#and of course sweet baby changheng
unfortunatelycake · 2 years
So anyway yeah, I finished watching Love Between Fairy and Devil and honestly it’s one of the best cdramas I’ve seen in ages. 
Like I’m not going to go feral over it like I did for The Untamed, but!!!! It was so good. Sure there were moments I thought were dragged out a bit too long, and until the last 10 eps or so I was only watching 2-3 episodes at a time, but Aaaaaaaaaa 
I’d try to put my thoughts into some kind of sensible commentary but tbh I should be going to sleep rather than poking at tumblr so I’ll summarise to: character development! Costumes! Setting! Plot! Everything was so good! And I love how like... everyone has their Reasons for doing stuff, their own agenda... nobody is doing things for Evil Bullshit (except Taisui) and just... this is the flavour I enjoy.
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theseasasleep · 2 years
Love Between Fairy and Devil (ep 3, part 3)
So he's landed on savant, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I am in love with this gesture. I can't recall the last time I loved a male lead as archdramatic as Dongfang. Honestly, he's magical.
Watching Changheng, God of War, miss every "We've been taken hostage and require rescue," message one of the dumb plant babies desperately throws in his face because he is desperately wedded to his avoid-Orchid plan makes me realize, ah! So he's an idiot, a minor incompetent.
Orchid has just been suspended in midair and yanked like a yoyo by Dongfang, who also threatens to burn down her garden. Yet none of that compares to him ruining her chance to spend alone time with Changheng. And thanks to the Heart curse, Dongfang knows it too! Look at his face!!!
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I totally understand why he ditches the imposing armor, soft clothing is so much better for wiping away tears.
An Evil Overlord who can be persuaded by reasonable arguments? Who da thunk it? Lol Orchid's so smug having won her argument until she realizes she's only convinced him to stay at her home. Well, Dongfang is an Evil Overlord after all, he can be persuaded to tweak his direction, not be pulled wholesale off course, lol
Oooh, she casually pushes his shoulder in that comfortable are-you-nuts way and Dongfang has the exact same reaction as when she pokes him in the shoulder in the Tower. While there is a level of You-Dare in his reaction, I now realize most of it is him being blankly stunned at being touched. Casually. Read: intimately. Calm down, fellow kitties, we're staying g-rated. This kind of contact eschews all barriers for a level of comfort that is fresh to Dongfang. I love it!
Who you like is not my concern. You belo- *Orchid slams the door in his face. With an eye roll.*.
Me, takes a deep breath:
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Again!!!!: she's pissed he's in her room; he asks, if she's threatening him; she replies, it's not as if I haven't done it before; Evil Overlord, feared across the realms, mentally concedes the point and downshifts from raised-hackles to calmly intractable. Like, have any of these fairy idiots ever tried holding an honest to God conversation with him?! Sure, he'd probably immolate the first impertinent moron to cross the line but until that point he'd listen.
Dongfang regains vulnerability; now he needs to practice restraint. He can bully Orchid. Of course, he can bully her. But bullying or bulldozing her comes with an assortment of emotional and physical landmines that he cannot sidestep. Restraint. Hahaha, his course on how to live as a feeling being is so wide-ranging! 😁
Orchid continuing to mistake Dongfang's imperious commands to maintain her well being for love confessions is just so damn adorable. I should find that level of dumb annoying but I don't because it is rooted in how little so many in Fairyland seem to care about her. She's not a distrustful sort, she embraces those around her given half the chance. She won't throw away a stranger (see: Dongfang) who could be a friend unless he shows himself to be godawful. She's not a moron; she understands enough of the danger he presents to urge him on his way. But does she really try? There are no desperate, furtive plans to attract the notice of the Fairy Guard. Instead she tries to ride the balance of the situation. Poor, sweet Orchid! You're too good for that place!!!
And in the end, she gets her way! Lol
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