch or prod (a person or a part of the body) in a way that causes itching and often laughter.
It narrowed its optic again, this time in mischief. 
"What's with that look? No, wait, what are you- ngh!" He bit his lip to stop laughter from escaping as V1 poked his sides. He hadn't been tickled in over a millennium. It brought back fond memories of when he was a mere cherub, without a care in the world. His thoughts were interrupted by a squeeze to the hips. He let out a couple titters, despite trying not to. It wasn't until V1's hands wandered down to his thighs that he burst out laughing.
"Gah! Machihihihine! Nohot there!" V1 made another amused whirr. Keeping its hand squeezing at his thigh, it reached out with its knuckleblaster and gently clawed at his stomach. His laughter picked up a notch and his legs kicked out a bit. It felt like electricity was coursing through his body, despite the power lines lacking it. He hid his burning face in his shoulder. Though it was the most embarrassing moment he'd had in years, he'd be lying if he said he hated it. It felt like none of his worries mattered, not the council, not his loss of faith, just this odd sensation. Still, he had a reputation to uphold.
"Unhahahand me yohohou scoundREL! Shihihit!" The machine had added another hand to the mix, scribbling at his underarm. He cursed the multi-armed monster that stood before him. After a minute of "torture," all the hands suddenly drew back and he took the chance to catch his metaphorical breath. 
"Are…hah. Are you dohone?" Unsurprisingly, the machine didn't reply, simply staring at something behind him. It took a second to realize it was staring at his wings.
"What? Oh. No. No! Get away from me, you hunk of scrap!" Oh, that was a mistake. V1 glared at him from the insult. He shifted uncomfortably in response. Pulling at his binds only made them stretch taut.
"I-uh. I'm sorry? Wait, nononono. DohoHOHON'T! AHAHAHA!" Two hands scritched at the skin beneath his feathers, a much more intense sensation than before. An angel's wings were very sensitive, so he was glad it was being gentle, though it felt absolutely maddening. He was mortified at the snort his laughter produced. 
"Snrk-staHAHAHA!" He was struggling to form words at this point, arching his back in desperation. Gabriel screeched when another hand scribbled at his wings. Damn that arm-stealing machine! 
Meanwhile, said arm-stealer was having the time of its life. It hasn't seen Gabriel laugh much (other than during their second fight, where it was convinced he'd lost his mind), and was… happy? Yeah, it was happy. (emotions are hard) V1 was happy to help him let loose, making sure to keep its touches light, in fear of hurting the angel. They agreed no harm came to each other outside of sparring.
Gabriel on the other hand, was dying (kind of). He was thrashing like his life depended on it, squeezing his many eyes shut behind his helmet in laughter. His feathers bristled due to the sensation, inadvertently allowing more access to the sensitive skin underneath. When yet another hand was added to the mix, he threw his head back and let out a couple bird-like chirps, much to his embarrassment. With one last tug on his restraints, the power lines snapped, dropping Gabriel to the building. Luckily, the fall was negligible, but he still landed on his back with a solid oof. 
V1 beeped rapidly, its shoulders shaking up and down. It was laughing at him.
"Plehease… hah. Nehever do that again." 
The machine just snickered. Gabriel sighed, but truth be told, he didn't really mind.
"Ugh. Fihihine. Just…be gentle." V1 gave him an enthusiastic thumbs up. Gabriel gave a dazed chuckle, mimicking the gesture from his spot on the floor.
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fyodior · 1 year
I cant hold back anymkre fuck it
Size kinks...Size kinds..
i love the thought of beung smaller than the person im dating BUT LIKE ONLY FICTIONAL PEOPLE..
Being like..tiny..compared to dazaj..????
Him holding me like a kitten??? Being all fatherly but also very much like a lover???
Stop imagine hiim telling you to rsnt to him and afterwards he tells you he intends to love you till you feel full and listen tk all your hurts and loves.
Flora do i have daddy issues..??
HONEY FJDJFDJDFJ wanting your lover to be fatherly that's a bit daddy issues-y of you but that's ok i do too <3 why do you think i write incest/stepcest fics
dazai's a pretty tiny one himself tho LMAO probably the only way you could be smaller than his is by height fbdsfsjfkd but i think it would be very sexy for him to tower over u hehehehheheh
"he intends to love you until you feel full" im crying im literally crying owie
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saltielena · 1 year
say what you want about how “condis writing isnt bad but the others just go silly crazy” on twitter but im literally head over heels with all of condis pcs ive seen so far. he makes compelling characters dude.
the amount of people i know who have said jay became their favorite riptide pc overtime or since the beginning is seriously not a coincidence. jay has clear and compelling character motivations and her place and role in riptide is essential. literally theyd all be fucking dead without jay ferin okay.
vyncent as a character is so fucking interesting to me because he starts off clueless and a little selfish but grows and develops to form his opinions of prime around his friends. that means so fucking much to me. every action he makes is clearly because of people he cares about. its what drives him. the conflict with X in s2 specifically shows this because hes grown. he goes from being virion sol wanting to just get home and save flora to being vyncent sol who just wants to get ashe home. fuck man
and of course, rolan deep. i dont wanna spoil rolans role in bitb for the unitiated who havent seen it but please fucking do. its seriously tragic okay. id go tk argue hes the main character of the pcs in that campaign because of what he means to the story in particular
and fuck man i cant wait to see my boy emizel in action.
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sousouthebat · 2 years
Sphère de ma sœur dans Undertale / Sphere of my sister in Undertale
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Personnages/ Characters :
- Cerise & Nigiyaka (m'appartient/ belongs to me )
- Flora, Baka, Cide & Higanbana ( Instagram : @_bakatale_
- Blue & Honey ( ? )
- PJ ( @7goodangel )
- Fresh, Error & Geno ( @loverofpiggies )
- Core Frisk ( @dokudoki )
-TK (@quantumtale )
- Color ( @superyoumna )
- Dream & Nightmare ( @jokublog )
-Ccino ( @black-nyanko )
- Reaper ( @renrink )
- Fell ( ? )
- Epic & G! E (@yugogeer012 )
- Cross, X-Chara & X-Gaster ( @jakei95 )
- Killer ( @rahafwabas )
- Horror (@horrortalecomic )
- Dust ( @ask-dusttale )
- Sugar ( @nsfwshamecave-pb )
- Outer ( @outertale )
- Ink ( @comyet )
-Flowerfell ( @siviosanei )
- Lux ( @jakei95 - @jokublog ?)
- Faith ( @jakei95 ?)
- Palette ( @angeutblogo )
- Goth ( @nekophy )
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painofhumanity · 2 years
Mobile Muse List
Morgan H. Stark (daughter of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts) Billy & Tommy Maximoff (twin sons of Wanda Maximoff and The Vision; MCU canon) Wendy Maximoff (First Class verse version of Wanda) Peter Parker (very AU) Peter Quill (very AU, based on Marvel’s What If. . ?) DJ Strange (OC daughter of Stephen Strange and Christine Palmer) Moth Strange (OC son of Stephen Strange and Christine Palmer)  Luciana Morbius (OC daughter of Michael Morbius and Martine Bancroft) Annika Foster (OC daughter of Jane Foster and Thor) Valentine Romanoff (OC daughter of Natasha Romanoff and Bucky Barnes) Eliot Ross (OC son of Betty Ross and Bruce Banner)
Veronica Wayne (OC daughter of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle) Violet Lance-Queen (OC daughter of Laurel Lance and Oliver Queen) Zack Allen (OC son of Barry Allen and Kara Danvers, from another universe) Ronnie Raymond (AU) Eddie Thawne (AU) Tommy Merlyn (AU) Alice “Ace” Wayne (AU version of Ace from Batman: Beyond)
Eleanor Crain-Vance (AU) Beverly Marsh (inspired by both the 90′s miniseries and It Chapter 1 & 2)  Ben Hanscom (inspired by both the 90′s miniseries and It Chapter 1 & 2) Marshall, Ember, Winter & Addie Hanscom (OC children of Ben and Beverly) Georgie II & Victoria Denbrough (OC children of Bill and Audra) TK Kaspbrak (OC daughter of Eddie and Myra) Lucky & Lilah Hanlon (OC children of Mike Hanlon) Eli Tozier (OC son of Richie Tozier) Teddy Uris (OC son of Stan and Patti) Amelia Harker (OC great-granddaughter of Johnathan and Mina Harker) Oliver Harker (OC great-grandson of Johnathan and Mina Harker)  Miles Fairchild (mainly based on The Turning, but also has influences from The Haunting of Bly Manor, as well as the original source The Turn of the Screw) Flora Fairchild (mainly based on The Turning, but also has influences from The Haunting of Bly Manor, as well as the original source The Turn of the Screw) Bree Torrance (OC daughter of Dan Torrance)
Teen Wolf
Stiles Stilinski (canon divergent, “spark”) Malia Tate (canon divergent) Allison Argent (AU, disabled) Kira Yukimura (canon divergent) Isaac Lahey (canon divergent) Erica Reyes (AU) Riley Hale (OC daughter of Derek Hale and Braeden) Aria Montgomery (adapted AU, Stiles’ cousin)
Life (OC based in The Sandman universe) Zorya of the Endless (OC daughter of Morpheus/Dream of the Endless) Aurora Bright-St. Claire (OC daughter of Malcolm Bright from Prodigal Son) Stefan Salvatore (AU, human doppelganger) Tyler Galpin (canon divergent) Teddy Lupin (canon divergent?) Jason Reid (OC son of Spencer Reid and Maeve Donovan) Henrietta Morgan (OC daughter of Derek Morgan and Penelope Garcia) Tallulah J Crowley (OC daughter of Archangel Gabriel adopted daughter of Crowley)
Morgan Johnson (OC son of Life and Death) Emerald Blackwood (OC half-warlock, half-shifter)  Felicity Vanderwald (OC nephilim, descended from a fallen angel) Zanna Hendrix (OC inspired by the Audrey Hepburn film Wait Until Dark) Zack Szczesny (OC werewolf) Lincoln “Kennedy” Fell (OC demon) Maggie Crane (OC psychic medium) Jack Fisher (OC siren) Miranda Domingo (OC telepath) Stella-Rose Grant (OC immortal starlet) Gia Russo (OC immortal mob boss) Damien Zhang (OC cambion, stage magician) Perenelle Hughes (OC time traveller) Oz Shelley (OC fairy)
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modeonlineshoppen · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.modeonlineshoppen.de/filialen/tk-maxx-magdeburg-flora-park-olvenstedter-graseweg-37-39128/
TK Maxx Magdeburg Flora-Park - Olvenstedter Graseweg 37, 39128
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steppedoffaflight · 5 months
Sorry if this is weird. I've followed you since the SAK days and I've always loved your end of year posts. No pressure at all but I was wondering if you'd do a 2023 one? Like what are your favourite songs, albums, TV shows, books, games etc. of the year. Lots of love ❤️
Anon, thank you soooo much for asking this. As you probably know since you've followed me for so long, I love New Years, and I love keeping track of the media I consume, and I love talking about it!!!! This is so long. You're in for a trip.
Below the cut are my recs for music, podcasts, books, fic (all hockey), TV shows, and games.
Maren Morris (particularly the GIRL album) A lot of my dedicated listening time was actually during the summer, when I was working feverishly on a Nico/TK fic that currently has a draft with like 30k words but I got stuck and have taken a break from it lmao. If you care to understand more about the fic, I keep a tag. Anyway, I was looking for something upbeat/slightly country (I don't really enjoy country) for the vibes, and really liked her stuff. Some of my faves include: Nervous, The Feels, Make Out With Me, Shade. Tate McRae My girlfriend is a loooongtime fan of her, and I love a good pop album. Overall I really enjoy Think Later, with my faves being Greedy, Think Later, and Plastic Palm Trees. Mt Joy They are actually my fave band since Catfish ghosted me! I am truly, to the core, a Rearrange Us girlie (that album is pure art), but Orange Blood comes close and takes me back to summertime every time I listen. Faves from it include Orange Blood, Roly Poly, Johnson Song, Lemon Tree, Don't It Feel Good, and Bathroom Light (one of my top songs of all time).
You Can't Do That A hockey podcast (they are Caps fans but cover all of the NHL) that's so fucking hilarious and entertaining. I listen to it religiously. Keeper Chat This one I found randomly through Spotify recommendations!! Flora & Fauna are two ex-zookeepers and each episode discuss an animal. I love learning little trivia bits about animals, but honestly their digressions are the best part. They are fucking hilarious and do not take their job of imparting knowledge on their listeners seriously. And it's incredible. The Tiny Meat Gang Podcast I have kind of always been a Cody & Noel fan, but only started listening to their podcast this year as background noise at work. They are very funny and I like that they're not overly loud/screaming because that's obnoxious when I'm trying to work. Also I agree with a lot of their pop culture takes, so it's fun to see what they'll discuss. Sold a Story More of a docuseries type podcast, it has 10ish parts and is investigative journalism into how schools started adopting a curriculum that is scientifically proven NOT to be the correct way to teach kids to read?!?! I was mind blown?? I was HOOKED and wish everyone in the world would listen.
Stolen Focus by Johann Hari I read this book and then immediately quit every social media (just about). It made me realize my attention was precious (especially with ADHD) and made me want to be more intentional with it. The State of Affairs by Esther Perel My girlfriend informed me that people on tiktok really enjoy arguing about Esther Perel and this book that they've interpreted as her manifesto that monogamy isn't achievable. Which is not really what's going on in the book, lmao. It's a fantastic deep dive into infidelity (which impacts sooo many people!!) and how our societal ideas of a "fairytale" type partner that is our one and only everything is so limiting and sets us up for failure. Spare by Prince Harry I listened to this on audiobook and just enjoyed the experience of hearing what a royal life is like, lmao. It was so fascinating and I have a lot of respect for him and Meghan. A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket I've been working my way through the box set I bought last year, but lately I've been in a reading slump and according to the internet you should reread some of your favorites. I always loved that this series didn't handle hard things with kid gloves when I was younger. It's like the author treats children with enough dignity to trust they can handle the harsh realities of the world.
FICS (all hockey, if you're not interested skip to the next section haha)
I have a horrible habit of using ao3 on my phone, downloading fics and sending them to my kindle, and then it's hard for me to remember what I've read/get back to them once I'm off my kindle. I keep all of my recs in my bookmarks on my ao3 (which I'm trying to update currently!), but I'll throw in some faves: from this day forward series by greenteam (Jack Hughes/Nico Hischier/Jonas Siegenthaler) A modern royalty au where Jack and Nico essentially have an arranged marriage. Both parts are A+++, but anyone who knows me knows I looove some polyamory and exploration into the dynamics of it, and the second part hits that nail on the head. Featuring trying a dynamic out and getting it wrong (!!!!!) and needing to make adjustments. Chef's kiss. California, dude. So sick. by dilangley (Trevor Zegras/Jamie Drysdale) I downloaded this with the intention to binge it all in one night, and then got so lost in the universe I took much longer with it. Fun summery vibes, full of the mundane realism I love and have been ranting about recently (this is the fic where Trevor picks at Jamie's peeling sunburn, ugh!!!!!) amateur hour at herbie's travel center. june. by Matriaya (Travis Konecny/Nolan Patrick) This is a little 5k thing about making amateur porn spur of the moment, but really I have loooved digging into Matriaya's work, which includes a lot of realism in smut, which is my absolute faaaavorite!!!!! Grabbing the link for this post I also see they've published a lot of work recently that I need to download asap. heaven won't be the same by lilcrickee (Nico Hischier/Jack Hughes) I was trying to keep this list down to three, and with different pairings, but UGH I can't help but mention this one. A Bridgerton au that was SO FUN to read and the tenderness made me sob. I've already read every Travis Konecny/Lawson Crouse fic lilcrickee has graciously provided this earth, and I love their work immensely.
Queen Charlotte I've loved everything in the Bridgerton universe so far, and this spin-off might be my favorite season so far! Jury Duty Sooo funny. Although it's kind of trippy that Ronald was living in a scripted world. Lost I'm not gonna talk about it anymore, I'll go insane. I was just rewatching season 2 last night.
Cozy Grove I've mentioned Cozy Grove a few times on here, but I love it sooo much. Def one of my favorite games I played this year!! I love that the game doesn't care if you skip a day (I've skipped a few weeks right now lmao, and I can't wait to jump back in!). Like Animal Crossing but with a more solid plot. Planet Zoo I'm a Zoo Tycoon kid, so I had to try this out! It's very hard to learn, you definitely have to start with campaign mode. I've always been a "sandbox" type person, but I actually loved the challenges in campaign mode that I stuck with it even after I had enough of a grasp on it to start my own zoo from scratch. It's extremely engrossing, you'll log on and waste three hours accomplishing objectives and fussing with animals that are very picky. Dorfromantik Easy to pick up and learn and SO ADDICTING. I love playing it and listening to an audiobook or podcast. Plus it's sooo beautiful. I wish it was available as a mobile game, but hopefully someday! No plot, it's a puzzle/casual type game. Mini Motorways I have Apple Arcade for Cozy Grove and somehow ended up downloading this. It is ADDICTING and makes me incredibly ANGRY!!! The game gives you limited pieces of pavement and plops buildings down wherever, and it's your job to manage traffic. I truly believe the AI is against me because I'll be doing SO GOOD and they'll put a new building SO FAR AWAY in the WORST SPOT. UGH.
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flora-la-reina · 7 months
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TK performs covers of Flora and Billy’s songs in their memory at a music festival her father funds (but isn’t involved in). She also sings some of her original music but mostly she sings Flora and Billy’s songs. I’ve had this idea since 2016 and I thought I’d take a crack at drawing it now. Didn’t turn out half bad.
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tbcvinay · 8 months
Celebrating Tomorrow: A Closer Look at the Wonders of Lodha Tomorrow World
Ratnagiri, located in the state of Maharashtra, India, is a coastal district known for its stunning natural beauty and historical significance. Anjarle, a picturesque village in Ratnagiri, stands out as a hidden gem nestled along the Konkan coastline. With its pristine beaches, lush green landscapes, and historical landmarks, Ratnagiri and Anjarle offer a unique blend of tranquility and cultural richness. Whether you seek a peaceful escape by the sea or wish to explore the region's cultural heritage, Ratnagiri and Anjarle have something special to offer every traveler.
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The location of the land is crucial to its investment potential. Consider factors such as proximity to urban centers, transportation infrastructure, schools, and amenities. Land in areas with growth potential or upcoming developments may appreciate in value more rapidly. Land in Anjarle, a coastal village in the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra, India, holds immense potential and value. Anjarle is renowned for its natural beauty, serene beaches, and tranquil surroundings, making it an attractive destination for investors and those looking for a second home.
A Vision of Timeless Opulence
Hoabl tomorrow view isn't just land; it's a sprawling 108-acre universe of luxury, comfort, and unparalleled experiences. It's not a destination; it's a way of life.  A harmonious blend of nature's beauty and luxurious living, Tomorrow View offers a host of amenities that enhance your life. It's an experience not just for you, but for all the dreamers of tomorrow.
Situated approximately 230 kilometers from Mumbai and 215 kilometers from Pune, Tomorrow World is set to witness a significant reduction in travel time, thanks to upcoming infrastructure developments in the vicinity. This strategic location makes Anjarle project at lodha tomorrow view an ideal investment opportunity and a perfect choice for a second home. Welcome to "Land for all, Sea for all" – a place where nature meets convenience, and your future finds its perfect destination.
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Experience a Life Beyond Your Imagination at Anjarle
Anjarle cradles a captivating series of 9 pristine beaches in its embrace.
This heavenly coastal hill station proudly bears the moniker 'Mini-Mahabaleshwar' for its delightful climate.
As one of the country's most Instagram-worthy spots, the TK Lighthouse proudly graces these pristine shores with its towering presence.
Take your pick of thrilling sea adventures: snorkeling, parasailing, tide pooling, dolphin spotting, canoeing, and fishing - it's all yours to enjoy anytime you please.
An exceptional ecosystem boasting abundant flora and fauna – home to over 300 unique coastal species, including more than 30 diverse bird species.
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“HOABL Land: Where Investment Meets Opportunity”
At The House of Abhinandan Lodha Tomorrow Land, we're in the process of building a consumer tech brand that aims to unlock the full potential of land and make it accessible to everyone. Our goal is to democratize, revitalize, and organize this valuable asset, making it readily available to all.
Imagine owning a property that not only faces the serene beach but is also embraced by lush green vegetation. Investing in Lodha Tomorrow World is a gateway to a world of opportunities. With a vision that encompasses luxury, sustainability, and a thriving community, this project promises not just financial returns but also a fulfilling lifestyle. The strategic location, world-class amenities, and meticulous planning make it an ideal choice for those seeking a secure and rewarding real estate investment. In Tomorrow World, your future finds a home where prosperity and comfort coexist harmoniously.
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Paket wisata edukasi anak sekolah Tk, Paud, Sd, Smp, Sma di Wisata Edukasi Bukit Flora Pasuruan. Info & Reservasi hubungi Marketing : 085100482950 Call / Wa.
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anisettarosati · 2 years
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⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ ⚜️“FLORA” 🍸 LIDO di JESOLO⚜️ ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜ ⚜⚜️I N C O M P A R A B L E ⚜⚜ ⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜️⚜⚜️ ⚜Enjoy🍸Anisetta Rosati 1877⚜ ⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜ ⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜️ 📸 Tks a lot to @noellawines 4 📸 ⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜ ⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜️ 🍸 "ANISETTA ROSATI On The Rocks" 🍸 Ingredients: ~ 5 cl. Anisetta Rosati Classica; ~ 4 drops of cream of a freshly made espresso. 🍸 Garnish: 3 crumbled Arabic Coffee Beans. 🍸 Method: build over ice & shake the glass slowly. 🍸 Serve on the rocks (best in cognac balloon). ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ #FLORAJESOLO #LIDODIJESOLO #ANISETTAROSATIONTHEROCKS #AnisettaRosati1877 #FineSpirits #Anisetta #Rosati1877 #Anisette #AnisettaRosati #AscoliPiceno #AmaroRosati #PremiumSpirits #Mixologist #CocktailOfTheDay #MixologyWorld #LoveMixology #JesoloBeach #CocktailRecipes #ElixirImperiale #DrinkOfTheDay #MichelinGuide #RosatiAnisette #WorldSpiritsAward #Spiritueux #ItalianExcellence #CocktailBar #AnisettaRosatiElixirImperiale #MixologyLife #Top500Bars #RosatiQualisSuperior ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ @chevalierqualissuperior @anisettarosaticocktails @anisettarosati1877 @anisettarosatibew @panettonepiceno @elixirimperiale @anisettarosati @amarorosati @picenoshire @rosati1877 @infinitogin (presso FLORA - Cucina, Bottega, Vino) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckh2AFWtw0h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wyattjohnston · 2 years
Wait wait. Demi. Hold on.
More Josty. Yay yes always. Please and thank you. I cannot wait.
But I am sorry. Christopher?! 👀
Just when I think I adore you a ton, you tease me with that?!?! 💚
The Josty WIP has been floating around for ages and at the beginning of last season and this season I trawled through the NHL transaction lists trying to find someone who works and Shelb said the other day that Josty would work and… yeah he’s sort of perfect. So it’s not Flick but a whole new fic!!
The Kreider fic has also been around for ages (I think this is year 3?) and I add a little bit here and there, but it’s supposed to be a multi-chapter fic so it scares me off every now and then hahaha the OC is Flora and she’s the cousin of Amy from my TK fics 😊
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divainity-a3 · 4 years
daily reminder that richard DIDNT write reggie into the will until reggie was like 45
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