#Thai Prenup
thailandlawyers · 26 days
Prenuptial Agreements in Thailand
Prenuptial agreements (prenups) in Thailand are contracts created before marriage outlining how each person's assets and debts will be handled during marriage and divorce.
Consider a prenup for:
Financial transparency
Asset protection
Clarity for blended families
Peace of mind
Prenups can cover:
Classification of assets (separate vs. common)
Debt management
Division of assets in divorce
Key requirements for a valid prenup:
Written and signed by both parties
Independent legal counsel for each partner
Witnessed and registered with marriage certificate
Made before marriage
Prenups cannot cover:
Child custody or support
Spousal support
Consult a Thai family law lawyer to ensure your prenup is valid and meets your needs.
Visit our website for more information: https://www.bangkokthailandlawyer.com/
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bangkokattorney · 1 month
Prenuptial Agreements in Thailand
Planning a Thai wedding? Consider a prenuptial agreement (prenup) to protect assets. Thai prenups can address property division, debt allocation, and inheritance rights in case of divorce. They are especially beneficial if you own property or have a business. Consult a lawyer to ensure a legally sound agreement.
While not as common as in some countries, prenuptial agreements, also known as premarital agreements, are a valid option for couples getting married in Thailand. Here's a breakdown of what you need to know about Thai prenups.
What Does a Prenuptial Agreement Cover?
A Thai prenuptial agreement can address various aspects of your finances in the event of a divorce or separation. It can specify:
Division of Property: This outlines how existing personal and marital property will be divided if the marriage ends.
Debt Allocation: The agreement can clarify how existing and future debts will be handled in case of divorce.
Inheritance Rights: While Thai law dictates inheritance rights, the prenup can address any deviations for separate assets you wish to leave to specific beneficiaries.
Spousal Support: The agreement can determine whether, and under what circumstances, spousal support will be provided upon divorce.
Important Considerations
Focus on Existing Assets: Thai prenups primarily focus on protecting existing personal assets brought into the marriage by each spouse.
Limited Scope: Unlike some jurisdictions, Thai prenups cannot dictate child custody arrangements or future income earned during the marriage.
Validity Requirements
For a prenuptial agreement to be enforceable in Thailand:
Written and Signed: The agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties before marriage registration.
Separate Legal Counsel: It's highly recommended that each spouse have independent legal counsel to review and explain the agreement before signing.
Registered with Marriage: The prenup must be registered at the same time as the marriage registration at the local government office.
Benefits of a Prenuptial Agreement
Financial Clarity: A prenup fosters open communication about finances and protects your existing assets in case of unforeseen circumstances.
Reduced Conflict: A clear agreement can minimize disputes and emotional strain during a divorce by outlining pre-determined financial arrangements.
Peace of Mind: Entering a marriage with a prenup can provide a sense of security and protection for your financial future.
Prenup: Not Just for the Wealthy
While often associated with wealthy couples, prenuptial agreements can be beneficial for anyone getting married in Thailand, regardless of their current financial status. It's a wise step to safeguard your financial interests, especially if you own property, have a business, or anticipate inheriting assets.
Seeking Legal Guidance
Given the legalities involved, consulting a lawyer specializing in Thai family law is crucial. They can:
Draft a Clear Agreement: A lawyer can ensure the prenup is legally sound, comprehensive, and addresses your specific needs.
Explain Thai Law: They can explain relevant Thai laws regarding property division, inheritance, and spousal support in the context of your prenup.
Facilitate Communication: A lawyer can guide open communication between partners regarding financial expectations and goals.
A Secure Start to Your Thai Union
A prenuptial agreement in Thailand is not about anticipating marital discord, but about building a strong foundation for your future together. By openly discussing finances and establishing a prenup, you can enter your Thai marriage with clarity, security, and a focus on building a happy life together.
Visit our website for more information: https://www.bangkokattorney.com/drafting-prenuptial-agreement
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parasaparaluman · 2 months
Love Story
March is now over and so is our prenup shoot. But guess what, we're far from over from being busy. Laira and I work hand-in-hand in working through our remaining pre-requisities for our wedding and for our honeymoon in Palawan. This is good stress though as we're enjoying that we're building our memories together.
Now that it's April, we have just celebrated our last anniversary as girlfriend and boyfriend while we'll be celebrating my birthday this weekend. Our anniversary went great - we used the spa voucher that was given to us by the parents of one of Laira's students. It was a "premium" experience as we're given a private couple room complete with a shower area and a.. wait for it.. jacuzzi. Yes, that's right. I've been longing for a jacuzzi ever since especially when I didn't get to experience one in La Bella due to fatigue post-shoot. What's surprising though is since it's right after a massage, the water in the jacuzzi has to be hot but unfortunately, it was too hot for us to really enjoy it.
Was the experience worth it based on the price you paid for it? Probably. If you rarely go to spas and you wanted the full experience then I guess the price is justified. But if you frequent spas such as Nuat Thai or call in a home service and don't mind an oily body after the session, then it will just fall under a good experience that we might never try again unless offered by someone else.
I'd like to compare this to our ever-favorite, Ace Water Spa. For just around 6000, you'll already have 2 entries in the spa, a hotel room, a breakfast buffet for two and if my memory serves me right, 2 500-peso voucher that you can use at their rooftop resto-bar or at their cafe. So between this and The Spa, I might be comfortable saving up for Ace Water Spa instead - you'll get the whole day for you to do whatever you want at their premises (nearby as well) rather than being limited just for ~2 hours.
We were supposed to eat at Modern Shanghai due to good reviews but as we've already eaten Chinese food in TuanTuan on our exact anniversary day, we've opted for CIBO but seeing later on that most of the reviews mentions that it's overrated and expensive, we ended at Banapple as they're now offering a smaller serving of their delectable ribs. We also went back to Toby's Estate but sadly, I mistakenly ordered the wrong drink. It was a Chai Chocolate - it has ginger which while is "okay" for me, it was not a fun drink at all.
We strolled around SM Megamall afterwards hoping to finally purchase my wedding shoes but after a few realizations such as a hard-shelled shoes can be a bit uncomfortable depending on the thickness of the socks you're wearing as well as on how you walk, I decided to do a bit more research rather than jump the gun that day.
This week, we'll be dining at Senor Pollo again after so many years (this is the restaurant we ate on our very first date) and try to check if there are Rastaclats still in Landmark. As for the Omniverse Museum, I missed their 4.4 sale that will supposedly save us 1000. Here's to checking again on what other activities that we can do around the area.
There's so much more in store for this month. We'll also be having a get together with my cousins in BGC to try some good ramen and meet with Laira's family prior to the wedding.
Bring it, April.
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attorneysinphuket · 2 months
Prenuptial Agreements in Thailand
Getting married in Thailand? The magic of a Thai wedding can be intoxicating, but taking some practical steps like considering a prenuptial agreement (prenup) can ensure a smoother path ahead, whatever the future may hold.
Here's a breakdown of prenuptial agreements in Thailand:
What can a prenup cover in Thailand?
Thai law allows prenups to address property rights, both during the marriage and in the event of a divorce. This can include:
A clear list of individual assets (property, investments, etc.) owned by each partner before marriage.
Specifying how future assets acquired during the marriage will be divided.
Outlining how debts will be handled.
What can't a Thai prenup cover?
Certain matters are off-limits for Thai prenups:
Child custody or support – Thai law prioritizes the child's well-being and courts will determine custody and support based on that.
Spousal support – Thai courts have discretion to award spousal support based on need.
Inheritance – Wills are separate legal documents and should be used for inheritance planning.
Key requirements for a valid prenup in Thailand:
Written and signed: The agreement must be a written document signed by both parties.
Separate legal counsel: Each spouse should have their own lawyer review the prenup to ensure fairness and understanding of its terms.
Before marriage registration: The prenup must be signed and witnessed before officially registering the marriage.
Registered with marriage: The prenup is registered alongside the marriage certificate for official recognition.
Benefits of a prenup for couples marrying in Thailand:
Financial transparency: A prenup encourages open communication about finances from the start, fostering trust and understanding.
Clarity in case of divorce: A prenup reduces uncertainty and potential conflict during a separation by outlining how assets and debts will be handled.
Protecting assets: Prevents commingling of separate assets, safeguarding them in case of divorce, especially important if one partner owns a business or has significant pre-marital wealth.
Considering a prenup for your Thai marriage?
Discuss openly: Talk openly and honestly with your partner about your financial goals and concerns.
Seek legal advice: Consult separate lawyers specializing in Thai family law to ensure the prenup is enforceable and meets your individual needs.
Review thoroughly: Take your time to understand all clauses of the prenup before signing.
A prenuptial agreement can be a valuable tool for couples planning a marriage in Thailand. By approaching the conversation openly and with legal guidance, you can lay the foundation for a secure and happy future, together or apart.
Visit our website for more information: https://www.attorneysphuket.com/prenuptial-agreements-in-thailand.htmla
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attorneythailand · 1 year
Prenuptial Agreement in Thailand
A prenuptial agreement, commonly known as a prenup, is a legal contract that couples enter into before getting married or entering into a civil partnership. In Thailand, prenuptial agreements provide a means to protect individual assets and outline financial arrangements in the event of divorce or separation. This article aims to shed light on the importance of prenuptial agreements in Thailand, the legal framework surrounding them, and the key elements to consider when drafting one.
Importance of Prenuptial Agreements in Thailand
Prenuptial agreements are crucial for couples seeking to protect their assets and clarify financial expectations before marriage. In Thailand, where property ownership and division can be complex, a well-drafted prenup can provide security and minimize potential disputes in the future. Prenuptial agreements can address various aspects, including:
a. Asset Protection: A prenup can clearly define separate property owned by each spouse before marriage, ensuring its exclusion from marital assets in the event of divorce.
b. Debt Allocation: Couples can outline the responsibility for pre-existing debts, protecting one spouse from the financial obligations of the other.
c. Inheritance Matters: Prenuptial agreements can establish provisions regarding inheritance, ensuring that assets remain within the designated family line.
Legal Framework for Prenuptial Agreements in Thailand
In Thailand, prenuptial agreements are governed by the Thai Civil and Commercial Code. Key considerations include:
a. Registration Requirement: To be enforceable, prenuptial agreements must be registered at the local Amphur (District Office) before or during the marriage registration process.
b. Voluntary Consent: Both parties must enter into the agreement voluntarily, without any coercion or duress.
c. Independent Legal Advice: It is advisable for each party to seek independent legal advice to ensure a fair and balanced agreement.
Key Elements of a Prenuptial Agreement
When drafting a prenuptial agreement in Thailand, the following elements should be considered:
a. Full Disclosure: Both parties must disclose their assets, liabilities, and financial obligations transparently.
b. Asset Division: The agreement should clearly outline how marital property will be divided in case of divorce, ensuring fairness and protecting individual interests.
c. Spousal Support: Consideration should be given to any provisions for spousal support or alimony in the event of separation or divorce.
d. Inheritance Arrangements: If desired, the prenup can address inheritance matters, including the protection of family assets and the preservation of inheritance rights.
Professional Assistance and Legal Advice
Given the importance and complexity of prenuptial agreements, seeking professional assistance is highly recommended. Engaging an experienced family lawyer in Thailand can help ensure that the agreement adheres to legal requirements and adequately addresses the needs and concerns of both parties. Legal professionals can provide guidance on the drafting process, facilitate negotiations, and ensure that the agreement aligns with Thai laws and regulations.
Prenuptial agreements in Thailand offer couples a valuable tool for protecting their assets, clarifying financial expectations, and minimizing potential conflicts in the event of divorce or separation. By considering the legal framework, seeking independent legal advice, and addressing key elements such as asset protection, debt allocation, and inheritance matters, couples can create a comprehensive and enforceable prenuptial agreement. A well-drafted prenup can provide peace of mind, allowing couples to focus on building a strong and harmonious relationship while safeguarding their individual and shared financial interests.
Visit our website: https://www.attorney-thailand.com/prenuptial-agreement-in-thailand/
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bangkoksolicitor · 1 year
Prenuptial Agreement in Thailand
Preparing a prenuptial agreement is a crucial step in getting married. Before getting married, couples who want to safeguard their finances should draft a prenuptial agreement. These agreements can help couples create a financial strategy in the case of divorce while reducing the cost of asset division.
In Thailand, a prenuptial agreement is a legal document outlining the obligations and rights of the parties. Also, it details the division of assets in the event of divorce. In the nation, the agreement is valid and enforceable. Yet, for a thorough, carefully drafted, and legally sound prenuptial agreement, it is essential to seek the advice of a lawyer with substantial experience in the area.
You must be knowledgeable about the nuances of Thai law in order to write a solid prenuptial agreement in that country. This is so because the Thai Civil and Commercial Code is the law that controls the formation and execution of the contract. The contract must be drafted by a licensed attorney, according to the code. Also, the prenuptial agreement needs to be a documented contract. The contract also needs to be witnessed by two witnesses. You might want to think about using a notary service while creating a prenuptial agreement in Thailand. Also, you might need to have the Ministry of Foreign Affairs certify the paperwork.
The names of the properties, their values, who owns them, and the obligations that each party is responsible for should all be mentioned in a decent prenuptial agreement. It should also give a more thorough breakdown of the debts owed by the opposite party. A list of the assets that each party is in possession of should also be included.
Although they are not required in Thailand, prenuptial agreements are recommended for couples. A well-written prenup will assist prevent pointless disputes over who is the rightful owner of a spouse's personal belongings. Couples will also avoid the time and inconvenience of going through the divorce process.
Prenuptial agreements are actually relatively simple to draft, despite the fact that the word "prenuptial" may conjure ideas of a complex document. A professional family law practice can prepare a prenup according on the needs of the marriage. Also, they can alter the document to suit the requirements of each person. A prenuptial agreement may also be downloaded from a website as an alternative.
It's crucial to remember that a prenuptial agreement in Thailand is only binding when it is written properly. Although the prenuptial agreement can be downloaded from a website, it is preferable to have one written by a lawyer.
Prenuptial agreements in Thailand are governed by the Thai Civil and Commercial Code. A prenuptial agreement should contain the following: a summary of the property and liabilities of each partner; a clear description of the other party’s debts; a summary of the assets owned by each partner; and a clear explanation of the possible ramifications of the contract if the couple is divorced.
To draft a prenuptial agreement in Thailand, it is best to hire a Thai family law lawyer. Having a knowledgeable legal adviser can ensure that your prenuptial agreement will be recognized by the courts in the future.
Visit our website: https://www.bangkok-solicitor.net/prenuptial-agreement-in-thailand.html
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thaiattorney · 1 year
Drafting a Prenuptial Agreement in Thailand
You might be interested in learning how to create a prenuptial agreement if you're considering getting married in Thailand. Like other nations, Thailand has some minor differences in its legal system from other nations. For instance, Thai law stipulates that a prenup cannot violate morals, the law, or good taste. However, it is acceptable to establish a prenuptial agreement in Thailand, and your attorney can assist you in creating one.
Prenuptial Agreement Requirements in Thailand
A Prenuptial Agreement must be signed by a couple in accordance with the Thai Civil and Commercial Code (CCL) before they can wed. It specifies who is eligible for what in the event of a divorce. It also describes each person's rights to their particular assets in the event of a divorce. It is advised to get legal counsel prior to signing a prenup because Thai law, like other nations, oversees the process. Sole custody is not recognized under Thai Family Law because it has no bearing on property. Furthermore, it is the sole circumstance in which a Prenuptial Agreement Thailand may state that a foreign law shall apply.
Process in Drafting Thai Prenuptial Agreement
The Thai Prenuptial Agreement is restricted to simply protecting the couples' conjugal assets, but many prenuptial agreements cover a wide range of topics. No matter where you are getting married, it is a good idea to consult a Thai lawyer before making your mind up about a prenup. Although drafting a prenuptial agreement is not difficult, you need employ a legitimate Thai lawyer to guarantee that it is done appropriately. Prenups are written contracts between the parties to a marriage known as prenups. It outlines who will receive what in the event of a divorce and lists the assets and liabilities of both couples.
Hiring a Prenup Lawyer in Thailand
In Thailand, a prenuptial agreement is a written contract that states what each partner will do with the assets and debts they have acquired during their marriage. It also specifies their respective rights to certain assets should the couple ever separate. This document is governed by Thai law and requires a lawyer with legal knowledge to draft the document. A Thai Law Firm can provide legal advice on how to create a prenuptial agreement and help you prepare one.
The legal system in Thailand is generally more lenient when it comes to prenuptial agreements, but there are still some things you should keep in mind. The first thing to consider is the content of the document. It should be written in question-and-answer format and should state exactly what each party will receive upon marriage. It must also be signed by two witnesses to be legally valid.
Visit our website: https://thai-attorney.com/drafting-a-prenuptial-agreement-in-thailand/
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becomingkatie · 3 years
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My company gave everyone yesterday off as we approach a year of pandemic life, so Ken and I went biking. We did the route that sucked last time, the one where I cried and cried and had a terrible time. This time I smiled and smiled and had a great time, except at the very end when I felt dead and under-fueled and beyond ready to be done. But overall it was a beautiful day and a lovely ride, A+
The other pic is Theo lounging this morning as if he hadn’t just attacked me before going to rest on his perch. The little jerk. It’s a good thing he’s cute.
Did my taxes and talked finances with Kenny (trying to decide if we want to do a prenup?) and practiced some pole poses before a photo shoot that is now less than a week away (!!!) and now we’re going to order Thai food and watch a tv show about glass blowing and probably do nothing for the rest of the evening.
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monkeyandelf · 4 years
Elon Musk tweets that aliens built the pyramids
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The would-be space colonizer is back at it, this time with a flamboyant but seemingly ironic theory that the pyramids were created by aliens. Elon Musk took to Twitter on Thursday night to share some historical insights few dare speak of. "The aliens built the pyramids ” wrote the founder of Tesla and SpaceX, hinting that Pharaoh Ramses II was probably also from another world. And while some users seemed to take Elon's joke to the letter (there is no evidence of any otherworldly involvement in pyramid building), others were more skeptical. Aliens built the pyramids obv — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 31, 2020 Another asked, "Are the aliens paying for their prenup?" alluding to Musk's recent and awkward online exchange with his wife about the use of pronouns. My theory is that Elon is an alien,” said another theory. "He is on the spectrum of alien autism (still smart for a human being) so he was exiled and is now thriving." A Twitter user joked: “I say the dinosaurs built the pyramids.” Another tweeted: “If aliens really did build the pyramids, it probably would have been for the same reason that we built sandcastles on the beach and left them afterwards.” The tech mogul has gotten into trouble over runaway tweets in the past: his comments on taking the private Tesla cost him $ 40 million and the position of company president, and his derogatory comments about a diver of Thai caves triggered a libel suit. Read the full article
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siam-legal · 11 years
For couples who are not in a hurry to tie the knot but are preparing early for their future, having a Prenuptial Agreement is a good option. On this video you will find the importance of having a Prenuptial Agreement and how to process it in Thailand.
As some may find having prenuptial agreement as unromantic or offensive, but having one is a good opportunity to discover the true intentions of the parties to the marriage.
To know more about Prenuptial Agreement in Thailand, please click the link below.
Prenuptial Agreement in Thailand
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