#also coach ben? I’d love for you to survive bud. I don’t see it happening but we can dream
novelconcepts · 1 year
This episode overall is STRESSFUL, but everyone clapping for the lesbians in their lil’ lesbian homecoming outfits/said lesbians forgoing the horrifying stag race for just happily fucking in the woods got me. We stan.
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atamascolily · 6 years
A Natural History of Tatooine, part 23/?
Luke and Callista discuss marriage and children in a scene that is a direct response to a particularly infuriating section of Darksaber. Also, daily life at the Jedi Academy.
(People who have read my other fics will know that making the characters happy right before everything goes to hell is one of my favorite literary tropes.)
(Previous installments)
"Did you ever want to have children?" Luke asked Callista one day. They stood on the balcony of Luke's quarters on the upper level of the main temple, watching the sunset and waiting for the bell to ring for evening meditation.
"I mean, yes. Someday. It just never seemed like the right time. And then the Clone Wars came and everything was in disarray, it <i>definitely</i> wasn't the right time. And then, just as things startled to settle down--"
"The Empire," Luke finished.
"Yes. And after that--having children was the last thing on my mind." She played with a tendril of passionvine intent on tangling its way across the railing.
"So now...?" Luke prompted after a long pause.
"I don't know," Callista said at last. "I don't know--if they'd be mine or Cray's."
"Genetically speaking, probably Cray's. But who knows? Your hair is coming back in the old color, and your voice is different from her--and so are your eyes. Given how your spirit shines through her body, I suppose there's only one way to find out."
"Try it and see what happens?" she said, with a gleam in her eye. She turned away to look out at the view. "Well, I have to admit that scares me."
A very long pause. "I'm afraid any children I have would inherit my Force blindness?"
"So what?" Luke repeated. "It doesn't matter to me."
"Shouldn't the first Jedi Master of the new order have Jedi children?"
"I don't think I have to personally spawn the new order myself," he said carefully. "In fact, Yoda and Ben would probably hate it if I did. They didn't think that Jedi should marry and have children. My father Anakin defied the Order to marry my mother in secret. He probably would have been happier with Djinn Altis's group," he added as an afterthought.  
"Perhaps," she agreed, though she still wouldn't meet his gaze. "But I just--"
"Anyway, Leia's children are Force-sensitive, and Han is not, so who's to say they would be Force blind? And Cray was Force-sensitive, so if you are genetically Cray, then there's no reason to assume--"
"I guess you're right," she said, turning to face him at last. "Put that way, it sounds so cold. So clinical. So... Imperial. As if we were building a dynasty."
"I mean, I'm not averse to the idea, but I'm also not wedded to it--" Luke started, as he leaned over to embrace her. He stopped abruptly as an idea occurred to him. "Should we get married?" he asked after a moment.
"I don't know," she said. "I want to--Luke, truly, I do, I just--too much has happened. Too fast. I'm still getting used to it all. Let's take it slow."
"All right," he agreed, though he couldn't deny his disappointment. Still, there was no point in rushing her. "I can do slow. After all, a Jedi is very.... very... patient."
They both dissolved into giggles and the tension passed.
The days quickly settled into a routine. Luke and Callista rose at dawn, slipping on their robes and sandals in silence, threading their way through ancient stone corridors and the early morning haze to the meditation hall with the rest of the community. They sat cross-legged next to each other on dark cushions for an hour, stepping aside from the endless river of their thoughts to listen to the sound of their breathing and the squawking clamor of the pikka birds as they announced the return of the sun.
After breakfast, the community gathered in the central courtyard for morning announcements before splitting off for training. Since his return to Yavin, Luke had spent most of his time with Kirana Ti, coaching her as she strengthened her considerable Force powers, and answering her questions as best he could. A frequent debate was how best to adapt the Academy model to Dathomiri society when it was time for her to return to her home planet, and how to nip potential problems in the bud.
Callista's mornings were far more varied. In the beginning, she rotated between Luke, Kam, Tionne, and Mara, working one on one with them as they tried everything they could think of to restore her connection to the Force. Luke was nervous the first time Callista and Mara worked together, but it seemed to go well; Callista reported that Mara was polite enough, if a bit standoffish. He realized later that he was disappointed that two of the most important people in his life were never going to be friends.
Callista only tried to work with Corran once; it didn't go well. Of all the students who had trained at the Academy thus far, only Dorsk 81 and Nichos had ever had the temperament to mesh well with Corran. He was far more powerful than Tionne, but much worse at teaching--Corran admitted as much--but until they had more instructors, they were stuck with him.
After a few weeks, at Tionne's suggestion and with Luke's blessing, Callista began to offer her own classes for the students and teachers alike. She drawing on her considerable memories of Jedi history and lore, much of which she had personally experienced. She couldn't personally assist the students in carrying out the exercises she described, but under her guidance, Luke saw the quality of instruction at the academy blossom and expand beyond his wildest dreams. It didn't bring back her connection with the Force, but it made her feel appreciated and valued, and Luke was grateful for it.
After lunch, the community would meet again for the work assignments and chores necessary to keep everything running, from cleaning the bathhouse and guest rooms to tending the grounds to assisting the Head Cook and the kitchen droids with meal preparations. Callista threw herself eagerly into every assignment she was given. Since Force powers were rarely helpful in these sorts of work, she was more or less on even footing with the rest of the community and was rarely reminded of her loss.
Luke spent the work periods in his office, answering his messages and checking the accounts, though Mara was responsible for most of the day-to-day operations of the resort portion of the business. Corran, down the hall, managed vetting the guests and overall security, but Luke made a point to look over his shoulder now and again to know who and what to expect wandering the grounds and soaking in the baths. With several kidnapping attempts against Leia's children, it was best to be cautious.
After the work period ended, it was time for recreation. Luke spent most of those late afternoons wandering on foot with Callista or taking his airspeeder out for a spin over the treetops. She was particularly fascinated by the complex architecture of the temple complex, and they spent many hours exploring above and below ground, marveling at the sophisticated art of a vanished civilization.
Having spent her childhood on a raft-community on one of the vast oceans of Chad, Callista never failed to marvel at the vast forest stretching out in every direction, just as Luke had done since his first visit to Yavin when it served as headquarters for the Rebellion. Her unfailing zest for life, her laughter, her sense of humor and the absurd and the ridiculous had survived her resurrection more or less intact, and meshed neatly with his own.
"If you don't have a sense of humor, you're dead," she told him one afternoon as they made their way back to the temple, exhausted and covered in mud, but happy.
"<i>You</i> had a sense of humor when you were dead," he teased.
"Not <i>quite</i> dead," she corrected, laughing even as she said it.
Some days, they sparred in the dojo under Traitakh's watchful eye and the blank-eyed stares of the ysalamiri on their nutrient frames. Luke was nervous about sparring with her with open lightsabers, but he shouldn't have been. Callista had been training in sword-forms since she was twelve; she could easily best him if he was careless, especially when he couldn't draw on the Force for help. She knew many things he didn't, and under her careful tutelage, Luke found himself improving by leaps and bounds.  
"Your style is so... rough," Callista said, after the first session. "If I didn't know better, I'd say it was 'unpolished'. Like a jewel pulled directly from the earth."
"That's because I didn't really have a teacher," Luke explained. "Yoda and I never studied combat. I just... did what I had to do."
"You fought Darth Vader and <i>lived</i>. How many people can claim that?"
"I'm still not sure how I survived, to be honest. It helped that he probably wasn't trying to kill me, even at the very end."
"I suppose so. But that doesn't make your form any less impressive under the circumstances," Callista said, stopping to stroke the rough pebbled back of a ysalamir. "Tionne doesn't like these big lizards, but I think they're cute. I've been helping Traitakh take care of them during work period sometimes, since no one else wants to do it."
Aside from Luke, Traitakh was the only member of the community whom Callista was close to. It pained Luke that her only friend was the one non-Force sensitive person at the academy, but he held his tongue. All of the students or instructors were polite to her, but none of them--even Tionne--had tried to get close. He didn't know how to bridge the gap.
After the exercise period, it was time to bathe. Callista loved the hot springs and the bathhouse, and they went every day in the late afternoon when the sun was level in the sky next to the fiery orb of the Yavin gas giant, but the shadows in the bathhouse were cool. They split up to enter the bathhouse, each washing on the side of their respective gender, only to meet up a short while later in the private teacher's pool, which they usually had to themselves. Then it was time for dinner, after which those who had foregone the afternoon work period assisted with the guests' dinner and with the meal clean-up, and then it was back to the meditation hall for another hour of silence and stillness before bed.
In theory, Callista had inherited Cray and Nichos's quarters, but in practice, she spent her nights with Luke. It was good not to be alone again, good to have someone to share his days with, a friend and ally he could count on. And no matter how restless his sleep, it was good not to be alone at night.
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baileysayswhat · 4 years
I know I kinda did a recap already from Oct ’18-19 – and I was going to write one of my rambling, lovable, GIF-heavy recap posts but I kind of like this bullet points idea.
I looked back through my calendar and feel like 2019 had a lot of wonderful in it. It was a solid year. Here’s a chronological look:
Rang in 2019 by watching Millie & Stanley, 2 cantankerous and lovable neighbor pugs. Also got food poisoning.
My first MINt team (Dec ’18-Feb ’19): Abominable SnowMINts
Playing with Pinafore (Nov ’18-Oct ’19) at CSz
Volleyball w Apple buds on team “How I Set Your Mother”
Continuing to teach Level 1 Krav Maga classes at Titan Gym
I go to work on Polar Vortex day! It’s pretty quiet.
Promotion to Senior Sales Executive at Grubhub
I’d only been there 10 months!
Flew to Phoenix for family time
Decided to visit the AZ office since my boss was in town too (for actual work)
Then worked in the office for 3 days
Work paid for my flight back
I felt v. v. fancy.
My parents drove 3.5 hours each way for me to see the Grand Canyon. On first sight walking up to the rim I cried. How is anything that vast and majestic? Whew. Full stop.
Sedona was wonderful and kooky and I need to go back.
Visit to best/favorite KBBQ – Cho Sun Ok – in Chicago with Neal AND we went to a concert – Dean Lewis & SYML
Started Crossfit at Windy City Strength and Conditioning
KBBQ at the same restaurant – Cho Sun Ok – 2 weeks after Neal BUT with Kalin.
I still don’t know how this happened but my stomach ain’t complaining about it.
Started final ID class w UW-Stout.
It will be the hardest class I’ve ever done in my life.
I just don’t know it yet.
Due to this ^^ took sabbatical from teaching Krav at Titan Gym
Flew to Dayton to see Trace/Dinah and Xander/Abs (PLUS YOU, COTY) and I’m so glad I did.
Took a Music Improv workshop through MINt with Alex
I sang a song about how I still have a Washington State Driver’s License but mid-song realized it was really was about how I missed home and cried in public, in a workshop. I’M FINE.
Went to a Cubs game IN A BOX for work
Yes, it was v chill and fancy.
Cast on second MINt team: BlooMINt Onion
Alex & Jake from the Little Rock crew came to Chicago
We get Old Fashioneds at the Broken Shaker
This is the best Old Fashioned in the city. I am convinced.
I will not be moved.
Interviewed for dream job while still in school for said job field.
Got dream job.
Started dream job
Saw Hamilton w Josh.
We are in the second row.
I immediately want to see it again. I do not.
It closes in 2 weeks (aka Jan 15, 2020) from now LETS GO
Bekah Brown (and Potato and Sully) in town!
We roam and nap and laugh.
Sat in with Oh Cecelia at iO twice
Being asked to sit in is bananas nice and I have done it several times this year with different teams. Thank you everyone for your trust in my make-believe!
Went to PHX for work to train 5/13 class
Do not feel prepared as I JUST started said job.
People are v nice.
I got upgraded to a suite and neither of my 2 bosses did. BIZLIFE.
Abby (L&D Boss) and I do not eat bread bowls from Panera by the hotel pool, WHICH I WAS PROMISED would happen. Still sad.
Officially resigned from Titan Gym/teaching Krav due to new job
Originating dream job position and possibly traveling every 2 weeks for it just wasn’t good for students, for the gym or for me. But I miss y’all.
Saw Falsettos (Broadway) show
it was NOT a comedy
I was NOT prepared
AND if meme photos of me crying on the train alone after ever come out it is Todd’s fault. The end.
Finish/graduate from UW-Stout’s Instructional Design Graduate Certificate program
I survived the aforementioned hardest class in m’life.
Genuinely sad/miss my group TO THIS DAY.
Mom & Dad come to Chicago –
Father’s Day
Field Museum
Architect River Cruise
Had huge audition for something I really wanted. Felt good about it. Didn’t get it.
Did a 5 Things CSz workshop
Performed for the first time w Ben, Nicole & Nate as music improv team AirBRB
Had lunch with Toni Berry, writer, bud, fellow Sagittarius, former Apple co-worker
By ‘lunch’ I mean we hung out for like 4 hours. WE ARE LONG WINDED.
Decided to apply (and got) a workshop spot with RIFF; a music improv short form show that performs at iO.
Did improv set in a church service with Susan
it was a planned set; we didn’t just jump up and start, I swear
Lunch with Jenean, former work wife and also, strangely, my first time eating poke
I now love poke
Fly to Washington to drive to AZ with Mom & Em
4-Year Chicago-versary!
Me and the Bean are very happy together in a committed relationship over halfway to a common law marriage
Drive from Lynden, WA to Phoenix, AZ in 2 long days with Mom & Em
Teach 2nd training class in AZ for 8/5 class
Abby, L&D boss and of the 2 women I report to leaves the company. I hate this but still love her.
Sit in with Goat Milk Goddesses to perform at the Women’s Funny Fest at Stage 773
Dana comes to see me!
She’s the best.
I try my first Pole Dancing class at Brass Ring Chicago
Due to a Groupon I bought 6 months before that was about to expire 3 days later. I keep it up through EOY.
Compete in music improv competition “Verses” at Second City with AirBRB – we lose to some of my favorite people on Home Entertainment so I’m ok with it.
2nd RIFF show!
Audition for Anarchy, another music improv team
I don’t get it
But I know a ton of people in the room
I’m ok!
Speak to my UW-Stout instructor’s class about being hired to work in ID/Learning & Dev field as a Sales Trainer right out of our program.
Feel v accomplished.
Toggle from Crossfit back to LSAC gym by my house
Play volleyball for Fall Season with people I met in Spring Season at Lincoln Park High School.
Catherine (Sales Boss) the second woman I love working for leaves the company. I hate this but love her.
I got her some goodbye cookies that Carrie makes and they are PERFECTION (see pic below) support Carrie she does amazing work and a percentage of every order supports a different charity every month. HERE IS HER LINK I LOVE IT. 
I got myself a massage. I am stressed/sad about the boss situation above BUT NOT THE COOKIES.
I got it on Groupon, I am fiscally responsible.
Start meal plan service to eat Keto for the month of October (officially 9/30-end of October).
Not fiscally responsible but IT IS OK.
Keto doesn’t let me eat fruit as as a Washingtonian this is a crime I do not like.
Make it the 30 days, lost 10lbs in Oct.
I get a new boss to report to on the Learning Team side at work. He seems cool although I don’t know it yet.
Final Pinafore show at CSz. I have the sads that this core group of people I love is done.
Yes, yes, I know we can still play together
I know all things must end I used to watch Lost
Started some personal training with Brian at LSAC
I warn Brian I am a talker.
Brian makes me do weird double kettlebell swings. I am not good at it right away and hate it.
Literally all I do is try to make Brian laugh to get my mind off of sweating.
Guys, don’t worry. I got plenty of sweating in still.
Started an Olympic Weightlifting class with Keith at LSAC
Thank you to the Crossfit gym and also Coach DeHoag at LC, I guess.
Cry at work 3x in one day after feeling overwhelmed w my 2 bosses being gone and the announcement we are upping our hiring aka much bigger training classes.
1. After a meeting
2. In a stairwell mid-afternoon
3. In first 1:1 with new boss
Is this a record and if so please get me a medal
I go to DC for the first time and get to hang with David, Bekah, Adam & Dana (and Millie)
I needed this.
Performed in Hocus Pocus Redacted at the Music Box as Allison.
 Yes, yabbos
Work tells me they approved hiring a 2nd person to do my role; we begin applications/interviews
Robbie becomes 2nd trainer at work and I begin trying to explain how/why I do what I do.
Audition for CSz & cast onto new Rec League team: Potluck
Watch Heather, Dan & Jess’s Bloody Christmas Carol show
My friends are fancy and sing & dance really well.
I came straight from a volleyball game and am very sweaty smushed next to strangers in this small theater.
See Robbie Ellis’s truly hilarious orchestra with Ben.
We fancy dress up.
We are seated in the front row.
We did not know we would be in the front row.
Thanksgiving week is my first week ‘off’ of training since starting my job on 5/1; I get so much work done and also contract a cold.
I do nothing except sit in my apartment alone for Thanksgiving, make myself mashed potatoes and I love it.
Record size massive training class (for us)
I am responsible for the learning & logistics of 20 people and gain (probably) 17 gray hairs.
Work approves a 3rd (Arizona) and 4th (Philadelphia) trainer; applications & interviews begin
I start seeing a therapist – it helps.
Nothing specific; I’m just noticing circular behaviors as I look back over my shoulder for 30+ years.
Added to the ensemble of RIFF
After performing as a sub several times since that workshop in July!
I’m added in the same class as Ben, Sarah & Will who I feel so honored to sing (and rhyme) with.
I fly home for 12 days to Lynden, WA
I turn 32 sitting at home, surrounded by my family.
I tell my family I plan on climbing Kilimanjaro in October 2020. I announce it at my birthday dinner so I can’t back out of it. NAME IT AND CLAIM IT BBS.
Yes, another blog post will come to flesh this ^^ out.
Performed with Upfront Theatre’s ensemble, including Ryan Stiles, for the 2nd time in Bellingham on the day after Christmas. My family is there seeing me do what I love and I am happy.
2019 Overall
Performances – with Pinafore, with MINt teams, RIFF and so many other opportunities to sit in and play with teams. Feeling grateful.
Shows – I saw countless shows; CSz matches, iO & SC improv, staged shows, musicals, Broadway, even just at movie theaters! Ya girl is stuffed full of stories. Also I have crazy talented friends.
People – I saw family 4 times! That’s almost a record for one year! Lunches, grocery store runs, shows and coffee times with so many friends too.
Health – Got my first ever stitches (shoulder), which was a weird first to have post-30. Overall healthy but somehow got food poisoning 3x this year. Probably won’t be asked to be on Bear Grylls show because of it ever.
Work – very happy to be working in the Learning & Development field as a trainer, instructional designer and general weirdo. Finally. GH has been very good to me.
Mental state – I’m pausing here and looking around my house, just thinking about this one.
I’m proud to be taking steps to correct patterns and behaviors that are unhealthy. Seeing a therapist that gives homework to work on between sessions is great.
I’m improving at recognizing progress as progress even when I wish the progress was bigger.
I’m proud/terrified to be setting the goal of climbing Kilimanjaro in October 2020. It scares me and excites me. More to come on this!
I’m thrilled to be an ensemble member on a long-term team. This has been a goal since I got to Chicago – I don’t need to drive my work to SNL or Mainstage. I just want to be on a consistent team of talented friends that I laugh with and improve my skills.
Hiya, 2020. Let’s go.
She’s Solid. I know I kinda did a recap already from Oct '18-19 - and I was going to write one of my rambling, lovable, GIF-heavy recap posts but I kind of like this bullet points idea.
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