#allura and lance start dating? lance puts a bucket on his head?? (no idea why that happens)
klanced · 10 months
honestly a part of me envies that you never watched past season 4 because you never had to witness the downfall and instead got to hear stuff out of context which sounds 10x funnier
it was very fun watching from the outside as people desperately searched for klance content because it was just like ummmm. erm.
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CSUAPR 47 start
Life with Curtis was trying... Lance was trying his hardest to keep up with him, while he was trying Curtis’s limits when it came to binge watching awful TV. The medication Curtis’s friend had prescribed had helped with his mouth, throat and sense of taste. The prescription was delivered by an overly sweaty Pidge. Lance had nearly run. He couldn’t talk to her properly, yet she either didn’t care or had been prewarned he couldn’t speak properly. The burgers and fries she’d brought had gone to Kosmo, while they settled down to watch something Pidge insisted on as she “wasn’t trekking back through the woods while she was digesting”. Lance had the suspicion she’d talked to Hunk leading to Hunk telling her to stay with him as long as possible to ascertain his welfare and wellbeing. After a few days on the pills for the thrush, food tasted more like food again, leading him to being “tortured“ with three large meals a day. He’d pick at them over the few hours between meals, or Curtis would decide they’d been sitting out too long and he needed his next meal as soon as possible. For that reason Kosmo was now firm friends with Curtis. Mornings started slowly, then a little before lunch Curtis would get him up and make him walk around the house. He’d also found all sorts of exercises to help with his back pain. They’d kind of had a talk after Lance went sleep walking, for the first time, the second night at the cabin. He’d managed to get himself lost in the woods while he walked, Kosmo had dutifully stayed at his side. When he’d finally decided he was done walking, Kosmo had teleported back to the house to fetch Curtis who’d been going slightly crazy after finding them both gone. Waking up in the middle of the forest with Curtis across from him, wasn’t the best thing to ever happen. Curtis had wrapped him up in a thick blanket, then insisted he needed to lean on him all the way back to the cabin. The man fussing so badly he took his shoes off to put them on Lance’s feet because the night was freezing. Returning to the warmth of the cabin, Curtis then ran around lighting the fire in the grate and fetching a bucket of water in order to clean Lance’s feet up. Unable to cope with the influx of care, he’d spilled about his past... in particular how he didn’t deserve Curtis being kind after what he’d done... and how he’d relapsed. A few days after their talk, Shiro had called them. He’d stolen a bloodied tissue to have it tested due to his medication. Lance was angry Shiro had betrayed him like that. He’d told him he needed it... not thinking that his blood would be screened and his relapse would be picked up like that, he hadn’t been prepared for Shiro’s anger. His hurt and betrayal... then his anger at Curtis because Lance had told him about his fuck up. The “punishment” from the incident led to his daily walks and exercises. Every time he felt down, Curtis would order him up and force him off to do something he didn’t want to. They’d fought about it. Curtis didn’t understand how hard it was to get down on the floor or to get back up. He didn’t understand the whole “don’t touch when he’s having a panic attack”. Or screaming nightmares had become a thing again. Or that sometimes just on the very edge of his vision he saw Allura standing there. He also didn’t understand the mornings Lance struggled with getting out of bed due to all the thoughts in his head. He did. He kind of. But where Keith would lay there and hold him, Curtis would make him get up and waddle around. It didn’t matter if Lance was walking around with tears rolling down his face. It was apparently healthier for him than being in bed, not that he agreed. Especially after a sleepless night, being up with reflux that wanted to murder him, feeling like his back was broken in a dozen places, or a night tossing and turning because his head wouldn’t shut up about Keith. Napping on the sofa turned out to be the one action that Curtis would forgive and let slide. Perhaps because that was the only time he had control of the TV remote, after the first few nights of movies before bed. When they were still adjusting to being thrown together, before Curtis had decided he needed to get into alien wrestling. Lance didn’t love it. There were some moments that weren’t awful, but it wasn’t his idea of a great night. Shiro and Curtis could keep their wrestling kink to themselves. He had his own problems in that department, so didn’t need to be reminded that the pair definitely got far too hot and heavy on Altea thanks to the arm wrestling. He’d nearly forgotten, as he’d been forgetting more and more lately, until Curtis made a joke about it. Lance was in no way, shape, or form horny for Curtis... yet it’d be a lie not to say he felt the constantly ebbing arousal stirring in his blood. That was another reason Curtis dragging him out of bed sucked. Curtis seeing him with a boner had been mortifying, more so when he started the “you’re a healthy young man talk”. He wasn’t though. He wasn’t exactly healthy, not with his depression running rampart, and Curtis trying to kill him healthiness. Keith’s birthday was rapidly approaching, as was the day he gave birth. So despite the facade, the appreciation of company, the struggle to keep going, somehow he was still there. Still waiting for Keith to come home and fix everything that Curtis couldn’t. He might be an amazing man, but Curtis couldn’t fill the Keith shaped hole in his soul. * Spending the past few quintants in and out of consciousness, Keith knew the doctors had run a series on tests on him that he was supposed remember. He was exhausted, and from what he gathered, he was also now a big brother. His little sister was the cutest baby he’d ever seen in his life. She was a chubby little thing, with her mother’s eyes and her father’s hair. Thankfully she hadn’t got Kolivan’s ears. Staring down at her, he’d felt a rush of pride and love that he hadn’t expected. His smile was wide as tears ran down his face. Everything in his head was a little scrambled. He had no idea why he was there. He had no idea why he was there and his mother wouldn’t tell him where Lance was. Another quintant passed without answers. Then what he assumed was another. Either that or it was an exceptionally long quintant. He’d asked to see Lance, then fought his hardest to stay awake. Lance hadn’t come to see him... He didn’t like that his husband hadn’t come to see him. He was confused as to why he’d woken up with the photos of his father propped up on the table next to the bed. He may have also forgotten he was going to be a father, but that had come back. The doctors all wanted to know what the last thing he remembered was, leaving him with the feeling he’d said the wrong thing when he’d said “that water planet with the sky the same colour as Lance’s eyes”. Krolia had looked uncomfortable, then passed Korra over to him before he remembered to ask why everyone was looking at him in confusion. His long quintant felt overwhelming. He had a baby sister... she was actually finally here... He had the suspicion that despite his efforts he’d nodded off as she’d suddenly not been in his hold without him remembering the in between. His communication skills weren’t exactly up to their usual high standards. Krolia explaining it might be because he hadn’t talked in 7 movements. That was the most overwhelming thing. 7 movements with no idea how Lance was. He was happy to have a sister, but he was happier still when Shiro came striding through the infirmary door, gathering him into a hug so tight he felt almost crushed in his brother’s arms “Keith. Oh thank god... thank god...” Patting Shiro’s arm, his brother loosened his hold. Shiro had no way of knowing he was as happy as him to see him. His mother wouldn’t tell him about his husband “It’s good to see you too” “I think I’m happier to see you than you are to see me. You had all of us worried” “Even Lance?” Shiro stiffened, then relaxed. None of his family were great at hiding things when it came to sore topics “Especially Lance. How are you feeling?” “Tired” “Tired? Isn’t being in a coma enough sleep for you?” “Nope. Where’s Lance? Has he... am I...?” “Slow down. You’ve barely woken, and it’s common for the first few days to leave you confused. He’s fine. He’s safe. He hasn’t given birth, as far as I know he hasn’t booked a date for the caesarean and he’s still pregnant with your twins” “Where is he?” “He’s on Earth. Curtis took a leave of absence to make sure he wasn’t alone” That made no sense to him. His fatigue was catching up, while talking felt weird “Huh?” “You look pretty exhausted kiddo. I promise I’ll be right here when you wake up again, but for now you should get some rest” “Wanna see Lance” “I know you do. When you’re a bit more awake, I promise you can call Lance” “Let him know...” “I’ll let him know. Let’s get you back to sleep, mister” Being babied by Shiro wasn’t terrible. He was like a father to him as he settled him back down and brushed his hair back from his forehead. A few ticks later he’d fallen back to sleep, Shiro remaining by his side. The next few quintants things fell into place. He didn’t remember the party or the explosions. He remembered the previous planet they’d visited but not the latest. Through his powers of deduction he’d reasoned something had happened between Lance and Krolia. Shiro had been stuck with him asking the same questions about Lance until it finally stuck in his head. Lance was on Earth with Curtis. When it stuck, his immediate desire was to return to Earth to see his husband. Only... he needed to build his strength up first. His strength being the thing that suffered the most. He could write his name, and was embarrassed to find they’d all been worried about him as he’d been slurring his words when he’d woken. He could use a knife and fork, though he was on a liquid diet with the need to work back up to solids. He could walk and talk. He was just exhausted sooner than he’d normally be. He was also cranky. Shiro had to go back to work with the promise that he’d be back to organise rehabilitation exercises for him back on Earth. That bit wasn’t great. Neither was he particularly happy when his team flooded in and showered him in attention. He wanted Lance to be the first one to know he was awake. Not the last. His husband would be scared... and he was scared that their time apart had ruined their marriage. During their visit Ezor had let it slip that Krystaal had kissed him. His team had been kicked out after that. His mother unhappy as she admitted that it’d happened. Lance had forgiven him... but he’d still gone and left him. He wasn’t getting the full story and it frustrated him. He could only hope that Lance hadn’t been treated like this when he’d woken up. His husband would have hated all the unnecessary “fluffing about” as he would call it. All his troubles would have been eased had he been allowed to see Lance. In the end, when he did finally get an explanation over what had happened between his mother and Lance, it’d come when his mother was emotionally raw from Korra testing her lungs out as she serenaded Krolia and Kolivan all night long for no apparent reason. He was livid with his mother for driving his husband away. He didn’t understand how she could have fought with him, when Lance had had no choice but to put himself first. He didn’t feel comfortable on Daibazaal as he wasn’t comfortable in his own skin. He preferred the obstetrician on Erathus, and it was his right to do what right for him. Calling Shiro, Shiro had explained the whole incident to him. Krolia had talked with Shiro after the incident. They’d all been overbearing. Scared to take their eyes off each other lest something else happen to one of them. They were also stressed and on edge from the Coalition’s mess. Things accumulating until they’d resulted in this mess. A mess that Krolia deeply regretted. Keith knew his mother as a proud woman, he also knew Lance would understand why she’d acted the way she did... but that didn’t mean that his mother didn’t need to swallow her pride and apologise to the man he loved. Knowing she’d screwed up, she didn’t want him to leave when he barely 6 quintants out of a coma, but on the concession that he let himself be placed in a pod to triple check he was physically fine, Keith secured his freedom off Daibazaal... in another two quintants time. By the time he’d packed, boarded Shiro’s pod and forced himself not to lose his cool at his mother, Keith had chewed his fingernails down to nearly nothing. All he could think about was seeing Lance. That meant he held the burning desire do so, yet on the other side of the same coin, he was nervous as quiznak about walking back into his husband’s life. He’d been awake a whole damn movement and he hadn’t heard from him. He hadn’t talked to him. He hadn’t messaged him. He probably wasn’t actually up to making the trip to Earth. His wedding ring was around his neck. Miraculously the clip had held despite what had happened... but... he had no way of knowing if Lance was wearing his. He had no way of knowing how Lance would be. Keith knew that his return wouldn’t magically fix whatever had been happening Lance’s head. His husband had weeks on Earth to fall apart without him. He’d missed so much of Lance’s pregnancy. He hated it. He hated every stupid step that the Physio therapist at the palace had made him take. Every sensory test. Every fine movement and memory test. It only told him he was weak and that he’d failed his husband. Shiro hadn’t been there when the incident had happened, all he had was a second hand account from Curtis. Curtis who told him that Keith had made a strategic call to search for Shiro while Curtis aided both Lance and Krolia. Keith couldn’t remember what was going through his mind. Trying to think of that night hurt his head. He was told not to rush the memories, but with no memories how did he know what to say? He’d left Lance. He’d left Lance with Curtis... The half-Galra knew he’d have had to assess the situation then come to the conclusion that was the best chance for a successful outcome. Curtis couldn’t go. Krolia was too pregnant... and Lance... He wanted to kick his past self’s arse for not leaving him clear instructions over what the quiznak had happened.
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bicon-korra · 5 years
little do you know (that I love you so)
[Allurance, Season 8, Teen rating (first time), fluff, 1,200 words]
Summary: Allurance pillow talk. Allura asks when Lance knew she was The One.
“When did you know?” Allura asks, looking up from Lance’s bare chest to his face.
They spent their first night together after three weeks dating on the Atlas. Seeing Lance every day kept Allura sane as she worked tirelessly to track Honerva’s whereabouts. They settled into a routine that fit both of their work schedules. In the mornings, Lance would walk her from her room to the med bay, giving her a quick kiss before leaving for training. The next time they saw each other was at dinner, where they both decompressed. They’d talk about the boring parts of their day first since Allura’s meetings in the med bay area were too painful to discuss over yesterday’s stew. Lance cracked jokes that made Allura nearly spit out her drink, completely erasing whatever shitty feelings clouded her mind from earlier, and each day she looked forward to seeing him more and more.
After dinner, they’d walk around the Atlas together and talk about pretty much anything. Lance came up with the idea to share their bucket list of things they’d like to do on earth.
His ideas were simple: buy a new guitar, learn how to snowboard, surf on Playa Azul.
Allura’s were also simple: visit an art museum, play in the snow, learn how to ride a bike.
Eventually, their plans became shared ones: hike the Grand Canyon, dogsit, travel to Europe. The world was theirs, and Lance gave her a home on earth and in space to look forward to.
One night Lance takes her to the astronomy room where they could see out into space. Allura wears the blush pink dress that she wore on their first date. Lance holds her hand as they gaze at the galaxies and constellations that they could practically name in their sleep.
After, Lance leads her to his bedroom. They kiss, slowly then fervently, and he undresses her, basking in her beauty. They stare at each other in awkward silence until Allura moves forward to kiss him again and again, bursting with love for him. They take things slow because none of them have done this before. They fumble for a bit, occasionally hurting and soothing each other in the process, but once they find their rhythm, Allura lets Lance take the lead. She’ll follow him anywhere, this boy who stutters breathy words of praise and affection at the nape of her neck. The constellations from earlier burn in her vision as she cries out his name, grasping hard at his shining, sinewy back.
Now, they’re lying in his bed, Allura sleeping completely naked for the first time. She’s so glad she’s not alone, that her favorite person is breathing steadily next to her.
“When did you know?” she asks again, watching as he lazily blinks to return her gaze.
“Know what?” he says, eyes lit with curiosity as he pushes a strand of hair behind her ear.
“That you loved me?”
He thinks for a moment, pursing his lips until he finds a satisfying answer.
“Probably that time you bathed the mice. While I was at the space mall.”
“What?” she says in surprise, propping her head up on one elbow. “Why then?”
“Well,” he smiles, “I know you were really stressed out about Zarkon tracking us and not having enough fuel for the castle. I hoped you could join us but knew you had more important things to do. I actually thought a lot about you that day, even browsed the women’s jewelry section. Though I figured you were just joking about wanting jewelry.”
Allura raises her eyebrow, her expression stern. “I never joke about sparkly things.”
“I know that now,” he teases, and she taps his nose affectionately. “I thought that when we returned, you’d be at the controls planning the route for our next wormhole jump—you know, things that I normally see you do. Then we came back, and I saw your hair, and wow, it was so freaking cute.”
Allura groans in embarrassment. “Ah yes, the mice gave me a new hairdo. So that’s what won you over?”
“Nah, I was probably far gone long before then…”
Allura’s heart starts to beat faster. She thinks back to what “before then” was. She remembers Lance lingering after breakfast every morning to ask her what their agenda for the day would look like. He often walked to the castle ship bridge with her as she listed their duties: in-house or simulation training, ship maintenance, or a visit to a nearby planet. He always spoke in a shy and polite voice, completely unlike the bravado he put on when the others were around.
“And then?” she asks curiously.
“So I saw you with your new hairdo, and you looked so damn cute and happy, it made me insanely happy. And—not sure if you remember—I asked what you had been up to that day, expecting some brief report on when we’ll be taking off and where to.”
Allura nods, trying to conjure up the memory.
“You said simply, ‘I gave the mice a bath today.’”
Allura waits for him to finish, but he doesn’t say anything else. “Is that it?” she laughs.
“Yeah. You looked so accomplished doing that small task. I always wondered what you did on your downtime. Like, I couldn’t picture you playing video games or anything. So that gave me a sense of the real you, I guess. Not this person I always imagined in my head who always works herself to the bone and never takes time to relax. Even then you were still helping out the little guys. I just found that so charming, and I wished so badly that I stayed with you instead. To get to know you better.”
Allura smiles and reaches for his hand fiddling with a long strand of her hair. “Now you have me,” she says as she kisses his hand.
“Now I have you,” he echoes in an awed voice.
“You know,” Allura says, “I wish I had gone with you too. It sounded fun. And I thought you looked really cute when you brought Kaltenecker home. You were smiling so big. I had no idea what exactly Kaltenecker was, but you were excited about it, so I just went along with it.”
Lance smiles deviously. “You thought I was cute.”
“Yes, I did,” she says, giving his hand a small peck. “I do. There’s just one part I’m missing. All those times after breakfast, when we’d walk to the bridge together...was that you trying to get to know me better? So we could be friends?”
“Yeah, pretty much,” Lance mumbles shyly. “Did it work?”
Allura retraces her morning walk to the castle bridge after breakfast. She used to cut through the pod bay, but then began taking the longer route once Lance started joining her. She liked hearing him talk. He had a lot to say, but he was also a really good listener. Patient. Kind. Funny, often at his own expense. She’d been paying more attention to him than he ever even knew, she realizes.
She snuggles up to his chest, sighing happily as he wraps her in his arms. “It worked.”
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angstalottle · 7 years
Watering The Plants
Lance was running out of pills and time. With every pill he came closer and closer to the moment when he would run out and it would happen again. He couldn’t remember the first time it happened, but he could remember the last. He had woken up in a hospital bed in the Garrison with Hunk sobbing at his bed side asking him why he never told him. Why Lance never told anyone he was schizophrenic. Ever morning in the castle he would take a pill and every morning Hunk would ask him how many left. Lance would always smile and answer with “loads” just so that his best friend wouldn’t worry. However he only had one left. And that one he managed to lose down the drain of his sink. He had no pills… Now he just had to wait for the inevitable. ———————————– Allura decided for the days bonding exercise that the Paladins were to do yard work in the large green house filled with various alien plants. She said the idea was to show the team that something beautiful could come from their hard work. Most of the Paladins except the leader figured she just wanted a nice place to take Shiro on a date to within the castle. So they began to work and everyone hated it. Pidge practically hissed at any form of nature and was just given a squirt bottle and told to try not to have a mental breakdown. Hunk spent more time picking various alien fruit and vegetables then doing any actual gardening. Shiro trying to lead by example followed the list of chores created by Corran to help them, but it was clear that he hated every second of it and wished death upon the plants after only an hour. Keith did actually try, but after getting a little too scissor happy when trimming a hedge and nearly taking Pidge’s head off, everyone decided it would be a good idea if he were to just work on flower arrangement. Lance however couldn’t be happier. He was humming the entire time he worked, offering to help anyone that needed it. Hunk assumed that the working in a garden reminded Lance of earth so didn’t think anything was wrong when Lance got a far off look about him and mumbled something about going to water the flowers. However after ten minutes and no Lance, Keith went looking for him annoyed that it seemed the blue paladin had ditched them. Keith found Lance standing in front of a table filled with various flowers. The first thing that caught his attention was the lack of a watering can. All that was there was a old rusty trowel tossed to the side glimmering with fresh blood. Keith did a double take. Yep that was blood alright. He stepped closer to ask Lance what had happened when he saw exactly what Lance was doing. “Lance… Oh my God…” Lance was standing with his wrist cut open in a jagged line bleeding onto one of the flowers. He seemed to be muttering to himself and completely unaware of what was going on around him. “Hey Keith can you and Lance help me- holy Quiznark!” Unlike Keith, Hunk didn’t freeze. He pulled off his shirt and used it to tightly wrap Lance’s wrist applying pressure to the wound to try and stop the bleeding. “Buddy you with me?” Hunk asked gently pushing Lance onto an upturned bucket so he could sit down. Lance blinked blearily, it was clear he wasn’t quite all there at the moment. “Hunk?” He asked a large smile stretching across his face. “Yeah bud its me. I’m here.” Hunks voice was filled with so much false cheer that Keith cringed. “Do you want to tell me what you were doing?” Lance pointed at the group of bloody flowers. “They needed water but I didn’t have any, but then someone said that humans are filled with water. So I opened myself up and watered the flowers like I was meant to.” He beamed sounding too heart breakingly proud of himself. “Yeah bud you did a good job with the flowers, but can you do me a favour?” Lance’s expression turned serious “don’t worry Leo’s not here.” This caused Hunk to sigh with relief “good that’s good. But no I want to you to listen to my voice ok. Ignore everything else you see and hear and only listen to me.” Lance nodded his eyes drooping slightly and his skin had gone a sickly pale grey from the blood loss. “Good, I’m going to ask Keith to call Shiro then we’re gonna put you In a healing pod to fix up you wrist, then when you get out we’re gonna have dinner and no one will be mad at you ok.” Hunk continued to talk as Keith getting the hint ran to get Shiro. They returned to find Lance with his head resting on Hunks lap as Hunk spoke softly to him describing the trees, the flowers, even the stars visible through the glass ceiling. Shiro took one look at the near unconscious Lance and scooped the boy up, running him to the infirmary without so much as a single word asking for an explanation. ———————————– Lance had been in the healing pod for almost an hour when the other Paladins along with Allura and Corran demanded an explanation. “Lance has schizophrenia.” Hunk paused as his team let out an audible gasp, Pidge putting their hands over their mouth feeling a sharp stab of guilt for never realising despite all the time they spent together back at the Garrison. “I do not understand what this is…” Allura admitted. “It’s a mental illness that causes people to erm hallucinate and sometimes not know what’s real or not.” Shiro supplied as best he could. “Oh…” was all the princess could say glancing at the blue paladin in the healing pod. “Lance can control it with meds but…” Hunk trailed off looking at the floor. Allura didn’t need him to answer. Before she dragged them into this war and light years away from home. “Who’s Leo?” Keith asked remembering the conversation he had over heard. Hunk looked a uncomfortable “Leo’s one of Lance’s hallucinations, he’s usually the one that tells him to hurt people or more commonly himself… didn’t you ever wonder why you never see his arms?” Keith paled. He had always assumed that Lance was just some egotistical guy from a big family. He had stupidly assumed that just because he never saw anything wrong that Lance must be fine. Keith felt like an idiot. They all did. However they were pulled out of their guilt filled thoughts by a hiss from the healing pod and Lance tumbling out into Hunks arms. He looked up at everyone taking in their concerned looks and groaned. “So you guys know then?” “How couldn’t you tell us something so important!” Pidge snapped tears in their eyes. “They have a point Lance. What if this had happened during a mission.” Shiro crossed his arms looking down at the boy disappointedly. “I…I…” Lance stammered his grip on Hunk tightening. “Ok guys that’s enough.” Hunk said in a way that told the others it wasn’t a request and doing anything else to upset Lance would result in some serious consequences. “Hunk is right, now is not the time to be asking such questions. Now is the time for solutions.” Corran fished a orange plastic bottle from his pocket. “I hope you don’t mind but I retrieved this from your room and believe I may be able to recreate the medication.” Lance looked like he was going to cry and buried his face into Hunks shoulder mumbling something. Hunk chucked looking down at him with a soft smile. “I think that’s a thank you.” Lance nodded before looking up at Hunks whispering something the others couldn’t hear but caused Hunks to start laughing. “Yeah bud, we can have dinner now.”
-------------------------------------------Part 2: https://langsty-mc-langstface.tumblr.com/post/160158467570/watering-the-plants
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Caramel Skin Under A Purple Rain prt 48 full draft
Life with Curtis was trying... Lance was trying his hardest to keep up with him, while he was trying Curtis’s limits when it came to binge watching awful TV. The medication Curtis’s friend had prescribed had helped with his mouth, throat and sense of taste. The prescription was delivered by an overly sweaty Pidge. Lance had nearly run. He couldn’t talk to her properly, yet she either didn’t care or had been prewarned he couldn’t speak properly. The burgers and fries she’d brought had gone to Kosmo, while they settled down to watch something Pidge insisted on as she “wasn’t trekking back through the woods while she was digesting”. Lance had the suspicion she’d talked to Hunk leading to Hunk telling her to stay with him as long as possible to ascertain his welfare and wellbeing. After a few days on the pills for the thrush, food tasted more like food again, leading him to being “tortured“ with three large meals a day. He’d pick at them over the few hours between meals, or Curtis would decide they’d been sitting out too long and he needed his next meal as soon as possible. For that reason Kosmo was now firm friends with Curtis. Mornings started slowly, then a little before lunch Curtis would get him up and make him walk around the house. He’d also found all sorts of exercises to help with his back pain. They’d kind of had a talk after Lance went sleep walking, for the first time, the second night at the cabin. He’d managed to get himself lost in the woods while he walked, Kosmo had dutifully stayed at his side. When he’d finally decided he was done walking, Kosmo had teleported back to the house to fetch Curtis who’d been going slightly crazy after finding them both gone. Waking up in the middle of the forest with Curtis across from him, wasn’t the best thing to ever happen. Curtis had wrapped him up in a thick blanket, then insisted he needed to lean on him all the way back to the cabin. The man fussing so badly he took his shoes off to put them on Lance’s feet because the night was freezing. Returning to the warmth of the cabin, Curtis then ran around lighting the fire in the grate and fetching a bucket of water in order to clean Lance’s feet up. Unable to cope with the influx of care, he’d spilled about his past... in particular how he didn’t deserve Curtis being kind after what he’d done... and how he’d relapsed. A few days after their talk, Shiro had called them. He’d stolen a bloodied tissue to have it tested due to his medication. Lance was angry Shiro had betrayed him like that. He’d told him he needed it... not thinking that his blood would be screened and his relapse would be picked up like that, he hadn’t been prepared for Shiro’s anger. His hurt and betrayal... then his anger at Curtis because Lance had told him about his fuck up. The “punishment” from the incident led to his daily walks and exercises. Every time he felt down, Curtis would order him up and force him off to do something he didn’t want to. They’d fought about it. Curtis didn’t understand how hard it was to get down on the floor or to get back up. He didn’t understand the whole “don’t touch when he’s having a panic attack”. Or screaming nightmares had become a thing again. Or that sometimes just on the very edge of his vision he saw Allura standing there. He also didn’t understand the mornings Lance struggled with getting out of bed due to all the thoughts in his head. He did. He kind of. But where Keith would lay there and hold him, Curtis would make him get up and waddle around. It didn’t matter if Lance was walking around with tears rolling down his face. It was apparently healthier for him than being in bed, not that he agreed. Especially after a sleepless night, being up with reflux that wanted to murder him, feeling like his back was broken in a dozen places, or a night tossing and turning because his head wouldn’t shut up about Keith. Napping on the sofa turned out to be the one action that Curtis would forgive and let slide. Perhaps because that was the only time he had control of the TV remote, after the first few nights of movies before bed. When they were still adjusting to being thrown together, before Curtis had decided he needed to get into alien wrestling. Lance didn’t love it. There were some moments that weren’t awful, but it wasn’t his idea of a great night. Shiro and Curtis could keep their wrestling kink to themselves. He had his own problems in that department, so didn’t need to be reminded that the pair definitely got far too hot and heavy on Altea thanks to the arm wrestling. He’d nearly forgotten, as he’d been forgetting more and more lately, until Curtis made a joke about it. Lance was in no way, shape, or form horny for Curtis... yet it’d be a lie not to say he felt the constantly ebbing arousal stirring in his blood. That was another reason Curtis dragging him out of bed sucked. Curtis seeing him with a boner had been mortifying, more so when he started the “you’re a healthy young man talk”. He wasn’t though. He wasn’t exactly healthy, not with his depression running rampart, and Curtis trying to kill him healthiness. Keith’s birthday was rapidly approaching, as was the day he gave birth. So despite the facade, the appreciation of company, the struggle to keep going, somehow he was still there. Still waiting for Keith to come home and fix everything that Curtis couldn’t. He might be an amazing man, but Curtis couldn’t fill the Keith shaped hole in his soul. * Spending the past few quintants in and out of consciousness, Keith knew the doctors had run a series on tests on him that he was supposed remember. He was exhausted, and from what he gathered, he was also now a big brother. His little sister was the cutest baby he’d ever seen in his life. She was a chubby little thing, with her mother’s eyes and her father’s hair. Thankfully she hadn’t got Kolivan’s ears. Staring down at her, he’d felt a rush of pride and love that he hadn’t expected. His smile was wide as tears ran down his face. Everything in his head was a little scrambled. He had no idea why he was there. He had no idea why he was there and his mother wouldn’t tell him where Lance was. Another quintant passed without answers. Then what he assumed was another. Either that or it was an exceptionally long quintant. He’d asked to see Lance, then fought his hardest to stay awake. Lance hadn’t come to see him... He didn’t like that his husband hadn’t come to see him. He was confused as to why he’d woken up with the photos of his father propped up on the table next to the bed. He may have also forgotten he was going to be a father, but that had come back. The doctors all wanted to know what the last thing he remembered was, leaving him with the feeling he’d said the wrong thing when he’d said “that water planet with the sky the same colour as Lance’s eyes”. Krolia had looked uncomfortable, then passed Korra over to him before he remembered to ask why everyone was looking at him in confusion. His long quintant felt overwhelming. He had a baby sister... she was actually finally here... He had the suspicion that despite his efforts he’d nodded off as she’d suddenly not been in his hold without him remembering the in between. His communication skills weren’t exactly up to their usual high standards. Krolia explaining it might be because he hadn’t talked in 7 movements. That was the most overwhelming thing. 7 movements with no idea how Lance was. He was happy to have a sister, but he was happier still when Shiro came striding through the infirmary door, gathering him into a hug so tight he felt almost crushed in his brother’s arms “Keith. Oh thank god... thank god...” Patting Shiro’s arm, his brother loosened his hold. Shiro had no way of knowing he was as happy as him to see him. His mother wouldn’t tell him about his husband “It’s good to see you too” “I think I’m happier to see you than you are to see me. You had all of us worried” “Even Lance?” Shiro stiffened, then relaxed. None of his family were great at hiding things when it came to sore topics “Especially Lance. How are you feeling?” “Tired” “Tired? Isn’t being in a coma enough sleep for you?” “Nope. Where’s Lance? Has he... am I...?” “Slow down. You’ve barely woken, and it’s common for the first few days to leave you confused. He’s fine. He’s safe. He hasn’t given birth, as far as I know he hasn’t booked a date for the caesarean and he’s still pregnant with your twins” “Where is he?” “He’s on Earth. Curtis took a leave of absence to make sure he wasn’t alone” That made no sense to him. His fatigue was catching up, while talking felt weird “Huh?” “You look pretty exhausted kiddo. I promise I’ll be right here when you wake up again, but for now you should get some rest” “Wanna see Lance” “I know you do. When you’re a bit more awake, I promise you can call Lance” “Let him know...” “I’ll let him know. Let’s get you back to sleep, mister” Being babied by Shiro wasn’t terrible. He was like a father to him as he settled him back down and brushed his hair back from his forehead. A few ticks later he’d fallen back to sleep, Shiro remaining by his side. The next few quintants things fell into place. He didn’t remember the party or the explosions. He remembered the previous planet they’d visited but not the latest. Through his powers of deduction he’d reasoned something had happened between Lance and Krolia. Shiro had been stuck with him asking the same questions about Lance until it finally stuck in his head. Lance was on Earth with Curtis. When it stuck, his immediate desire was to return to Earth to see his husband. Only... he needed to build his strength up first. His strength being the thing that suffered the most. He could write his name, and was embarrassed to find they’d all been worried about him as he’d been slurring his words when he’d woken. He could use a knife and fork, though he was on a liquid diet with the need to work back up to solids. He could walk and talk. He was just exhausted sooner than he’d normally be. He was also cranky. Shiro had to go back to work with the promise that he’d be back to organise rehabilitation exercises for him back on Earth. That bit wasn’t great. Neither was he particularly happy when his team flooded in and showered him in attention. He wanted Lance to be the first one to know he was awake. Not the last. His husband would be scared... and he was scared that their time apart had ruined their marriage. During their visit Ezor had let it slip that Krystaal had kissed him. His team had been kicked out after that. His mother unhappy as she admitted that it’d happened. Lance had forgiven him... but he’d still gone and left him. He wasn’t getting the full story and it frustrated him. He could only hope that Lance hadn’t been treated like this when he’d woken up. His husband would have hated all the unnecessary “fluffing about” as he would call it. All his troubles would have been eased had he been allowed to see Lance. In the end, when he did finally get an explanation over what had happened between his mother and Lance, it’d come when his mother was emotionally raw from Korra testing her lungs out as she serenaded Krolia and Kolivan all night long for no apparent reason. He was livid with his mother for driving his husband away. He didn’t understand how she could have fought with him, when Lance had had no choice but to put himself first. He didn’t feel comfortable on Daibazaal as he wasn’t comfortable in his own skin. He preferred the obstetrician on Erathus, and it was his right to do what right for him. Calling Shiro, Shiro had explained the whole incident to him. Krolia had talked with Shiro after the incident. They’d all been overbearing. Scared to take their eyes off each other lest something else happen to one of them. They were also stressed and on edge from the Coalition’s mess. Things accumulating until they’d resulted in this mess. A mess that Krolia deeply regretted. Keith knew his mother as a proud woman, he also knew Lance would understand why she’d acted the way she did... but that didn’t mean that his mother didn’t need to swallow her pride and apologise to the man he loved. Knowing she’d screwed up, she didn’t want him to leave when he barely 6 quintants out of a coma, but on the concession that he let himself be placed in a pod to triple check he was physically fine, Keith secured his freedom off Daibazaal... in another two quintants time. By the time he’d packed, boarded Shiro’s pod and forced himself not to lose his cool at his mother, Keith had chewed his fingernails down to nearly nothing. All he could think about was seeing Lance. That meant he held the burning desire do so, yet on the other side of the same coin, he was nervous as quiznak about walking back into his husband’s life. He’d been awake a whole damn movement and he hadn’t heard from him. He hadn’t talked to him. He hadn’t messaged him. He probably wasn’t actually up to making the trip to Earth. His wedding ring was around his neck. Miraculously the clip had held despite what had happened... but... he had no way of knowing if Lance was wearing his. He had no way of knowing how Lance would be. Keith knew that his return wouldn’t magically fix whatever had been happening Lance’s head. His husband had weeks on Earth to fall apart without him. He’d missed so much of Lance’s pregnancy. He hated it. He hated every stupid step that the Physio therapist at the palace had made him take. Every sensory test. Every fine movement and memory test. It only told him he was weak and that he’d failed his husband. Shiro hadn’t been there when the incident had happened, all he had was a second hand account from Curtis. Curtis who told him that Keith had made a strategic call to search for Shiro while Curtis aided both Lance and Krolia. Keith couldn’t remember what was going through his mind. Trying to think of that night hurt his head. He was told not to rush the memories, but with no memories how did he know what to say? He’d left Lance. He’d left Lance with Curtis... The half-Galra knew he’d have had to assess the situation then come to the conclusion that was the best chance for a successful outcome. Curtis couldn’t go. Krolia was too pregnant... and Lance... He wanted to kick his past self’s arse for not leaving him clear instructions over what the quiznak had happened. * An hour of hiking wiped Keith out completely. He was drenched in sweat, his chest heaving and the world spinning by the time the cabin came into view. Having been leaning heavily on Shiro for the last 50 minutes of the hike, both of them relieved when they reached their destination. Leaning against the wooden railing that ran around the edge of the veranda, Shiro waved his robotic arm at him as he caught his breath, waving him on to where Lance would be waiting for him. Dragging himself on, Keith’s heart was pounding. Not just from over exerting himself, but with the fact he could smell his husband. Something else was in the air, but he could smell Lance. It was closest he’d been to Lance in movements, and his body seemed to know it. Forgetting that manners were a thing, keith trekked mud into the cabin as he stumbled inside, then was nearly blinded by the natural light pouring through into the space. It was far too rich for his liking on the inside. The outside deceptively was bland, the forest dark and wet from a heavy rain that hadn’t long left. Standing at the oven, Lance was cooking something as he wiped his eyes. His barefoot husband had his hair pulled up into a tiny ponytail as he sang something softly, the song not in English and not that happy from the looks of it. With the grace of a newborn fawn Keith staggered for the kitchen island, grabbing the for edge as his clumsy hand knocked a dish off the edge. Screaming at the sound, Lance sent the frypan he’d been using crashing down to his feet “Lance!? Are you ok?! I told you I could make...” Walking out the end of a corridor Keith hadn’t noticed, Curtis caught Lance as he crumbled on the spot. His husband starting to sob, his name said repeatedly in between Spanish and his sobs, his face hidden as he cried into his hands. Coming up behind him, Shiro wrapped an arm around Keith’s waist “I told Curtis we were coming, but I left it as a surprise for Lance. This is the part where you’re supposed to rush into each other’s arms” “Lance...?” Lowering his hands, his husband met his eyes. Keith was shocked. He wasn’t sure why he was shocked. He’d been coming to see his husband. And now his husband was in front of him, his body was taking its time to do the whole moving thing “K-Keith?” As his brain finally kicked into gear, with a soft propelling from Shiro. he was completely uncoordinated as he tripped over his two feet in his hurry to reach Lance. Shrugging off Curtis, Lance simply remained sitting, as shocked as Keith was over what was happening. Reaching his husband by crawling on his knees, he drew him against him as he started crying and nuzzling his neck “Lance...” “K-Keith... what... how...?” “Shiro gave me a lift” “Why...? Are you... what...” Taking Lance’s face in his hands, his husband was... He had no words for it. Lance was simply... He was... his everything. Wiping the tear trails with his thumbs, Lance sniffled as he stared at him, Keith smiling softly as he melted with the weight of his love and happiness to finally be back with the man he loved and adored more than anything “Shh... deep breaths for me” “You’re really here?” “Yeah, babe. Yeah, I’m here” “I didn’t think you’d wake up...” “You should know I can’t you leave you alone. You and that arse of yours” Lance hiccuped a snort, then dissolved back into soft sobs “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry...” “This isn’t your fault. Hey, you’re not to blame” “I left you!” That stung. Lance’s words hitting a little too close that particular wound “You did what you needed to do for our boys” “I...” “Shhh. How am I supposed to kiss you if you don’t stop blaming yourself” “Sorry, Keith. Lance is still contagious. No kissing right now” Glancing up to Curtis, his some-day brother-in-law shook his head. Contagious? What did he have? And if he had something, why wasn’t he being treated for it? “Not right now. A couple more days to let the symptoms pass. He’s got a touch of oral thrush. It’s not really contagious, but there is still a small risk of spreading it from his mouth to other places” Lance blushed hard, his expression turning downcast, unable to meet Keith’s eyes as his gaze flicked back to husband “I don’t care...” “You will if you spread the infection. It’s nearly completely gone” Thrush could be spread? Curtis wasn’t just messing with him because he didn’t want to see them kissing? “I’m sorry... you probably think it’s gross” “No. No. Babe. Fuck. I’m so happy to see you. What is this place? Where’s Kosmo?” “Curtis’s family cabin... he likes going exploring... are you really here? Shiro... Curtis told me you were awake... I’m so happy...” “Lance, why don’t you and Keith head down to your room? He needs a tour of the cabin later too” Lance’s gorgeous blue eyes widened. Keith couldn’t wait to see them tear free “Keith’s staying? He gets to stay?” Curtis ruffled Lance’s hair “Yes, Lance. He gets to stay but remember he’s still weak from his coma. You two need to behave yourselves” “It’s you and Shiro I have to worry about. He’s been watching wrestling non-stop...” Behind him Shiro started laughing, his hands moving to rest just under Keith’s armpits “Point taken. Maybe Curtis can show me around before I head back to the garrison. Let’s get you both up. The kitchen floor doesn’t seem like a good place to catch each other up” Lance nodded, his husband taking a few deep breaths before agreeing “It’s not... I personally guarantee that” Seeing they were sitting next to the remains of what looked to be something “beany”, sitting on the floor wasn’t all that appealing “I know you do. Here, Shiro, you get Keith up, and I’ll get Lance up” They made a fine pair, Lance was so pregnant that he waddled everywhere. Keith was so exhausted that he swayed as if he was drunk. Led down the corridor, the door to Lance’s room was open “It’s kind of a mess. Bending kills my back, so Curtis picks up what Kosmo doesn’t” Inside Lance’s room was a neat queen sized bed, the top blankets were ones Keith had purchased for his husband before they’d set up their room at the outpost. There was double window behind the bed head, allowing natural light to pour through the pulled back deep green curtains. The only other things were a small woven rug and dresser. No art or trinkety things, other than Lance’s photos of the bedside table he’d nearly missed... due to the chair with a pile of clothes of it. Ok. So he’d missed that, but in his defence, Keith was exhausted “It’s nice” “It’s plain... but it’s quiet... Curtis has a safe in his room, so if you have any weapons you have to store them in there” Now they were alone, Lance was attempting to push him away. His husband was acting stiff and awkward, Keith maybe a little way that way himself. Lance left his side to sit himself down on the made bed, Keith taking a few ticks before joining him. They’d been apart for so long. Yet he’d been unconscious until this last hellish movement “I don’t want to talk about him. I want to... I want to know how... what... are you ok?” “Our sons are fine. You look like you need to rest...” “Lance” “The bed isn’t bad... Curtis keeps a schedule... You’ll have to get used to it if you’re actually staying...” “Lance. I don’t want to talk about that. I want to... I don’t know. Talk about you? Talk about what happened? I don’t remember anything from that week. They said they at happens sometimes” “We don’t need to talk about it right now” Lance’s quiet reply was quick and dismissive, his husband moving his hands to his stomach. “Babe... Please. I thought you’d be happy to see me” “I am...” There was a clear unsaid “but” on the end that. Keith didn’t like how this all felt “Why won’t you talk to me?” “I... when I look at you I want to kiss you... and I... I can’t even do that. I waited for movements for you to wake up and now you’re here it doesn’t feel real... You... you left me then I left you... I wasn’t strong enough...” Placing his hand on Lance’s stomach, he couldn’t care less about thrush at the moment. Leaning in towards his husband, Lance tried to escape his kiss “What are you doing?” “I won’t spread it if I only kiss your mouth. I can’t stand waiting” “Curtis says it’s nearly all gone... I have to take my meds a little longer...” “I don’t care. If you want to kiss me, then kiss me... I don’t want you to... I don’t want you to feel like you can’t... I’ve missed you. I’ve really quiznakking missed you” Lance’s stomach wobbled slightly as he sucked in a breath, no longer leaning away from him, their lips nearly touching. Lance’s breath warm against his mouth “I missed you too... I missed you so much. I didn’t think you were going to wake up...” Closing the few millimetres, the kiss turned less than innocent less than two ticks in. Kissing deeply, Lance’s hand came up to thread his fingers through as one kiss began several. Breaking the kiss, Keith rested his forehead against his husband’s. He had far too many questions, but that kiss told him the most important thing and that was his husband still loved him “I thought you’d... you wanted to leave me...” “No. No, babe. I don’t know what happened. But I love you. I love you so much. Is that why you didn’t call?” “I was scared you wouldn’t remember... this... us... or that you’d be happier with Shiro and me gone” Ew. No. Shiro was his brother... “You idiot. No. I wouldn’t have been happier with Shiro. He told me I was going to look for him, but shielded you when the wall exploded outwards. I’m sorry you thought that. I can’t tell you what I was thinking” “It’s been so hard... Curtis tries... but I can’t do this without you... I can’t...” The fact that Lance wasn’t hiding on some deserted planet hadn’t gone unnoticed “You’re strong. Even pregnant you could totally kick my arse” Lance sniffled as he shook his head. His fingers still entwined in Keith’s hair as he shifted slightly “It doesn’t count when you’re fresh out of a coma” “I won’t tell if you don’t. Do you want to cuddle?” “Yes... you missed so much...” “I want to hear all about it. I might fall asleep, fair warning” “I might fall asleep too. Curtis has this thing. He won’t let me stay in bed. I can nap on the sofa, but he has a routine. I hate it” “I think you’ve earned a day off that routine. Can I see your belly?” “They’re so much more active now. You... can sometimes see the skin move. I haven’t showed anyone... I didn’t want them to think it’s gross” “Gross? Are you kidding me? I’ve missed this bump of yours” “It’s big” “It’s amazing. I’m... I’m so relieved I wasn’t too late...” “Korra worked her way into your heart, didn’t she?” Lance met Korra? Keith wasn’t exactly sure on the timeline of things anymore. His brain wasn’t doing the brain, not when he wanted to do the cuddle “You met her?” “Yeah. Kolivan is amazing with her. I wish I could have seen you with her” Lance sounded guilty, Keith wasn’t having his husband slip back into tears “You will. Now let me see our sons already” “No. Nope. Noooo. I’m not going into labour here, just because you decided to pull a Sleeping Beauty. I need to use the bathroom. You’ll need to do your boots. I can’t bend that far anymore” “Fair point. If you want to lose that shirt...” “Horn dog” “I seriously doubt I have the strength to be a horn dog. I want to see you... I’ve missed you” “I missed you, too...” Releasing his hair, Lance gave him a quick peck on the lips before dragging himself off the bed. His hands going to his hips as he groaned. His husband was a fat little waddly penguin with an adorable pout. Watching him leave was hard. He wanted to follow after him, make sure he was safe... and wouldn’t disappear on him. He wasn’t ready to do anything that separated him from Lance, even for a few ticks at a time. Keith enacted “Cuddly Octopus Mode” when Lance had waddled back from the bathroom. He was a little disappointed that Lance’s long shirt had stayed on, his husband taking far too long to climb up onto the bed, then there was the saga of getting Lance’s shirt up to expose his belly without hurting his husband’s sore back further. Kissing his way down, he nuzzled into the soft swell happily. He didn’t want to miss anything anymore. He wanted to feel his twins and be there when they were born. He wanted to hold his husband and make him happy. Letting his fingers slide across the Lance’s swell, he didn’t know it was humanly possible for Lance to be this pregnant and remain upright. The human body was truly amazing. Lance was truly amazing. Kissing his way from the top of the bump to Lance’s right hip, Keith frowned at an inch wide scar running horizontal instead of vertical like the rest of the stretch marks across his skin “This one’s new?” Mumbling his thought out loud, Lance propped himself up with his elbows “I can’t see” Kissing the mark, he instantly hated it. He didn’t mind Lance’s scars. He simply hated having his weakness shoved in his face. This was proof he’d fucked up “Oh... I... that’s from surgery” “You needed surgery? Are you alright?” “Mhmm. It was a like a phoeb and bit ago... maybe. I stayed at the outpost afterwards” That didn’t tell him why he needed surgery “Were you hurt? Did I hurt you?” “No. You didn’t. I had a fall when the explosions happened... The pod helped the bleed... but it was... let’s save what it was for later. I had the surgery that was recommended to help the bleed” Fuck... fuck... He wasn’t going to... Lance was left to go through it alone. He could have lost the twins. He could lost his life. He’d missed another important appointment... and he could have lost all of this “I should have been there” “You were in a coma” “I...” “Don’t. Ok. My head is a mess. I still don’t know if you’re real. I don’t want to think. I’m tired, sore and want to sleep. I’m not comfortable. And I’m not... this is too much. I can’t do this right now” “Then when can we talk?” “Tonight. Once we’ve both slept. Come back up here. When Curtis comes back, he’ll make us both get up...”
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