#add this to tsuranga conundrum boom town and Season 3 as underrated faves that I've written about
khruschevshoe · 3 months
Underrated Doctor Episode: Resolution (or, time to expose myself on main again!)
No idea of this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I kind of love Resolution? It's a great introduction to New Year's specials, especially in its theming, which is all about turning over a new leaf and resolving to be better than you were before. It gives some fantastic depth to a character that's been previously set up (Ryan's dad Aaron) and really explores him as a three-dimensional character, both holding him to task from both Graham and the Doctor (iconic "you let him down" line) while also allowing him a chance to grow (Graham with Aaron's childhood things and Ryan with forgiving him at the end). It gives Ryan, Graham, and Aaron all chances to grow. It also introduces what is honestly (personalyl) my favorite Dalek shell design and really reminds us of just how powerful and intimidating a single Dalek can be on its own, almost like how the original "Dalek" episode did. Plus, it has some really solid comedic bits- I rewatch the bit about Graham's front room ("you landed on my chair!" "Why'd you have a chair there" "it's my front room!") and the bit where the Doctor calls UNIT and gets sent to the helpline (Jodie’s expressions are PRICELESS) all the time. I also like seeing Aaron prove himself and resolve to be better in the future, ending on a note of hope. I also love the bit at the beginning with the fireworks and how casually it sets up how many off-screen adventures Yaz, Ryan, Graham, and Thirteen have had. Also, while it does set up some cues for how Daleks will work in the next special (e.g. UV light), it's a solid standalone piece.
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