#also the villian would be the government who refuse to believe her identity is the only reason she can use magic
vivieepy · 1 year
There should be a series where random women have the natural ability to perform magic which is powered by emotion and identity and are sent to a magic school™. One day, a man gains this power (keep in mind, it's very weak compared to the women), and later, she realizes she is transgender and as she comes to terms with her identity her magical power increases
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alistonjdrake · 4 years
The Sorcerei of Cokumpoint: A Headache-inducing side wip by yours truly
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After a civil war divides the Federation of Abros, a drug activating the ability to do magic in its users rocks the world and kills thousands, but the thrill of having power for even a moment is too hard to resist. Crime skyrockets, gangs rule the cities, and a government strife with conflict is too weak to do anything about it. No criminal is as nefarious as The Dread, who runs the gangs dominating the city of Trenton and the suburban upper-class neighborhood of the once magical, Cokumpoint.
Amongst it all, we’re introduced to Ethel, a descendant of the formerly powerful now classically elite Sorcerei and an heiress being pressured towards marriage as her family falls to ruin after the death of her father. And the assumed death of her older twin brother, who Ethel refuses to believe is dead and when the last living witch in Abros climbs in through her window and tells Ethel that not only is Eli alive, but that he’s been hunting her for months, she couldn’t be happier. 
TSoC is an adult low fantasy + romance. I do not have a tag or wip page for it yet but please bear with me. It is up on my wattpad and I also have a google doc for it and am currently looking for feedback as I try to finish out my outline...so.
Main Characters: 
Ethel Baker: 24 years old. Stubborn and determined to prove her brother isn’t dead and to avoid marriage at all costs. With her father gone and brother missing, she’s taken it on herself to be the one who cares for what remains of her close family.
Mona Giselle: 30 years old. The self-proclaimed witch who says Eli is trying to kill her. Thought tattling on him to his family would be the best course of action but her relationship with the law is not the best.
Finnegan Upshaw: 24 years old.Eli’s ex and Ethel’s childhood (and only) friend. Has far too many sisters. Always tired. 
Aubrey Cropper: 32 years old. A widower and a family friend of the Bakers. The budding mayor of Cokumpoint and a member of the Sorcerei class. Very polite but often puts his foot in his mouth.
The Dread: The villian terrorizing the city of Trenton according to the papers. Identity unknown. 
Eli Baker: 24 years old. Ethel’s supposedly dead twin. Went away to join the army at 17, suspected dead later the same year, and his body was never returned to the family. Ethel’s considered him missing ever since. 
Quick Excerpt:
“Where have you been?”
“Did a bit of shopping, I went to see a medium.” Ethel gave the maid a light pat on the cheek as she hung the shawl on the rack by the door. “Thanks, Mallie.” 
She glided down the front hall and turned into the sitting room, her back facing her mother. She trailed a finger across the bookshelves and glanced up to eye the ticking grandfather clocks that framed the fireplace. She at least hadn’t missed dinner. 
Her mother continued down the stairs. “Did you buy anything?” Her voice shook. They couldn’t afford Ethel’s old spending habits, not in their current state and Ethel was not at all tempted to put her head in the noose to save them. 
Her mother hid her sigh of relief behind a grim frown. “You didn’t tell me you were going out.” She trailed into the room after her, the train of her skirts dragging across antique rugs and a dusty wood floor. Mallie scurried in to light a fire, the room almost ghostly cold with the windows open and the curtains swaying in the evening breeze. 
Ethel took a seat by the fire, reclining with a sigh. She knew her mother hated it. Ethel was a lady. An heiress, if she did what she was told. She wasn’t supposed to slouch. Wasn’t supposed to kick her boots up on the ottoman as the maid asked if she wanted tea. Certainly wasn’t supposed to watch as her mother twirled her wedding ring around her gloved fingers and pout up at her. 
“You didn’t go all the way to Trenton, did you?” Her face pinched horridly. Her mother had a small frame, a heart-shaped face, and beady little blue eyes. When she was angry, her whole body crumbled under the expression. 
“I will never understand how you do that.”
“You stink, Ethel. I told you not to go to Trenton .” Now her face turned red, eyes watering as she lifted her hands to fan herself. Ethel knew what was coming. She heard it a dozen times a day.
Her mother began to wail, pacing furiously. “Don’t you read the papers? My own daughter wants to put me in an early grave! Trenton is no place for a young lady! Didn’t you hear Mrs. Allen last week? One of those addicts killed her third cousin.”
With a sigh, Ethel rubbed her temples. Mallie returned with tea, dropping in three sugar cubes and stirring before passing it over. Just as Ethel liked it. The warmth pleasant as she cupped it towards her mouth. “It’s her third cousin, now? The first time she told the story it was her uncle.” 
“Ethel,” her mother warned.
“I just think it’s strange, is all. Mrs. Allen isn’t so old she can’t remember which family member is which.” 
I’ll create a wip page later and hey if you would be interested in more excerpts/a tag list for this let me know.
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