#also yes I'm reposting posts from Twitter onto here lmao
darkmagicmirror · 11 months
I was trying to figure out why Callum specifically holding onto the potion and waiting until Claudia saw it and asked for it back before he emptied it out reminded me of a typical Disney villain vibe actually and then it hit me
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Like okay sure, you're fighting your enemy, but then he also waited until she saw him for sure, she said something about it, and then he opened it?? Why??? 😭
(If you don't know who the cat is: 1. You're missing out, and 2. It's Yzma, the main villain/antagonist in the Emperor's New Groove, and she has the potion the main character needs to go back to being a human)
Ironically it's a reverse situation not only because one is a protagonist and the other is an antagonist, but one has a potion that changes the other person's body to be less human-like, while the other has a potion that changes the other person's body back to being human.
Both potions help the person who would use them, though. For survival, or for going back to a normal life. (And Claudia's also trying to go "back to normal" in the sense that her goal is to keep her dad alive.)
Anyway this post wasn't supposed to be that serious, but it just baffles me
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zhilan · 3 years
I'm doing some research for a paper on social media/blogging, so I wonder if I may ask some questions about the graphics you post? No usernames or personal information will be disclosed, your privacy will be completely respected. I'm sending this to the content creators I like most in the fandoms I like, so maybe you'll see some other people with the same weird anon.
- how long have you been on tumblr?
- do you work with graphics-related stuff irl?
- how many followers do you have?
- which were the main fandoms your blog has been through?
- have you ever quit or thought of quitting making content? if yes, why?
- do you ever get creative and/or artistic (like make things inspired by lyrics, fanfics, AUs etc)? link 2 or 3 examples?
- why do you like making content for tumblr? (personal satisfaction, people's reactions/tags, number of notes, etc)
- do you care how many notes your content generate? link 2 or 3 of the ones with the most notes?
Thank you very much and sorry for the long ask!
Yeah! No problem at all!
How long have you been on tumblr? Hmm. maybe 10 years, but on and off. Probably around 5 years not counting the in-betweens where I fall off the face of Tumblr
Do you work with graphics-related stuff irl? I used to do graphic design, but I don't do that anymore.
How many followers do you have? Idk I've always just liked the fact that this isn't accessible for anyone so I don't want to publish it (but I can tell you privately if you really need the number!)
Which were the main fandoms your blog has been through? This blog is my third move but... not counting my old blogs ~ Batwoman, Person of Interest, Charmed reboot, Lucifer, TLWGQ, Black Lightning, Supergirl
Have you ever quit or thought of quitting making content? If yes, why? Yeah. I mean I generally will still gif even when I know the fandom for it is dead. As long I love it, I have the motivation. So I'd still gif something despite knowing it'll get 25 notes because I love it. I just get really annoyed when people steal my gifs here and then post them on twitter without so much as asking or even bothering to give credit. And they do it a lot, and I know because I'm in those same fandoms and I literally see it on my twitter timeline. So that annoys me and that's what makes me want to quit. Like idk how gif stealers think gifs are made, but they literally take time. And I'm not asking for anything other than for people to not repost it, yk? Just reblog from me if you're gonna reblog. Retweet from me if you're gonna retweet. Like my post if you're gonna like it. Because I made that thing. That's literally it.
Do you ever get creative and/or artistic (like make things inspired by lyrics, fanfics, AUs etc)? link 2 or 3 examples? I'm not that creative with gifs honestly :)) I prefer gifing scenes, because those are what get me excited, but. I've done a couple of terrible ones (x, x)
Why do you like making content for tumblr? It's my way of fangirling. When I get excited, I gif, and it makes me happy, and I feel like it's a way to express my feelings and share my joy (or pain) about whatever I'm watching. No one in my real life loves shows the way I do so if I'm excited, even if I tell them I'm excited, they don't really understand it, if that makes sense. Not in the way that tumblr people do, when people reblog, comment, put their own thoughts in the tag, in a way that feels like I'm sharing my excitement and they're sharing their excitement with me as well. (Without necessarily having to have a direct conversation which helps because I'm a very anxious person lmao) So it's a pretty cool arrangement for me and I love it. Gifing also calms me down when I'm anxious, it keeps me occupied but not in a way that feels exhausting.
Do you care how many notes your content generate? To some extent. Like I mentioned before, I don't mind if my posts don't get a lot of notes, but it's also nice when they do get notes because it feels like people appreciate something you made, or people are happy about the same things that I'm happy about. Overall though, I honestly don't really check for notes past the first couple of hours I post, so I don't always notice how they progress unless I see someone reblog my gifset onto my dash 😂I don't have the patience to keep tabs on those so I legit have no idea which of my posts have most notes 😂😂 Sorry.
Hope this helps! Goodluck with your research!! ♥
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minhyukie · 7 years
hi amy!! are we allowed to ask like a bunch in one go bc. i'm ready to ask u to do all but ik some ppl would die so how about 1-15 and 26 bc that's my birthdate lmao i love u? and ur gifs?? and i love seeing ppl ramble so this is Great have a good day!! (if u can't do 1-15 just pick out the ones u wanna answer!!)
YES ofc that’s ok!!! im just gonna skip a few that are like.. not relevant bc i only gif mx mostly fdsfds but i love to ramble so ur in for a treat!!! i love u!! i hope u have a good day too :”)
1. What are your top 3 favorite sets you’ve made
one! i rly liked the way this one turned out aesthetically im not good at making nice like.. aesthetic sets? but this one turned out so well i love it a lot!!!
two! uneven blink i’d been planning this for Ages and i literally cant even tell u how long i’ve spent just staring at it like.. i’ve probably spent hours just looking at this gifset :/
this was rly . a god tier idea for a gifset and also im pretty sure it’s still flagged as n/sfw which makes me laughnfdsfds
2. What is your least favorite set you’ve made
i dont think i have a specific one actually? after i looked through everything like 5 times fjdsfds but honestly once u get into the earliest few pages of my gif tag on this blog i just.. cringe... that was when i was still in my learning phase and there’s so much where im like !!!!!! why did i do that!! and also just a lot that i made before avisynth i cringe looking at them now i wanna remake them so badlyfdmds..
3. Which of your sets has the most notes
this joohyuk one.. . what can i say the people love joohyuk.. they have good taste :0 this one got like 3k in one day i was so surprised fjdsfds
more under the cut just bc its Long i dont wanna make everyone see all of that
giffing questions !!
4. A set that flopped but deserved better
tbh i dont rly think i have any sets that i’ve really like that flopped?? most of my things have roughly the same amt of notes
7. Who are your top 3 gif makers
ok three people whose gifs always make me go :0 are @sooyyoung @gwihyonnie and @sh0wnu i love u all and literally the quality of all ur gifs... i just... sit there sometimes and stare at them in awe ur all amazing and i love u?? 
8. What gif trend do you hate
icb this is still a thing but whitewashing.. like.. how is this still a problem here on tumblr dot com i cant stand seeing gifs where their skin is #FFFFFF like i know it’s hard to fix certain videos but sometimes people take it from bad to Worse like... Stop this
9. What/who inspired you to start making gifs
ill be honest i dont remember? when i started/learned? but i think it was mostly for seohyun that’s when i started to really post and learn more... i wanted to provide seohyun content bc she deserves it :-(
10. What was the first gif you ever posted
fjdsmfds god i know i probably made some before this idk but this is the oldest i can find.. 
11. What is that one set you made that just won’t die
refer to #3?? thats the one that randomly pops up the most often but honestly there’s not rly a good answer for this everything will randomly pop up from time to time !!
12. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever giffed
JFKDSLFDS god ... i cried about baby anteaters a year or so ago and i giffed them.. here’s a sample
13. Where or from whom did you learn how to gif
i dont even remember??? :0 i think i just found some very basic tutorials and slowly learned on my own from there... aside from the very basics of just getting things into photoshop i think i mostly taught myself!!
14. How long does it usually take you to make a set
it completely 100% depends on the set.. if it’s just a 2x2 from a new video it takes like half an hour?? but for 3x3 or 10 gif sets... anywhere from 1-3 hours? unless it’s a really complicated compilation where i have to think a lot abt what videos to use u know..
15. Have you ever had gifs stolen and reposted
yea :/ it happens... the most frustrating was someone reposting one of my gifs as a video on twitter which got reposted onto here and ended up with i think more notes than my original gifset like.. how the hell.. it’s frusting:(
26. How many un posted sets are in your drafts right now
ten...... some of them are fully complete but i just dont like them enough to post :/ some are incomplete and probably will never be finished.. may they rest in peace
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