#it’s fineee they’re fine
lupine-trees · 1 year
yours to keep (& yours to lose)
[hello again~ a little something for the @drarrymicrofic march prompt, “oath.”]
word count: 142
“You promised.”
Harry is placing a trail of soft kisses over his cheekbones, a delicate path that leaps across his narrow nose. He pulls back, the smallest pause, to see his eyes, take in his face.
Every emotion is writ raw: the tiny downward tic of his dark brows, the pinch at the corner of his mouth, worry line crossing his forehead. Alarm flares in Harry’s chest.
“Promised what?” he answers, barely a breath.
Draco is all tense lines beneath, sharp and so different from the man who had laid languorous in this bed and laughed and fucked and had breakfast after, a dozen times over now.
Harry places a careful hand at his cheek, and Draco’s brows drop further.
He closes his eyes (grey and so infuriatingly beautiful) and takes a bracing breath (shaky).
“You promised it wouldn’t be like this.”
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soars22 · 6 months
I’ve had “Sail Away” by Enya stuck in my head since last night and I Do Not Appreciate my brain right now.
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prisonpodcast · 1 year
Silly little guessing game of am I being overly critical of myself or is it actually bad 🤡
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sorbetisfruity · 1 year
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Imagine Leona taking you to meet his family because Cheka will not stop begging you to come over☹️☹️lil dude misses you so much and Leona just got sick of it and was like fine!!!! I’ll bring them next time I come. Now leave me alone🙄
And of course his brother and his wife are absolutely ecstatic because omg he’s bringing home someone and Cheka likes them anddd like he’s never done this before. So they’re super excited and wondering what you’ll be like.
Then you and Leona arrive and of course once you come in Cheka completely tackles you, knocking you AND Leona down-
Soooo when his brother and wife come in?? You three are sitting on the ground practically on top of one another. You and Cheka are smiling and giggling and saying how much you missed one another and Leona is grumbling about everything but, it’s very clear he’s happy and just messing around. And he ruffles Chekas hair and hugs you from behind and it’s justttt UGHHH SUCH A SWEET LIL MOMENT-
And all they can think about is how you guys look like a family☹️☹️☹️they’ve gotta get pictures (and they do) and they will definitely tease Leona later about it💔
And then you introduce yourself to them, and you’re nothing like they expected because what??? You’re so…nice??? And Leona can be so mean???
But opposites attract so, whatever.
And imagine their surprise when they ask,
“How long have you two been together?”
And you respond, “Oh!! We aren’t dating, I’m sorry for the confusion. We’re just friends.” And you’re blushing and Leona’s tail is moving furiously and he’s blushing tooooooo-
But it’s fineee, they won’t interfere (they totally interfere).
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pshcomforts · 4 months
➳ “slut!” | psh.
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non!idolsunghoon x fem!reader (feat. taehyun from txt)
“in a world of boys, he’s a gentleman”
synopsis: your friend convinces you to go on a blind date with her boyfriend’s friend, sunghoon.
warnings/content: written in third pov. strangers to lovers. cursing. reader’s kind of awkward, and doesn’t like horror movies. sunghoon’s kind of flirty. nicknames used (gorgeous, loser). fluff!
comments, likes, and reposts are appreciated :)
word count: 6.0k
a/n: fictional characters — dae (jungwon’s partner), min-su (heeseung’s partner), and ji-woo (jake’s partner)
current song playing: “slut!” by taylor swift
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
1:35 ───────────|──────── -1:24
a loud groan left y/n’s mouth as she turned her back from her friend. “no ji-woo!”
“oh come on, y/n!! it’ll be fun!”
the girl faced to ji-woo with a frown displayed. “you know i haven’t gotten over taehyun yet..”
her friend rolled her eyes in a playful gesture before replying — “girl that’s why you go on the blind date!”
“it wouldn’t be such a bad idea..” dae murmured on the side.
y/n’s head whipped to him in an instant to send a stink eye. “it would be, actually. i’m not ready and having a double date with you and jake with someone i don’t even know is just so awkward.”
“it won’t be! jake just wants his friend to have some company for the night. please, y/n…” ji-woo pleaded.
y/n let out a disgusted sigh at her before turning her attention to an eagerly-waiting dae and min-su. “should i..?”
“YES!” they yelled together.
“UGH i hate you guys.. fine!”
the gang cheered in her defeat as they gathered around. “finally getting over taehyun!” dae exclaimed.
“i will end you..”
ji-woo gave a chuckle at her threat. “you’ll be fine y/n! he’s good looking, and he’s pretty much like you but in boy form!”
“is that supposed to be a compliment…”
“wait is it sunghoon?” min-su chimed in as she sent her text out to her boyfriend.
“oh yeah, heeseung knows him right?”
“mhm” — their friend responded, “i heard he’s kind of cold hearted from other dates he’s had though..”
“cold hearted..?” y/n repeated.
“i’m sure it’ll be fineee. from what i’ve heard, he’s a stand up guy.” ji-woo attempted to reassure.
“pft yeah right, he’s probably just into one night stands.” the girl retorted.
“isn’t that what you want though?” questioned dae who was giving light taps on his phone for jungwon.
y/n sighed. “well i’m not gonna expect anything out of that stupid double blind date i have with ji-woo.”
the group gave light giggles at her words. “you’re such a hater,” the dimpled girl snorted.
“i am! i’m only doing this for you.”
“you love me…”
“i’m leaving..”
“shut up, i’m leaving!” her footsteps hurried out of the room before she could hear their debating screams on coming back.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
“do i look fine?” y/n nervously mumbled while fidgeting her fingers.
ji-woo sighed out — “girl yes! you always do.”
“shut up, i’m hating you so much right now. i cant believe i actually said yes to this.”
“well it’s too late! they’re already coming here anyway.”
the shorter girl huffed out a sigh after applying the last few touches to her makeup. “why did i say yes…” she muttered under her breath.
minutes passed and soon came the time when the two boys arrived. jake walked in first to engulf his girlfriend into a tight hug, as sunghoon awkwardly tumbled behind him.
“hey love, missed you today.” he sighed out in the embrace of ji-woo — earning quiet giggles from her.
as the two couple were hugging, y/n and sunghoon stayed on the side with averting eyes. they’re introverts, of course they’re too scared to talk first.
the girl gave a swift, clear cough in her throat to catch her friend’s attention. “hm? oh! sorry, y/n this is sunghoon. sunghoon, this is y/n.” ji-woo spoke to the two tense figures.
“hi…” y/n softly uttered with a weird hand wave.
“hello,” he replied in a light manner.
the silence was deathly awkward already. jake sucked in a deep breath before patting his friend’s back. “ah i’m sorry y/n, my bro here is a little awkward, but if you get to know him more, you’ll find that he matches you.” he beamed a smile at his girlfriend’s friend, who was just nodding.
“that’s nice, i guess..” she said, whispering the last few words to herself.
“girl you’re awkward too, you better not leave it to just sunghoon to talk.” ji-woo suddenly disputed while intertwining her hands with her boyfriend’s.
y/n gave a quick side eye as her mouth gaped open in shock. “yeah yeah whatever, just focus on your stupid date.” she bitterly spat back. she heard sunghoon give a quiet chuckle at his side, amused in her little antics with her friend.
he flashed a half smile, letting his fangs highlight his facial features even more. perhaps this date wasn’t such a bad idea after all…
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
the beginning to the double date was to a movie. and of course, it was a horror movie — ji-woo picked it on purpose.
“ugh i really fucking hate you right now. why would you do this to me?” y/n fumed, feeling her hands shake with each taunting thought of the jumpscares in mind.
being such gentlemen, sunghoon and jake (mostly jake) volunteered themselves to grab the snacks while the two girls sat in the theater — letting previews play in the background.
“girl you’ll be finee, i heard that it’s not even that scary!” ji-woo defended.
“i don’t care, ji-woo! i cant do horror movies, you know that! i hate you so much, i wish i never went on this stupid date.”
“oh my gosh.. you’ll be fine y/n! just… hold onto sunghoon when you get scared.” her brows raised suggestively, earning a harsh nudge from y/n.
“you’re so ugly. i’m gonna fucking walk out, that’s what i’m gonna do.”
“no you won’t!” ji-woo yelled back with a hand grab to her. “the ticket’s been purchased so.. you have no choice but to stay here.”
y/n scoffed and groaned soon after. “fine but i’m not gonna sit next to you.” she got up from the middle section, and sat in the corner where sunghoon was originally gonna sit.
ji-woo only scoffed at her petty behavior, opening her mouth to make a comeback but was stopped with the entrance of jake. the boy sat next to her with a confused look.
“i thought y/n was gonna-“
“she wants to sit there so she’ll sit there,” his girlfriend intervened.
y/n rolled her eyes before searching for her date who wasn’t behind jake. “hey where’s my date?”
her friend’s boyfriend chuckled. “you care about where my bro is at now huh?”
her face morphed into an eye squint with her lips tugged at the corner. “god you’re just like fucking ji-woo…”
the couple laughed together before jake spoke again — “it’ll be okay, y/n. your savior just decided to get more snacks for you.”
y/n’s face felt heated with embarrassment. all that fuss, and he was just being polite.
“whatever… i still wish dae and min-su were fucking here. they’d still leave me for their man but..,” her lips pouted as she missed them, feeling neglected from her friend who was giggling with her man. soon after, she pulled out her phone.
y/n <33:
miss you guys :(
for once, i miss you guys 🧍🏻‍♀️
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
What about your date?
hee’s fav 🤍:
um that’s a first!
y/n <33:
ji-woo’s abandoned me and i want to go home already :(
somebody pick me up please..
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
You’ll be fineee
Just talk to him!
hee’s fav 🤍:
girl you’ve only been there for like 45 minutes
y/n <33:
Replied to ‘Just talk to him!’ — I DONT WANT TOOOOOOOOO
jake’s girl 🫂:
girl stop texting the group chat and talk to sunghoon!
almost immediately, y/n whipped her head to ji-woo who was already looking at her. she rolled her eyes before sending the middle finger to her, and then going back to the group chat.
jake’s girl 🫂:
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
jake’s girl 🫂:
she flipped me off!!
hater 🙄
y/n <33:
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
hee’s fav 🤍:
she wants to abandon sunghoon already
y/n <33:
MIN-SU AND DAE 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
jake’s girl 🫂:
let her talk to sunghoon first!
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
Um sorry y/n :(
hee’s fav 🤍:
i would come get you but hee’s being clingy right now
he won’t leave me alone
sorry, you’re on your own
y/n <33:
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
I’ll get you after the movies if you still want to come home
y/n <33:
i wanna go home now 🧍🏻‍♀️
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
Sorry y/n, Jungwon just came too so
y/n <33:
yeah yeah whatever, have fun losers
the girl shut her phone after the text sent through to avoid any other messages. she gave a defeated sigh at the situation she was stuck in.
she didn’t hate the boy, but she was just simply too awkward to be going on dates like these.
soon enough, sunghoon came back with arms full of candy and popcorn.
just the sight of him approaching y/n was awkward — in a sweet, kind of dorky way.
“o-oh, you’re sitting in my seat?” he asked with his lips pressed together afterward.
she only nodded before looking down in an apologetic manner — “yeah, sorry.. i don’t want to sit next to my friend right now.”
he gave a chuckle as he sat down in the one next to her. “you must’ve really hated her for putting you on this date with me huh?”
“w..what!” her eye blew up in shock at his sudden approach. “no! i mean, i just can’t go on dates with how awkward i am..”
sunghoon widened his smile as he empathized with her words. “are you usually this awkward?”
y/n bit her lips before melting in with a head shake. as if she was already comfortable with him, she sent a soft smack to his arms. “shut up, i’m awkward but i’m not as awkward as you.” the girl shot back.
his mouth slightly gaped open with how sudden he had been hit. “that really hurt, you know?” he teased in a shit eating grin, hands rubbing at the “bruised” area.
she reflected back a smile as she shook her head. in all the dates she’s been on, she’s never met a man whose met her expectations in the reactions for when she’d hit them — until him.
“you’re stupid,” she said in an automatic response.
sunghoon smirked with an eyebrow raise. “yeah? well if i’m stupid, then you’re gorgeous.”
y/n forcibly took a pause in everything. ‘where did that random surge of confidence come from?’ she asked herself while awkwardly laughing. “gorgeous..? that’s a little upfront.”
he did a head tilt with her words, causing her heart to lightly thump at his handsome, confused face. “upfront? did you like it?” his thick brows raised again as he grinned ear to ear, enjoying her shy reactions.
she shook her head after burying it into the palm of her hands. “ew stop it..,” her voice muffled out as she nudged her head against his broad shoulders.
hoon beamed with a warm, fuzzy feeling at the tip of his ears. “your reactions to what i say are cute. i guess i’m gonna have fun trying to figure you out tonight.” he mumbled near her head.
y/n bolted up at his words. “what??”
“it’ll be fun,” he winked. the mix of confident and awkward energies he gave were insatiable. is this how he does his one night stands?
she shook her head out of it. she doesn’t fall in love, not on the first date anyway. “uhm so, what kind of snacks did you get?”
sunghoon’s lips curled at her question. “well i heard from your friend that you enjoy chocolate, so i got you a little bit of everything from their selection.” one by one, he handed little chocolate snacks that had y/n mesmerized with sparkles in her eyes.
each time he gave her the candy, her hands would softly graze against his in a way that she didn’t realize, but he did. he’d take a gulp whenever he’d feel her nails faintly scratch his hands with how excited she was in snatching the treats.
“no way you got me all of this!” she exclaimed, feeling like a kid on christmas day.
he tugged a smile onto his lips as his heart was beating like crazy with the excitement she displayed. “i just wanted to make sure you’d be distracted from the scary movie.”
y/n peaked her head out of the chocolate, and to him with a puzzled look. “how’d you know i don’t like horror movies?”
“i could see how scared you were when we talked about it in the car,” sunghoon chuckled as he recalled back to watching her eyes nervously shift from ji-woo to jake, in hopes that someone read her mind (he did).
“sorry..,” she murmured. “i just can’t handle jumpscares.”
his lips pressed together in a line, conveying that he understood before showing his hand palm to her.
y/n looked at him with confused eyes, causing a hearty laugh to erupt from him. “you can hold my hand for comfort if you need to, dummy. whenever you’re scared, just squeeze it to know that you’re not alone.”
could she really do that with a stranger? “are.. you sure?” her eyes trailed up to meet his pretty face that spoke a reassuring look.
sunghoon nodded with a half smile. “yeah, i don’t mind.”
the girl’s heart lit up with butterflies. gladly, she let her hands intertwine with his and almost immediately, she felt a spark hit them.
y/n took a deep breath with how close they’ve already gotten. they barely talked and yet they were holding hands already.
as they were about to talk more, previews suddenly ended and the movie began.
when ji-woo could, she’d turn her head to check on the two — only to turn to jake and comment — “they’re already like a couple.” the male would glance at the said people and giggle alongside his girlfriend.
“i knew they’d match,” he mumbled with an approved head nod.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
throughout the film, y/n squeezed sunghoon’s hand continuously — a little more than he’d expect. when an upcoming jumpscare scene came, her hands would slightly grip in fear of what would show.
other times, the opposite side of their hands that weren’t holding would reach into the popcorn bucket situated between each other. again with the finger graze — their hands would accidentally bunk when dipped into the bucket, both too awkward to address it.
y/n gulped with the tension that was quietly arising between them. she’d occasionally stuff her face with popcorn to distract herself with how long her hands were holding his.
‘is my hand too sweaty?’ ‘is he tired of it yet?’ ‘when should i pull my hand away’ ‘he’s handsome..’ ‘damn he’s gorgeous’ ‘i could stare at his face all day’ ‘am i staring too much?’ — were all questions and thoughts that ran through her mind.
“are you that scared of the movie that you have to look at me instead?” sunghoon whispered with his head near hers.
her face grew heated with shame. “what?” she questioned aloud. her eyes trailed to his as he locked eye contact. a small smile plastered on him as he watched her shy away.
their faces were close to each other — tips of the nose barely touching with their hands still tightly intact.
“you’ve been staring a lot,” he chimed.
a glint of the movie scene, that was now deafened out by the both of them, reflected on his shiny eyes as they gazed at each other. the lighting was dark but she could still trace out all the special features highlighted on him — his thick brows, plump lips, softened eyes, and messy hair — her heart was fluttering in all sorts of ways.
“sorry.. that’s a little embarrassing,” y/n admitted with her lips firmly pressed. “i just-“
her words were interrupted by the sudden boom from the movie. a jumpscare appeared in a matter of seconds, causing the girl to jolt and tighten her hand around hoon’s.
quickly, she shut her eyes and turned her head away from the bright screen. she felt her heart beating out of her chest with the stimulated pace it was at.
in return, sunghoon rubbed his thumb in a reassuring way as he chuckled to himself. “you okay?” he queried while giving a light squeeze to her.
her breath became heavy as an uneasy feeling crept in. “yeah.. is it over?”
“yeah, the scene’s over.”
y/n peeked her eyes open to look up at a smitten boy who was still keeping his strong gaze on her. her cheeks flushed with a warming color once more as she averted his gaze to look at the bright screen.
immediately, her vision took in the scene displayed out in front of her — a woman being possessed. she yelped out in fear and gripped his hand.
“sunghoon!” y/n harshly whispered with a head whipped to him.
he flashed a smile, fangs and dimples full out on display as his heart raced. “sorry sorry, are you okay?” the boy softly murmured back.
“no, what made you think that was okay?” she whispered-yelled, furiously shaking her head in disappointment.
sunghoon couldn’t help but grin ear to ear again. biting his lips to calm himself down from looking like he had hangers in his mouth, he turned his head away from her — coming into eye contact with his friend, jake. he raised his brows in a way that spoke — ‘perfect for you, huh?’
he shook his head before turning to y/n, who was still scared out of her wits. “i didn’t know, i swear. the movie’s already over anyway.” his mutter was sweet and soft in her ears — causing a fluttering feel to hit at the pit of her stomach.
attempting to look unfazed, she groaned out a disgusted sigh before detangling her fingers that were still tightly attached to him. the movie was indeed over so no hand holding was needed anymore.
sunghoon quietly sighed out at the empty feel against his hands. “you okay?” he asked with worried eyes.
y/n nodded her head, hands rubbing her heart area to calm it down. “yeah no, i’m fine, but if i have nightmares, i’m blaming you.”
he amusingly chuckled before sending a pat to her hair. “alright that’s fair.“
“okay lovebirds, you guys ready?” ji-woo asked to the two.
y/n looked at her with disgust written on her face. she barely knew the guy after all.
sunghoon looked at her for confirmation, only to earn a simple nod and eyebrow raise.
the group left the movie theater together, and then carried onto their plan of having dinner together. in the seating arrangement, ji-woo and y/n sat near each other, facing their dates.
“oh shoot, i forgot something in the car!” y/n’s friend exclaimed with a sigh.
“what is it?” responded jake.
“my phone, i can’t believe i forgot it!”
a chuckle slipped out of his mouth as his hand gently placed over hers. “don’t worry love, let’s go get it.”
as she got up, y/n was quick to grasp her wrist. “uhm jake, why don’t i just go with her instead?” her eyes met her friend’s, letting it shift to sunghoon to give her the hint to not be left alone with him.
jake smiled as he watched his girlfriend’s friend give a poorly made signal. “it’s fine, we’ll be quick y/n. make sure she’s okay, bro.” he swatted a hand to hoon who was awkwardly nodding.
the couple vanished within seconds, allowing the two most awkward people in the world to be left alone.
y/n quickly cleared her throat before snatching out her phone out of habit.
y/n <33:
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
hee’s fav 🤍:
what a traitor
y/n <33:
hee’s fav 🤍:
is it that bad that you can’t handle being alone with him?
y/n <33:
okay no.. but it’s just awkward 🧍🏻‍♀️
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
Girll you’ll be fineee
jake’s girl 🫂:
Yeah y/n, talk to him. Don’t just leave my bro alone like that
y/n <33:
is that fucking jake?
jake’s girl 🫂:
y/n <33:
jake’s girl 🫂:
Okay it’s me, but give Sunghoon a chance
And get off of the phone
y/n subtly rolled her eyes before shutting the phone off. turning her head up, she was met with the same boy who looked just as smitten as earlier.
there was something about his eyes that she could get lost in.
“so.. sunghoon, do you go on dates a lot?”
she sighed to herself, wanting to twist her head in how stupid she sounded.
he softly chuckled at her reaction afterward, watching how she face palmed herself. “i don’t go on a lot, but i enjoy it occasionally.”
‘is he really a one night stand type of guy?’ y/n thought as she nodded.
“and you?”
“well i was actually in a committed relationship with someone but we broke up.. five months ago.” she took a noticeably large gulp of her water after to calm her nerves.
sunghoon’s ears perked up at her words. “you guys broke up?”
“well we’re on this date, aren’t we?”
the two laughed together at how silly and stupid this kind of introduction was.
he was about to ask more, but was stopped by the re-entry of jake and ji-woo. “sorry guys, the car was further than we thought,” the girl huffed.
“no worries, let’s just order.” y/n responded, eyes distracted with how handsome sunghoon looked. her gaze lingered through every facial feature of his, subtly admiring as she forcibly tore her attention away from him after.
hoping no one saw, she changed the subject into what possible dishes she’d order. he noticed though. of course he did. her attempt to look elsewhere was a fail with how she could feel his stare burning holes into her.
the boy laughed quietly to himself before looking at the menu as well.
meanwhile, outside of their world, jake and ji-woo shared the same glance that said — ‘as if it wasn’t already obvious.’
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
when dinner finished, the two in a relationship decisively ditched sunghoon and y/n together.
the short girl groaned out an annoyed sigh. to be quite frank, she just wanted the night to end.
she scrolled through her phone to find a text from ji-woo — ‘forgive me queen!!’ — followed by a few other confused messages from min-su and dae.
a click to her device was made and she put it away to turn to sunghoon. “i’m really sorry that they ditched us here…”
he smiled as if he understood. “don’t worry, i don’t mind sitting next to a pretty girl.”
her cheeks quickly flushed, causing her to impulsively slap his arm for a response. “oh shit! sorry, i do that a lot.” she gave a sheepish smile as she rubbed his muscular arm.
he shined his teeth with a wide grin. “i can tell.. guess i should get used to that huh?” he murmured.
“nothing, just keep rubbing my arm like that.” sunghoon raised his thick brows, earning a gasp from y/n.
“the way you get randomly confident is so crazy to me.”
“guess you should get used to that.” he flirted, tongue slipping between his teeth. “wanna get a drink?”
“only if you’re buying,” she said, lips pressed into a sweet smile.
hoon chuckled out at her words — “of course i will, gorgeous.”
immediate butterflies hit her stomach with the newly given name from him. “you’re calling me gorgeous for sure, now?” the girl asked after ordering her alcoholic drink.
“yeah, you don’t like it?” he handed it to her once it was done and took small sips of his own.
she rolled her eyes before sending a light grin. “it’s not bad. can i give you one?”
“be my guest, gorgeous.”
her heart pulsed at the name again, feeling her insides jump as she said, “mm.. how about loser?”
instantly, sunghoon almost spat out his drink. “loser??” he closed his eyes to laugh at her suggestion. “you think i’m a loser?”
“i mean, you could be my loser.” she carelessly responded.
one of his brows raised in amusement. “look who’s confident now.”
“shut up!” she yelled, chuckling alongside the smiley boy.
changing the topic, y/n went into a few other different subjects. and now with a little more alcohol driven in her system, her confidence rose as she suddenly asked, “okay this is random but, how do you think this one night stand thing is going so far?”
sunghoon took a pause — “one night stand? you think this is a one night stand?”
she hiccuped a giggle as she shook her head. “well i mean, don’t you only do one night stands?”
he took her question in a light manner, scratching the back of his neck while laughing it out. “if you think this is a one night stand, then you’re wrong dummy. i don’t do that, and whatever you heard, it’s wrong. i’m not that kind of a person.” his finger playfully nudged her head as he rolled his eyes.
“wha- i’m sorry! i just heard that you tend to be a little mean..,” y/n defended with a scoff.
he beamed a half smile as he let a sigh leave his mouth. “you still think i’m mean after letting you hold my hand?”
she mirrored his expression before softly hitting his arm again. “okay you didn’t let me finish. i thought you were at first! but after that whole movie theater situation, i thought you were pretty sweet.”
his heart subtly lit with fireworks as he bit his lips down to hide his smile. “i am pretty sweet, aren’t i?” he cockily marveled.
“ew sunghoon..”
the male cackled out a laugh at her reaction. “come on, it was funny.”
y/n rolled her eyes — “just a little bit.. but don’t get too carried away with it.”
a few more push and pull on their spat was made before hoon decided to end it with a trip to the restroom.
as she was left alone, her hands pulled out her phone once again to check her flooded group chat.
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
Why haven’t you been answering!
Do you still need to be picked up?
jake’s girl 🫂:
she’s busy with sunghoon!!
hee’s fav 🤍:
um ew
my hee said he’s proud of him
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
y/n <33:
i’m literally fine 😭😭 i’m just at a bar with him
hee’s fav 🤍:
a bar??
jake’s girl 🫂:
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
y/n giggled at her screen, about to type out another message before being interrupted.
the familiar voice immediately clicked in her head. she knew that voice from anywhere..
“taehyun??” she felt her heart in her throat with how sudden he appeared back in her life. “what are you doing here?”
a chuckle erupted from his throat as he nervously scratched his neck. “i should be the one asking you that. are you drinking alone?”
“oh no i-“
“nevermind that, you look cold.” he interrupted, taking his leather jacket off to wrap around her.
“it’s really fine, taehyun, you don’t have to.” a sense of an uneasy feeling hit her stomach as she was tensely awkward.
his hands held onto the jacket, attempting to let it cover her shoulders — only for it to be pushed away with another coat from behind.
y/n, of all, was puzzled but quickly grasped that it was sunghoon. he arrived from behind, noticing the subtle body language change in her from her back.
now the jacket he wore earlier had securely been on her shoulders with a hand placed at her waist.
he pulled her in close to him with his eyes narrowing at her ex. ���she has mine. she’s not cold.” the girl trailed her eyes from his chest to his masculine face. she took a gulp, careful to not get too caught up with how much she was admiring him. him, and his chiseled chest, strong jawline, sharp nose, dashing eyes, thick brows, and fluffy hair. god, she could stare at him forever.
meanwhile, taehyun felt lost, mind not able to comprehend how sudden a random guy had swooped in near his old lover. “oh i’m sorry, are you guys…”
sunghoon darkly chuckled. “yeah,” he paused with a jaw clench while tightening his hold around her waist, “we’re together.” the surge of possession drawing out of him was something she didn’t expect to see, but she liked it.
the older male understandingly nodded his head before apologizing and taking his leave from the scene.
“thanks.. i didn’t really feel like talking to him.” y/n confessed with her lips pushed in a line.
he smiled as he took his seat, not before sweeping the taehyun air off and taking a sip of his beverage. “i could tell. did i do good as your pretend boyfriend?”
she cackled a laugh, nodding in agreement as she joked, “yeah keep that up and you’ll be my real boyfriend.”
“yeah? i have potential?” his face dipped in closer to hers, breath heavy with a gulp at how close they were.
her lips curled into a smile before leaning in close to let the tips of their noses touch. “you do, loser.” she flirtatiously nudged his head away, laughing at how charmed he was.
they continued through other talks, finding interests in similar things and connecting on a different level. going on a date with someone like him was different than what y/n was used to. she felt like she could actually converse with him after pushing through the awkward surface.
little things about each other were getting to be known — birthdays, interests, goals, connections, mbti’s. they were enjoying each other’s company with just how well they could communicate.
a spark was undeniably ignited between the two loud introverts, and soon enough, the question had been asked — “wanna get out of here?”
“been waiting for you to ask that.” y/n replied with a smile.
the two soon found transportation back to her shared apartment with her friends.
“so you live here with ji-woo?” he asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“yeah, and two others. they’re dating your friends too, heeseung and jungwon.”
sunghoon’s eyes blew up in shock. “what?? really? so how come i never knew you before?”
she grinned ear to ear at his question. “well i was dating taehyun for a while so i was pretty much off the market at the time.”
“too bad, would’ve been perfect for past me.” her head shot up to the boy who was having a faint color of pink tainted on his cheeks.
“what about being perfect for present you?”
y/n stopped in her tracks, allowing sunghoon to face her. “i could tell you already are.” almost immediately, her cheeks grew hot and heavy.
he chuckled, bitting his lips with how she reacted. “so i guess i figured you out tonight.”
her head tilted in confusion, earning another sweet laugh to be heard from him. “i said i’d have fun figuring you out tonight, and i did.”
“you figured me out through one night?”
hoon’s mouth ran through the little details he didn’t dare to miss throughout the night, causing y/n to have her jaw on the floor.
“wow.. you really did figure me out. i mean there’s more to it than that but-“
“but i did good huh?” his nose gave a soft scrunch as he smiled in satisfaction. “i should get a prize for that.”
she giggled. “you want a prize?”
he nodded his head. “only if you’re giving them out.”
the girl rolled her eyes at her date. “fine, what do you want?”
“another date.”
she couldn’t help the beam that took over on her face, closing her eyes shut as she nodded her head. “okay, another date with you it is.”
sunghoon reached one of his hands out — “shake on it.”
“shake on it?” she guffawed.
“yeah, shake on it.” the boy repeated.
she sighed in defeat, giving in because of how handsome his soft pout was. her hands firmly shook his and prepared to let go, only to be in a tight hold again.
before she knew it, his lips smashed against hers. sunghoon smiled through the kiss, enjoying her flustered state with how sudden everything was. his other cupped her cheek, pulling her in closer as she melted into it.
soon enough, he pulled away with his heavy breath against her cheek. the male planted soft and quiet kisses on her lips, indicating her with his longing to connect their lips again.
“that was a good shake huh?” hoon whispered.
she scoffed out a laugh and pushed him away. “shut up.”
a wide grin plastered onto his face as he laughed with a hand on his stomach. “so, another date?”
“we already confirmed that.” said y/n, giving a roll to her eyes once more before feeling his warm hand bring her back.
“can’t wait,” sunghoon murmured, leaning in to leave a comforting peck on her cheek.
“get home safely.” she said. the girl picked out soft strands from his messy and yet gorgeous hair, letting a few still take its fall as her eyes focused on him.
hoon’s cheeks and ears flushed with a tinge of pink, feeling his heart thump out of his chest while nodding — “i will, get home safe too, gorgeous.”
y/n smiled as if on default, softly smacking his arms as she replied, “can’t wait for our next date.”
sunghoon gave a quick ruffle to her hair before taking off. he laughed at her frustrated state when he did it, loving how his teasings caused an adorable reaction like that.
the two definitely had a lot more to learn about each other, but being as comfortable as they were on a first date was a good sign.
after a little more playful bickerings, y/n went inside her apartment complex to converse with her friends in how well the date went. ji-woo, especially, mentioning how she knew they’d match while min-su and dae played out their jokes and gasps in a light manner.
“what did i say!” yelled jake’s girl.
“still doesn’t justify you leaving me completely alone!” y/n yelled back.
“yeah why did you do that, ji-woo?” dae chimed in.
“she needed to talk to him, not me throughout the date!” she defended.
“wow see that, she didn’t even want to talk to you y/n.” min-su instigated.
as for sunghoon, the boy went to his apartment he shared with jake. he spent the entire night wondering and thinking about the girl he just talked to. eventually, asking his best buddy all sorts of questions about y/n so he could ask his girlfriend. the poor boy was exhausted from his own date, and yet hoon was pestering him about all the tiny details that could be heard from ji-woo.
“please jake!” the taller male pleaded.
jake groaned out an annoyed sigh. “dude leave me alone! ask me questions tomorrow!”
“but i want to talk about her now!”
“go bother heeseung or jungwon then, their partners are dating her friends too you know?” he mumbled with an arm draped over his eyes.
“but you’re here now!” sunghoon exclaimed.
“bro just text her, and stop asking me!”
a door slam was made in front of hoon, giving him no choice but to text the girl who’d now be someone he’d think about on the daily basis.
this was just the start to their relationship.
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro observations #6
• Scorpio suns with Capricorn moons are very calculating and when jealous it can show pretty visibly.
• Cancer suns with Virgo risings are so chill!! Literally the type to give you some real advice and listen to your rants.
• Libra suns with Capricorn moons are charming and very friendly but also very reserved about their personal lives.
• Libra suns with Taurus moons are very much foodies and tend to have sweet/smooth & soft voices.
• Pisces suns with Gemini moons are really sweet and charming. Also very intelligent.
• Aries suns with Cancer moons literally must be protected at all costs!!
• Virgo suns with Virgo moons are so nice and down to earth. Also very analytical and you’ll often find them zoned out with this worried look on their face as they bite their lip or their nails.
• Sagittarius suns with Aquarius moons are my kind of people lol. Love love love traveling and are almost always away from home. They’re also sweet and understanding! And if they have a Sag mercury? Very hilarious and bold!!
• Taurus suns with Leo moons/Gemini venuses are definitely the class clowns!
• Scorpios suns with Libra moons give off very fast mentally vibes and constantly worrying about attractive people not likening them, especially if they have a Sag venus.
• Scorpio mars people are CHILLLL. But you don’t wanna see them mad or be on their bad side.
• Gemini placements tend to overthink everything before things even happen. Especially Gemini risings, no wonder they’re always nervous.
• Aquarius moons tend to have a squared jaw which oftentimes makes their faces look more rounder.
• Leo suns with Leo moons tend to have sharp jawlines!!
• Pisces suns with Aries mercuries are menaces! Lmaooo😂.
• Virgo suns with Virgo mercuries have a sexy logical way of thinking and speaking!!
• Virgo suns with Libra mercuries are more about what sounds fair.
• Virgo suns with Leo mercuries are wilddd.💀 I have mistaken them for Pisces suns with Aries mercuries at times.
• Taurus suns with Sagittarius moons have an obsession with video games I swear.
• Taurus sun & Earth moon parent-Scorpio sun & Earth moon child dynamics tends to be horrible! The Taurus sun-Earth moon parent will literally hold a 30+ year grudge against the Scorpio sun-Earth moon child and might belittle them or remind them of their failures often. They might also single them out or the Taurus sun-Earth moon parent might’ve always played favourites.
• Leo sun-Aqua moon & Cap sun-Gemini moon duos tend to joke a lot and laugh a lot together, even make fun of people in their faces lmao. Literally the type to be waving big jugs of water around, throwing water at each other in the middle of the street while laughing their asses off and walking bare footed. They might also argue at times or think one betrayed the other but besides that they’re very loyal to each other.🤞🏽
• Libra suns can be very caring and also give great advice.
• Aquarius sun people might be a little dry especially when you first meet them and throughout the friendship there may be a little awkwardness in the air but they’re very funny and very original!
• Virgo sun men with Aries risings why are you so fine?😩
• Water suns with Earth mars why are you so intuitively and physically sexy? 😻
• Gemini suns with Leo moons and Aries mars so hot!!🥵
• Fire venuses are sooo attractive!!
• Tbh I love Cap venuses because they’re not “gold diggers” they choose to slowly build a connection with someone instead of just jumping straight into a relationship. And they also wanna insure stability into their relationships—and there’s nothing wrong with that!
• Scorpio venuses tend to get attached easily! I love that placement!! Same with Scorpio mars!
• Taurus mars are literally so attractive!!!
• Sag mars are so fun!!
• Air in big 3 have a thing for saying ‘I’ll be there inna minute.” And “Okay I’ll do it inna minute”.🧐
• Aries risings, Sag risings, Cap risings and Gemini risings are fineee!!🤤
• Virgo risings might not show their smarts outwardly but they’re very smart people!
• Aquarius placements take the cake for being the most eccentric but why aren’t people talking about Gemini and Libra placements being eccentric too? Especially the moons! I see a lot of people with Libra moons especially, express themselves through art even down to the clothes their wear and their hair colors. And Gemini placements? Also tend to be eccentric and futuristic. Especially if there’s a mix of water in the charts.
• Libra suns/risings/moons can be so petty mostly when underdeveloped.
• Gemini suns/risings/moons can be the worst gossips if underdeveloped.
• Sagittarius suns with Libra moons and Sagittarius mercuries/venuses literally have my heart. <3
• Underdeveloped Cancer risings can be very emotionally manipulative. And if they have a Cancer Venus even worse!
• More matured Cancer risings are literally so nurturing, loving and very thoughtful.<3
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anemptypuddingcup · 1 year
Breast & Nipple Play w/ Luffy.
I’ve seen them requests and Ima get to them, but I need to write for my baby since I missed him so much.
Contains: Luffy loving up on Reader’s breasts. Doesn’t specify breast size. (We allow all sizes here!~) Luffy teasing Reader. Nipple & Breast play. Fingering. Semi-Public sex. (Area is unspecified though.) Steamy cliffhanger.
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Luffy didn’t know what it was about you that made him crave you more than he usually would. Maybe it was the cute little outfits that you wore for him that riled him up a bit, the cutest little sundress that could be short and close up against your ass. Your pretty breasts peeking out at him to make him grow harder, his hands sometimes massaging the soft mounds as he found comfort and arousal from doing so. Your breasts mesmerized him and throws him in a trance every time he gently gropes or just peered at them for a moment. Sometimes he would pull you in a room alone for a little quickie or when he just wanted to suckle and bite on them to mark you. It was just something that he couldn’t help doing, he wanted to show how much he loved his baby and her body, especially her breasts.
Moans leaves your lips as you felt Luffy’s tongue trail along your breasts, his tongue swirling around your areola and nipple while his lips were suckling hard against the softest skin. The upper half of your sundress now off your shoulders and on the side of your arms. “So fuckin’ tasty, an’ they’re all mine t’have.” Luffy sighs happily before continuing. He slowly runs his knee up between your legs to give you more friction, causing you to moan out while he continues to play with your sensitive breasts. “L-Luffy~ P-Please don’t bite down so…ah~ h-hard!~” You begged between your moans, wrapping your hands softly around his wrists. Luffy bites down softly making you yelp out in slight pleasure and pain while you arched your back. “It’s fine it’s fineee, just lemme suck on ‘em s’moreee~” Luffy hums before massaging your breasts even more. You felt his hand trail down underneath your sundress and to your clothes cunt, a little whimper leaving you as you felt his fingers and palm run against your clit.
“L-Luffy~” You breathed shakily as he trails his fingers between the folds of your clothed cunt. “Soakin’ wet already, you’re so damn naughty baby~” He whispers before peppering a kiss to your lips and tending back to your breasts. You whined as he latches his mouth back onto your nipple, his hand pinching the other one while he tended to your cunt, multitasking on your body to make you feel good. Your hand reaches up to his raven locks and you cradled his head before a moan falls from your lips. “O-Oh goddd~ L-Luffy~” You gasped as you felt his thumb press against your clit, making you rock your hips along his hand. He slides his hand down your panties and teases your entrance before slowly pushing two digits inside of you. You gasp as you feel his fingers immediately find your g-spot, his fingertips massaging the sweet bundle of nerves so wonderfully while he was still tending to your soft breasts.
“So tight an’ warm inside, all ya sounds are makin’ m’dick s’hard~” Luffy breathe before looking up a you. You whimpered loudly as you feel him suck hard on your nipple while he pinched the other harder as well. You felt yourself on the edge of your orgasm as Luffy increases the speed of his fingers inside of you, your moans and gasps growing louder as he tended to your body. “L-Luffy, Luffy please go f-faster~ Move your hand f-fasterr~” You begged, your arms wrapping around his body a little tight. Luffy smiles and presses another kiss to your breasts before responding. “Y’wan’ me to move m’hand faster? Y’wan’ me t’go faster huh?~” He teased. You nodded your head frantically. “Yes!~ Yes Luffy please!~” You gasp. Luffy giggles, adoring how cute you were begging for him. “Shishishi~ S’damn cute~” He hums before he picks up the pace. Wrapping his lips back around your nipple, he rolls his tongue faster against the sensitive while his finger swirled faster around the other. You moan out as you feel his fingers thrust in faster within your walls, his fingertips hitting your g-spot with every thrust of his hand.
Drool slips from your lips and down your chin as you felt the pleasure spread throughout your body, your breaths growing heavier and your moans growing louder. “Yes yes! O-Oh god Luffy!~” You cry out as you felt your orgasm ready to burst out of you. Luffy hums as he felt your body shake against his before you began to squirm and grind your hips against his hand. “Squirt on m’fingers baby~ wanna feel ya soak m’hand~” Luffy whispers, making you shiver. You throw your head back before your eyes cross as you felt your orgasm burst out of you. “L-Luffy! L-Luffy I-I’m cumming! F-FUCK!~” A swear leaves your lips as you squirt on Luffy’s hand, your moans loud and uncontrollable as Luffy finally removes his mouth from your breasts, a string of saliva connected from his lips and tongue to your nipple and areola. He giggles.
“Good gal~ Good gal~” Luffy says before he presses a kiss to your lips, his hand all sopping wet from your slick and cum. You breathe heavily against him before you felt him pull your body into his embrace. You shivered against him, still recovering from your slightly harsh orgasm. “Luffy…” You rasped, your head against his scarred chest while your arms were around his body. Luffy suckles on his hand, tasting your sweet and sugary cum while cleaning his hand off. “S’fuckin’ good~ You taste s’good baby~” He giggles mischievously before pressing a kiss to your lips, transferring the taste. You shiver as his soaking lips pressed against yours, his tongue slowly sliding in before twirling with yours. He holds your face softly to keep your lips against his as you breathes heavily from the deep kiss.
Grinding his hips against yours, he pulls your lips away from his as saliva connected to both of your lips. Pushing you back against the wall, you felt his bulge press against your cunt before he unbuttons his shorts and yanks both them and his briefs down. His hard cock pops out and he hisses as he felt his cock head hit his lower tummy. Gripping your hip tightly, he yanks up your sundress while heavy breaths left him.
“Wancha t’squirt on my m’dick before I fill your pussy up with m’jizz~” He whispers, quickly pulling your panties down your legs before sliding his cock through your thighs and against your bare soaking cunt. You moan as you felt his warm cock pulsate against your cunt before he lifts one of your legs up. “Lemme fuck ya, can I please fuck ya? Lemme mess ya up real good~” He begs, his patience slowly growing thin. You nodded frantically and wrap your arms around his neck. “Yes Luffy! Please fuck my pussy~ Please fuck it good~” You also beg, allowing him to mess you and your body up in such a wonderful way. A heavy breath leaves him before slowly pushes inside your warm plush cunt.
“Fuck yeah, choke m’fuckin’ dick, tighten up ‘round m’dick baby~” He says before he grabbing your legs and picking you up.
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spopsalt · 3 months
Catra certainly does have trauma. But so does everyone else. And spop only focused on Cat girl’s
Adora being abused by Catra for years? ACktUAllY aDOrA lEfT her 🤓
Mermista loosing her kingdom and many of her people to the Horde? She is sad in the tub for like 5 minutes, which is all played for laughs, and then is fine. Oh and she’s mind controlled all season! Catra taking accountability? HA, can’t have that
Scorpia being abused by Catra? Acknowledged once and then she’s mind controlled all season, we can’t have Catra take accountability because look at how sad the poor kitty is 🥺
Frosta and Glimmer being forced to become royalty at young ages due to the loss of their parents? Both completely forgotten about! Glimmer fucking kisses Catra!
And that’s because they’re names aren’t Catra Applesauce Meowmeow therefore they don’t matter
Exactly, spop tries to make Catra look like a poor little person but, no matter what her past is, nothing makes anything she did remotely ok, she knew the horde was evil from the start and refused to come with Adora when she was offered the chance. Mermista looked like she was traumatized when she saw that Catra took over her kingdom,but nahhh she's just all mopey, how funny! Catra barely got to apologize to Scropia before she just scoops her into a hug, Glimmer lost her mom due to Catra, but they just nope sweep it under a rug, Catra didn't even apologize to Glimmer but it's fineee please let someone be allowed to stay mad at Catra
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ivrxquack · 11 hours
Come come kitty kitty you're so pretty pretty don't go kitty kitty Stay with me
Lion hybrid!Konig x reader x black Panther hybrid! Ghost
“Y/N, I honestly think your main problem is that you’re so lonely. What do you do everyday besides work and sleep?” Your therapist asked as you laid on the blue lounge chair.
“Ummm…hang out with frie-“ You started before your therapist cut you off.
“Imaginary friends don’t ,girl. I tell you what I feel like a companion would be good for you!” She said as she wrote a few things down.
“Here these are a few adoption places I’ve gotten all of my babies from atleast one!” She said gesturing to the picture of all 10 of her cats sitting on her desk.
“Ok, thank you!” You said paying her and walking out.
“Good luck, Y/N” she said as you waved at her walking out the building, and to your car where you sat for a second reading the list.
“Laswells hybrids?” You said to yourself that one catching your eye out of all of them.
You’ve always heard of hybrids either in a bad way or an absolutely good way.Your neighbors even had one at your child hood home, it was a sweet bunny hybrid who everyone adored.
“I can’t talk to a regular dog or cat and I can’t get a parrot cause I don’t have the space, I’ll get a hybrid!” You thought starting your car and driving out the parking lot, on the way to the adoption center.
At the adoption center
“Hello, how can I help you?” A young man with a British accent asked you smiling widely at the front desk.
“Hi, Im looking to adopt” you said as he nodded as you looked at his name tag that read “gaz”.
“Any preferences? Certain person?” Gaz asked
“Nope, but i’d prefer more calmer ones” you said as you two started to walk down the halls of the center.
“Here way have, ghost! A black panther he doesn’t talk much, pretty low maintenance, protective, strong, and very loyal” He said as you looked at ghost through the glass, who stared back as he sat on a hammock. And you waved at him but of course he didn’t wave back.
“He’s really chill when you get to know him.” Gaz said motioning for you to follow him down the hall.
“Konig, what’s up buddy!?” Gaz teased the giant cat that side eyed him hardly, holding a tablet in his hands.
“He’s a little…short tempered, he’s been returned a couple times.” Gaz said as you frowned at Konig who watched videos of cooking.
“I want him” you said sternly peaking Gaz’s attention, as he shook his head.
“But you haven’t seen half the other options!” Gaz said as you sighed
“True True” you said as he eagerly pulled you to look at other hybrids.
A few minutes later
“Tigers, bears , alligators, octopus…they’re all cool but ,Konig.” You said looking at Gaz with pleading eyes
“Fineee, but you’ll regret it” he said sourly marching back to Konigs room
“Konig, she wants to speak to you.” Gaz said opening the door to the room as Konig glanced over at you, as you walked in the room.
“Hey, my name is Y/N. I’m looking for a friend, someone to care for. I live on the north side I work at a company ran by my family.” You said extending your hand out as he stared at it for a second before slowly taking it
“I’m, Konig I’m a veteran. I like to work out, sleep, and…that’s about it” Konig said as you smiled widely
“I’ll take him!” You said as Gaz sighed as Konig slowly stood up towering over easily as you gulped slightly
“Fine” he said gesturing for you and him to follow him, as Konig grabbed his little belongings. But as you two walked down the halls you caught sight of ghost looking so depressed.
“Wait!” You said gaz stopped eagerly as you walked up to ghosts room. His knees to his chest his face buried in his legs, sitting on the ground.
“I think I want him to” you said as konigs blood ran cold as Gaz winked at him going to open the door
‘May the best man win’ Gaz muttered as Konig snarled at him as ghost lifted his head up staring at you
“Hey there..my name is ,Y/N” You said as his eyes had a weird look in them as you started talking, you were completely unaware of konigs death glare towards you both but 2 certain people definitely weren’t.
10 minutes later
“If anything happens give us a call! Good luck ghost..I’ll miss you bro” Gaz said as him and a few other guys stood by ghost, eagerly as stared at them smiling
‘Good ol bromance’ you said Konig stared down at you
“Bye” ghost said to his friends waving as you guys walked towards the exit, you in between both of them.
“Poor girl” soap teased as you waved at them and they waved back
“No, poor Konig. When ghost absolutely destroys him!” Gaz said as price shook his head at their childish behaviors. Sure ghost and Konig had pretty bad beef, but they still didn’t have to act like that.
With you guys
“I want the front seat” Konig said coldly as him and ghost both reached for the door handle
“I grabbed it first” Ghost spat pulling it of course causing Konig to grab it to.
“Guys, please you’ll break the handle! How about we take turns, we have to make a few stops before we go home” You suggested pulling their hands away gently
“I’ll go first” Konig said as ghost got in the back and you all got in the car
“So, you guys know each other well?” You asked putting your seatbelt on
“No” they both said immediately as you started to drive
“Oh” you said nervously knowing this was gonna be a pretty interesting experience
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kirislovelygf · 1 year
i need a part two of that tsireya fic🥲they don’t end up together or anything but tsireya find out about y/n’s feelings for her
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happy ending (tsireya x omaticayan fem! reader)
contents: fluff, happy ending, confessions, lo’ak being a nice brother, wlw relationship, kiss, ao’nung being a hood brother too
wrd count: 1.9k
a/n: UGGHH FINEEE i wanted this to be an angsty one part but ugh, i love ya’ll too much <3 here’s your happy ending !!
part one here !!
tsireya’s pov:
i like lo’ak so much. he’s kind, funny, and handsome. he’s the best and only boyfriend i’ve ever had.
the only problem is my father doesn’t completely approve of him. he says he wants me to be happy but he scowls at lo’ak every time he sees us together.
i guess It’s okay. but i’m not as happy as i thought i’d be.
y/n hasn’t talked to me in days. it’s like she’s pretending i don’t exist.
and how can i be happy with lo’ak if i can’t be happy with my best friend?
it’s the morning, and about a week passed since lo’ak and i have officially started dating.
i wanted to talk to her because the ignoring and the avoidance was getting to be too much.
i care about my friends and i don’t like getting into arguments or.. whatever, situations like the one i’m in.
i walked to her marui where her family was cleaning up and getting ready for the day.
i didn’t spot y/n with her family and asked her parents where she was.
they said she went swimming a while ago and went to look for her on the beach.
i nodded and went to look for her.
after looking all over the beaches of the island and finding no one, i finally found her sitting on boulders with a girl i know.
i used to be jealous of her. not anymore.
the two girls laugh and the girl y/n was with threw her head back and gently flipped her gorgeous, perfectly curly hair back.
hmm, maybe I’m still a little jealous.
i went over to them and they heard the sand move under my feet because they both looked at me when i got closer.
“hi. where’s lo’ak?” y/n asked me, in a confused tone.
“lo’ak? uh, in his marui with your family. i actually wanted to talk to you.” i said.
the girl looks at y/n before hopping off the boulder. “i’ll give you both some privacy.”
she walks away and a part of me wishes she tripped in the sand but i quickly push that thought away after feeling guilty.
i wait for her to be away completely and walk over to y/n. she had her arms folded and looked sad.
“everything okay?” she asked me. i hopped up on the boulder next to her.
“no. not with us. why are you angry with me? did i so or say something to make you unhappy with me?” i asked her.
she shrugs her shoulders and looks everywhere but my eyes.
“no. it’s nothing. we’re fine.” she said simply.
“please, tell me. if i did something, i want to fix it.” i place my hand on her shoulder and she looks at it for a moment.
i take it off in fear of offending her or something. she sighed and looked up at me finally.
“i don’t like.. that you and lo’ak are together. at all.” she confessed.
“oh. okay. but why not?” i ask.
“he doesn’t deserve you. lo’ak is an idiot who doesn’t know how to be in a relationship.”
“and you don’t need that. you deserve someone who cares about your well-being. someone who lobes to just be there with you. i cannot bear to see you with lo’ak because he is not capable of either those things.” she continued.
she spewed all the reasons she had for me not to be with her brother as if she were holding them in all her life.
“well.. what do you expect me to do? stay single my entire life? are none of the boys on the island enough for you?”
“no, they’re not. none of the boys deserve to even be friends with you.” she said.
why did that make my heart face? why did that sentence make my cheeks heat up? why did my ears perk all the way up? what’s wrong with me?
“so i just stay by myself my entire life?”
“no, of course not. but..”
“but what? what are you not telling me?” i asked, exasperated. tired of all the feelings she’s hiding from me.
she hesitated for a moment while staring at me.
“i like you, tsireya.”
those words shook me. my eyes widened a bit and i stayed frozen in my spot.
“and when you told me you liked lo’ak, i was so angry with you both. even though it wasn’t really your fault.” she continued.
“i couldn’t bear seeing you together knowing how much i like you. i know you don’t like me and that’s okay. but that’s the reason i’ve been avoiding you.”
she sighs and we stare at each other for a moment before she swiped her hands under her eyes. she then picked herself up and hopped off the boulder.
i wanted to say something. to tell her to come back but i couldn’t move.
i sighed and pulled my knees up to my chest and held my legs while staring out onto the ocean.
i was stuck in my thoughts until later in the day. and my brother came to find me.
“hey.” he muttered as he walked over to me.
“hi.” i muttered back sadly.
he sighs and goes to sit next to me. “everyone’s looking for you. we were about to eat and they sent me to look for you.” he said.
“what happened?”
i sighed and lifted my head up to look at him.
“y/n.. just told me she likes me.” i said, flat out.
“oh! okay.” he was definitely surprised and he stuttered looking for something else to say.
“and uh.. what did you tell her?” he asked.
“nothing. i literally- i froze when she said that. i didn’t know what to say.” i said worriedly.
“okay, okay, calm down. it’s okay.” he pats my shoulder but i groaned in annoyance.
“no, it’s not okay. now i’m all confused.” i said to him.
“why? you don’t like her, so why are you freaking out?” he said.
.. ohhhh
ao’nung looked at me suspiciously.
“you don’t like her. right?”
“maybe.. i think i do?” i winced.
i turn my body to face him, ready to explain myself to him, because this is a shock to him more than it is to me.
“i don’t know! i don’t think i ever liked girls until y/n came here! i just thought she was my best friend and that’s why i cared so much about her! but now i’m lo’ak and i don’t know what to do.” i said to him.
“okay.. so what will you do? you can’t just cheat on lo’ak to be with his sister. don’t you know the chaos that would cause?” he said.
“no, i don’t ao’nung.” he answered sarcastically.
he rolls his eyes at me. “alright, then. what will you do?”
i sighed again. i have absolutely no idea.
“i’m not sure if even like lo’ak all that much. and it’s not because of what y/n just told me.” i said to him.
“then what is it? i mean, don’t get me wrong. lo’ak’s super annoying but i thought you two were good together.” he added.
“i did too. but it’s like.. okay, every time we sold hug or kiss or hold hands-“
“ew, tsireya. i don't wanna hear about all that.” he groaned.
“hey! i don’t have any sisters to talk to about this. ask bear with it and listen.” i snapped.
“what about kiri-“
“shush! anyways, whenever we do, i feel nothing. no excitement, no happiness, just bored. but i have to smile so he doesn’t know that. it is like i am constantly faking.” i said.
he nods along with what i’m saying.
“but when i’m with y/n, it’s different. i look forward to spending time with her everyday. every time she touches me or even looks at me, i’m happy and i get excited. i just thought it was because i finally had an actual girl friend.” i said.
“oh yeah. you definitely like her.” ao’nung nodded.
“i haven’t even finished-“
“not even like. you love her.” he said.
“don’t be ridiculous! how can i love someone i’ve only known for a couple months?” i groaned.
“i don’t know but hats what it is with you.” he shrugged.
i sighed and turned to face the ocean again, ing my legs up to my chest. i rested my chin on my folder arms as ao’nung patted my shoulder softly.
“i think i have to break up with lo’ak. this isn’t fair to him.” i said softly.
“yeah, i think that’s the best option.”
“and then ask y/n out on a date.”
“yes, i think- wait, what?!”
i look up at him. “seriously? if my girlfriend broke up with me to be with my brother or sister, i would be furious.” he said.
“we’ll.. i like her and she likes me. so now what? we just wait until we have lo’ak’s blessing?”
“or until he dies.” he shrugged.
i raise my hand and slapped the back of his head. “ow!”
“don’t be stupid.” i grumbled.
“i’m serious.”
i pout and my chin falls on my arms again.
we went. A. Go the village and y/n hasn’t left my mind. i managed to get lo’ak alone and told him how i was feeling.
about y/n and about him and he was thankfully, very understanding. i know he was upset though.
and despite what ao’nung said, lo’ak told me to go for it and ask y/n out on a date. he even took me to his marui.
i asked y/n to take a walk with me on the beach with jake and neytiri’s permission first.
once they agreed, it was an awkward couple of minutes of us walking down the beach with small talk being made every couple seconds.
i finally gathered the courage to tell her how i was feeling.
“y/n.” i started.
she looks up at me and her eyes light up.
“i’m sorry for hurting you before.” i started.
“no. no, tsireya. that wasn’t your fault.”
“and i didn’t realize it until i talked to my brother but i realized uh..”
“yes?” she was now standing in front of me, her hands held neatly behind her back while I was fiddling with mines in front of me.
“uh.. i thought about it and i think i like you too. maybe. i’m not sure.” i shrugged.
“oh..” she nodded. how did i never notice how good she looked in this moonlight?
“and i broke up with lo’ak. and he even said it’s okay if we wanted go be together.” i said.
“of course, if that is what you want. because that’s what i want.” i told her.
she smiled softly and chuckled.
“yeah. i would like that.” she nodded.
i smiled brighter than i thought i would and quickly tried to stop in fear of looking crazy.
“okay! okay, uh great.” i laughed.
i wanted to kiss her or something and just as i was about to lean in, a horn sounded.
a horn to let us teenagers know it was time to go home.
y/n and i walked back to her marui and thankfully there wasn’t anyone around.
“would you like to spend time together tomorrow?” she asked bashfully.
“of course! i’d love to.” i nodded.
she smiled. she looked back into her marui for a moment before taking a step forward in front of me.
she looked up and kissed me quickly. even if it lasted for a second, i knew.
this is was different. so, so much more different than every time i kissed lo’ak.
or any other boy in my life.
she pulled away and smiled once more before walking into her home.
i squealed quietly before rushing home to tell ao’nung about everything that just happened.
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xotrashratxo · 8 months
Nerdy Prudes Must Die: Thoughts During the Premier last night Part 2: Everything Else
She’s so evil I love her. 
Kyle and Brenda are so adorableeeeee
AWEEEE EVERYONE’S ADORABLE!!! they’re gonna die. 
Mariah’s extensions kinda ate. 
Jason and Kyle are so in love lol. 
FUCK clivesdale. 
oh no he’s gonna die. 
Here comes the horror bro. 
Get this shit a Kill Count. 
RIP Richie. He was just starting to live. 
I hate theatre kids /j
It’s giving 80s I love it. 
And we’re all caught up. 
Fucking Clivesdale. 
oh I love fear mongering. 
Ziggy cameo!!!!! 
I love a cameo song!!!! 
“Suddenly the show is real upsetting!” 
Slaaaay miming Joey
The barbecue monologueessssss
What accent is that. Southern, New York, slightly British???
Oh Barbecue monologues is gonna fucking EAT. 
Fucking TREVOR. 
Thank you 10! 
Uh oh. 
OH she’s a theatre kid. Aw I’m gonna cry at her death. 
no the lighting is red. 
*Ruthy EATS* 
She just wants to be loved ☹️
Im gonna cryyyyy
Stop I’m cryingggggg
*Pets dead Ruthy’s head* 
That ATE omgggg
*Drinks hot water instead of coffee.*
Fuck Clivesdale. 
oh shit at the old Wayland place. Next to the body. Fuck. 
If they start singing Your Fault I’m gonna scream.
Speaking of, “HWHAT???” 
Love a good angry breakup sexual tension song
They’re gonna kiss. 
Grace swearing is hilarious
*whips out a Canadian accent* 
Omg she’s crazy
why is the mayor…. Kinda fineee??? 
Why is mayor lauter….. kinda fine????
It’s the lords fuck. 
Bro said fuck science. 
GASP. He’s killing his daughter. 
Her dad is a cultist omg
He already performed a ritual didn’t he
well shit there’s red lighting. 
shucks. nothing like traumatizing Corey and Mariah by killing their kid/parent
Officer Shapiro eats. But NOT. Ben. 
Couldn’t avoid the tide pods huh? 
RIP Officer Shapiro, she was a bad bitch. 
bring about the apocalypse. The apotheosis is upon us. 
I love them omggggg
why do I get Oompa Loompa vibes tho. 
Nooooooooo my boyyyyyyy
They’re fucking EATINGGGG. 
Oooooh they ate. 
Noooooooo my boyyyyyyy
I think I own that flannel. 
Grace! Distraction! Yay! oh no. 
I hate this. 
Grace is so evil I love her. 
Sexxxx with a ghostttt-
Grace, you fucking queen. *Smokes a cigarette after sex.* 
Rip Mayor Lauter, you were kinda hot. 
FUCK Clivesdale. 
oh this makes me smileeeeee
but the cliffhangers that come from Hatchetverse. What’s the twist. 
This homecoming flash mob is too good. I’m terrified. 
this is too good what’s happening. 
What’s the twist here. What is it. WHY IS THERE A BLACKOUT. 
aweeeeee this is gonna be bad. Yeah, get tricked Jason. 
She’s gonna kill him. 
Yup. the sequel: Horny Pervs Must Die. 
OH she’s a reverse succubus? 
Grace is psycho and I love her. 
Angela, my chaos hamster. 
Darkness will spare my soul! 
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lonelyroommp3 · 1 month
No cause like the song is literally about how silly and high school it feels to be in the rush of a new relationship. Like of course she’s rhyming Aristotle and grand theft auto for fun!! The song is fun!! People just got so caught up in what they assumed the aesthetic of the album was from the marketing that they’re convinced every single song on it has to be like, her 100% serious melancholy confessions of the heart
i also think it doesn't help that like. a lot of people who haven't listened to the album and don't care to whatsoever (which is completely fine, for the record) are making judgements about out of context lyrics which like. listen some lyrics in this album ARE bad with or without context but sometimes context (both of the lyrics around it and what the lyric itself is trying to do within the context of the song) is uh, important if you want to actually fairly judge something! and again i think a lot of people aren't really interested in a fair judgement, they just want to get their hater notes ,which is fineee again like being a hater is fun i get it i would be a hypocrite & buzzkill to knock the noble art of unwarranted slander and god knows i spent all of friday and much of saturday bitching about that album until the cows came home. but it DOES mean i'm allowed to think your judgement is stupid if you're taking it a bit too seriously while doing no actual thought to back it up lol
(another thing i kind of think is like. a lot of people have been saying "oh if lana sang this lyric people would be eating it up" which is ENTIRELY true but i think a big part of that is their respective personas. like lana has a very effortless cool to her & her entire aesthetic as an act is grounded so heavily in the intersection of pop culture and sexuality that obviously her saying "touch me while your boys play grand theft auto" is just. that IS a lana del rey lyric through and through, it would feel NATURAL coming from her. with taylor on the other hand i think for better or worse she has always been somebody who tries very very hard and you can SEE it, like everything she does you can see the metaphorical vein of conspicuous effort popping in her forehead. which i think is one of the reasons she's always been divisive bc even before every other controversy that kind of personality type is something that some people just don't like! but anyway, where i'm going with that is god love her but her vibe is just not one that could pull that lyric off with a straight face. so if you don't know that she's joking around bc you haven't listened to the song or you just think everything she does is 100% serious all the time then i completely understand having a bit of an instinctive cringe reaction to that lyric lmfao)
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dreams-and-drabbles · 2 years
ᴸᵉᵗ ᵀʰᵉ ᵂⁱⁿᵈ ᵀᵉˡˡ ʸᵒᵘ~!
Voicelines about you, you amazing human being—!!!
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[𝘐𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘴: 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪, 𝘟𝘪𝘢𝘰, 𝘑𝘦𝘢𝘯, 𝘒𝘢𝘻𝘶𝘩𝘢, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘚𝘶𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘦]
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About us (how we met) : You remember when we first met? Hehe! I’ll admit that wasn’t my best moment…I had a little too much wine. Okay, fineee! I had a lot too much, there~! Buuut, fortunately you were there to help me!!! Master Diluc was SO mad. I thought he was gonna kill us both…ergh….
About us (helping each other) : You know, I seriously don’t get how I landed someone like you. No, I don’t mean it in a bad way! It’s just… You’re always helping me out, so I want you to rely on me some too! Ehe … I really love you a lot, [Name]!!!
About [Name] : They’re only the most amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, kind, sweet, and thoughtful person out there!!! I sound biased? Well, duh!!! I’m dating [Name], if you want a less biased opinion then ask someone else, like Diluc. Actually, wait! I’ll come with you~! What-! No way, I’m not using this to find out what people think about [Name]! I’m using it to see if there’s anyone being mean to them! Yes, there’s a HUGE difference between the two!!!!
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About us (how we met) : You’re still thinking about that? I’ve never really understood human sentiments, but I’m glad I met you, too. You wish to know how I felt then? Fine, for you I’ll recall it. Hmph. I thought you were incredibly reckless approaching me like that, at first. I’m still surprised you didn’t give up on your visits…
About us (helping each other) : If you need me, call my name. Ridiculous. You’ve already helped me plenty by offering me your company and bringing me tofu. It would not be troublesome at all to return the favor and accompany you on your travels. I care about you. Was it not obvious?
About [Name] : [Name]. They’re an…important person. Reckless at times. I care about them. It’s troublesome… Regardless, if anyone harms [Name], I’m more than capable of crushing them. Oh. You wanted to know their personality? Stubborn. Persistent. Too kind for their own good. Is that all?
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About us (how we met) : Oh! I remember that well. I still feel badly about that… I dropped my paperwork everywhere, after running into you! You really didn’t have to help me pick it all up, either… Oh? You’re not mad, just reminiscing? That’s sweet of you. I hate that I troubled you, but I’ll admit I’m glad it happened. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have had the fortune of meeting you.
About us (helping each other) : I know I always seem busy, but I’m more than willing to make an exception for you. If you see me and need my assistance, please, let me know. I wouldn’t call it overworking myself… I’d call it helping someone I care about. Especially, since I’d like to help you, [Name].
About [Name] : Oh, you want to know about [Name]? They’re quite generous. I’m not certain if it’s because they have a lot of spare time or simply enjoy helping people, but they’re almost always helping out somewhere… They’re very kind, as well. I admire them quite a bit… Oh! You caught onto that, then? Yes, I’ll admit…I’m quite taken with them.
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About us (how we met) : It was raining that day. The breeze was foreboding, and carried a hint of urgency. I’d misjudged you at first, thinking you an enemy. You’d been fleeing just like me, then. Now that we’re no longer outlaws, tell me. What’s got you in such a nostalgic mood today? Ah, it has been that long... Rest assured, wherever I may go, my heart rests with you.
About us (helping each other) : We’ve been doing that for a while, haven’t we? Trusting in each other’s abilities, to make the best of any situation… I’m grateful to you, [Name]. Haha. You are to me, as well? It seems we share those feelings, then. I’m glad.
About [Name] : They’re trustworthy. There are few out there as honorable or as well meaning, as them. I value their input, and cherish the relationship we have. Why, yes. We have been together for quite some time now… How did it happen? Hm, perhaps it was simply as nature willed it…
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About us (how we met) : O-Oh!!! You were picking up paperwork, weren’t you? O-or did you have an order form? Ah, I’m sorry! I was so shocked you’d asked that I’d mixed the details up….Oh! Don’t misunderstand…I was happy to meet you, too.
About us (helping each other) H-Here!!! This is incredibly nutritious and balanced…You help me with my research often, so I figured I’d share the products… If it’s something you can use, then…N-Naturally I’d share it!!!
About [Name] : They’re incredibly smart and s-surprisingly thoughtful too. Their attention to detail is impressive, as well…They’ve memorized nearly everything I’ve told them I like!!! J-just because in their words, ‘it seemed important to me’!!! So, y-yes…I think very highly of them…
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presidential--suite · 2 years
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✨ Top Five Treys ✨  
#2: Trey and Matt’s Conversation with the CO Governor (2021)
(Series with @a-magical-evening 💖)
Sorry about the GIF quality, I know they’re kinda slow. I’ve work shopped these fuckers for hours, and I just can’t get it right :/ I’ll learn, but for now I’m writing this at midnight and I’m so tired and this is good enough. It was slow or better quality, with my limited skill set, so slow it is.
Sooo uhhh TW for NSFW and my unbridled passion on this post....There will be some objectification. Very NSFW 👀
So normal stuff first: this was where Casa Bonita was officially announced!! The part where Trey’s telling the story where Matt’s like ‘don’t get too excited, but we may get it’, and Trey has to pull over. How many conversations over how many years did this go on? Love how Matt already knew. Facilitating Trey’s dreams 😍 So sweet
I’m glad they were open about vaccination and climate change. Honestly, clarity is key, especially when people like to keep labeling them ignorant conservatives and things were (ARE) still shitty in the US. Ugh.
How random to just sit down with Polis?? Love that for them, he seems like a relatively good governor (looking at Abbott 😡).
ANYway! 💖 I chose this because Trey’s so fucking hot my eyeballs burned out of my head and they’re just smoking holes now. This awakened me. A year ago I was kinda like those “I like them in the 90s only” bitches, where I loved pretty blonde Trey and was alright with him current day. Then this fucker came out and blew my mind. Who knows what it was, the cargo pants? The flip flops? The pit sweat? The tan lines? The shirt that fits just right?? Wowowowow
I love an older man okay, but I started dating a guy my age and decided that the concept was gross, but this just restarted my brain wiring and I went full old man lover again. (Trey is literally two years younger than my father...and I was born in ’97)
So I severely lusted after him in this video. I’ve watched it more than any other interviews combined. I’ve downloaded it. I’ve capped it. I’ve GIFed it. I’ve done other things with it. Okay? Chill 💖
His body is just?? Fuck. His thighs, I wish they’d just smother my face. He’s so fineee. So Dad. Only thing that would make this better was his chest hair showing. Maybe a chain. Throw in an earring. 😭😭😭 Dammmnnnnn. If he “looks like Matt’s dad”, well Matt, I’m sorry but I’m your new step mom.
I have much more to say, but it’d just be describing my sexual fantasies at this point, and nobody needs that. Yikes. If this were written at any other time than 12:15 I’d behave myself.
So number 2 is Trey’s fine ass on this fuckin couch. 🥵🥵🥵
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byte-the-bullet · 2 months
The world outweighs us (6?)
I told him multiple times that it didn’t matter, and it doesn’t. Hearing him try to talk to me about it only annoys me, it makes me feel guilty about not caring-and it makes everything worse that it feels like I’m just being rude for not letting him talk to me about it. He’s looking at me, clinging to me, and I hate that it feels good to have all of his attention. I know what that woman did to me, that outworlder woman that was only caught because of my ‘sacrifice’. The adults praised me for sacrificing my purity and body, even though I had no choice-I was only a little kid. And sometimes I still feel like that, like I’m just a child who needs to be protected, but nowadays I don’t care. Sure I’m a little uncomfortable around women, especially provocative women. But I just don’t care anymore… Besides, Vish is trying to make me feel better-so I’ll let him think he did. “It’s okay, thank you Vish…” He immediately perked up at the sound of my voice. “Why are you thanking me?” His eyes are teary and it hurts me to see it. “Because you made it all okay.” He smiles, and I do too. I bring him into my arms, and he clings even closer to me, then something smudges on my shirt… A pink something… “Vish, what-“ He immediately darts away, he knows he’s in trouble. “Vish!” I corner him in Page’s room, and he shows me-“Look! Paint!” He called. That’s… Huh. Fine, I’ll let him off with a scolding. “Okay, don’t touch things that aren’t yours-and tell Page what you did when she gets home.” He immediately catches my mistake… “Where is she? Where’s Beth? Hayley?” He stares, and I respond-“They’re working.” He is instantly confused, but shrugs and just accepts this as a fact. “Okay, are you going working too?” He instantly says. “No, you say-‘Are you going to work?’.” I corrected him, and he pouts. “Fineee…” He complains, and I reach down to hold him-but my hands connect with his skin around his waist… He instantly squeaked, a cute noise, and his face is all red. “A-Ah! Hey, d-don’t do that-you…” He quiets, and I realize he knows something I don’t. “N-Nevermind, just keep doing it…” He whimpers, and presses against me-I don’t understand what he’s doing, but Vish has his classic guilty look on his face. “Vish, what are you doing?” I say in a half teasing, half scolding tone as I move him to our room.
“I-I’m not doing anything!” He immediately gets defensive, and I sit on the bed. “Calm yourself down, Vish.” I tease him again, and he looks up at me, wide-eyed. “Can I ask you to do something?!” He’s suddenly confident, holding the phone again. “And what’s that?” He shoves the phone in my face, covering his own face. He wants me to..? “Vish, why?” That dirty-minded little idiot, he knows it’s a sin. “Because it’s supposed to feel good!” I sigh at his response, and pull him in, obeying his request and gently holding his hand. Vish wanted me to hold hands with him. “Thank you.” Vish whimpered, his legs are shaking for some strange reason. Sure we’ve cuddled much more than this, but holding hands was strictly forbidden by the church-and in this case, we can finally hold each other close, and leave the door unlocked while we do. No more sneaking into and out of Vish’s room to comfort him during nightmares, nowadays we can just… Exist together. Eventually Vish fell asleep, and I decided to go snooping through the phone-first thing first, text Page like she showed me how to. She caught me in the kitchen this morning and taught me to text her. So I did text her-‘Hey, Vish wanted me to hold hands with him.’ I don’t know why I’m telling her this, but she responded immediately-‘I think he loves you.’ Where did she get that idea?! ‘No. We’re best friends.’ I fire back-‘Kiss him and find out.’ She responded, and I instantly knew she was serious. ‘No way.’ Nope, I know how violating it feels to be randomly kissed, and I’m not about to do that with another man. ‘Pls.’ What does that even mean? I don’t care, I’m not going to accept loving another man..! Wait, NO! ‘Come on, just do it!’ She tried to egg me on, and I immediately looked at Vish. ‘No, and that’s final-it’s a sin to love another man. Not to mention Vish is still pure, I refuse to take that from him.’ I sent that, and she immediately sent me about 20 different weird jumbled mix of letters, all starting in ‘https:’. She then texted-‘Look at all that, it’s okay to be in love with another dude! You’re out of the church!’
No, no, no. ‘Why are you so determined to make me love him?’ I am so confused. ‘Because it’s obvious he loves you.’ He. Does. NOT..! ‘No.’ I then put down the phone, and someone opens the front door-I hear tiny paws run by-and realize that it has to be Beth. That cat hates everyone but Beth. I walk over to greet her-“Hello, Beth. How was your day?” She looks at me, she’s a little bit chubby with a full face, and her brown glasses’s square frames are framing her freckles well. “Good, and you?” Her voice is monotonous, sassy, and her black uniform is ill fitting on her-tight around her chest, much to my discomfort. Her cat then darts up her leg, and she instantly starts speaking in a weird cute-voice. “AWE! Look at you Mr. Stormy~! Aren’t you just the most beautiful little prince!” So, the cat’s name is Mr. Stormy..? “Quite cute, I agree.” She nuzzles into the cat as I speak. “Aweee~ Oh, yes he isss~… My little baby kitty cat is just the most adorable little baby~! Too bad I’ve gotta go back to work after my break…” She sounds like she’s going to cry. I place a paper bag in her open arms, after the cat runs off-“Here. I made these while I made Vish breakfast.” She takes the bag, looking in at the cat-shaped cookies and pastries Page taught me how to make.
“You…” Is she mad..? “THANK YOU!” She basically screamed, her face showing pure bliss and joy, as she immediately hugs me. Again, I very much dislike this, but I don’t think she understands what that means… “Beth…” I sigh, and she released me, then happily darted away. “Wai-“ Before I can say a word, she left. Why..? Whatever. It’s 2 in the afternoon, Vish has only been up since 11, and he’s already asleep again… Ugh, I still need to get him to take a shower. I walked to our bedroom, and to my shock, Vish was looking rather upset while pawing through the phone. “Vish?” I cooed, and he looked at me, blushing wildly as ever and visibly upset. “Sanji…” He whined, his eyes are locked on me. “Vish, it’s shower time.” I try to seem indifferent, today has had enough tears, and that phone is the reason why… “Okay…” God, no, Vish is giving me those sad eyes again-he always does this when he wants something, he knows I can’t say no. “…C-Can you wash me again?” I don’t know what I expected, or why I’m going to say-“Sure, I’ll wash you.” I grab myself some clothes and some for Vish, then take him to the bathroom again. “Can we do a bath this time?” He asked, and I wondered why but said-“Yeah, no problem.” I started running the water, making sure it’s perfect for him-by now I know he hates it when the water is too cold, he used to cling onto anyone nearby for warmth when bathing-and I’d watch from the sidelines. He quickly takes his clothes off, and tugs at mine, I laugh a little bit-I can’t tell why I laughed but I did. I pull my own clothes off, and he immediately goes red in the cheeks…
Is he sick? He’s been doing that a lot… Still, I sit in the bathtub, and he sits on my lap-legs wrapped around my waist despite my minor protest, and my own face heating rapidly. “Just what do you think you’re doing..?” My hands automatic land on his thighs as I ask, and he looks at me. “Today’s been a bit hectic, we’re settling in and you’re a little stressed, right?” He wrapped his left arm under my right arm, then trailed his hand to my hair-his other hand falling on my cheek. “Yeah..?” I responded, obviously confused. “S-So, I just wanted to help you relieve some stress, y-you know?” He leaned closer, and I could sense what was about to happen-yet instead of turning my head away, I asked one last question. “Now, where’d you learn to do this, Vish?”
“T-The internet.”
He murmured, obviously nervous-then placed his lips on mine. It was fast, and once what he did fully registered in me, I didn’t fight it-not one bit. Damnit, Page was right-I love Vish. “Come here…” I say, sure I could wait-sure we’re already close enough together, but here goes nothing. I pull him in, and again press my mouth to his, kissing him-eventually opening his mouth with my tongue, and hearing him sigh once I pull back-only to do the motion again and again. “Sanji…” He called for me, and I paused. Is he okay? Did I hurt him on accident? “…I love you, you know that?” He tilted his head a little bit, and we get back to our little dance. “I love you too-“ Again, I barely pull away to breathe and speak-but then I pause, looking at his confused face. “-Vish. Tell me if you’re uncomfortable, or if you want to stop, okay?” I’m giving him a chance whenever he needs it, the chances I never had to say stop, or no, or to tell anyone I didn’t like it.
“Alright, I will…” He says, a bit confused but understanding. He lies up against me, and kisses my cheek before biting my neck softly. “Vish, just- a little more-“ I like it. I like it a lot. I really like it. And he bit harder, I gasped, and held him against me. I don’t really like how my body is acting, but… Actually, I do like it. And I can’t help it. It’s nice, his skin is so soft, and looking at him like this… I can’t help it-I leaned forward, and his breathing picked up. “S-Sanji… I don’t wanna be pure anymore…” I understand what he means when he says that, but not really how I can do anything-until I felt his free hand travel down to a certain place I’d only ever experienced being touched by someone else in a few times before, and started to position himself over that certain place, before he took a deep breath-and with every bit of nervousness held in; he lowered himself onto me. “What are you doing..?” I didn’t understand, but his expression was one of shock. “Ow…” he pulled away, off of me. I immediately consoled him, holding him gently-“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” The words were of basic respect, and his whimpering made me want to collapse into him and keep him safe forever. “N-No, I’m okay, I just thought it’d be easier to do that…” I still didn’t know what he meant, and he stood up, looking a little bit uncertain, trying to figure himself out-before climbing out of the tub and doing a few things on the phone I hadn’t noticed him put down earlier. “We can try again later…” I say, and he stopped for a few seconds later, then pulled open a few drawers, grabbing a small weird looking packet, before going back to whatever he was doing. The rest of the bath went normally, somehow, and I managed to convince Vish to calm down and let me wash him.
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heavenlyhischier · 3 months
you my love have the most amazing top 10 players ever🤭 those are some fineee men
oh thank you 🤭
they’re all very very fine
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