#also download sketch a day if you'd like inspiration?
tmgmrk · 6 months
Do you have a place where you have talked about your process or perhaps tools of use (e.g; interview)? I've just started drawing and illustrating and am lost but highly inspired by you and some others. Thanks.
Oh god, no. I'm a nobody so I never saw the point in posting anything like that.
But I can tell you I use an iPad pro and Clip Studio Paint. I know people complain non-stop because the app is subscription based but I draw almost every day so it's worth it for me especially with the amount of free assets I can download. Plus their default brushes are already so good.
What helped me when I started out drawing digitally was copying other people's artworks as practice and I color-picked their palette as well because I had no idea how to put a good palette together or what colors I want to use. I'd say don't focus on special effects, texture, etc. right away and stick to the very basics (sketch > lines > color). You don't need to add effects and all that fancy stuff because the possibilities of them are endless and that's pretty overwhelming and can easily get frustrating when you start out.
But I honestly think the most important thing is that you don't stress yourself, set small goals and most of all - enjoy what you draw. Try to figure out what you'd like to draw (i.e. cute girls, very colorful, simple or detailed style). I just wanted to draw SO bad and I pumped out a lot of art in a short time, sometimes even several illustrations in a day because I was having so much fun.
Sorry if it's a bit messy it's a bit hard to explain when everything in my brain was just always JUST DRAW!! lol.
And also thank youu! I hope you will enjoy it!
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justtothesea · 3 years
FAQs about things+ fanworks use policy & contact info at the end
This is my personal (fannish) tumblr for all my fandoms. I reblog other's posts sometimes but mostly I use this tumblr to post my own art and answer asks/fangirl. I am in my damn 30s, so minors be wary (asks about rated g works from minors are okay)
Why is some of your older fanart not posted here?
Weell here's the thing. My old tumblr josiemus-prime was flagged to death because of the nsfw art I'd posted on it. I'm trying not to let that happen to this one (hence the censoring of some art with links to the uncensored versions on ao3). In other cases… I'm just not very fond of some of my old art and for pure ~aesthetic~ reasons I don't want them here (but it's still viewable there!).
Can you restore the link to [missing fanart] on ao3?
Sadly, some of my old art links are dead and gone forever. But I didn't delete them! I have never purposefully deleted any fanart, the only reason they're gone is that I lost the original files, and hosted the images on sites that were unreliable or now defunct (like imageshack or tinypic). I am going to try to redraw some of them eventually though! I hate seeing the dead links :(
Could you help me find [fic example]?
I have answered this in more detail on the faq page of my recs site but the short of it is; you're welcome to ask me anything! But I can't promise I can help all that much with newer fic/themed recommendations. I've listed some other helpful links on my recs faq if you're interested.
Why is some of your fic under another name?
I made thewordsleep as a way to try out other fandoms, but I'm happy with those fics so I've listed them here. I haven't moved them all over to my main account because I'm told people are subscribed to that profile in case I update there.
Why haven't you answered my ask/message?
I'm so sorry! I definitely try to answer them all, but my inbox gets flooded with bots and tumblr eats old asks sometimes bc I'm bad at getting back to people in a timely manner. If you can be bothered, you can send duplicates of the same message so I can notice it faster ;_; sorry again, I want to be friend.
What programs/hardware do you use for your fanworks?
I use Adobe Photoshop 2020 and I've started using Krita for sketching (which is completely free to use). I draw using a Intous Wacom, and I use Sony Vegas 16.0 for vidding. My art and texture resources can be found right here, under resources.
In regards to using my fanworks as prompts or inspiration for fic, vid cons, or anything else:
Go for it! Whatever it's for, I really appreciate being told about it in a comment or message in advance. Links to whatever it's used for are also nice. You can contact me if there are any issues with downloading videos, or if there's expired links or some such, and I'll try to help out if I can!
Please don't:
Claim my work as your own! Please do not copy my works to another site (i.e wattpad/ffn/ao3/pinterest/goodreads). Also, do not link anything found here to the people they are about - actors, band members, writers, etc - unless I have stated in the post or tags that you can. I realise that these days the fourth wall is about as real as the Tooth Fairy, but I'd still like to keep some of those imaginary boundaries. Thank you!
If there's anything else you'd like to contact me about you can always find me here on tumblr, or you can email me directly here: [email protected] :)
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amelia-yap · 4 years
I wanna draw like you! Any tutorial or steps you got for a complete beginner to start somewhere?
um,,not really? just draw whatever that comes to your mind or take inspiration from someone/something and use refs when you're not sure how a thing works!! \o/
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martuzzio · 2 years
Love your drawings how do you make them?
Thank you for the compliment! I haven't done a digital drawing tech/process update in a while so this is going to be so long, sorry in advance! HUGE disclaimer: I have a steady income and like buying art supplies so my setup is NOT broke art kid friendly. However, I do have worthwhile and sometimes free suggestions!
Software: Adobe fresco and photoshop (I get them for free through my job as a graphic designer, don't come for me). More affordable options I like are CSP (one time purchase), Procreate (I've never used it, but I can't leave it out), and Krita (free!). All of these are awesome and let you do a LOT, including animation!
Hardware: Huion Kamvas 24in on an articulated monitor arm (college graduation gift to myself). In the past I've used a Wacom 13in (bought secondhand from a friend for super cheap), a surface book laptop/tablet (very generous Christmas gift from parents), and my iphone. Finding affordable options for hardware is more difficult than software, but if you have the money for it, looking for a drawing tablet on a secondhand site like ebay or facebook marketplace is worth your time.
Other drawing supplies: a random drawing stylus for my phone, a scanner, a sketchbook, pinterest, colorhunt, unsplash, dafont, and my gigantic 4gb folder of textures on my laptop. I also signed up for this freebie thing from creativemarket (and haven't been charged any money yet so that's cool) which will send me stuff like new digital brushes and cool textures to download. It's definitely more graphic design focused than illustration, but I'd still check it out if you're interested. :D
My art process in bullet points, for pieces I actually spend time on:
Sketch my idea in my sketchbook or phone, sleep on it, then actually start drawing the idea the next day
Make a tighter sketch from the loose sketch I drew the night before while using a million references from pinterest (for really funky poses) or unsplash (for scenery and background ideas) so I'm not drawing completely from my mind/memory (this is important because your mind is prone to remembering things wrong. Always always always use references)
Completely skip over actually lining my art and instead clean up my tight sketch until it looks okay enough
Fill in flat colors using a textured brush (gasp) while sometimes using color palettes as inspiration
Render colors with more textured brushes (plain hard edge circle brush users fight me /j)
Shade in a cel style on top of the rendered colors with a bright mid tone purple/blue/pink set on multiply at 50%
Clip a layer on top of my "lineart," color all of it a dark blue or brown, then start coloring different parts of it with various colors (ex: for a diamond sword, I'd color the edge hitting the light with a bright blue/green/pink. For the edge in shadow, a purple/dark blue/brown)
Forget to sign my name, close the drawing program, then have to reopen it
This is SO LONG, but I hope this gives some insight! If anyone has more questions, let me know. :)
P.S: I have so many art resources saved in my browser that I kind of want to make a whole separate post for it. Let me know if that's something you'd like to see! I might just make it lol
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