#and here manga saitama cares deeply about being disrespected (natural human feeling)
the-nysh · 7 months
Why does manga Saitama care about rankings (new manga original chapter) but webcomic says to Amai Mask it's insincere? Is it going to change in the manga?
In the recent ch where he was bothered so much by his terrible hero betting odds that it kept him up at night? And whether that'll affect his conversation with Sweet Mask about 'ultimate/ideal hero' stuff?
I feel Saitama's the type to say 'I don't care' (about thing affecting himself) while actually caring deeply about it. :'D He often immediately contradicts himself like that, heh. While either outwardly snapping or quietly conceding letting it slide, leaving the upset to fester inside.
Ideally he knows heroism is a thankless job--er, hobby, where perks like rankings, fame, and money were never part of his original goal. (Despite for ex how much he values money considering his poor lifestyle.) However, as a person he also really wants to be Noticed and Valued for what he's done. As part of that fundamental human need to feel accepted and validated. The fact that even after coming this far he's still treated like a worthless nobody (ex: his trash betting odds) is enough to deeply unsettle him. After all, no one likes to feel disrespected or wrongly treated like trash. :') (Same deal with his bad hero name in the wc.) Enough that Saitama had to check himself for how much it almost swayed him to the 'dark side' if he got sucked into gambling. It shows he's not perfect, when his basic needs and impulses start blurring his better judgement, but thankfully that means he's still human.
And just like when Sweet Mask offers him tempting benefits in exchange for producing him, Saitama will have to evaluate how much that'd make him lose sight of himself (ie: 'sounds like a puppet') and weigh what's ultimately more important, to himself both as a person and hero. If he learns more perspective from his manga experiences (like the recent betting thing) to expand his talking points with SM, then all the better.
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