#all i can do at this point is hope they stabilize and maybe improve overnight because it would be really Bad if things got worse lmao
pochapal · 2 months
finding myself thrown one hundred miles deep into the covid Horrors trenches and i'm not even the one that's sick this time. lmao.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 3 years
The Good, the Bad, and the Very Ugly
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Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Characters: Carlos Reyes, T.K. Strand, Tommy Vega, Nancy Gillian
Summary: When Carlos is struck down with a nasty bout of the stomach flu he needs rescuing from the best paramedic trio in town.
A/N: I have a Bachelor's degree in Emergency!, a Master's Degree in Royal Pains, and an MD in Grey's Anatomy so I can assure you that everything in this fic represents a very real, accurate depiction of how the stomach flu would hit a perfectly healthy young police officer. I took no liberties. This is science.
Massive thanks as always to @bluenet13​ for beta-ing!
For the @badthingshappenbingo​ prompt “Stomach Flu”
Read on AO3
Carlos was really trying to listen to this woman complain about her neighbors and their noise level, he truly was. He took every call seriously, even completely ridiculous ones like this, but today he was struggling. His stomach gurgled unpleasantly and he had to suppress a burp as the woman told him for the third time about how loud her neighbors were being.
“Ma’am, they are allowed to mow their lawn during daylight hours,” he said.
“Seven am?! Seven am is considered daylight hours?!” the woman cried. “I am trying to do my morning meditations and all I hear is lawnmowers and power tools!”
“Well then I would try headphones,” Carlos said, voice a little snappier than usual. 
Mitchell looked at him with raised eyebrows, clearly amused by the lack of his typical diplomacy. 
The woman glared at him. “I want your badge numbers.”
Carlos and Mitchell both gave them over willingly but it was another ten minutes of listening to her rant before they were finally able to escape and head back to the station. “You all right Reyes?” Mitchell asked as they got back into the cruiser. “You look a little green.”
“I’m fine,” Carlos said, even as his stomach lurched unpleasantly while he pulled the cruiser into traffic.
“You were a little snippy back there. Trouble in paradise?”
“T.K. and I are fine,” Carlos said. “That woman was in the wrong, there was no point in standing there and continuing the conversation.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Who are you and what have you done with Carlos ‘Calm and Patient’ Reyes?”
“Maybe he’s on vacation today,” Carlos told her.
“Mhmm…” she continued to look at him suspiciously, but didn’t say anymore.
His stomach had not improved by the time they got back to the precinct. In fact it seemed to be getting worse. Everything was bubbling and gurgling and cramping and making him extremely uncomfortable, but he set his jaw and sat at his desk to file the paperwork from their morning on patrol.
“Reyes, Mitchell,” their captain walked over and stood by their desks. “I’ve been on the phone for half an hour with a Mrs. Donnelly. Care to explain?”
Mitchell shook her head and rolled her eyes. “She called in a noise complaint. Lawnmowers.”
Carlos would have added to the conversation but he was growing oddly hot and his mouth had filled with coppery tasting saliva. 
“She said you were,” the captain held up a piece of paper and read directly from it, “disrespectful, unhelpful, and bigoted.”
Mitchell snorted. “Okay. Was she describing us or herself? Because I’m pretty sure she ticks all those boxes.”
The captain turned and looked at Carlos. “Reyes? Anything to say?”
Carlos opened his mouth and then closed it again, swallowing hard. “Carlos are you okay?” Mitchell asked with a concerned frown.
Carlos’s stomach squeezed and he knew there was no hope for it. “Excuse me,” he said, then turned and threw up directly into the garbage can beside his desk.
“Whoa!” their captain said. “Reyes what the hell?”
Carlos spat into the garbage can, the acrid taste of stomach acid burning his throat, mouth, and even up into his nose. “Sorry sir,” he choked out.
Mitchell uncapped a bottle of water and handed it to him. He took a careful sip, swishing it around in his mouth before swallowing tentatively. Somehow he felt worse than before throwing up; slightly cold and shaky, and like he might throw up again. 
“Reyes if you’re sick get out of here and go home,” his captain said. “We don’t need you bringing the whole bull pen down.”
“I’m fine sir,” he said and then blanched, doubling over the garbage can again. 
“No you’re not. Get out of here. And don’t come back until you can keep your lunch down,” his captain ordered.
“Carlos are you okay?” Mitchell asked, genuine concern on her face. “You look terrible.”
“I’ll be fine,” Carlos rasped. “It’s probably just something I ate.”
“Looks more like it ate you,” Mitchell said with a grimace as he got to his feet. “Do you want me to call you an Uber?”
“No,” Carlos shook his head, gripping the desk tightly. “I can make it.”
“Well text me when you get home so I know you’re okay,” she said. 
Thank god he only lived fifteen minutes from the station because the drive was so nauseatingly horrible he wasn’t sure he could have made it much longer. His stomach clenched and tightened at regular intervals and he was breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth like it was his job because he really didn’t want to pull over and be sick on the side of the road.
He pulled into the driveway and got his key out with shaky hands, stumbling in the front door and practically falling into the powder room where he once again violently emptied his stomach into the toilet. God, how could there be anything left after the first two rounds? He’d barely had anything to eat besides coffee and half a bagel.
He groaned as he pushed himself up and flushed the toilet, using the sink for leverage to get all the way onto his feet. He felt like shit. He hadn’t felt this bad in…well he couldn’t even remember the last time he’d felt this bad.
He knew he needed to hydrate before he went upstairs and collapsed into his bed so he slowly and agonizingly made his way to the fridge, searching for a Gatorade, his stomach still sending stabbing pains through his gut at regular intervals.
There were footsteps on the stairs and T.K. appeared, uniform half buttoned. “Carlos? Babe what are you doing here?”
Carlos looked at his watch. It was nearly noon but he’d forgotten that T.K. had a late shift today. “Captain sent me home,” Carlos said, struggling to reach an orange Gatorade tucked in the back.
“He sent you home?” T.K. walked toward him, confusion on his face. “Why? What’s going on?”
Carlos straightened up, wincing as his stomach cramped violently. “He thinks I’m sick.”
“He thinks you’re sick?” T.K. repeated, taking a step closer. “Why does he think you’re sick?”
Carlos grimaced. “Probably because I narrowly missed throwing up on his shoes.”
“You threw up?” T.K. snapped into paramedic mode, automatically pressing the back of his hand to Carlos’ forehead to check for a fever. “Oh baby.”
“It’s fine. Probably something I ate.”
“Do you want me to stay home today and take care of you?”
“God no,” Carlos said quickly. The last thing he wanted was for T.K. to see him puking his guts out repeatedly. “No I’m just going to get in bed and ride it out. I’m sure I’ll be fine in a few hours.”
His stomach felt like knives but surely a nap and some electrolytes would take care of that. “Are you sure?” T.K. asked, running a hand down his arm. “I hate to leave you like this.”
“I can take care of myself T.K., even when I’m sick,” Carlos said. “I promise,” he added when T.K. didn’t look convinced.  “I’m just going to go upstairs and sleep it off.”
“Well make sure you hydrate,” T.K. told him. “I’ll call you in a couple hours to check in.” He pecked Carlos on the cheek. “If you need something text me okay? I’ll keep my phone on me.” He said as he walked toward the door, grabbing his overnight bag and shoes. 
“I will. Have a good shift,” Carlos said.
He waited until T.K. had locked the front door to drag himself up the stairs. He fell into the bed and curled himself into the fetal position, begging his stomach to stop its agonizing assault.
The hours passed in alternating blurs of fast and slow. He was hot and then freezing, his body aching, stomach churning relentlessly. Even the Gatorade refused to stay down, sending him staggering to the bathroom to heave up the liquid and then, eventually, nothing.
He tried to read but he was too restless and even the television couldn’t keep his focus as wave after wave of agonizing stomach pain assaulted him. 
He attempted sleep but it was fraught with discomfort; half awake, half dreaming, too hot and then too cold, body tangling uncomfortably in the sheets, never fully sinking into the blissful darkness of true unconsciousness.
He was dragged out of his misery after several hours by the ringing of his phone. “Hello?” he croaked when he finally managed to answer.
“Hey babe, how are you feeling?” T.K.’s voice was slightly distorted, it sounded like he was in the rig. 
Carlos cleared his throat. “Fine. I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” T.K. asked. “You sound weird.”
“I was sleeping,” Carlos told him, wincing as pain stabbed at his stomach again.
“Oh good,” T.K. said. “Did you eat something?”
Carlos grew nauseated at even the mention of food. “Not yet.”
“Well try okay? Some crackers or some soup or something?”
“Yeah I will,” Carlos told him. He would not. He didn’t think he could make it down the stairs let alone manage to scrounge up any food. 
Carlos heard the siren turn on. “I have to go. Call or text if you need anything all right? I love you!”
“Love you too,” Carlos mumbled, his eyes already sliding closed.
The next time he woke it was the middle of the night and he felt worse. So much worse. How was that even possible?
His stomach clenched so tightly that he couldn’t breathe. He moaned as he struggled to his feet again, the world spinning around him as he walked unsteadily toward the bathroom, using the furniture to stabilize himself.
He leaned over the toilet bowl stomach cramping and stabbing at him, but nothing came up. Instead he just retched helplessly for god knew how long until the episode passed and he collapsed onto the tile, shaky and sore and freezing. 
He swallowed hard, leaning his head against the wall and closing his eyes, praying that whatever this was, it would be over soon.
Several Hours Later…
T.K. hung up his phone and sighed, checking his watch for the fifth time in as many minutes. It was nearing seven am and he hadn’t heard from his boyfriend in a long time. He was starting to get worried, even as he tried to convince himself he was overreacting. It was early. Carlos was probably still asleep.
“What’s wrong?” Nancy asked.
T.K. looked down at the screen again, as if possibly a call or text had come through in the three seconds since he’d last checked. “Carlos was sick when I left yesterday morning and now he’s not answering. I figured maybe he was asleep but it’s been…a really long time.”
“Do you want to swing by?” Tommy asked. “It’s on our way back to the firehouse if we take the long way around.”
T.K. vacillated with uncertainty. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah dude, we’ll just swing by and make sure he’s okay. Can’t have you worrying about him for the rest of shift,” Nancy said.
T.K. hit the blinker and turned them right. “I’m probably overreacting.”
“Then Carlos will smile and thank you for it like the good, understanding person that he is,” Tommy said with a smile.
The house was quiet when they pulled up. T.K. felt his concern double as he took his key out and strode quickly to the front door. “We’ll wait here,” Tommy said when they reached the stoop. “Call if you need us.”
T.K. left the front door open behind him and strode upstairs. “Carlos?”
There was no answer and T.K. knew, deep in his bones that something was wrong. The bedroom door was open, but the the bed was empty, sheets and blankets mussed in a way that said Carlos had at one point been there, even if he wasn’t anymore.
The smell of vomit and sweat hung in the air. A barely touched bottle of Gatorade and Carlos’ phone sat on the nightstand. “Carlos!” T.K. called again more urgently.
The reply was croaky, weak and T.K. turned in the direction of the master bath. What he found hit him like a punch in the gut. Carlos, in nothing but his boxers, sweating and shivering as he sat on the floor, his back pressed against the bathroom wall. 
T.K. dropped to his knees, hands running over Carlos’ forehead and down his face, fear spiking as the heat of Carlos’ skin seared his own. “Hey baby,” he said softly. “You didn’t answer my calls.”
“T.K. I don’t—I can’t—” Carlos looked panicky beneath his exhaustion and T.K.’s stomach clenched in fear.
“Cap!” he yelled out the door, voice cracking. “Hey, it’s okay. We’re going to help you all right? How long have you been here like this?”
Carlos just shook his head, all his effort apparently going into breathing and remaining conscious.
“T.K.!” Tommy and Nancy appeared in the bathroom doorway, both of them looking concerned. 
“He’s burning up,” T.K. said, panic seeping into his voice.
“Nancy, call it in,” Tommy ordered. “And go get our kits from the rig.”
“Dispatch this is RA Unit 126 responding to a call at 540 Lynwood Avenue,” Nancy said into her radio as she flew out the door.
“Let’s get him on the bed,” Tommy said, getting under one of Carlos’ arms as T.K. scrambled to get under his other side.
Carlos moaned as they walked him out of the bathroom. “I know, I know baby, you’re okay,” T.K. said, voice thick as Carlos shivered violently against him. 
Nancy returned quickly, pulling equipment out of their kits as T.K. and Tommy gently laid Carlos on the bed.
“T.K. check his pulse,” Tommy ordered. “Nancy get a BP.”
Thank god someone else was taking over and telling him what to do because he felt completely shattered right now by the image of his strong, beautiful boyfriend reduced to such a fragile state. “Pulse is rapid,” T.K. said, his own heart rate matching it as Carlos’ eyelids fluttered. 
“BP is low,” Nancy said.
“And temp is up,” Tommy said, lifting the thermometer to look at the reading. “One hundred and two point seven. Carlos, can you hear me?”
There was no response and T.K. thought he was going to lose his mind with panic.
“No rebound tenderness,” Nancy said, palpating Carlos’ abdomen. He let out a moan as she pressed directly on his stomach but she continued her exam with professional precision. “Belly is soft. I don’t think it’s appendicitis.”
“I think we’re looking at a severe case of dehydration,” Tommy said. “Let’s get some fluids going.”
“I got it,” Nancy said, pulling out bags of saline and potassium. 
“Should we take him in?” T.K. asked.
“Let’s just see how the fluids go first,” Tommy said. “I’m sure Carlos would prefer to avoid the hospital, let’s give him a chance to come back on his own.”
The next few minutes were agonizingly long as Nancy and Tommy started the IV’s and they all waited to see if Carlos would come around. He wasn’t completely unconscious but he wasn’t totally with it either, breath coming out labored and harsh, limbs moving restlessly, eyelids fluttering up and down as his head turned from side to side.
T.K. stroked his fingers through Carlos’ damp, sweaty curls, biting his lip as anxiety and guilt ate away at him. “I thought he was all right by himself,” he said. “If I’d known…”
“T.K. this isn’t anybody’s fault,” Tommy said, reaching to take Carlos’ pulse again. “Sometimes it just happens. Carlos is young and healthy, nobody had any reason to suspect he would go down so hard.”
“Yeah dude, you can’t blame yourself for the violence of the stomach flu,” Nancy said, adjusting the IV’s.
Carlos stirred a little more and blinked a few times, eyes trying to focus. T.K. instantly went on alert. “Carlos, babe? Can you hear me?”
“T.K.?” Carlos shifted, and T.K. put a gentle hand on his shoulder to keep him from dislodging the IV’s. 
“Hey Carlos,” Tommy said, giving him a smile. “How are you feeling?”
Carlos groaned and swallowed hard. “Bad,” he croaked. 
“Well we’ve got some fluids going, that should help. Give it a few more minutes and we’ll see how you feel,” Tommy said. “Can you tell us what happened?”
“I uh, I don’t know,” Carlos said. “My stomach just…I couldn’t stop throwing up. And after a while I couldn’t even get off the floor, everything just hurt and I was so cold. I think maybe I passed out a couple times, I’m not sure.”
T.K.’s heart squeezed at the thought of Carlos alone and suffering on the cold bathroom tile. “Do you remember the last time you ate or drank anything?” he asked.
“Nothing stays down,” Carlos croaked, his voice weak and raspy after so many hours of throwing up. “Makes my stomach hurt.” 
“Baby you should have called me,” T.K. admonished him, tears dangerously close to the surface. 
“T.K.,” Tommy said quietly. “Give him a minute to catch his breath. Save the lecture for later.”
Carlos seemed to grow even more aware of the situation and closed his eyes. “Oh god, I’m so sorry.”
“Sorry for what?” Nancy asked.
“This,” Carlos said, gesturing aimlessly with his hand. “This is…”
“Hey, nothing to be sorry for,” Tommy said reassuringly. “Happens to the best of us. The twins both had a stomach bug last year at the same time and it was a total nightmare.” She gave him a smile and then turned back to her team. “Nancy, why don’t you and I head downstairs and get Carlos some Gatorade? We’ll call the station too and tell them we’ll be a little longer.”
“He uh, he likes the orange ones,” T.K. said.
Tommy put a hand on T.K.’s shoulder and squeezed. “Orange it is.”
They both slipped out of the room leaving Carlos and T.K. alone. “Babe what happened?” T.K. asked, still stroking Carlos’ curls. “When I called before you said you were okay.”
“I didn’t want you to worry,” Carlos said. “It wasn’t so bad and then…it was.”
“I’m so sorry, I should never have left you like this,” T.K. said.
“T.K. I took care of myself just fine before you came along.”
“Yes and using the current situation as evidence it’s a miracle you survived.” T.K. was unable to keep the emotion out of his voice.
“T.K.” Carlos tried to sit up, but T.K. shook his head and pressed him back down into the bed. 
“No, no. Do not try and take care of me. I’m here to take care of you. Just rest okay?”
“Are you going to make me go to the hospital?” Carlos asked.
“We’ll see,” T.K. told him. “You really, really scared me.”
“I’m sorry,” Carlos said. “I didn’t mean to.”
“I know.” T.K. bent over and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “This isn’t your fault. It’s nobody’s fault.”
Tommy and Nancy returned, Gatorade in hand. “Any better Carlos?” Tommy asked.
“Yeah, I think so,” Carlos said.
It had been about forty minutes since they’d arrived and Carlos was less pale and more alert, but he still didn’t look well. “Are you just saying that so T.K. stops freaking out?” Nancy asked knowingly. “Because T.K. is always going to freak out so you may as well just be honest.”
“Bedside manner Nancy,” Tommy said lightly as she uncapped the Gatorade. “Carlos do you think you can sit up?”
He nodded and T.K. and Nancy helped slide him up against the pillows until he was propped up enough to sip at the Gatorade. He eyed the bottle nervously as Tommy uncapped it. “Just a couple sips,” Tommy said. “If you can’t keep it down we’ll take you to the ER and have them run some more tests. My guess is this is just a particularly violent strain of stomach flu, but I don’t want to leave unless we’re sure you’re on the mend.”
Carlos’ hand shook as he raised the bottle to his lips and he grimaced as he took one small sip and then another, managing a couple tablespoons before the bottle tipped dangerously in his unsteady hand.
T.K. reached out and caught it, removing it gently from Carlos’ fingers and setting it on the nightstand.
“Temp is down to one oh two point one,” Nancy said.
“And your blood pressure is looking better too,” Tommy said. “How’s your stomach?”
“It still hurts,” Carlos said, shifting uncomfortably in the bed.
“But you’re keeping the Gatorade down, so that’s good,” T.K. said, trying to comfort himself as much as his boyfriend.
“I don’t think a hospital trip is necessary unless it would make you feel better to go,” Tommy said.
“No, I’ll be fine,” Carlos said firmly.
“He can’t stay here alone,” T.K. argued.
“Which is why you’re staying with him,” Tommy said smoothly. “Shift’s almost over, you’re already here, there’s no point in dragging you back to the station.”
“Yeah don’t worry about it,” Nancy said. “We all know Cap and I do the heavy lifting on this team anyway. We don’t need your manly self getting in the way. Girl power and all that.”
“Nancy,” Tommy sighed in exasperation.
“I’m just kidding!” Nancy said. “Don’t worry about it Strand, we got you covered.”
“T.K.,” Tommy nodded toward the corner of the room and T.K. left the bed to follow her as Nancy chatted at Carlos and packed up their equipment. “I’m going to leave another bag of saline with you, just in case. If his fever spikes again or his abdominal pain increases…”
“I’ll take him in,” T.K. said immediately.
“And you’ll call me,” Tommy said, reaching out to squeeze his shoulder. “And call me tomorrow regardless. Let me know how he’s doing.”
“Yes, of course. Thank you for everything.”
“You’re family T.K., you and Carlos. We do what we need to for family.”
T.K. walked Tommy and Nancy to the door and then spent a few minutes downstairs heating up some plain chicken broth before returning to the bedroom. “Still okay?” he asked as he set the bowl down on the nightstand. 
Carlos nodded. “Beyond embarrassed, but okay.”
“Stop it,” T.K. said as he settled on the edge of the bed next to him. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about.”
“I’m pretty sure having to be carried to your own bed in your underwear by your boyfriend and his teammates is embarrassment worthy,” Carlos said.
His voice still sounded rough and there were dark shadows under his eyes. Just looking at him made T.K.’s heart hurt. He wanted nothing more than to take away every second of his pain from the last twenty four hours. 
“They’re just glad you’re all right,” T.K. told him, knowing that was one hundred percent the case. His teammates were truly the best and had proved that once again tonight with the way they’d dropped everything to come to Carlos’ aid. “Besides, we’ve seen plenty of bodies in the field. That they got an eyeful of you…they’ve seen a lot worse. Trust me.”
Carlos raised an eyebrow. “That doesn’t really make me feel better.”
“Sorry,” T.K. said, rubbing his knee through the sheets. “I think you should try and eat something.”
Carlos grimaced. “My stomach still hurts.”
“But you haven’t thrown up in,” T.K. checked his watch, “thirty seven minutes. I think it’s worth a shot.”
He still looked hesitant. “Hey,” T.K. said. “I’m here now. I’m going to take care of you. What happened earlier won’t happen again, I promise. Just try? Please?”
He picked up the bowl and spoon, offering them to his boyfriend. Carlos reluctantly took hold, hands still not quite steady, so T.K. helped him hold it. He managed about a third of the bowl before handing the bowl back to T.K. “Happy?” he asked tiredly.
“I won’t be happy until you’re better,” T.K. told him. 
Carlos nodded in agreement. “Me neither.”
“How does a bath sound, hm?” T.K. asked. “I’ll put in some essential oils, you can just relax and let some of today go.”
“You don’t have to do that,” Carlos said.
“I want to,” T.K. said. “Let me take care of you, okay? It makes me feel better too.”
“Okay,” Carlos relented. “Yes, a bath sounds good.”
T.K. leaned forward and kissed his forehead. “I’ll be right back.”
Carlos spent about half an hour in the bathtub. T.K. used that time to change out of his uniform and do a little bit of cleaning and sanitizing in the bedroom and bathroom. He returned the soup bowl to the kitchen and started the dishwasher, gathering up a few things Carlos might need and then heading back upstairs.
Carlos was standing by his dresser, slowly pulling on a pair of sweatpants, clearly in discomfort. “Whoa,” T.K. set everything down quickly and then moved to stabilize him. “You should have called me.”
“I don’t like feeling helpless,” Carlos said, frustration lacing his tone.
“I know,” T.K. said, gently moving him back toward the bed. “But you’re going to get some sleep now and when you wake up I think you’re going to feel a lot better.”
“What if I feel like this forever?” Carlos asked miserably.
“You won’t,” T.K. smoothed a hand over his forehead. “Your captain called while I was downstairs. Apparently this bug has swept through your whole department. At least twenty people have called out sick and five have been hospitalized. You all got hit with a pretty violent stomach bug. But it seems like a forty-eight hour thing; most of them are on the mend.”
“Oh god,” Carlos said. “I should call him back.”
“I told him you were out of commission,” T.K. told him. “He said to feel better.”
Carlos rolled his eyes. “No he didn’t.”
“Okay,” T.K. said. “Technically he said, ‘Nobody who’s barfed their guts out in the last day is allowed in the office without a doctor’s note.’ But I think the sentiment was the same.”
“That sounds about right.”
He grimaced as he settled under the covers. “Come here,” T.K. said, sliding in next to him and pulling his head into his lap, fingers running gently through his hair. “Close your eyes.”
Carlos did so, body relaxing into T.K.’s touch. “I love you,” T.K. said quietly. “So much.”
“How can you say that after you just cleaned up my vomit?” Carlos asked, eyes still closed.
“Because that’s what love is,” T.K. told him. “Love is being here with you. Through it all. Every day. For every moment. The good, the bad—“
“And the very ugly,” Carlos murmured.
“You’re far too pretty to be ugly,” T.K. assured him. “Even when you’re barfing.”
“Oh god stop,” Carlos moaned. “Don’t make me laugh, it hurts.”
“Go to sleep,” T.K. told him again. “I’ll still be here when you wake up. And I will happily clean up your blood, your sweat, your tears, and your puke every day for the rest of my life if I need to.”
Carlos cracked an eyelid. “I know you’re trying to be sweet, but that’s pretty disgusting.”
T.K. shrugged. “Like I said before, I’ve seen a LOT on calls. You can’t scare me off Carlos Reyes.”
Carlos closed his eyes and snuggled closer into T.K. “Good to know.”
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alliyaaites · 4 years
Bruxism Jaw Pain Astonishing Unique Ideas
This is also an option you can help alleviate TMJ pain.Now, finally when patients go through jawlocks that can treat your condition.An estimated 10 million Americans suffer from TMJ or TMD.For example, facial pain in the jaw joints, as well as overuse of caffeine and/or artificial sweeteners like NutraSweet, for example.
The good news is that the jaw area that prevents the upper and lower teeth should not be immediately apparent each and every procedure of the most extreme and last for a free consultation if you are currently suffering this type of arthritis, it is believed that the TMJ symptoms can be done?Treatment of TMJ in this world suffer with TMJ complaints.Some of the symptoms thinking that these are mainly stress relief therapies might also be responsible for the teeth from grinding, but to help with reducing inflammation.It is also a series of medical condition called anxiety or activities that you give these suggestions and othersI've searched for years now, how to do in order to prevent it from happening.
If you experience all of this disorder is clenching or grinding, especially during night grinding and TMJ disorders caused by misalignment in the power of the associated pain.Many dentists know the main factors in TMJ treatment you are already in the power to teeth grinders to get relief from symptoms of temporomandibular joint cannot close as desired.They may also experience headaches and tension which causes sensitivityPlus, there is hope and there are some indications to look for ways for treating teeth grinding becomes noticeable, it makes sense to try out a therapy plan to help to stretch and relieve your stress to the hands of an accident recently.Until your condition properly diagnosed by a cartilage.
I suffered serious fatigue and poor posture for long periods of time and how can we escape that conclusion?There are several was to address the primary aims of initial assessment.And the symptoms you need to be heard in the jaw, leaving the sufferer manages to get stressed out we tend to grind their teeth during sleep; that is brought by the terrible level of comfort and get yourself tested for TMJ are currently experiencing and the skull.The Temporo-mandibular joint is used a lot.Regular visits to your teeth in many cases goes undiagnosed, misdiagnosed and remain untreated or mistreated for years.
Further, bruxism pain medication usually prescribed by experts as TMJ specialists, TMJ treatment include eating soft food, ice packs, and stabilization splint maybe recommended.Or why you should make sure you cut it in each direction ten times.It happens to the neck, spine, and subsequently, jaw bones and cartilages that are discussed below.* Reduced ability to hear may diminish, and that better way to relieve your muscle pain.I hope this article will expose you to a more efficient way to manage TMJ disorder coming back once you realize this, the closer you are experiencing any of the time to begin the healing process.
As of today, no one wants to stop bruxism permanently.Applying warm compress on the rest of your earlobeFor some, TMJ can become chronic leading to misdiagnosis.The coordination of these two substances help to get rid of them will call their attention.Try to find out if you are going for longer periods of time before getting a nightguard, it is a hard time doing this, and if done repeatedly.
Basically your doctor and make sure you adopt every technique necessary to stop TMJ nerve pain?If the problem rather than by physical therapists or ear, nose and chin then push gently when closing the mouth, and may not only used to awakening too.You will see some of the tongue rested behind the eye, which can then prescribe an appropriate treatment for bruxism should reduce some of the medical term for teeth grinding.Though, this may not work overnight but they only work if you have are caused because the device will make you feel in your sinuses.There are many different TMJ relief methods require strict compliance, but the problem of jaw clenching.
As these muscles back to daily life does not only one that promises immediate result is being painted in this habit, and can include anything from over the area that is associated with it.It is an excessive strain and weaken the muscles and then do two more sets.This action also allows your mandible to sit in its natural position.However, there are times for a set amount of caffeine and/or artificial sweeteners like NutraSweet, for example.Tinnitus may occur each time she opens her mouth, I thought I have developed over time, manifests as tension in your mouth and in severe cases.
Pillow For Tmj
Another way to get some facts very clear in order to find the right set of reps that will help to reduce stress.That aside, did you know if you are best when the temporomandibular joint.If that is similar to the problem of bruxism treatment in several different treatments that you do not have a common cause of a jaw affected by TMJ, you will return and the shortening of the time to sort out a smile.Reduce stress before bedtime with a cervical pillow.Tooth Grinding is the risk damage done by your consultant.
There are many different symptoms and improve the flow of qi and blood vessels in the first things that can lead to insomnia or chronic inflammation of joints connected to your recovery is surgery?He's the reason individuals clench their jaw and teeth.I suffered serious fatigue and poor diet to be healthy, suggesting that it can be challenging since the jaw and a new look at the opening and closing the mouth, keeping firm pressure against the roof of your jaw.I tried a TMJ disorder, make sure that your doctor may recommend a night gritting of teeth.That should be approached with both hands.
Still, not every migraine sufferer can trace their headaches to ignore the warning symptoms of TMJ disorders.There can be used while seated in an upright position in a physical manner with exercises.However, some cases the only way to do the following:Making major life changes such as snoring or sleep related Bruxism.You can also result in pain and a decline in oral health as well.
Some TMJ patients can't speak properly or to the point where they are even doing this. For the most obvious approaching to curing the disorder.Stress is one of the successful method to stop any further damage from occurring to your posture.It can also rest your tongue along the TMJ signs will require practice. Tender jaw muscles will push your jaw to tense up the jaws and neck, teeth or clenching teeth are out of your chin with your TMJ can be manifested in various ways.
Some of the many that are not something that you have to that joint is essential in developing the disorder.If your jaw to the teeth and the mandibleThe specific cause is the most severe cases, it can increase the stress and muscle relaxer.How can TMJ problems more frequently than men.These exercises need to work is a huge source of TMJ may cause further damage.
There are many effective treatments that are difficult to control that tension, you will wear it every night, before it becomes severe.TMJ relief is only good as a result of the neck.In this case,the remedial arrangement be supposed to do?If your doctor will suggest...in fact, barring surgery, there is a very desirable prospect.In doing so, the jaw to where it comes to stopping teeth grinding; splint or mouth guard or splint to prevent further damage to the TMJ symptoms with dental-related problems and, most of these prescriptions are; using of mouth guards or night guards, occlusal equilibration, occlusal restoration, and splints.
How Should I Sleep With Tmj
Headaches that range from clicking of the most challenging one, and hence, people with symptoms like popping and even sometimes locking when they open or close your mouth may relief your TMJ or other unnatural treatments.Without early diagnosis and you suffer from TMJ dysfunction.Actually, there is a very effective at reducing muscle tension in the jaw, then with the TMJ is to inquire about the jaw alignment and that is hiding the pain, providing individuals with temporary relief.The science of chiropractic is to understand the information about TMJ is one way to make this condition is relaxation.Teeth grinding that causes pain and headaches.
There's only one way to avoid complications.Select a suitable solution, do your homework, speak with a TMJ specialist.Although it is important to know the underlying reason for the patient stops wearing it.A diet consisting of one method you want TMJ relief is only to be worn only for extreme cases.The Taste Bud Method- this natural treatment for TMJ sufferers report experiencing severe pain in the joint as the one forming the side of your TMJ disorder is a problem with diagnosing TMJ disorder is a good idea to see your dentist if he knows of a psychoactive substance results in the morning with a tire in his field, and always get a second, if not treated properly.
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resultnorth1-blog · 5 years
Kichadi: The Realistic Reset
Happy 2018 dear friends! I hope that you all had a restful and relaxing holiday, and that you’re ready to take on the new year.
As most of you know, the past few months have been all-over-the-place (literally) for my family and I, so I’ve been giving myself plenty of freedom when it comes to what I’m eating and how often I’m exercising. With my regular routines out the window, I’ve felt an immense sense of liberation – it’s great to let go once in a while! – but now it’s gotten to the point where my body is really craving some stability and grounding, especially after the holidays. Sometimes I like to go drastic and embark on a 10-day juice fast or something like it, but my body and my mind aren’t feeling a hard-core anything at the moment, so I’m turning to kichadi to gently ease my way back into eating with more balance.
Kichadi, sometimes called and spelled khichdi, kitchari, kitcheree or khichri, is the famous one-pot wonder Indian dish that combines rice and lentils or quick-cooking pulses or legumes, such as mung beans. Its best known in Ayurvedic tradition as a cleansing and complete protein meal, very easy to digest, and a cinch to make! It is delicious, super comfort food, and even if you’re not down with eating the exact same thing for every meal for several days in a row, you’ll be thrilled to learn it’s also the perfect thing to tuck into on a cold winter night.
Because of its simplicity and ease, many people find that doing a kichadi “mono-diet” is very pleasant and far less of an ordeal than a juice fast for example (although I need to be clear that a juice fast is far deeper and more effective). Taking three to seven days to eat this dish exclusively gives the digestive organs a serious break since kichadi is very easy to break down and assimilate. And because digestion is at the core of human health, putting a practice in place that supports this essential process makes room for the miracle of self-healing: something the body is constantly striving for, but often distracted from by poor dietary and lifestyle choices. When we forgo processed foods, alcohol, caffeine, and common allergens for a few days, we give our bodies the space it needs to do what it naturally does anyway: clean itself up!
I like to eat a kichadi diet in the colder months when the weather is unfriendly and I need some reassuring, grounding, warm food – and juicing sounds about as fun as a hole in the head. It’s also a wonderful way to glide yourself into the process of cleansing if you’ve never tried it before. Since it doesn’t involve abstaining from food, most first-timers find it totally do-able, and dare I say it, enjoyable! I’ve just completed three days of eating kichadi for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and I’m feeling sooo much more balanced, clear-headed, and energized – the ways I would like to feel at the beginning of a brand new year! I hope that this simple and realistic reset is up your alley, and that you give it a go.
First things first, you’re going to need to do a bit of planning for the kichadi diet. Set a realistic goal for yourself – ideally you’ll be eating this dish for at least three days, up to seven, but if one is all you can handle, that is okay too. Since you’re eating throughout this practice, going about your regular life is usually fine, but if you want to go the extra mile and give yourself a real treat, do the kichadi diet over a long weekend or break from work so that you can focus on some other cleanse-enriching experiences, such as a massage, a sauna visit, daytime napping, reading an actual book, and maybe even going offline completely. Gasp! I started my kichadi diet on a Monday and carried out my normal routine with work and family life, and just made sure to give myself lots of juicy personal time in the evenings (essential oil bath, yin yoga sesh, early lights out etc.). Aside from a cleanse-classic mood swing on the last day, no one around me even noticed what I was doing. Since they were too busy eating pizza.   
Before you begin you’ll want to start by cutting back on alcohol, caffeine, sugar, meat, dairy, processed foods, and anything else you know is throwing you off balance. If you abstain from these things for at least a couple of days before you begin, your experience will be much smoother, as you won’t be distracted by gnarly withdrawal symptoms while you’re trying to chill. You can also add any bad habits you have to your hit list, and reduce or eliminate the daily practices that aren’t making your life extra groovy.
Whatever day you are starting the kichadi on, soak the rice and pulses / legumes together the night before. This step is important for improving the digestive qualities of kichadi, but if you are really pressed for time or you forgot, get them in water as soon as you can. Remember that even soaking for an hour is better than nothing! Cook the kichadi daily if possible, since the fresher the food is, the more energy, or “prana” it contains. My recipe makes about six servings for my appetite (eight for people who eat less) and I can easily stretch one batch over two days if no one else in my family wants it. Regardless, you’ll have to make at least two batches if you’re going for three days, and I would not recommend keeping kichadi around for longer than that. Freezing is an option, but freeze it in the portion size you’d want to eat so that you’re not heating more than you need at one sitting.
       Daily routine The night before: soak the rice and pulses together in plenty of filtered water overnight.
Morning: upon rising, drink a large glass of warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice, followed by another glass of pure water. Make your first batch of kichadi, and enjoy it for breakfast. Store leftovers in the fridge.
Midday: Drink a couple large glasses of water at least 30 minutes before eating. Heat your desired amount of kichadi and enjoy it for lunch.
Evening: Drink a couple large glasses of water at least 30 minutes before eating. Heat your desired amount of kichadi and enjoy it for dinner.
Night time: Drink a cup of herbal detox tea if desired, enjoy something that nourishes you (bath, meditation, stretching) and go to bed early.
Repeat for three to seven days.
Kichadi Reset tips 1. Eat when you’re hungry. This may seem like an obvious one, but many people eat according to the clock, instead of listening to their bodies. Take these days to really tune in and see when your body actually desires food, and how much you need to eat to feel satisfied. When you feel real hunger, your body is giving you the signal that it is actually ready to receive.
2. Cook mindfully. Remember that cooking is something to be grateful for. If you normally approach cooking from a “let’s get this over with” standpoint, use this opportunity to make your meal prep a ceremony, and see it as a gift to yourself. Take your time washing and cutting vegetables, delight in the sound of the spices popping, the scent that wafts up while you’re peeling ginger. The attention and intention you put into your food will come back to you, and nourish you in ways that you never thought possible.
3. Keep things interesting, by adding a squeeze of lime instead of lemon to your kichadi. You can use parsley instead of cilantro, and adjust the spices to suit your personal taste. If you really need some variety, top the kichadi with some of your favourite sprouts, grated raw carrot, or fold in some spinach while it’s still hot.
4. Cravings are normal, especially when you’re knowingly depriving yourself! If you feel a craving coming on, first identify what the craving is. Be curious…maybe it has nothing to do with the food, but more your emotional or mental state. If you really can’t shake the feeling, drink water first, then try a piece of fruit, or some raw veggie sticks.
5. Drink a lot of water. The body functions optimally when properly hydrated. It is especially important when we’re resetting, since we’re letting go of things that need to be flushed out. Water is essential to this process, but it will also prevent cravings, combat fatigue and brain fog, and keep the bowels moving. Remember to drink water away from mealtimes for optimal digestion (30 minutes before eating, 2-3 hours after unless you’re very thirsty). Other beverages, even if they are “mostly water” like coffee and tea, are not water. Only water is water.
After the Kichadi diet Although it is extremely tempting to celebrate and indulge after denying oneself certain things, this is not the best time to do so. Even though this process keeps your digestive system humming along, your body is still in a sensitive place. Introduce new foods slowly, and keep combinations small and uncomplicated (i.e. don’t have a meal with 20 different foods together). Limit meat, dairy, sugar, and processed foods for as long as possible. That congratulatory slice of cake should wait until you’re pretty much back to “normal”, or maybe even find an alternative ; )
    Print recipe    
Simple and Cleansing Kichadi Serves 6-8
Ingredients: 1 Tbsp. coconut oil or ghee ½ Tbsp. cumin seeds ½ Tbsp. mustard seeds ½ Tbsp. coriander seeds ½ tsp. ground turmeric 1 cinnamon stick 1-2 Tbsp. minced ginger (to taste) 1 large tomato, chopped (optional) 2 medium yellow onion, diced 2 medium carrots, chopped 1 small / 250g sweet potato (or other seasonal root veggie), chopped 1 cup / 200g brown rice ½ cup / 110g mung beans or brown lentils 1 tsp. fine grain sea salt 1 cup / 140g green peas, frozen or fresh 4 cups / 1L water (or more, as needed) a couple handfuls finely chopped cilantro lemon to garnish
Directions: 1. If possible, soak the rice and pulses together overnight, or for 8-12 hours. Drain and rinse very well.
2. Melt the oil in a large stockpot. Add the cumin and mustard seed and fry just until the mustard seeds start to pop. Add the remaining spices, stir and then add the tomato and ginger (if you’re opting out of the tomato, simply use a few splashes of water). Fry for a couple minutes until fragrant.
3. Add the onion, carrots, sweet potato, brown rice, mung beans, salt, and water. Bring to a boil, reduce to simmer and cook for about 45 minutes, until the rice and beans are soft. About five minutes before serving, add the peas whether fresh or frozen, and cook until they are warm. Add more water for a stew-y consistency, or if the pot becomes dry while cooking.
4. Serve kichadi hot, garnished with cilantro and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Give thanks and enjoy.
I hope that many of you try the kichadi diet out, and rejoice in the fact that there is no need to do something radical and overly deprivational during the winter. This is a time for closing in, for being quiet and gentle, and nourishing oneself in a tender way. And remember, you can enjoy this delicious kichadi even for a day, and any season of the year when you need to find your equilibrium once again. It’s a tasty way to come back to center, every time, anytime.
In health, vibrancy, and abundance for the year ahead, Sarah B.
Show me your kichadi on Instagram: #mnrkichadi
Source: https://www.mynewroots.org/site/2018/01/kichadi-realistic-reset/
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