#and allll these people behind us are huffing and saying and saying shit like
firelord-frowny · 3 years
idk why this is on my mind, but 
given that i am a Scaredy Cat, i don’t use public transportation very often, and the handful of times that i have, i’ve always been in the company of someone whose primary mode of getting around is the subway/bus.
so like. one day, i’m going with my frand to... somewhere in dc lol i don’t remember exactly what occasion it was. But anyway, this particular station was very low-traffic at the time, with only a few people around. No crowds, no lines or anything. 
We’re goin down the escalator, and we’re just standing, not in any hurry. And then I became vaguely aware of people coming down behind us. I’m not really paying attention to them and one of them sighed real loud and then just kinda squeezed their way past me, and i kinda saw them roll their eyes, and i’m like???????
and then my frand mentions to me that it’s like a ~unspoken rule of the subway~ to stand to the right on the escalators so people who wanna get down faster can do so with ease. 
Perfectly reasonable and sensible rule! One that I am glad to now know so that I can take care to be courteous to others on the rare occasion that I take the metro. 
but like WOW whyyyYYY are people so committed to being Rudely Righteous when they could instead just... Not Be Like That?
Like, if someone is in your way, and they don’t seem to be aware that they’re in your way... there is a HELLA EASY solution to that, and it’s called “saying ‘excuse me.’” Like, why would you just stand behind somebody and be Loudly Annoyed that they don’t realize you’re waiting for them to move, when you could just say excuse me??? 
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bucky-iss-bae · 5 years
Little Miss CEO - (Billy Russo x Reader) - Part 7
Part 7 of Little Miss CEO - Hope you all enjoy x
Fandom: Marvels The PunisherBill
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Word Count: 1500ish (Sorry it’s short compared to other parts)
Warnings: Ever so slightly underlinings of sex, but honestly nothing at allll maybe a few swears.
Summary: Billy and Y/N get set up by their friends, but they clash heads more than they get on. He thinks she’s a gold digger bitch and she thinks he’s Mr Obnoxious, are either of them, everyone else thinks that they’re too stubborn for their own good and probably get on.
A/N: Hope you all enjoy, any feedback is welcome x Sorry for taking like a month, it’s been written and honestly should’ve posted this long ago, but yeah, I got catching up to doooo
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Little Miss CEO - Part 6
Part 7 
The journey was nice, he eventually got over it, we put on some music, turns out Billy isn’t much of a singer, or so he says until a song he likes comes on and he starts murmuring along to it compared to me and my singing.
My sister’s house was on a row full of beautiful perfect white picket fenced houses. I had only been here a few times, a few days when she was moving in a few months ago, then a little while after to again help with the decorating with my brothers, that ended in a pizza party for the little kids, and a good old gossip session between Kai, myself and Brie.
“Damn, this neighbourhood looks like something taken out of a TV show.”
“It’s nice isn’t it” I agreed with him,
We got out the car and I grabbed his hand in mine, he looked down at me and smiled before I walked up to knock on her door.
A few seconds later my little niece came and opened the door,
“Hey little lady,” I said picking her up to hug her,
She just giggled, “I knew it was you. Momma told me you were coming and I’ve been soo excited” she said exaggerating the ‘soo’
“Yeah well, your momma told me that you’ve been sooo excited for this party because you get to see me”
She nodded her head before looking at Billy and looked at me before coming close to my head, “Who’s he?” She whispered into my ear, although it sounded nothing like a whisper.
“This is my... friend Billy. You need to be nice to him because he’s my absolute best friend” This kid hopefully doesn’t know what boyfriend and girlfriends are because she’s 4. They should be clueless so a best friend will be enough
She jumped down from me and looked at him with narrowed eyes, “You’re not Auntie Y/N’s best friend. I am!”
He looked at me before looking at her and I just smiled, “Mia, he’s a different type of best friend. Don’t worry he’s not taking your place”
She stopped and looked at me and then him, “So like... a best boyfriend?”
I couldn’t help but laugh at that, “Yes hunny exactly like that”
She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand and started to giggle, “JERMeyyyy” She yelled, “Auntie Y/N has a boyfriend” She screamed running through the house,
My eyes widened and I looked at him before I followed her with Billy beside me.
“So the younger niece?” He asked, “Not going to lie, the way she looked at me has me a little scared, maybe because she’s your family.”
I laughed, “She’s a little diva. Her brother the same, he’ll try to interrogate you”
I walked through to the kitchen and saw that the food was all nearly all prepped, “Mia, what have I said about opening the door” Brie yelled walking through the house and stopped when she saw me, “Oh my gosh” She then squealed once she saw me running to hug me, I hugged back “I’ve missed you, and you keep me sane and thank you for coming here because I can’t control the kids whilst they’re hopped up on sugar because it’s difficult keeping the food away from them on days like today and I missed you” She rambled out,
I laughed and hugged her back, “Don’t worry, I can look after the kids while you get everything settled. How are you?” She pulled away and huffed,
“I’m stressed because I was on call last night. So I got in at 3am, and Mia woke up at 7am, and I was like ok, cool, sat her in front of the TV, don’t judge my parenting, but started prepping all the food that the caterers dropped off, Dave made sure the house was tidy and everything, I’m not having any snoopy bitches going through this house so I’m giving you the master key, every door aside from the downstairs bathroom will be locked and I regret being such a nice person and inviting so many people, but I just... that’s me you get me?”
“Yeah, I need to teach you how to say no to people or to stop making sure everyone else is happy”
She groaned, “I know it’ll be nice later, I know it will but the prepping beforehand is long, also I’m so sorry, hi, I’m Brie, her little sister, who is also quite embarrassed right now, I promise you that this isn’t usually this bad, I just... if I knew she was bringing someone” She said turning to me before going back to him, “I would’ve told her to come later so you wouldn’t have to wait around for us and see how bad her family really is” She said greeting Billy, 
“Hi” he said shaking her hand a charming smile on his face, “Don’t worry about it, you’ve got a lot going on. And I’m Billy by the way, Y/N’s plus one, and sorry to intrude” He said glancing at me, 
“Uh huh, you’re not intruding anything, if you treat my sister right, you’re welcome anytime, andd” She said looking between us two, “Is that why Mia was running around singing that you’ve got a boyfriend?” She asked me and I felt my cheeks going a little red. 
“Yeah, you heard her right” I said to my sister,
“Do Kai and Tommy know?” She asked me with a smirk, “You remember the grilling they gave Dave right? Ohhh Billy, hate to break it to you but you’ve got a long day ahead of you”  
“They’re not saying anything to him. You’re their little sister, it’s different, I basically raised those boys so they can’t say shit” I said to her,
She rose her eyebrows before looking at Billy, “Good luck. You’ll need it. I mean a heads up, Kai is easier to get comfortable with but he’s still watching you, then with Tommy as soon as you get past the initial grilling he’ll be great”
“Great, just when I thought the nerves had gone” He mumbled,
“Whos this?” Someone asked from behind me and Billy, we both turned and Dave was there my sisters husband, he’s a nice guy, pretty big and intimidating, but nice.
“Hey Dave.” I said hugging him, “This is Billy, the guy I’m seeing, and Billy the is Dave, my sister’s husband” I explained, 
“Nice to meet you” Billy said putting out his hand, Dave took it and shook it, “Nice to meet you, how long you two been together for?” He asked,
“It’s still early days” I explained to Dave, “But we’ve known each other for a few months now”
“Ah yeah? How did you meet? Don’t tell me he’s one of your clients” He said looking a little concerned,
“No, so you know Karen?” I asked and they both nodded, “Well, her partner Frank, this is best friend” I explained,
“Ohh, damn, ok cool. So what do you do?” Dave asked Billy,
“I own a company called Anvil” Billy explained to Dave,
“I’ve heard of that” Dave muttered looking like he was thinking, I looked at Brie and she looked back at me a small smirk on her face, she obviously knew who he was, this woman had gone into stalker mode to find out who he was, she probably knew all about him, his past, his business, and any secrets she could through the world wide web, and maybe she even broke a few rules at the hospital to get his records up. She’s dumb like that but smart enough to cover he tracks. And I’m pretty sure Tommy has also done the same since I last spoke to him, but more like getting records that she couldnt. Between Brie, Tommy and Kai, they all probably managed to get as much of his life story as they could. 
“Is it Billy Russo?” Dave asked him and Billy nodded, “Damn you were on the news a while ago weren’t you?” He asked,
“Yeah, a bit of a bad stage in my life” Billy explained looking slightly uncomfortable,
“But you were a marine right?” Dave then went on to ask before clapping his shoulder, “Pretty sure this guy won’t have Kai hating him too long then”
Billy looked at me, “He’s the one that didn’t call you at dinner right?”
I shook my head, “That was Tommy, also speaking of them, when are they getting here?”
“They should be here” Brianna told me, “Also for real, although they’re protective over her, you have nothing to worry about as long as you treat her right ok”
“Don’t worry, I’m not a scumbag, I’ll treat her like a queen” he said kissing the side of my head,
My heart melted a little bit, I haven’t been in a relationship in so long, any dates I have are always set up, and although this initially was it didn’t work out. Business then pushed us closer together.
A few seconds later there was some screaming and two little kids running into the kitchen, “MOOOMMMM, tell MIIIAAA, ew are you Auntie Y/Ns boyfriend, I thought she was lying” Jeremiah said stopping in the kitchen and looking at Billy.
My jaw dropped at him and Billy looked a little shocked, “Jeremiah, don’t be so disrespectful, and apologise”
“Noooo” He whined, “I’m going to go tell Tommy and Kai. They’ll get rid of him” Jeremiah said narrowing his eyes at Billy,
“Alright kid, that’s enough,” I said to Jeremiah, “Be nice to Billy because he’s been nice to me ok. And I’m sure Tommy and Kai won’t need to scare him off because you all acting the way you are right now is enough to do that.”
Jeremiah huffed out a sigh, he looked at his dad who also nodded before he went to stand in front of Bill an put his hand out to shake it, “I need to be nice to you and I will. So I’m Jeremiah, and you need to treat Auntie Y/N nicely because she hasn’t had a boyfriend before so you know.... she probably hates boys so be careful”
Nothing of what he just said made sense but Billy just laughed and shook Jeremiah's hand, “Hello Jeremiah, I’m Billy, and I promise I’ll be good”
Jeremiah nodded and smiled, “Mom, I was going to say that Mia is being annoying. She won’t get out of my room”
“Yes I did. I’m right here” Mia said from beside her dad who picked up her, she had a proud smirk on her face and everything about her screamed that she was daddies little girl.
Jer just glared at her before looking at his mom, “Tell her to stop”
“Baby she will, you go get ready, or do you need help?”
“I don’t need help” he grumbled whilst walking off,
After he walked of Brie shook her head and I laughed a little before looking at Billy, “I would apologise for him, but I found it too cute, although he did violate me in the process”
Billy laughed a little, “Yeah, I don’t actually think I’ve asked when you last had a boyfriend” Billy said smirking slightly,
“No, I think we both know my ‘boyfriend’ has been my work”
“Don’t even start on that” Brie said while looking at Billy, “I’m assuming she knows how much she works. I was shocked when she said she would have time to come, and I’m honestly even more shocked that she’s bought someone with her”
“Yeah, I thought I was bad, but then I’m the one bringing her lunch every other day when she’s too caught up with clients, and well Karen and Frank persuaded her” he smirked at me.
“Awhh” Brie said covering her heart with her hand, “You’re like a cute young couple. And I miss that” She whined,
I looked at him and he looked at me, “We’re a cute couple I’ll say that”
He just winked at me, “Forgetting the young part there”
“Well, don’t want to be lying now do I?” I asked, “I mean your beard puts on a few years” I said with a smirk,
“Thought you were into beards?” Brie asked whilst organising her food,
Billy just laughed, “Now, there is something I forgot, Karen or Frank mentioned it when we first met”
I just narrowed my eyes at him but still had a smile on my face.
I then started to help Brie, Dave went to sort the kids out, and Billy was also helping here and there where he could. I was happy that he clicked with Brie, mainly because she was teasing him and he took it lightly, and he threw a few jokes around himself.
Not long later after she had everything sorted and organised with the food, Billy helped take everything outside, the kids were settled and everything looked good. As soon as it turned 2pm, the music was on, and people started walking through to the garden. Brianna had put up signs that led everyone around towards the back so no one nosy would walk through her house and ended up taking a detour. Although it was a house warming party she knew that it wasn’t. It was low-key a cookout, I should’ve gotten Karen and Frank to both join us, next time I will.
Little Miss CEO Part 8 - FINAL PART 
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Then I’ll be adding in random bonus chapters for the fun of it, I’ll make this its own master list just so it’s a bit more organised hope you all enjoyed, and feedback is more than welcome xoxo
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