#and my eee superhero au
katiekatdragon27 · 7 months
I love doing super mundane stuff in my day to day and all of a sudden I have the most heartwrenching, painful, angsty, traumatic, yet amazing and powerful idea to put my silly little characters in.
Then I sit down to do something with it and it vanishes💀
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katiekatdragon27 · 8 months
What's up gay people (Excellent Entities fans)? I bring snacks (a stupid superhero AU I had a dream about one night) ~
So basically, this AU is about Latte (how could you tell?) and his life as an ex-supervillain turned "superhero".
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Doodles and lore under the cut (tis long):
The basic premise is this:
Latte is a tech wiz. He owns a large business that produces many technologies such as phones, computers, and villain weaponry. The city he lives in is run by and constantly fought over by wanna be supervillains. The police force are also always on everyone's tails, trying to keep the crime down in the city.
With Latte's immense artillery and need for funding on future technological projects, he decides to play both sides of conflict, marching as a vigilante with the police and an arms dealer for the villains. He was not born with powers, but he has crafted a phone that grants him "ice powers". Eventually, he begins to lean more to the "hero" side to be different from all his peers and have easier access to funding. However, he still has a soft side for his clients, so he does allow for some big crimes to "slip" despite being able to easily stop them (cuz he built and fixes all their weapons).
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Everything is good until some newcomers come onto the scene. One is Nail, Latte's sidekick and the most prominent reason for his shifting of morality. Chalky and Broomer are not new to town, but they do bully Nail a ton, so they are new on Latte's radar. Another is Smartie, the new detective in town that is trying to track down an expensive piece of classified technology rumored to have alien influence. Finally, Chocolate Bar shows up, a seemingly nobody granted god-like superpowers and a violent vendetta against the city.
Will Latte be able to keep the steady nature of the city in check? Or will it crash down in flames? Who knows, cuz I'm making this up as I go.
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TLTR: I make a stupid superhero AU where Latte is a Green Lantern/ Batman knockoff who plays good and bad people like a fiddle with a silly sidekick, detective, and a plethora of frenemies before being kicked around by a salty middle-aged man.
If you actually made it this far, you deserve a metal. 🪙 Have a nice day bros :)
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katiekatdragon27 · 7 months
Me: EEE Tumblr say “what”?!
Me in the far far distance: What!?
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I love this AU. I love this AU so much. I have so many ideas and stuff that I need to write down on paper eventually. But for now, incohesive doodles be upon yee 🫳
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I love drawing expressions and action scenes. These were for practice, but they still look good lol. Also, Poison and Gumball Machine designs woah. They’re another duo like Chalky and Broomer, but they’re much more competent in heisting and negotiating with Latte in order to get bigger hauls of cash.
Also, Poison does have a gas mask she wears when not heisting cuz toxic fumes, but when they heist, she lets loose. And GM is able to shoot gumball strings, so that’s cool.
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Mmm. Gorillaz. Not quite sure where this is going, probably pre-story, but that’s where Latte gets his powers from. Glubworld blessing of smth I’ll figure it out later. Although, the gem thing is implanted in his phone.
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“Glubworld gives its most dangerous battles to its gayest warriors.” ~Latte probably
More Glubworld’s blessings stuff after Latte sorta dies. Oh yeah, Latte dies lol. Twice. (That’s how you know he’s my favorite)
Something something, after dying, Latte is gifted a much more powerful gem than his original one in his phone. After seeing the city ransacked and seeing more and more people show up in Glubworld, he asks to go back and finish the job. There, he wakes up from his coma, teams with all of CB’s salty lankies, and puts an end to CB’s power trip. The power comes from a contact lens, so one swoop and he’s done.
However, the amount of power and damage done to Latte was at a lethal state. One he wasn’t able to recover from.
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Yeah, this AU’s gonna have mega angst. Are these set in stone? Not sure yet. But I love writing angst so this is a win for me.
The first pic here is right after the big final Latte-CB fight above. The second shitpost image is before that (like mid-storyish) where Latte gets his ass kicked a little too hard and semi dies lol, being sent to Glubworld. Diary and Moonstone are there cuz Moonstone works for CB (blackmail) and Diary is a journalist who is super unprofessional. Also slight smartspice cuz 🤭
Please please please feel free to ask or tack on any ideas to this I really want to talk about this thing with others. Have a great day broskis :)
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katiekatdragon27 · 6 months
Wuddup? The name's Koy (Kat or Latte work too lol), I am an adult, and I am another insignificant artist on the face of the internet. I am an aroflux asexual sapphic demigirl lol. I am the creator of the future object series SPIRIT, and also the creator of a bunch of other smaller stuff I do not really feel like bringing up rn.
Stuff I'm into in order of how hard they're gripping my brain rn:
OSC stuff in general (hfjONE, Showvember, and Excellent Entities mostly) 🔫🔫😊😊
Rayman (not CLH tho) 🧍🧍👊👊
Flatland (All its media tbh) 🫣🫣🟦🟦
Rain World Downpour 🤬🤬❤️❤️
Storybots 😨😨🤯🤯
Bugsnax 🥹🥹🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Meanings of Personal Hashtags:
#katiekatdragon27 -> the hashtag used to quickly view my artistic posts
#reblog -> the hashtag used to quickly view other people's posts
#koy chats -> the hashtags used to quickly find text posts with minimal to no drawings. Also asks, asks appear under here too
Meaning of Creational Hashtags:
#osc spirit -> the hashtag for my object show!!11!!!!11!
#eee superhero au -> the hashtag for my Extraordinary Excellent Entities AU where everyone is a villain except for like three characters
#a heightlander's escape -> the hashtag for my Flatland "Sequel" AU where there is a canon 4th dimension and stuff
(This will be updated when I make new things or gain interest in new stuff)
Have a wonderful day fellas and go drink water :)
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