#and if i dont rb it i still mostly think it's interesting. im sure there's much wilder stuff out there that i just havent seen
run-on-dreams · 3 months
intro post
(intro post) (also there are flashing images under the cut)
hiii ^_^ u can call me lincoln or pierce or whatever u want tbh, im 18 y/o im a boygirl nd an emo and a furry an 1000000 other things besides. welcum to my blog i will be postin abt my interests and probably mostly reblogging cuz idc
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also i have p-did so i am one of several alters (i am the host!) and the others might post or rb things here bc we still havnt made a system blog. most of us luv talking 2 ppl so dont be afraid to reach out or ask abt us we r cool with answering most questions B)
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likes: emo stuff obviously, early 2000s stuff in general, music (my fav bands rn are ptv, mcr, mayday parade, hawthorne heights, blink182, ismfof, probably more but idk rn LOL) (also i leik hyperpop nd folk punk & dubstep but i dont have fav bands in those genres really), my gf <3, furry + otherkin stuff, dan & phil!!, reading, real and speculative biology (im a bio major ^_^), angels, werewolves, and like almost everything basically LOL
dislikes: idk mean people? injustice in the world? coffee? if i dont like something ill just tell u LOL dw abt it
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fun factz: i write songs (lyrics) & i like to sing but the only instrument i can play is also saxophone (maybe i will post some of my songs here ehheheh), my main fursona is a moth but i also have 2 wolf sonas (1 is a sparkledog the other is just a guy), and uhhhhh hippopotamus milk is bright pink and thicker than water (i never said it was fun facts abt me!!)
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ok thats it byeeeee hope u enjoyed reading my post nd looking at all my cool graphics (im pretty sure all these are free 2 use but lmk if not ill add credits) (bigender blinkie is by @/bedazzling-blinkies but i think they deactivated sad)
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piggybonez · 10 months
How did you get into the scene/decora subculture?? :>>
hi!! i think i discovered decora fashion by watching the YouTuber cybr grl, (check them out if u dont know them they are amazing and so informative about jfashion in general and also just a really sweet and fun YouTuber all around. ive learned a lot from their videos and they make me really happy to watch bc they’re a super kind and positive person ^.^) but i have a hard time pinning down exactly where or how it started? before i knew it i was just trying to hunt down as many pictures i could of people wearing this fashion and i began cultivating a style of my own around it as well. before getting into decora/scene i was definitely an emo/punk and i wore basically all black all the time. (band tees and ripped jeans mostly like an incredibly basic broke bitch style if u will) most of my wardrobe is still black right now so im trying to get more color into it. it’s funny how my style and interest in fashion took a complete 360 that way.
what i love about fashion is that it is completely your own to play with, and i like to challenge myself to take inspiration from all my fashion interests and put them together as my own unique style. (im a big fan of trad goth as well shout out to the goth subculture) as far as scene fashion goes i still haven’t gotten the chance to build a very scene style wardrobe but i do my best with what i have. scene/decora in particular are really fun and interesting and exciting to me because i feel like my middle school self would have appreciated it the most and would’ve wanted to dress that way then but it’s not until i got older that i ever had access to that knowledge or the ability to pursue a style of my own. i feel like when ur plus size and poor and even disabled it can be really hard to dress in a way that you like. fatphobia makes it really inaccessible and difficult to elevate ur style not to mention how much clothes cost EVEN AT THE THRIFT STORE‼️
but anyways, i just really love the 2000s scene/emo era and i know for a fact if i had the ability i would’ve been one of Those Kids. i hung out with those kids and i definitely didn’t look normal bc i was an undiagnosed autistic “girl” with a mohawk and i looked punk as fuck but i only ever wore what was given to me so i never had a sense of style or a sense of self until after i got away from my parents. now i just love to use my tumblr blog and also my pinterest as a way to appreciate these styles and indulge in the interests and passions i didn’t have the opportunity to appreciate before. i feel like growing up with trauma makes it really hard for u to develop ur own personality outside of survival, but that’s why my tumblr is my safe space and every rb of a weirdo with teased hair and accessories all over heals my inner child. im sure this is a much longer post than u were expecting but i love talking about these things so thank u for asking this question!!!!
also didn’t mention this before but another reason why i love decora is because it’s so incredibly unique to each person, NO ONE does decora like me because i use the materials around me to create my style! i love that decora can be casual or over the top (ott), and i also love that i can prioritize my comfort while wearing it. (baggy shirts, comfortable jeans, crocs, tennis shoes, whatever) sometimes it can be majorly uncomfortable to wear especially bc summer is so hot and because i get overstimulated super easily by all the accessories (for example wearing kandi is not easy for me sometimes) but i suffer through and i make do and i cant wait to be a fashion icon one day :p
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shutupdia · 3 years
every time i come onto your blog i just wanna rb everything off it, stop having such a wonderful blog (and start having a wonderful day..pls<3)
and every time we kiss i swear i could fly
just wanted to pass by to lyk ik we don't talk much but i appreciate your presence in my notes and love reading your tags and stuff, and wish that good things come your way 💖
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oh hun this is so sweet of you to say. i dont think too much of this blog since i dont post fics and stuff like i used to, and mostly just ramble and post my dumb opinions, but knowing someone loves that really makes me happy and glad i still log onto this blog 💕💕💕
im always happy to see you in my notes too, im glad we became mutuals since we share similar interests. if you ever wanna yell about obey me w/ me feel free to send me anything via inbox 💕 i may take a bit to respond but i eventually will.
sending you good vibes, and hope you have a good day. make sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated too✨
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jjkfire · 6 years
Sorry this is random, but I admire your fics so I'm gonna ask for help oaufuwi I'm not new to tumblr but I am when it comes to fics so I made a bts fic blog. Any advice on how / when you post? I dont have followers yet so I'm afraid if I post my fics they will just kinda whittle away before anyone can even give them a chance lol howd it work out for you?
i think the best thing to do is to join a network! @bangtan-bookclub recently opened their apps but i think that’s closed now. anyway, networks are a great way to get your work out there and to meet other writers too through group chats that these networks usually have. you can check my navi to see the networks im a part of and you can check out other writers’ network page or wtv to see ones that they are a part of.
next, tag your fics! use popular tags like bts fanfics and bts scenarios so your work can be seen by those who go through the tags to find fics. other appropriate tags are bts smut and like the member’s name followed by the genre e.g: namjoon fluff, hoseok angst. btw only the first 5 tags work apparently so yeah! 
also i dont know if this is still a thing or if it was an urban legend hahaha but i rmb you had to follow a few blogs and like/rb at least 200 posts to be able to appear in search results. you can try posting a test post and tagging it with the tags above and see if they appear in the ‘recent' section of the results. they used to have that restriction bc they didn’t want newly created spam blogs to be able to take over the results section of the tags... but i’m not sure about now haha
this is more of a personal choice but when i wade through the tags, i’m more likely to click on a fic that has a nice format y’know? like which member it’s about, the AU, length of the fic, a short summary, genre. a lot of writers like to use a gif/header when they post their fics too! but ya i guess i’m drawn in by that and im more likely to read it if you catch my attention w all of that.
also i usually post around 8.30 pm CST... why? i’m not sure hahah it’s just the time i’ve picked for no apparent reason. I usually post around then and then go to bed soon after lmao. but ya, post on a weekend too bc you know more ppl are on tumblr during the weekend. i guess? im not sure if all of this is even real hahaha but it’s just my routine.
tbh the first time i posted a fic it wasnt even on this account and like i got 30 notes and was very happy hahaha but also i was lucky bc i didn’t know how tags worked and i used a network tag and they reblogged my work lol. the owner of the network was really nice and asked me to join and it was great! so ya i like networks! i think they’re fun! bc you get to discover other people’s work through them as well.
but!!! here’s the biggest piece of advice i can give!
write for you. write about things you’re interested in! notes are really dumb and are not a reflection of how good/bad you are. getting noticed or wtv is mostly to do with luck. just keep writing and keep doing you. there will be like-minded people who appreciate your stories that are bound to come across your story some day. writing on tumblr should be fun and not about all of this other stuff but ya i get it... it’s nice to know someone out there enjoys what you write!
anyway, best of luck my sweet bb and i hope everything goes well!
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