#amazon business grant 2023 application
investingdrone · 1 month
Amazon Grants For Small Business 2024: Apply Now
Do you run a small business with big dreams? Struggling to get the funding to make those dreams a reality? Amazon might just be your fairy godmother (or godfather, no judgment!). They have a program called the Amazon Grants For Small Business that’s giving away over a quarter of a million dollars to help amazing Government Loans for Small Business like yours grow and thrive. Keep reading to find…
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edu276 · 1 year
GRD Institute of Management-Courses, Fees Admission 2023, Placements
GRD Institute of Management and Technology is a prominent private institute situated in Dehradun. It is recognized as one of the top 10 colleges in the region. The institute offers a variety of programs at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. At the postgraduate level, GRD Institute of Management and Technology provides Master of Technology (M.Tech) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs. For undergraduate students, the institute offers Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) and Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) programs. Additionally, the institute has introduced Bachelor of Hotel Management and Diploma in Hotel Management courses.
GRD Institute of Management admissions to the MBA programs is granted based on valid scores in entrance exams such as CAT, MAT, XAT, among others, in the respective discipline. For M.Tech programs, candidates who have appeared for the GATE exam are given preference. Admission to the B.Tech program is based on the scores obtained in the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE).
GRD Institute of Management and Technology also operates two other institutes, namely GRD (PG) Institute of Management and Technology and GRD Institute of Polytechnic. These institutes offer additional courses such as Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm), Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharm), and various diploma courses.
The institute conducts on-campus recruitment drives for its students. The highest package offered during placements is around INR 10 lakhs per annum, with an average package of INR 5.5 lakhs per annum. Some of the top recruiters who visit the campus for placements include HCL, Accenture, Amazon, Infosys, and many more.
GRD Institute of Management and Technology prioritizes providing quality education to its students, aiming to develop their skills and knowledge in their chosen fields. The institute's academic programs are complemented by on-campus recruitment opportunities, ensuring that students have the opportunity to secure employment in renowned organizations.
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getsoftly · 1 year
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careeralley · 1 year
Unlocking Your Potential: Top Leadership Qualities for Career Success
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We are always being told about the different skills, knowledge, and characteristics that make the perfect kinds of employees. You've heard them all before-  hard-working, independent, and a good communicator. However, there is one characteristic that isn’t always included in most job descriptions- leadership qualities. That’s because leadership skills are unique skills that are particular to a small cross-section of jobs and careers. It doesn’t suit every position, as you might not be required to show off any leadership skills in them. However, in jobs in which you are expected to have strong leadership skills and experience, they will certainly come to the fore and be one of the main things that recruiters look for in your application. Don’t want to let your leadership qualities go to waste? If not, then you should consider going into one of the following careers. Teacher One of the first leaders who we come into contact with during our lives is our first teacher at a school. Teachers are exceptionally important people who play a huge part in our society. Most of us aspire to be leaders in the areas of life that we take on. However, that path is often challenging. The unique characteristics required to be an effective leader aren’t always acquired naturally, but they can be learned. Tweet This After all, they are responsible for teaching children important skills and knowledge that they will need to rely on for the rest of their lives. Not only that, though, but what a teacher teaches their class will help them get their chosen career once they reach adulthood. Our Pick 101 Career Alternatives for Teachers: Exciting Job Opportunities for Teachers Outside the Teaching Profession $18.25 Buy Now We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 02/21/2023 08:58 am GMT So, as you can see, becoming a teacher will grant you a lot of important responsibilities. And the only way you will succeed and encourage the kids to do their best and try as hard as possible is to be an effective leader and guide them well in their education and studies. How To Be A Damn Good Teacher...Basically: Education, Games, and the Art of Looking at Things Dif... $14.00 $7.02 Whether you already are a Damn Good Teacher or are hoping to be, this book is a fun one. From the very start, you sense that the professional advice and encouragement here is down-to-earth. Buy from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 02/20/2023 07:29 pm GMT Politician One of the careers that have the most obvious need for leadership skills has to be working in politics. Once you become a politician, you will need to listen to your constituents' wants, needs, and wishes so that you can help them make the area or neighborhood in which they live a much better place. This can sometimes be a very demanding line of work as you are continually a representative of parliament, meaning you are always going to be watched and judged when you are out in public. You might find that it is very difficult to switch off and relax! And that’s not all - you will also need to be on the campaign trail when it comes to elections. All of the continual fighting to secure your job and your constituents’ wishes can sometimes be too much, even for the most dedicated of leaders. Manager If you like to think of yourself as a really good people person, then you might want to think about going into business and working as a manager. As a manager, you will be in charge of your own team of employees and will oversee them to ensure that all the department’s KPIs and targets are continually met. This is a great leadership job for anyone who already has specialties in a specific line of business. How To Become a Teacher $19.99 If you want to become a better teacher, then get this step-by-step "How To Be a Great Teacher" guide. Buy on Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 12/04/2022 12:17 am GMT For instance, if you are very experienced in working in finances, then you could apply for jobs as a finance manager and help a business get on top of its financial issues. Other company departments that need usually managers include marketing, HR, and sales. Company Owner Think you’d prefer to go one step further than just being a manager? Well, you might want to think about setting up your own company and becoming an entrepreneur. You will then have to lead your very own business and all the employees who work for it. There is no denying that this job will come with a lot more responsibility than managerial positions in other people’s companies. In fact, owning your own company can be extremely stressful. Some people out there might argue that this is the most stressful of all the leadership positions in this list. But if you have a brilliant business idea and are completely dedicated to it, then you should totally go forward with it. After all, there are always various coping strategies you can use to minimize all the stress of being an entrepreneur! Sports Coach If you love training people but don’t want to be a teacher, you might want to consider becoming a sports coach. Obviously, this is only a good option for you if you are already a very sporty person! But, as long as you are very fit and have a favorite sport or gym class, you should be able to focus on that as your specialism and teach and coach it. First of all, though, you will need to get the relevant qualifications and checks. The background checks will need to be carried out if you want to work with children. The qualifications will be for anyone who wants to become a sports coach. Most of them are related to health and safety, such as getting your BLS certification.  You need to know what to do and how to act in the event of an emergency. This also ensures that you can train people to be safe while exercising so that they don’t cause themselves too many injuries. Emergency Services Worker Did someone say emergency? Who are you gonna call? In the event of an emergency, we rely on various services, such as paramedics and the fire brigade. Even though you might not realize it, you need some serious leadership skills to take on these kinds of roles within the emergency services. That’s because you need to have the authority to take charge in dangerous situations and ensure that everyone at the scene is as safe as they possibly can be. You might also have to make some really tough decisions, which your leadership skills and experience will come in really useful for. Our Pick The Aspiring Firefighter's 2 Year Plan Buy Now We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Event Coordinator Most leaders love planning and organizing events. Does that sound like you? If you have already got married and really enjoyed planning the wedding, or you enjoy getting everyone together for a birthday party each year, then you might want to think about becoming an event coordinator. Lots of companies hire their own team of event specialists if they regularly hot events or take part in exhibitions and expos. But you might prefer to become a freelance event coordinator if you prefer the idea of being your own boss and setting your own schedule. Plus, that will give you the chance to work in a range of industries for different companies. So, you won’t get so bored of working in the same sector over and over again. Most natural leaders are great freelancers as they have the drive that is needed to get their new business up and running. Our Pick The Social Trade Show: Leveraging Social Media and Virtual Events to Connect With Your Customers (Que Biz-Tech) $24.99 $4.50 Buy Now We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 12/03/2022 12:33 am GMT Military Officer I know I said that being a politician was probably the most obvious job in this list that needs good leadership skills. But working in the military is an obvious choice as well. If you have already considered working in the military then I am sure you will know that recruiters will be looking for some very strong leadership skills. If you have the knowledge and skills to join as a military officer, then you will be in charge of a group of soldiers below you. Of course, that isn’t the only route to becoming an officer. You could always join as a private and then work your way up through the ranks. Whichever way you want to become an officer should be up to you! Opportunities in Military Careers, revised edition $16.00 $14.33 Are you looking for the latest information to open the door to the career of your dreams? Opportunities in Military Careers covers a range of jobs in this sector, from those that require high school and trade school to associate, four-year, and graduate degrees.  Buy on Amazon.com We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 07/28/2022 07:29 am GMT Doctor Did you realize that doctors are leaders as well? It’s true! Doctors are in positions of great responsibility as they are the ones we all turn to when we are sick and need medications or treatments. As a result, they are required to make some really important and life-changing decisions on our behalf. In order for them to be able to do this, they need to develop some very strong leadership skills and knowledge. That puts them in the best position to make important decisions on our behalf. The Premed Playbook: Guide to the Medical School Personal Statement: Write Your Best Story. Secure Your Interview. $19.95 $10.89 The Premed Playbook: Guide to the Medical School Personal Statement helps guide students in crafting their stories for the medical school Admission Committees. Buy from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 12/03/2022 12:34 am GMT Coaching And Trainers I’ve already mentioned sports coaches, but did you ever think about going into some more professional coaching? There are lots of business coaches out there and people who carry out training courses in the professional world who have a whole bunch of leadership skills and experience behind them. But as well as being a strong and respectable leader, you also need to have lots of experience working in the business world. After all, you need to be able to train people in doing business better! You can do this by working as a manager or entrepreneur for a few years first until you have all the necessary experience. Does one of these leadership careers really inspire you for the future? How to Become Resources CareerAlley's list of "How to Become" books how to become resources page We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Read the full article
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paynxt360 · 2 years
BNPL spending surges despite regulatory hiccups in India
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The buy now pay later has faced a severe regulatory environment in 2022. The Reserve Bank of India announced several new rules in the payment sector, one of which barred fintech firms from loading prepaid payment instruments using credit offered by non-banking institutions. This had a direct implication on buy now pay later (BNPL) providers. Notably, after this announcement, some BNPL players such as Slice and Uni stopped onboarding new customers, in order to make adjustments to their business models.
Despite these regulatory hiccups, the BNPL sector is all rage in the country at the moment. Along with the high popularity and adoption rate among young generation consumers, the Indian festival season is bringing huge transaction volumes for providers in the country. Leading BNPL firms such as ZestMoney, KreditBee, and LazyPay, are expecting strong numbers in Q4 2022, amid the rising demand for short-term personal credit. For instance,
KreditBee, one of the many BNPL players operating in India, announced that the firm had recorded a growth of more than 100% in its loan disbursement during the 2022 festive season, compared to the same period in 2021. The firm has partnered with some of the leading e-commerce marketplaces, including Flipkart, Myntra, Nykaa, Amazon, and MakeMyTrip.
According to a report from Grant Thornton Bharat, the BNPL spending is driven by consumers in Tier II, III, and IV cities. Notably, there has been a 50% increase in credit demand from Tier II, III, and IV cities. This coupled with the pent-up demand for shopping and traveling and is driving BNPL spending in India.  Overall, BNPL spending during the 2022 festive season has surged by 50% to 60% compared to the same period in 2021.
For KreditBee, the credit demand was also driven by millennial consumers from Tier II, III, and IV cities. ZestMoney, on the other hand, saw a huge uptick in new user onboarding during the 2022 festive season. In Q3 2022, new user applications surged 10 times leading to the festival sales season in India. Here as well, the demand for credit was largely driven by Gen Z and millennial consumers.
Pine Labs, another leading player in the buy now pay later category, is also expecting huge transaction volumes. Notably, the firm is aiming at INR 50 billion BNPL deals, which is 80% to 85% higher compared to 2021.
In April 2021, Pine Labs registered BNPL volumes of nearly INR 30 billion. However, this is the first time in its history that the firm is expecting INR 50 billion worth of consumer spending through BNPL loans. All of these numbers clearly indicate the demand for BNPL products in a country like India, where credit through traditional means is hard to come by. Furthermore, the outreach of BNPL is also spreading rapidly in the country. For instance,
Consumers are using BNPL service for purchasing furniture, shoes, and pressure cookers. It is no longer limited to the top three or four brands in the country. Currently, over 2,000 brands are offering BNPL payment options to consumers in India. Moreover, an increasing number of banking firms are partnering with BNPL providers to extend credit lines for consumers.
All of these factors are driving the growth of BNPL providers like Pine Labs. Notably, in FY 2022, Pine Labs achieved a growth of 44% year over year in volume, whereas, the transaction size surged by 70%. In Q1FY 2023, the firm recorded a growth of 106% in its volumes, and this is projected to further increase in Q2 and Q3FY 2023.
According to PayNXT360, the BNPL gross merchandise value in India is expected to reach US$97.7 billion in 2028. While the measures implemented by the Reserve Bank of India have cautioned the BNPL sector, firms have continued to record strong growth and the trend is showing no signs of slowing down. Over the next three to four years, the growing credit appetite among Indian consumers is projected to keep driving the growth of these BNPL firms.
Currently, there are a number of domestic and foreign players competing for market share in the Indian BNPL industry. The space is becoming more crowded as new startups continue to enter the market and compete with leading players such as ZestMoney, Slice, and Paytm. These startups are also raising funding rounds. For instance,
In October 2022, Snapmint, a Fintech firm that offers BNPL service, announced that it had raised US$21 million in a debt and equity round. In 2022, the firm has recorded a growth of six times, which is largely driven by 300 D2C brands that offer its services. Across India, the firm claims to have 8 million users.
From the short to medium-term perspective, more players are expected to enter the Indian BNPL industry and raise funding rounds. This will drive further competition and innovation in the sector. Furthermore, this will also lead to merger and acquisition opportunities for big players over the next three to four years. Overall, PayNXT360 expects the sector to keep recording strong growth, amid the growing interest from consumers and festive-driven spending.
To know more and gain a deeper understanding of the BNPL market in India, click here.
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How Is AI/ML App Development Changing Social Media Apps?
On platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions have the potential to revolutionize how brands market.
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AI application development services can now create your social media posts. It can make and target advertisements for social media apps. You can automate monitoring. And most of what you see on any social network results from AI-powered algorithms.
According to Markets and Markets, the "AI/ML app development in social media" market would broaden its base from $633 million in 2018 to more than $2.1 billion by 2023.
But AI is more than simply a trendy term. Social media marketers may leverage existing technology today to get excellent results.
To take your social media app development a notch higher, you need to understand how best to implement solutions by top AI ML app development companies.
And one of the key areas where marketers can dramatically improve performance and efficiencies is using Artificial Intelligence. It will increase the value and engagement of every online discussion that takes place on social media networks.
In this blog, we'll explain AI/ML app development and then demonstrate how companies can use it to leverage social media marketing.
What Exactly Is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence is the "science of making machines smart," according to Demis Hassabis, CEO of the AI company DeepMind.
It implies that we train machines to imitate human intelligence. We grant them vision, hearing, speech, movement, writing, and more.
The sophisticated electronics and software you use daily use these abilities.
Real-time navigation and voice assistants on your smartphone are both powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions. Amazon and Netflix, two of the most popular OTT apps, employ AI for entertainment app development. Email technologies like Gmail also use AI to compose parts of your emails automatically.
The most impressive features of AI are made possible through Machine Learning solutions. A branch of AI called Machine Learning enables computers to make precise predictions based on huge data sets.
The most intelligent AI programs then gradually increase the precision of their forecasts. AI is effective because it can become smarter frequently without direct human participation.
Share a single AI & Machine Learning solutions provider with enough data. They can help you theoretically perform at an infinite level.
Today, AI and Machine Learning development services USA and the rest of the world can analyze data to forecast a wide range of things. It includes what product you should buy next, which advertising campaign to run, and what content to cover on your blog.
Using Natural Language Processing(NLP) and natural language production, AI can read and write. With the aid of image recognition and computer vision, it can detect photos, videos, and faces. Using sentiment analysis, it can recognize and imitate voice tones. Even performance can be predicted and recommended using AI.
These features help you boost the effectiveness of your social media marketing.
How is AI ML app development advantageous for social media apps?
Most businesses' digital marketing strategies include posting and engaging on social media as a vital component. AI/ML app development can help you do it more effectively than before. In various social media use cases, AI may increase revenue and cut costs.
1. Increased Revenue
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions may use data from social media users to accelerate income in a variety of ways because it learns from data, including:
Discover which post titles, phrases, and images get the most engagement.
Determine new target markets and trends using sentiment analysis
Decide who will act and purchase more, then send social media messages to them.
2. Lower expenses
AI can help you save money on social media marketing initiatives by automating and streamlining your activities. AI application development services can:
Automate and scale the production of social media content
Reformat and resize creative automatically for various channels.
Automatically target users on social media with ads and control spending.
3. What role does AI play in Social Media?
The well-known social networks you use daily, and the marketing on those sites heavily rely on AI technology. Facebook employs cutting-edge Machine Learning to target user advertisements, give content, and identify faces in photographs. Facebook-owned Instagram uses AI to recognize images.
LinkedIn uses AI to serve specific posts in your feed, indicate connections you might like to make, and make job recommendations.
Snapchat tracks your features and overlays filters that move with your face in real-time using the power of computer vision, an AI technology.
These are just a few instances of how AI powers feature on the most well-known social networks in the world.
Additionally, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions control how your content and the advertisements you purchase present themselves to users across all social media platforms. Specifically in every social media post—usually in ways that aren't entirely clear to marketers.
All of this highlights how essential AI is to the operation of social networks today.
However, AI frequently works in the background of well-known platforms and solely at the company's choice. However, it does not exclude marketers from using the services of a leading AI app development company in their social media strategy.
In fact, there are a wide variety of commercially available Artificial Intelligence social media marketing and monitoring solutions. The best strategies for social media marketers to start utilizing AI, Machine Learning, and intelligent automation technologies are listed below.
1. Produce and handle content for social media
The time spent developing content for social media distribution and overseeing its engagement across channels is enormous for marketers.
It becomes easier with a conventional social media management platform, which streamlines social media scheduling and monitoring. However, AI tools go a step further.
Tools are available to automatically create social media content for various channels, including hashtags and shortened links. There are also tools available to bulk-auto-schedule these shares.
2. Manage and optimize Social Media Ads
Marketers have an unmatched ability to deliver sponsored advertisements to platform users based on precise demographic and behavioral targeting on virtually any social media network.
However, marketers must still write or produce ad creative—or do they?
There are currently AI/ML app development solutions that will write your Facebook and Instagram adverts.
AI's capacity to anticipate which language will produce better results allows the ads to be optimized for clicks and conversions.
3. Finding the right influencer by using AI technology
The appropriate influencer may help a brand become well-known. However, how can you do it effectively? AI can assist.
Platforms with AI-powered influencer research examine social media statistics to determine which accounts are more influential.
Closing Words-
There’s more to AI and Machine Learning Development Services for Social Media
An AI-powered social listening or monitoring solution can provide insights from the social media profiles and audiences for your brand.
It involves harnessing the strength of AI application development services to analyze social data at scale, understand their tone, and derive insights from that data.
When appropriately utilized, that information enables AI social media monitoring technologies to:
Help you monitor mentions of your brand globally
Look for new consumer trends
Target new demographics
Monitor your brand's reputation
Track each social media mention
Identify promising new social media promotion opportunities.
Brands have an advantage over rivals thanks to the near real-time delivery of these actionable insights.
Reach Consagous Technologies for goal-oriented AI and Machine Learning development services USA.
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consagous-77 · 2 years
How Is AI/ML App Development Changing Social Media Apps?
On platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions have the potential to revolutionize how brands market.  
AI application development services can now create your social media posts. It can make and target advertisements for social media apps. You can automate monitoring. And most of what you see on any social network results from AI-powered algorithms.
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According to Markets and Markets, the "AI/ML app development in social media" market would broaden its base from $633 million in 2018 to more than $2.1 billion by 2023.
But AI is more than simply a trendy term. Social media marketers may leverage existing technology today to get excellent results.
To take your social media app development a notch higher, you need to understand how best to implement solutions by top AI ML app development companies.
And one of the key areas where marketers can dramatically improve performance and efficiencies is using Artificial Intelligence. It will increase the value and engagement of every online discussion that takes place on social media networks.
In this blog, we'll explain AI/ML app development and then demonstrate how companies can use it to leverage social media marketing.
What Exactly Is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence is the "science of making machines smart," according to Demis Hassabis, CEO of the AI company DeepMind.
It implies that we train machines to imitate human intelligence. We grant them vision, hearing, speech, movement, writing, and more.
The sophisticated electronics and software you use daily use these abilities.
Real-time navigation and voice assistants on your smartphone are both powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions. Amazon and Netflix, two of the most popular OTT apps, employ AI for entertainment app development. Email technologies like Gmail also use AI to compose parts of your emails automatically.
The most impressive features of AI are made possible through Machine Learning solutions. A branch of AI called Machine Learning enables computers to make precise predictions based on huge data sets.
The most intelligent AI programs then gradually increase the precision of their forecasts. AI is effective because it can become smarter frequently without direct human participation.
Share a single AI & Machine Learning solutions provider with enough data. They can help you theoretically perform at an infinite level.
Today, AI and Machine Learning development services USA and the rest of the world can analyze data to forecast a wide range of things. It includes what product you should buy next, which advertising campaign to run, and what content to cover on your blog.
Using Natural Language Processing(NLP) and natural language production, AI can read and write. With the aid of image recognition and computer vision, it can detect photos, videos, and faces. Using sentiment analysis, it can recognize and imitate voice tones. Even performance can be predicted and recommended using AI.
These features help you boost the effectiveness of your social media marketing.
How is AI ML app development advantageous for social media apps?
Most businesses' digital marketing strategies include posting and engaging on social media as a vital component. AI/ML app development can help you do it more effectively than before. In various social media use cases, AI may increase revenue and cut costs.
1. Increased Revenue
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions may use data from social media users to accelerate income in a variety of ways because it learns from data, including:
Discover which post titles, phrases, and images get the most engagement.
Determine new target markets and trends using sentiment analysis
Decide who will act and purchase more, then send social media messages to them.
2. Lower expenses
AI can help you save money on social media marketing initiatives by automating and streamlining your activities. AI application development services can:
Automate and scale the production of social media content
Reformat and resize creative automatically for various channels.
Automatically target users on social media with ads and control spending.
3. What role does AI play in Social Media?
The well-known social networks you use daily, and the marketing on those sites heavily rely on AI technology. Facebook employs cutting-edge Machine Learning to target user advertisements, give content, and identify faces in photographs. Facebook-owned Instagram uses AI to recognize images.
LinkedIn uses AI to serve specific posts in your feed, indicate connections you might like to make, and make job recommendations.
Snapchat tracks your features and overlays filters that move with your face in real-time using the power of computer vision, an AI technology.
These are just a few instances of how AI powers feature on the most well-known social networks in the world.
Additionally, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions control how your content and the advertisements you purchase present themselves to users across all social media platforms. Specifically in every social media post—usually in ways that aren't entirely clear to marketers.
All of this highlights how essential AI is to the operation of social networks today.
However, AI frequently works in the background of well-known platforms and solely at the company's choice. However, it does not exclude marketers from using the services of a leading AI app development company in their social media strategy.
In fact, there are a wide variety of commercially available Artificial Intelligence social media marketing and monitoring solutions. The best strategies for social media marketers to start utilizing AI, Machine Learning, and intelligent automation technologies are listed below.
1. Produce and handle content for social media
The time spent developing content for social media distribution and overseeing its engagement across channels is enormous for marketers.
It becomes easier with a conventional social media management platform, which streamlines social media scheduling and monitoring. However, AI tools go a step further.
Tools are available to automatically create social media content for various channels, including hashtags and shortened links. There are also tools available to bulk-auto-schedule these shares.
2. Manage and optimize Social Media Ads
Marketers have an unmatched ability to deliver sponsored advertisements to platform users based on precise demographic and behavioral targeting on virtually any social media network.
However, marketers must still write or produce ad creative—or do they?
There are currently AI/ML app development solutions that will write your Facebook and Instagram adverts.
AI's capacity to anticipate which language will produce better results allows the ads to be optimized for clicks and conversions.
3. Finding the right influencer by using AI technology
The appropriate influencer may help a brand become well-known. However, how can you do it effectively? AI can assist.
Platforms with AI-powered influencer research examine social media statistics to determine which accounts are more influential.
Closing Words-
There’s more to AI and Machine Learning Development Services for Social Media
An AI-powered social listening or monitoring solution can provide insights from the social media profiles and audiences for your brand.
It involves harnessing the strength of AI application development services to analyze social data at scale, understand their tone, and derive insights from that data.
When appropriately utilized, that information enables AI social media monitoring technologies to:
Help you monitor mentions of your brand globally
Look for new consumer trends
Target new demographics
Monitor your brand's reputation
Track each social media mention
Identify promising new social media promotion opportunities.
Brands have an advantage over rivals thanks to the near real-time delivery of these actionable insights.
Reach Consagous Technologies for goal-oriented AI and Machine Learning development services USA.
Original Source: https://www.consagous.co/blog/how-is-aiml-app-development-changing-social-media-apps 
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andersenlab · 3 years
Five Application Scenarios of AI in Banking
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Over the past decades, banks have been improving their ways of interacting with customers. They have tailored modern technology to the specific character of their work. For example, in the 1960s, the first ATMs appeared, and ten years later, there were already cards for payment. At the beginning of our century, users learned about round-the-clock online banking, and in 2010, they heard about mobile banking. But the development of the financial system didn’t stop there, as the digital age is opening up new opportunities — the use of Artificial Intelligence. By 2023, banks are projected to save $447 billion by applying AI apps. We will tell you how financial institutions are making use of this technology in their operations today.  
AI-powered chatbots
Chatbots are AI-enabled conversational interfaces. This is one of the most popular cases of applying AI in banking. Bots communicate with thousands of customers on behalf of the bank without requiring large expenses. Researchers have estimated that financial institutions save four minutes for each communication that the chatbot handles.
Since customers use mobile apps to carry out monetary transactions, banks embed chatbot services in them. This makes it possible to attract users’ attention and create a brand that is recognizable in the market.
For example, Bank of America launched a chatbot that sends users notifications, informs them about their balances, makes recommendations for saving money, provides updates to credit reports, and so on. This is the way the bank helps its clients to make informed decisions.
Another example is the launch of the Ceba chatbot, which brought great success to the Australian Commonwealth Bank. With its help, about half a million customers were able to solve more than two hundred banking issues: activate their cards, check account balances, withdraw cash, etc.
Mobile banking
AI functionality in mobile apps is becoming more proactive, personalized, and advanced. For example, Royal Bank of Canada has included Siri in its iOS app. Now, to send money to another card, it’s enough to say something like: "Hey, Siri, send $30 to Lisa!" - and confirm the transaction using Touch ID.
Thanks to AI, banks generate 66% more revenue from mobile banking users than when customers visit branches. Banking organizations are paying close attention to this technology to improve their quality of services and remain competitive in the market.
Data collection and analysis
Banking institutions record millions of business transactions every day. The volume of information generated by banks is enormous, so its collection and registration turn into an overwhelming task for employees. Structuring and recording this data is impossible until there is a plan for its use. Therefore, determining the relationship between the collected data is challenging, especially when a bank has thousands of clients.
There used to be the following approach: a client came to a meeting with a bank employee who knew their name and financial history and understood what options were better to offer. But that's history now. With the wealth of data coming from countless transactions, banks are trying to implement innovative business ideas and risk management solutions.
AI-based apps collect and analyze data. This improves the user experience. The information can be used for granting loans or detecting fraud. Companies that estimated their profit from Big Data analysis have reported an average increase in revenue by 8% and a reduction in costs by 10%.
Risk management
Extension of credit is quite a challenging task for bankers. If a bank gives money to insolvent customers, it can get into difficulties. If a borrower loses a stable income, this leads to default. According to statistics, in 2020, credit card delinquencies in the U.S. rose by 1.4% within six months.
AI-powered systems can appraise customer credit histories more accurately to avoid this level of default. Mobile banking apps track financial transactions and analyze user data. This helps banks anticipate the risks associated with issuing loans, such as customer insolvency or the threat of fraud.
Data security
According to the Federal Trade Commission report for 2020, credit card fraud is the most common type of personal data theft.
AI-based systems are effective against malefactors. The programs analyze customer behavior, location, and financial habits and trigger a security mechanism if they detect any unusual activity. ABI Research estimates that spending on AI and cybersecurity analytics will amount to $96 billion by the end of 2021.
Amazon has already acquired harvest.AI - an AI cyber security startup - and launched Macie - a service that applies Machine Learning to detect, sort, and structure data in S3 cloud storage.
There are more ways to apply AI in the finance industry. According to an OpenText survey, 80% of banks recognize the benefits of AI, 75% of them already make use of this technology, and 46% plan to implement AI-based systems in the near future.
AI-powered solutions become an integral part of companies’ development strategies, helping them to remain competitive in the market. This technology minimizes operating costs, improves customer support, and automates processes. Andersen’s financial experts will help you implement these and other software products for the digital transformation of your banking, investment, or insurance business.
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
How The Global Pandemic Became An Inflection Point For Drones
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/how-the-global-pandemic-became-an-inflection-point-for-drones/
How The Global Pandemic Became An Inflection Point For Drones
The automatic landing of a drone with a case for medical samples and supplies in Berlin, Germany, … [] Monday, Nov. 23, 2020. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)
As the pandemic continues to rampage across the globe, forcing much of the world into a semi-shutdown, the digital economy has seen explosive growth. While brick-and-mortar businesses struggle to stay afloat, companies that enable deliveries and services in the home are working hard just to keep up with demand. Even with the hope of a vaccine, the realities of working, shopping, and socializing remotely may permanently reshape human behavior. This unexpected shift has created a gap for new technologies, especially those that speed up the delivery of goods. Now, more than ever is the time for drones.
The earliest concept of a drone—or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)—dates back to 1849, according to Interesting Engineering, when Austria launched unpiloted hot air balloons stuffed with explosives over the city of Venice. By the beginning of World War I, advancements in technology led to the development of remote controlled aircraft by a British scientist and the U.S. Army. Suddenly, UAVs went from fantasy to serious military technologies with real potential for generating revenue.
I’ve been following modern drone technology since the U.S. military began deploying UAVs for reconnaissance. This was a turning point for drones. Worldwide interest and development in UAVs led to more sophisticated models that could fly longer and at increasing heights. Since then, militaries around the world have continued to pour money into drone research, but it wasn’t until about the last ten years that the concept of drones for commercial use really caught on. 
In 2013, Jeff Bezos predicted Amazon would be delivering packages with drones by 2018. While that deadline passed without Amazon packages descending from the skies, the interest in commercial drones has only gone up. Business Insider Intelligence predicts that global shipments of UAVs for the enterprise will reach 2.4 million by 2023—increasing at a 66.8% compound annual growth rate.
It’s too early to tell if the pandemic and its impact on in-person business will be the shot in the arm to propel the commercial drone market forward, but companies around the world are rushing to put forth drones that can serve numerous enterprise applications in multiple industries, including construction, agriculture, inspection and food and medicine delivery. Here are a few examples:
1.    Package Delivery: Bezos’ dream of drones delivering Amazon packages is one step closer to reality. This past August, the company was granted federal approval to operate its fleet of Prime Air delivery drones. Meanwhile, Wing, Alphabet’s drone delivery service, has been making deliveries for a year in Christiansberg, VA. The contactless service, which provides residents deliveries from Walgreens, CVS, and a number of other local stores, reportedly really took off during the pandemic—a sure sign that drones may soon be making deliveries around the country as the need for social distancing drags on.
2.    Food Delivery: Uber started several food delivery trials in partnership with McDonalds, including one in San Diego, but it is just one of many companies experimenting with drones for food delivery. In Alabama, Deuce Drone is expected to start deliveries from Buffalo Wild Wings and grocery chain, Rouses Markets, by the end of the year. Meanwhile, in North Dakota, golfers can get snacks delivered on the course thanks to Flytrex. The company is also testing drones for meal delivery in North Carolina. Food delivery is expected to be a huge segment for drones. 
3.    Medical Delivery: Earlier this year, company Zipline jumped in with its drones to help aid delivery of PPE to a Novant Health Medical Center in Charlotte, NC. The company said it was the first emergency drone logistics operation to help hospitals respond to the pandemic. Eventually drones could deliver other life-saving medical supplies, including blood, vaccines and donated organs which could make all the difference, especially in remote areas where healthcare can be more difficult to access.
Most of the elements needed to enable the widespread use of drones in the consumer and enterprise markets are available. These include, drone size, advanced navigation systems, geolocation, 2D and 3D image capturing and AI. Here’s a short list of the companies enabling the newest drone technology: 
·     Skydio has created an artificial intelligence system that introduces learning and decision making into autonomous drone flightpath;
·     Volansi is a developer of logistics solutions for autonomous drone deliveries;
·     DroneDeploy offers cloud-based drone mapping and an analytics platform;
·     ALBORA Technologies provides next-generation geolocation technologies for drones.
While the technology is nearly there, we still have some major challenges to overcome before drones truly flood the sky. These include:
·     better cyber security to prevent hacking and hijacking;
·     a streamlined process for FAA approval of different applications;
·     Ability to carry asymmetric and imbalanced payloads by smart inflight balancing;
·     Enhanced drone design to mitigate in-flight rotor failure
·     Robotic arms for pick-up and drop-off; and 
·     Delivery of multiple packages per flight rather than single delivery per mission;
Drones have been on the radar of startups and big companies for a while, but the demands of the stay-at-home economy have added a degree of urgency that wasn’t there before. In the next few years, I think advances in robotics and AI will drastically improve drone technology and allow it to truly take over tasks that are too dangerous or undesirable for humans to do. Drones are here to stay. We are at the very beginning of this technology curve which will impact almost every sector of the economy. My advice for entrepreneurs is to reach for the skies.
From Entrepreneurs in Perfectirishgifts
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gracesade-blog · 5 years
Global Artificial intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain and Logistics Market 2019 – Huge Market Growth Till 2023:IBM, Google, Microsoft Corporation, Amazon Web Services Inc, etc.
The global Artificial intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain and Logistics Market research report studies market overview defining; definition, types, applications latest trends to identify the revenues and the progress of the market over the forecast period. The report offers preventive and premeditated management along with emphasizes the summary of the global Artificial intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain and Logistics market along with classifications and market chain structures. It also highlights authorized statistics of the global Artificial intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain and Logistics market. Get a Sample PDF Report: https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/sample-request/118879/ Improvement approaches and plans are examined just as assembling procedures and cost structures are additionally investigated. This report likewise states import/trade utilization, free market activity Figures, cost, value, income and gross edges. The report centers around Global real driving Artificial intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain and Logistics Industry players giving data, for example, organization profiles, item picture and determination, limit, generation, value, cost, income and contact data. Manufacturer Detail: IBM, Google, Microsoft Corporation, Amazon Web Services Inc, Oracle Corporation, SAP, Facebook, Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent Product Type Segmentation: Articial neural networks, Machine learning Industry Segmentation: Inventory control and planning, Transportation network design, Purchasing and supply management, Demand planning and forecasting
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The fundamental purpose of this Artificial intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain and Logistics market report is to provide a correct and strategic analysis of the Profile Projectors industry. The report scrutinizes each segment and sub-segments presents before you a 360-degree view of the said market.It provides a deep insight into the industry parameters by accessing the market growth, consumption volume, the upcoming market trends, and the different prices variation for the forecast year. The research methodology of the market involves both primary as well as secondary research data sources. It commits different factors affecting Artificial intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain and Logistics industry such as market environment, various policies of the government, past data and market trends, technological advancements, upcoming innovations, market risk factors, market restraints, and challenges in the industry. Get Discount on this Report: https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/discount-request/118879/ The report grants knowledge on the accompanying pointers: – Market Penetration: Comprehensive data on the items collection of the top players in the Artificial intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain and Logistics market. – Product Development/Innovation: Detailed knowledge on the forthcoming advances, R&D actions, and product dispatches in the Artificial intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain and Logistics market – Competitive Assessment: top to bottom appraisal of the market systems, geographic and business sections of the main players in the Artificial intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain and Logistics market – Market Development: Comprehensive data about developing markets. This report breaks down the market for a different area overall topographies – Market Diversification: Exhaustive data about new items, undiscovered topographies, late advancements, and capital exposures in the Artificial intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain and Logistics market With tables and figures broken down on worldwide Global Artificial intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain and Logistics market, this research gives key measurements on the condition of the business and is a profitable wellspring in direction and course for organizations and people intrigued by the market. For compiling the report, data has been derived from a number of paid and unpaid sources such as presentations, white papers, journals, and press releases. It offers in-depth information obtained through extensive primary and secondary research methods. The information has been further assessed using various effective analytical tools. Therefore, the report provides a 360-degree view of market. Read Complete Report With TOC: https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/industry-reports/artificial-intelligence-ai-in-supply-chain-and-logistics-market/118879/ At last, It includes the methodical description of the various factors such as the Artificial intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain and Logistics market growth and a detailed information about the different company’s revenue, growth, technological developments, production and the various other strategic developments. If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.
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seotipsandtricks-me · 5 years
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In this post our Director of Data Science and Analytics, Dora Moldovan takes a look at the use of Search in the retail sector and examines what role it should play in addressing the challenges faced in 2019 and beyond. CHALLENGES IN THE RETAIL ENVIRONMENT. Consumer confidence has slumped to a five-year low due to external pressures impacting purchase decisions. This is creating a less buoyant retail market, particularly online, with retailers having to work harder and invest heavily to retain market share. Extreme discounting and promotions are ubiquitous, encouraging the race to the bottom pricing. Although the clothing portion of the market is in a period of growth, the challenges are significant due to the tactics of pure play retailers, aggressive with both spend and promotions. We’re seeing digital becoming the bulk source of growth in retail with omnichannel businesses reducing bricks-and-mortar operations, while most pure-play retailers are expected to open retail experience shops on the high-street by 2023. To capitalise on less competition but more-aggressive auction prices, Found believes retailers should make full use of data-driven technology. Tools such as Adthena or Hitwise, interpreting data from the Office for National Statistics or Google market information will enable them to spot opportunities for growth quickly. The example below is the home market trend with data pulled from ONS to demonstrate retail demand for the home sector: Food and Non-Food will have very different market positions throughout the year and any search performance will need to be tailored towards these changing markets. Supporting this is the BRC report for retail showing that, in December, like-for-like retail sales were down – 0.7%, but the three-month average for Non-Food showed a +7.0% growth. Footfall was down – 2.6% in the same period, with retailers struggling to convert customers to store. The result is an increased propensity for retailers to invest more online. Leveraging audience data and the increased localisation of Search will be the main areas of focus in 2019. Retailers who successfully optimise towards offline metrics are set to win in 2019/2020. With customer search journeys taking longer, there is an inherent need to understand and optimise throughout the journey. This, combined with 67% of clothing searches coming from mobile, demonstrates the need to continue with mobile first strategies. The landscape is changing not just in the context of competition, but also in the way the retailers are leveraging technology. Amazon’s move to acquire Whole Foods and the completely frictionless checkouts via Amazon Go stores, have granted access not just to new audiences but also to a wealth of data on in-store behaviour to integrate into their strategies. In many cases where Amazon Prime Now is active, this has broken down the buying objections of shopping online by providing almost-instant delivery services at low cost. With the ongoing Brexit negotiations, we note the letter of warning from the British Retail Consortium to Parliament signed by several of the major food retailers, regarding the impossibility of stockpiling fresh food, empty shelves and higher prices. It’s becoming ever-clear that the UK is very reliant on the EU for produce. MARKET CHANGE: 2019/20. Experiential commerce is becoming a driving force in delivering increased sales for brands and retailers. Consumers’ interest in online shopping is shifting from a formulaic, convenience type interaction to immersive, brand loyalty building experiences. Personalisation is still a significant player. The ability to create unique experiences for audiences is highly valuable and brands are taking advantage of the technology to engage with customers more than ever before. This is being seen through the emergence of pure-play retailers’ in-store formats, creating experiential shopping formats. The demand for delivery is making this a priority for retailers. With same-day delivery becoming the stake for grocers in competitive markets, we’re expecting to see even more investment in technology around driverless, autonomous delivery. Environmental awareness was a major trend in 2018 and we’re expecting interest in sustainability and concern in consumer behaviour’s impact on the environment to shape the retail space even further in 2019. UNDERTAKING SEARCH DIFFERENTLY IN 2019/20 VS 2018/19. Retailers are going to need to ensure that every pound is spent in line with business goals; whether that be new customer acquisition, customer retention, sales growth or profit. Data-driven strategies that focus around audiences will allow these goals, in line with profit margin by product, to be achieved more effectively. As the overall market is consolidating, retailers are in a constant battle to ‘own’ the SERPS. Maintaining or growing market share becomes more competitive. THE IMPORTANCE OF LOCAL SEARCH. With technology making instant gratification and impulsive actions very easy to perform, Google has reported a huge increase in growth for all searches related to “near me” in recent years. Consumers now expect Search technology to find the places and even specific items they want to purchase in their area so they can get what they want instantly. Source: Think with Google With that in mind, standing out in a Local Search pack to appear in traditional and Local Search or get picked up by voice assistants has become increasingly important part of the local and voice strategy. Whilst we can’t impact the consumers’ proximity to the business, we can optimise to influence the other factors such as prominence and relevance, ensuring that: GMB (Google My Business) properties are optimised and contain up-to-date information.   NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) data is accurate and truthful.   Listings have positive reviews – this is becoming more important than ever. THE IMPORTANCE OF ASO (App store optimisation). The online grocery market is extremely competitive, with users not only searching through traditional search engines but also using downloaded apps to complete purchases. Frequently a store’s app may provide a better user experience and help keep consumers loyal to that brand, so being present and front of mind when downloading apps must be part of any integrated strategy. ASO can help you:   Capture 100% of consumers’ attention on a branded search. Engage with a higher lifetime value customer by them obtaining the app and having a better user experience and push notifications for re-engagement. Appear in competitor searches to attract them to your brand. To gain greater positions in the app store results, an ASO strategy is required to cover keyword research, on-site optimisations and off-site signals. This includes: Choosing the right keywords for the app.   Optimising titles and descriptions in line with selected target terms.   Taking advantage of the screenshots so your customers know how to use it.   Adding videos to provide even more detailed information about the app.   Having a strategy in place to gain positive reviews and external signals to the app. THE IMPORTANCE OF VOICE SEARCH. As voice technology is maturing and becoming much more reliable, people are more comfortable using it for purchases, which is reducing the need to visit stores in person. This is especially significant both for FMCG brands and traditional retailers. Consumer demand for increased convenience in groceries is an obvious driver to start optimising for voice search. To cater for voice search, brands need to be set up to deliver multiple varieties of relevant and quality content. For grocery brands specifically, there is a great potential to influence consumer at the discovery stage of the user journey. Voice searches differ to normal search as they:   Contain a higher average number of words per search.   Contain ‘trigger words’ such as ‘how’, ‘why’, ‘where’.   More frequently are sequential, in the form of a conversation with the voice assistant.   Can be tracked less easily than a standard search. With Google yet to separate voice queries within its search console, retailers need to rely on cues to identify the types of searches that could be performed by voice. Statistics around voice search, and its importance, range from predicting it will take over 25- 50% of searches. Whilst this is a hotly debated topic, what’s clear is that voice search will hold at least some place within the market. In the case of FMCG, where billions of pounds are traded online daily, the role of voice search will not be insignificant. THE IMPORTANCE OF OMNICHANNEL. Marketing is a team effort. To win, every element of your strategy, including your Search, should work hand-in-hand and build upon each other’s strengths to power your business. In order to understand this concerted effort and the role each channel (digital or offline) is playing, the right attribution tech is essential. Complementing the tech with omnichannel data science analysis will help retailers paint the full picture as accurately as possible. THE IMPORTANCE OF TECHNOLOGY IN AUDIENCE. We know that your most complete set of data is your CRM data, and Search can use this as a powerful lever to turn new customers into brand-loyal, lifelong customers. Machine learning has sparked a new wave of interest in the application of RFM (recency/frequency modelling) analysis to deliver insights to Search, especially SEO targeting. We slice data to understand customer flow and acquisition in ecommerce as it: Links online and offline order data. Creates real-time audiences that can be utilised in Search to fine-tune strategy. Enables the assistive side of Search through AI-powered insights. By using machine learning to monitor online conversation about products/brand and to map user behaviour, brands can uncover patterns and trends that can be reflected in search strategies. HOW SEARCH CAN PLAY A ROLE IN ADDRESSING THE CHALLENGES FOR RETAIL. Search can be a significant tool in any retailers kit to overcome the many challenges ahead. We believe they need to embrace the following within their Search strategies: Understand the changing needs of consumers and their search behaviours. As consumers demand more choice in-store, they expect even more when shopping online. Search needs to utilise a long-tail strategy to capture niche requirements and understand consumer shopping trends. Embrace automation. Automated creatives and automated bidding will allow agency partners to work strategically towards business-aligned KPIs (RoAS, CPA), creating efficiencies. Leave behind the silo approach and move towards an omnichannel/localisation strategy. The confluence of online and offline activity is essential to provide the kind of personalisation consumers expect. 80% of consumers still go in-store for items they want immediately but Search activity, especially on mobile, is a significant part of this journey. Plan for the future by having a clear strategy around voice search and hyper-localisation. EMBRACING EMERGING PLATFORMS & TECHNOLOGIES. In order to take advantage of the full potential Search has to offer we believe retailers should be looking to inform their campaigns and benefit from:   Applications of technologies that link store data with online data and explore the causality of relationship between them.   Analysis that furthers the understanding of customer behaviour.   An advanced AI-powered, custom-trained attribution model to help the marketing department understand the relationship between online/offline, new/loyal customers and marketing channels that best influence and convert them. Search will remain a powerful growth channel for retailers and it can go a long way to assisting them in overcoming the current challenges in the sector, providing they embrace the changes that they need to allow Search to be successful. Retailers who continue to operate their Search campaigns in the same way the have done in previous years will lose out to those embracing the changes and integrating search with their wider activity in-store and online. It’s time for retailers to integrate Search, rethink their strategies and make sure that their Search campaigns are using all the cutting edge tactics available to them. The post How can Search address the challenges facing retail in 2019? appeared first on FOUND.
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swapnil70-blog · 5 years
Gift Cards Market Report | Analyzes the Top Players in the global market and splits the markets by Product Types and Applications
Industry Overview of Gift Cards Market
The global Gift Cards market research report studies market overview defining; definition, types, applications latest trends to identify the revenues and the progress of the market over the forecast period. The report offers preventive and premeditated management along with emphasizes the summary of the global Gift Cards market along with classifications and market chain structures. It also highlights authorized statistics of the global Gift Cards market.
Improvement approaches and plans are examined just as assembling procedures and cost structures are additionally investigated. This report likewise states import/trade utilization, free market activity Figures, cost, value, income and gross edges. The report centers around Global real driving Gift Cards Industry players giving data, for example, organization profiles, item picture and determination, limit, generation, value, cost, income and contact data.
With the slowdown in world economic growth, the Gift Cards industry has also suffered a certain impact, but still maintained a relatively optimistic growth, the past four years, Gift Cards market size to maintain the average annual growth rate of 0.0611998617967 from 251000.0 million $ in 2014 to 337800.0 million $ in 2018, Our analysts believe that in the next few years, Gift Cards market size will be further expanded, we expect that by 2023, The market size of the Gift Cards will reach 452000.0 million $.
Get a Sample PDF Report: https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/sample-request/33198/
Manufacturer Detail :  Amazon, ITunes, Walmart, GooglePlay, Starbucks, HomeDepot, Walgreens, Sephora, Lowes, Carrefour, JD, Best Buy, Sainsbury's, Macy's, Virgin, IKEA, H&M, Zara, JCB Gift Card, AL-FUTTAIM ACE Product Type Segmentation :  Universal Accepted Open Loop, E-Gifting, Restaurant Closed Loop, Retail Closed Loop, Miscellaneous Closed Loop Industry Segmentation :  Restaurant, Deportment Store, Coffee Shop, Entertainment (Movie, Music)
The fundamental purpose of this Gift Cards market report is to provide a correct and strategic analysis of the Profile Projectors industry. The report scrutinizes each segment and sub-segments presents before you a 360-degree view of the said market.It provides a deep insight into the industry parameters by accessing the market growth, consumption volume, the upcoming market trends, and the different prices variation for the forecast year.
The research methodology of the market involves both primary as well as secondary research data sources. It commits different factors affecting Gift Cards industry such as market environment, various policies of the government, past data and market trends, technological advancements, upcoming innovations, market risk factors, market restraints, and challenges in the industry.
Inquiry before Buying Here @ https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/enquire-before/33198/
The report grants knowledge on the accompanying pointers:
– Market Penetration: Comprehensive data on the items collection of the top players in the Gift Cards market.
– Product Development/Innovation: Detailed knowledge on the forthcoming advances, R&D actions, and product dispatches in the Gift Cards market
– Competitive Assessment: top to bottom appraisal of the market systems, geographic and business sections of the main players in the Gift Cards market
– Market Development: Comprehensive data about developing markets. This report breaks down the market for a different area overall topographies
– Market Diversification: Exhaustive data about new items, undiscovered topographies, late advancements, and capital exposures in the Gift Cards market
With tables and figures broken down on worldwide Global Gift Cards market, this research gives key measurements on the condition of the business and is a profitable wellspring in direction and course for organizations and people intrigued by the market.
For compiling the report, data has been derived from a number of paid and unpaid sources such as presentations, white papers, journals, and press releases. It offers in-depth information obtained through extensive primary and secondary research methods. The information has been further assessed using various effective analytical tools. Therefore, the report provides a 360-degree view of market.
Read Complete Report With TOC: https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/industry-reports/Gift-Cards-Market/33198/
At last, It includes the methodical description of the various factors such as the Gift Cards market growth and a detailed information about the different company’s revenue, growth, technological developments, production and the various other strategic developments.
If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.
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