#a lot of pigeon poop in Rupert's apartment
lokiitama · 3 years
DBH Alternate Universe Big Bang
Chapter 8: The Nest
They arrive at the abandoned floor for the latest deviant case.
Warnings: dehumanizing language, violence, (pigeon) excrements
“Building pretty old. Graffitis on the wall. No evidence of deviant presenc-”
Hank turned towards him, already out of the elevator. “Connor, you’re coming or what? You’ve been fidgeting on your watch ever since we entered the building.”
Finger still on the device - that started proposing the special 'e' characters - the deviant hunter blinked up. “I’m sorry, I was making a report to CyberLife. I’m coming, Lieuten- Hank.”
The wall was pretty dirty, and Connor could see some scarce feathers, as well as some old newspapers that dated a few years back. A few of those, if not all, were soiled by bird excrements. It truly was different from CyberLife’s rooms and hallways. Connor had expected it, considering the case's description, but he couldn’t help but be surprised still.
The Outside was very different from place to place. He wasn't sure he'd ever get used to it.
Read the whole chapter on Ao3!
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