backroombuzz · 5 years
Welcome To Democrats Single-Payer Medicare-For-All: France Orders Quadriplegic Man Starved To Death
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France’s highest appeals court has ordered Quadriplegic Vincent Lambert’s food and water to be removed following a six-year-long legal battle for his life against the French single-payer healthcare system.
It's the secret that the Fake News media and Democrats pushing their insane healthcare policies never tell you... Read the full article
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actu-alite · 5 years
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Un cimetière écologique ouvre près de Paris !
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#vincentlambert https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzx_X_FCBPV/?igshid=1lsmxp2hzjeoh
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frmatthewlc · 5 years
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The intentional starvation of Vincent Lambert by doctors is “a defeat for our entire humanity.” -Pontifical Academy for Life Vincent Lambert “died as a martyr.” -Cardinal Sarah Pray your his family & pray that others are not killed like him. #euthanasia #ableism #quadraplegic #France #ProLife #assistedsuicide #Catholic #christian #life #worthyoflife #VincentLambert https://ift.tt/2ScbgtV
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lifelegal · 5 years
The killing of Vincent Lambert: What you need to know
The killing of Vincent Lambert: What you need to know
One week ago, Vincent Lambert’s doctors in Reims, France placed him under heavy sedation and began the gruesome process of starving and dehydrating him to death. Vincent was disabled in a motorcycle accident over ten years ago and since then has had to receive food and water through a feeding tube. On June 28, Vincent’s wife received permission from France’s highest civil court to make her…
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pope-francis-quotes · 6 years
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18th April >> Instagram ~ franciscus: My thoughts go again to little Alfie Evans and to Vincent Lambert: I would like to repeat strongly that the only Master of life, from its beginning to its natural end, is God! Let us pray that the lives of all persons, especially of these two brothers of ours, be respected (photo with Alfie's father). #alfieevans, #vincentlambert, #lifeissacred, #prayer, #oración, #oração, #preghiera, #Gebet, #prière
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kcemorg · 5 years
Gérard Lambert privé de dessert
Ce matin, dans une demi-somnolence, j’ai vaguement entendu que Vincent Lambert était mort après dix ans de coma. Bon. J’ai bien trouvé un peu bizarre qu’il meurt là, maintenant, comme ça… Mais bon. Il y quelques temps j’avais cru comprendre que la famille voulait faire un procès au médecin pour “Non assistance à personne en danger”, ce que j’avais trouvé un peu bizarre aussi, vu la situation… Mais bon. Après tout, ça ne semblait être qu’une histoire de famille à propos d’un mi-mort, avec son petit côté quantique, chat de Schrödinger, tout ça… et comme personne ne semblait être capable de savoir si le Gérard (j’aime mieux “Gérard”; avec “Lambert” ça sonne mieux) avait encore conscience de quoique ce soit… qu’ils le laissent continuer sur sa lancée ou qu’on estime que bon, ça ira bien comme ça, franchement, j’en avais pas grand chose à battre… Même si, perso, je suis bien entendu à fond pour l’euthanasie (et la stérilisation) obligatoire.
Mais ce soir j’entends qu’il serait mort neuf jours après l’arrêt des soins*… Heu… Quels soins ?.. C’est quoi, “les soins”, pour un légume, hormis l’arrosage ?.. Un peu d’engrais pour qu’il ait meilleure mine ?.. Mais on ne meurt pas pour cause de mauvaise mine, ça se saurait… Et bien non, effectivement, c’est bien l’arrosage ou, plus précisément « l’arrêt de la nutrition et de l’hydratation », tout simplement.
Autrement dit l’euthanasie, c’est mal, mais priver volontairement quelqu’un de manger et de boire durant 10 jours (« On ne sait pas. Des fois ça peut durer beaucoup plus longtemps ; c’est pas une science exacte. » précise le médecin), ça c’est bien. Ça c’est digne. Ça, ça respecte le droit de la personne humaine.
Ben tiens! On est dans le pays des droits de l’Homme ou on n’est pas dans le pays des droits de l’Homme !?.. C’est quand même pas les bouffeurs de raclette qui vont venir nous faire la leçon !?.. Nous, On ne tue pas nos semblables. C’est mal. Non ; nous, on se contente de laisser crever en détournant un regard pudique tout emprunt de pieuse compassion… C’est beau comme la morale et l’amour du prochain… même si, curieusement, ça ne me donne que moyennement envie d’être le prochain…
*Novlangue OfficielTM
#raclette #fruitetlegumeparjour #euthanasie #gerardlambert #vincentlambert #physiquequantique #chatdeschrödinger #amourduprochain #cestpasgravejeprendraileprochain
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ultimavoce · 5 years
Morto Vincent Lambert l’uomo col “Mare Dentro”
Morto #VincentLambert, la sua scomparsa riporta sotto i riflettori il tema del fine vita
Morto Vincent Lambert, simbolo francese della battaglia sul fine vita.
Una bella casa, una famiglia, un lavoro come infermiere psichiatrico, una vita normale. Poi lo schianto e tutto è stato spazzato via, quel maledetto 29 settembre del 2008. La diagnosi dei medici è di quelle che difficilmente lasciano speranze:
“Il trauma gli provoca una lesione cerebrale che lo rende tetraplegico e…
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tradcathsermons · 5 years
Now that it’s too late, Francis suddenly has the courage to mention #VincentLambert by name. Keep your crocodile tears to yourself, Mr. Bergoglio! #popefrancis https://t.co/rpsflRaXlG
— Novus Ordo Watch (@NovusOrdoWatch) July 11, 2019
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jakonews · 5 years
La cour d’appel de Paris - saisie par les parents de #VincentLambert - a ordonné ce lundi soir le rétablissement des traitements interrompus le matin, le temps qu’un comité de l’ONU se prononce. Des centaines de personnes ont manifesté à Paris réclamant… pic.twitter.com/qKaUEdtFAW
— Le JAKO de l'île! 🇭 (@TwitJAKO) May 21, 2019
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actu-alite · 5 years
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La France crache sur Vincent Lambert, selon les avocats de ses parents !
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lifelegal · 5 years
French court orders disabled man to be starved to death
French court orders disabled man to be starved to death
“The quality of a civilization is measured by the respect it has for the weakest.” (Protest for Vincent Lambert, May 20, 2019) Source: FranceInfo
France‘s highest civil court today ruled that Vincent Lambert must die by starvation and dehydration. Vincent was nearly made dead last month, but at the eleventh hour, an appellate court ordered that his food and water be restored. Today’s order…
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pope-francis-quotes · 5 years
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11th July >> (@ZenitEnglish By Deborah Castellano Lubov) #Pope Francis #PopeFrancis ‘Only #God Is Master of #Life, Our Duty Is to Preserve It Always,’ #Vatican Reacts to #VincentLambert’s Death.
‘Doctors Should Serve Life, Not Take It Away,’ Says #PopeFrancis @AGisotti @monspaglia @PontAcadLife #Lambert
‘Only God Is Master of Life, Our Duty Is to Preserve It Always,’ Vatican Reacts to Vincent Lambert’s Death
‘Doctors Should Serve Life, Not Take It Away,’ Pope Francis Says
“We recall and reiterate what the Holy Father said, intervening on this painful story: God is the only master of life from the beginning to its natural end and it is our duty to preserve it always and not give in to the culture of waste.”
Alessandro Gisotti, Director of the Holy See Press Office, underscored this in a statement he issued today, July 11, 2019, in response to the death of Vincent Lambert.
The statement, published in Italian and French, stated the following:
“We received the news of Vincent Lambert’s death with pain. We pray that
the Lord welcomes Him into His house and we express closeness to his loved ones and to those, who up to the last minute, have been committed to assisting him with love and dedication.”
“We recall and reiterate what the Holy Father said, intervening on this painful story: God is the only master of life from the beginning to its natural end and it is our duty to preserve it always and not give in to the culture of waste.”
Following the Holy See’s statement, Pope Francis sent the following tweet: “May God the Father welcome Vincent Lambert in His arms. Let us not build a civilization that discards persons those whose lives we no longer consider to be worthy of living: every life is valuable, always.”
Yesterday, Francis tweeted: “We pray for the sick who are abandoned and left to die. A society is human if it protects life, every life, from its beginning to its natural end, without choosing who is worthy to live or who is not. Doctors should serve life, not take it away.”
The Vatican on May 21 called for protecting the life of Vincent Lambert, saying that “continued assistance” is an “inescapable duty” and doing otherwise is a “grave violation” of human dignity. This was conveyed in a joint declaration of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life and the Pontifical Academy for Life on the case of Lambert, someone severely disabled in France where there is ethical debate about whether he should be allowed to die as a result of lack of food and water.
Reiterating that withdrawing nutrition and hydration would constitute a grave violation of human dignity, the Vatican noted that while “the “vegetative state” is certainly a burdensome pathological state,” it “however does not in any way compromise the dignity of those people who find themselves in this condition, nor does it compromise their fundamental rights to life and to care, understood as the continuity of basic human assistance.”
Nutrition and hydration, they explained, constitute a form of essential care, “always proportionate to life support.” To nourish a sick person, they continued, “never constitutes a form of unreasonable therapeutic obstinacy, as long as the person is able to receive nutrition and hydration, provided this does not cause intolerable suffering or prove damaging to the patient.”
Abandonment, Pitiless Judgment
“The suspension of such care represents, rather,” they decried, “a form of abandonment of the patient, based on a pitiless judgment of the quality of life, expression of a throwaway culture that selects the most fragile and helpless people, without recognizing their uniqueness and immense value.”
“The continuity of assistance,” they underscored, “is an inescapable duty.”
They expressed their hope “that solutions may be found as soon as possible to protect Mr. Lambert’s life,” and concluded expressing the prayer of the Holy Father and all the Church.
On May 20, Pope Francis tweeted: “We pray for those who live with severe illness. Let us always safeguard life, God’s gift, from its beginning until its natural end. Let us not give in to a throwaway culture.”
Joint Declaration of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life and the Pontifical Academy for Life on the case of Mr. Vincent Lambert: In full agreement with the affirmations of the Archbishop of Reims, H.E. Msgr. Éric de Moulins-Beaufort, and the auxiliary bishop, H.E. Msgr. Bruno Feillet, in relation to the sad case of Mr. Vincent Lambert, we wish to reiterate the grave violation of the dignity of the person that the withdrawal of nutrition and hydration would constitute. Indeed, the “vegetative state” is certainly a burdensome pathological state, which however does not in any way compromise the dignity of those people who find themselves in this condition, nor does it compromise their fundamental rights to life and to care, understood as the continuity of basic human assistance.
Nutrition and hydration constitute a form of essential care, always proportionate to life support: to nourish a sick person never constitutes a form of unreasonable therapeutic obstinacy, as long as the person is able to receive nutrition and hydration, provided this does not cause intolerable suffering or prove damaging to the patient.
The suspension of such care represents, rather, a form of abandonment of the patient, based on a pitiless judgment of the quality of life, expression of a throwaway culture that selects the most fragile and helpless people, without recognizing their uniqueness and immense value. The continuity of assistance is an inescapable duty.
We therefore hope that solutions may be found as soon as possible to protect Mr. Lambert’s life. To this end, we assure the prayer of the Holy Father and all the Church.
[Vatican-provided statement]
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actu-alite · 5 years
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Le médecin de Vincent Lambert a tranché !
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pope-francis-quotes · 5 years
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21st May >> (@VaticanNews) #Pope Francis #PopeFrancis While a court order in #France reverses procedures to stop feeding and hydrating #VincentLambert, #PopeFrancis reaffirms that life is “God’s gift, from its beginning until its natural end”.
Vincent Lambert: French court orders life support to resume
While a court order in France reverses procedures to stop feeding and hydrating Vincent Lambert, in the Vatican Pope Francis reaffirms that life is “God’s gift, from its beginning until its natural end”.
By Vatican News
Vincent Lambert is 42 years of age and has been hospitalized in Rheims since 2008 following a motorcycle accident. He is quadriplegic and has suffered severe brain damage, but he continues to breathe autonomously. While some doctors describe him as being "minimally consciousness", others claim he is in a "chronically vegetative" state.
On Monday, medical staff began turning off the life support systems that feed and hydrate Lambert, despite appeals from his parents to the contrary. The new court ruling reverses that procedure.
Appeals by Pope Francis
Also on Monday, Pope Francis reaffirmed the position of the Church by publishing a tweet on his @Pontifex account. The text reads as follows:
“We pray for those who live with severe illness. Let us always safeguard life, God’s gift, from its beginning until its natural end. Let us not give in to a throwaway culture”.
Last year, the Pope launched two appeals for Vincent Lambert, along with the case of little Alfie Evans. Before the Regina Coeli on April 15, he said: “I entrust to your prayer people like Vincent Lambert in France and little Alfie Evans in England, and others in different countries, who live, sometimes for a long time, in a state of serious infirmity, requiring medical assistance for their basic needs. These are delicate situations that are very painful and complex. We pray that every patient will always be respected in his or her dignity, and treated in a way appropriate to their condition, with the whole-hearted contribution of family members, doctors and other health workers, and with great respect for life”.
During the General Audience of Wednesday April 18, Pope Francis added: “I would like to reiterate and strongly confirm that the only master of life, from its beginning to its natural end, is God. Our duty is to do everything to protect life”.
Appeal by Archbishop of Rheims
In a statement, the Archbishop of Rheims, Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, said: “It is the honour of a human society not to let one of its members die of hunger or thirst and to do everything possible to maintain appropriate treatment until the end.
To allow oneself to renounce it because such a cure has a cost or because it would be useless to let the human person live, would ruin the efforts of our civilization. The greatness of humanity consists in considering the dignity of its members, especially the most vulnerable, as inalienable and inviolable”.
Intervention by UN Committee
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities had urged France to intervene and delay the move to switch off life support while it continues to investigate further the case of Vincent Lambert.
21st May 2019, 07:51
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