#I love tai and van so much
novelconcepts · 1 year
This episode overall is STRESSFUL, but everyone clapping for the lesbians in their lil’ lesbian homecoming outfits/said lesbians forgoing the horrifying stag race for just happily fucking in the woods got me. We stan.
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vanpalmr · 1 year
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they-them-van · 1 year
one of the themes of yellowjackets that i haven’t been able to stop thinking about is cycles of violence, which i think we particularly see in two ways: inter-generational trauma, and this idea of violence as a tool of forgiveness.
starting with inter-generational trauma, i love what yj has done with this. there are so many different examples: van’s relationship with her mom, which liv hewson has said impacts the way they play the character (in particular her relationship with tai), and which i think is especially important given that van’s mom was an alcoholic and now we’ve seen this suggestion that van may or may not have some kind of addiction problem herself. tai’s trauma which manifests itself in sleepwalking, which she never fully dealt with, and now has directly passed onto her child - arguably largely because she refuses to face it. shauna’s relationship with callie, the way she’s treated her child as accomplice, distant yet also expecting callie to fill in the role jackie might have had if everything had happened differently; still processing the trauma of her wilderness birth which leaves her unable to be fully present for callie. lottie’s relationship with her parents, natalie’s experience with abuse, there’s so much i could go into with this.
but in particular, i think one of the most interesting ways this manifests is in the way lottie passes her beliefs and practices - shaped by this unspeakable trauma, shaped by her experience in a mental hospital in a foreign country, shaped by the ways she’s failed and how nobody has taken her seriously - onto the members of her “community”. dozens of people living their lives on a foundation lottie has built out of her pain.
and this is also the clearest place we’ve seen lottie express this belief in violence as a way to achieve forgiveness. when she tells lisa to stab natalie, to take her anger out on the cause, just as she offered herself up as a sacrifice to shauna 25 years ago. i certainly agree with others that lottie can be manipulative, but i think in this regard she’s genuine - she believes that she’s found a solution, but she blinds herself to the fact that she’s caught in her own cycle, that intentionally or not the people around her have been caught in this same cycle. misty couldn’t save crystal/kristen, so she lets javi die to save another friend. nat can’t save javi, so she saves lisa at the cost of herself - but misty can’t save natalie this time, and the cycle continues, because the cost of using violence to find forgiveness is that somebody will end up harmed, somebody won’t be able to stop it, and the burden of guilt is simply passed on.
to me this is such a fascinating idea that i’ve never really seen explored before, and on some level i know that it will only get so much worse as more shit goes down and more people can’t be saved. if this is the principle the yellowjackets are living by, they’re all accruing a lot of fucking guilt. and i most certainly see how constantly trying to outrun this guilt, caught in a trap of committing more violence and acquiring more guilt to escape what you’re already carrying, could bury a person.
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lesbianlotties · 1 year
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adiresituation · 2 months
It just occurred to me that the Yellowjackets girls would have had terrible hygiene. Not their fault obviously, but they would reek. THEY WOULDN’T HAVE BRUSHED THEIR TEETH IN OVER A YEAR AND THEY’RE EATING MEAT!! NO SOAP, NO TOOTHPASTE, NOTHING BUT WATER TO WASH THEIR HANDS. How did they even stand being in the same room as each other, let alone making out??
It doesn’t make a difference though, nothing is stopping me from kissing Lottie
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yellowjacketslesbian · 8 months
I’m sure someone else already picked up on this, but I’m rewatching S1E3, and taissa’s grandmother is catholic. the crosses on the wall are actually crucifixes and the religious art on the walls is in a traditional catholic art style.
this literally adds so much context to tai as a character and how she approaches the supernatural element in the wilderness imo. like of course she rejects it and tries to pretend the man with no eyes isn’t real. of course she’s instantly suspicious of it all.
like there tends to be a lot of emphasis in catholicism placed on the existence of the supernatural more so than in many other branches of the religion, so it makes sense that tai would reject any discussion of the supernatural because it could bring up religious trauma.
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superspoonie24 · 1 year
Yellowjackets fandom has like three main ships going on
Shauna x Jackie: best friends who are definitely not in love and definitely not jealous of one another and DEFINITELY do not think about kissing each other every time they talk
Lottie x Laura Lee: would you still love me if I was a worm? Of course I would still love you! Here. Let me touch you and help you accept your worm fate and we can be free together
Misty x Nat: insane x alcoholic and they both hate each other but refuse to let the other one go
And then you have the Tai fans like: I love my little dirt eating gay disaster. She's so stressed about everything it's okay my little blorbo. I think I will keep you for myself but I wouldn't mind if you kissed another girl. Anything for my little girlboss
Let me know if you agree and if there are any others that are common or you just want to talk about. I personally think they are all gay and that they continue to have midnight wood cult orgies
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kazoo-the-demjin · 1 year
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why did
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why did wylan's face do that hearing nina speak shu SKJDKFHSK
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jollyreginaldrancher · 9 months
VanTai (or TaiVan) 5 minute ship thing
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blodeuweddschild · 1 year
Yellowjackets is serving so many blorbo women there are soooo many wet little meow meows
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novelconcepts · 3 months
You know that feeling, when you’re listening to someone tell a story, and you can just feel in your gut that what actually happened is SO much darker than how they’re relaying it? And they’ve put a ton of effort in, right, to sand the edges down. They’ve gone over it a hundred times, beating all the wrinkles out, practicing like you’d practice a presentation or a stand-up routine. By the time they tell you the story, it’s perfect. You can’t help but be charmed by it. Can’t help but laugh at all the little silly bits. Can’t help but see it the way they want you to, so you don’t ask questions, you don’t dig in to the open wound just behind the plaster, you don’t let the certainty that it was Bad, Actually sweep you away. It’s just a fun anecdote now. Smile with them. Laugh with them. They’re here now, so it’s fine, right? Right?
I get the feeling that’s just Simone’s entire marriage to Taissa, and I feel so fucking bad for them both.
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chaoskreeves · 11 months
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Yellowjackets hive sound off tags, feel free to argue with me, this is just my personal stance and I am open to whatever
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alivegirlmari · 1 year
for the first four eps of s2 literally the only time the adults share scenes are a) lottie & nat at the cult, b) tai walking into van’s store, and c) shauna at misty’s house. and then we don’t see the core six truly interacting until 2x07. so like. biggest fear with s3 is that we’ll spend another half-to-almost entire season with them separated again minus one dynamic (tai & van in this case), especially with lottie presumably in a facility, the sadeckis having their little murder family moment, and walter staying misty’s #1 scene partner. rattling the bars of my cage rn. [let my gays marry voice] let my milfs all interact and make each other worse!!!!
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estravenlover · 1 year
the yellowjackets writers own racism is gonna be their downfall because why doesn’t adult taissa or lottie’s decisions make any damn sense anymore 😭
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lonesomedotmp3 · 1 year
literally so hard to be a taishauna in a taivan world :/
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slashermary · 1 year
the yellowjackets premiere said cannibalism is what you do when you’re gay and in love and in a kinda fucked up circumstance. and i for one applaud that
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