#Vatv 1x09
loveoversense · 2 years
Just some bullet points. Will get back to this tonight probably when my phone isn't dying. These points follow no distinct chronological order because that's for the neurotypicals and I haven't taken my meds today.
2- in addition to that, Mia, oh my darling you broke my heart.
3- I know people wanted a book adaptation and some are disappointed that that isn't what this show is. It's based on teh books, but it's not a direct adaptation. And I get that this goes against what some people wanted, but I actually quite enjoy it. I think it makes it easier to enjoy the show for me. I'm not an adaptation purist to begin with but I'm just kinda experiencing this show as an AU of the books and in and of itself, that makes the story actually pretty good!
4- that was the lead in for this point, I love more self-actualized Rose! In the books we never dive as deeply into the fact just how deeply disturbing the premise of the word building is with the roles of Dhampirs and Moroi. Rose was supposed to be a rebel in the books even, questioning and standing up to authority, but this only ever happened within the confines of the society. I feel like her actions in the series are actually more true to the way her character was described in he books. If you are questioning authority, you would eventually come to the conclusion that you don't have a place in this society as is, and therefore need to leave.
5- Mason, you're adorable. You're so sweet.. I already feel bad for you because I get it, but also, see point 1.
6- Romitri my heart. I love this, because it shows their relationship is deeper than just romantic attraction. They communicate without words, they know each other on such a deeply intimate way, how the other thinks, feels. Just, so much props again for the actors here.
7- Rose wants to say goodbye, only if she told Dimitri he'd be even more culpable so instead she says 'see you 'round' and the little slip up of 'Roza' nearly made me keel over
8- Seeing his room gives her a whole new appreciation for how much she was asking him to give up from his worldview in the course of a day or two (my man has an ALTAR in his room ffs) immediately followed by a semi Realisation that he has in fact given up a lot of that for her. He chose her, after all. He didn't fight back. He's keeping mum about Sasha. Truly OTP goals.
9- Mason didn't just go to Dimitri and tell him about Rose and him from the good of his heart. He's a sweet guy, but he needed to prove to himself that he had 'won'. Rose chose him. Right. Right? And here's our comrade. The ever honorable Guardian Belikov, ready to face down his fate in the dungeons and who knows what after, because he chose to lie to protect Rose. He will never back down from that decision. But when this novice comes by, novice in more ways than one, looking for reassurance from Dimitri that he'd won this silent competition for this incredible woman, Dimitri can't help himself. I believe he meant it when he said he never wanted Rose to know what was happening to him. He knows that she would feel guilty or try to get him out by taking the blame, but he is genuinely of the opinion that he is the only one responsible for his situation. But telling Mason that, spelling out for him that if put to the test, Rose would always choose Dimitri? That was a little mean Comrade. That 'fuck you' was earned.
10- Doesn't mean it wasn't true though Mason. Which I'm afraid you're gonna find out the hard way.
11- Dimitri is already walking away, leaving Mason with his defeat when he gets the insult slung at his back and it makes him stop for half a second. I wonder what Kieron's face did as Dimitri in that moment. He's so good at acting out a character who doesn't speak much like Dimitri. I wonder if it was a grim smile of this final victory over the man running off with the love of his life or whether it was more a sigh of acquiescence, admitting to both himself and Mason that yeah, he's fucked. But he's okay with his choices here.
12- more thoughts to come! Sometime later today lol
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loveoversense · 2 years
So this series has been doing wonders for my writers block lol. Some 1x09 scenes from Dimitri’s POV. As always, beware spoilers!
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loveoversense · 2 years
Damn the tv series for using such good looking people. Let's say I was ~inspired~. Heed the tags!
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