#also woohoo for my first lone Nancy fic/drabble! đŸŽ‰đŸ„°
collectivecloseness · 1 year
Saw you write for yanderes and nancy wheeler. Could you write some of that. Because my lesbian heart can’t live without it. (Make the readers pronouns gender neutral tho) <3
I need to write so much more for Nancy we love her
Yandere Nancy Wheeler x reader
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“Hi honey!”
Nancy excitedly put down the bowl she was carrying, setting the salad on the table and coming to greet you at the door. “What’re you doing here?” Nancy bounced in her step as she jogged over, her eyes so bright, and smiling so genuinely happy to see you!
You only stood in your position by the door, Nancy softly gripping your arms and leaning up to kiss your cheek, although she had to rush back for her pot on the stove. But she still smiled at you, the entire time she bounded back.
Nancy had managed to get her own home with her job at the paper now. It was smaller, but easier to move out her family home, when she had to make plans that hopefully, you’d want to move in with her one day too. Even though you two had only been dating for a few months. Although that was going splendidly. Plus, not only do you two get your privacy now, in Nancy’s own home, but it shows that she can provide for you.
Nancy didn’t think you were coming over tonight. You’d actually told Nancy to come over to yours this morning because you weren’t coming to visit tonight, and Nancy said her day was wasted if she didn’t see you. In fact, the days where you told her ahead of time you wouldn’t be able to see her, Nancy would always plead with her begging hands underneath her pouty lips, because you gave in nearly every time you could. And if you didn’t, even though Nancy would run to your side the next day anyway, she’d lay dramatically on you, after you abandoned her the day before.
But you kept walking forward, only staying at the entry to the kitchen, quiet. And at you not following her in, that’s when Nancy’s bright expression dimmed a little. She messed with the dials on her stove, looking over at you. “What’s up?” You didn’t seem upset, but you were too quiet. There was something you wanted to say. Nancy was an expert and reading you nowadays.
You bite down on your lower lip, looking up to the sky to give you strength, as you crossed your arms over your chest, your knees bouncing. You never thought you’d have to have a conversation like this. Why would you? Who the fuck thinks they would? Especially not when you’re with your sweet Nancy. Who you came to love because of how good she was, and how she protected the innocent as well, with her having her upside down fighting side. But you knew being confident was the one way to go in this situation. Especially knowing if you faltered, all Nancy would do is be by your side, and show you the best parts of herself all over again, to try and be there for you, and right now all you need is some answers. “Something weird happened today at work.”
“Oh?” Was all Nancy said. And you couldn’t read her expression, but she was still looking at you, between finishing her dinner.
You stayed quiet on purpose. You could see you leaving it there was ruffling Nancy’s feathers. And with no further explanation, Nancy looked up at you properly. “Well what happened?” She asked innocently. Although in a slightly non committal way, like she wanted to know what you knew, but also did not want to be talking about it. Nancy remaining so unopened, only made you bite down harder on your lip. You’d draw blood if you weren’t careful. She was confirming something by staying so blank.
You sighed slowly. “Remember Alice? From work?”
Now you could see Nancy pursing her lips. The slight white to her knuckles over the wooden spoon, even from here, her eyes pointed, and her brows pinched.
“Yeah?” Nancy added, and this time she stayed quiet, waiting for you to continue. Her eyes swimming in her simmering pot.
“Well they told me something weird.” You just needed answers. What you’d been told today had been... strange, shocking, actually. And you went straight home from work to ask Nancy about what was happening.
“Oh? And what’s that, sweetheart?” Nancy asked, tilting her head and her eyes inquisitive. Turning off her stove because her meal was done, and leaning against the countertops by it to hear what had gone on in your life today.
“Well they looked... they looked scared, to be honest baby,” you kept your eyes on your girlfriend “they looked haunted, or actually, hunted.”
Nancy gave a curt nod. But she only crossed her own arms over her chest, matching yours as she leaned back to listen.
“She came in all sweaty, super late, we didn’t even think she’d be in.”
Alice had been new at your work, you two had spoken several times, but never for long, and she hadn’t known you’d been in a relationship when she asked if she could take you out on a date. You’d said no and explained, and she’d been very sweet about it! Apologetic and brushing it off as an of course type of exception. Obviously you were planning on keeping just some boundaries for now, in case there were any lingering feelings or anything, although that didn’t seem to be the case, it just seemed like a mistaken attempt. Even Nancy had said you were hot! Who wouldn’t want to ask you out? Because you’d of course told her about it when she picked you up from work that night.
They were okay with how it was, and you weren’t upset, and neither was Nancy, so it had been fine. You thought even maybe you two could be friends at work one day. But when she’d come in today it was shocking. But you didn’t even know shock... not until she told you why she was feeling this way, why she looked so shaken up.
“She said that you came to pay her a visit.” You spoke clearly.
Nancy’s fingers stopped fiddling with her watch. Her head lifted up to you, and both of you were frozen, hearts beating, on opposite sides of the kitchen.
“She said that you said something? That you threatened them, and scared them.”
Nancy’s eyes widened. She was sure her quick breaths were audible to you, but they weren’t. All you could hear, was the ticking of her clock. When all you wanted was her explanation.
“Nancy she said... she said that you backed her into a wall, you told her to stay away from me and all of that, that you’d do something about it if she fucked up again, that I was yours?” Nancy knew you hated possessive language. You wouldn’t even call Nancy ‘yours’ yourself, and it was just a pet peeve you had. You had it way before you noticed at the very beginning of your relationship, that Nancy liked the slightly more possessive pet names, but you thought you’d nip it in the bud, just in case, and she’d always respected your wishes. This though, was something else entirely. “Nancy what the hell?”
Nancy had waited outside for this girl last night. Having asked you when you mentioned what had happened, what department she worked in. You probably thought Nancy just wanted to know how much you two would be working together, that that was the tiny bit of jealousy that was just peeking through Nancy’s facade. But Nancy knew the hours of every role in your company. She’d studied that place hard. Mostly to make sure they were up to code, they’d treat you well enough with their rules, if there was ever a legal loophole that meant you could be getting paid more, if you still wanted your job. But Nancy knew this girl left work two hours after you. Which was great. There was no chance you’d bump into Nancy right then.
Nancy had waited a couple of days since you told her, so it wasn’t obvious, no matter what she ended up doing to this girl, but she didn’t have it in her to wait longer. What if this person kept trying?
Nancy thought she’d be able to give up some of her more, unsavoury, ways, now she was finally with you. But it just made her even more anxious to lose you, now she knew what having you was like. And while she knew you’d never cheat, not you, not sweet, kind, perfect you, others however, couldn’t be trusted. Not if they’d hurt you.
She walked out her car, trying not to slam it, and instead be quiet as she followed the girl around the corner of your building, till she turned to the most secluded side of it, and Nancy popped out, having circled to cross her off the other way. Nancy explained who she was, a hand to her heart and a smile on her tilted head “Hi! Yeah I’m Nancy, y/n’s girlfriend. I’m sure you’ve heard of me.”
It was unnerving to Alice, because Nancy never stopped sweetly smiling.
Nancy had stood there, telling her that she heard what she did, and hoping there’d be no miscommunication in the future. Alice kept walking forward, and had a good few inches over Nancy, who only stood in place, with her hands innocently behind her back. It seemed Alice didn’t want to talk though, apart from a few uninterested, unsympathetic, and cavalier words, and telling Nancy to basically just go away. And when she reached Nancy’s side, she rolled her eyes as she kept on going.
Nancy’s smile fell.
Nancy grabbed her from behind, with all her practiced skills, and pushed her down the path and into the wall, with her forearm sticking against the girls throat. At first it was so she wouldn’t scream, but Nancy kept it there. The entire time she talked.
She’d hoped to only have to have a talk with her. To just test the waters of if this person was going to respect you or not. To set everything straight with just a chat. That would then be all she needed to do. Nancy and you, and her, could’ve been happy, with her far away. Sticking to their department. But with the way she was acting, how remorseless she was, like she’d even do it again just to spite her, how she was completely dismissing what she did... well, Nancy was already there.
Now Nancy was letting her see how upset she’d made her.
But back in her kitchen, back with you, Nancy was shocked to hear those words coming from your mouth. Nancy wouldn’t be able to handle if you looked at her that way, if you knew. But the way you looked at her signified you only wanted answers, if not being slightly hurt, and shocked at what was going on.
Nancy felt just as surprised to hear she hadn’t apparently convinced this girl enough to not talk to you again, to not tell her about their little meeting. Unless she was trying to be your hero... Nancy cracked her own knuckles clenching her fists, before rushing forwards to hold yours more carefully.
“Baby... baby I’m sorry.” Nancy holds your hands in hers, looking up at you with her bitten lip, sadly.
Your face was falling, you didn’t know what happened. Why Nancy had acted like everything was normal. By her reaction, something had happened. Your heart was plummeting.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve told you. I should’ve told you when I bumped into her.” Nancy shook your hands up and down, her eyes pleading on yours.
“You did? When?”
“Last night.” Nancy answered, truthfully. Well apart from the fact seeing your coworker was a coincidence.
“Nance we hung out last night, and this morning. How come you didn’t tell me?” Your body slunk, a slightly disappointed tone in her not communicating about this.
“I know! I know, I’m sorry. I just didn’t know what to say. I felt bad. Like I was a bad person.”
“Why?” You asked, suddenly feeling your fingers get very stiff, trapped in your girlfriends hands.
While you were laser focused on Nancy though, she was sighing shakily, bouncing a little as she looked only at your joined hands. “Because I think I did act a little jealously. And I know you don’t like that but, but when I said who I was, and how I knew her, she- she didn’t even seem to care! About what she’d done!” Nancy sighed more frustratedly now. Looking away and to the side with a grunt.
And this time you swept your hands over hers, pulling them closer to your chest, and getting and Nancy to look at you. “You’re okay. Jealousy is... it’s normal, you know babe? As long as it’s not unhealthy. Just-“ you took in a deep breath, stretching on your tip toes, before settling down again. Holding Nancy’s hands firmly to your chest, while you kept your eyes straight on her. “Just tell me what happened. Please. That’s all I want.”
“I know. I know honey, I’m sorry.” Nancy quickly kisses your hands in apology, leaning forwards towards your torso instead of pulling them away though. Sighing through her nose.
“So I bumped into her outside of your work, and she was actually being incredibly rude, she does not seem nice darling-“ Nancy pointed out with her wise eyes direct on you, but she continued on. “And she basically was like ‘I don’t care who you are and that I asked your love out boohoo’.” While Alice had in fact said none of this, that was how Nancy felt she was thinking anyway.
“And I just asked her to stay away from you. - For now” Nancy quickly added on. “And that we were serious, I mean I know it’s only been a few months, but I told her that we were in love, and asked she wasn’t going to keep being all romantic or flirty with you, right?” Nancy looked up at you, her eyes getting glassy.
But now you were sucking in your lips in a less tense way. You loved Nancy too. You’d both said it already. But you were always so glad Nancy seemed to be just as in the relationship as you were. That your wonderful girlfriend truly loved you with her whole heart, and was proud of it.
You brought one of Nancy’s hands up to your cheek, the seriousness forgotten for a moment as you just wanted her to hold you, your other joined hands leaning on the top of your belt. And Nancy whimpered as she held you, her head tilt causing a tear on her left to spill. Her smile coming back as she quietly “Oh”‘s at you. At her love.
“Well.” Nancy starts up again, and you can hear the slight change in her voice, after she let a tear or two slip. “When I was talking, the girl sort of backed herself into a wall when I was moving forward.” Nancy still remembered her elbow scraping on the concrete wall as she pinned the girl, never mind what their head would feel. “You know how I can come off as intense sometimes, you said yourself it was very badass of me, how I sometimes come across as threatening. Probably from years of dealing with the upside down shit, as well as everything else.” Nancy gives a small laugh, and in sharing memories and trauma, and love, with you, you give one back too.
“I knowww. You can be scary when you want too Nance.” You lightly chuckle.
But Nancy’s hand moves of her own accord now, coming to stroke at your jaw and chin, before gently holding it.
“Do I ever scare you?” Nancy asks so sincerely. Eyes still sad, but like she’s genuinely seeking your answer. She just holds you, getting you to look at her, as she does you, even though that’s all you ever want to do.
“Only in the good way’s honey.” You smirk, appreciating the glowing smile on Nancy’s cheeks. It was ridiculous to think you’d ever think that. You loved how badass Nancy was. She was confident, and cool, and sharp, and even though she could hold her own in places you’d less like, like during your small and short arguments, it was something you awed over Nancy for. You joked, because you couldn’t imagine it any other way.
Although you can easily imagine others being scared by Nancy. You didn’t even have to imagine it. You’ve seen Nancy scare people off, with a look - and with actual violence during times you were both fighting for your lives, and saving the world.
“Baby, you know me.” Nancy lets go of you, to place a hand to her heart, being able to smile even a little now, with an astonished look on her face. “Does it seem like I’d actually mean anything in that way?” Nancy asks you.
You find yourself shaking your head. Taking a step forward that Nancy had took back, and you catch the glee in her face as you do that. “Baby I get it. You’re hardcore. I think it looks great on you. I just wish you’d told me before I had a heart attack that lasted all day.”
“I’m sorry honey, you should’ve called me.” Nancy took both your hands another time, kissing them as she looked up at you, speaking with her lightly painted lips against your fingers. “You know I would’ve answered.”
“I know.” You smile, sighing tiredly, but still letting Nancy hold you. Your head trailing down as you think about it all, before you can collapse into your trusted girlfriends arms again. Nancy was probably just a little grumpy yesterday evening, and well, Alice doesn’t know Nancy. She can seem threatening. Technically she is a threat. But not to her! They didn’t realise Nancy didn’t actually hate her or anything, it all just seemed like a misunderstanding.
Part of you wanted to go over every detail of the ‘case’, think about other questions to ask now, in case later on if you thought of something and it would be like rehashing it all again, you wouldn’t want to make Nancy think that you don’t trust her!
Your head is still to the floor in thought. Your hands still in Nancy’s, but your feet shuffling, together.
But then Nancy moves forward with a small finalised sound in her throat, and wraps her arms warmly around you. Not too tight, nor too gentle, just a genuine loving embrace. Like the hugs she always gives you. Because she always hugs you with all the love in her heart.
You still had a few nagging thoughts, as you hugged your girlfriend lovingly back, unwavering feelings that wouldn’t flee, but, after three seconds of Nancy hugging you, and holding onto you, you melted that final bit more, with all the gushy love chemicals swirling around your body. Sinking you into the deep and safe love of Nancy Wheeler.
Fighting off any doubts you may have about your extradoinariy girlfriend. And god were her hugs amazing. And hearing her sigh turning into a giggle as she squeezes your middle oh my god? You didn’t deserve her. Although if you said that, you’d be in for an even longer talk right here while Nancy’s food goes cold. The last time you said that, and others where you said anything bad about yourself, well Nancy might’ve fought those accusations harder than the demogorgan.
Nancy’s so happy, she’s always so happy with you. A mix of a hum, a song, a laugh, leaves her lips, reverberating from her chest into yours. Her big blue eyes flitting between staying closed in complete content, or looking up at you with adoration, it would perfectly fit the smile on her face. She was happy having her arms wrapped around you, she loved you, and she had you holding her back too, with all your love. It’s all Nancy ever wanted!
But Nancy should have threatened them harder to not tell you. She should have been darker, like she knew she wanted. Let herself go further. Let them really know what would happen, if they dared speak to you again, but also if they told you about this. She shouldn’t have let them leave that easy without knowing.
She should’ve brought her guns.
Obviously Nancy can’t really do anything right now. If something happened to your coworker, worse than them coming in looking frightened, then you’d catch on.
But Nancy also couldn’t risk you going back to them! Relaying what she had said, and then have her adamantly opposing her word, or spilling even more details of what Nancy was like yesterday evening. Telling you about that side of her that she kept hidden from you, but still as a part of both your lives, for you. To protect you. To keep you safe.
It was settled. Nancy swayed you in her arms, smiling into your chest as she feels you laughing happily with that, dancing with her in the kitchen, none of you letting each other go.
Nancy would have to have another talk with this girl. A harsher one. But lucky for them - and again, lucky that it was only a ‘misunderstanding’ the first time they asked you out - it would still be just a talk. Mostly. If Nancy and this girl could behave straight. This time, so they know never to talk to you about her little chats again.
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