#and Waxer full body tackling him down a separate hallway
saggitary · 2 years
501st and 212th
The 501st and the 212th definitely have an ongoing game of capture the flag going on, only it’s not capture the flag, it’s capture the commander. The 501st is trying to capture Cody and the 212th is trying to capture Ahsoka. 
When ever the Negotiator and the Resolute are docked near each other between campaigns the goal is to sneak aboard the others ship, locate the commander in question, and get them back to their own ship without getting taken down by the defending battalion. 
Ahsoka and Cody are not aware of this going on and the goal is to try to keep them in the dark as well. Rex however, does know about this but he choses not to stop it. He finds it hilarious to see Fives or Jesse attempt to kidnap Cody only to get their asses handed to them either by the 212th or Cody himself. He also figures if anybody can successfully capture Cody, they deserve a promotion. 
Cody complains to Rex about how his men keep ending up on the Negotiator without clearance and they keep bugging him. The 212th doesn’t worry to much about their commander so don’t actively guard him like the 501st guards Ahsoka. If she thinks its strange that she always seems to have two troopers constantly at her side when they are with Obi-Wan’s battalion she hasn’t said anything yet. 
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