#acofaf ep 10
witchlightdesigns · 2 years
Ah. Yes. Andhera and the compelled duel of "you may have dealt me 44 points of lightning damage but the real Court were the friends I made along the way."
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realdavidward · 2 years
i Do not understand how it is possible to create art as good as a court of fey and flowers. i literally cannot name one thing i do not like about it. then again i am very bad at giving criticisms to media i enjoy. but. there are women. there are queers. there's the first black dm ive seen in an rpg show, who happens to have created my favourite dming style EVER, it is so theatrical and beautiful. there's brennan lee mulligan. every single player is a FANTASTIC actor and it is virtually impossible for me to choose a favourite character because they are all Very well designed. i genuinely don't know why i didn't watch dimension 20 before this it's so fucking brilliant and once again aabria iyengar's dming and worldbuilding might be my new favourite ever
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chungledown-bimothy · 11 months
Are you still doing d20 hot takes? These are admittedly lukewarm (some salsa that everyone at the table can enjoy).
1) I watch for the character arcs/development, not the story, so I really enjoyed Neverafter.
2) Both campaigns set in Calorum have been really hard to get into, even though they’re really good. But I also don’t like GoT so maybe that’s on me.
3) Hard agree with everyone who said they don’t really want sequel campaigns. I would, however, be down for the odd one shot a la holiday MisMag or Boys’ Night.
4) Coffin Run is so slept on, it’s not even funny. Jasmine’s props, the letters, the Dracula wings lighting, gorgeous sets & minis, incredible RP all around, great bits, all the campy horror movie references… Truly one of my faves.
5) I really wanna see Aabria or another guest DM do a full length/over 10 eps season. I feel like Aabria’s DM style would do well with a few more eps so she can explore more. And it would just be nice to hang out with a guest DM a bit more.
6) Confession: Never finished UC2 or Pirates =< UC2 was hard to pick up with less likeable characters (to me) + feeling like Chap 1 wrapped up so nicely + I’m bad with interpersonal conflict. And then I never got past the start of ep 1 of Pirates cause bad British accents is my pet peeve and B Dave’s character was first introduced 😭
oh i'm ALWAYS here for d20 hot takes. (god i love sam says that was so fucking funny, especially because what lou then gave was the most mild gossip i've ever heard)
1- completely valid. and to a large extent, i do too- i did ultimately enjoy the season, primarily because i love the characters so much.
2- skill issue. calorum campaigns slay absolute penis. (for real though totally fair, they're not for everyone. but i do think it's interesting in conjunction with watching for character arcs/development, bc i think acoc in particular is one of the best with that)
3- ooh yes one-shots are a different thing entirely, always a fun time.
4- coffin run FUCKS. my favorite non-intrepid heroes campaign, and it's only acofaf that comes sort of close. everyone needs to watch it, and if they've already watched it and don't appreciate it, they should try again. i could talk forever about it and how great it is.
5- yes. a million times yes please give us 20 episodes with aabria gming i'm begging. and in general yeah i'd love to see a guest dm have more time and space to flex. (except mercer please no more mercer in the dome)
6- i feel you. it took me a long time to get through tuc 2, this is a cody walsh hate account (half joking). and it took 3 attempts to get through pirates as well. honestly what got me through it was myrtle, cheese, and the little bit of garthy that we got. i found the other characters kinda annoying, big same on that accent, bob's was grating, too.
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riessene · 2 years
can you please explain what acofaf is ??
"A court of fey and flowers" is a dnd actual play podcast plus some mechanics from the tabletop game "Good Society" mixed in bc DRUM ROLL
Its styled like regency era celebration happening in the fey realm
Its a oneshot campaign with 10 episodes, each about 2 hours long and its soooooo good. We are currently 6 episodes in and every one of them was a banger (also to sweeten the deal for you all player characters are queer and some of them are nonbinary too)
You can watch ep 1 on YouTube for free to see if its your cup of tea but the rest on Dropout which requires a subscription to watch. But honestly if you can spare those dollars its well worth it. Its their 13th(!!!!) dnd season and i really love all of them
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primsycoldbottles · 2 years
i dont wanna be weird (this ask's completely out of left field sorry) but i completely agree with you, i.e., acofaf. when i watch romance in it (except chirp's romance which. same here.) i feel barely anything. rue and hob are cute and i know they're supposed to be an exploration of queer identity and brennan and oscar seem really passionate about it but i can't bring myself to care as much as most other fans? binx and andhera just feels like everyone in the group except their players are pushing them and are a lot more interesting to me when i think of them as platonic
anyway this is getting long so just know you shouldn't feel bad for not going crazy for the romance in acofaf!
SOOOOOOO REAL!!!!! especially for andhera and binx being quite literally PUSHED together by breannan/hob and oscar/rue despite them having full ability (and it was most likely to happen anyways) that theyd pair up for a dance together. and like.. i Get It, theyve had a lot of moments together (ex. the darkness haze with the hands) that everyone freaked out over..... but i still feel as if its less romance and more just.. community and understanding within each others circumstances and identity. i truly cannot see andhera and binx in love with how they act within the show as budding friends rather than people in love. theyre so much more interesting to think of as platonic and how theyd navigate healing from their respective traumas hand in hand WITHOUT putting romance in there. it feels unnecessary for andhera and binx to have romance when their stories are ALREADY fulfilling to watch without it present.
AND HERES THE THING!!! i really appreciate rue and hob!! i think their portrayal and romance is very well done in the show, even if it is obvs quite sudden (and unfortunately the show only being 10 eps means that you cannot explore romance as much as 18, so that will always make things feel less Real :[). but i simply just have no.. infatuation? with it. i think oscars/rues exploration with the allegories of coming out and finding yourself are beautiful, especially when paired with brennans/hobs complimentary exploration of recognizing that youve been exploited and overcoming that trauma and making a name for yourself without anyone else stealing your glory. its beautiful and their connection in the show is really nice.... i just..... didnt latch onto it. and it FEELS bad that i didnt??? but i just straight up dont have much investment in ships and romance and stuff anymore in ships the way i used to when i was younger.
ANYWAYS YOU GET IT thank u anon for making me feel less alone in not having intense investment in the acofaf ships even tho i REALLY love the show itself <333 so awesome that im not just insane and weird for it yaaaay
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simply-a-void · 1 year
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6 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Guys there's only one more ep before young justice season 4 is finished and honestly I can't tell you how much this season has meant to me. I have been a fan of this show since right around when it started airing and I loved those 2 seasons alot and was sad when it got canceled but they have given us another two seasons after several years and I'm so happy I genuinely can't tell you what this season particularly means to me. But it feels like the show has grown with me and characters I have know since season 1 are facing struggles i understand and can relate to but also it now has so many queer characters being happy and accepted. That, I think might be the thing that means the most me. The introduction of violet as a non-binary person, kalder having boyfriend, lagan being in a poly marriage, all that means so much to me.
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ylfas-bottleneck · 1 year
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foxesonstilts · 2 years
hnngggh just finished my acofaf rewatch with @scheefkeesje by plowing through ep 8-10 and a six pack of cider and im an emotional wreck. im destroyed. im full of feelings. i need to lie down and contemplate the meaning of love and the universe
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aeternamente · 1 year
ok this makes no sense but I feel like I have to tell you:
I saw your reply on one of the d20fuckability polls and it threw me SO hard bc like. I've been hyperfixating on LBD since the 10-year anniversary of ep 98 (of course), so I've been reading/rereading a bunch of LBD fics, including some by you (love your fics btw!!). ANYWAY seeing your username under a poll about the fuckability of D20 characters, of all things, after I had just been reading your Dizzie fic, made me feel like I was losing my mind. so thank you for that lmao
(also technically this is the second time this has happened to me in the past few weeks - I was reading a Dizzie fic and recognized someone I'm in a D20 Discord server with in the comments. how big is the overlap between them, anyway???)
Haha that's amazing! I've been following D20 for a few years now, but I've noticed quite a few of the people I followed back in the LBD/literary webseries days have started getting into D20 too, especially ACOFAF (which makes sense), so there is indeed a fair amount of overlap!
Also I'm glad you enjoy my fic, thanks for reading :)
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