#Thank you so sosos much for the wait i am truly terrible with the ask but yet I love to have them and that people are interesting in my ocs
babufactory · 5 months
For the OC kiss prompt....
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How about the continuation of this? You can go wild with your interpretation of what happens next after this 🤣👍
This art was drawn so long ago haha but so happy to continue of this!
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Their lips touched. Gently at first like a summer breeze. Just at the right moment to let you catch your breath from the unspeakable heat yet leave you hazy from it as well. You had waited too long for the connection. But you cannot dwell on it as Nielh was already leaning away from it with a calm smile on their lips.
"What it is?"
"I think I didn't taste it enough." You said.
A chuckle rang into your ears. "Let me show you my care, dear."
This time the kiss marked your lips longer.
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neko-shinigxmi · 5 years
All odd numbers for everyone :D
F/O Ask Meme No. 11. How old were you when you & your F/O(s) first met?
   E-EVERYONE ISN’T A POSSIBILITY, MY FRIEND.... I currently have 114 F/Os (and counting), like... Oh no.
   So, um... Let’s do this by fandom alone? Specifically Borderlands, since that’s my hyperfocus at the moment. ;; w ;;
   I was thinking about answering this “in-universe” but then realized, wait... I’d have to find my math on that. And do some more. And also Zer0 doesn’t...seem to have a definite age, to my memory? Considering their whole existence is a mystery.
   So I’ll just sum this up as: I met them all earlier this year, actually! Sometime Feb-March, about. The specific date escapes me~ Something I should’ve kept track of, in retrospect, but I’m terrible with my memory anywho.
3. Who asked who out first?
Handsome Jack: Actually... Funnily enough, nobody asked? Like, you know that saying “wham, bam, thank you, ma’am?” Change it to “wham, bam, I guess we’re dating now” and that’s what happened between Jack and I. Not at all planned, but look..... I’m an idiot who doesn’t plan things and what Jack wants, he gets. I have no complaints to that, so here we are.
Nisha: Nisha did! In...an interesting way, but the point is there was definitely a dating period and her dragging me here and there when she found the time to do so.
Zer0: I had to...! Zer0′s kinda in-and-out all of the time, so... I had to confirm interest by bringing up dates before Zer0 proceeded to take the reigns. A good thing, considering my confidence is shot to hell and also he’s the busier one of the two of us, so--
Timothy: HE DID. It was so, so, soso cute, too.... Absolutely embarrassed, stuttering over his words from the sheer nervousness he felt... It melted my heart and my worries away too, sappy as it is to say~
Rhys: Uhhhh, man... He tried? Multiple times?? But I never noticed, whoops. See, the thing is...I’m super oblivious. So unless it’s forward and blunt? I’d never notice it. So I guess he kinda did, but it didn’t sink in until a year or two later. (Oops.)
5. Does your F/O have any silly nicknames for you?
Handsome Jack: A number far too large for anyone to take a guess at. Jack loves his silly petnames and so when it comes to getting crazier... He lives up to it, basically. Some examples include: pretending he doesn’t know my name (”Becky” and “Becca” are the choice ones; he means it with anyone else- since he doesn’t care- but it’s a joke around me....the smug smile says all when I glare at him), petname rapid-fire (“pumpkin, babydoll, sweetheart, cutiepie,” he says...all in a row and maybe a few more), and loving insults (“c’mere, stupid~”).
Nisha: Honestly... Shares the same sentiments with Jack. Largely, however, the loving insults; it’s truly affection when she tells me to “get over here, bitch.” Anyone else would confuse it for verbal abuse, but... If you did, then you really don’t know Nish and when she really gets nasty. (In short: being called a “bitch” is practically daisies compared to the foul language she’ll spew when truly angry).
Zer0: Not really... Zer0 is pretty upfront and- while they can be pretty silly- typically stay within their own “realm” of silliness. That being said, they have called me “Grem-Grem” before.
Timothy: “Baaabbyyy kitten, love of my life~?” That exact phrase is his go-to for a variety of reasons. Typically if he’s been: badly hurt, needs something, or both. He tries to use his given face to his advantage, but it only makes me suspicious...
Rhys: None that I can think of at the moment...? Like, you might expect him to have some, but-? He actually does not!
7. Do you like to cuddle with your F/O(s)?
Handsome Jack: Of course!! But only with preparation. Once Jack clings, he does not. Let. Go. It’s a blessing and a curse, wrapped up in one.
Nisha: Well, yes, but it also depends...? Largely on the note that it’s sometimes difficult to get cuddles from her...and once she’s got Lynchwood, not only does it KEEP being difficult, but she’s also prone to needing a shower first before I wanna be clingy. Jack actually washes up; Nisha...likes wearing the blood of her enemies as a show of power. Which works, but... C’mon, babe. :/
Zer0: I would love to cuddle them more, but the thing is... Zer0 is hard to pin down. When it’s not work, it’s trying to convince them to be casually dressed long enough for relaxation time... It’s tough, with them so touch and go, but I manage.
Timothy: All. The Time. With the added benefit of freedom when I wish it!! I mean, he whines and grumbles if I gotta escape, but otherwise lets me go and goes back to clinging when I return. So it’s good~
Rhys: Yes! Not as much as I’d like, but... I mean, what can you do? We’re both busy with stuff, so... Plentiful cuddles aren’t always a possibility, you know? And that’s alright!
9. When was your first kiss with your F/O(s)?
Handsome Jack: ....I’m legally not allowed to talk about that. Hah...haha....... [sweats]
Nisha: She was talking about one of her adventures while I was working on a project idea. I was absolutely listening and actually multi-tasking! For once!! But she decided it wasn’t enough? Proceeded to nab my full attention and distract me with a quick kiss before returning to her favorite part and continuing on... H a h. Geez.
Zer0: Not sure if...mask kisses count or not? If they do, first smooch was on their mask after we made things official!!! If not, that was a few months later on their downtime, when I first saw their face.... Best way to spend those quiet few days? You bet.
Timothy: An awkward first not long after his confession~! We rammed our noses together, but laughed over it, tried again, got it right... Had a lovingly calm moment and that happiness on his face... I never wanna forget that.
Rhys: A few weeks after he finally got the chance to confess to me. He kinda...bumbled around it during that time, I didn’t have much bravery to help out either... Ugh, it was super awkward all around!! But eventually we were chilling out, watching some...movie I no longer remember the name of and he kissed my forehead. I told him he missed, he asked if I was sure, and... Yeah...~
11. Do you & your F/O(s) go out a lot or tend to stay in more?
Handsome Jack: Ehhh, we go for lots of walks around Helios, but as far as going off station? Not that. Jack’s kinda....paranoid after everything else that’s happened to him. I can’t blame him for that, honestly.
Nisha: Go out a lot! Nish has things to do and spending it shooting up assholes of all kinds is typically what ends up happening at some point or another.
Zer0: Stay in. His work is already kind of...troublesome, to say the least? So staying inside keeps things easier. Less of a chance of people realizing who I’m out with and causing trouble.
Timothy: Both...? Kinda? He likes going out and about, but it’s also a touch of an issue when he looks like Jack, you know? So at home is also a benefit, like that... We do what we can to make the best of any outing~
Rhys: Both for sure! He’s still no good with bandits, but that’s why I’ve got genetically modified dragons~ Which...have only been getting bigger through the generations... Which is incredible, honestly.
13. What’s your favourite activity you & your F/O(s) do together?
Handsome Jack: Honestly...? Getting to be lazy and not having to do work while he has to do his own work. Like, yeah, he could clear the day’s schedule cause “Boss says so”, but... I get to sit in his lap and relax while he does work and grumbles over the bullshit other people “put him through” (he’s just impatient and full of himself). It’s weirdly fun and an ego boost that the only reason his temper hasn’t exploded is bc I’m with him.
Nisha: Watch Nisha host Lynchwood’s ever-famous, well, lynchings. Look, despite the fact she’s my girlfriend, I’m not huge on the whole...murder-thing, but at the same time... The thrill and excitement she has makes for a curious watch. (The sounds still haunt me, though. Especially those who enter Lynchwood without realizing the harsh climate for what it is and pay for it with their life. I...feel bad for those ones.)
Zer0: Listen to Zer0 tell stories. We cuddle up on the couch, they keep their voice low and smooth... I doze off every time, not completely asleep. They’ve told me time and time again they find that adorable.
Timothy: Laying in bed and talking about our ideal futures. Tim wants to get rid of most of the whole...Jack look (he’s accepted this body is more or less near-impossible to fully fix back to how he used to be). Get his freckles back... Get a bunch of cats and a find a peaceful place to settle. I asked him if he was insinuating something... He avoided the question. Hmm...
Rhys: Honestly?? Working together. It’s such an oddly intimate thing? I always appreciated him visiting me before- back on Helios, as Hyperion employees- but now that it’s an actual, equal-footing standpoint it makes for a more interesting relationship!! Talking about this and that, keeping things in line... It’s more enjoyable then you’d first realize.
15. Who cooks for who most often?
Handsome Jack: We both don’t have to; he’s got cooks that do shit on his whim. However....... While it’s not cooking, I do take the chance to bake some stuff when I find the time to do so~! So I contribute that.
Nisha: We both do. Nisha’s better at cooking than I am, but it’s up to me to bring in the recipes she never would’ve heard of otherwise~ Heheh.
Zer0: They typically bring takeout, but... I do try to cook in order to treat them a little. I’m not terrible at it, but it makes my anxiety fry up, so... Kinda like with Jack, I stick to baking; for some reason, it’s a lot less stressful for me.
Timothy: Tim loves to cook, if you’d believe it. He’s about just as nervous as I am, if not a little less, so... Yeah! Though kinda like me, we both enjoy baking far more.
Rhys: We both buy food, so...neither, I suppose! And yes, the baking thing still applies. HOWEVER. He’s not allowed in the kitchen when I do; otherwise the greedy jerk tries to swipe for the batter/dough. No, not until I’m done!!! You can have the leftovers!! Good heavens....
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