#akabane vs asakusa
representshinjuku · 2 years
Akabane vs Asakusa (Part 2)
(Note: This song has no officially released lyrics and has been translated entirely by ear. May contain errors.)
There’s no insufficiency in today’s opponents
But there’s no outcome where we lose
I can use this Mic any way I please
Turning the tides to my advantage with this flow
I don’t wanna be an adult caught in dirty conduct
We’re never gonna lose grip on our kindness
Shut up with the boring talk
If you wanna keep going we’ll shut you down
If the only way you see the world’s in black or white
Then you’re not even at the starting line yet
So keep on standing there holding your shame
‘Cuz we’ve got all the guile here
Any shame can vanish on a journey
It’s the memories we still want to taste
From here on out we're gonna shut you up
Raise a toast to our certain victory
I’ve sworn never to lose again
I’ll throw rhymes at you like knives
Time to learn your place, Jinpachi
If you challenge us you’ll only fail
You’re strong for even standing against us
Just thinking about it pushes us harder
Akabane will convey everything we are
And prove to you the strength we’ve gained
I like the sound of that, makin’ sparks fly
This’s the start of a new feud
But we’re not letting this go easy
Don’t underestimate Asakusa’s men
I take care of all of Shitamachi
Guys proud of their home are my friends
If we fight we can work it out
We three will never change
A grand conclusion to this mic derby
Whip up the crowd in this timeline
[North Bastard] It’s win or lose-- [Onigawara Bombers] one or the other
[All] We can’t back down
A grand conclusion to this mic derby
Break the rhymes outta your library
[North Bastard] North Bastard! [Onigawara Bombers] Onigawara Bombers!
[All] Decide the battle with this Hypnosis Mic
A grand conclusion to this mic derby
Whip up the crowd in this timeline
[North Bastard] It’s win or lose-- [Onigawara Bombers] one or the other
[All] We can’t back down
A grand conclusion to this mic derby
Break the rhymes outta your library
[North Bastard] North Bastard! [Onigawara Bombers] Onigawara Bombers!
[All] Decide the battle with this Hypnosis Mic
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leenaevilin · 4 years
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[Announcement] シアターコンプレックス ラインアップ (theater complex lineup)
first information of the theater complex content announced^^
「シアターコンプレックス」オリジナル・タイアッププログラム (theater complex ~ original tie up program)
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#1『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』Rule the Stage ~ original program
◎ 『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』Rule the Stage -Battle track.1-“Buster Bros!!! VS MAD TRIGGER CREW” [Mid-August 2020]
イケブクロ・ディビジョン“Buster Bros!!!” (ikebukuro devision “buster bros!!!”) Takano Akira as Yamada Ichirou (山田一郎) Matsuda Shouta as Yamada Jirou (山田二郎) Akishima Ryuuto as Yamada Saburou (山田三郎)
ヨコハマ・ディビジョン“MAD TRIGGER CREW” (yokohama devision “mad trigger crew” Abe Aran as Aohitsugi Samatoki (碧棺左馬刻) Mizue Kenta as Iruma Juuto (入間銃兎) Byrnes Yuuki as Busujima Meison Riou (毒島メイソン理鶯) ◎ 『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』Rule the Stage -Battle track.2-“Fling Posse VS 麻天狼” [Mid-August 2020] 
Shibuya Division “Fling Posse” Sekoguchi Ryou as Amemura Ramuda (飴村乱数) Maeyama Takahisa as Yumeno Gentarou (夢野幻太郎) Takizawa Ryou as Arisugawa Daisu (有栖川帝統)  
Shinjuku Division “Matenrou” Ayukawa Taiyou as Jinguuji Jakurai (神宮寺寂雷) Araki Hirofumi as Izanami Hifumi (伊弉冉一二三) Miyagi Koudai as Kannonzaka Doppo (観音坂独歩) ◎ 『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』Rule the Stage -Final Battle track-“????? VS?????”」 [End of September 2020] ◎ 『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』Rule the Stage -Division Dance lesson-」
Cast A [Mid-July 2020] アカバネ・ディビジョン“North Bastard” (akabane devision “north bastard”) Kishimoto Yuuta as Doan Kazumasa??? (堂庵和聖) Nanbu Kaito as Kokuri Hariyama??? (狐久里梁山) Matsuuchi Tsukasa as Saragi Kenei??? (蛇穴健栄)
Cast B [End of August 2020] Asakusa Division “鬼瓦ボンバーズ” (asakusa division “onigawara bombers”) Katou Ryousuke as Hoozuki Jinpachi (鬼灯甚八) Wada Taisuke as Komagata Masamune (駒形正宗) Yuuki Kazuya as Yougou Doshirou (影向道四郎)
◎ 「CREATION of 『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』Rule the Stage [Beginning of September 2020] Ueki Gou
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#2 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』~ original program
「ほぼ、まいにちエーステ」(hobo, mainichi a-sute) [Mid-July 2020 ~ Mid-August 2020]
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#3『僕のヒーローアカデミア』The “Ultra” Stage ~ original program
「リアルタイム・コメンタリー上映」(realtime commentary jouei) [July 10th, 2020]
Tamura Shin Kobayashi Ryouta Ino Hiroki Kitamura Ryou
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「シアターコンプレックス」オリジナル・プログラム (theater complex original program)
#1 え・ほ・ん・げ・き (ehon geki)
Satou Jirou
#2 わだしゅんの音楽室 (wadajun no ongakushitsu) [Mid-July 2020~] 
Wada  Shunsuke
#3 中屋敷法仁の熱血演劇塾! (仮) (nakayashiki norihito no nekketsu engeki juku! (kari))
Nakayashiki Norihito
#4 早乙女太一 プロジェクト (saotome taichi project)
Saotome Taichi
#5 荒牧慶彦presents演劇ドラフト会議 (aramaki yoshihiko presents engeki draft kaigi)
Aramaki Yoshihiko
#5 水江建太プロデュース 謎のアーティスト『青』生LIVE (mizue kenta produce nazo no artist ‘ao’ nama-live) [Beginning of August 2020]
#6 佐藤流司座長企画 (satou ryuuji zachou kikaku)
Satou Ryuuji
#7 丸尾丸一郎 (劇団鹿殺し) 企画 『セミドキュメント ワンマンショー』(maruo maruichirou (gekidan shika koroshi) kikaku ~ semi document one-man show)
Maruo Maruichirou
#8 ~継承~市瀬秀和と学ぶ日本文化 (仮) (~keishou~ ichinose hidekazu to manabu nihon bunka (kari))
Ichinose Hidekazu
#9 CROSS×POINT [Mid-August 2020]
#10 私立妄想ミュージカル女学院 (shiritsu bousou musical jougakuin)
Kodama Akiko
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昨日の #raizin もよかった! 胴廻し回転蹴り が見事に決まるとか凄い! @tenshin.nasukawa VS @kyoji1012 を観てみたいです。 @sb_rena と @a_kanna_ ちゃんの再試合は早すぎる! 三戦位圧勝してからリメイクして欲しい。 本日 夜18:00〜営業です! GWはBBQの予約が入ってます! ★当店 ★ #手ぶらでbbq ★ ★ #手ぶらbbq #手ぶらでバーベキュー をしています!! 他店と違うのは圧倒的な肉質の違い!! 【BBQ道具から食材 テーブル イス クーラーBOX シート など飲物以外全て用意します! 最後の片付けもやりますので酔っ払いでお帰り下さい! #bbq bbq🍖 は 飲物以外の全ての準備貸出後片付けまでやりますので、酔っ払って帰って下さい!!! 経産牛 赤身 と 常陸牛 農林水産祭 天皇賞 受賞の 佐藤さんの極上ローストビーフです。 ランチ は土曜&日曜のみ営業。 平日は前日までの予約で営業します!常連さんは朝10時までに連絡くれればOK ★ 誕生日 祝いのお客様。当店はケーキも持ち込みOK融通ききます! ある程度長い時間いたければ持込の酒もOK【条件あり】 最近は母の父に 安福久 の黒毛和牛がよい成績を残しています!血統までこだわるお店になってきました! ★よい牛肉は、良い餌から★ もともと 名人 とゆう 究極の餌で育った黒毛和牛を 使ってますが、今後は前面に推したいと思います。 #foodie #japanesefood #japanfood #yummy #japanesecuisine #snowboard #snowboarding 常陸牛 黒毛和牛 は美味しいだろう!! we offer #delicious meat and okonomiyaki and home cooking to foreign tourists. Takoyaki and Okonomiyaki, ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 8-17 shibashinmachi kawaguchi city SAITAMA WARABI station of JR keihintouhoku LINE 【5min WALK】 TOKYO station TO WARABI station 34min ueno station TO WARABI station 26min ikebukuro station TO WARABI station 18min shinjuku station TO WARABI stati 24min shibuya station TO WARABI station 34min ginza station TO WARABI station 31min asakusa station TO WARABI station 25min AKABANE station TO WARABI station 10min akihabara station TO WARABI station 29min ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 常陸牛切り落としを使用した 焼きしゃぶ です! 味は最高で値段は安い!! ¥1500円【税別】 あと芋豚のロースのトンカツ やります! 甘い脂です! ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 夜 18:00〜22:45まで営業します。 22:30までに入店して頂きますと 自動的に延長営業です。気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。★事前予約にて営業時間外の宴会なども受付ます。 当店は bitcoin が使えます! 仮想通貨 牛レバーの生販売は出来ませんのでご了承下さい。 必ず鉄板で加熱して下さい。 今のうちに日本の美味しい肉食べないと万札でないと食べれなくなりますよ! ワイン もぶっかけての ローストビーフ 【国産牛赤身】!#saitama 甲子園 ローストビーフ丼 極上ローストビーフ丼 【常陸牛A5 】 女子会 のお客様 ドリンク飲み放題 3時間半 2000円 【一部ドリンク制限あり】男子は2時間二千円 。 肉 肉女子 tokyojapan kyoto tokyo beef 肉フェス 川口 蕨 セイムサン 埼玉県 teppanyaki #instafood wagyu 鉄板焼き The shopkeeper was born in Osaka and brought up in Osaka. At the store we offer homey osaka okonomiyaki #mtfuji #aokigahara #tokyodisneyland #tokyotower #tokyoskytree #hakone #universalstudiosjapan #himejicastle #ghiblimuseum #niseko #tokyodisneysea #osakacastle #gion #summersonic #kabuki (さいたまスーパーアリーナ)
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representshinjuku · 2 years
Akabane vs Asakusa (Part 1)
(Note: This song has no officially released lyrics and has been translated entirely by ear. May contain errors.)
Asakusa’s naught but research material
Guinea pigs dancing atop the palm of my hand
The moment we begin it’s checkmate
Before you can make a move it’s game set
Ha? Don’t make me laugh you psycho
You think I’m listenin’ to your fake ‘science’?
I was born to Represent Shitamachi
While your rhymes are still amateur
You’ve got spirit but you’re still nothing but a kid
Those bratty lines are all within expectations
I’m gonna take this narrow stage
And build your gallows
You act big but you’re just a moron
I’ve already seen through you
If you haven’t figured it out, Akabane
That just means you’re stupid after all
No matter the enemy I’ll rout them out
Because my opponent is him alone
I have no time to use on weaklings
There’s no room for you here
The sights we see aren’t even close
Hell’s rules polished our skills
Not enough! Give me some more
This is your grave Asakusa
Can’t stand watchin’ you overconfident fools
Acting all strong when you’re really just chicken
Just admit you’re scared to shit of losing
We’re just scared of ending up like you
No matter how many times we might fall
When we’re together we rise back up
Trust in our bonds and drive the rest out
We won’t let you take a step through Kaminarimon
Hosen: Have you exhausted yourselves?
Abusaki: How foolish. You never realized you were tangled within the Spider’s Thread.
Hosen: Let us go. Everything as the Spider’s Thread guides us.
Itonokai Members (all): Everything as the Spider’s Thread guides us.
(The Itonokai members attack Akabane and Asakusa)
Hosen: Quite impressive. All of you are rather tough.
Kazu: You… What do you all want?
Hosen: We are the Itonokai. We who will end the Party of Word’s reign and lead the people to salvation… The chosen ones! 
Kazu: Itonokai?
Hosen: In order to achieve our objectives, we need capable soldiers. In order to gain your power, we pretended to be your friends. 
Jinpachi: Sounds about right. I always thought you were fishy. No one who says they love Asakusa looks at it with such filthy eyes!
Abusaki: Filthy eyes? Shut your mouth, you vulgar snob!
Hosen: There are two roads prepared before you. Obey us and strive for paradise, or fall into hell here and now. 
Jinpachi: Don’t fuck with me, bastard. Who the hell would choose you?
Hosen: You’re already worn to pieces from this fight. None of you can continue to resist us. Isn’t that right? 
Kokuri: Damn! I’m running on empty!
Saragi: So this was your aim in having us fight?
Doshiro: You don’t have the guts to take us in a fair fight!?
Abusaki: Don’t get ahead of yourselves. We are the chosen ones, granted power by our leader, Oogumo Danjyo. You lowly strays can’t possibly be a true match for us. 
Hosen: If you come with us, I swear to you that you can attain great power, too!
Kazu: Power?  
Hosen: Now, make your choice. Will it be paradise? Or will it be hell?
Kazu: I’ll gain strength. 
Hosen: Well then--
Kazu: One that doesn’t oppress anyone. A true strength. 
Hosen: You bastard. So you don’t want power after all?
Kazu: No, I want it. But I was taught just what it really means to be strong. If you conceal your true nature in order to attack your enemies, that’s not real strength! I’ve got no need for fake power anymore. 
Kokuri: That’s our boss for ya.
Saragi: We’ll have to show you just who the ‘vulgar’ ones here are.
Jinpachi: Hey, Akabane’s young man. Despite how you look, you’ve got real guts. We’re not losin’ either!
Masamune: Yeah! Don’t underestimate Asakusa!
Doshiro: I’ll carve our answer into your faces!
Hosen: You fools! We’ll demonstrate the Itonokai’s power to you!
Whatever you might do is nothing but a cheap trick
I’ll topple you all with this Mic
I’ve seen how this plays out
By the time you get it you’re down for the count
You’re way too old for dirty tricks
I’ll fight fair and square against you losers
If you can take this much I’ll pay out
But once you take this business is gonna collapse
I’ll choke out all the fakers now
An unjust victory means nothing
I’ll bring my ideals to life
And you have no escape
True that we can’t stop
Once the target’s marked there’s no escape
If your plan’s just to use people
I’ll destroy you all
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