#and just the groth in knowledge and experience she would experience in the over a year she spends with the hof
this-should-do · 3 years
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youve heard of zevran wearing the dalish gloves and antivan boots or alistair using duncans shield, now get ready for literally any other companion wearing the gifts you give them: an incomplete masterpiece
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heavcnsick · 4 years
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name: celestia
former name: isidora fairchild
species: sky sprite
faceclaim: luma grothe
media inspirations: evelyn o’connell ( the mummy ), crysta ( ferngully ), lady amalthea ( the last unicorn ), kida ( atlantis: the lost empire ), garrett ( quest for camelot ), merlin ( arthurian mythology ), hedy lamarr, sophie longerbane ( carnival row ), diana prince ( dc )
the result of an affair between a british expat and a local woman, isidora is raised in casablanca, morocco by a man just slightly too-old to have a child so young.
the owner of a local museum and a historian himself, she’s exposed to a great wealth of knowledge from within -- but rarely allowed to gain experience outside the walls of home.
extraordinarily intelligent with an equally gifted imagination, there is no myth or story she is unwilling to believe in, given the right evidence. her father was by all accounts excessively loving, but he had attempted to stifle the fanciful parts of her since youth. though she wouldn’t understand why until later, there was a local legend that the fairchilds had a generations-long curse placed over them, instilled by an object acquired illegally and placed into one of their museums -- he only wanted to strip of fantasy so that she would not know fear.
she wanted to see this rumour as nothing but the consequence of western people in indigenous peoples spaces, “acquiring” their relics to be put behind shining glass -- an exoticism of another culture’s sacred artifacts, which bore nothing so malicious or magick as a curse. isidora reminded herself that if any ill-luck befell themselves or the museum, it was far more likely the result of local thieves or vagabonds.
( when he dies in the museum under “mysterious circumstances” she’s not sure what to blame )
though she initially attends her father’s alma matter of cambridge, as a woman they would only allow her to attend classes, not graduate. as such she transfers to oxford, hungry for a degree. 
her grades are quantified at oxford, but her passion is derided -- upon revealing her years-long studies into the bermuda triangle and her belief that an otherworldly force accounts for the decades of unexplained disappearances. she’s essentially laughed out the door a la that scene of milo and the professors in atlantis
so! without any family to return home to, a new degree, and old men to prove wrong, isidora purchases a flight to bermuda -- and you know how the rest goes.
fun fact: had a massive saint bernard dog named archibald (archie for short) and a white-faced capuchan monkey known as king charles (charles if you’re informal, but never charlie) who she misses more than anyone else tbh
though the earth tempts her for some time, she’s quick to decide on her path to the sky. the monarchs or other sprites have little to do with her decision; she craves the ability to come and go as she pleases, leaving no part of concordia unseen.
with the years that have passed she has grown both more sure of herself and increasingly immaterial to others; she’s incredibly curious and in-tune with nature, and feels she knows the land better than most. 
has her home in a cloud-built tower at the outskirts of caelum, preferring to have her private space in as much solitude as can be found. this acts both as a house and a centre for philosophizing and experimentation, as her thirst for knowledge has never been quenched.
though she doesn’t particularly care if the barrier is left up or down, the arrival of humans means exposure to new culture, to world news, to scientific theories she’s yet to learn -- which excited her a great deal.
doesn’t share the ego/elitism of most sky sprites, though at most she can appear hard to approach because she is always not-quite there, looking at you like she knows your -- and the world’s -- secrets when she finally turns her glance to you. 
most likely to be found exploring while naked, probably.
companion. the best friend! the individual she’s least likely to actually flit away from without notice, though they accept her penchant for coming and going as she pleases.
human interest. inspired by crysta and zak from ferngully (if you haven’t seen this classic gtfo), i’d love a human who is both fascination by sprite life/celestia herself, and celestia fixating on this particular human to teach her about the modern world’s customs and culture. 
complication. celestia both craves affection and runs from it, so i’d love to have some sort of spicy connection parallel to that part of her. if there’s feelings between herself and this individual they likely aren’t acknowledged, and rely on a physical relationship at the moment to connect them. i see this more likely as a fellow sky-sprite, because i like to picture them flitting after each other in the middle of bickering/someone that celestia can’t merely escape from by flying, but we could make any non-human fit!!
former partner. self explanatory, an ex-partner or ex-flame is always welcome!
provider. though she doesn’t have the innate magicks of the earth sprites to produce their alchemies, i imagine celestia enjoys acquiring materials or oddities from around the island either to simply decorate her house or attempt experimentations with.
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