#Taking Siri’s advice and no longer water boarding him
ask-dmsmp-dirk · 1 month
how is your chia pet bushel going?
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Well… at first I have to admit I was a little scared of him… but since moving him to my bedroom I’ve been enjoying having some more company around. I’ve named my Bushel ‘Anchovy’ (I tried to stick with the Bushels’ ‘traditional’ naming convention… in hindsight maybe I should have chosen an orange pizza topping…) and have been having a lot of fun giving him new hairdos whenever his leaves start to grow too long and cover his eyes! I’m particularly keen on styling him to resemble myself. I once used him to hold a spare pair of glasses, and then realised I could accessorise him to look like another glorious Dirk statue. Although, the more I look at him the more I think he resembles an allay… I think he’ll fit into my family well. I’m hoping to take down some more Bushels so that I can grow him some siblings, then once they grow up I can have a magnificent army of plants that worship me instead of Siri. Hopefully Anchovy will grow up to be a bit less… strange… than the other Bushels though, luckily he has me to guide him onto the right path AND provide him free entertainment!
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