#all i know about game of throwns is the fire and ice modpack and a youtube spec bio vid and ykw that's all i need
transingthoseformers ยท 10 months
I've been toying with a dragonformers au in my head. Not set in a particular canon, bit of a fusion of whatever I want.
So the transformers are dragons, obviously. But I'm torn between having it be about dragon riders, so Dot with Megatron, Raoul with Tracks, etc. Or a conservation area for wild dragons, with the humans basically being park rangers. Or a combo, a retirement area for dragons used for combat.
I'm sorry, I'm just tossing ideas about.
Hmmmm. Now, I'm not quite familiar with dragonformers as I've probably only read one? Fic with it, and even then i didn't quite finish the fic.
Buuuut, here's what I'm thinking here: a mixture, like you've suggested above. Some of them have grown up with humans their entire lives (or most of their lives) and have handlers. Some have had little to no human contact throughout their life up until this point. Some fall somewhere in the middle of this spectrum. I feel like it's exactly a good idea to suggest some are former military, but not all of them. Why do I suggest that last line? Hear me out, but
Dragon rehab.
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