#and i’ve been obsessed with tegan and sara ever since i saw them at a festival this summer!! so yeah!!!!
adamnsey · 8 months
got tagged by @ronanlynchbf for three albums i’ve been listening tooo 💛✨💛
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Keaton Henson / Birthdays
Masakatsu Takayuki / Marginalia III
Tegan and Sara / So Jealous
Thank you :DD i tag @billywixxan @quillsink @desertmp3 @adansey @grieving4theliving @grandfather-clock and YOU! and yes U!! i wanna see everyone’s music :)))
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butindeed · 6 years
About Me Tag Game
RULES: tag ten followers you want to know better!
I’ve been tagged by the awesome @walkerismychoice @tmarie82 and @client327 . Thank you my loves!
Name: It’s actually a compound name, but the first one is María
Star sign: Libra ♎️
Height: 1.65 mts
What’s your middle name: Laura
Put your iTunes on shuffle. What are the first 4 songs that popped up?
1) Feeling good - Nina Simone
2) New rules - Dua Lipa
3) Es como el día - Kevin Johanssen
4) Where does the good go - Tegan and Sara
Grab the book nearest you and turn to page 23. What’s line 17?
“No pienso en las vibraciones, no pienso en nada. Ya soy parte de la moto” - Ashley Fiolek.
It is from “Goodnight stories for rebel girls” I read to my baby everynight.
Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?
Yes actually! It’s a cute story. My husband is a musician, so he writes songs about me and my daughter all the time. Some are not very kind though. Hahaha
When was the last time you played air guitar?
This Tuesday! Haha, I was teaching one of my friends how to play the ukelele and we were compairing it to the guitar, so I guess it counts (?
Who is your celebrity crush?
I have two major and several other minor. My top two are Dua Lipa and Jonathan Van Ness 💗
What’s a sound you hate + a sound you love?
Hate - Most annoying sounds, I mean I have misophonia, so pretty much any noice will bother me.
Love - My daughter’s laughter
Do you believe in ghosts?
How about aliens?
Yes, I’m pretty superstitious 
Do you drive?
No, I don’t and I can’t.
If so, have you ever crashed?
Suprisingly, yes, a bunch of times. A couple of them quite serious.
What was the last book you read?
Shame on me but I haven’t completed a book since I don’t remember when. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone was the last one I read from beginning to end (for the bizillion’s time)
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Yes, I do actually
What was the last movie you saw?
Despicable Me, my daughter loves the minions.
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I had sigmoid symphysis fissure, a cracked ankle and some spinal problems due to one of the accidents I stated above.
Do you have any obsessions right now?
I have many OCDs, so yeah, pretty much.
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
I do, yes. Unless I care much about that person and they realise what they have done and try to change it. If not, you’re dead to me.
In a relationship?
Yes. I’m married, 4 years in September.
Tagging: @larryssunflower @andy-loves-corgis @bobasheebaby @boneandfur @drakelover78 @lazychic28 @angstymarshmallow @xxrainbowprincessxx @chantelle-x0x
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The Chaser I Seek
Summary: Muggle-born Anne Wheeler is thrilled when she receives her Head Girl badge in the mail the summer before her final year at Hogwarts, and so is Pureblooded Phillip Carlyle when he discovers he is to be Head Boy. Neither Phillip or Anne knows much about the other, except for what they have learned from afar. Phillip has been watching from the Slytherin side of the stands for years as Anne leads the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team to victory after victory. Anne, on the other hand, has listened to the whispers about the Carlyle family and their obsession with Pureblood lineage, and she knows along with the rest of the school that the Carlyles are instrumental in Voldemort's slowly gaining success.
Neither is prepared to be jarringly thrown together their very first day by a food-fight blown out of proportion.
As both students struggle to balance new responsibilities, they will begin to see new sides to one another-- sides that Phillip has been taught never to look for, and sides that Anne is not ready to explore. But with the wizarding world taking new steps every day towards war, Hogwarts must cling to unity stronger than ever... Especially the two students who are the face of it all.
Word Count: 3,036
Warnings: Language, Fluff, Basically It’s Gonna Go How You Expect It To Go
Chapter: 6 of ?
Read it on Wattpad or AO3.
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Song of the Chapter: "Whole Lot of Heart" by Tegan and Sara
Chapter Six: The Patronus Charm
Phillip and Wheeler spent most of the rest of the afternoon moving around the Common Room together, silent as they could be around one another. It was not uncomfortable, but it was slightly charged... Just enough to keep Phillip from retreating completely into his own mind. Both had a massive amount of work to do, and if they did manage to finish all of their homework and Head duties, there were Quidditch plays to attend to. As they sat at their desks, Phillip thought about how much he had to attend to. It should have been easy to focus.
But it wasn't, and it was the fault of the Ravenclaw who was currently sitting at the desk across from him with a mug of her disgustingly strong tea and a smudge of ink on her nose.
Everyone knew that Anne Wheeler was an exceptional player, and there countless passes that she had made that were incredible. Many people had seemed to think that these passes were too difficult to even be possible, and with good reason. Many involved her rolling her broom completely upside down to catch a pass, while she held on with only her legs. Phillip had never before understood how she could do such things, but he did now, and it mesmerized him. He had never seen anyone fly like that with a broom... It was as if Anne Wheeler had taken something that had been done one way for as long as it existed and made it her own.
His mind replayed what he had seen. Every movement was fluid and graceful, and she kept each inch of her body under control. He remembered the way that, even when she was holding on with her feet dangling in the air, they were perfectly pointed and held in graceful stance. His mind replayed her descent towards him, where she seemed to walk down invisible steps as she closed the distance between them like some sort of angel. Her soaked curls, which had framed her face like a halo, only added to the illusion of Wheeler as some sort of seraph. As he tried to focus on Herbology, his mind instead returned to the Quidditch Pitch.
When it returned to the pair of them, rolling in the sand until he was above her, inches from full lips, he stopped it suddenly.
He did not know what he was thinking. He had only just gotten out of hot water with Wheeler, and they were still working through tension following the Quidditch Pitch. During the day, he spent time with his group of elites, listening to their gossip and rants and steering the conversation away from Wheeler whenever possible. Yes, they were partners now, but she had made it clear that there wasn't anything more.
Did he want there to be?
Wheeler went to bed before him, leaving Phillip alone to struggle through Potions. They were studying Amorentia, which meant that they soon would be making an attempt at creating the devilishly tricky potion, so he needed to understand it. When he finished that, he pulled out his wand in order to practice for Defense Against the Dark Arts.
They were supposed to be practicing the Patronus charm, something that was rumored to be able to earn them a massive amount of points on the exam if it was corporeal. Phillip had succeeded in producing his before, the year previous when it was mentioned that it would be necessary to know the spell for their exams. It had worked for him then, but he had not attempted the spell for several months now, and he knew it took extreme effort. He did not want to look like a complete novice in class, not when it was the Seventh Year and it was more important to be prepared than ever before.
Not when the things they were studying were becoming more and more necessary for survival.
Dementors were almost completely out of the control of the Ministry of Magic now, at the Dark Lord's prerogative. They prowled the streets of England and were slowly becoming less concentrated, drifting into Wales and beginning to float across the seas, stopping only to seize a wayward seaman's soul. This kept the Aurors occupied while the Dark Lord focused on what he wanted to. It was much harder to stop that attacks on Muggles when the entire force of wizard fighters was struggling to contain the creatures of darkness and devastation.
Phillip was safe, he tried to remind himself sometimes. But he wasn't really, because after this countless members of his class who had been the main instigators behind the attacks on Muggles would be joining the side of the Dark Lord. And he would be expected to join them.
Phillip swallowed hard as he clutched the handle of his wand in his palm, ignoring the thought.
Instead, he pointed the wand in front of him and murmured, "Expecto Patronum." A spurt of silvery mist left his wand, but it went no more than an inch from the tip. When the mist settled around his hand it provided a cooling sensation that faded quickly, along with any of the light. Phillip furrowed his brow and raised his hand, saying it with more determination this time. "Expecto Patronum!" He fed the spell his happiest memory steadily, as though he were feeding kindling to a fire. The memory involved his first night at Hogwarts, having the hat set onto his head and the whole room burst into cheers. He had been so terrified that it would send him anywhere else, that he would be in the same position that young Edison had without any way of explaining to his parents what had happened. The relief had been the most powerful thing that he had felt to that point in his life, and maybe since.
Silver left his wand again, forming a cloud of mist that would surely provide a slight layer of protection from a dementor so that someone else could take it down. But there was no hint of anything within the mist, not the form of any shape that would be capable of driving the creature off on its own. Phillip let out a groan of frustration through gritted teeth, and the cloud dissipated quickly.
"You're too calculated." Phillip stiffened, and when he turned, he found Wheeler standing on the stairs that led to their dormitory. She was wrapped in the blanket from her bed, which was a deep blue over what appeared to be a men's t-shirt and old flannel pajama pants. Wheeler's curly hair was pulled up into a ponytail, but it was a mess from sleep and little portions stuck out all over the place. Her eyes were sharp, but lines of sleep surrounded them, and her lips appeared slightly dry the way anyone's were when they woke up. She looked amazing.
What would she look like in one of his shirts, he found himself wondering?
Phillip shook his head quickly. "I don't know what you're talking about," he replied, looking up at her with a raised eyebrow. "I've done it before, and I did it just like this."
"I remember, I was in your DADA class," she retorted, waking over to the kettle. She put water on, and he watched her move throughout the kitchen to fetch the tea he knew she liked for bed. Sometimes, when he woke, he knew she'd woken up in the night because the jar of lavender and chamomile tea was still out on the counter, because she had forgotten to put it away. He was keeping a mental note of the amount in the jar, and he had a bag of the stuff in his room shoved under the bed. When he was sure she would not catch him, he added a few inches more.
"I know you were, so you saw me," he countered. "I can produce a corporeal Patronus, and this is exactly how I did it."
"So can I, and maybe it worked for you before, but something's changed. Your corporeal was never animated enough anyway, it was stunted by your memory."
"My Patronus is not stunted!" he huffed.
"It's alright, Carlyle, men all over England struggle to put out," she said in a sarcastic voice that mimicked the smooth tones of a Healer. He shot her a look, and she looked satisfied with herself. "It never moved very far from you, and if it's going to chase off a dementor, it has to. It was never as bright as it could have been, either."
"Says who?'
"Fine, you want the blunt version?"
"I wasn't aware that you were capable of giving anything but the blunt version."
His quip produced a sleepy smile from Wheeler, but a smile nonetheless. He wished he could bottle it up, the smile that he had put on her lips. Still, when she spoke, it was with the same grit she always had. "It was never near as bright as mine."
He raised an eyebrow. "I don't understand..." he said slowly. "I've never seen you produce a Patronus, much less a corporeal one."
She shrugged. "Better just to do it for the examiners, have a trick to keep up my sleeve," she replied. "But the point is, your approach to the spell is wrong. It will give you the bare minimum results, but if you want to succeed past that, you have to change it."
"I don't get what you mean," he confessed. "I've been doing everything the way we were taught-"
"I'm not talking about something that can be taught," she said seriously. He stared blankly at her, and Wheeler let out a soft sigh. She fished her wand out of the massive pocket in the flannel pants, and his eyes widened. Was that why she clearly wore guys' pajamas, so she could have her wand on her while she slept? But then, Phillip remembered finding her curled up on the chair, her face streaming with tears and twisted in pain as she let out silent screams. Maybe it made sense.
Wheeler lifted the gleaming handle of her wand, which he noticed was carved in a manner that appeared to be by hand. If he looked very closely, he could see vines of roses curving up the wand's handle with leaves, thorns, and all. She levitated a piece of paper off of his desk, and the Seventh Year school supplies list drifted over to her. "Watch," she instructed. She moved the paper so that it was over the fire, and then, with a murmured spell, it began to shred itself at a rhythmic pace above the fire. The flames leaped a little to claim the paper, but past that, there was no drastic change.
"You aren't using a strong enough spell, which is why you're faltering. Because when you try to give it steady, calculated amounts of your happiness, it isn't going to work. You create a little bit and it falls flat."
"But if I give too much, won't I just exhaust myself?" he said slowly. He understood where she was going with the visual, but there were still points he needed to process.
"That's the point," she hummed. "Dementors... What do they do, Phillip?" Her tone was not derisive as she asked him a question they both knew he could answer.
"They feed on happiness," he said slowly. "They take it all, everything, and then leave a shell."
"Exactly," Wheeler said, and her voice sounded almost proud. "Which is why you have to give it to them without leaving a shell. Everything... An explosion of it, given freely. Because it isn't the lack of happiness that turns you into a shell, it's having it ripped away from you without properly letting go." She raised her wand again, and this time, a massive stack of papers from his desk flew into the fire. The flames roared in a shower of sparks, several of which landed dangerously close to the rug. "You need to completely let everything go if you want to generate the explosion of energy you need."
"That was the revisions to the student handbook I was making."
"But it was for magic." When he saw the mischievous look on her face, he started laughing, and then a truly strange thing started happening... She was laughing too, and they were both relaxed and at ease together in the slightly overheated room.
"Alright, then, Wheeler. Show me how it's done if you're such a pro," he challenged, leaning against one of the chairs.
"Challenge accepted," she retorted, lifting her wand. Wheeler took a deep breath and closed her eyes, and then she murmured, "Expecto Patronum." He was surprised by the quiet take she had on the spell, but he came to the conclusion that she did not need shouted words or gestures of the hand.
Immediately, from the tip of her wand, thick strands of silver fog began to roll into a shape. Wings formed, and then a beak, and a proud chest and a pair of intense eyes. It was a buzzard, a proud one with a hooked beak that looked sharp enough to take out Phillip's eye as it soared through the room and left a trail of mist in its wake. He found himself mesmerized by the animal, watching as it circled up above the vaulted ceiling. The bird seemed to sense his gaze, and it turned its piercing gaze onto him. It was just like looking Wheeler in the eyes.
He turned to look at her, with the ghost of a laugh on her lips and satisfaction in her eyes, and then before he knew it he was lifting his wand and repeating the incantation. He did not feed it the memories of the relief of having met his parents' expectations, the feeling that had been mixed with the fear that he would be just like them. He fed it her smile and their banter and the way her laughter made him feel, and he fed it the uncertainty he felt when he looked at her as he questioned every beat of his heart. He fed it the way she had looked, spiraling through the air like she was a breath of wind and then descending as though she had come from the heavens, in spite of her soaked clothing and wild curls.
From his wand, thick clouds of silver smoke began to flow freely, rolling into the massive shape of an animal-- a bear, with massive, hulking shoulders and a lumbering gait as it began to prowl the common room, peering up at the buzzard above. The creature shocked him as it moved away from him, seeming to take on a mind of its own in a way it never had before. It glowed, bright enough to burn its silhouette into his gaze if he looked too long.
"See?" she hummed, turning to look at him with the hint of a smirk. "Now, just do that in DADA and Professor Barnum will be falling over herself to praise you."
Phillip looked at her for a moment, staring. His eyes were wide, and he did not know what to say. His lips did not seem capable of forming words. "I- Thanks, Wheeler," he finally managed to fumble. His tone caused her to raise an eyebrow.
"Merlin, you need to go to bed, Carlyle," she commented as she poured the hot water from the kettle into her mug, the same one she always used. "It's an exhausting spell, and your body heals when you sleep. Your ego will need it tonight to recover from such a brutal loss to me." She gave him a sweet smile as she picked up the mug and left the room, leaving him alone.
Phillip watched as the buzzard circled the bear, causing the creature to tilt its head and stare. The bird was fading, but Phillip watched its every move until it was gone. His own Patronus turned an expectant gaze on Phillip, and he blinked back at the creature, stunned. His previous Patronuses had been a mere shadow of this... The massive creature had come alive in a way that it never had before.
It had come alive with her, the same way Phillip was starting to wonder if he was.
Defense Against the Dark Arts had gone exactly the way that Wheeler had predicted, with Professor Barnum thrilled to no end by the creature that burst free of his wand. The N.E.W.T level class was smaller, a mix of students from all of the houses, so Wheeler was there as well. Across the room, she had tossed him a smirk that unsettled him because of the way it caused his heart to leap. Rowle and Rosier, who were also in the class, had sat at his side with massive sneers as other students attempted the incantation as if his success somehow carried over to them. When Wheeler went, however, they could find no reason to sneer.
Her buzzard soared through the air for a few moments, seeming to enjoy being the object of awe for the moment. But then, it spotted the bear that Phillip had produced from the night before. The creature opened its beak and allowed a caw to escape as it flew to the familiar creature, and then it perched on the lumbering shoulders of Phillip's Patronus, which had yet to fade. His bear let out a bemused huff, but it made no move to brush off the creature. It was Phillip's turn to give Wheeler a smug grin, and she had quickly looked away from him.
The feeling of success carried over all throughout Phillip's morning, and into the lunch hours. He had not even minded, so much, listening to Fawley and Avery ramble on about some attack on a Muggle building in Cokeworth. He had the full feeling in his chest of knowing he had improved, that he had done well... But part of him wanted to explore why.
Why had Anne Wheeler's presence been the thing he reached for to fuel his Patronus charm? And more than that, why had it worked so well?
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ifwearestrangers · 6 years
All the numbers xo
I kind of hate you but y’all obviously don’t know me if you think I won’t answer them all I LIKE CHALLENGES. 
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up - Save Me - Gotye / Smooth Criminal - Glee Cast (no comment) / Undone - Phoria / West Coast - Lana Del Rey / Six Feet Under - Louis Aguilar
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Ellen Degeneres
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. “Yeah,” he said. The light turned green green. I braced myself. Augustus slammed the gas. 
4) What do you think about most? How much of a failure I am :) and Clexa of course.
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you? Maybe? probably. 
6) Do you have any strange phobias? Spiders, heights, and opression, like being underwater or unable to breathe? 
7) What’s your religion? Gayness.
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Being with friends, 
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Florence and the Machine, The Cure, Ben Howard, Tegan and Sara, The Killers, Coldplay. 
10) What was the last lie you told? I told my best friend’s girlfriend I didn’t know what was in his head when I know exactly what’s in his head. 
11) Do you believe in karma? I sure do. 
12) What does your URL mean? It means that we’re all strangers here but we ought not to be, which is what brought us all together i guess.
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? weakness, I’d say my low-self esteem, strength, I’d say my kindness. 
14) Who is your celebrity crush? At the moment.. jeez I don’t know! How sad! I’d say Dianna Agron though because I’m always crushing on her. 
15) How do you vent your anger? Talking people’s ears off in general. 
16) Do you have a collection of anything? Playing cards, books, funko pops, tattoos, prints and drawings.
17) Are you happy with the person you’ve become? Not quite yet but I’m getting there, and isn’t being human always striving for improvement? 
18) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? I hate the crissing of chalk on a chalboard, ya know? And I love the sound of the rain and really really loud thunder. 
19) What’s your biggest “what if”? What if I had made it work, what if I saw her, what if we were still together? What if I was enough.. 
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yes I do believe in people’s soul being stuck between two reincarnations, and aliens? FOR SURE. 
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. Right : nothing. Left: my heater. 
22) Smell the air. What do you smell? Pastas because it’s almost diner time! 
23) What’s the worst place you have ever been to? Hm.. toughie. I honestly can’t remember right now. 
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender? Of the opposite gender.. I’d say Chris Martin? But because that’s the only one I can think about right now lmao.
25) To you, what is the meaning of life? Wow, I ain’t got time to lay out my opinion on that, I’ve got too much too say. Long story short, living. Life in itself is insignificant but it’s also the only thing we’ve got so make it count. 
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? I do not, but I did crash. My sister was driving and it was the worst memory I have. 
27) What was the last movie you saw? Hm Thor I think? With my sister. 
28) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? I have a ernia in my neck from the car crash and honestly? It’s the worst. Chronic pain each time I paint or stand for too long. Absolute delight. 
29) Do you have any obsessions right now? Clexa, my life, my future, faberry, writing music, writing clexa, drawing clexa, painting, my career. 
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you? Yes, in middle school there was this whole rumor around school that I was gay… SPOILER ALERT. 
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? No, I am an easy forgiver but also because I strive for affection and also because I just cannot stand to be in a fight with someone even if I’m right. I have hold a grudge once in my life against my best friend because she was against same sex marriage in my country but fortunately she came around and voted yes. 
32) What is your astrological sign? Scorpio, passion all around. 
33) What’s the last thing you purchased? A bracelet for my sister’s christmas gift. 
34) Love or lust? Both? Please? They go together. 
35) In a relationship? Painfully not. 
36) How many relationships have you had? Hm.. Serious ones 3. 
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? My firting and my cuteness that I will deny until my dying day. 
38) Where is your best friend? I have severa best friends, and they’re all around the world. Unlucky me. 
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? Working on that next clexa thing I’m making and let me tell you guys it’s awesome already. 
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Probably because I try to be the best of friends to people even if I’m far from perfect, but I’m always trying to be better. 
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? I SAVE THE FUCKING DOG WHAT THE FUCKING KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT SCREW THE JOB. 
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? seriously though I HAVE ANXIETY PEOPLE DON’T DO THAT. but anyway, as an anxiety full person I’ve thought about this before lmao. a) I’d probably wouldn’t tell them until the very last moment because I know they would act different. b) I would make sure every one of the people I love get what they need, that they’re happy so I can go peacefully. Also I’d sneak in a trip to brazil to tell her goodbye, see my best friend before I go. c) Of course I’d be afraid that I wouldn’t have enough time to make sure everyone’s safe and happy, to say goodbye properly. Afraid I haven’t made the most of it. 
43) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? hm.. Just Like Heaven - The Cure. 
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? Trust and communication. (good sex too but ya know, thats just a bonus) 
45) How can I win your heart? Show me any kind of attention and affection I guess? Also my weakness are powerful girls who challenge me, provoke me and flirt hardcore, play hard to get. (But not that hard you get me?) 
46) Can insanity bring on more creativity? I think yes but there’s a very difficult balance to find between the two. 
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? A year ago I would have told you without the shadow of a doubt that it was falling in love with a brazilian girl and crossing the world to be with her but looking back maybe it wasn’t. Then again, I would do it all over again. 
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? “Beloved sister, devoted friend, she saved the world a lot.”
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “heart.” Right now, broken but also hopeful. 
50) Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors? That kind of cerrulean blue that’s almost green, a little teal but not quite there yet. A soft, gentle cerrulean blue. 
51) What is your current desktop picture? A drawing fll of colors of a forest with wolves. 
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? Donald Trump :) 
53) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Am I worth it?
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? Flying. 
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? When I was up that hill in Brazil. Everything was uncertain but I was spent and on top of the world and for a minute there, I thought I could change it all. 
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? The break-up. The depression that followed. The void in my chest ever since. That feeling of nothingness, of incomplete. Unfinished. The feeling that we are unfinished. 
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? MUSIC ONLY? DAMN. Hayley Kiyoko, then. 
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? New York. 
59) Ever been on a plane? Yes and I love it. Also I’ve been on a plane at night, next to the window, and I saw the milkyway, and that was the most beautiful thing ever. I was seeing the sky underneath me and that’s a feeling I’ll never forget. 
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities. Dianna Agron, Mila Kunis, Gal Gadot, Marie Avgeropoulos, Ruby Rose. 
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