#and an as of yet unnamed untagged wip
westywrites · 3 months
(I haven't touched Tumblr in ages but I popped on for a minute. Now I'm seeing everyone doing this thing and I can't resist)
I'm gonna include some older wips in this that are still always on my mind and a newer one I'm working on with a friend that I haven't talked about here
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imaghostwriter · 5 years
Emotional Cocktail of the WIP
Rules: Match from the list below one emotion from each taste to each character in your WIP and describe why:
Sweet: Intelligence - Reason - Love - Hope - Confidence - Delight - Curiosity - Patience - Kindness - Courage - Peace - Humility - Awe
Salty: Fear - Anger - Pride - Obsession - Envy - Regret - Shame - Guilt - Disappointment - Cynicism - Naivety - Emotion - Contempt
Spicy: Dominance - Submission (just a funny little extra taste for those who prefer it ;) )
I was tagged by the wonderful @metaphors-and-melodrama xx
Now, i was really tempted to do this for my drama novel but ultimately decided to go with my fantasy novel which also remaines unnamed yet lmao
sweet - confidence, salty - pride, spicy - dominance
sweet - kindness, salty - emotion, spicy - submission
sweet - curiosity, salty - obsession (somewhat tied with naivety), spicy - submission
sweet - intelligence, salty - cynicism, spicy - dominance
sweet - reason, salty - fear, spicy - hard to say... probably dominance
sweet - patience, salty - guilt, spicy - neither. he is the definiton of a middle ground. if he would choose one over the other then i wouldn’t know which one it would be bc that man is a mystery to everyone, including myself. and i’m the one writing him lmao
that was it! the whole five man-band plus etor who doesn’t travel with them but who i still count as part of the group despite him being the only one who doesn’t Fuck Shit Up like it’s nobodies business. but he’s a pov character so there’s that.
i’m tagging @dreamin-when-i-wrote-this, @storyteller-kaelo, @i-rove-rock-n-roll, @adenhamcreations, 
you know the drill: if you feel like doing this but haven’t been tagged you’ve now been tagged by me. if you’ve been tagged by me but don’t feel like doing this consider yourself untagged xx
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