#The Empire can go from being nearly destroyed to building the largest fleet in Galactic history in five years
nateofgreat · 4 months
Every single SWTOR Republic mission
Game: Alright, the Sith are planning to attack Corellia's shipyard. We've known this for at least weeks now and thus had plenty of time to prepare.
Me: Great! Sounds fun, so let's get on with the battle.
Game: BUT WAIT!!!!! The Empire's attacking civilians you'll never see, meet, or hear from ever again! And the ONLY WAY to help them is to let the Sith blow up a bunch of Republic ships and endanger the whole war effort!
Me: Seriously, again with this? How many freaking times are we going to contrive this dilemma? Can I just fight a battle normally for once?
Game: But you don't understand! Darth Malgus' last plan was so feeble and pathetic we need to force some kind of victory for him to brag about when you confront him later!
Me: But this is the most predictable plan he could've possibly used. How on earth can the Republic have not seen this coming? And wait a second, if we knew about this attack in advance why didn't we evacuate the civilian populace? Heck, Correllia's been the frontline of the whole war so far, aren't there shelters, orbital cannons, shields, anything?
Game: Nope, the whole thing's completely undefended and the Republic put all their Navy on one side of the planet and didn't take advantage of the opportunity Malgus stupidly dividing his fleet would create.
Me: For crying out loud, why is every superweapon, military advantage, and resource the Republic finds locked behind one of these dilemmas while the Empire just gets to crap out new ones every other week?
Game: Uhh...
Me: The Null Cannon, the Barrager, special droid designs, the Powerguards... Can we just get one for once without some contrived reason for why that'd be the dark side option? Heck, why are we even doing yet another "defend against the Empire" mission? They never matter anyways because every time you cripple them they somehow just spawn another giant army out of nowhere. Five years ago they were almost crippled completely, can we go back to that? How about the Republic attacks them for once. I want to liberate some Imperial worlds, how about it?
Game: Nope, just the same old dilemma over and over again. Are you going to yet again let the Empire win or be a bad mama jama and let the civilians who should've been evacuated and that you'll never hear from again die?
Me: ... Whelp, I think that's enough SWTOR for the year.
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luminousfinn · 7 years
What's the difference between the Resistance and the Republic? I thought they were one and the same?
Okay, let’s give you Mara’s guide to the complicated timeline of the Rebellion, the (new) Republic and the Resistance.
The rebellion:
This is probably the most difficult beast in this, but necessary to talk about. Exactly where and when it began is hard to define as it’s really a continuation of the Clone War for many of those who fight. But if you want a specific date, it started when Palpatine declared the creation of the Empire.
The rebellion isn’t a single, coherent group. There’s a lot of smaller parties fighting the Empire, some of which as I said is really just continuing their war from before the declaration. Except now the enemy is no longer the Republic or the Separatist, but the Empire. But to them the name of the enemy makes little difference. One such was Saw Gerrera.
The largest player in the Galactic Civil War as it later becomes know, is the Alliance to restore the Republic, know in the venacular as simply The Rebellion. But even this faction - lead by Bail Organa and Mon Mothma - isn’t one coherent unit, but is made up of many disseparate groups. Saw joined it for a time, the left again for reasons unknown but most likely that the Alliance refused to get its hands dirty and do what needed doing to bring down the Empire. Something Saw was right in, the Alliance almost ends up losing all because it tends to act too late and commit too little until it has no choice. Only time it does go all in pre-emptively is at Endor and I think then only because they’ve already seen what a Death Star can do, they can’t afford to have another one build.
The (new) Republic:
Eventually the Empire is destroyed and the Alliance is quickly reforms the Republic. While it does institue some changes in the hope of not having history repeat itself, it isn’t nearly radical enough and much of history does indeed repeat itself.
But it is there and it is ruled by the Senate - like the old republic was - and is lead by a Chancellor  - again the same as the old one.
Many of the flaws remain. One is corruption and disenfranchisment from the galactic fringes of its own territory, aka the Outer Rim. Another is bureaucratical attricition from sheer size.
These flaws prevents the Republic from responding in timely fashion to a rising threat, namely the First Order. Which is the Empire reborn in purified, fascist and Naziesque form.
Enter, The Resistance:
This is literally Leia’s private army. When the Republic refuses to act and Leia cannot move them to do so, in part due to being politically discredited due to manipulation of senators bought by the First Order (remember that bit I said about the new Republic still having major corruption issues) she sets out to form her own fighting force. A force named she names The Resistance.
The Resstance is not backed by the Republic or the Senate, unlike what Hux tries to convince people in his mouth frothing Nuremberg... sorry, Starkiller - speech. There are individual senators, most old friends of Leia’s who gives them resources, ships and other aid, but it does not have the Republic’s backing.
What happens in The Last Jedi will likely be a merging of the Resitance’s tiny fleet and the remnants of the republic fleet. That is not going to go quietly.
I hope that clears up the very messy politics of the GFFA universe a little Nonny.
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tesalionlortus · 7 years
LMAOF - those ought to be my fave comments about TFA...
“How did you get so many likes which such an inane and asinine comment? That sentence meant nothing, and even if it had it would have only done what you think it did because it was copy-pasted from ANH. You also talk about how no one really cared about Alderaan's destruction (aka you're critical of the fact that it wasn't fleshed out) but you ignore that this wasn't fleshed out at all either. After "the Republic was destroyed" no one cared either, they immediately just went back to finding Luke and crying about Han rather than even truly mention the Republic's end. Also, it's "destruction" doesn't even make any sense. How does the largest, (nearly) completely galactic government get destroyed just because it's capital planet was blown up? It wasn't even like a centralized capital planet, they voted on which one they wanted to be the capital all the time so it's not even like that system was really important. Every planet would have representatives to replace deceased senators and were supposed to believe this one act destroyed the whole government? Also, how was their entire fleet destroyed? I don't care if the New Republic limited their Navy there is no way they actually stationed 90% of their fleet in one system... Also, there's the whole fact that StarKiller Base lacks any creativity and is stupid, and the fact that it makes no sense the laser would break up into pieces, and the fact it makes no sense that that many habitable planets were that close to each other without being uninhabitable at best, and the fact it makes little sense everyone could see its destruction that well. Sorry for being pissy with you, but the new trilogy is utter garbage is makes my brain not feel like it has increased intracranial pressure if people realize that. P.S. The concept is dark but the execution was not one of the darkest scenes, it was fucking hilarious because of the distractingly blatant Nazi similarities that they pushed so hard and for all the reasons I gave before. Good day, sir. Lmao“
“Assuming the New Order has the resources to build such a weapon - which throws any reasonable assumption of balance out the window between them and La Resistance, if they were so superior in resources certainly they shouldn't have been fought to a stalemate. Furthermore, if we get past all that silliness the New Order loses this weapon in Episode VII along with whatever personnel and materiel were on Starkiller Base at the time of its destruction. Certainly, the loss of such a weapon and resources, already ridiculous in scale, would cripple them going forward, but we all know it won't. The Empire was the continuation of a Galactic Republic which had been building its weapons and forces with no real competition for three decades. The New Order is the remnants of a pack of dudes who were beaten - or at least tied - by a New Republic that has fewer weapons and resources than the old Rebellion. It requires a dozen excuses by see-no-evil fanboys to be even nominally feasible and EVEN PAST THAT it's still a lazy creative idea.“
“Maybe JJ Abrams sat down with his creative team and decided that fans need a third Death Star which can be blown up again, so as to invoke a feeling of nostalgy, which is good for ticket sales, and fans are now creating numerous theories as to how to place this enormous piece of bullshit in the SW universe. Basically, if Abrams had decided to come up with a giant piece of poo as the new superweapon of the new empire, fans would've created a backstory for it the next day, uploading it to the Wookiepedia and youtube as well. There goes your canon. You can come up with a backstory for everything. 'Snoke'! 'Kylo Ren'! 'First Order'! Of course, the SW universe can be expanded as we like, but I hate it, when the creators abuse this right and give us poorly devised, stupid and cheap random stuff that will sell very well among children. The original story deserves so much more than this. Take a look at Yoda (the original one), how much effort they put into his uniquely peculiar personality and his wisdom. And the jungle planet he lives on. Or Cloud City. Or Han's and Leia's relationship as it developed before our eyes. Or the conflict btw Luke and Vader. Or Vader's suit. Everything was original, everything was carefully designed, everything had enthusiasm behind it. I don't feel any of that with the new episode. They just copied everything from the old trilogy, giving everything and everyone a cool-sounding new name, and that's it. I only felt a bit of redemption when I saw Rogue One. That movie again dared do something new and use a lot of creativity.“
“Rogue one, although not even needed since it plays during the old triologies time period, featured a way greater diversity of new and starships in general than Episode 7 which plays aproximitly 30 years in the future. As far as i remember Episode displays 5 different Starships: "The Falcon" "X-Wings" "Tie Fighter" "Star Destroyer" "Kylo Rens Drop Ship", well reagrding the fact that 4 out of 5 featured ships were part of the old Triology that is  absolutly sad and is one thing that shows up the uncreativity which spreads throughout the film. That movie is supposed to play 30 years after Return of the Jedi, yeah cool story does look like the Galaxy just went on a quick nap to skip those years. Leia Organa a politican is the "General"(wtf) of a Resistance consisting of a dozen X-wing(wtf) and which appears to be hunting the First Order. Main tactic could be to destroy the shield generator of star destroyers and smack 1 or two X-wings right into the Brigde to disable them or something like that, pretty effective fighting style isnt it?... wait, huh well something seems to be wrong... list goes on btw Swamp planet, X-Wing support arrives shoots down 10+X Tie Fighters, dont scratch the main targets Drop Ship which is parked stationary at the ground. Damn those undisciplined "Rebel" Pilots, they rather want to show off their skills than to follow their mission objectiv. No wonder Ren got away, the resistance seems to really be a massive threat to the First order which reasons the destruction of multiple planets for that the New republic will stop supporting the Resistance with... wait with what actually ? 1 X-wing per year ? Well i dont think the Resistance even has 30 X-wings, i guess its only political support then, well and of course the First order cant allow that ! Good Idea to blow up planets worth i dont know massive amounts of credits in infrastructure whithout negotiations btw, really good plan tbh. This movie simply consists of made up uncreative shit.“
And finally:
“A new hope's plot hole of the Death Star exhaust port suddenly became the most clever plot in all of Star Wars while diminishing TFA to a child's tale.“
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