#also sorry for the side gansey comments I promise I don't hate him but some of the stuff he does... brings me very close to hate....
piningeddiediaz · 3 years
What do you like about Pynch?
hi! anon, I love this question. I stared at it for a bit not really sure how to put it into words tbh but I'll try.
my favourite dynamic is always 'saw the worst parts of you and loved you anyway'. pynch weren't exactly enemies-friends-to-lovers but they were, imo, a mellowed version of it. they saw the bad, shitty, would-put-anyone-else-off side of each other first, and not only loved each other despite it but because of it. so much of ronan's internal conflict was the religious guilt associated with his powers, him not understanding his powers and sometimes thinking of it as a curse. and then you contrast it with adam; he is constantly awed by ronan's abilities. adam parrish, logical to a fault, "a scientist" who only believes in things when he has proof, barely takes a second to believe ronan can take things out of his dreams, or ronan dreamt his baby brother, or ronan dreamt the magical sentient forest he is attached to. why? because it's ronan, because to adam ronan is magic.
similarly, adam is stubborn and guarded and prideful. he doesnt think he is capable of love - either giving or receiving - because he never witnessed it himself. he thinks of himself as destructive. as someone unworthy. someone not special. but everytime ronan talks about Adam it's like he is describing the eighth wonder of the world. neither of them ignore each other's flaws (on the contrary, they constantly call each other out) but they also understand each other. accept each other. support each other. ronan understands adam's need to leave, as much as he believes killing himself for aglionby is stupid. adam understands ronan's contempt for school, or his need to street race, or his need to be at the barns. they don't necessarily agree with each other, but they understand each other. no other person in the series has displayed this: gansey takes adam's refusal to move in with him or take help from him personally, takes ronan's refusal to go to school as some kind of cry for attention. everyone in the series treats the two of them as something/someone to be fixed so that they fit the traditional idea of 'stable and healthy' but the two of them understand in their own way that they both have this trauma that can't be fixed. they both have something to prove, and they support each other through it.
ronan finds out about aglionby increasing fees before adam himself does, and immediately figures out adam wont be able to afford it. he tries to help without ever taking any credit for it (unlike someone who had to mention paying adam's hospital bill at a very vulnerable moment). he notices adam's dry hands and dreams him hand cream. he keeps adam company at boyds or st agnes. and through it all he never ever expects anything in return. he understands that adam only takes what he can give back, and he doesnt have a lot to give back, so he takes without making it feel like an obligation. but Adam does give back. he makes time in his very busy schedule to help ronan at the barns. he makes cabeswater play ronan's shitty music to see him smile. he lets ronan take, and he lets himself accept. they just. they balance each other out.
to me, that is what love is. seeing the bad parts, the parts other people may not like and loving them anyway, not because it is an obligation or whatever, but because it is what makes them them. you know them, you accept them, and you help them grow. love is memorising facts about harvard despite you having no desire or attraction towards education because it would make him feel better. love is pushing yourself to the limits to make sure he is okay even though he was acting like an asshole with you. love is making a home for yourself in the place he loves the most, of promising to come back even though before him all you wanted to do was leave. they love each other on purpose.
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