#a lil loosey goosey with the prompt but ya know
lupine-trees · 1 year
yours to keep (& yours to lose)
[hello again~ a little something for the @drarrymicrofic march prompt, “oath.”]
word count: 142
“You promised.”
Harry is placing a trail of soft kisses over his cheekbones, a delicate path that leaps across his narrow nose. He pulls back, the smallest pause, to see his eyes, take in his face.
Every emotion is writ raw: the tiny downward tic of his dark brows, the pinch at the corner of his mouth, worry line crossing his forehead. Alarm flares in Harry’s chest.
“Promised what?” he answers, barely a breath.
Draco is all tense lines beneath, sharp and so different from the man who had laid languorous in this bed and laughed and fucked and had breakfast after, a dozen times over now.
Harry places a careful hand at his cheek, and Draco’s brows drop further.
He closes his eyes (grey and so infuriatingly beautiful) and takes a bracing breath (shaky).
“You promised it wouldn’t be like this.”
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