#an FAQ and teaser for upcoming chapters will accompany the next one! I waited until a focal point in the plot to post one :3
bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA self insert AU
Nani the heck is this? Read here!
Chapter 29: You Better Watch Out, You Better Watch Out, YOU BETTER WATCH OUT!
Weeks pass and nobody really notices just how close Shinso and I are growing close, which is a good thing because things school wise are getting serious.
-Comm and Strats class, Saturday at an undisclosed training ground-
“Hey Palma-san” Mina asks me curiously “did you get a uniform redesign? I don’t remember your boots going up your calves.”
“Hm? OH yea I did” I was confused at first but I laughed it off “I tested the limits of my getup with a stamina test a while back and when I banged up my legs plus ripped the jumpsuit,” I gave a quick twirl to show everyone in the girls locker room “they redesigned everything to accommodate my extremes while carrying all my weaponry.”
“I love the sleeker design!” Momo commented “it makes your butt look really good instead of that poofy, diaper design.”
“Right! I was really happy that they rid me of diaper ass” I responded as I put my visor on “now we better get going before Tenya blows that stupid whistle.”
Everyone in our class gathered to the meeting spot to await instructions, Aizawa walks in with the look of stress in his eyes.
“Alright class, we have special training in store” he clicks his pen “objective is to go in groups of 3 to the keypoint, all 3 have unique keys to unlock the machine. So all 3 of you have to somehow work together to get the keys at the endpoint.” He scans the class “any questions?”
“Yes I have a question” I raise my hand “whats the catch?”
“Oh you caught me Miss Palma” Aizawa smiles “there’s a team of snipers in training all around the area that fire at will, though not lethal, it will hurt and once hit” he makes a hand gesture “that person is out of the race.”
That really up’d the stakes and strategies were made. We lined up to get into our groups, each of us were given a number and we’re supposed to team up with those with the same number. “Oh geez” I groaned as I saw Iida and Kirishima on my team “you two? I’d rather get a bullet in my butthole.”
“Aww don’t be like that Miss Agent” Kirishima puts his arm around me and Iida “we’re the top dogs of the class! And together we’ll succeed, it’ll be manly as hell!”
“Yes, well, he has a point Ita” Iida says as he fixes his glasses “you’re our biggest asset because of strategy, I’m the agility and Kirishima is the defense.”
“I guess” I sigh as I get handed my key “just please, if I say to take cover, do it for the love of Ru Paul Charles because you can’t escape a hail of projectiles.”
“Will do!” the two boys affirm with me. We get released into the area and I get on high alert because I doubt that the others will survive snipers, regardless of how good they are. “Ita let me carry you across the-”
“I can do it myself thank you Tenya” I say confidently as I walk across the log bridge first “all clear, watch out for moss.”
“Why do you do that Iida-kun?” asked Kirishima as they crossed “she said to not waste our energy on that unless we got injured.”
“I know but” he sighs “it’s like she’s been avoiding me and I just want to help her out as much as possible” he jumped down once he reached the other side “I’m trying to alleviate the stress.”
“She doesn’t need much help” Kirishima said as he followed behind “look at her leadership and confidence, it’s a lot better than when we first met her” he puts his hand on Iida’s shoulder “maybe lay off her? I know you like her but I don’t think this is the right place to-”
“SHHHH! guys” she demanded as she grouched down on the ground “we’re in the last leg of the race, high probability of getting shot now” she turns to the other two “Tenya, put your face plate down and Kirishima, activate your quirk on full body hardening” she puts her visor down “lets not risk ourselves by giving them any type of opening.”
“What makes you so sure?” asked Iida.
“Look, down here” they look where she pointed “tranquilizer darts, one will paralyze you, two will sedate you, three of them and it’s bedtime” she stands up “this whole area is littered with them, proceed with caution.” We pick up speed as we moved toward the goal, passing some paralyzed classmates.
“Sheesh they got Midoriya” Kirishima cringed as we passed Midoriya’s paralyzed body on a large rock.
“It hurts! They shot me on my butt” whimpered Midoriya “please save yourselves! Everyone else in my team and Kacchan’s team are down for the count.”
“SHUT UP YOU DAMN DEKU! I’M NOT OUT YET!” yelled Bakugo from a distance, crawling like he was paralyzed from the waist down.
“BAKUGO! I’ll help you up man” Kirishima ran toward Bakugo, defenses down.
“KIRISHIMA NO!” I yelled chasing after him, but he was faster “leave him be! it’s a-” suddenly the whistle of multiple fast moving objects pierced the air “TAKE COVER!” I managed to duck in time and hover a large enough piece of debris to shelter Kirishima and Bakugo from the hail of darts. “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!” I said once the hail stopped “you’re lucky I caught on to the situation!” I put the debris on the side “why the hell do they have 2 top students still able to talk? To distract us and try to paralyze us too!”
“Oh, my bad hehe” Kirishima said as he picked up Bakugo “what should we do then? If we can’t take them with us?”
“The best thing is to put them in shelter so they can’t get shot at again until they get rescued.”
“Shut up! How the hell are you going to make it to the key point without the other 2 keys of your group?!” I scolded “you’re both 2 more shots away from lights out! If this was out in the real world, you’d be dead in one shot” Kirishima and Iida bring the two in a sheltered space between some rocks and a fallen log “now stay put until the rescue group comes for you!” I turn to the other two “Kirishima, reactivate full body hardening and Tenya, please keep your helmet on! No more distractions, we need to keep moving!”
“But what if we find more of our fallen classmates?” Iida argued back “are we just to leave them to get shot again?!”
“The most we can do is move them to some shelter and tell them to stay put” I turn and point to the goal “we might be the last ones to the goal, lets get a move on.”
“But that’s not fair! We must help them in more than just-”
“I said lets get a move on Tenya” I firmly stated without looking back “we aren’t the rescue team and I don’t have the capacity to deal with your un-necessary heroics!”
Iida was about to open his mouth to retort back but Kirishima stopped him “Hey okay thats enough Iida-kun, she’s right, we have to keep going.”
“Fine” Iida sighed in defeat as they caught up to her. Not 5 minutes later, another hail of darts rains down but this time Iida thought covering me with his body was a good idea.
“What is wrong with you?!” I yelped as I fought myself out of his grip “do you have any idea how much danger you put yourself and me in?!”
“How? My uniform is made of light amor and we’re okay!” He chops to drive his point, dropping me and knocking my visor off center.
“Not all of your uniform! Kirishima can get away with doing that but not you” I was getting to my limit of stupidity “thanks for the save but that was risky and counter intuitive if it went wrong” I dusted myself off “now, we’re wasting time, on to-” I was cut off by the sound of a dart piercing my thigh “fuck they got me” I felt my legs give out and fell “please, just leave me here and keep going”
“NO I CAN’T!” Iida yelled as he lunged forward to help me up but Kirishima stopped him “we can’t leave you behind!”
“SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE IN YOUR DAMN LIFE!” I yelled to make him shut up “take my key, nothing says that you can’t take my key for me.” I took the key out of my breast pocket and get shot on the shoulder “-nrgh! please, keep moving and don’t look back” my hand goes limp in his hand “I’ll get scooped up later, go! quickly!”
“Iida-kun lets go!” Kirishima starts panicking “they’ve been targeting her this whole time.”
“Right, we’re off” he squeezed my hand “I’ll see you later.”
They run off and barely made it to the keypoint, as her prediction, their team was the last team to make it to the keypoint if not already defeated.
“Good job on finally listening to Miss Palma’s advice” Aizawa said as he scribbled on his clipboard “kinda dropped the ball there when she got shot though.”
“Will she be-”
“She’s getting transported here as we speak.” Aizawa assured them, then a portal appeared with other agents carrying in paralyzed classmates.
“No way, our own agents were the snipers?” Kirishima said in awe “did Palma-san know?”
“Nope, but that’s what makes the training that much more realistic.” Aizawa chuckled as he accounted everyone.
“...our fallen Queen herself, number 19″ Mimi announced as she walked out of the portal with Ita in her arms “make room for the Queen!”
All the hero class saw as the agents move and kneel as Mimi walked through. Jin then walks behind with a touch pad “Okay and that’s everyone that needed rescuing, good job class 1A and B! Class 2A will compile your individual stats and comments for Monday’s review session.”
“Wait, the snipers were first years?” Kaminari blurted as he was getting set down on the bench “and we were just free game to shoot at?”
“Well, you needed the situational training” Hansai explained as he typed on his touch pad “and the 1st years needed practice, so the school allowed us to do combination training” he tucked his touch pad under his arm “cool huh?”
“Not that cool when you’re the one that got shot anyways” I spoke up from Mimi’s arms, swaddled like a baby “but it was kinda cool what you did when you let the top students suffer to distract the others to ambush.”
“Thanks number 19!” chimed a 1st year in a football helmet “those lessons with number 20 really helped.”
“You did good!” I said as Mimi got my limp arm to pat the top of the 1st year’s helmet “keep it up and the showcase will be amazing.”
“Oh right, it’s almost that time of year again” Sero stopped his sip of water “can’t believe it’s been a year since the dance and meeting your family Palma-san.”
“You’ve all met her family?” Shinso whispered in response, confused as to how.
“Yeah, Palma-san’s family showed up to her showcase” Iida explained “it’s like their sports festival because they also get scouted for internships at major branches.”
“Interesting, wish I could’ve met them” he said as he turned to make eye contact with me “bet they’re just a lovely as Palma-san.”
“Her sister is kinda scary, not gonna lie” Mineta whimpered “and her mom is something else! We all saw her level her children with one look, not even sensei could do that.”
“Yes, that woman is quite the powerhouse” Aizawa recalls that day “Mr. Palma is a lucky and brave man to tame and love her.”
“It runs in the family” I giggled and it made everyone else laugh too.
-Later that night, on the roof of the hero dorms-
“Did I ever tell you that you’re the only person at the school that doesn’t annoy me?” Shinso tried to be suave but it was apparent that the affects of the weed were hitting him hard.
“No but I would’ve assumed” I said before taking a hit “you don’t associate with everyone else like you do with me.” 
“Nah, it’s because you’re cool” the raspiness of his voice was pleasant to listen to “I can’t think of anyone that’s cool enough to have what we have.”
“Oh yea?” I got bold and made the ‘come hither’ motion “then why are you sitting across from me when you could be on top of me?” Shinso froze in place like he was in disbelief, I get out a breathy laugh “what’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?”
“You don’t play fair kitty” Shinso starts crawling toward me “I’m nearly faded and you hit me with your flirty words” his hand runs up my leg “not that I don’t mind, I wanna play pretty kitty.”
“Play with me then” I say as I unbutton my loose fit flannel to invite his touch “I’ve been needy of your petting.” It makes me feel powerful that I have these boys that I get intimate on different levels with and with no strings attached. Shinso put it upon himself to be somebody I get high and touchy-feely with and it’s been great since I haven’t had much attention from Monoma lately. Still, I’m catching feelings for Shinso like dry grass to an ember. He’s honestly convincing me that there’s a such thing as soulmates.
“Mhmm, kitty” he moaned as he leaned closer to whisper in her ear “I love it when you come braless” he gently fondles my breast from under my spaghetti strap shirt “you leave little to the imagination, it leaves me inspired when I’m touching myself.”
“You imagine me?” I found that a little hard to believe but he nodded yes.
“Yeah, I think about you” he pulls my flannel slightly off my shoulders “just like this, with smoke lingering in the air and you’re laying pretty on my bed as you draw me in with your eyes” his voice turns heavy and damp with every word in my ear, it quickens my heartbeat “you might not believe it but you’re sexy, being allowed to touch your body makes it that much more...delicious.” He slides his hands in opposite directions on my body, one toward my shoulder and one on my hip bone. The moonlight beamed to show my partly exposed body clearly, at first I was hot and lustful but then his smile disappeared as he gazed down at my upper naval. Then I remembered about my scar, fuck.
“Umm hehe” I slowly pulled down my shirt “at least take me to dinner first before you lift my shirt Hitoshi.”
“What happened here?” he put his hand on my scar, preventing me from covering up “does this have to do with you being sent here?” I nod in response, diverting my gaze from his. But without being asked, he pulled my shirt back down and fixed my flannel back on my shoulders “I’m sorry I did that, I shouldn’t have gone so far with my touching.”
“You did nothing wrong” I responded “I forget time to time that I even have that scar” I look at him and he’s struggling to find the right words to say “but I have to say” I leaned into his ear “you really turned me on.”
He perked up “Really? I mean urm” he cleared his throat to not sound too excited “yeah but you know I did go too far tonight” his face read remorse “maybe on a night where it’s colder and we can take things to my dorm.”
“Ooooh look at you” I said playfully “all suave and shit” I giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek “you’re such a gentleman.” I rested my head on his shoulder and he put his chin on my head in response. Rest of the night we sat together and watched the city lights until the sun came up. We didn’t need to say anything to understand that we didn’t need to talk about my past if I didn’t feel ready to share. And it brought ease of mind, something I haven’t felt with someone in so long...maybe Shinso really is the one.
-Fast forward 2 weeks, off site training with the hero class, Saturday-
“Okay everyone, are your earpieces in?” I asked the class “if they’re in, click the tiny button on the earpiece to send out a ding to me.” I await the dings on the touch pad and give the thumbs up to Aizawa “all earpieces ready, awaiting your instruction sensei.”
“Very good Miss Palma” Aizawa praised before starting the training “as you know, today’s training will need all of your efforts” he gestures toward Palma “Miss Agent here will be your communication hub director, listen to her instruction as she’ll be monitoring your vitals and movement across the area. If you don’t comply with her requests, it’s automatic failure for this training.” He scans the room “any questions?”
“If we need assistance, will we need to contact her first or one of our classmates, kero?” asked Asui.
“Depends, if there’s someone nearby, ask them but otherwise contact her and they’ll send over help.” Aizawa clarified “now go off to the area and await her command.”
I sit at my hub chair, excited to be the one commanding “Howdy yall! Now, first task is to find and retrieve a pink sticky note, on those notes are another instruction to follow.”
“YES MA’AM!” they chant in unison before scattering. They find their next task and start doing them with little interference by me. Almost half an hour into the task, we hit a snag. I notice that Bakugo is wandering a little too far.
“Hub to Bakugo, you’re wandering too far, head back.”
“Don’t tell me what to do!” responded Bakugo.
“Bakugo! Just come back, it’s just a-” Ojiro started to say but got cut off.
“NO! I saw something strange over here!” Bakugo snarled back.
“Don’t get closer, I’ll take a look on the cameras” I warned as I zoomed in to the area where Bakugo was heading. There was something or someone coming in toward everyone but still at a distance as all the buildings and city obstacles stood in the way of seeing who’s where. “What the hell is that?” I whispered to myself as I enhanced the footage, to my worse fears, it was the League of Villains. “Oh fuck no” I said to myself in a slight panic “No-nonono nope!” I hit the communicate to all button on my dashboard “ATTENTION ALL HERO CLASS A! PLEASE REPORT BACK TO THE HUB IMMEDIATELY! CODE RED”
“Code Red? Isn’t that danger within the vicinity?” Uraraka turns to Momo “wonder what they found?”
“Lets hurry back, I don’t like the tone Palma-san spoke in” Sato said worriedly as he picked up the pace back to the hub.
“Kirishima to Bakugo, please come back bro” Kirishima called out on the earpiece as he ran to the hub “don’t argue with me on this.”
“Fuck what she had to say!” Bakugo responded “I’m going to see what this danger is, don’t convince me otherwise.”
The map panel flashed =K.Bakugo has gone offline= “Fucker turned off his earpiece!” I screamed as I took my headpiece off to find Aizawa. “SENSEI!”
“Yes, I got the message what is going on?” he rushed over as I swung open the door.
“It’s the League of Villains, they’ve infiltrated the grounds!” I panted “worst of all, Bakugo turned off his earpiece just after disobeying my request to not get closer and retreat.”
“Fuck, the bastards really tried it this time” he said to himself, he turned to me “what’s the next course of action? We can’t get the other heroes out here in time.”
“I’m going in sensei” I zipped my jumpsuit all the way up “I’m going to retrieve Bakugo before anything else happens” I look at the main floor where everyone was running in “I need you to keep everyone calm and level headed, I don’t want another repeat of the first Bakugo rescue mission.”
“Right! Thank you for keeping things together, be careful” he assured me before doing a head count on everyone. I go back to the dashboard and see that Bakugo managed to hurt himself and nearly gave away his position to the villains. This made things way more difficult, so I contacted Jin to portal over the Pros to our location ASAP as I was about to go do a rescue. As I pry off the UA buckle off my holsters and grab my visor, Iida runs in the communications panel room.
“Ita! Are you okay? What’s going on?!” 
“Please go back with the others Tenya” I put my visor on “I’m going to take care of things.”
“Why won’t you tell me?” he pleaded but I refuse to answer “ANSWER ME!”
“Please go back to the others Tenya” I stopped asking politely, my tone was demanding “don’t disobey me.”
“Why don’t you trust me?!” he blocked my path “So you’re going to go take care of the danger out there?! What’s out there? And why can’t I go with you?!”
He grips my arms as I tried to push my way past him “Let go Tenya!” I struggled to break free “I have a job to do and you’re in my way!” he grips tighter “when will it click in that thick skull of yours that I don’t need your heroics!”
“Because you’re important and I promised I was going to protect you!” he cried out with pain in his eyes. His words echoed and melded with the ones said by the boyfriend I had at the time of the incident “...I don’t want to lose you.”
I sigh and relaxed my body, in turn, he loosened his grip “I’m sorry” I meekly said as I hugged him and he hugged back “sorry for what I’m about to do” I teleported us to the main floor where I handcuffed him to a steel railing “Fell for the oldest trick in the book.” I scan the room and lock eyes with Shinso “Hitoshi! Come with me.”
“Why me?” he questioned me as he was doubting his ability to help me.
“I need your ability to help me halt the problem” I held my hand out “please, won’t you help me? You’re the only one I trust with this.” He took my hand and we ran out to the training area. “Okay so lets building hop and I’ll explain” we climbed up and I start going off on the situation.
“Oh fuck, what do you need me to do?” Shinso asked as he was now also shaken up.
“I need you to brainwash them in place until the pros arrive” I track Bakugo’s vital pings on my visor’s digital panel “I’ll go down there, distract them enough to seem like a hero was already on the premise, thats when you impersonate All Might to get them to answer your question for the brainwash, I get Bakugo then we all teleport back in one piece.” I lower my volume as we approach the area “Okay, I’ll be floating down now.” I switch on my voice changer to do my Black Phantom gig.
“You sure this is the grounds Shiggy?” Toga huffed as she twirled her knife “I wanna stabby stab!”
“Will you shut up Toga!” Spinner yelled “I can’t fucking stand you or fire edge-lord over here!”
“Excuse me for being paranoid!” Dabi responded bitterly “I don’t want to encounter that Phantom person” he shivered in fear “they’re so intimidating and just edges me with fear of them killing me.”
“I doubt they’ll be here” Toga sat on a crate “this is a school owned ground, they couldn’t possibly-” just then the knife in her hand started to move on it’s own just like the last time “fuck! let go of my knifey!”
“AH! It’s them! I know it’s them!” Dabi screamed in fear “see what you did Toga?! You jinked it again.”
“Oh what’s this?” I come out of the shadows “my! it’s you again my raven haired beauty~” I turn to see the other villains “and these other bitches, didn’t I tell you to get out of my turf Hand Man?!”
“This isn’t your turf! What are YOU doing in this school owned training ground?!” Shigaraki questioned “mighty suspicious to find you here.”
“Oh you caught me! I got some intel from one of your own” I let out a maniacal giggle “you’re here for those twinks aren’t you?!” I pull out my gun “well that aggressive one has a bounty bigger than my ass for him alive” I cock my gun “so do me a favor a fuck off before we all get caught by the pros.”
“Okay which one of you told them about the plan?!” Shigaraki turned to his group with his hands on his hips.
“Its the one that laid the pipe down really good one me 2 nights ago” I moaned to buy more time for Shinso “don’t worry baby, I’m not gonna shoot you, I’ll come by later for more~”
“I don’t know who you’re talking about but you do look mighty fine from this angle” said Compress, oogling at my ass “I envy the man that got a piece of that ass.”
“I knew I couldn’t trust you!” Shigaraki turned to Compress which then turned into a full blown blame game among the villains. That was Shinso’s cue to do his thing.
“VILLAINS BEWARE! FOR I AM HERE!” a voice broke through, stopping the arguing. Right on time too “LOOK UP AT YOUR BEACON OF HOPE!” the villains looked up and got frozen in place, Shinso did his part.
“Good job!” I said before turning off my voice changer “now to get our boy.”
“Hurry! That girl with the knife is looking at me weird.”
I get a ping from Jin “21 to 19, we have landed in the outskirts of the grounds.”
“Copy that 21, I’m retrieving the student and the villains have been gathered and frozen in place.”
“Copy that 19, See you back at the hub.”
I flip over the dumpster Bakugo was trapped under and he was out cold. I teleported him to where Shinso was and we teleported back together. “He’s just unconscious, get him to Recovery Girl for a full exam” I said as I handed him off to Shoji “Shinso, good work out there! high five!” I had my hand out and he grabbed it and kissed the back of it before walking off to the others. That tender moment was ruined by the tackle Tenya slammed onto me.
“Ita! You are the most reckless, cold-hearted shooter and stubborn person I’ve ever met!” he brought me in for a tight hug “don’t do that ever again! I was worried sick.”
“I’m just trying to protect yall” I hugged back “Glad you and the others are safe and accounted for.”
“Okay, everyone in the portal!” Jin screamed “this will take you back to the dorms and our agents will escort you in.”
“Oh this is serious” I muttered to myself “go to the portal, I’ll catch up with you later.”
I get up and ran to the control panel room, I was greeted by Nezu and Aizawa “What’s going on?” I panted.
“The villains escaped right before a Pro hero got to them” Nezu turns to me “you did your best Miss Palma and we are thankful to have everyone back in one piece.”
“Go with everyone back to the dorms, we’ll handle things here.” Aizawa dismissed me and I comply. Back at the dorms, all the agents are at their highest alert. Escorts, perimeter guards, snipers and inter-working ground agents at all levels were working the scene.
“Look it’s 19!” cried out some agents from class 1A “what happened? Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine, thank you” I politely say to not give away that I’m scared “where’s 20?”
“Oh she’s in the tower” one of the agents pointed to where Mimi is “her orders on this formation.”
“Thank you, you are free to resume your duties” I ran as soon as I finished saying that to the tower. Mimi was on the brink of a panic attack when I popped in.
“Thank you father! You made sure she came back safe” she sighed in relief then broke down in tears “I was so scared you got hurt or captured!”
“Don’t cry, I’m here now” I cradled her head in my arms, drying her tears “not going to lie Mimi, those twinks really rekt’d me and my perfect day.”
“What are you going to do now?” Mimi asked as I tend to configure things after tough situations.
“I’m going to try to gain more intel” the sound of Hansai barking commands from below disrupts my thoughts “I feel like we’re missing a point somewhere in all this.”
-The Morning After-
“...Okay, thank you Jinko” I tiredly wrapped things up on the phone “I’ll be in contact with you for anything else, bye bye.” Intel gathering in the early morning isn’t the most fun, especially if you didn’t sleep well. It didn’t matter, it was done and I was ready to tackle on other matters.
“Hey, are you good to handle some guests?” in walks Jin with a pot of coffee “Red and Mad are here to see you.”
“Oh shit, yea bring them in” I worriedly said as Jin poured me some more coffee, I check the time, it was 11am.
“Hey Palma-san” Kirishima popped his head in my room “so many layers of security just to see you!”
“Hrng it’s annoying” muttered Bakugo “what makes you so special that you have all these agents bending over backwards for you?!”
“Yes it’s annoying but my squadron and I are the number 1 team in the program” I take a sip of coffee and motion them to sit “if we say anything, everyone will fall into place. I for one don’t bark orders, I do the intel gathering and safety. It’s Mimi and Jin that do the barking” I read the room and see that this isn’t a normal visit “so what can I do for you boys?”
“Bakugo here wanted to tell you something” Kirishima nudged.
“Yea, I came here to thank you for saving me” he sighed “and I really should’ve listened to you so none of this would’ve happened.”
“Well, that’s not entirely true” I put my cup down “like, I’m happy to hear that you learned your lesson but regardless of you retreating or getting rescued, we’d still have to do a full scale agent formation.”
“No way” Kirishima said in awe “why though?”
“The villains keep popping up because of this aggressive twink and the green twink” I groan as I slumped in my chair “in my time with Best Jeanist, I gained intel on why by pure chance” I cleared my throat “Bakugo, your public displays of aggression paints you in a bad light and these villains are drawn to it because it only takes some sort of convincing in order to get you to turn on us and assist the league in capturing Midoriya” I make hand motions to go with my explanation “because they know Midoriya is in possession of One for All, the heir of All Might. In their logic, if you take out the lineage, no more symbol of peace BUT it’s flawed logic. Who’s to say that the second best can’t be the next symbol?”
“Wait, it’s true?! About being the heir?” Bakugo stood up in surprise “how is that possible?”
“It doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out” I giggled “Midoriya has a weak and suppressed quirk already, and my copy doesn’t pick up his ‘inherited’ quirk but I read his brain and nervous system vitals and they function like how a power quirk would” I catch my breath “in my prediction, that boy got All Might’s quirk DNA via consuming any part of All Might’s body and just started doing the thing where he breaks his bones.”
“Eww” Kirishima shudders at the thought “but I see what you’re saying, so there’s nothing we can do to prevent these attacks?”
“I’m afraid not” I sat up straight “we would have to wait until they either disband, die, get arrested and/or one of you two targets dies or loses their quirks. Honestly though, the villains getting arrested and dying are more probable than the latter.”
“Oh” Bakugo sits back down on the bed and holds Kirishima’s hand “I really am the bad one and put everyone in danger” tears well up in his eyes “I’m so fucking useless and I should just die.”
“Now wait a minute Bakugo” I firmly spoke “I didn’t give you an option to do that, not if I can help it!” I stood up “you don’t have to be ripped away from your loved ones to protect them nor die trying, I will do everything in my power to keep you and your loved ones safe. Because dammit! I’m not going to have a repeat of my incident.”
“Your incident?-OH! I get it now” Kirishima gasped “why you’re here and so far away from home. You were ripped away from everyone to protect them.”
“I was and I miss my home and simple life” I turn to the picture frame on my night stand “but it’s such an awful feeling to be ripped away with no promise of returning home” I turn to the boys “I’ve made it my purpose to prevent such things, please understand that I do it out of the goodness of my heart.”
“I trust you completely Palma-san” Kirishima bows “thank you for your efforts, we feel safer knowing things are in your hands.” Bakugo bows too, a bit out of character for him but I knew it was genuine.
“You’re very welcome boys” I bow back “I won’t speak of what happened here to anyone else.” They leave my room and back to their dorms, I made sure they got back with watchful eyes. Once out of my sight, I head to the kitchen to find Mimi washing dishes.
“Got another one for ya” I handed her my cup and leaned on the counter “did you sleep at all last night?”
“I got 3 hours in” she rinsed my cup “that’s more than usual on days of emergency, at least I didn’t have to suit up or anything.”
“True, it was nice of everyone to let us rest until we get word on security later today” I yawned and rubbed my eyes “I got some sleep in too before I had to make a phone call.”
“So what’s the main problem?” Mimi shut off the faucet and turned to me “is it multi-layered?”
“I wish it was” I groaned and stomped a bit out of frustration “literally, those twinks are the target, the villains doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anyone else but them AND even then” I put my face in my hands stressfully “their plan is just to kill or take the quirk of the green one by having the angry one beat the shit out of the green one for their lunch money.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” she slams down the kitchen towel “all this for those two?!” Mimi starts to panic pace the kitchen “this shit ain’t even worth it! Shiiit I’d end them for free and make it look like Putin did it right now!” she huffed and quickened her pace “this is really cutting into our training time for the labyrinth exam NOT TO MENTION finals in a few weeks!”     
“I KNOW! UGH!” I groaned stressfully “but literally everything is hanging in the balance of them acting out or the villains getting another attack in” I hop up to sit on the counter “good news though, I managed to get us only 2 days of this formation, then it’s back to our things BUT who knows what’s going to happen now that these villains are getting bolder.”
Those two are not aware of the targets painted on them as they live their normal lives in the other dorm. It’s not fair how we got roped into all this, but these last few weeks of school will rope in more than ourselves...
-Chapter 29 End-     
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