#also i gave him cunty nails because why not
s3v3r3dh3ad · 3 months
With @goferwashere 's PO monster AU going around (LITERALLY IN LOVE WITH IT BTW I ADORE VAMP KAISER 😭🛐) I think now is the perfect time to show my appreciation for the only canon PO universe monster FRANK JR‼️🗣🔥 (This is for the 2 Arm Wrestling fans out there 💀😭)
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4ggravation · 3 months
sumeru boys redesigns + notes
as you may know, i redesigned the sumeru boys a few weeks ago because, as much as i love them to bits, their designs are well. not that great in some areas. also because i wanted to draw them more often without the roadblock of their designs being so complicated. i've mainly been drawing my cyno and tighnari redesigns, but i did also do alhaitham and kaveh, so i thought that i'd show off these redesigns in one post, along with some notes on why i made certain decisions. hope you enjoy!
(pre-note: just so no one gets confused, i also renamed everyone when i did my redesigns, giving tighnari and alhaitham first names and cyno and kaveh last names.)
tighnari ❀
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(renamed abdullah al-tighnari; tighnari was made his surname because that was the case for the real guy he was based on)
i went into this thinking "how can i make this design more appealing to me while still retaining what the original design meant?". since tighnari is one of my favorites in the game overall, i put a lot of pressure on myself to make a decent design.
a lot of tighnari's design inspiration comes from moroccan (specifically amazigh) culture, which i kept in my mind through most of the drawing. this inspiration shows in his bead necklace (i forget the name), his belt, and his earring, which i remade to mirror the shape of moroccan headpieces.
gave him some muscles because there's no way a guy with his job wouldn't have them. also a bottom-heavy fat distribution for self-indulgent purposes.
the design has less layers and lighter/flowier clothes because of tighnari's canon sensitivity to heat. if you're living in the rainforest (a famously humid biome), you probably wouldn't be wearing what canon tighnari does, heat sensitivity or not.
gave him some traits that are popular headcanons, such as the flower thigh tattoo, the sharp teeth, the scars, the claw-like nails (with the middle and ring nails filed down for No Reason), and the lichtenberg figure. also gave him tan skin and wavy hair because i Cannot deal with canon nari looking like that.
sturdy shoes! archery gloves! his vision on his belt! quality of life features that an actual forest ranger would have!
i will admit that the slit pants, the shorts, and the tights were all for self-indulgence reasons, but i think they go together well with the rest of the outfit too.
a braid in his hair for cynari marriage purposes. (i hc that in sumeru, marriages are consummated by braiding each other's hair)
kaveh ❂
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(renamed kaveh laghmani; surname is of iranian origin, but i forgot the meaning)
another real quick note: if i change a character's pronouns in their rewrite, i'll be using those pronouns in their notes. here, kaveh goes by he/she pronouns (she just like me fr).
his canon design is actually my favorite of the sumeru boys, so this redesign was more of a simplification while still keeping the original color scheme and such.
from my research, kaveh's mainly inspired by persian/iranian culture. this is what i had in mind with her shirt and her jacket... shawl... thing. idk what to call it.
kept him a skinny twink; imo, her being a twink in canon fits pretty well.
emphasized the bird of paradise motif with the thing on her side looking like feathers. you will see this again with alhaitham.
made him brunet for more cohesion with the color palette, also because i don't like the whole blonde-fading-to-brown situation he has going on in his canon design.
flowers!!! also giving him a pretty headpiece bc this guy is flashy. also also keeping the feather, it's cunty and fun.
i wanted to make kaveh obviously gnc/genderqueer without going into full-on feminine outfit territory. you can tell she's not quite cis but it's not super in your face yk?
made his vision one of his earrings like yae miko because i forgot to give it a proper place in my concept drawings lmao
quality of life feature: actual artist gloves that aren't cut off. seriously, them being fingerless in the canon design completely negates the point of artist gloves.
removed his braids because of the aforementioned marriage headcanon.
alhaitham ⚘
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(renamed amir al-haytham; i wanted to give him the most basic name possible, though i fought with myself a lot on whether to write it as al-haitham or al-haytham)
my god i despise his canon design. it's so... not him. my goal with a redesign was just to give him an outfit that made sense for his character because jesus his canon design is an atrocity.
alhaitham is mainly inspired by either saudi arabian or general west asian culture (like what's constant and such). i was mainly inspired by casual saudi arabian menswear when i was designing him.
hot take but i don't like alhaitham being buff in canon. i made him chubby/fat in my redesign mainly for self-indulgent reasons, but also because it makes more sense to me. also gave him facial hair because yes
kept his color scheme mostly the same, along with the eye motif. emphasized the eagle motif slightly with the feather hip piece (see: kaveh's redesign).
gave him a headscarf (not a hijab or anything like that, just a regular headscarf) because he felt like the type, plus i got the design idea for it and went "well i can't not include it now".
wanted to give him the vibes of an npc who was forced to be a main character
no he isn't wearing his vision anywhere, he doesn't carry it around in my rewrite.
quality of life features: more sensible, looser clothes that are easier to live in- really the whole design is meant to be a quality of life improvement first and foremost
cyno ⚡︎
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(renamed cyno al-sahrawi; surname meaning is "of the sahara" or more generally, "of the desert")
like kaveh, i'm gonna be using he/they pronouns for cyno here because that's what i put in my rewrite.
in my opinion, cyno's design is relatively solid, but with a few glaring flaws that kinda ruin everything for me. i'll bring them up as these notes go on.
they're very obviously inspired by ancient egyptian culture, specifically anubis. like, it's very blatant. with my redesign, i wanted to keep those inspirations in mind while making the outfit less stereotypical and make more sense.
why does this man, who's said to fight a lot, not wear a shirt? why are you letting the place where most of your vital organs reside breathe freely? also, why does this guy not have scars?
simplified a bunch of patterns, especially below the belt and with his headpiece. also made their helmet(?) a darker, more saturated purple to attract your eyes' attention to it.
gave him eye of horus makeup for a little cultural nod
the black piece in the back was made to look like a tail to further the jackal thing.
curly hair that resembles lightning bolts <3
the shoes were inspired by traditional egyptian footwear, because if this guy is out in the desert all the time, i'm not letting him go without some kind of foot protection.
quality of life features: a bit of armor on his arm (partially for aesthetic purposes), less flowy bits on his helmet and hips to prevent distraction or getting caught on things, the aforementioned shoes
added braids for cynari purposes, because i'm me.
hope you enjoyed reading this! please keep in mind that this is all off the top of my head and doesn't even go into color theory, how the designs mirror each other, and other smaller things like that. i might make a part 2 someday going into those things, but who knows with my memory lmao
reblogs are heavily appreciated!
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generalzar0ff · 5 months
Most of this was drawn in September of last year, but I decided to finally complete it!
So, here are the penguins of Madagascar and their lemur friends as humans!
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I know this has been done to death already, but I wanted to provide my own interpretation. I’ll provide my design choices for each character under the cut, if anybody’s interested!
Skipper: I do not want to throw shade to anyone, but most of the human Skippers I’ve seen are either too young, too skinny, or too muscular. This guy may present himself as an authority figure, but let’s face it: this guy is your average middle-aged man with a fascination for cool spy stuff and repressed bisexuality. Trust me, my dad knows all about it. Anyway, I gave him a tacky nautical flag shirt, mostly because i couldn’t find any high-quality “hawaiian shirt with wwii planes” patterns. If it weren’t for King Julien’s design, I would’ve given Skipper aviators.
Kowalski: Typical nerdy guy. When I was showing a work in progress of the penguins, a friend of mine suggested that Kowalski’s hairline should be extra receded, and they were right. I know that this is the simplest design, but that’s because this guy just doesn’t seem the type for style. More of a practicality and formality guy. I suppose now’s a good time to mention that each of the brothers has an element of orange around their feet, cuz, well, the penguins have orange feet.
Rico: I really hope you guys get the energy that this guy listens to nu-metal. Since human beings not infused with cartoon animal wackiness cannot regurgitate convenient items, I decided to give human Rico a bunch of pockets from which cartoon HUMAN wackiness can occur. His outfit is also a bit more military-like than the others, what with the bomber jacket, cargo shorts, and combat boots. I also gave him what is essentially the boss floss from Splatoon 3’s amiibo gear.
Private: According to Penguin Lore™️, they’re all brothers, but Private is adopted, hence why he’s a bit younger [but not a child!] and I gave him a different hair texture and skin tone. His shirt has an icon from his favorite show, a Lunacorn. I also made his blue nail polish match its eyes. I take honor in the fact that a friend told me “I have several transmasc friends who look like this”.
Maurice: A lot of people who draw TPOM gijinkas don’t even draw him, which is a shame, because I love Maurice. Even more offensive is that some people don’t even depict him as an old black man, which goes against everything I know to be true in my heart. Anyway, he seems like the type to enjoy autumn/winter gear, so I gave him a big ol’ trench coat, as well as a scarf that looks like his fur puff. And the newsie cap just felt right.
King Julien: Here’s where all the flashiness went! According to an actor whom I have a personal vendetta against and thus will not name, Julien’s accent is Sri Lankan, so I took inspiration from their traditional clothing for his outfit, albeit more “cunty”, as today’s kids call it. It was imperative that this man has his toes out for obvious reasons, so I gave him sandals. I honestly have no good explanation for the leopard print leggings other than it came to me in a divine vision. Or something. The sunglasses mimic the color of his eyes!
Mort: Look, it was really hard for me not to just draw Molière from Atlantis: The Lost Empire, since his design is already kind of what I imagine this fellow looking like as a “human”. Admittedly, I’m not too proud of this design, but i think it gets the job done. His outfit purposely clashes: a matching hat and sweater, but with sweatpants, and he’s not even wearing shoes! I know the original Mort doesn’t have any purple in his design, but I felt like its inclusion made him look a little weirder. And then there’s his eyes. Yeah.
Hope this wasn’t too long, and thank you to anyone who read this portion of the post!
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Breakfast Tacos with The Run-Off-The-Mill Transvestite Bisexual Hooker (Trixya) - Spoky
A/N: A lesbian AU for Cat who doesn’t like dicks, but likes Trixya.
Summary: Trixie’s life is very domestic. Katya’s is not. A combination of the two creates romance and sex, mostly sex.
Breakfast Tacos with The Run-Off-The-Mill Transvestite Bisexual Hooker
The ceiling of the unfamiliar bedroom Katya woke up in needed re-painting. So did the toe nails of the girl snuggled to her side. There was a heavy, hairy arm wrapped around her chest, painfully pressing on her left breast, and a pounding headache that reminded her of the fact that she was no longer eighteen. She could taste yesterday’s cigarettes on her tongue and smell the stale scent of sex in the stuffy bedroom; combination of cum and sweat.
The curvy body on her left stirred as she slowly moved the hairy arm off of her and wiggled her way out of the double bed. Where the fuck was her underwear?
There were piles of clothing scattered around the bedroom floor and only the fourth one brought any results. Katya pulled the t-shirt on and glanced at the couple on the bed. What the fuck was wrong with modern society so that twenty-something-year-olds needed to “spice up” their sex life with additions such as her?
The walls were decorated with multiple framed photographs of the couple’s trips abroad, their happy moments. There was a statue of a cat on the dresser and candles Katya figured were lit on special occasions to set the mood. Fuck romance, she personally couldn’t even fucking spell the word.
The fifth pile of clothes was a jackpot, containing mostly just her items. She dressed as quietly as she could and licked her teeth. Ugh, wrong move. Her breath must’ve been foul.
She grabbed her bag and tiptoed next to the guy on the bed. Men did the paying in hetero relationships, right? She had nothing against the bear, or hairy dude – straights didn’t get called bears, did they? – and didn’t want to wake him, but she really needed the agreed $180. Money in the dresser, girl! Had she learned nothing?
“Dude,” Katya whispered, trying not to wake up the missus. “Fuck man, wake up.”
The bear stirred and looked up to Katya, clearly hungover.
“Dude, I need the money.”
The beast groaned and sat up. He pointed lazily to his left and Katya rolled her eyes. Maybe it was too much to ask of the males of the species to communicate in full sentences? She eyed the direction the bear was pointing at and spotted his wallet – or, she assumed it was his. She grabbed the thing and gave it to the man who after a brief pause handed her $200 in twenty dollar bills.  
“Thanks, man,” Katya whispered. Whore or not, she hadn’t been raised by fucking wolves. She weaved her way quietly to the door and was about to leave when a low grunt made her turn once more. What now?
“Same time next week?” the bear asked and Katya smiled politely.  
“Sure, text me,” she said and closed the bedroom door behind her.
The morning sun was bright and hot. Katya knew exactly how bad she smelled as she dumped the mints, the coke and the cheapest bag of crisps she could find in the gas station onto the counter.
“And Lucky Strikes, the click and roll ones,” she said to the severely overweight cashier.
“ID?” the man asked in a low baritone and Katya wanted to roll her eyes. Instead she flashed him her driver’s licence, revealing her age close to thirty, and smiled the sweetest smile she could muster.
The horizontally challenged cashier wiggled his plump ass to the cigarettes and back, tempting Katya to ask for another pack, just to give the bastard some exercise, but she figured that in a state where a Mars bar costed half the price of a fresh salad the man was probably doing his best anyway and so she decided against it.  
“Anything else?” the man asked and Katya snorted.
“A condo with a working bathroom, pretty wife and a job where I can keep my clothes on?”
The man blinked lazily, and Katya figured he was incapable of understanding humour so early on a Saturday morning.
“No, that’s all,” she corrected and handed the cashier the amount required.
She walked back to her car and took a seat. She really wanted a cigarette and had just lit one when her phone beeped for a received text message.  
T: I’ve got breakfast.
There were reasons why Katya was in love with Trixie Mattel, her immaculate timing being just one of them.
K: there in 15min
She started the car, dropped the half smoked cigarette on the parking lot and sighed. She really should’ve showered at the couple’s place…
Trixie Mattel was everything Katya Zamolodchikova aspired to be. She was smart, beautiful, cocky, artistic, occasionally cunty, sure of herself, add here your favourite adjective and just a fucking decent human being. Trixie was interesting and rarely judgemental, something Katya appreciated in a woman. She was also an amazing cook and whenever she invited Katya over, Katya never thought twice, a home cooked meal always sounding better than her favourite song on the radio.
Standing in Trixie’s clean apartment with white walls, expensive cutlery and modern art was always a little distressing. Katya usually avoided moving around too much, afraid of contaminating the place with grunge and stupidity. She therefore tended to hover somewhere in between the kitchen and the bathroom, never feeling entirely comfortable. Of course there had been times when Trixie had dragged her into the bedroom and fucked her senseless, but those occasions rarely occurred on Katya’s own initiative. Not because she didn’t want to, but because she was always expecting permission.
“Scrambled or fried?” Trixie asked gently and Katya chuckled.
Eggs. Who the fuck cared? Either. Both? They would be amazing regardless. The only way Katya ate eggs on her own was price reduced and overcooked.
“Whichever is easier,” she ended up saying, knowing that Trixie wouldn’t appreciate the reply.
“Easiest is to mash them to your head and be done with it.”
Katya sniggered. “Scrambled,” she ordered through her chuckles.
“Good girl,” Trixie said and dropped a hasty kiss to the corner of Katya’s mouth before walking to the stove.
Katya pulled herself a chair from underneath the kitchen table and took a sip of the drink Trixie had mixed for her. The drink tasted like something in between of strawberries and vodka.
“There’s towels in the bathroom,” Trixie said in passing as she crouched to get something from the fridge. Mushrooms?
“Is that a hint?” Katya asked and swallowed, trying hard to hide her disgust. How did you tell someone that perfectly good eggs shouldn’t be spoiled with literal fungus?
“Did you know that the FDA legally allows 19 maggots and 74 mites in every 3.5-ounce can of mushrooms?”
Trixie paused and turned to look at her, unamused. “No, I did not,” she admitted. “But for someone who smells like half decayed dead sewer rat, you certainly have a lot of opinions about free food.”
Katya smirked. There were many reasons why she loved Trixie Mattel, her quick-wit being just one of them.
“Fine. I’ll shower.”
“And I’ll accommodate to your uneducated taste buds.”
Katya figured it counted as team work. She should put it on her CV.
Katya reached over the sink to wipe a reflective surface to the misty bathroom mirror. She sneered at the revealed image and reached for the modified pantyhose she’d left on the toilet seat. Due to damp skin it took some effort to wiggle her way into the self-made binder, but she eventually made it and covered the damn thing with a red tank-top before jumping into her briefs. Pulling the wet strands of her blond bob out of her face she stepped to the hallway and made her way back into the kitchen.
Trixie was standing at the kitchen sink, her hands hidden in dishwater and bubbles. The woman noticed Katya’s presence as she arrived and turned to look at her. The pure lust in her eyes made Katya smirk cocksurely.
“Don’t get cocky,” Trixie snorted, taking notice of Katya’s expression.
“But surely that’s the point?” Katya asked, walking behind Trixie. She brushed the bubblegum pink curls over Trixie’s shoulder and pressed herself against Trixie’s back while grabbing her breasts gently, giving them an affectionate squeeze. The woman shivered under Katya’s touch.
“Your hair’s wet,” Trixie whimpered as Katya reached further down, forcing Trixie to abandon the dishes.
“I didn’t think wet would be a problem,” Katya said. Her voice now low.
Trixie licked her lips. She placed her hands on either side of the sink, leaning on them slightly for support as she felt Katya reaching lower, all the way down to her crotch and giving her pussy a firm rub over her dress.
“Fuck,” Trixie sighed quietly.  
Katya chuckled at Trixie’s swear and lifted the hem of her dress just enough to thread her hand into her knickers.
Trixie bit her lower lip as she moved her feet slightly more apart before thrusting her hips ever so slightly against Katya’s cupped palm.
“You like that?”
Katya wrapped her other hand around Trixie’s waist and pulled the woman firmly against her as she massaged her palm in firm waves over Trixie’s labia. The woman smelled like candied apples with a hint of soft, sweet peony. The hem of Trixie’s floral dress caressed Katya’s naked thighs and she could feel her fingers getting slick as Trixie got more aroused.
“Yeah,” Trixie moaned, barely above a whisper.
“Yeah?” Katya asked, pressing her middle finger slightly in between Trixie’s pudendal lips, not quite in straight contact with her clitoris.
“Fuck yeah,” Trixie groaned and bent her knees to thrust against Katya’s hand more firmly, craving for more stimulation.
“Turn,” Katya instructed and pulled her hands off of Trixie.
Trixie swirled around in one quick movement and placed her hands on the kitchen counter for support as Katya got down on her knees, swiftly making her way underneath Trixie’s knee length hem. Katya dragged Trixie’s white cotton panties down to her ankles and helped her to step out of them before pressing her nose against her pussy, bringing it into a sweet sweet contact with Trixie’s clitoris.
Trixie whimpered and thrust her hips violently against Katya’s face, begging her to fuck her.
The desperate movement made Katya grin and she dug her fingers into Trixie’s ass, grabbing it tightly with her left hand before tracing Trixie’s pussy with her already wet fingers.
“Stop teasing you cunt!”
Katya smirked but didn’t need telling twice. She pushed two fingers up into Trixie simultaneously as she opened her lips to press an open mouthed kiss over her clitoris. Trixie groaned loudly, melting into the touch and pressing herself firmer against Katya’s mouth and fingers, asking for more.
“Please please please,” Trixie whined, her voice wavering. “Just, just…”
Trixie was squeezing the kitchen counter tightly, leaning onto her hands, as she rubbed her pussy against Katya’s slick tongue. She needed more, wanted her deeper, firmer, faster and rose onto her toes, knees bent, to create more leverage.
“Fuck yeah, eat that pussy,” she moaned and fucked against the open mouth before surrendering to the shivers and vibrations that flashed through her body in tidal waves.
Katya could feel Trixie’s thighs shaking and just held her firmly as the woman shivered above her. She didn’t know when Trixie had gotten onto her toes but as she lowered her heels back down and straightened her knees, Katya’s tongue lost contact with her. She could hear her panting and could imagine her eyes closed, lips slightly ajar, completely consumed by the sweet lull of her afterglow. As a soft reminder of her existence, Katya crooked her fingers slightly inside of her.
“Stop it, bitch.”
Katya laughed at the words and pulled out. “Sensitive, are we?”
Trixie snorted and dragged Katya up to her feet before kissing her hungrily, tasting herself on Katya’s lips. How the fuck had she fallen so hard for this run-off-the-mill transvestite hooker, Trixie would never know, but the woman fit perfectly against her as she wrapped her arms around Trixie’s waist.
“Breakfast?” Katya mumbled between the kisses and Trixie couldn’t resist the opportunity.
“What, you want more than tacos?”
Katya’s shrieking laughter sounded like a cat in heat.
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