Continuing read of The Wise Man’s Fear.
“So Taborlin struck the trunk with his hand and shouted, ‘Edro!’ The lid of the chest popped open and he grabbed his cloak of no particular colour and his staff.”
Get your own words, Rothfuss! 😂 [Edro is Elvish, from The Lord of the Rings. It means ‘Open’; it’s one of the words Gandalf uses unsuccessfully to try to open the Doors of Moria.]
Rothfuss has referenced Tolkien before, IMO - there’s a couple stories that feel like twists on Beren and Lúthien, and another that I feel fairly sure is a takeoff on The Fall of Gondolin - and I found that fun, but borrowing both a word and its meaning from another author’s invented language feels like a bit much.
On a different note, I have Thoughts on the ‘cloak of no particular colour’. In this same scene the characters discuss how they imagine it looking, but it’s also mentioned that the main character (already a famous magic-user in his own right) has had a few different cloaks with lots of pockets and items that he valued, of different colours, so my takeaway is that the cloak is of ‘no particular colour’ because it’s not always the same cloak. There’s always a cloak, and it continuously has some uses and some history and some stories connected with it, and a bunch of different objects become translated through story into a single legendary one.
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logarithmicpanda · 2 years
Let's obsessively analyse notw, part 1!
- the prologue is a really beautiful piece. Vivid imagery, and it creates an ambiance of mystery to pull readers in, in very few words
- the first chapter is so rich in details, gods. Every paragraph serves to subtly give information on the setting : times are hard, the inn is usually pretty empty, it's a small town with the mentality that goes with it...
- there's the story about Taborlin, establishing both a first whiff at the magic in the setting, a sense of the mythology these people have, and preparing the echo for the Rookery scene
- tinker lore! And chandrian lore! Both important bits of ... Can we say foreshadowing when it's actually events in the past? Lol
- amulet cold as ice, so probably a gram of some sort. An interesting insight on the truth behind the stories, so we're setting up things for the major theme of the book early on, too
- do we actually ever know what bad thing happened on Shep's farm? I don't think we do
- some accentuation on the chandrian lore, establishing questions we still only have vague answers to 2 books later lol
- Cob arrives covered in blood so we shift into action, and I find it interesting to notice that Kote has not been named the whole time. As if hiding in the shadows of his own story, like he's just the innkeeper, the background character you hardly need to pay attention to
- and there the first actual magical element is revealed, the scrael, and Kote is finally named because his behavior slipped. The next couple paragraphs make it clear he was acting the part of the innkeeper and actually knows more
- also it's time for fantasy racism! We establish that traders are badly seen, especially the caeldish (though at this point we don't know what that means. That book was truly written to be reread)
- not that subtle but we are told that this is it, we're in the story now, not just what happens far from home and you hear about, but the real thing. It's kinda funny that the inn part is absolutely not the main focus down the line
- a bit more mythology dump, and an opportunity to show Kote is not on good terms with God lol
- now that Kote is no longer in the background, my boy goes back to his roots and put on a good show! We hint at the fact he's a storyteller, and we already established he's full of shit a liar
And that was just the first scene! Good gods.
- there's the first real introduction as Kote focused on him, and it plays with the expectations and tropes of the genre
- it's a night with no moon, which is interesting because it will echo later the way we're told it's not a good idea to be out on a night such as those
- enters Bast! Who brings a smile to Kote's tired face, it's kinda nice... Until there's the whole thing about girls being better than books. Took me 5 seconds to remember why I don't particularly love Bast lol
- I wonder what happens if a scrael is not properly disposed of. Does it bring others? Or starts living again?
- a small mention of the troupe, just after Kote established a fake background for himself
- Why does Bast need Kote to teach him, exactly? He doesn't seem to learn anything he couldn't learn at the University
- now we focus on the chest, another mystery, and it adds to the suspicion that Kote really isn't what he appears to be
- the inn's customer come back and we lay a bit of groundwork about the war and roads being bad to lay down the groundwork for Chronicler's introduction
- aaaand that's finally the end of chapter 1. I doubt I'll go in that much detail from now on but first chapters are important
Tl;dr: there's a vast amount of worldbuilding and setup done from the get go. A dash of playing with tropes of the genre, and the first hints at the major themes of the series. Honestly, I'm impressed with the level of detail conveyed, it doesn't feel too heavy but upon careful consideration, there's hardly anything superfluous
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acicueta · 4 years
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Of the Waystone Inn and Taborlin the Great  by Things by Julia Maddalina
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metanarrates · 4 years
me: I'm gonna do something important now
me, one minute later:
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Elodin isn’t Taborlin the Great in disguise, Kvothe is.
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*writing a missing item flyer*
Flyer: a description of the missing cloak is as followed. Color: …
Taborlin: Uh-oh
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We know Taborlin was a great namer.
We know the stone door in the Archives has four holes.
What if Taborlin built that door, and you need to put a key, a coin, a candle, and some special fourth thing into the holes to open it.
And that’s also why Lorren is so wildly freaked out about candles in the Archives — because someone could use one to open the door?
In the final hour, Kvothe needs to go into the Archives with a candle again. And it’s a full circle loop that’s very gratifying.
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shades-of-night · 5 years
Maybe Elodin went nuts because he had changed his true name?
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im-in-andromeda · 3 years
y’all anker was the single most chill guy in the entire kingkiller chronicles
kvothe was out there becoming a local, national, contienental legend. just a complete taborlin 2.0 and anker was just like ‘yea your attic cupboard is still free if u want it btw. oh but don’t forget your shifts. i know you sang for felurian and you were so good she let you leave the fae realm with your sanity and your life but i have customers to entertain, u know? thanks kid’
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rhetoricandlogic · 2 years
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EDIT: there seem to have been some mistakes, understandable, since this was a transcript, so here's the corrected version:
It was still night in the middle of Newarre. The Waystone Inn lay in silence, and it was a silence of three parts.The most obvious part was a vast, echoing quiet made by things that were lacking. If the horizon had shown the slightest kiss of blue, the town would be stirring. There would be the crackle of kindling, the gentle murmur of water simmering for porridge or tea. The slow, dewy hush of folk walking through the grass would have brushed the silence off the front steps of houses with the indifferent briskness of an old birch broom.
If Newarre had been large enough to warrant watchmen, they would have trudged and grumbled the silence away like an unwelcome stranger. If there had been music… but no, of course there was no music. In fact there were none of these things, and so the silence remained.In the basement of the Waystone, there was the smell of coal smoke and seared iron. Everywhere was the evidence of hurried work: tools scattered, bottles left in disarray. A spill of acid hissed quietly to itself, having slopped over the edge of a wide stone bowl. Nearby, the bricks of a tiny forge made small, sweet, pinging noises as they cooled. These tiny forgotten noises added a furtive silence to the larger, echoing one. They bound it together, like tiny stitches of bright brass thread, the low drumming counterpoint a tabor beats behind a song.
The third silence was not an easy thing to notice. If you listened long enough, you might begin to feel it in the chill copper of the Waystone’s locks, turned tight to keep the night at bay. It lurked in the thick timbers of the door and nestled deep in the building’s grey foundation stones. And it was in the hands of the man who had designed the Inn, as he slowly undressed himself beside a bare and narrow bed.The man had true-red hair, red as flame. His eyes were dark and weary, and he moved with the slow care of a man who is badly hurt, or tired, or old beyond his years.
The Waystone was his, just as the third silence was his. This was appropriate, as it was the greatest silence of the three, holding the others inside itself. It was deep and wide as autumn’s ending. It was heavy as a great river-smooth stone. It was the patient, cut-flower sound of a man who is waiting to die.
Source: (x)
EDITEDIT: So, tabor:
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like in TABORlin the Great. This helps my picture of the great bard a lot.
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idiocracy-42 · 2 years
I would read a whole book about Elodin and love every second of it. Elodin is the best character in the King Killer Chronicles. I love the to psychoanalyse him. He’s not insane I think he pretended to be to protect someone. He pretends to be insane so he can do whatever he wants I am 100% sure that he knows everything about the Chandrian and the Amyr and he is working on defeating the Chandrian but no one will ever suspect him because he’s “cracked” I think that he is the reason that Kvothe defeated the Chandrian. (Also side theory Elodin is either Taborlin the Great or a descendent of him)
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Pssst copper in the Kingkiller Chronicle is somehow messing up namer's abilities, hence why they're used in the Rookery. I suspect the thrice locked chest has a lock of iron and a lock of copper precisely so neither fae nor namers can easily open it (sorry for the info dump i have many feelings about KKC and i always read the tags on my posts lol)
(No need to apologise!)
Plus there's... Uh, fuck, Taborlin, is that his name? His sword was made of copper, I'm pretty sure.
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confused-stars · 4 years
I have red hair, bright. If I had been born a couple hundred years ago, I would probably have been burned as a demon. I keep it short, but it’s unruly. When left to its own devices, it sticks up and makes me look as if I have been set afire. A lot of people tell me I look like Illien. (AN: if u don’t know who he is get da hell out of here!). [[I’m not related to Taborlin the Great but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I have pale white skin. I’m also an arcanist in training, and I go to a magic school called the Universtiy in the Commonwealth where I’m a Re’lar (I’m seventeen). I’m an Edema Ruh (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly cloaks with many pockets. I love tinkers and I buy all my clothes from them. For example today I was wearing a white shirt with my silver Eolian pin and black pants, a green cloak and black traveling boots. I was walking outside the University. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. Ambrose stared at me. I put up my middle finger at him. 
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metanarrates · 4 years
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legendary moment from last week's session feat. a virginity rocks sweatshirt
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thenerdhathwrote · 4 years
Starting The Name of the Wind!
I am finally reading The Name of the Wind! Somehow, I have avoided basically all spoilers. The only thing I know about this book as that someone has red hair, and they may or may not play a lute.  So I’m probably in for a wild ride.
Chapters 1-53
Not gonna lie this is the best, most visceral description of silence I’ve ever read.  I am scared and intrigued  
“For he knew the name of the wind, and so the wind obeyed him” roll credits!
This Taborlin story is eventually gonna be super important, I just don’t know if it’ll be literal, metaphorical, or both.  I’m gonna go with both.
I dunno who the innkeeper is but I am very excited to find out
Innkeeper’s a Witcher, send tweet
Apparently I’m a sucker for mysteriously competent men with long fingers and I don’t know how I feel about this
There’s like a 50% chance Chronicler is Kote isn’t there
I used to be an adventurer like you, until I took an arrow in the knee
All right Kote what are you scheming?
Nope, Chronicler isn’t Kote. Is it Bast?
Nope 2.0. My track record is not good thus far. This will not stop me guessing with reckless abandon
In which Chronicler invents fantasy IPA/shorthand and Kote is entirely too smart for his own good
Narration had changed from using Kote to Kvothe, things are about to get real
At some point his father's theory about the Chandrian is gonna be important
And I don’t just mean when it inevitably gets him killed, because that’s absolutely gonna happen
Kvothe is gonna have to figure it out, or something
Probably not in this book, but at some point
Oh no, I love his parents. They’re definitely about to die
This whole book kinda lays on the whole “man loves women, women pretty, man have sex with women, heyooooo” thing doesn’t it
Kvothe, you done goofed. It’s okay, there’s always a catastrophic failure of sorts when learning magic.  At least you didn’t die.  
Oh no. The Chandrian came for his parents.
Kvothe needs a hug :-(
Are the waystones gonna be a thing later?  Is his dream prophetic?  Is that a thing in this world?
I knew his proclivity to obsessively and intently clean was probably from trauma.  Poor dude is staying somewhat sane by keeping busy, that’s hard to ever get away from.
As a musician, his coping of composing is painfully real
Oh no he’s gonna lose the lute, and I’m gonna lose my mind
It’s time for Religion™
And now it’s time for Lore™
I feel like I’m reading lord of the rings again
Lanre is Haliax or whatever that creepy guy with the Chandrian was called, isn’t he.  Dang it.  
“He was just a child, after all, and had yet to learn what sorrow really was.”  Nope. Don’t like that at all.
I don’t remember what Nahlrout does but I’m concerned Kvothe is being too smart for his own good again
Listen.  Listen.  This entire book is literally just about Kvothe being to smart for his own good.  It is going to end badly.  
Kvothe has had this lute for less than a day and a half, but if anything happens to it I would kill everyone in the room and then myself
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foxgirlbutt · 3 years
If Taborlin is so great, and "knows the name of all things" then why can't he Name copper, hmm? Not much use having your key, coin, and candle if you can't even Name copper, is it?
Copper doesn't have a name? Bah, pitiful excuses from a washed up wizard.
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