Me: my fav hazbin character is the one who drugs people into a fabricated "happiness" to better manipulate them into doing what they want and also openly sexually assaults people
Them: oh so u mean valentino-
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 years
Rewritten Alastor notes (TW: NSFL, Cannibalism, Vore, animal abuse)
This is unexpected I know, but I’m suffering from a major headache and I need something to do.
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Alastor the Radio Demon in my non-existent Hazbin repaint. Things he has in common with his canon self:
Human soul of a man who died in the 1930s. Was a cannibal in life.
Tried (and succeeded) to corrupt a bunch of lesser demons. 
Respected by the big-bads of Hell, like Valentino and Vox. Feared among them as well because he creeps even them out.
Deer + wendigo motif still very much still at play.
Still asexual, though I wouldn’t recommend putting him on any pride flags.
Gets along with Charlie and loves antagonizing Vaggie.
Treats Nifty and Husk as goons and/or pets.
His weird hair tufts emote along with him like ears. I don’t know if they are ears though. I think Viv has the right idea not confirming what the frack is up with his anatomy.
Can’t ever stop smiling. Ever. That aspect of Al’s design is something real special that I think Viv has the right idea implementing. A character who can not stop smiling makes for a lot of terrifying and hilarious reactions. Just look at Sans near eternal smile. 
Inexplicably likes pineapple pizza. Funny out-of-character gag.
Changes made to his character:
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I do not mind Hazbin being crass and vile and offensively-over the top as long as it has a good grasp on what the joke is (like Helluva Boss :>). My Hazbin thesis is that all of the characters are “demons” in as much as they’ve done bad things or were bad people, but are not maniacal or sadistic + there’s hope for some of them. THEN there’s Alastor who absolutely lives up to the demon-reputation and did genuinely evil things in life. Alastor’s the kind of person who absolutely should be purged but has escaped because those who are supposed to be for justice aren’t threatened by him.
He isn’t involved in voodoo or has any affluent Creole background. With all do respect that aspect feels just a little too lifted from Dr. Facilier. My Alastor’s background is American “mutt” with an Algonquian-native grandmother.
His sin in life - and in Hell itself - is Gluttony. Taking a page from the OG Wendigo mythos, which describes them more as pulsating, gorging Elderitch abominations, Al’s MO in the show is to consume everyone and everything there is. 
Alastor’s demonic powers are presented as a wave of high frequency radio static that messes with a demon’s psyche so much it physically hurts them. Al then scoops up his victim’s souls to power his microphone and everything that demon had in it’s possession beforehand crumbles or becomes his.
Angel is afraid of him. Unlike in the canon cartoon, Angel is the one who recognizes Alastor and knows he’s dangerous, not Vaggie. Turns out, Angel had a run in with the Radio Demon sometime during the mid twentieth century (so when they were both pretty young in demon years). Angel tried to steal Al’s microphone but Al flung a nasty radio-frequency in Angel’s face, taking out one of his eyes. Angel was present during Al’s first attempt to take over Hell, so he immediately knows Al’s bad news and Alastor never misses the opportunity to mess with Angel in season 1.
Alastor is a shape-shifter. In what is probably the most grizzly detail about my take, he technically self-mutilates in order to re-imagine himself ala the Hellraiser Cenobites - which he does quite a bit to hide from Charlie’s parents.
Technically, Al is naked. What looks like a suit is actually his flesh. Look closely at you’ll see that he’s all stitched together like a crude taxidermy piece. Beneath his “skin” are his bones; which all look like mechanical radio parts and move independently of another. Sometimes Al tears them out if he thinks his “wiring needs to be reworked”, which is Al for ‘feeling an emotion’ and he doesn’t like that.
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The motif my Alastor is supposed to invoke is everything about him was “stolen” and crudely pieced back together: he collects and traps other demons inside his microphone; he eats by unhinging his mouth and swallows in one gulp. Alastor’s anatomy invokes a lot of vore imagery as well as Ero Guro. Despite being ace, there is a sexual (but not arousing) edge to his character, which leads to a lot or horror and humor.
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Alastor does not like that he was human. He’s even in denial of it and insists “I was always a demon. I simply had a nightmare that I was a man. Now I’m awake and the nightmare is long gone”.
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Alastor’s human name was Edward; he was a sad, pathetic little man whom everyone walked all over. Edward wanted to be a radio host but was denied that position cause he ‘couldn’t smile’. Edward was deeply disturbed and fixated on ingesting human meat (a condition called ‘wendigo psychosis’). Despite committing murder and then eating all his victim’s bodies, he can’t recall most of the process and was frightened by his behavior, knew what he was doing was wrong. BUT he never went about treating his addiction with meat; he’d have “cold periods” where he didn’t kill and thought he was ‘fixed’ only for his psychosis to resurface.
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Alastor’s demon self aims to be all the things that he wasn’t in life: happy, fulfilled, complete, confident, cheery, and satisfied. Al relishes in his self-made creepy image and no doubt took his demon name from a famous Alastair from his youth. 
Al’s character arc throughout the ‘show’ (there is no show, why am I treating this like genuine pitch bible blah) goes as follows:
For the first season leading up the the finale and beginning of season 2, Al pretends to be Charlie’s friend until he backstabs her and takes over her hotel to harvest the ‘redeemed’ souls so he can restart his broadcasting-takeover that was just barely stopped years before. Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel intercept him however and destroy his microphone - which holds all the souls - causing him to loose his power. Charlie personality terminates his physical form leaving only his ‘heart’, which Lucifer makes Charlie eat so that Alastor will forever be under her control. The downside to this is Al’s soul+heart+person exists within Charlie now, and he of course speaks to her within her mind, trying to discourage, belittle, threaten or taunt her plans and feelings throughout the second season. Season 3′s opening would be about the main cast trying to get Vaggie out of Heaven once they learn it’s as corrupted as Hell. Charlie needs Al’s expertise, so she vomits him up. Al agrees to help her but is obviously not happy and vows to get his freedom back. In the second half of season 3, the main characters have to lay low while the angels partake in spiritual warfare against Lucifer. So Charlie and co. escape to the human world disguised as humans. Though an agreement, Alastor comes along and aquires a foreclosed motel for the demon’s to live (he intends to trap mortal souls while he’s there, though Charlie intercepts this too). 
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Angel and co. end up discovering Al’s human identity (something he tried to cover up any evidence of having in Hell) and invite his now elderly human daughter to the motel. It works too well however, and the fright of seeing his daughter again triggers an all out anxiety attack in Alastor causing him to merge with the motel. Charlie has to traverse his insides to try and get to his crumbling psyche which would be very Akira-inspired.
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Meanwhile, inside Alastor’s mind we see his demon form finally baring a frown and freaking out as the pathological spirits of his victims sing to him in a radio booth about the life he’d chosen and the lives he took away from them. (Yes, this is absolutely taken from Bojack Horseman)
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Once Charlie cuts to his core+Al faces the fact that there never was another demon responsible for his actions, it was always just him, Al relinquishes his hold on that motel and his physical form become that of a baby deer, whom Charlie nicknames ‘Deerlastor’. Deerlastor doesn’t appear to have any of Al’s powers, memories, or personality but Angel and the other demon’s Al’s abused insist on killing it, sure that this is just another one of Al’s weird forms. Because of Alastor’s absence, it takes a lot longer and harder for the main cast to get back to hell and help Charlie’s dad’s stop the (previously human) angels who want to wipe purge ALL of hell.
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To take out the main ‘enlightened’ angel that’s in the middle of trying to purge ALL of Hell, the demon’s need a power of their own. Deerlastor agrees to sacrifice its body and because of that, Alastor pops out from the deer’s body and head on collides w. the big bad angel-villain, eliminating both their souls. Alastor gets no proper redemption arc kids, he just gets to be the one to take out the main villain.
Edward/Alastor’s daughter’s name was Lavinia and she was the closest thing to genuine ‘love’ he had in his life and the only person who obviously looked up rather than ignore or abuse Edward. When Ed was arrested and confessed to his crimes, his daughter wasn’t allowed to see him and the knowledge that her father was a cannibalistic serial killer haunted Lavinia all her life.
His crimes were not sexual. This is NOT AN EXCUSE for what he did though because - 
- two of his victims were children. Yep. 
Unlike the rest of the filth-spewing demons, Al doesn’t appreciate racism or sexism. He thinks himself a feminist for his day...despite also having killed women and children. Keep in mind he’s also from the 30s, so he’s as “progressive” as people could be for back then, AND he believes that his partial native ancestry means it’s okay to call himself a ‘wendigo’.
In reference to an oooooooooooold ref sheet Viv made for Alastor back in the day, Deerlastor gets shot in the head and dismembered a lot but always gets up like nothing’s wrong.
Alastor does not like electroswing. He likes jazz, doowop, twist, show jingles, and lots of American Folk ballads. You know, the stuff they’d jam the radio’s with back in the 30s.
Big influences on my Alastor are They Shoot Horses Don’t They?, American Murder Song, My Friend Dahmer (a graphic novel), Llamas with Hats and Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk. 
(Ima thinking of renaming my Hazbin gang to better distinguish them between the canon. Alastor’s the only one who won’t be renamed though, just probably spelled a different way. (Alystar, Alaster, Alastar))
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zrtranscripts · 7 years
The Way of All Flesh, Episode 1
In this episode: Jody and Chris, runners from Abel Township, take shelter from the zombie horde in a mysterious country house, Gadsen Manor. They have company - who seem friendly at first. But when things turn sour, where will suspicion fall?
CHRIS MCSHELL: I suppose we should start by introducing ourselves. Someone might be listening.
JODY MARSH: Or we might die here.
CHRIS MCSHELL: We're not going to die here! Statistically, it's very unlikely we'll die here. Hello, anyone listening. Uh, I'm Chris McShell. This is Jody Marsh.
JODY MARSH: Chris was a statistician before the apocalypse. He does mathematical modeling of zombie herd movement, now. It's really clever. I used to do financial analysis, which is a bit less useful now. We're from Abel Township, a settlement. We're not there now because someone said that even though the horde was becoming dangerously large, we should still observe the zombies and gather vital data.
CHRIS MCSHELL: It is vital! And if I didn't have my field recorder, we wouldn't be able to go over the evidence now.
JODY MARSH: We wouldn't need to, because we'd be warm and dry at Abel!
CHRIS MCSHELL: We're warm and dry here! Admittedly, a murderer is warm and dry with us. Let's start at the beginning. We were on a field investigation. Uh, can you play Field Note 420, Jody?
[recorder clicks]
[zombies groan]
CHRIS MCSHELL: Oh, now, that's interesting! That zombie appears to be sniffing the air, even though it has no nose!
JODY MARSH: Can we move now, Chris?
CHRIS MCSHELL: Just a moment. We'll make our escape via the road to the east.
JODY MARSH: I thought we were heading north.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Oh, no! No, that will have filled up with zoms. East road's our way out.
JODY MARSH: East road's full of zombies, Chris.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Oh, but... no, because... ah, yes! Yes, I see what's happened here.
JODY MARSH: Chris, what's happened here is that you've trapped us between three hordes of zombies, and there's no way home, and you -
[recorder clicks]
CHRIS MCSHELL: You can fast forward that bit. It just has you swearing at me.
JODY MARSH: Ah, the days when I swore at you just for trapping me between zombie hordes. I'm nostalgic for that, Chris, and it was only yesterday.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Find the bit about the manor.
[recorder fast forwards]
[zombies groan]
SAM YAO: Chris, Jody, you have to find shelter!
JODY MARSH: There is no shelter, Sam!
SAM YAO: Runner Five says she knows somewhere. Uh, explain, Alice. Okay, okay, that'll work. Uh, see that enormous chain-link fence?
JODY MARSH: Uh, the 10 foot one?
SAM YAO: Yeah, yeah, so climb that. On the other side is a, uh... what is it, Alice? Oh, amazing. It's a manor house. Gadsen Manor, untouched, Alice says, and protected by the 10 foot fence. If you can get in there, you'll be safe until we can get you.
JODY MARSH: Okay, we're climbing.
[fence rattles, zombies groan]
[recorder fast forwards]
JODY MARSH: Oh, wow! This is dead nice, Sam. My mom took us to a place like this once. National Trust. You weren't even allowed to breath on stuff.
SAM YAO: Yeah, uh, Alice says maybe it's some tech billionaire's pad. Solar panels and wind generators keep the power on.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Ah, that explains the automatic doors that opened as we arrived.
JODY MARSH: There's a cardboard deer's head on the wall, and like, a chandelier, but made out of wires. It's like hipster fortress.
SAM YAO: [laughs] Yeah, that's what Alice said. [static] No, wait, uh, something's happening to my signal.
JODY MARSH: Sam? Sam? We're not hearing you.
SAM YAO: [static] Uh, no, I can barely hear you.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Something in the house is interfering with the transmission.
SAM YAO: [static] Look after each other. We'll come and get you when we can!
JODY MARSH: Ugh, this is all we need. Stuck in a horde, and now no Sam. We could have been safe home by now, Chris!
CHRIS MCSHELL: Oh, come on. It's all right. We're safe for now. And look at this place! [opens door] This sideboard alone has enough pâté and brandy for us to sit out a month in comfort and safety.
JODY MARSH: Uh, yeah, if there aren't some zombies in the house with us.
[recorder fast forwards]
JODY MARSH: There's definitely something on the other side of this door, Chris.
CHRIS MCSHELL: You're armed with a poker. I'm armed with a shovel.
JODY MARSH: Shame that ax on the wall turned out to be made out of Lego.
CHRIS MCSHELL: On three, open the door and attack. One, two -
[KEITH]: - three!
[door bursts open, multiple people shout, Mace sprays, CHRIS MCSHELL screams]
MANISHA: Keith! Keith, don't!
KEITH: Oh my God, oh my God, sorry, sorry!
JODY MARSH: Stop spraying him with that, then!
KEITH: Sorry, sorry!
CHRIS MCSHELL: What - [coughs] what have you done to me?
KEITH: We thought you were zombies.
MANISHA: All we had was a can of Mace.
CHRIS MCSHELL: What did you think that was going to do to a zombie?
KEITH: Well, they must see somehow. Oh God, are you all right? Nish, is he alright?
MANISHA: It's going to be all right. I'm a doctor. We'll find somewhere to wash your eyes out.
[recorder fast forwards]
[water runs]
MANISHA: How does that feel?
CHRIS MCSHELL: A bit better. I still can't see.
MANISHA: Yeah, Keith emptied half a can into your face. Overkill, as usual.
KEITH: Sorry, sorry.
CALLUM: That's what you always say.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Look, it's not that I mind being temporarily blinded. It's being temporarily blinded because of a fundamental misconception about the nature of zombie cognition! I mean, zombies would not be affected by mace!
JODY MARSH: Will he... will he be able to see again?
MANISHA: I'll bandage his eyes. Should be okay in 72 hours. Introductions. I'm Manisha Plassard. Was a surgeon before all this.
JODY MARSH: Wow, a surgeon!
CALLUM: Oh yeah. She was saving lives in the Third World, weren't you, Nish?
MANISHA: Yes, Callum, of course I was. I'm a saint. Oh, we all are. You were exposing corruption, and Keith was using his fame to spread awareness of preventable disease.
CALLUM: You are a preventable disease, sweetheart.
MANISHA: At least I am preventable. Nowhere's safe from you. Callum was a gossip journo for the gutter press, and I was sticking fake tits on rich women.
CHRIS MCSHELL: And... Keith?
KEITH: You don't recognize me?
KEITH: I... I'm Keith Carroway. Keith Carroway?
MANISHA: He likes it if you pretend to recognize him.
JODY MARSH: Ah, Keith Carroway! Actually, I do think I remember you. You were off, um, [?] -
KEITH: [?]. I was Trevor. Yeah, I came in for a three episode arc to be Camil the builder's bit of rough, but my chemistry with Marky and Viv was really popping, so they kept me on. I talked Marsha through the birth after the coach crash. I saved Victor's life when he needed a blood transfusion after he was allergic to that prawn [?].
CHRIS MCSHELL: You wouldn't need a blood transfusion after anaphylaxis.
MANISHA: I know! I've told him that.
KEITH: And then I was in Celebrity Car Wash, and in Who's That Famous Baby? Nation's heartthrob. Oh, I did that interview about playing gay even though I'm straight with Michelle McQueen on breakfast TV.
JODY MARSH: Ah yeah! I saw you in Metro. Didn't you... didn't you have a punch-up with that bloke -
MANISHA: He doesn't talk about it. About the only thing he doesn't talk about.
CHRIS MCSHELL: I take it you three know each other?
CALLUM: We've been together since the apocalypse. I'm Callum Donaldson, journalist. I was interviewing Keith on the day of the outbreak. Nish was there because -
MANISHA: Because we're friends, me and Callum. Go way back.
KEITH: When that first zombie broke down the door, I thought, "Oh my God! I'm finally back! This is Darren Brown doing one of those candid camera 'you've been framed' things."
CHRIS MCSHELL: [clears throat] You're lucky you found this place.
CALLUM: I heard a rumor about it months ago. We'd been trying to get here for a while. Solar panels, fences. Seemed perfect.
MANISHA: Look! Out the window. Someone else has the same idea.
CHRIS MCSHELL: What? Who? What's going on?
JODY MARSH: More people scaling the fence from the west.
MANISHA: Two women and a man, heading for us.
JODY MARSH: Aw crap! One of the women has cut the fence. The zoms are after her!
[recorder fast forwards]
JODY MARSH: The four of them are running towards the front door, Chris. [opens door] Run! You can beat the zoms!
CALLUM: Come on! Put your feet on!
MANISHA: That old lady who cut the fence isn't going to make it. She's old. Those are kid zombies after her.
CALLUM: She only made a tiny hole. Looks like she tried to seal it, too.
KEITH: Oh God, I can't watch, I can't!
MANISHA: Go and stare at yourself in the mirror for a bit, then.
JODY MARSH: There's only four zoms after her. The rest of the hole's sort of closed up by the bodies of zoms that have got impaled on the fence.
MANISHA: She can't outrun them.
CHRIS MCSHELL: We might be able to help if she gets close enough. Jody, you can do the maneuver we practiced.
CALLUM: What do you two do, exactly? Oh, the old biddy's gone crazy. She's making a break for the trees. Over here! We've been traumatized enough already. We don't want to have to watch you die!
MANISHA: Compassionate. I don't think she is crazy. There's a tree house, ladder up to it.
JODY MARSH: It's a tree mansion! Must be the healthiest tree in the place. It's still got all its leaves even though the others are bare. Chris, she's going to be all right. The zoms are surrounding the tree but can't get up there. And here come the others. No one dies today. Come in, all of you, quickly!
[recorder fast forwards]
PROF: Tea's up, everyone. Beautiful place, here. I'm... Professor Walter Huebner, by the way. Everyone calls me the Prof.
JODY MARSH: The four of you made quite an entrance, Prof. Well, you three and the lady in the tree. Oh, poor lady. Look, I found biscuits. They're posh ones with chocolate inside and outside!
ROSE: Well, good work, lassie. Ah, they fit with everything else in here. Even the biscuit's as posh as... posh as... posh as anything! I'm Rose. I don't see much point talking about what we all did before this. Most of us won't be alive this time next year, will we?
JODY MARSH: Actually, I'm going to live. Hey, maybe those zombies will get bored and we can get that lady down and give her some biscuits.
GERI: They don't get bored, unlike us. That's their advantage. I'm Geri Kim, by the way. Was a student before all this. Philosophy and Computer Science. Hey, has anyone seen the transmission equipment in this place? I've got a message I'd like to get out.
CHRIS MCSHELL: We haven't found anything like that, Geri. Surprising, really. I mean, it's stocked for quite a long siege, here. Food, books, games.
GERI: Well, it's a pretty urgent message. I need to let my girlfriend know I'm okay.
ROSE: Oh, we all have people, lassie, but you can't always talk when you want. At least we're all right, unlike those brain-dead things outside.
CALLUM: They remind me of you, Manisha.
MANISHA: What, drooling brain-dead stupor? That's only when I have to listen to your conversation, darling.
GERI: Wow. You two sound like my parents. Are you married?
MANISHA and CALLUM: Long story.
MANISHA: And we'll have plenty of time to tell it, stuck here. Rose, Jerry, Prof, were you all travelling together with the lady in the tree house?
ROSE: I travel alone. A blight has come upon the land. No point making friends when the doom stalks us all. It doesn't serve to get attached.
PROF: Rose is a ray of sunshine, as you can see. No, the four of us were trapped together last night by the Birmingham horde. The poor dear in the tree house is Sheila. She said she'd spotted a house out this way. Pity, really, that she's the one who's ended up without shelter.
KEITH: Oh, I can't look at her. Someone close the curtains.
[chair scrapes across floor]
CHRIS MCSHELL: The Birmingham horde? Yes, thought it was more zombies than I'd have expected!
ROSE: See, it happens in a lot of big cities. People hole up, think they'll be safe in their homes. Got food, water, sorted! But the horde grows every day. In the end, sheer weight of the bodies stoves in windows, brings down walls, and each new dead one adds to the pressure. That's how a city falls.
PROF: Yes, that's the pattern. You know, I noticed a selection of excellent scotches in the billiard room. Can I get anyone a glass?
GERI: Yeah, I'd like a single malt. And I think I'll have a look around. There must be something we can use here to communicate with the outside world.
CHRIS MCSHELL: I'll have one of those biscuits.
MANISHA: What are you a professor of, Prof?
PROF: Molecular biology. Actually, I should point out I have a few rather dangerous chemicals with me. I've placed them in their case on this high shelf here. Just wouldn't want anyone to mistake them for ingredients.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Oh! I have some theories about the microbiology of the zombie plague I'd love to discuss with you -
CALLUM: Hey! This kitchen seems to have everything anyone could ever have stored in cans. Rose, do you want to help me make dinner?
ROSE: Aye, I suppose I will.
[recorder fast forwards]
JODY MARSH: Mmm. I never would have put tinned pheasant together with tinned prunes. It's amazing, Callum.
CALLUM: Oh, I learned a few things when I was embedded with the Army.
MANISHA: What? You were never embedded with the Army.
CALLUM: I was. Early on, when I thought I could do some good. Remember my story about Pandora Haze?
MANISHA: Remember it? You never bloody stop going on about it.
CALLUM: Pandora Haze, that technology company, poisoned thousands of peoples' water in Somalia, and I exposed it. Got loads by listening in to their voice mails. You know you can do that? Most people never change their PIN number. I know I don't. I found out what Pandora Haze had done, and I was the one who told the world. That was the only really good story I've ever done in my life.
MANISHA: Pity they never convicted a single person in company management, eh? Passed the buck to underlings, as usual. So your exposé didn't actually do anything.
CALLUM: I tell you what, I've got a few things still to tell. Stuff I couldn't publish before the apocalypse, but now... you know they've started up that new internet system, Rofflenet, between settlements? I'm going to put it all on there. Everyone's dirty little secrets, out in the open.
MANISHA: That's more your style. Gossip! Got any footage of coked-up celebrities beating innocent cloakroom attendants half to death?
KEITH: I didn't beat him half to death. I just broke his nose, all right? [under his breath] I didn't mean to. And his jaw. And his collarbone. [out loud] He was fine! I paid for all of his treatment, private rooms and everything! It was a difficult time for me.
ROSE: For you? Ah, you're a danger to yourself and others, are you? Well, it doesn't mean much anymore to be a criminal, not with the way the world's going. All debts are paid, isn't that right, Callum? No one owes anyone anything anymore.
KEITH: I'm not a criminal. It would never have really come out if Callum hadn't chased down the security footage. I was just tired and emotional, and he got in my way, and I lost it. I paid him compensation, didn't I? Without being asked. More money than he'd ever see in ten years, working in that bloody cloakroom.
MANISHA: And how was the career going, Keith, before the apocalypse?
KEITH: I was just waiting for the right part to come along.
MANISHA: While doing an interview with Callum about your drug struggle?
KEITH: To rehabilitate my reputation. The same journo who'd shopped me, you know, to show how much I'd changed.
MANISHA: God, it's a good thing you're pretty, because you really are thick, aren't you? It wasn't going to be rehabilitation. Cal was going to provoke you to take a swing at him. That was going to be the headline. Before the zombies, anyway.
KEITH: No. No. Callum, with me, you weren't...?
GERI: Oh, look at Callum! My friend Paul used to get that look when he's hidden his stash before his mom comes around. Corners of his mouth. Busted!
KEITH: Callum! We've been travelling together for months.
PROF: [clears throat] I must say this homemade bread is excellent, Rose. Have you ever worked in a kitchen?
ROSE: None of your beeswax!
PROF: Uh, fair enough. Keith, tell us, which famous people have you met?
[doorbell rings]
ROSE: Someone's at the door.
[doorbell rings repeatedly in background]
GERI: Zombies don't ring doorbells.
KEITH: What is it? Who's ringing the bell?
ROSE: We should put our feet on and answer it.
JODY MARSH: But what if it's... what if it's the horde pressing on the windows, bringing down the walls?
CHRIS MCSHELL: We'll all go together. Armed, and not with mace, Keith. Jody, will you take my arm and lead me?
[recorder fast forwards]
[door opens]
CHRIS MCSHELL: What's out there, Jody?
JODY MARSH: Nothing. There's no one here. There's still those four zombies around the tree where that poor woman's hiding. It's dark. There's no light anywhere but this house.
GERI: We're cut off. Completely isolated.
ROSE: We could be the last people alive in the world.
CALLUM: But would all the debts be paid if we were?
ROSE: I think the debts are paid already. No one owes me anything anyway.
KEITH: What are you two on about?
CALLUM: I don't know. It's just a rather peculiar feeling, stuck in here in luxury with all this outside.
MANISHA: Let's go back in.
JODY MARSH: Chris, take my arm. I'll lead you back. Keith, you're standing in the way. Come on, Chris. This way.
[recorder fast forwards]
KEITH: That was weird. I don't like it.
GERI: Computer systems running the house are probably on the fritz.
ROSE: Or it's the ghosts of all those poor lost souls pressing on the fence, wanting us to let them in.
GERI: Yeah. Ghosts. I mean, there's zombies, why wouldn't there be ghosts? You got any more of that Talisker, Prof?
MANISHA: The bell's stopped now, anyway.
PROF: Supper's getting cold. I'll open another bottle of Château Lafite.
[chair scrapes across floor]
CALLUM: If I do say so myself, [coughs] this stew is absolute- [coughs] -lutely [coughs] absolutely – [coughs] Rose, I'm sor- [coughs, chokes]
MANISHA: Callum!
[CALLUM chokes and collapses onto the table]
KEITH: Oh God! What's happened? He – he's fallen into his food. What happened? Nish, do something!
MANISHA: He's... he's dead. [ominous music plays] Callum's dead!
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 10 December 2018
Quick Bits:
Astonisher #13 adds Ryan O’Sullivan to the writer’s chair alongside Priest as this arc takes an interesting turn. The idea of the red parasite that’s been haranguing the planet since the first issue being fractured and confused pretty much turns the first twelve issues upside down if it’s indeed true. Great art from Al Barrionuevo, Rodney Ramos, Matt Banning, and Jamie Grant.
| Published by Lion Forge / Catalyst Prime
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Avengers #11 takes a very different approach than the first ten issues or so as Jason Aaron throws more plot developments at us than Ursus Major hurls insults. It’s interesting as it works through the building problems with the US government, attempts at building a coalition of nations assisting the Avengers, Thor and Jennifer Walters’ date, and the surprise heel turn of a once deceased SHIELD agent. All with wonderful art from Ed McGuinness, Cory Smith, Mark Morales, Scott Hanna, Karl Kesel, and Erick Arciniega.
| Published by Marvel
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Batman Annual #3 features a very sweet story from Tom Taylor, Otto Schmidt, and Troy Peteri that focuses on Alfred and all that he sacrifices and takes on himself in order to ensure Bruce can continue in his chosen vocation. The art from Schmidt is perfect and the heart and soul, complete with some very nice humour, that Taylor instills in the dialogue and narration are a very welcome change of pace from some of the grim and gritty takes on Batman. I think we need more Batman stories like this.
| Published by DC Comics
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The Batman Who Laughs #1 is an interesting counterpoint to the Batman Annual, with a tale of body trafficking, alternate Batmen, and death from Scott Snyder, Jock, David Baron, and Sal Cipriano. It’s dour, bleak, and even more violent, even with corny insurance jokes. I can’t say it’s bad, though, the mystery is interesting, the art is wonderful, and there’s one hell of a cliffhanger, but it is dark.
| Published by DC Comics
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Bitter Root #2 features some amazing artwork from Sanford Greene and Rico Renzi. The designs for the monsters, Jinoo or otherwise, are amazing and the feel of the colours, purples and greens, just bathe the story in an otherworldly glow.
| Published by Image
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Black Panther #7 begins Book 2, “The Gathering of My Name”, with Kev Walker and Stéphane Paitreau joining Ta-Nehisi Coates and Joe Sabino to provide the art for this story. It’s a little more focused than the first arc, delivering a solid plan for the rebels to reclaim their identities.
| Published by Marvel
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Captain Ginger #2 keeps things purring along as the Captain and Ramscoop leave off to follow a signal that they hope will bring them to another ship of cats. Then everything goes to hell aboard the mothership. Love the artwork from June Brigham, Roy Richardson, and Veronica Gandini. There’s also the usual prose pieces and a Hashtag: Danger back-up comic to round out the issue. “Company Policy Regarding Eel” from Mark Russell with a spot illustration from Ryan Kelly is particularly humorous.
| Published by Ahoy
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Champions #27 concludes the Weirdworld arc and this volume of the series with the power of friendship. It’s actually a pretty good character arc for the former Nova and some neat stuff you wouldn’t necessarily have expected from Viv. Amazing art and designs from Max Dunbar and Nolan Woodard.
| Published by Marvel
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Daughters of the Dragon #2 continues this digital original with a slightly different approach from the others, presenting an overarching story, but within that Jed MacKay is breaking it down into discrete two-part arcs. It works fairly well, giving some very entertaining action stories. The art for these two parts is handled by Joey Vasquez, Craig Yeung, Rain Beredo, and Jordan Gibson and it looks pretty good. There’s some really nice composition in the final confrontation.
| Published by Marvel
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Dead Kings #2 is not quite as immediately bleak as Crude was, but it’s pretty close, with Steve Orlando revisiting some similar themes of regret and responsibility in Russia here. This is obviously more fantastical, blending fable and technology in a post-apocalyptic Thrice-Nine, with wonderfully dark art from Matthew Dow Smith and Lauren Affe to bring life to this slowly dying world.
| Published by AfterShock
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Detective Comics #994 begins “Mythology” from the new creative team of Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke, Jaime Mendoza, David Baron, and Rob Leigh and it’s pretty damn good. It feels great to actually see some detective work in Detective Comics and the mystery of why someone would go to the lengths to stage a pair of murder victims to look like Bruce’s parents is intriguing. The art from Mahnke, Mendoza, and Baron is also wonderful. Mahnke’s style is actually fairly restrained here compared to what I’ve been used to, which when combined with this particular blue from Baron, reminds me more of the Batman of yesteryear and the works of Neal Adams, Jim Aparo, Norm Breyfogle, Marshall Rogers.
| Published by DC Comics
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Doctor Strange: The Best Defense #1 continues this very interesting crossover event. Gerry Duggan, Greg Smallwood, and Cory Petit deliver a wonderful “Old Sorcerer Stephen” or “Doctor Strange: The End” type tale with Strange being almost the sole wanderer in a world where Dormammu and his spawn have conquered the Earth. It’s bleak, horrifying, and beautifully illustrated by Smallwood. It’s also interesting in how it ultimately dovetails the rest of the event. Although it definitely can be enjoyed on its own, this one gives a couple answers to the broader picture of what’s going on.
| Published by Marvel
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Dragon Age: Deception #3 concludes with everyone hating everyone else, more or less, and an interesting revelation about the Magister everyone was so incensed about meeting, killing, and/or stealing from. Interesting new developments regarding the Qunari incursion of Tevinter as well. Great art from Fernando Heinz Furukawa and Michael Atiyeh.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Electric Warriors #2 gets into the battles between warriors and the mechanics of those battles, what transfers to whom depending on challenge, as an alternate to war. It’s interesting enough on the surface, but Steve Orlando definitely seems to be building something bigger. Great art again from Travel Foreman and Hi-Fi. The designs for the characters are truly amazing.
| Published by DC Comics
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The Empty Man #2 pushes the insanity caused by the disease even further. I’m not sure what’s more horrifying, the actions caused by the effects of the disease or the cult popping up around it. Cullen Bunn, Jesús Hervás, Niko Guardia, and Ed Dukeshire are delivering a fairly visceral, thoroughly brutal, horror tale here.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Fearscape #3 endeavours to make you hate the series protagonist, Henry Henry, even more than you already probably do with heinous act after heinous act. It is incredible as to how thoroughly unlikable Ryan O’Sullivan has managed to make him that at this point you kind of just want to see him torn apart by pedantic, pretentious literary critics literally.
| Published by Vault
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The Flash #60 gives us more details on Fuerza, the new Strength Force user, and her plight against a corrupt police force in Corto Maltese. Joshua Williamson is definitely making these new characters interestingly complicated while Flash tries to understand the new forces. Great art from Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, Tomeu Morey, and Hi-Fi.
| Published by DC Comics
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Hawkman #7 brings Hawkman a new origin, and a new reason for being, from Robert Venditti, Bryan Hitch, Andrew Currie, Jeremiah Skipper, and Richard Starkings & Comicraft. This new origin nicely builds on Hawkman’s complicated legacy, not invalidating anything, but enhancing why he keeps being reborn in different places, different eras, and gives him a purpose that’s often been lacking in some of his reboots. Great work.
| Published by DC Comics
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Hellboy Winter Special 2018 has a trio of tales, each of them spotlighting a different era. The first is a wonderful traditional Hellboy short from Mike Mignola, Ben Stenbeck, and Dave Stewart of a seance gone horribly wrong as they also seem to. The second builds on the vampire mythology from the BPRD: 1946-1948 series amidst superstitious villagers fearing for their crops from Gabriel Bá, Fábio Moon, and Dave Stewart. And finally a Lobster Johnson tale from Tonči Zonjić of criminals trying to pass off their handiwork as the Claw of Justice. All three stories are very well done, gorgeous art all throughout.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Infinite Dark #3 reveals the plans, more or less, that Alvin and Kirin put in place to destroy the station. It’s terrifying, and its source possibly more so. It does kind of make me wonder why people are being driven mad at its reality, though.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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Infinity Wars: Ghost Panther #2 concludes this mini, the last of the Infinity Warps. Absolutely stunning artwork from Jefte Palo and Jim Campbell. 
| Published by Marvel
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Justice League Dark #6 concludes the Myrra arc as James Tynion IV waxes philosophically through Bobo and Diana about guilt and responsibility, even as the nightmares at the gate get even closer elsewhere. The art from Daniel Sampere, Juan Albarran, and Adriano Lucas is really damn good.
| Published by DC Comics
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Magic: The Gathering - Chandra #1 features some very impressive art from Harvey Tolibao, Joana Lafuente, and Tristan Jurolan. Nice detail, character designs, and beautiful colours.
| Published by IDW
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The Magic Order #5 delivers one hell of a twist in this penultimate chapter. Also, very inventive methods of torture. Drop dead gorgeous artwork from Olivier Coipel and Dave Stewart.
| Published by Image
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Miles Morales: Spider-Man #1 is a great debut from Saladin Ahmed, Javier Garrón, David Curiel, and Cory Petit. This first issue mainly gets us back up to speed on Miles’ life and supporting cast, introducing and reintroducing the characters and his connections, largely giving narration through his journal, integrating an exercise from his classes to convey the narrative. We get a robbery and a confrontation with the Rhino that sets up the hook for a larger plot and mystery. The art from Garrón and Curiel is gorgeous.
| Published by Marvel
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Oblivion Song #10 is insane. Another bit of Philadelphia has been popped off into Oblivion by the less stable of the Cole brothers and this issue is the resulting chaos. I’m still very impressed with how Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici, Annalisa Leoni, and Rus Wooton are constantly throwing this book into upheaval, with practically every issue giving a new revelation or upending the status quo. This is just great.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Outer Darkness #2 follows up an entertaining first issue with an outstanding second issue, introducing us to much of the crew and more explicitly the types of horrors that they’re going to encounter in space. John Layman, Afu Chan, and Pat Brosseau have something fairly unique here, with the humour just putting it over the top.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #313 brings this battle with Morlun to an end and with it this series. It’s been a decent tie-in to Spider-Geddon from Sean Ryan, Juan Frigeri, Jason Keith, and Travis Lanham, but it is basically a three issue fight scene designed to keep Peter away from the main plot of the event.
| Published by Marvel
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Red Sonja Holiday Special has a fairly entertaining lead story of Sonja learning about Christmas and then becoming embroiled in some weird witness shakedown from Amy Chu, Erik Burnham, Ricardo Jamie, Omi Remalante Jr., and Taylor Esposito. There’s also a classic reprint story from Roy Thomas, Frank Thorne, and Mike Kelleher.
| Published by Dynamite
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Redlands #9 continues this arc’s structure of beginning with a flashback, this time giving us a hint of what Casper did before he was indentured to the sisters. This one’s a little light on pushing the narrative ahead very far, but very high on building more atmosphere, and developing a potential new problem for Laurent.
| Published by Image
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Shadowman #10 has some really great art from Renato Guedes, Eric Battle, and Ulises Arreola. The trade off of sequences for Jack’s confrontation with Sandria Darque and then the flashbacks between Guedes and Battle is very nice, giving a unique feel to both.
| Published by Valiant
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Silver Surfer: The Best Defense #1 has some oblique ties to the rest of “The Best Defense” crossover, mentioning whatever this “train” is, but like the others of these first four parts features a largely independent character study. Jason Latour and Clayton Cowles present a twist on a traditional Silver Surfer morality tale by making it a game between the Surfer and Galactus. Beautifully illustrated, tapping into some of the weirdness of Marvel’s cosmic.
| Published by Marvel
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Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider #3 has Gwen and MJ work out where the Green Goblin’s hideout is with the assistance of this world’s Glory and Betty. This has been an interesting first arc and tie-in to Spider-Geddon from Seanan McGuire, Rosi Kämpe, Ian Herring, and Clayton Cowles.
| Published by Marvel
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Star Trek: Waypoint Special #1 is more than worth it just for “My Human is Not” by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Sonny Liew, and Neil Uyetake. It’s an adorable story from the point of view of Spot, beautifully illustrated by Liew. The other three stories in this special also aren’t too shabby, but you’ll want to buy this one for the tabby.
| Published by IDW
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Star Wars: Age of Republic - Darth Maul #1 continues this series of one-shots with a spotlight on everyone’s favourite horny Sith Lord from Jody Houser, Luke Ross, Java Tartaglia, and Travis Lanham. The art from Ross and Tartaglia is wonderful. The layouts for many of the action sequences are particularly impressive, knocking things off-kilter to evoke the kind of chaotic fighting style of Maul.
| Published by Marvel
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Supergirl #25 goes home to Krypton in the lead story from Marc Andreyko, Emanuela Lupacchino, Ray McCarthy, Lan Medina, Sean Parsons, FCO Plascencia, and Tom Napolitano. It takes Kara’s quest into another different direction, adding another possible impediment in finding everyone and everything that aided in the destruction of Krypton. There are also a couple of back-ups, one fleshing out Dr. Z’ndr Kol and the other a sweet Christmas story.
| Published by DC Comics
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Superman #6 has some absolutely stunning spreads from Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Oclair Albert, and Alex Sinclair. The battle between Rogol Zaar and Superman & Zod is incredible, probably some of the best pages I’ve ever seen from Reis. The narration by Superman from Brian Michael Bendis is also interesting as he waxes philosophical about his speed and fighting side by side with Zod. What is less magical is the ending. Superman leaving Zod, even with pressing concerns elsewhere, feels wrong. I don’t know if it’s intentionally a bad decision on Superman’s part that will be addressed, or if it’s just a bad decision from Bendis. It just doesn’t feel like what Superman would do. Otherwise, this is a pretty great issue.
| Published by DC Comics
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Titans #31 adds Kyle Rayner to the team as Donna Troy officially takes the lead and a number of the simmering sub-plots converge to kick off a new adventure. Great art from Clayton Henry, Brent Peeples, Dexter Vines, and Marcelo Maiolo.
| Published by DC Comics
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Vampirella vs. Reanimator #1 is a damn good start to this mini from Cullen Bunn, Blacky Shepherd, and Taylor Esposito. The art from Shepherd is very impressive. I love the choice to present the story almost entirely in grey tones with spot colours for red and a little bit of sickly yellow, it really makes the art stand out.
| Published by Dynamite
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William Gibson’s Alien 3 #2 continues this excellent adaptation of Gibson’s unproduced screenplay by Johnnie Christmas, Tamra Bonvillain, and Nate Piekos. The political aspect and veritable cold war are very interesting additions to the Alien lore.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Wonder Woman #60 turns the screw a bit with some unexpected developments for Ares. I’m really liking the art from Cary Nord, Mick Gray, and Romulo Fajardo Jr. While definitely partially the influence of Gray’s inking, Nord’s presenting a somewhat looser, more angular style that reminds me a bit of Frank Miller and Phil Hester which really works for the chaotic and bellicose story.
| Published by DC Comics
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Other Highlights: Accell #16, Amazing Spider-Man #11, Animosity: Evolution #9, Asgardians of the Galaxy #4, Auntie Agatha’s Home for Wayward Rabbits #2, Battlestar Galactica Classic #2, Birthright #34, Black Hammer: Cthu-Louise, The Black Order #2, By Night #6, Cemetery Beach #4, DuckTales #14, Elephantmen 2261 Holiday Special, Fantastic Four Wedding Special #1, From Hell Master Edition #2, Giant Days #45, Go Go Power Rangers #15, God of War #2, Goddess Mode #1, Head Lopper #10, Hit-Girl #11, House of Whispers #4, James Bond: Origin #4, Jim Henson’s Beneath the Dark Crystal #5, Joe Golem: The Drowning City #4, The Lone Ranger #3, Mage: The Hero Denied #14, Murder Falcon #3, New Talent Showcase 2018 #1, Patience! Conviction! Revenge! #4, Planet of the Apes: The Simian Age #1, The Quantum Age #5, Red Sonja/Tarzan #6, Rose #15, Sasquatch Detective #1, Sleepless #10, Smooth Criminals #2, Spider-Force #3, Spider-Girls #3, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #27, Star Wars: Han Solo - Imperial Cadet #1, TMNT: Macro-Series #4: Raphael, Typhoid Fever: Iron Fist #1, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #39, The Unstoppable Wasp #3, Vampironica #5, War Bears #3, The Wasted Space Holiday Special #1
Recommended Collections: Amazing Spider-Man - Volume 9, Black Crown Omnibus - Volume 1, Blackwood, Britannia - Volume 3: Lost Eagles of Rome, Cloak and Dagger: Shades of Grey, Curse of Brimstone - Volume 1: Inferno, Fear Agent: Final Edition - Volume 4, Giant Days: Early Registration, Go Go Power Rangers - Volume 2, Hillbilly - Volume 3, Ice Cream Man - Volume 2: Strange Neapolitan, Judge Dredd: Under Siege, Scarlet - Book 2, Star Wars - Volume 9: Hope Dies
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d. emerson eddy would like to take a moment to finally admit...”I’m Batman”.
0 notes