#ZE witchsona AU
sunquail · 7 years
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so I guess instead of making a proper witchsona I made a WITCHSONA AU
me and @keycrash did some talking about it under the cut but basically:
akane: ridiculously talented witch. likes to astral project, deals in spacetime fuckery, owns a little store in the city where people can buy supplies and services, book appointments, etc. very chronically ill, doesn’t show herself often.
aoi: akane’s secretary, sort of. he’s officially a hedge witch, does a lot of domestic stuff, cooking, protective charms, very practical things, whatever. but he minds akane’s shop and takes care of her orders and things like that. not naturally talented like akane but worked very very hard.
light: green witch, good with herbal remedies and medicinal tinctures. makes some stuff for akane from time to time. gets asked if he’s the seer of the field family a lot bc he’s blind.
clover: REALLY INTO DIVINATION AND STUFF. she likes to tell fortunes and read tarot and aoi’s like that stuff’s bullshit but she loves it. she’ll commune with spirits every so often just for kicks
THERE’S MORE BUT HERE’S THESE GUYS ANYWAYS. we thought out some stuff on the vlr crew but they can come later I like these guys best
Kit - Today at 1:50 AM like you know in howl's moving castle where markl deals with all the appointments and orders on behalf of howl
Kit - Today at 2:04 AM god I love like...in howl's moving castle the concept of magic users is like yeah they have little shops in town to sell their services and spells and supplies and I'm like THATS SO FUCKING CHARMING...THAT'S SUCH A CHARMING SETTING JUST A TOWN WITCH... now take the kurashikis, and put them in a CITY...CITY WITCHES URBAN WITCHES IM FULL OF IDEAS AND I HAVE TO WORK ON OTHER SHIT IM SO MAD
snow - Today at 2:05 AM CITY WITCH KURASHIKIS aoi buying supplies for akane from mysterious old ladies he makes friends with
Kit - Today at 2:06 AM YEAH... people rarely see akane because she has chronic illness and can't be out too much but she's well renowned as a super skilled practitioner
snow - Today at 2:07 AM people treating their cat like it's akane's. aoi's so offended. that's my cat back off GOOD SHIT
Kit - Today at 2:07 AM so aoi runs errands and does her lists and puts together the orders and yes he absolutely has his own cat
snow - Today at 2:08 AM aoi hates people acting like akane runs the household because shes magic. like it's 50/50 fucker i'm not super magic but i can do shit
Kit - Today at 2:09 AM yeah aoi doesn't have a LOT of full skill but he got what he got through lots of practice and hard work ENTER JUNPEI HE'S LIKE THE ROOKIE BUT ACTUALLY KIND OF TALENTED WITCH ON THE BLOCK...HE CAN DO A LOT WITHOUT TRYING TOO HARD INSTANT! RIVALRY!
snow - Today at 2:10 AM so aois like no dumbass you can't substitute emerald with quartz
Kit - Today at 2:10 AM how haven't you blown shit up in your face already and junpei's like ahaaaaa...I have
snow - Today at 2:11 AM akane finds it charming. aoi finds it a shitty marriage investment for her if junpei's gonna die in a year
snow - Today at 2:13 AM akane like :D you can teach him aoi like what you tryna replace me. he can figure it out his damn self
Kit - Today at 2:14 AM oh my god I love this
snow - Today at 2:14 AM what about light is he the cliche blind prophet
Kit - Today at 2:15 AM I FEEL LIKE HE COULD PLAY THAT UP AND LIKE...TWIST IT SOMEHOW...maybe he swindles people in this AU people LOVE a good cliche it's SO easy
snow - Today at 2:16 AM hmmm. well hes probably not straightforward. maybe he deceives people into thinking he can see the future by generally Knowing Shit, or he sees it but uses it to his advantage, but those both sound akaney
Kit - Today at 2:17 AM or maybe he's just like tryin to do some totally unrelated-to-divination field like...herb work or whatever and he's like oh yeah I'm a practitioner and everyone's like OOH ARE YOU IN DIVINATION...TELL ME MY FORTUNE... and he's just like :T but clover, she loves that shit clover's def into scrying and the like
snow - Today at 2:18 AM HEY LIGHT WHICH SKIRT SHOULD I WEAR ON MY DATE WITH ALICE light like clover i dont do that
Kit - Today at 2:20 AM oh my god I just picked herb work out of nowhere because I couldn't think of a non-divination magic field but then I thought about how easily light finds nine four leaf clovers leans back puffs on bubble pipe
snow - Today at 2:20 AM people are like... haha... herbs... you mean-- and light's like sighs. no i dont do drugs and you're hardly original
Kit - Today at 2:21 AM JUNPEI MEETING HIM LIKE ....:J and light's just like I can't see your face but Don't
snow - Today at 2:21 AM akane goes to light for medicinal herbs to alleviate illness a bit
Kit - Today at 2:21 AM YES PERFECT
snow - Today at 2:22 AM akane gets too sick to go, aoi starts pickin em up himself, meets the cute boy he had always assumed was an old man when akane spoke of him,
Kit - Today at 2:22 AM OHHHHHHH MY GOD I'M REALLY INTO THIS NOW I'm gonna have to do a couple sketches and compile it into a post god
snow - Today at 2:22 AM IM SO GLAD
snow - Today at 2:23 AM aoi comes by again a week later and lights like akane doesn't need another dose does she? it lasts two months. and aoi's like ... yeah nah never mind we're good i'll go now
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keycrash · 7 years
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some phi sketches for me & kit’s ze witch au
phi’s basically a space witch. what an aesthetic. she’s sigma & kyle’s cousin and the adoptive daughter of two famous witches or something we haven’t worked out full details. so the magic equivalent of a quantum physicist/astrophysicist. she’s tired all the time
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sunquail · 7 years
swiggity swag I got tagged @airdeari
what the HECK am I working on right now, lemme see. this is for arts and also for writing, but I’m not like...doing a lot...really...right now...so we’ll see
technically I’m not doing so much ACTUAL work on this since I’ve done my page and a lot of the organising but I’m doing some feedback on the finishing touches!! some formatty things. see I’m looking at what snow wrote for it and I’m like, do I have to do a credit pic? a credit icon? I’m just gonna use my blog icon, that’s fine right? anyway I did a page for that and since then it’s been picking out artists and a LOT of “oh god which option is the better option”. I was gonna do a tenmyouji sticker but I got beaten to that (the one that got did is PHENOMENAL I’m not even mad)
2) room studies
POINTS AT SNOW I GAVE YOU THE IDEA TO DO THESE AND YOU WORK THREE TIMES THE SPEED I DO SO I’VE NOT EVEN FINISHED ONE YET. anyway I’m doing some interior studies, both overhead and from an actual proper perspective. I love drawing interiors! it’s outdoor backgrounds I need to work on l lmao. never. you’ll never take me alive. idk how many I have planned, at least two? they’re good for keepin me busy.
3) fallout drawins
I ALSO...wanna do more fallout sketches...”kit is this your ZE fallout AU” YES SHUT UP I’M PLOTTING IT it can’t be an AU with just ONE character. or, two, actually, there’s two right now. I’ll get a proper idea going. and just do a couple drawins. I doubt I’ll write this one.
4) what write ideas do I have... I don’t have write wips because I can only really write oneshots in ALL ONE GO so lemme find my list of those
- aoi+akane safe end fic... it’s been done to death over and over but that hour when light’s busy being shot...mmm-mm-mmmm.
- https://gyazo.com/7f0a97cbb7f4ffb74bfa318cc9c20f07 what does this mean I’m ?? laughing? what was this. I think it’s carpei
- I still kinda wanna do a lengthy (oneshot) fic about the entire of aoi’s childhood up until the first nonary game because that’s the only real part of his life that isn’t documented. snow did a bullet-by-bullet summary but I still sorta. wanna.
- remember that witchsona AU? nice
- oh lord what else. 
5) I still sometimes do t-shirt designs for my and mill’s redbubble
I should really get back to these
6) OC STUFF!!!
YOU MAY HAVE SEEN MY DOING ART OF MY OCS...they have...a story, but the end is the only part all done developed...so I’m settling for art right now. of one or two characters per art. I need to redo skua’s. I wanna do one of the Lesbian Wives. I wanna do one of the battlequeen and mishkin. I have a big story and a lot of characters I’m VERY fond of and one day, ONE DAY, something will come of it. until now it’s just pictures.
oh god this is. not very many things. usually I’ll have like commissions and stuff on here but right now I am open wahaha
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