#also how long ive known abi
darknessin · 2 years
sometimes i just look up old tags to old blogs so i can live in the memories tbh
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veiledfox · 6 months
An Experiment Most Marvelous [ IV ]
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"How are you feeling, Lady Kyuushi?" The Doll seating herself onto the side of the bed by the Kitsune laid back under the covers. A hand settling over and around Kyuushi's wrist as her other rises in front of herself. Conjuring a vitals display with her Magicks to check how her charge was doing.
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"Like my body's on fire." One could say she was exaggerating, but considering a gently rolling blue ethereal flame had engulfed her entire body? More accurately, she was actively focusing on her healing Magicks. With her ninth tail, she should be up and about by now, but something about the nature of the damage she suffered forced this recovery to take a while longer.
"Though to be clearer and more honest, better. Sore, still, sluggish and heavy. Head hurts, fingers ache, my lower back is... tingly? It's a bit rough to move at all too. Any idea why that's happening?"
"Your muscular structure, from what I can tell, was broken down constantly by the Curse." A quick response, moving her hand from Kyuushi's wrist to her abdomen to press and feel at the muscles beneath. "As I mentioned before, I was able to pull you out of the water, but before that, and after, you were convulsing and writhing without end. Judging by what I could tell was happening, your whole body was being torn apart."
"You mentioned something was keeping me alive though?"
"Yes, your healing Magicks were not only active, but it seemed they were in some kind of overflow state. They were stronger, faster, and fueled by something other than your own Aether. From what I've researched, the only things to match have been the Grand Kitsune's personal healing Magicks, an Elven Healing ceremony, and Resurection spells. If not for whatever was causing such overflow, you'd be a pile of viscera and blood in the Ido Front."
Kyuushi takes a long, slow, deep breath in before sighing out her exhale. "Wonderful... So... whatever kept me alive reconstructed by body constantly from the sounds of it. Though when it comes to the reason things feel... stronger, I seem to have undergone some changes during the process as well. Am I understanding that right?"
"Yes, Lady Kyuushi. Comparing your body as it is now to how it had been prior, it has changed rather noticeably. Put simply, more of your Oni genetics have become active, making your body stronger and more durable. Your horns are now twelve inches instead of six, your claws are another inch longer, and the points of them are practically razor sharp." Moving the hand from the Woman's abdomen to her wrist again. Lifting the hand carefully and easing her thumb along the palm to urge fingers to extend and display such claws.
"On top of this, your canines have grown longer, and your vestigial fangs have grown with them." Resting her hand down again, she moves a hand to her chin to gently guide her mouth open. Briefly inspecting the inside, the roof, her gums, then focusing on the fangs before letting go. "They aren't curving outward like Oni fangs are known to, not any more than they already had been, but they are now just past your first bicuspid teeth in length. Cuspids and Fangs both sharper as well."
"Of course, as you've seen, you also have your ninth tail now. Though beyond that, fur density seems to have increased by around 50%. Thickness of the individual hairs has grown a similar amount, and length by an inch. The latter two changes having applied to both the fur of your tails, and the hair on your head. As for the density, it seems to be due to the tail itself having been the part of your body most effected by the Abyss' Curse."
Waving a hand over the display, it's contents change from Kyuushi's vitals to copied notes. Displaying her record of Kyuushi's recollection of how the creature named Nanachi and Bondrewd's transformation looked. Beside them, a recreation of the visuals described which matched the Kitsune's memory rather perfectly.
"Going back on what you had described happening when the Abyss' 'Blessing' was given, the description the tail you witnessed the Sovreign of Dawn grow seems to match the structure your tails have taken. You still posess the three base pieces that are natural for Kitsune of our Realm, though unlike the smaller points they had been before, they are now larger, thicker, and the three separations have taken a triangular formation.
I will also mention that their neutral angles now seem to be relative to each other, theoretically, your tails will naturally group together when idly following behind you. Appearing almost like one large tail, instead of nine separate ones, until something disturbs their formation or you will otherwise. They can still act individually, and it seems you'll still be able to manipulate them as you had been able to prior, but they will now have longer reach and be able to handle more weight each.
Lastly, unlike their three-foot length they were prior, they're now four-feet long. Due to all the changes your body has experienced, it's taking time for flesh and bone to heal in full and for your muscles to settle. Your healing Magicks are helping, from what I can tell, but you still need to rest for at least another 24 hours before you can safely be up and moving again."
Kyuushi was glad she had comissioned Hotaru when she did, to have a medically-aligned person in the Shrine Lands was already a good idea, but at times like this it was invaluble. To have the exact details of how her body had changed, of how it was recovering, it was most certainly helpful. Though to hear of how her tails had changed, it made her wonder if her true form would be any different than it was. She'd have to change into it sometime for Hotaru to inspect once she was fully recovered.
"Alright, thank you for everything, Hotaru."
"My pleasure, Lady Kyuushi. Please do try and sleep more." The Doll pats her shoulder before standing up. Pulling a cloth from a pocket she bends over the bed and the Kitsune to gently wipe at her forehead. "I'll check back in a few hours." Standing upright once more, and giving a small bow before she made her exit. Leaving Kyuushi alone to rest.
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threadsketchier · 4 years
i'm the anon asking about Luke's Jedi school, i guess i meant the whole who, what, when, where, why thing? who was there? what did they do, in general? when was this (which i guess means how long after ROTJ)? i guess the where and the why can be skipped cause you said it was on yavin iv (right?) and the why is obviously the "pass on what you have learned" so yeah. also a random question haunting my brain is how did they, like, get groceries, were they near a town or something? thankssssss
OK  *cracks knuckles*
The Whoozle - Luke’s first class attendees were:
Tionne (a scholar/historian and musician)
Dorsk 81 (a clone from an entire society of clones)
Kirana Ti (a Dathomiri witch)
Kam Solusar (a former member of cloned Palpatine’s Dark Side Elite)
Brakiss (an Imperial spy who never fooled Luke but he kept him on hoping to turn him to good; he eventually ran off and got recruited by another failed student, Dolph)
Streen (a Bespin tibanna gas prospector who kept himself isolated from sentient contact because he couldn’t control his strong latent Force empathy from picking up everyone’s thoughts and emotions around him)
Gantoris (tormented leader of a forgotten colony on a deadly volcanic planet)
Corran Horn (attending under an alias of “Keiran Halcyon” for Reasons™, otherwise a cocky asshole from the X-wing novels lol)
Kyle Katarn (a dude who got his own graphic novels/video games; he didn’t stick around for long and had a bunch of adventures on his own - and actually spent some time tutoring Mara Jade)
Kyp Durron (a sadly messed-up kid who was fucked over by the Empire real good and thrown into the spice mines of Kessel before he could even reach puberty, so he carried a really big traumatic chip on his shoulder; he was like barely 17 or 18 when he was busted out and started at the academy)
Cilghal (a female Mon Cal - a niece of Admiral Ackbar, and also a New Republic ambassador - who possessed a natural talent for healing)
Mara Jade (that baddest bitch we all know and love from the Thrawn Trilogy lol)
***There’s a few others mentioned on Wook but I’m not including them here because they’re kind of sprinkled in from various other EU media and don’t make an appearance (that I can recall) in the actual JAT series.
The Whatzle - everything got started in the Jedi Academy Trilogy by KJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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*cough* sorry  XD
Fun fact: apparently it was Mon Mothma’s idea to suggest the location and not Luke, go figure.
The Whenzle - about 7 years after ROTJ (I get annoyed with Legends EU always dating stuff as “X years ABY,” meaning After the Battle of Yavin, so I always gotta mentally subtract 4 years from those dates).
The Wherezle - yep, Yavin 4, a nice green steamy joint much nicer than Dagobah, where you can still get swamp-ass without the swamp.  They repurposed the ancient temple that the Rebellion had used as a base in ANH.
The Whyzle - Luke eventually let the fire under his ass get lit and petitioned the New Republic to get his Jedi school started so he could finally not be the only fucking Jedi saving the whole-ass galaxy all the damn time...aka, yes, “pass on what you have learned.”  (Like I mentioned, this took place barely a year after Palpatine tried to come back and wreck everything again, so there was definitely some motivation from that plus the Thrawn disaster that happened the year before THAT.  The GFFA is always crisis-central so the Jedi needed to make a serious comeback.)
WHAT DO - Like I also mentioned, Luke was still figuring everything out regarding the old Jedi Order, and his own training had been the severely abridged Cliff Notes version (plus, um, these books were written way ahead of the prequels so...they don’t mesh well), so needless to say his teaching methods were not nearly as formal, and he tended to use examples from his own training.  Because he was the only master to go around, there wasn’t any pairing up for “padawans” at this point, he was teaching everybody simultaneously, so there were a lot of group lectures and activities.  They’d also gather to hear Tionne sing about Jedi history that she’d researched and turned into ballads.  In order to keep everything running, there also likely had to be task assignments as part of everyday life - somebody’s gotta clean the toilets and cook, etc., but that’s technically extrapolation.
JEDI DOORDASH - no, loooool, considering that this place was on a jungle moon, they had a nice tropical climate but not a ton of clear space for agriculture.  Keep in mind Luke’s a former moisture farmer (and I can’t believe the only thing the Larses were harvesting was literal moisture) - he had to have extensive knowledge of hydroponics or other indoor farming, and that temple is huge, so it’s totally possible they could grow at least some of their own produce.  But they need a lot more supplies than that, especially at the beginning, so they had supply runs from cargo ships who would bring them stuff - and hey, Mara herself was one of those supply pilots sometimes.  Some of my fellow Legends peeps also conceptualized the academy as opening up to some tourism to contribute much-needed funds - come chillax in the hot springs and learn more about the “mysterious” Jedi that used to creep so many people out back in the day, and see they’re just ordinary folks like everyone else...
...except that, yeah, they can technically kill you with their minds.  :)
In Legends it seems like the academy (also known as a Praxeum) was the only habitation on Yavin 4, but in Disney nu!canon there are other settlements on the moon; Poe Dameron’s parents Shara Bey and Kes Dameron go live there with a baby Force tree.  Feel free to remix and mash-up whatever elements you dig!
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werewolfharrington · 5 years
Flower ask: also all of them. you get to suffer with me >:3€
oh darlin’ we’re in it now huh
Alisons: Sexuality?
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
she/they | all gender will be shot on sight
Amaryllis: Birthday?
sept 23rd
Anemone: Favorite flower?
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
stranger things or ghost adventures
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
like? distance? a couple miles probably
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
“We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little lifeIs rounded with a sleep.” William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
wild cherry capri sun
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
ima change that to ‘kiss the last person u thought abt kissing’ bc YES
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
*jenna marbles voice* hell yeah!!
Baneberries: Favorite song?
waiting for the end - linkin park 
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
i have too many to list !!! brandi, kasey, you, liz, ivy, nick , just to name a few!!
Begonia: Favorite color?
blue uwu
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
foxes !! and opossums
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
night time babey
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
either a fox or an opossum or a raven, i think
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
i wanted to be a vet !!!
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
theyre ok as long as theyre not screaming and/or mine
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
i don’t liike vomit bc. nastey (trauma i think) and i don’t like old ppl well. i dunno why? they’re just so old and fragile and helpless and sometimes they’re really mean and idk i think it’s like something to do w death or something LMAO idk. also i just hate the idea of becoming old and having to rely on other people ?? hhh
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
i was bullied a lot
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  
realistically? probably playing dead by daylight with my girlfriend ADFSGRHYUTR
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
happily taken 
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
ireland, scotland, alaska, greece
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
whenever my friends or family tells me they love me but esp when u text me goodmorning or when we say our goodnights sorry im gay haha
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?  
i have. uuuuhh 6
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?  
no!!! i want some tho :(
California Poppy: Height?  
i think im like. 5′5 or something? give or take an inch ?
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
oh absolutely. my house is haunted as we speak
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  
bmth hoodie and pajama pants w foxes all over them. i just woke up lol
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
yeah i always keep one on in the bathroom
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?  
my sister bc she came home from college yesterday
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
ask me in like. a little over a month from now ;)
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
FONT??? the animal crossing font
Columbine: Are you tired?
oh absolutely
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
thanksgiving, christmas, seeing my gf, magfest
Coneflower: Dream job?
idk if it’s a job but i just wanna own like. a ranch that takes in all sorts of animals and takes care of them
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?
ooooh yeah
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
i mean. depends on what they want/need. distance wise? i’d travel the known universe for u  
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
he was a plaid teddy bear his name was Stanley!!!! i miss him :( but now i have Little Moon God as my favourite stuffed animal 
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
Working in Yellowstone is something I’ll never forget
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
well. hmm. i was gonna say flying to yellowstone but maybe driving to north carolina by myself bc driving long distances alone to places i haven’t been before gives me hella anxiety (i’m better now)
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)? 
i don’t pay rent in this house to listen to their opinions lmao. 
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
you, i think, when we said goodnight last night!!! EDIT: you this morning!!
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
being bad at dead by daylight
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
dead by daylight
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
(little over a month now but uhhh) GOT A UH ......GIRL.....FRIEND ...... GOT TO VISIT GIRLFRIEND ........ and got the windshield finally replaced in my car 
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
i dont know! so far ive laid in bed now im at my computer answering this. not too bad. my shift is only 4 hours today. 
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
for the most part, i’m pretty content, yeah
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
my friends, my mom, my sisters, my girlfriend, my bastard dog
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
what does this mean. physically, i’m very affectionate, i just. don’t show it alot bc anxiety/i overthink. that and i constantly tell ppl i love them and what they mean to me 
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
whoever is reading this
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
wake up next 2 a cute girl. take way too long to get up. go climb mountain w cute girl. vibe on mountain w cute girl. go to waffle house 2gether. gome home and vibe. play video games or watch a movies/tv w cute girl.  
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?  
i like to make art or play bideo jame
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
oh gosh i dunno. the ones i’ve known the longest are kasey and brandi, and i’ve known them both around/over a decade i think. we met in middle/highschool!
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
you, ivy, liz
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
so many 
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
idk man but i remember when you said u had a crush on me and then i posted a selfie and u were like ‘OH NO SHE’S CUTE” and like ??? idk i think that was definitely the first compliment to ever shock me LMAO 
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
my tattoos
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself? 
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
i liked to play zombies ate my neighbors on the sega genesis !!!!
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
eliza !!!! we lost touch a few years after i moved away :(
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
ima be real everything makes me feel guilty
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?  
aaaaaa the whole abi/moon incident 
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
my name is fox. it means i like foxes
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
northern virginia babey !!!! that place fucking sucks!!! but everyone who lives up there thinks they’re hot shit. 
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
i had a bunkbed and i think the walls were pink 
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  
😬 i’m just gonna say i’m much happier now and i’m coping with life and shit a lot better  
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
she’s sweet and funny and i love her so much!! she always does the Most for everyone, sometimes to the point where she isn’t concerned abt herself and i see where i get it from. but yeah my mom is great, my dad doesn’t deserve her 
Onions: Tell about your dad.  
source of a lot of trauma and why i have so many issues regarding men. i don’t wanna talk about him anymore LOL he doesn’t deserve the attention
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
my dad’s mom is becoming senile and i think she’s racist and queerphobic. my mom’s parents disowned her a few years ago so we don’t talk to them anymore 
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
i dunno. i don’t try to remember my birthdays. whenever i can go to busch gardens for my birthday i usually have a lot of fun there. 
Peony: What was your first job?
if you don’t wanna count working w my mom as a florist, target was my first job back in 2016. i found my name tag the other day , actually
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
WELL, i know you followed me on here first. and then twitter?? but we didn’t really start talking until stranger things 3 came out (thank u stranger things) PHYSICALLY, we didn’t meet until fursonacon (haha. i remember when u texted me that u got to the hotel and i came down to help n i saw u unloading yr car and it was then that my brain was like OH NOOOOOOOO and my heart was like OH YEEEEAAAAAAAH) 
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
physical, mental, or emotional? i play a video game or listen to loud music
Pink: Where is home?[
somewhere in appalachia i can feel it in my stupid soul 
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change? 
idk man i’m pretty content w where i’m at now so 
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
chester bennington 
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
i have a waife and we have many great pets and we live in a log cabin in the mountains or in a nice victorian in a small town or something IDK but we’re happy and that’s all that matters 
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
my mom, me best friends, my girlfriend
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
my girlfriend’s laugh because it’s THE cutest shit and then when she giggles??? oh my heart 
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
oct 23rd, 2005, we brought Fat Boy Zack home !!!!
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
July 22nd, 2016. i was 2200 miles away
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?  
to be holding my girlfriend >:(
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
those i hold dear
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
enough, i guess? 
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
my girlfriend
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
it’s fucking BORING and TOO EASY and they don’t pay me ENOUGH but i can get away with so much shit there so ima still go, ima still go 
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
all of the flannels currently in my possession
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.  
mountains, woods, forests, cabins, autumn, cryptic, occult, victorian, edwardian
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
if someone gets me a gift i’m legally required to execute them
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
this 40hr workweek i got coming up 
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
i have not read in So Long
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
Moved out away from here lol, we’ll see
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
i’m a furry
that was SO LONG im sorry i also put you through that but THANK YOU ENJOY READING ILU
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euro3plast-fr · 7 years
How the iPhone changed marketing forever
Happy birthday iPhone
120 months go on the 29th June at 09.41am (California time) the world changed forever.  Six months after being introduced at the Macworld Convention by Steve Jobs, the $499, 4GB storage iPhone was finally in stores.
Since then, over a billion iPhones have been sold globally. In 2007 Apple had $6bn in cash. Today the company’s accounts are reportedly in the final stretch to being valued at $1trillion.
But things could have turned out very differently. Back when the iPhone wasn’t even a glint in Steve Jobs’ eyes, telecoms giants like Verizon held a tight grip over the specification of handsets.  Weighty manuals read like a bible of ‘thou shall nots’. Such restrictions went against everything Jobs believed in.  It certainly wasn’t a sector that he wanted to get into.
Some three years before the iPhone said ‘hello’. A team of Apple engineers were fiddling about with touchscreen technology on an interactive surface that was the size of a ping-pong table.  They didn’t have a clue their ping-pong rig would eventually help redefine everything people understood about Alexander Graham Bell’s invention.
The engineers showed the technology to Apple’s Design Chief, Jonathan Ive. Recognizing its potential, he presented it to Jobs.  Initially, the boss wasn’t that smitten.  But eventually, commercial circumstances helped nurture the idea until touchscreen technology wizardry grew on him. At the time, the iPod was Apple’s lead product.  Yet, Jobs realized that its days of serving as a cash-cow were numbered.  He worried that other companies could start working on a mobile phone able to play music – leaving the iPod redundant and takings thwarted.
Apple’s brightest engineers set to work on figuring out how to miniaturize the touchscreen technology, as well as develop an operating system and… fit everything into a neat device.  The project was code-named ‘purple’.  Engineers worked 24/7 in a sectioned-off part of Apple HQ named the ‘purple dorm’. (It was said that engineers were bringing in takeaway food and sleeping wherever they could lay their heads, the atmosphere in the purple dorm was more like a purple haze).
One of their fundamental tasks was to figure out how to incorporate a touchscreen keyboard.  Numerous iterations were considered.  Complicated shape swiping was dismissed as simply too difficult to learn.  Eventually, one engineer combined AI (Artificial Intelligence) with a standard keyboard layout which predicted words. It was one of what would turn out to be many ‘eureka moments’.
Every aspect of project purple was unremitting. Demands were intense. Hundreds of engineers sacrificed weekends, holidays and, in at least one reported case, a marriage.  When the patent for the original device was eventually awarded only 14 people were listed as designers.  But, in truth, as with so many breakthroughs, delivering the iPhone called on the cooperation of many more who remained behind the scenes. 
The iPhone that almost wasn’t
The name iPhone did not originally belong to Apple. Infogear used it in 1998. Their Linksys iPhone appliance combined a standard phone with a web terminal.  In 2000 Cisco Systems took over Infogear. The company rebranded the appliance, Linksys VoIP.  Apple’s own branding of the iPhone led to a conflict with Cisco Systems – which was eventually resolved.
Apple’s iPhone wasn't the first handset to include iTunes. The Motorola ROKR beat them to it in 2005.  But following Apple releasing the iPod Nano, Ed Zander, Motorola’s CEO relented asking,
“What the hell does the Nano do?  Who listens to 1,000 songs? People want devices that do more than just play music. Something that can be seen in many other countries with more advanced mobile phone networks and savvy users.”
Motorola’s second-generation ROKR left out iTunes support. 
“A widescreen iPod with touch controls, a revolutionary mobile phone and a breakthrough internet communications device.      (Steve Jobs’ original description of the iPhone).
Apple also had to tackle the business community’s addiction to Blackberries.  (Also known at the time as the ‘crackberry’).  Sales Warriors loved the device’s keyboard.  Apple’s solution was to first market to consumers and then gradually win over the business sector by making iPhone much more than an individual’s phone.
Whilst the original iPhone had no third-party apps, GPS or even a means to record video, with each new model, the device gradually led to the demise of having to carry around lots of devices. Its all-in-one technology made serious dents in the sales of compasses, stopwatches, calculators, diaries, maps, voice recorders, answering machines, portable games consoles, newspapers, alarm clocks, point-and-shoot cameras, GPS units, camcorders, PDAs and even Apple’s own iPod.
One year after its debut, the introduction of the App Store led to 2,200,000 apps featured as instant downloads.  (According to app measurement company App Annie, Google Play Store currently carries 3,400,000 apps).
For now, more Android system devices have a far bigger market share than IOS, but thanks to clever marketing and luxury pricing, IOS sales are still very comfortable. By 2018, Apple is expected to sell 241 million phones, compared with Samsung’s 404 million. (Canaccord Genuity).
In 2016 the risk of Samsung Galaxy Note catching fire, halted a serious escalating threat to iPhone sales.  New phones from the likes of Huawei, Sony and OnePlus with even more sophisticated features than currently offered by Apple could yet damage sales.
Whilst many celebrate iPhone’s tenth birthday, they also await its 16th iteration, to be finally officially revealed in the Fall.  Only after then will Apple’s CEO Tim Cook finally know whether all the fuss over blowing out birthday candles turns out to be little more than hot air.
How iPhones helped change more than you thought…
Everyone is always on
Once upon a time... in an age long, long, long, ago you could wait up to ten minutes to get onto the web. Now everyone is connected instantly either via Wif-Fi or cellular networks.
Chewing gum
People are so transfixed to their phones that traditional last moment point of sales purchases at checkouts like chewing gum have declined by 15% since 2007. 
The ‘sweet and sour’ of everyone’s mobile lives - accessories - including Bluetooth speakers, headphones, cables and docks are ubiquitous.  ABI research estimates that revenue in the global mobile accessories market will top $110bn by 2021. 
More people are watching TV and getting their news via mobile phones than ever.
According to tech futurologist Benedict Evans, there will be more photographs taken this year alone on devices like iPhones than during the entire history of photography.
In 2017, following an analysis of 2.5 million selfies on Instagram, researchers discovered that more than half fell into the 'appearance category' – images that describes the person's outward status and wealth. (The selfie movement is mostly driven by women and the 18 to 35-year-old age group).
Broadcasting lives in real-time around the globe.
Thanks to video conferencing software as well as services like Periscope and Facebook Live, potentially more than half the world’s population can become ‘live tv’ broadcasters, sharing everything from local brawls to cute pet moments.
Seven of the top ten grossing iPhone apps are games.
Instant gratification
No – not porn via mobiles - although that particular sector has also ‘erupted’.  Instead I refer to paying via phone.  The iPhone Wallet app stores credit card payment facilities for touch and pay purchases as well as retains retail coupons, reward cards, cinema passes, flight board tickets and much more. (Speaking at a 2016 event, Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook said: “We’re going to kill cash”).
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
ADHD has soared.  Attention spans, especially for children, have plunged. In addition to school teachers feeling despair as they try just about anything to retain students’ attention, the dramatic fall in attention spans has also fundamentally changed communications as practiced by virtually all business sectors including news media, entertainment, recruitment, professional training, journalism, marketing and advertisers.
The psychology of reciprocity has gone into overdrive as brands lure consumers into revealing more and more of their private information in return for incentives like free taxi rides and retail discounts.
from Blog – Smart Insights http://www.smartinsights.com/mobile-marketing/iphone-changed-marketing-forever/
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wandering4ever · 7 years
Xavier wasn’t certain when it had all begun to happen. At first, it had been innocent enough. Random jokes with the other guards about “who they’d go gay for.” You know, that joke that every heterosexual ever has made at least once in their life. The redhead had laughed along with them, nudged his friend with his shoulder when he had turned bright red and told Xav to his face he would go gay for him. (The auburn decided to take it as a compliment) His laughter abruptly dried up when the question was then rounded his way. “Come on Xavier, you can’t hold out on us.”
He could, in fact, and definitely would. Telling them that the one he would definitely “go gay” for was not only their Prince, but the man he was duty, and life, sworn to protect was not a conversation he wanted to have. So he went with his usual response, a smile accompanying his words as he again shoved him lightly. “I’m gray, you know that.” “Aw come on man, there’s gotta be someone!” Another laugh, and he was turning away, saved by the fact his source of torment would be exiting his meeting soon enough. “I don’t take much interest in people. When that changes, you’ll be the first to know.”
It was a lie. One he was now stewing on as he lay in his bed, staring at his ceiling, arms crossed behind his head and fingers nervously working at his deep red curls. For years, he had been certain calling himself gray-ace was accurate. All of his sexual attractions had been so fleeting, so few, he’d never thought much else about it. It was a statement of fact, nothing to deliberate over. It had almost been as concrete as his supposed heteroromantic preference. Those few sexual attractions he had felt had almost solely been reserved for women. Sure there’s been that one time back in high school, when he had a few awkward dreams about various male friends, but that was considered normal, wasn’t it?
Lips pursed as he rolled onto his side, dark hazel greens staring off towards his window without truly seeing it. Xavier had been so certain of himself, until now. It had started slow, a quiet appreciation of his fellow Crownsguard and Prince. Watching when Sirius and Phoenix would spar, sitting on the sideline with Abigale. She’d nudged hum with a chuckle of how it wasn’t fair they had to watch two of the hottest guys squaring off in so little clothing. He’d agreed too quickly, caught her attention. Thankfully he had played it off with some other joke he couldn’t remember. But it had started the ball rolling. And now, being alone with Phoenix resulted in a mess of hangups. Every touch lingered, every smile or laugh echoed in him. Xavier clung to those brief moments of happiness and relaxation the Prince had, only to have guilt wash over him for doing so. Phoenix was his best friend, and that would never change. Except he wanted more. Craved more.
He cursed softly, tossing onto his other side as his eyes closed. Gray ace. That’s what he was. The fact he had a sex drive never had mattered before. He could have a libido and still be gray, because it wasn’t directed at someone. You could still enjoy sex, and in the same breath not want it from any one person in particular. Now that had changed, and the Crownsguard didn’t know what to do about it. Terms ran rampant in his mind. Was he bi? Pan? Demi? Was this just a need of an itch, or a crush? Six, there was a terrifying thought. What if this was a crush? He had always wanted to make Nix happy, to protect him, provide if needed… But he was his Shield! He was meant to feel like that. Right?
The next morning was no less of a struggle, if anything it was more so when it came time for Phoenix and his training session and Sirius and Abi were no where to be found. “Harvey had them running some sort of errand.” Phoenix offered nonchalantly as he tugged his shirt off and over his head, moving to replace it with his usual training outfit. Xavier forced himself to peel his eyes away and do the same, his tank top resting light against his skin once he’d slipped it on. “He knows this is our time though.” “It was important. Transporting something?” “That doesn’t mean he should be able to order your Crownsguard around.” The venom in his tone towards his own father was uncharacteristic, and immediately caught Phoenix’s attention. His brow perked in surprise as he watched Xavier shift uneasily, his hand running back through his curls. “…are you alright?” When had he gotten that close? The Shield blinked as he realized the gap between them was gone, and instead Phoenix was standing before him. Black hair pulled back into a haphazard ponytail in preparation of their training (a suggestion Xav now cursed himself for ever giving, and curse further that the Prince had listened), blue eyes staring up at him, beseeching, wanting answers that he would never dare give. He took a step back, ignoring how his heart had leapt to his throat. “Fine. Just annoyed they get to skip out.” “Don’t lie to me.” The tone this time was uncharacteristic of Phoenix, a slightly harder edge to it as he continued watching Xavier shift uncomfortably. “I’ve known you way too long to fall for that ‘fine’ trick.” Silence edged between them for a few seconds. “I can’t say, Nix.” Xavier finally mumbled under his breath, dark eyes trained on the floor. “Trust me, please. It’s something I need to sort out on my own.” “And I can’t help?” Nix’s voice was softer now, back to his usual timbre. That caring, kind nature shining through so clearly in those four simple words.. That desire to help, to ensure it was okay– The Shield abruptly snapped his train of thought off by taking another step back before abruptly turning, moving to the center of the room. “No. Not this time.”
((stopping because tired.))
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