#Wrongful Termination Lawyer Los Angeles
ragerandyoon · 8 days
Understanding FEHA in California Wrongful Termination Cases
Understanding the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) is crucial in employment law, especially for wrongful termination cases. FEHA protects against workplace discrimination and harassment, covering categories like race, gender, and disability. It mandates an interactive process for accommodating disabled employees and prohibits retaliation against those asserting their rights. A skilled wrongful termination lawyer in Los Angeles can navigate these complexities, build strong cases, and protect employee rights through thorough documentation and expert advocacy.
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theorylawapc · 9 months
Wrongful Termination Lawyer Los Angeles | Theory Law APC
Wrongfully fired in California? Maximize your compensation by calling a top wrongful termination lawyer in Los Angeles at (310) 500–0206.
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Hire An Employment Lawyer to Represent Your Company Or Yourself
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If you're looking for an employment lawyer in Glendale, California, there's no better place to start than with a firm like the Law Offices of Robert W. Moore, P.C. We have a strong history of helping clients through all aspects of employment law, including discrimination claims and wrongful termination suits. If you've been mistreated at work or if your company has been accused of misconduct by its employees, it's time to talk with one of our experienced attorneys about how we can help protect your interests.
Employment Lawyers Handle Discrimination Cases
Discrimination cases are common. You may hear these referred to as “discrimination claims,” but they are actually legal actions that can be brought by employees or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Discrimination claims can be based on race, gender, religion, national origin, disability, or age.
When an employee files a discrimination claim against you as the employer or against another employee who has discriminated against him/her, employment lawyers help you defend yourself.
Employment Lawyers Handle Wrongful Termination Cases
An employment attorney will have the knowledge and experience to help you if you believe that your employer wrongfully terminated you.
Employment lawyers handle a variety of workplace issues, including wrongful termination suits, which are defined as terminations based on discriminatory or retaliatory reasons. For example, an employer cannot fire someone because they have filed a workers' compensation claim or because they blew the whistle on unscrupulous practices at their company.
Employment Lawyers Handle Wages and Hours Cases
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When you are an employee, it is the responsibility of your employer to pay you for all of your work. If they do not, or if they fail to pay you correctly or on time, then this can be grounds for a wage and hour case. Wage and hour cases can be complex depending on the circumstances involved. There are many laws that determine what employers are required to pay their employees and how much in order for them to be considered exempt from overtime laws among other things. An employment lawyer can help explain these laws so that you understand why your employer hasn't paid you correctly or on time.
Employment Lawyers Are Not Just for Workers
Employment lawyers can also aid employers. In fact, they often do so as part of their practice. Employers who fail to understand their legal obligations and how best to minimize the risks of lawsuits and other claims are more likely to suffer financial losses. They may also lose productive employees due to high turnover rates or poor morale caused by unfair treatment that violates the law.
The most common type of employment dispute involves an employee who believes they were wrongfully terminated or otherwise treated unfairly in violation of local or state laws. For example, an employer might be required to pay certain benefits after a separation from service such as unemployment insurance benefits when an employee loses his job through no fault of his own (such as being fired for refusing unsafe working conditions). Failure to do so could result in legal action against both you and your company by a former employee seeking compensation for those funds owed them under applicable law.
An Employment Lawyer Can Help Protect Your Business in California
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As a business owner, you likely have many responsibilities and challenges on your plate. Not only do you have to make sure that your clients are happy with the services they receive, but you also need to make sure that every employee of your company is treated fairly and paid correctly.
Employment law can be complex and confusing—and it’s even more so when dealing with multiple states. An employment lawyer can help ensure that you remain compliant in California, as well as other states where your company operates. Employment lawyers can help protect your business in California by helping ensure that all employees are paid correctly, enforcing non-compete agreements if needed, drafting employment contracts and policies for new hires or promotions within organizations (as well as enforcing those same policies), assisting with ongoing HR issues within companies such as sexual harassment claims from both employees against one another or against supervisors/managers/owners of businesses themselves who may abuse power over others working under them due to seniority positions within different departments within organizations).
You can count on the Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. law firm in Glendale, CA to provide you with experienced legal counsel and representation for your employment law case. We have handled hundreds of state and federal employment cases over the years, representing employees, employers, and third-party witnesses involved in wrongful termination or other disputes that arise from employment relationships.
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc.
880 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205
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davtyanlawfirminc · 2 years
Best Supermarkets in Glendale, CA
Glendale, CA  is a city with many great supermarkets. Here are the best ones:
Vons is a well-known supermarket chain that has locations throughout Southern California, including Glendale. If you're looking to buy groceries or get something to eat while in Glendale, Vons is definitely worth checking out.
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In terms of what they have to offer, Vons' website states that they carry everything from fresh produce and meat to packaged goods such as canned goods and frozen dinners. Their deli counter offers salads, hot sandwiches, pizza slices and more; there's also an assortment of bakery items available for sale as well as household cleaning supplies like dish soap or laundry detergent if you need some at home (and who doesn't?).
In terms of location specifics: Vons is located at 8801 West Glenoaks Boulevard #100 in Glendale, California 91201. They're open Monday through Saturday from 8 am until 10 pm; on Sundays the store opens at 7 am instead but closes at 9 pm instead due to religious reasons—since this may differ depending on where else you live in California it's always worth double checking all hours before heading over!
Whole Foods Market
Whole Foods Market is a chain of supermarkets in the US and Canada. It is owned by Amazon, so you can expect plenty of fresh and organic food options. They have an extensive selection of fruits, vegetables and meats. The store also has a cafe, bakery and juice bar where you can enjoy healthy meals at reasonable prices. If you're looking for gourmet fare like sushi or artisanal cheese, this supermarket won't disappoint either!
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Ralphs has been around since 1873 and is a subsidiary of the Kroger Company. It's one of the most recognized names in Southern California supermarkets, with locations throughout Los Angeles County.
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Ralphs is known for its loyalty program, which rewards customers with points they can redeem at any Ralphs store (as well as through their mobile app). The loyalty program has three levels: Bluebird Rewards, Plus Rewards and Prime Rewards. Bluebird members receive 10-20% off on certain products; Plus members get 20-30% off select items; Prime members get 30% off every day.
Customers who sign up for a Ralphs credit card also earn extra points for their purchases!
Super King Markets | Glendale
Super King Markets is a family-owned grocery store that's been in business since 1977. The location is just off Colorado Boulevard and looks like many other local markets, with its wide range of products and service that caters to everyone from the busy professional to families on a budget.
If fresh produce is your thing, you'll love Super King Markets' selection: they've got everything from apples to zucchini—and everything in between. If you're looking for something specific, ask an employee who will help guide you through their wide array of options; they're happy to help! And if they don't have what you need? Just make a note so they can add it next time around!
This one has parking at the front door as well as additional spaces out back near their delivery area which makes loading up your car easy peasy lemon squeezy (but please watch out for pedestrians when backing up).
Wide variety of choices that are not too far apart.
In Glendale, CA there are a wide variety of choices for supermarkets. You can find these stores in the city and not too far away. For those who live in Glendale, this is great because it means you have a lot of options nearby. The supermarkets are all small to medium size businesses that offer a variety of products at reasonable prices.
Some examples include:
Vons Ralphs Whole Foods Market
We hope this list helps you make an informed decision on where to go grocery shopping in Glendale, CA. If none of these stores seems like a good fit for you at this time, then we encourage you to find the store that does! The key is finding one that fits your needs.
If you have been injured on the job, you may be entitled to workers' compensation benefits.
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. is a Los Angeles employment lawyer who works with individuals and businesses facing all kinds of legal issues. We handle cases involving:
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Our team of experienced employment attorneys have years of experience in the legal field, and we know how to help you when you're dealing with any type of employment dispute. We will fight for your right to be compensated fairly, whether that means getting you back on the job or protecting your rights during negotiations with your employer.
Our lawyers are committed to helping our clients resolve their disputes quickly while minimizing any financial impact. We understand that having an attorney can be stressful and expensive — but we also know that being able to focus on your life without worrying about your job situation is priceless!
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. 880 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205 18552053681  https://www.davtyanlaw.com/  https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1030395778475401248
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California Business Lawyer & Corporate Lawyer
Website Url:
Complete Address:
355 South Grand Ave., Suite 2450, Los Angeles, California 90071 USA
(213) 277-7400
Welcome to our law firm, where we specialize in providing top-notch employer defense legal services. Our experienced team of attorneys is dedicated to protecting your business interests.
Our Expertise in Employer Defense
At our firm, we pride ourselves on being the go-to employer defense attorneys in California. Our team has extensive experience in defending employers in a wide range of legal matters. Whether you are facing allegations of wrongful termination, discrimination, or wage and hour disputes, we have the knowledge and expertise to protect your rights. Our employer defense lawyers are well-versed in both state and federal employment laws, ensuring that you receive comprehensive legal representation.
Employer Defense Services in Los Angeles
Located in the heart of Los Angeles, our firm is well-equipped to handle employer defense cases throughout the region. Our employer defense attorneys in Los Angeles have a deep understanding of the local legal landscape and are committed to providing personalized legal solutions tailored to your business needs. We represent employers of all sizes, from small businesses to large corporations, and our goal is to resolve disputes efficiently and effectively.
Comprehensive Employment Law Services for Employers
Our firm offers a full range of employment law services for employers. We understand that navigating employment laws can be complex, and our employment law specialists are here to guide you every step of the way. Our services include:
Drafting and reviewing employment contracts
Advising on compliance with state and federal employment laws
Conducting workplace investigations
Representing employers in administrative hearings and court proceedings
We are dedicated to helping employers create a positive and compliant workplace environment.
Corporate Attorneys and Business Lawyers in Los Angeles
In addition to our expertise in employer defense, our firm also provides comprehensive corporate legal services. Our corporate attorneys and business lawyers in Los Angeles are skilled in handling a variety of business-related legal matters. From business formation and mergers to contract negotiations and corporate litigation, we offer strategic legal advice to help your business thrive. Our business attorneys in Los Angeles are committed to delivering results that align with your business objectives.
Business Attorney Services in San Diego
Our reach extends beyond Los Angeles to San Diego, where we offer expert business attorney services. Our San Diego business lawyers are well-versed in the unique legal challenges faced by businesses in the region. We provide legal support for:
Business formation and incorporation
Contract drafting and review
Dispute resolution and litigation
Compliance with local, state, and federal regulations
Whether you are a small business owner or part of a larger corporation, our San Diego business attorneys are here to support your legal needs.
Small Business Legal Support
We understand that small businesses have unique legal needs, and our small business lawyers in San Diego are dedicated to providing tailored legal solutions. We offer a range of services specifically designed for small businesses, including:
Employment law compliance
Contract negotiations
Intellectual property protection
Dispute resolution
Our goal is to help small businesses navigate legal challenges and achieve long-term success.
Why Choose Our Firm?
Choosing the right legal representation is crucial for the success of your business. Here are a few reasons why our firm stands out:
Experience: Our attorneys have decades of combined experience in employer defense and business law.
Expertise: We are specialists in employment law and have a deep understanding of the legal landscape in California.
Personalized Service: We provide customized legal solutions tailored to the specific needs of your business.
Results-Driven: Our focus is on achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients.
Comprehensive Support: From employer defense to corporate law, we offer a full spectrum of legal services.
Our Commitment to Clients
At our firm, client satisfaction is our top priority. We are committed to providing exceptional legal services and building long-term relationships with our clients. Our attorneys take the time to understand your business and provide strategic legal advice that aligns with your goals. We are here to support you through every legal challenge and help your business succeed.
Contact Us
If you are in need of an employer defense attorney or business lawyer in California, look no further. Contact our firm today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can assist you. Our team is ready to provide the legal support you need to protect your business interests.
Our firm is dedicated to providing expert legal representation for employers and businesses in California. With our extensive experience and specialized knowledge, we are your trusted partner in navigating complex legal challenges. Let us help you achieve your business goals and protect your interests with confidence.
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premierlegalgroup · 23 days
Welcome to The Premier Legal Group, your trusted Law Firm in Los Angeles. Our team of dedicated Discrimination Attorneys, Whistleblower Lawyers, and Employment Law experts is committed to delivering unparalleled legal services. With a focus on civil rights, labor disputes, sexual harassment cases, wrongful termination claims, and business law matters, we strive for justice in every case.
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ailtrahq · 9 months
Crypto exchange Kraken plans to diversify its assets with a bold venture into stock offerings. A new division of the firm, Kraken Securities, will offer trading of stocks listed in the United States and United Kingdom, Bloomberg reported on Wednesday. Kraken aims to roll out these offerings next year. Kraken Ready to Offer Stocks in the United Kingdom The exchange has already obtained the permits needed to for UK stock offerings, Bloomberg said. In the United States, an application with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) awaits a green light. Founded in 2011, Kraken made its name as a crypto exchange. In pursuing stock offerings in these jurisdictions, Kraken is following the old adage: diversity your assets. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. The announcement quicky drew a barrage of comments on X (formerly Twitter). A commenter going by the rubric Crypto Chase wrote, “Smart move.” Others echoed this view. A commenter named Eric Kasanowski wrote: “bridge the old world and the new. Smart move!” But another commenter, Dabid, tempered the passion with a bit of historical perspective. His tweet stated: “Comments saying bottom must be close for Kraken to get into stocks . . . don’t forget Kraken launched their NFT platform right before prices began to capitulate. Anyway the stock process is complicated but if any exchange can do it, it’s Kraken.” In July, Kraken was one of the exchanges that began re-listing XRP after Ripple’s legal victory against the SEC. This may have helped boost the exchange’s reputation. But other recent events may make some see Kraken in a different light. Does Kraken’s Recent Record Help Its Prospects? Many may welcome Kraken’s move into stock offerings. Crypto exchanges everywhere have fought for mainstream acceptance. And tried hard to cast off the stigma of association with money laundering and other crimes. In March, Kraken founder Jesse Powell, who stepped down from his role as CEO last year but stayed on the firm’s board, became the subject of a law enforcement probe. The Federal Bureau of Investigation carried out a search warrant at Powell’s Los Angeles home. They reportedly had concerns over charges of hacking. Charges surfaced of Powell having improperly accessed computer accounts of the nonprofit firm Verge, of which he was founder. A lawyer for Powell denied his client did any wrong. The hacking and cyberstalking are not proven facts, merely allegations. A 2019 lawsuit against Kraken by a former employee, alleging wrongful termination, ended in a settlement in 2021. Learn more about Kraken’s struggle with regulators and its fight to ward off the Internal Revenue Service. Source
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socalemp · 10 months
Employment Class Action Lawsuit In California 2023
A class action lawsuit has been initiated by a number of employees working in the same firm and who all are experiencing that their rights have been violated by their employer or have otherwise been treated unfairly is known as a collective action.
For filing a class action lawsuit against your employer in California, you need to collect or make a bunch of workers who have been in a similar situation at your workplace. Further, you should move forward to examine the issue with an expert employment lawyer who will then investigate the benefits of the case and decide if a legal claim or settlement is required. The lawyer will then record a grievance for the class and look for the California legal executive to ensure the matter is a class activity. In the event that a settlement can’t be reached, the claim will continue through disclosure, exchange, and perhaps a preliminary whenever it has been ensured.
When filing a discrimination claim with an employment tribunal in California
An individual claims they have experienced inequity based on legally protected characteristics such as race, gender, age, handicap, religion, or other reasons when filing an action for discrimination with a California employment tribunal. The process involves submitting a formal complaint outlining the discriminatory actions and providing supporting evidence. If the claim is granted, the discrimination’s harm may be repaired through compensation, reinstatement, or other suitable measures. To successfully navigate the process, it is essential to get legal counsel and abide by the tribunal’s rules. Further, this guide will make you more informed about filing a class action lawsuit, proceeding with settlements and notice.
Overview of how to start a class action lawsuit against employer and what are is various stages defined under California Employment code
Initiating a class action lawsuit against an employer in California requires careful planning, legal expertise, and cooperation among affected employees.
To start a class action lawsuit against an employer, identify common claims shared by a group of employees. The class representative files the complaint, and if certified, notice is sent to potential class members. Consultation with a qualified attorney is essential for a successful outcome.
Stages Defined Under California Employment Code
Filing the Complaint
Class Certification
Pre-trial Motions
Settlement Negotiations
Judgment and Appeals
Why you need our assistance in winning a class action settlement in California
Our knowledgeable class action attorneys, who are familiar with California employment standards and the complexities of employment law changes, are essential to obtaining a favourable class action settlement in California. We fight for justice against unjust hiring and firing practices, making sure that workers who have experienced wrongful termination or other rights breaches are heard. With our experience in class action certification and collective action lawsuits, we have the knowledge and determination to build strong cases and negotiate favourable class action settlements. Trust our team to advocate for you and your fellow employees, seeking the compensation and redress you deserve.
Protect your rights and seek justice with our expert team of employment lawyers. We specialize in California employment laws, navigating labor law violations, and fighting for fair treatment of employees. Whether it’s discrimination claims, wrongful termination, or unfair employment practices, we are well-versed in California labor code and employment class action lawsuit updates. With our experience in class action certification and collective action lawsuits, we are committed to ensuring your voice is heard and securing the best possible outcomes for your case. Contact us today and let us be your advocates in employment litigation. Call Employment Attorney Los Angeles at (424) 688-1057 to get help of our lawyer.
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ragerandyoon · 1 month
Wrongful Termination During Layoffs Or Company Restructuring
During layoffs or company restructuring, wrongful termination can occur when an employee is unlawfully fired. In such cases, seeking legal counsel from a wrongful termination lawyer in Los Angeles is crucial. They can assess the situation, determine if the termination was unjust, and advocate for fair compensation or reinstatement.
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theorylawapc · 9 months
Wrongful Termination Lawyer Los Angeles | Theory Law APC
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Are you looking for experienced wrongful termination lawyers in Los Angeles? Look no further than Theory Law APC. We are experienced wrongful termination attorneys who provide comprehensive legal services to protect your rights and best interests.
Wrongful termination occurs when an employer ends an employee’s employment illegally or in violation of the law. The law prohibits employers from terminating employees due to race, gender, religion, age, national origin, disability, or other protected characteristics. Wrongful termination also applies when an employer fails to follow its own policies and procedures or fails to provide the employee with notice of termination.
At Theory Law APC, we can help you determine if you have a case and can work with you to ensure that your rights are protected. We will investigate the circumstances of your termination and determine if it was unlawful. Our attorneys are experienced in litigating wrongful termination cases and are committed to obtaining the best possible outcome for our clients.
We understand that you may be feeling overwhelmed and uncertain of what to do next. Our attorneys will provide you with the necessary legal guidance and support to ensure that your rights are protected. We will evaluate your case and provide you with an honest assessment of the situation. We will work diligently to ensure that you receive the compensation that you deserve.
If you believe that you have been wrongfully terminated in Los Angeles, contact Theory Law APC today to discuss your case and find out how we can help. We are experienced wrongful termination lawyers in Los Angeles here to provide you with the legal advice and representation you need to protect your rights and obtain the justice you deserve. Don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.
Visit — Wrongful Termination Lawyer Los Angeles | Theory Law APC
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leichterlawfirm · 1 year
Los Angeles Employment Law Attorney - Leichter Law Firm, APC
When it comes to employment law matters in Los Angeles, having a reliable and experienced Los Angeles Employment Law Attorney by your side can make all the difference. They are well-versed in the intricacies of local employment laws and can provide invaluable guidance and representation. Whether you're dealing with issues like workplace discrimination, wrongful termination, or wage disputes, an attorney specializing in employment law will fight for your rights and ensure that you receive fair treatment. Their expertise and understanding of the legal landscape will give you the confidence to navigate through complex situations. Don't face employment law challenges alone—consult with a skilled Los Angeles Employment Law Attorney to protect your interests and secure the best possible outcome.
Visit Our Location: 3580 Wilshire Blvd, #1745, Los Angeles, CA 90010
Contact Us: (818) 915-6624 Our Services:
Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyer
Los Angeles Disability Attorney
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davtyanlawfirminc · 2 years
One Day Guide to Spend in Glendale, California
If you're looking for a day trip that's near Los Angeles, but without all the hustle and bustle, consider spending a day in Glendale, CA. This city boasts museums, outdoor spaces and more—all within walking distance from one another. Here are some of our favorite spots to visit on your next trip!
Glendale Galleria
Glendale Galleria is located at 100 West Broadway, Glendale, CA 91210.
The mall is open daily from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., except on Thanksgiving and Christmas when they are closed.
The cost of admission per person is $2 with your First Fridays Pass or $5 without one. If you're unsure whether you have a pass or not, ask at the gate!
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There are many activities to enjoy at the Galleria: visit Santa's Workshop (free all month), see an ice sculptor in action ($5 per person), ride in a horse-drawn carriage ($15 for five minutes), shop for gifts at Macy's and other stores, dine with friends at one of several restaurants that line the walkways—and more! Here's a complete list of things you can do here!
Museum of Neon Art
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Museum of Neon Art is small but mighty, with a collection of neon art from artists around the world. It’s open daily, and admission is free. Kids and adults alike will enjoy this place, with its classic signs and colorful displays that are sure to inspire plenty of photos. Located right in downtown Glendale, it’s a great stop on your way out of or into town!
Moonlight Rollerway, Inc
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The Moonlight Rollerway, Inc is a roller skating rink located in the Glendale Galleria. This rink is open year-round and it's open until 10pm on weekdays and 11pm on weekends. Prices range from $7-$13 per person.
The Moonlight Rollerway, Inc offers great deals for special events like their Thursday Night Specials! Get two hours of skate time for only $10! It's perfect for birthday parties or just a night out with friends!
Autry Museum of the American West
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The Autry Museum of the American West is a museum in Los Angeles, California, dedicated to the celebration of the diverse people and cultures of the American West. It is located in Griffith Park, near the Los Angeles Zoo.
The museum was founded by Gene Autry. He originally wanted to create it as an arena for all things Western: rodeo events and concerts, horse shows and other competitions. But after he saw some artifacts from his own collection being auctioned off at Sotheby's, he decided that instead of selling them off for money he would create a permanent home where people could enjoy them for free!
Fremont Park
Fremont Park is a park located in the city of Glendale, California. It is the largest park in Glendale, covering an area of approximately 19 acres (77,000 m2). The park's boundaries are Lake Street to the west, Brand Boulevard to the south and east, and Beverly Boulevard to the north.
The park was created during the 1930s depression by James W. Mackey and his son-in-law George A. Hormel (of Hormel Foods) as part of their long-term vision for a large public space that would serve as central plaza for all residents of Glendale.[1] The land was purchased from several landowners including Caroline Atherton Smith (through her estate), who also owned much of modern day downtown Glendale.
Glendale is a great city to spend the day exploring. You can get around simply by walking, or you can go for a ride on the Red Line Metro bus. There are so many things to do in Glendale that it’s impossible to list them all here! The best way would be just go and have fun out there!"
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. is a Los Angeles employment lawyer that provides legal services to clients throughout California. Our firm specializes in litigating cases involving employee rights, discrimination, harassment and retaliation. The firm also handles cases involving wage and hour violations, wrongful termination, and other workplace issues.
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We are dedicated to helping employees who have been wronged by their employers or former employers recover the compensation they deserve. We offer free consultations so you can learn more about your legal options before deciding whether you need to hire an attorney.
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. 880 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205 18552053681 https://www.davtyanlaw.com/ https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1030395778475401248
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setarehlaw · 1 year
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Discrimination lawyers los angeles
Setareh Law Group is a top-rated Los Angeles law firm focused on providing excellent legal services to clients in the areas of employment, civil rights, and discrimination law. Our attorneys specialize in representing clients who have experienced workplace discrimination, wrongful termination, and other employment-related issues. We have extensive experience litigating cases in state and federal courts and have obtained numerous successful settlements for our clients. Our team is dedicated to providing aggressive and comprehensive representation for those who have suffered injustice in the workplace. We are committed to obtaining justice for our clients and protecting their rights in the workplace. As experienced discrimination lawyers in Los Angeles, we are passionate about protecting and upholding the rights of the individuals we represent. Visit - https://setarehlaw.com/discrimination-attorney-los-angeles/
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bwcounsel · 1 year
Employment Attorneys Los Angeles, CA - Broslavsky & Weinman, LLP
Professional expertise is offered by Broslavsky & Weinman, LLP in every area of practice. Our law office is dedicated to each matter we handle, regardless of its complexity or size. We take pride in providing to unique and practical solutions, and we work hard to maintain our position a step ahead of the game constantly staying informed about and reacting to the most recent developments and changes in the law.
In addition to offering superior counsel, Broslavsky & Weinman, LLP also provides individualized service. Employment Attorneys Los Angeles, At Broslavsky & Weinman, we take the time to fully understand each client's unique position & long-term objectives before customizing our legal representation depending on their needs and objectives. Every client is treated personally by us instead of being treated as a case file.
Call us: (310) 575-2550
Address: 11620 Wilshire Blvd #900, Los Angeles, CA 90025
Our Services:
Employment Lawyer Los Angeles
Age Discrimination Attorney Los Angeles
Racial Discrimination Attorney Los Angeles
Wage and Hour Lawyers Los Angeles
Wrongful Termination Attorney Los Angeles
Sexual Harassment Lawyers Los Angeles
San Bernardino Pregnancy Discrimination
Gender & Pregnancy Discrimination lawyers Los Angeles
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socalemp · 11 months
California Wrongful Termination Lawsuit – FAQs 2023
A wrongful termination is a form of harassment that employers might inflict on their employees. Under both federal and state wage and hour regulations, this is an actionable crime Employees cannot be fired for illegal reasons by their employers in California or anywhere else in the United States. Instead, the state of California has carefully defined a number of laws and regulations on the employer if they fire any of their staff members unlawfully. Consequently, workers in California become able to sue their employer in case of being wrongfully terminated from the job. This FAQ on California wrongful termination lawsuit is a must-read for you additionally to grasp more on the Wrongful Termination facts.
Can I be terminated for any or no reason from my workplace in California?
No, California follows the “at-will” employment principle, which implies that employers can normally fire employees for any valid cause. There are, nonetheless, exemptions for this standard. You can’t be dismissed for violating anti-discrimination legislation or exercising your legal privileges, like revealing work environment bad behaviour or participating in a safeguarded action.
Can I file a wrongful termination lawsuit if I was an independent contractor?
Independent contractors in California typically have fewer rights than employees. However, you can still have grounds to launch a wrongful termination claim if you think that you were wrongly classified as an independent contractor and should have been handled as an employee. Your legal standing and alternatives can be clarified by speaking with an employment law specialist.
What are the initial steps to take when you have been wrongfully terminated in California?
Cross-check your employment contract and firm’s policies:
Document the circumstances
Preserve evidence
Take note of key details
Consult an employment attorney
File a complaint with the appropriate agency
Keep track of damages
Follow legal deadlines
Consider negotiation or mediation
How much is a wrongful termination lawsuit worth?
The value of a wrongful termination lawsuit varies depending on several factors, including:
Lost wages and benefits since the termination.
Emotional distress or mental anguish caused by the termination.
Punitive damages, if the employer’s actions were particularly egregious.
Other factors specific to your case.
When to Call a Lawyer About a Wrongful Termination Case in California?
If you are wrongfully disqualified or fired from your job, you will most likely notice particular warning signs before leaving it to go. If you are still employed there and need to pursue legal action afterwards, any evidence of workplace harassment, workplace discrimination, improper treatment at work, or violation of public norms should be collected and then you can be liable to take legal action against your employer for wrongful termination.
How much time does a wrongful termination lawsuit require in California?
The duration of a wrongful termination case in California is influenced by an assortment of factors beyond the worker’s control. According to court records, nearly all lawsuits have been resolved before going to trial. Indeed, some disagreements are resolved independently of the courtroom. At the point when a claim is gotten in court, the gatherings are typically anxious to settle it straightaway. A claim’s preliminary interaction might require numerous years on the off chance that there is no mediation.
If you believe you have the victim of being wrongfully terminated in California, taking prompt action is crucial. In such concern, it becomes vital for you to consult with an experienced attorney from our law firm to assess and present your case, understand your rights, and navigate the legal process. So, protect your rights and seek appropriate recourse by seeking legal guidance today. keep in mind to Call our Employment Attorney Los Angeles at (424) 688-1057 to get help of our lawyer.
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Employment Law Attorneys For Assisting People
There are many people who are working for some employer or for some company. Some people have white collar jobs while some people are working in the field. Hence, it is not essential that the people who are working at the desk will not get the injury, but there is a high chance that the people who are working in the field will get the injury while doing their job. Hence if you are any of your dear one got injured while working at your workplace or while doing your job, then in that case you deserve compensation amount for the injury that you had along with the other compensation. The calculation of compensation completely depends upon multiple factors and especially on the type of injury that you had.
If you have been injured at work, then you may be eligible for compensation. When you become a victim of injury, then first you have to take the treatment and when you feel better, then you have to connect with the Abogados de Compensacion al Trabajador en Los Angeles or law firm. The lawyers are experienced and have the expertise to protect the rights of the victims and they make sure that they will get the compensation that actually they deserve. The lawyers understand very well that every workers' compensation case is unique, and they will work quickly to assess the victim’s situation and identify the best plan for them to deal with the case. The workers' compensation attorneys will fight on the behalf of a victim against insurance companies, negotiate the medical bills, and work to get compensation for the lost wages and injuries. The lawyers will investigate thoroughly every aspect of the claim to ensure that their clients will receive the maximum compensation possible.
There are many legal matters where people can get assistance from a lawyer. As there are many people who work under some employer, so if anything happened, then in that case, taking assistance from a lawyer will be the best option. The Abogados de Ley Laboral plays a vital role in assisting clients with legal issues that arise in the employer-employee relationship. These issues may involve interpretation and advice on wage and hour laws, workplace safety, and disability and leave requirements, laws regarding rest and breaks, workplace harassment, discrimination, and wrongful termination. Employment attorneys can work for various factors and situations like private firms, government agencies, labor unions, or companies. The lawyers can represent either employers, employees, or both. Every attorney has its own job, and they do the things as per the requirement of the case. You can discuss your requirements with professional lawyer to get more insight about the case. Moreover, employment attorneys may represent clients in arguing cases in court and help them to get justice. There are many individual lawyers or law firms available who are helping people with the entire process, so it will be great to connect with certified, experienced, and reputed professionals to deal with your case.
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