#and onyx is just stuck with that. while trying to do a stressful job. which is also killing people BUT YKNOW
cozystars · 2 months
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these two again.
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Foster Household: Chapter 8, Part 3
Time for Carson to become a teen! He has a birthday party with his friends and Keira and Marta decide to accept Kayleigh's offer of staying at the house until they're ready to head to San Sequoia.
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Low level content warning: Mentions of emotionally abusive ex
Kayleigh: Thanks for coming
Eliza: We were bringing Onyx anyway, it was kind of you to extend the invitation
Bob: Onyx, get off the computer
*computer breaks*
Onyx: Wasn’t me
Paola: Mr Pancakes! Your latest cookbook was amazing, can I have a photo
Bob: Sure *poses*
Kayleigh: I though Bob didn’t do crowds
Eliza: He doesn’t but he needs to up his fame for his final promotion
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Darwin: You excited to get tall Carson
Angel: Yeah tall is good
Carson: Sort of
Harvey: Here’s your cake, make a wish
Onyx: Make it a good wish
Kayleigh: Happy Birthday Carson
Carson: Thanks mum
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Teen Carson! His last favourite colour is blue and his room gets a do over to suit his new style. He rolled the learning and discovery hobby which will pair nicely with his rolled like of archaeology. He also rolled liking pessimistic sims and disliking optimistic sims. He rolled liking flirtation and affection, alongside disliking physical intimacy so I think that makes him asexual but not aromantic. He rolled being biromantic.
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Onyx: Woah, I’m so used to you having colourful glasses
Carson: I thought I’d try the see through trend, see what it’s like
Bob: This cake is exquisite, your dad did a good job
Carson: I’m glad you like it Mr Pancakes
Angel: So you coming to high school tomorrow right
Carson: I think so, but I feel like the watcher won’t be coming since it’s career day
Onyx: Career day is so boring, why do we have to have it every week?
Amie: Because we need to “broaden our young minds”
Carson: I don’t get it. Are you imitating someone
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Onyx: *sighs dramatically* Mr Amarinth
Eliza: That man does not make a good principal
Paola: You said it Mrs Pancakes. He’s a stuck up jerk
Christen: Don’t be surprised if he ignores you
William: Or thinks you’re going to be a clone of everyone else in your family
Onyx: Or just refers to you by your last name because “too many kids experiment with identity these days”
Bob: I did call to complain about that, gave him an earful
Onyx: I know dad, thanks
Angle: But there are good things. We’re there, obviously
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Pictures with friends: Onyx, William, Darwin, Christen
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Bob and Onyx autonomously hugging in the background. More pictures with friends: Angel, Paola, Amie
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The party doesn’t last long however as Carson’s llama flu is still bothering him. He takes some medicine but still feels off.
Carson: Hey dad
Harvey: you all right
Carson: Not really. I think it might be something more than llama flu
Harvey: Well there is an after hours clinic on Ohan’ali. We could pop in
Carson: Sure, just let me get changed
Harvey: That jacket is… unique
Carson: I live in Sulani, why not have a pirate phase
Harvey: *chuckles* fair enough, come on
While they’re out Kayleigh takes some time off painting and watches some action on tv.
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Kayleigh: Hey, where’s Carson
Harvey: He’s at the pharmacy
Kayleigh: What was wrong? We got him his vaccinations
Harvey: Can’t vaccinate for asthma sugar
Kayleigh: He’s got asthma?
Harvey: Yeah. Doc said we need to try keep the house dust and dander free, and make sure he doesn’t get too stressed
Kayleigh: With Reece not living here anymore that should be a little easier
Harvey: *laughs* Exactly. But I don’t know what effect it’ll have on his fitness
Harvey and Kayleigh are both active and the family is sporty. They're NOT concerned about weight
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Kayleigh: How are you doing Carson
Carson: I don’t know, it’s weird. I mean who even develops asthma as a teen
Harvey: I’m sure a lot of people do
Carson: Hmm, maybe
Kayleigh: Try not to be too disheartened honey, we can adjust
Carson: But how can I be a scout leader if I can’t hike without collapsing
Harvey: You got the inhaler, you should be okay if you keep it with you. The only way to know is to try
Carson: I guess. Thanks for helping with the project
Kayleigh: No problem. Have a good sleep honey
Harvey: Catch you on the flip as the young ones say
Carson: Ugh no one says that dad
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They all head to bed. During the night Harvey feels like a midlife crisis could be coming along, but doesn’t want to bother any of his family with it when Carson needs support for his diagnosis.
Carson: Morning Dad
Harvey: Good luck on your first day of high school, try not to fall asleep at career day
Kayleigh: Good morning Carson
Carson: Trash is treasure
Kayleigh: That's nice honey. I just wanted to let you know Keira and Marta will be staying here until they’re ready to move to San Sequoia. They’ll have Reece’s old room
Carson: Yeah mum, sure
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Kayleigh: Remember, Marta’s lost her family. We don’t want her to feel excluded from this one
Carson: Yeah yeah, talk to Marta, got it. Hey do you think this light makes my skin look good or amazing
Kayleigh: *sighs* teens
Harvey: We are getting old
Kayleigh: I’m not old
Harvey: Did I say old? I meant better looking
Kayleigh: *laughs* come here you
Carson: Ew! Could you two not kiss when I’m trying to… well do anything really
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Kayleigh: Where’s my eldest baby
Charlie: *laughs* right here mum
Kayleigh: Oh I miss you
Charlie: You saw me a couple of days ago
Kayleigh: Yes but when you’re a parent it can feel so much longer
Charlie: Heads up, I’m getting really good at chess now
Kayleigh: Then how come I have a large pile of your pieces
Charlie: Tactics mum, tactics
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Kayleigh: I just don’t know what to do about your brothers
Charlie: They’ve been knocking heads since they could knock heads mum, that’s not on you
Kayleigh: I just wish they could get along
Charlie: Mum, one of the first things I learned in professional sport, not everyone will get along. Sometimes personalities just clash. It doesn’t make the people bad
Kayleigh: I just worry I did something wrong
Charlie: Mum, you didn’t. You taught us to fight for what we want, it just turns out that both those boys want to be the best, so they fight
Kayleigh: When did you get so wise
Charlie: *scoffs* When I took your queen, checkmate
Kayleigh: When you- hey! Good game. I have to go help your sister move. Take care honey
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Kaleigh heads to Willow Creek but Keira and Marta are running late with packing so she takes a trip to the park while they finish up. She spends some time in the observatory, then collects some fruit from the nearby plants for Harvey to add to his garden.
Kayleigh: Ready to go now
Keira: Yes. It’s been wonderful here, James and Alexander are so generous.  But Liam knows we’ve lived here, we can’t risk staying even if he is locked away for now
Kayleigh: Whatever the reason, I’m always going to be happy when my kids are home
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Keira: Big stuff in storage, clean clothes in bag, I hope I didn’t forget anything
Kayleigh: If you did I’m sure Alexander will send it along
Marta: Why does the water here taste so good
Kayleigh: There’s freshwater springs all around Sulani, we’re lucky
Marta heads upstairs to check out the room. Part of her wishes they could stay here forever, the sights are beautiful. But if Liam could find them from a society wedding, he’d be able to track Keira to her celebrity mum. It’s not worth the fear she’d live in.
Carson: And then I said to him- Marta!
Marta: Hola Carson
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Carson: It’ll be good to have you two here, even if it’s just for a bit
Keira: Thanks. It’s always nice to be back here
Carson breezes through his homework easily enough and then decides to be brave and try swimming some laps. The filtering keeps the pool water clean, but he’s not sure how much he can exercise without upsetting his asthma. He finishes and coughs, and I worry I’ve killed him, but he recovers from coughing without having a full on attack.
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Marta: You use such lovely colours
Kayleigh: Thank you honey. Do you paint
Marta: Me? No. I like singing, but I don’t paint
Kayleigh: If you want to try while you’re here there’s plenty of supplies, just help yourself
Marta: Gracias
*phone rings*
Kayleigh: Hello? Oh Reece honey how are you? Yes your sister got here fine, she and Marta are getting settled. What was that noise? If the turbines are howling you should really get someone to come look at them, you won't be able to sleep with that racket. Talk soon darling
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Kayleigh: How was your first day then
Carson: Not terrible, I’m in the same class as Onyx which is nice
Marta: Who
Harvey: Oh Onyx is Bob’s eldest
Marta: Your cooking friend yes?
Harvey: You got it
Marta: Were the students nice? Spot anyone cute?
Carson: Why
Marta: I’m a romantic, I’m curious about these things
Kayleigh: I had so many crushes in high school
Carson: Excuse me, I just need to text Onyx asking how to get out of this conversation
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Marta: Forgive me, I didn’t mean to overstep
Harvey: If you need to come out as straight son, that’s fine. Straight people are the majority
Carson: Dad! I’m not straight, I’m bi
Marta: Yay! Another one for team bi!
Kayleigh: So it’s official, we failed at passing on our pan genes
Marta: All your kids are queer. That’s something is it not?
Harvey: Of course it is. We love you Carson
Marta pulls Carson in unexpectedly for a hug and whispers.
Marta: Don’t worry, being bi is the best, you’ll love it
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theonyxpath · 4 years
Here we are in almost the last week of the Deluxe M20 Technocracy Reloaded Kickstarter, and like all KSs, we’re at that time where pledges start to slow. So we’re thinking about this KS, and our previous ones, and the roster that’s coming up.
What works, what doesn’t, and what just makes us wonder. Like, should we continue to portion out sections of the complete text during the KS, so at the end backers have pretty much the text as it’s going to be before being formatted during layout. (Which makes it a lot easier to read in most cases!)
We like that model, as it shows prospective backers just what they’re getting so situations where folks expected one set of information but got something else don’t occur any longer. And it shows that the text being finished won’t be a factor in the final project delivery to KS backers.
Those are two pretty good things, in our estimation!
But, does that kill the fun for folks? Like, is there value in being, well, surprised by your new book when it arrives? So far, we’ve been betting that the surety of information is more important to more backers than those who might miss a surprise, but we could be wrong.
Similarly, if we say this is the text and if you don’t like it then you can drop your pledge before we finish, we see that as a valuable option for backers. We want folks who back to enjoy the Kickstarter and the material we’re releasing. We hope they enjoy the chance to help create one of these books by backing, or going further and taking one of those fancy, upper-tier rewards that let them add characters or be part of the art.
Lunars art by Gunship Revolution
Yet, we can only hope we’re pleasing folks as it is often hard to tell if our methods are not delivering our intention since the vast majority of backers don’t interact with KSs Comments section. Whether because of a general, well-earned, fear of Comments sections throughout the internet, or of KS Comments specifically, my impression from talking to backers is that they don’t need the stress.
Who can blame them? It’s why I always try and suggest other ways for folks to communicate with us – even here, I’ll suggest adding to the Comments for this blog, but whenever I do I also get direct emails. And they usually start off with a variant of: “Hope you don’t mind my contacting you this way, but I didn’t want to get involved with any drama in the Comments.”
Like I said, we tend to think a lot about how we do things, and particularly Kickstarters since they are one of our most public display of our processes.
In some states, public display of your processes can get you arrested!
To get back to the M20 Technocracy Reloaded KS, here’s some links to fun and informative programming that will be reposted in the Onyx Path Media section below:
Tune in to hear words of wisdom from the Technocratic Union live on Twitch, Tuesday, May 19th at 9 PM EDT on the Onyx Path Publishing Twitch Channel. twitch.tv/theonyxpath
Plus, Red Moon Roleplaying continue their actual play of Technocracy Reloaded right here: https://youtu.be/RtdW0znt7GU Please give them your support!
And also, Travis Legge’s M20 Technocracy Reloaded actual play, featuring a stellar cast including the one and only Satyr Phil Brucato: https://youtu.be/ALnD1nwuTis
TC: Aeon Jumpstart art by Aaron Riley
Our Next Kickstarter:
Of course, as we’ve been thinking about Kickstarters, we’ve been thinking about the best time to bring back the Legendlore Kickstarter. This was the KS we cancelled as we launched it right before the Covid-19 lock-downs, and we just didn’t think it could get the sort of attention it deserved.
But as we have considered the situation now, it seems like our lines of communication are, if not perfect, working far more closely to expectations. I’m getting regular notices from backers of our previous KSs again, for example.
So, without further ado, and not wanting to sit to long on Legendlore, we are going to Kickstart it next after M20 Technocracy Reloaded!
Expect most of our approach to be similar, but knowing that we already have a wonderful group of backers from the first go, we’ll be aiming at putting the KS together in a way that doesn’t just make them go through the same things again, and that appeals to folks who didn’t back the first time.
More on that as we have some actual examples!
Lunars art by Yiyhoung Li
Things We’re Doing To Try and Help During All This
On Wednesday, we’re opening up Dystopia Rising: Evolution Community Content on the Storypath Nexus. This is a chance for anyone to work with the templates and art packs we provide to create new projects for DR:E. As a creator, it’s a way to both publish your ideas, and to get a little extra cash during these difficult times.
That’s pretty much our feelings for any Community Content site right now. Plus, for players, the projects posted on these sites are PDFs that usually aren’t that big or expensive, and they very often are focused on useful additions to our official stuff. Adventures, deep dives into specific topics we’re not really set up to put together – just great ideas to add to your playing enjoyment.
Just wanted to chime in here to remind folks that we released Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2 on DTRPG last week, and besides the big book itself in PDF and PoD versions, we released each chapter as an individual PDF. If you’re into a particular line and/or historical period, but can’t indulge in buying the full book, these individual chapters are a lot easier on the budget with the job situation being what it is.
Also on DTRPG right now is the Shelter in Play Bundle containing about $180 worth of PDFs, including the Vinsen’s Tomb Jumpstart for Pugmire and A Light Extinguished, the Jumpstart for Scion 2e, plus a ton of other delightful games for playing while we’re all stuck in together – all for $10, and the proceeds go to two worthy charities! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/312564/Shelter-In-Play-BUNDLE
Our friends at IPR, Indie Press Revolution, are running sales of our books over on their site (link below in the sales partners area) and are planning to continue to do so for the foreseeable future. If you’re looking for our traditionally printed hardcover books and screens, Deluxe and otherwise, now’s a great chance!
We made the decision last week that we wouldn’t be attending gaming conventions until we feel like our folks would be safe from Covid-19 if they attended. Considering that “con crud” is a thing that we expect to get after major conventions during a normal period, we just can’t send our people into a convention right now. Unfortunately, that includes our industry biggie Gen Con, which still has not announced whether it is postponed or cancelled. Regardless of their decision, ours is: we’re not going.
Finally, speaking of conventions: Thanks for the support and interest in an online Onyx Path Convention I received in the blog Comments and elsewhere all last week. It was heartening, and a little scary, how many of you would enjoy virtually playing our games and meeting with us. Actually, all kidding aside, it was great to hear!
No news yet, but you gave us even more to think about. In this case, expect that we’ll be acting pretty quickly on running something like a virtual convention. We want to commit, if we’re going to, before the enormity of it has a chance to sink in!
So, thanks to your feedback, we’re a few steps closer to arranging a virtual venue where we can talk about and play in our:
Many Worlds, One Path!
The M20 Technocracy Reloaded Kickstarter funded in 43 minutes and at with just over a week to go has passed 1800 backer operatives, is over 400% funded, and has achieved Stretch Goals consisting of a Storytellers Screen unlock, an unlock of more original Mage PDFs, Backers’ Exclusive T-Shirt, Wallpaper, and building the Technocracy Reloaded Player’s Companion PDF: sections on Constructs and Symposiums (and then expanded by a later SG), Digital Web 3.0, Technomancers’ Toybox 20 and the Q-Division bonus section, Unlikely Allies 1, 2, & 3, Mission Statement short scenarios, and the expanded Digital Web 3.0.2. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/200664283/m20-technocracy-reloaded
Highlights of M20 Technocracy Reloaded include:
An Operative’s Handbook that provides a detailed overview of life in the Technocratic Union, describing the organization of the Union, the Conventions, and the roles that sympathizers, extraordinary citizens, and Enlightened Operatives play in the overall structure of the Technocracy.
An examination of Technocratic initiatives on a global scale.
Devices, procedures, and hypertech used by the Technocratic Union that explores the Enlightened Science, allowing operatives to apply similar effects in the field, if they have sufficient understanding of the principles that allow these gadgets to function.
A comprehensive list of citizens, cyborgs, operatives, progenitor creations, and allies to use as NPCs.
Storyteller support that explores story seeds and metaplot to shape a chronicle for their needs.
Next Kickstarter: We return to The Realm of Legendlore!
Onyx Path Media!
This week Impish Ian Watson returns to delve into the Trinity Continuum, specifically the recently announced Trinity Continuum: Anima, VtM Bloodlines, and the happy wonders of managing Onyx Path social media with the Terrific Trio!
As always, this Friday’s Onyx Pathcast will be on Podbean or your favorite podcast venue! https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
Tune in to hear words of wisdom from the Technocratic Union live on Twitch, Tuesday, May 19th at 9 PM EDT on the Onyx Path Publishing Twitch Channel. twitch.tv/theonyxpath
Join the Consensus and watch the stream.
Plus, Red Moon Roleplaying continue their actual play of Technocracy Reloaded right here: https://youtu.be/RtdW0znt7GU Please give them your support!
Come tune in to our Twitch channel for a schedule including:
Vampire: The Masquerade – Blood on the Tamesis
Vampire: The Masquerade – Chicago by Night Noir
Pugmire – Paws & Claws
Storytellers with Coffee
Scarred Lands: Chronicles of Calastia
Changeling: The Lost – Littlebrook Reunion
Changeling: The Dreaming – The Last Faerie Tale
Mage: The Awakening – Occultists Anonymous
Scarred Lands – Purge of the Serpentholds
Dark Eras Werewolf: The Forsaken
Chronicles of Darkness – Tooth & Claw
Deviant: The Renegades – A Cautionary Tale
Good heavens, that’s a lot of games for you to watch!
You can subscribe to our channel over on twitch.tv/theonyxpath to catch up with any episodes you missed!
Come take a look at our YouTube channel, youtube.com/user/theonyxpath, where you can find a whole load of videos of actual plays, dissections of our games, and more, including:
Changeling: The Dreaming – The Last Faerie Tale: https://youtu.be/fx_UEKY6moE
Scarred Lands: Purge of the Serpentholds: https://youtu.be/9YC0qb29vjk
Mage: The Ascension – Technocracy Reloaded: https://youtu.be/ALnD1nwuTis
Hunter: The Vigil – Hometown Heroes: https://youtu.be/LJs8Q6KVu1o
Changeling: The Lost – Littlebrook Reunion: https://youtu.be/SXYLA9rCjKk
Vampire: The Masquerade – Blood City Chicago by Night: https://youtu.be/NmDv9Sq_wKA
Chronicles of Darkness – Seattle by Streetlight: https://youtu.be/6CwozhRpUNo
Do subscribe to our channel and click the bell icon if you want to be notified whenever new news videos and uploads come online!
Did you miss 307 RPG interviewing Matthew Dawkins regarding everything from They Came from Beneath the Sea! and They Came from Beyond the Grave! to upcoming Vampire: The Masquerade books? Give them a listen here: https://307rpg.com/?p=265
Further to that interview, the 307 RPG Podcast released an episode all to do with the Archetypes in They Came from Beneath the Sea!:  https://307rpg.com/?p=282
That’s not all! Vorpal Tales commence an actual play of They Came from Beneath the Sea! tonight over on their Twitch channel! Find them here: https://twitch.tv/vorpaltales
Utility Muffin Labs, home of the 25 Years of Vampire: The Masquerade podcast, have released a glowing review of The Chicago Folios right here: https://utilitymuffinlabs.com/25-years-of-vampire-the-masquerade?author=51a88e2ee4b035d1810e13fe
Occultists Anonymous are here with a new special Mage: The Awakening series:
RV Mage 07: Reversion  With Orphean mages no longer on the field of battle, the Pentacle mages work to undo the warping of the Gauntlet. The werewolves threatening the Supernal Being is going to make negotiations a little difficult. https://youtu.be/iUZKuh0G5sI
RV Mage 08: Excursion Following the Supernal shenanigans in downtown Richmond, Vicar, Drifter, and Amanita begin the search for further Orphean agents. An attempt to restore relationships with the werewolves goes as well as you might expect… https://youtu.be/YUcXnQwB-vM
Please check these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games! We’d love to feature you!
Electronic Gaming!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is awesome! (Seriously, you need to roll 100 dice for Exalted? This app has you covered.)
On Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these latest fiction books:
Our Sales Partners!
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost Second Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scion 2e books and other products are available now at Studio2: https://studio2publishing.com/blogs/new-releases/scion-second-edition-book-one-origin-now-available-at-your-local-retailer-or-online
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link! And now Scion Origin and Scion Hero and Trinity Continuum Core and Trinity Continuum: Aeon are available to order!
As always, you can find Onyx Path’s titles at DriveThruRPG.com!
On Sale This Week!
This week, the PDF and PoD versions of Oak, Ash, and Thorn the Changeling: The Lost 2e Companion bolts from the freakish Hedge on DriveThruRPG on Wednesday!
Oak, Ash, and Thorn as a companion book to Changeling: The Lost Second Edition, expands on what’s in the core book. It contains:
Expanded rules for freeholds and a selection of seeds for sample freeholds in four international locations.
Rules for creating new court Bargains and an introduction to non-traditional Mantles, including free companies, traveling bands, and Lost dynasties, with a playable example of each.
Entitlements, the titles of nobility that changelings assume to inherit mystical legacies from the Lost who came before them, including three full examples with accompanying tokens and Merits.
Expanded rules for tokens, including two new types with examples, guidelines for creating your own, and a system for ripping out one’s heart to become unkillable.
Also on Wednesday, we open the Dystopia Rising: Evolution Community Content section of the Storypath Nexus! Expect template and art packs you can use to create your own supplements to the DR:E tabletop RPG (and even get a royalty for your work!) Check it out for community-created supplements to further expand your fun with DR:E!
Though dates are subject to change due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, here’s our current list of upcoming conventions:
UKGames Expo: https://www.ukgamesexpo.co.uk/
GenCon: https://www.gencon.com/
Tabletop Scotland: https://tabletopscotland.co.uk/
Gamehole Con: https://www.gameholecon.com/
PAX Unplugged: https://unplugged.paxsite.com/
And now, the new project status updates!
Development Status from Eddy Webb! (Projects in bold have changed status since last week.):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep.)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
Under Alien Suns (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Adversaries of the Righteous (Exalted 3rd Edition)
The Clades Companion (Deviant: The Renegades)
The Devoted Companion (Deviant: The Renegades)
Saints and Monsters (Scion 2nd Edition)
Wild Hunt (Scion 2nd Edition)
Dead Man’s Rust (Scarred Lands)
V5 The Faithful Undead (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
V5 Trails of Ash and Bone (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
V5 Forbidden Religions (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Trinity Continuum: Anima
Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Hundred Devil’s Night Parade (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Trinity Continuum: Adventure! core (Trinity Continuum: Adventure!)
Contagion Chronicle Ready-Made Characters (Chronicles of Darkness)
Novas Worldwide (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Exalted Essence Edition (Exalted 3rd Edition)
M20 Rich Bastard’s Guide To Magick (Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary)
Second Draft
Many-Faced Strangers – Lunars Companion (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Assassins (Trinity Continuum Core)
Dearly Bleak – Novella (Deviant: The Renegades)
Mission Statements (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
TC: Aberrant Reference Screen (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks (Chronicles of Darkness)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
N!ternational Wrestling Entertainment (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Manuscript Approval
They Came From Beyond the Grave! (They Came From!)
Post-Approval Development
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
Lunars Novella (Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
Player’s Guide to the Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart (Chronicles of Darkness)
TC: Aberrant Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
LARP Rules (Scion 2nd Edition)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
The Book of Lasting Death (Mummy: The Curse 2e)
Post-Editing Development
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
W20 Shattered Dreams Gift Cards (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Hunter: The Vigil 2e core (Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
Pirates of Pugmire KS-Added Adventure (Realms of Pugmire)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Terra Firma (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e)
Art Direction from Mike Chaney!
In Art Direction
Scion Titanomachy
Tales of Aquatic Terror
WoD Ghost Hunters – KS final art: One more piece coming in.
Aberrant – Contacting and contracting. Signing off on sketches.
Pugmire Adventure – All sketches in.
Hunter: The Vigil 2e
Mummy 2
Deviant – Dividing up among current artists.
Legendlore – Back to KS prep.
Technocracy Reloaded (KS) – Happening.
Cults of the Blood God – Rolling along.
Scion: Dragon – Waiting on art notes.
Masks of the Mythos – Waiting on art notes.
Scion: Demigod – Waiting on art notes.
They Came From Beyond the Grave! (KS) – Sent out notes for fulls and splats for KS.
In Layout
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad
Vigil Watch
TC Aeon Terra Firma – Over to Josh.
V5 Let the Streets Run Red – Working on it.
Pirates of Pugmire Screen – Getting charts from dev.
Trinity Aeon Jumpstart – New artist taking care of finishing missing art.
Pirates of Pugmire – Errata input.
TCFBTS Heroic Land Dwellers – Inputting backer errata.
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate – Gathering Backer PDF errata.
Scion Companion – Just waiting for two tweaked pieces, expected today.
Contagion Chronicle – Corrections going over to Josh.
Cavaliers of Mars: City of the Towered Tombs
Duke Rollo Book – Finishing gathering backer errata.
Buried Bones: Creating in the Realms of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
Magic Item Decks (Scarred Lands)
Yugman’s Guide Support Decks (Scarred Lands)
At Press
Night Horrors : Nameless and Accursed – PoD proof on the way.
Dystopia Rising: Evolution Community Content site – Opening on the Storypath Nexus this Weds!
TCFBTS Screen and Booklet
They Came from Beneath the Sea!
C:tL 2e Oak, Ash, & Thorn – PDF and PoD versions on sale at DTRPG this Weds!
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
Please welcome Aaron Voss to Onyx Path! Aaron is old White Wolf and was my print buyer in the years before the merger with CCP, and has expertise in every stage of the game book creation process, and is specifically going to oversee getting our projects printed and shipped (and help Mirthful Mike Chaney out where he is needed).
18 notes · View notes
juleswolverton-hyde · 5 years
A Valediction: Forbidden Mourning | 01
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Genre: Smut, Romance, Angst, Stepbrother AU
Pairing: Stepbrother!Namjoon x English student!Reader
Warning: Appearance of a jealous Namjoon, rutting
Summary: Love comes in many shapes, but does not always have a prosperous fate. However, whereas parents might have found it, all the children can do is live in kalopsia.
Forbidden yet denying the mourning of the path chosen for them by Fate.
Author’s Note: Kalopsia (n.): the delusion of things being more beautiful than they are.
Also, my brain descended further into madness, deteriorating fast thanks to exams about poetry and linguistics, thus producing this fanfic which was originally meant to be a one-shot. Yet, here we are, and it would be a lie to say I am not secretly living for this.
Masterlist / Next part
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As virtuous men pass mildly away,   And whisper to their souls to go, Whilst some of their sad friends do say   The breath goes now, and some say, No: So let us melt, and make no noise,   No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move; 'Twere profanation of our joys   To tell the laity our love. Moving of th' earth brings harms and fears,   Men reckon what it did, and meant; But trepidation of the spheres,   Though greater far, is innocent. Dull sublunary lovers' love   (Whose soul is sense) cannot admit Absence, because it doth remove   Those things which elemented it. But we by a love so much refined,   That our selves know not what it is, Inter-assured of the mind,   Care less, eyes, lips, and hands to miss. Our two souls therefore, which are one,   Though I must go, endure not yet A breach, but an expansion,   Like gold to airy thinness beat. If they be two, they are two so   As stiff twin compasses are two; Thy soul, the fixed foot, makes no show   To move, but doth, if the other do. And though it in the center sit,   Yet when the other far doth roam, It leans and hearkens after it,   And grows erect, as that comes home. Such wilt thou be to me, who must,   Like th' other foot, obliquely run; Thy firmness makes my circle just,   And makes me end where I begun. John Donne, Songs and Sonnets, 1633
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Happiness can occur in life in all sorts of shapes in places both expected and unexpected, easy to reach or lying at the end of a rocky road. Sometimes it is a physical thing or activity that brings joy - a cup of coffee or tea on a dreary morning while reading a good book that university does not obligate you to read - and sometimes it is a person.
Dad found it in a foreign woman after divorcing Mom, steadily building a relationship from the ashes of the one that had just been burned to the ground, leaving only a daughter just finished with high school as the last steady though crumbling pillar. It could have collapsed had she not accepted the woman and the son who had flown over from a week earlier from the country she herself had left behind and managed to remain friendly despite the thirty-hour jetlag upon seeing the extended welcoming committee upon arrival. Even able to continue to do so in spite of insecurity, crazy working hours draining every last bit of humanity at times and - nowadays fairly decreased - social anxiety arousing suspicion around every unknown person.
At times it remains hard due to the cultural differences, but shared moments like dinners and helping with setting up the rooms for the new inhabitants has only strengthened the bond so that it has become like the days of the old marriage. In fact, travel stories alongside common interests form another source of daily bonding regardless of being busy with university and complaining about it.
Nevertheless, it is a form of love: family. And there is a gladness it has been restored to a formerly broken man trying to create the best life for an insecure though growing lass with wanderlust who likes to be more often absent than present.
Withal, these days the need to escape is grander thanks to a new reason.
Another love in the form of a person.
A big man who is five years older with the beautiful mind of an old soul and the brains of a proper academic, speaking with a silver tongue without lies and baritone tone reminiscent of the days spent by the sea during travelling in the gap year before giving university a chance forms a source of joy in this particular case. Habits like the patting of the head accompanied by encouragements and hugs coloured with a mixture of protectiveness and assurance before setting off on yet another adventure somewhere in the world when the educational and work schedule allows it or before stressful tests increasing the pressuring anxiety bring more comfort than they ought. How curious to see the rise in intimacy in comparison to the polite cold handshakes at the very start of the second journey during twelve careless months.
The sense of amenity has especially become more prominent after a particular night filled with terrors which occupied every dream, making the unconscious body futilely attempt to fight the horror. Joon came bounding up the creaking attic stairs and burst through the door, making sure everything was alright after urgently waking a girl he barely knew safe for what her father and his mother had told him, refusing to go downstairs to the simply furnished bedroom also functioning as a studio and office they built up together. Instead, the one-person bed had to be shared as a harmless bear lay down beside a koala and held her all throughout the night to form a guard against any evil that would dare disturb the calm.
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How cruel Fate is.
To send a person who unexpectedly had brought joy to a formerly bland existence filled with self-growth and a lonely road of which the emptiness was denied for surely the scenery made up for the lack of company.
But what of the local cafés for breakfast and coffee breaks, to scan through the taken pictures, show off any proud results to a companion? What of the bookstores to wander in for hours on end, the recommendations that cannot be given to a fellow bookworm?
No one is there.
Nothing but the empty shape of the man with adorable dimples and unique laugh that strangely captured the heart from the start.
All there is, is a sole pair of sneakers that are still a tad dirtied by Scottish mud when stubbornness resulted in being stuck in the hills, too afraid of falling to come down rapidly.
If Joon had been there, big hands would have guided us both down towards the beginning of Holyrood Park safely.
Been held while walking The Royal Mile and wrapped around a warm cup of freshly made cappuccino with impeccable latte art in the form of a Smeraldo flower as the rain poured from the ashen heavens yet we were sheltered from it by Miss MacIntyre’s cosy café.
If he had been there.
Thus, the girl who denied the loneliness is regardlessly left in solitude, lost among stories that can solely be shared with the one person who already loves another in the way the lone wolf loves him.
Because the bond of stepsister and stepbrother is in the way of pursuing a beloved who makes even the stressful days easier and who speaks with the distinct deep voice that can both rap and sing poetry, an odd contrast given the important day job requiring a suit, giving the genuine encouragements needed to see the hours through when everything becomes too much. Whose clothing style shows off the secret duality and sometimes becomes part of the self-developed one after coming home on a rainy day. Definitely becomes part of it if the temperatures are low and worries about potential sickness triggers the stubborn guardian inside the clumsy giant.
Namjoon makes the world not feel as if Atlas has handed over the burden. Instead, he selflessly lifts it.
And yet the truthful smile fades when low and more high-pitched murmurs and giggles on the other side of the bedroom door are heard during passing through the hallway to the attic in the evening, for it is undeniable Heungji, a beautiful onyx-haired girl on the other side of the world in a country - the place of his roots - as gorgeous as the fox herself, will keep the bear’s heart even if miles separate love. At least there is still the digital highway to connect and keep the relationship standing.
All we have are moments like these wherein the friendliness is painfully obvious while going out for a hot beverage together or lunch depending on the time of the seminar and his function as a debtor manager for the bank allows a break, even if the day has not gone awry. Nonetheless, today it has as the linguistics exam did not turn out as well as expected and the sole source of comfort - a cup of joe - cannot be paid for since everything which is necessary for the day was transferred from the bag used for the job as a retail worker to the backpack that was decidedly a better option, except my wallet.
Fortunately, the exchange student within our seminar group and also one of the loved friends made along the way, Changkyun - who goes by the name of Daniel to make it easier for the professors and likely evade embarrassment at the hand of wrong pronunciation - has offered to pay since he, too, needs a break from studying old literature. Moreover, there was no escaping the offer since the hazelnut-haired lad with a sly hint to a stoic look knows how much depends on caffeine in this student’s life and the salary earned at the supermarket in the mall would be deposited today anyway. Besides, spending some time with a fellow student, a rare occurrence outside lectures and regular class, might bring some peace of mind to the rampant mental chaos.
A buzz shaking in the back pocket of dark skinny jeans that do all but hold out the icy winter weather signifies the arrival of a message, the name upon checking who exactly sent it immediately bringing a sliver of a smile to thin lips desperate to cry out in frustration yet remaining silent. ‘Hey, how did it go? Did the practice we did last night do you any good?’
After dinner, Namjoon tried to help with the development of the skill of being able to distinguish between prescriptive and descriptive grammar as we sat in the corner of the stone-shaded L-shaped couch with the printed twenty-five page summary of all that needed to be learned. Before it would never even have occurred to the mind to lean on the broad shoulder offered so freely and embrace the strong arm which also functioned as a stress outlet whenever answering a question wrong. Joon did not mind it, merely asked in a laughing manner not to separate the limb from the body by squeezing.
It perhaps would have been after hearing yet another Skype call with Heungji.
It is silly, being so infatuated with a person who can never be held dear in the desired manner if they were ever fated to be with the lover from afar at all. But that is the way of the world: nobody can always get what they want. At least the parents who raised us have found happiness in each other, a virtue which is more important than the selfish desire for a grey-haired man who holds the middle between a wolf and a bear.
Withal, the same words spoken by the unattainable hidden philosopher when the first doubts about the study and everything surrounding it echo in the faded buzz of companions conversing with one another while waiting for the last party member: just because it is a bad day, does not necessarily mean it is a bad life.
Eager digits foolishly in love with the hallucination firmly cloaking them, refusing to lift the veil, type out a reply speaking the not so pretty truth. ‘First part went fairly well: 68/100. Guess I’m a grammar nazi, after all. The second part proved I, apparently, cannot use grammar in the normal sense. Completely screwed that up: 58/100. Hoping for an average above the 5.0.
‘Anywho, I’m going to forget about it for a wee while with Changkyun and a cup of coffee. Forgot my wallet, but he’s paying so it’s all good. Free coffee!’
An odd uncharacteristic response comes a split second later, the tone of the text containing a harshness which would normally never be associated with the kind giant regardless of the seemingly harmless proposal. ‘I’ll pay. You know what, let’s get lunch together. My treat. I’ll come to pick you up and we’ll go to your favourite restaurant near the convention centre.’
‘Joon, it’s fine. I’ll eat something at home and get back to studying. Besides, it’s only coffee before returning to the study of 1100 years of literary history and I’m sure you’re busy.’ Normally, the chance of sharing a meal after a late morning seminar would not be skipped, certainly not at the Asian fusion restaurant nearby the station and grand cinema, but it is nice to do something with someone else for a change.
Eyes widen in surprise at the determination and silent sternness colouring the turn the conversation has taken, unbelieving of the attitude Namjoon has suddenly taken on. ‘Seeing as I’m texting you, I must not be very busy. Let me take care of you. What was the address of the building where you have class again?’
‘Is this a Korean thing or just you being a very insistent gentleman? Don’t make such a deal out of it and get back to work.’ In the beginning and even nowadays there is a noticeable difference in culture as the wolf simply does not permit me to pay for my own food when the city allows repose from obligation and we should share a meal as family.
As stepbrother and sister.
The role of the latter becomes harder with the day, but the sole audience who gets to see the actress perform remains blind to the woman underneath the makeup due to the performance which crumbles behind the scenes.
The argument is completely disregarded in favour of the behaviour laced with curious possessiveness. ‘Oh, never mind. I remember now. In fact, I’ll be there in ten.’
‘Un-fucking-believable.’ With a defeated sigh and shake of the head, the phone is tucked back into the pocket and music softly sounding through crisp white earbuds turned on again. It is the variety of upbeat Korean pop songs mixed with indie artists and symphonic metal that keeps the blood boiling enough without acting in a rash impulse. Hands are tucked in the pockets of the leather jacket lined with fake wolf fur to trap all bodily warmth. Nonetheless, there is a fleeting, spiderweb-thin, unknown emotion adding extra heat to the body despite the apparent need for control. Something different than the amorous sensation normally provoked by the tall man.
‘Y/N, you okay?’ The baritone voice making one assume the lad speaking is older than the truth dictates, makes a mocking focus shift from sneakers forever engraved by adventures in Scotland and lined with sheep’s wool lightly kicking the ground to the face of the boy who has been a friend since the beginning of September. The hero of this awful day. Wearing the same style as on the matching day, raven locks parted in the middle to make the same-toned baggy hoodie appear more fashionable than it actually is and golden-rimmed glasses framing bright almond-shaped eyes the colour of the earth in autumn set above a tall nose, Changkyun stands waiting patiently for an explanation for the change in behaviour with crossed arms. ‘You already said the test didn’t go too well, but now you seem even more pissed off. Did something happen?’
‘My stubborn... brother.’ The last word comes out with difficulty for lately the situation has grown complicated due to emotions and actions both parties show and undertake, cloaking the relationship in a confusing veil outside of the eyes of loving parents. ‘I don’t know what’s gotten into him lately, but his behaviour has changed and not exactly always for the better. In fact, Joon is somehow completely against us getting coffee. Just two weeks ago he wouldn’t have minded because he knows you’re a good friend of mine, but now he’s acting even worse than I do when The Red Dragon is around.’
Withal, even before the mentioned period of change, some uncharacteristic tweaks in attitude that would soon be made part of the self had been noticeable.
The most obvious one was the curious shift from jealousy which was tried very much to be hidden underneath a calm listening expression to almost undeniable relief at hearing the male coworker turned into a good comrade on the first day of work at a new job picked up a month or so ago at the local mall as a retail worker already has a girlfriend.
A little while later, mayhaps in the week that followed, a similar rapid storm of emotions passed behind the wizened gaze of the bear who was reading Me Before You by Jojo Moyes as Dad and Jeongja, the gentle lovely woman who raised Namjoon and now also has a daughter to care for, spent the evening by watching series on Netflix. The slight cramping of slender caramel digits around the bright crimson sides of the novel showed everything that secretly flashed by in the eyes partially obscured by the top side of the book at hearing a few fellow students, the sole individuals who have been deemed genuine and fun company, dropped by the store for a brief visit before heading home via the station just across the plaza. Changkyun’s name - the sole male one among the fellowship - triggered the quiet rage. The rest form no problem since they are lasses, but the stoic boy who could make an advance that would deepen the current friendship to a more meaningful bond was in the unspoken opinion seething on the stone-toned sofa.
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Still is, judging from the tiny tenses of fingers or other easily dismissible negative quirks that appear after accounting having made a linguistics or literature seminar more fun than it truly was by goofing around - in a respectful manner that did not disturb the professor, of course - with a mere companion.
Another sign of transformation are the touches in the early morning when preparing the first cup of coffee of the day, the necessary beverage to get through the following hours, and a small bowl of soy yoghurt. First, it was simply digits muzzling extremely dishevelled but clean ash blonde locks which looked as if having withstood a tornado or gentle petting if they had fallen into a messy though charming bedhead look. Then those touches turned into big warm palms wrapping over the shoulder bared by the baggy shirt functioning as sleepwear, apparently a “convenient” point of support for getting something from the cupboard - being kindly slapped with a sachet of instant coffee on the head - or fridge.
None of it has been minded thus far since it casts a mirage which only adds to the forbidden longing for the tall man who can never be had and the fact Namjoon is the sole person who is allowed any kind of showing physical affection in the morning without being grumbled at. Mayhaps this is how siblings behave in Korea, showing more affection than here in Europe.
However, the intimacy to which they have grown alongside the farewell and welcome-back hugs at the airport or after a long tiring day, certainly will make any outsider curious as to what lies beneath the surface which allows the touches to this degree.
Nonetheless, in those instances, out of the sight that would surely question and judge the skinship, the world is a bit less harsh and the day easier on the psyche.
In those delusional meaningless moments, we are more than stepbrother and sister.
I am his and he is mine.
Regardless, what was minded and continues to bother the consciousness anew after being butchered by grammar and now once again tries to find a plausible explanation for the half-slumbering given excuse which bore no conviction, is this morning’s suddenly very intimate gesture. Perhaps it was an accident because there surely is no other justification for the paradoxical situation that unintentionally formed a prelude to today’s troubled train of thought.
Withal, the sensation of feeling a warm chest containing a wildly beating heart pressed against the spine while a hardened heat source pushed with the same pressure against the behind, the intention of the sensual action clear, and having arms wrapped around the shoulders in an inappropriate intimate embrace as thick grey locks appeared in the corner of barely though immediately alert vision cannot be easily let go of. Just like the full lips drowsily murmuring undecipherable statements against the shoulder blade while one hand travelled down to grip the hip and guide it to feel the slow barely noticeable rhythm set in by the wolf.
When remarking upon the fairly awkward situation, perversely wishing to remain a bit longer like this - even going as far bringing the pleasure suddenly sought after, yet not wanting to ignite any futile hope with the desire-filled images rapidly flashing by in a mental thunderstorm - Sense returned from wherever it went in an instant and the bear tainted with the traces of slumber muttered a poor excuse about not being fully conscious, having had a difficult conversation the night before with Heungji and therefore not being in the right proper mindset.
That it was just a lucid dream.
After all, we are siblings.
It meant nothing.
Simply an accident.
A bittersweet moment of actually feeling wanted as more than the sweet girl by the poet bound to an onyx fox in the land of tigers.
But it is uncertain what Heungji would think of the recent obvious displays of jealousy. Surely, it would not be much appreciated if a lover so clearly is affected by the actions of another, basically not allowing them to be with anyone who is not approved of aside from themselves. In fact, the situation a wolf and koala are in is one of cheating.
Then again, there is too much distance between the two and things are easily left unspoken.
Mayhaps I am a mere distraction.
Worth nothing.
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Howbeit, if one thing has been learned from the relatively brief time together, it is that cold false games like that are not Namjoon’s way and would be an unbelievable attempt at hiding the genuine nature underneath the sometimes intimidating exterior. Henceforth, something must have happened which has triggered the change. After all, how difficult was that conversation last night and was it the first or another addition to a series of multiple? Furthermore, there are still the kind-hearted soft female giggles and sonorous chuckles resonating from the other side of the door, although not quite so often as they used to do.
It is frustrating how the self cannot let go of Hope and let Sense lead it down another, less painful, path. That there is no progress from the dream keeping the mind captured.
What would not be given in order to escape the kalopsia.  
‘He is likely just concerned for his little sister. I know I’d be if my sister would go out, even for just a coffee, with a guy despite claiming they’re merely friends.’ A small smile forms on roseate lips, promising there is nothing to worry about and this is merely natural behaviour. ‘He’s simply being a good brother, Y/N.’
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‘Changkyun, you don’t- no, never mind.’ At the last second, the intent to use the accident as an argument is repressed, deciding it is too much information to share with somebody regardless of the bond with them. ‘Let’s just keep it at that he’s simply being weird but, as you said, a good brother.’
A lie which has to be believed every single day in order to move past the fantasies romanticizing reality and keeping the conscious blind to the all too eager harshness which would so like to make them crumble into tiny irretrievable shards.
To keep breathing when the salt shed in privacy has dried and Namjoon still is not there.
To just keep going.
‘Whatever you say, Y/N. Whatever you say.’
For a few more minutes, we simply stand basking in the warm scent of the building’s coffee corner while waiting for the last party member to return from the awful linguistics test, spending the time in silence disturbed by melodies only a sole pair of ears can hear. The music calms the nerves standing on edge with the for once negative anticipation of seeing the recently grown odd stepbrother appear in the doorway to fulfil the promise that could not be refused.
There is always a choice, you tell me that time and again when rock bottom is close or times are generally hard but not desperate. However, why is there not now? Why can’t you let me pick?
‘I’m so glad that’s over! All I want to do is go home and forget this bloody test.’ Golden straight locks round the corner in a whirlwind of temporarily gradually fading worry, held together by a caramel-toned hair tie. Judging from the tiredness dimming the normally bright - albeit tainted with stress more often than not - crystal blue stare, Monica is well and truly done with the day. ‘Let’s get out of here. I need to go home to study for tomorrow’s exam.’
‘Go take a break with us.’ The need for a brief repose is barely able to be dismissed from even the slightly happier expression breaking the stoic façade of the pale hazelnut-haired fellow caffeine addict. ‘Y/N and I are going to get some coffee anyway so join us.’
‘It’ll do you some good. Studying can wait until later.’ Fingers remove the headphones providing rest for a chaotic mind, the sounds of the world flowing in after melodies fade. A hand stretches out, tempting another soul into procrastination. ‘Or you’ll end up like Donne, obsessed with death. Death by studying. Come on, Mon. Let’s go.’
Withal, it cannot be taken nor a step set towards the exit of the edifice before an all too familiar baritone voice growls in warning. ‘How about you come with me?’
So far for escaping the sole person who wanted to be evaded at all costs to merely enjoy the rare occasion of doing something with friends, unrelated to university.
Because in the doorway and thus barring the way, clad in a neat onyx turtleneck and same-coloured pants underneath a trench coat which is a lighter shade of black, the outfit put on for work as a debtor manager this very morning, stands an intimidating wolf instead of the kind book-loving bear who helped with studying last night. And since there is no help, there is also no possible tactic that can be employed to still succeed in circumventing the six-feet-tall blockade.
There is no way to avoid Namjoon, raging with jealous menace.
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200 notes · View notes