#and rinne for that matter i think the amagis hate me
inkstaindusk · 6 months
The senior junior cooperation thing in enstars is incredible to me because you can level up to become a "senior" so fast if you play this game consistently like there is an incredibly disproportionate number of seniors vs juniors going on here. Anyway I still do not have the 5* Hiiro,
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tr4showl · 6 days
Hello hello! Hope you don't mind me asking but I saw your post about Nikis character development (I honestly agree with you, speaking as a NikiP) and I was wondering about your thoughts on the other bees and their character developments?
Hope you don't mind this being dropped off in your inbox 🤭
Hey, sorry for taking an eternity to respond, I haven't been in the best place mentally and I had end of semester stuff to do so I wasn't active for a while.
And dw I don't mind, on the contrary I'm very happy to be able to talk to someone about something I like :)
It's been a while since I read some of the stories and I only read 2 double face stories so far , so I'm worried some of my knowledge may be rusty or incomplete, so feel free to correct me if I got anything wrong.
I'll start off with HiMERU since he's been on my mind lately. I like bullying him but I actually think he's a great character and I enjoy his character even in stories I don't like. I like how he initially used to view Crazy:B as a unit he's stuck to and was trying to keep his distance from them but eventually he grew closer to them and started working to help and protect his unit despite claiming that he's only concerned with upholding HiMERU's image as the perfect idol and wouldn't hesitate to drop them if they get in the way, and even started participating in their silly shenanigans. He also breaks his perfect idol HiMERU facade more often now is slowly becoming more comfortable expressing his emotions and personality even if they're ugly don't always align with the image of perfection. Even though he took on the role of HiMERU to appease his ego and as a way to cope with his guilt towards what happened to Kaname , he still deeply cares about him and wishes for his dream to come true even if it's partially and it's very tragic that the Tojo siblings never got the chance to meet in person untill Kaname was already lost. :,( That being said, Merumeru (that's what I usually called the current HiMERU) still has a long way to go as person and he still has to come clean about his real identity to the people close to him, but I'm happy that he's found a group of people who he's comfortable with and who will accept him no matter what. I really hope we get to see more development on the Kaname situation as well Merumeru's internal conflicts in !!! ( But I really want to see Niki and Kohaku get their spotlight before that because recently Crazy:B has started to feel more and more like the Rinne and HiMERU show as far as character importance goes ngl)
Now on to the one and only leader Rinne Amagi. When I first got into Enstars I genuinely used to hate him based on the way the fandom talks about him and the few screenshots of his out of pocket behavior, not to mention his general character archetype being one I usually dislike in media. But after actually sitting down and reading the stories he slowly became one of my faves. He is initially introduced as a complete jerk who's a piece of shit towards people even the ones close to him but throughout the main story it becomes clear that a lot of his more extreme behavior is an act made to turn people against him as well as a facade he puts up to appear more powerful and in control. Still, Rinne is also a massive troll who genuinely likes messing around and sometimes he can end up coming off as dismissive of other people's feelings (which is something I would really like the writers to elaborate more on that and to actually address this in an interesting way) Despite that, it's clear that he genuinely cares about the people close to him and would go to great lengths for them even if his way of showing affection can seem a bit backwards sometimes because he struggles with being vulnerable with other people. He is initially someone who takes on burdens all on his own avoiding any help from others but the bees insist on sharing his burdens and are here for him when he falls , which is something he slowly has to accept. I also really like how critical he is of the idol industry and how he genuinely brings up some very good points about how exploitative and shitty it is. I know that due to the nature of Enstars as an idol gacha game limits that type of criticism and makes some of it fall flat , but I appreciate it being there and I like that we have characters like Rinne consistently voicing out these thoughts. I also really resonated and even related and even with his initial situation of growing up in a traditional and conservative society that ostracizes and alienates you for who you are while still having great expectations of you, and the desire to run away from there only to be faced with different struggles and still feeling out of place (but that aspect is greatly undermined after the bullshit plot twist of the super advanced secret society the Amagis apparently grew up in , that literally contradicts everything we knew about the village beforehand and heavily fucks up the character motivation for both of the brothers. Not to mention Rinne's relationship with Hiiro and Niki, who are two of the closest people to him, is treated like a complete fucking joke in that godforsaken event story)
Next, we got Kohaku who to be honest was the one I knew the least about for the longest time. But I still love him dearly, though. To start Kohaku stood out to me from the other younger characters in ES with how mature he presents himself to be but eventually it's clear that he's still an inexperienced and ignorant teen who's trying to navigate the world which can be even more difficult considering he grew up in isolation with only a screen as a connection with the outside world as well as how dangerous Kohaku's family is. I like how Kohaku is aware of how little he knows and accepts the help he's offered and he even reaches out for it, though he still has moments of stubbornness because he's still an angsty teen at the end of the day. I love his dynamic with the other bees, who all treat him like their little brother especially Merumeru and even though they constantly dote on him, they still respect him as a person and help him grow as a person. On a side note, I also appreciate his pretty unique dynamic with Madara who despite usually actually like he's everyone's Mama towards his juniors, interestingly enough treats Kohaku like an equal as his unit mate which I think may be in part because they both have pretty dark family backgrounds, as well as the nature of the jobs double face are given. And kohaku is usually shown to be the more emotionally mature one in the unit who tries to communicate as opposed to Madara who would rather take on the job himself without saying anything and tends to run away from important conversations.
Sorry if this is too long to read and comes off as incoherent at times, I just tried to scramble my brain for what to say and I'm kinda bad at forming coherent thoughts. Also I'm not too confident on my knowledge on double face so I better go and read more about them.
Sorry again for taking too long to respond to your ask.
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ohii-san · 1 year
hello can i hear how you think a rinne mayoi dynamic would be 👁👁
okay so you sent this ask like three weeks ago minimum but i am so bad at answering things in a timely manner . i will in fact humor you now though SO sorry i took literally like years :FUCKKK: i'll put it under the cut also i'm going to she/her mayoi because i have a headmate who's a fictive and we don't like to use he/him for her source . jsyk . I HOPE YOU ENJOY SORRY FOR THE RAMBLES
so first off i want to note rinne mayoi and niki are very do not separate to me . putting aside my insanity about rinne long enough to detach hiyori, i think niki is very integral to the rinmayo dynamic whether he's there romantically or not . because niki and mayoi are friends !! but i will try to keep this mostly rinne/mayoi . also sorry this is more like a list of 'hcs' than actually explaining their dynamic . i ramble
"niki-kyun who's thiiis" "this is my friend mayo-chan ! she's in alkaloid with otouto :]" ( mayoi is seen cowering behind niki because rinne is notoriously So Loud and Overbearing )
rinne tries to dial himself down a little- because he's not incapable of it, it's just that his default is sort of A Lot, so he has to make a conscious effort to be gentler to not overwhelm mayoi
at first mayoi doesn't see the appeal but she realizes he must be pretty nice if niki deals with him so much
since mayoi is in the sweets club with kohaku and himeru, i like to imagine she'd hear a lot about rinne through those two complaining about all the shit he pulls HAHAH and she'd warm up to the idea of him through that, probably
"rinne-san seems so scary, but .. he's not such a bad guy, after all ..?" <- mayoi realizing that she and rinne may have something in common
mayoi puts herself down a lot and when rinne hears this, he immediately cheers her up to the best of his ability and praises her sooo much
"i'm so sorry for bothering you, rinne-san .. i'm such a waste of space" "NOT TRUE ! yer a real good friend to niki an' meru, hiiro too !! never a waste of space, mayoi-chan <3"
they hang out together and talk about their cultures .. because they are both indigenous .. mayoi doesn't discuss hers with as much umm openness due to the fact that, if i understood correctly, she's like . undocumented and she doesn't want people ratting on her but rinne talks about his ainu culture with pride and tries to teach mayoi some things when she asks !!!! this is probably similar to what hiiro and mayoi might do too btw :] i think they should bond
mayoi and rinne are both sort of considered strange in different aspects- mayoi has her little freak teeth and rinne is umm . well i have to tread lightly because he's such a bad stereotype of indigenous people, but the fact of the matter remains that he's got a fairly shitty rep and i think they would comfort each other when it gets to be too much . mayoi has such poor self image that even if people aren't cruel to her, i think she'd find ways to believe she's hated, while rinne sort of .. KNOWS that he is because he causes so much trouble for people early in the main story- and i'd think he would continue to do so later, just in more harmless and "fun" ways such as allowing kanata to flood the dorms- so . basically rinne would teach mayoi to try and embrace how she's viewed by others and figure out whose opinions she wants to Actually care for
bonus idea; they are cis guy with no interesting gender x transfem girlthing with a lot of gender . hc rinne saw mayoi and thought she was another producer and she was like oh .. no i'm an idol .. aren't you hiiro's brother .. shouldn't you Know his unit ..
alkakurei jam sessions where they all hang out after the amagis sort of reconcile <3 kohiiai and rinnikimayo do their little gay things and tatsumi and himeru fucking kill each other in the bg
"i'm sorry, i hope my teeth don't bother you .. i know they're odd .." "your teeth are THE coolest thing ever . you should get piercings mayoi-chan" <- conversations that occur a week before rinne and mayoi get matching tongue piercings
kanata and mayoi should also be friends as weird little freaks who love to be in places they should not . i think it makes sense and then mayoi can go to see the hikari dorm and be like omg .. rinne AND kanata .. in one dorm .. best dorm in ensquare ..
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My Darling Dolls AU: The plan
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HiMERU and you stared at one another across the sofa in the hospital room.
It's already the said date.
"... HiMERU thinks this is pointless." He sigh in the nth time.
"Come on now, it's too early to give up." You said as you put down the news paper with the news about family that is selling illegal drugs for decades. It seems that the last name reminds you of previous classmates of yours.
"Oh btw I do think of a way to do it. It's not as Ricky as throwing myself out of the building at least." You chuckle.
"Your can pick between two option." You smiled. "first is something I hate even to think about." You felt depress when in the mere thought of it.
"Which is??" He raise his brow.
"I'll dismantle your doll threads and redo it myself." You said which made him narrowed his eyes. "HiMERU don't think you'll jest about such matter." He seems to know what it mean.
"Ahaha. That's why there's option two!" You chuckle as you cross your legs. "..." He don't even speak as you continue on. "I just have to be punch by Kohaku really strongly till I see stars!" You said your brilliant idea.
"All your plan is terrible and you really plan to drag kohaku in this mess? HiMERU don't want kohaku to learn about the truth." He sigh hopelessly. He look at you like your annoying as rinne.
"...oh right." You forget to tell others that your kohaku's dollmaker as well Madara and hiiro. You remember something about kanata said a long time ago. Or in your dream.
"You know... You should really make Madara do some... funny stuff.." Kanata whos in his doll form and laying on your arms.
You raise your brow at his words.
"I can't do that. It's not that I can control him." You chuckle.
"...ooh... I forget. I never told you. ...Since your my favorite doll maker... I'll tell you a secret." Kanata smiled softly as he told you a secret about doll maker and their dolls.
Your eyes widen as you heard his words before you smiled which he seems to happy to see. Later that day, Madara was pranked.
"MAMA IS SO SAD YOUR BULLYING YOUR MAMA NOW!" Madara who's big fish custom with his legs shown.( You know reverse mermaid? ) His also wearing a very pointed glaring pink heels.
"ahaha. I don't know what you mean." You and Kanata laugh as Madara sigh through he did smiled as he look your smiling happily.
He was surprised he suddenly wear such outfit in his own when he blacked out just now. He wonder what Kanata told you about.
When be learn the truth, he did warn you not to abuse it because some higher up doesn't want dollmaker to know such things because of reason they'll abuse their power over the doll they made.
"Anyway, since your clearly don't want to do the first option. I brought the things I need!" Smiling as you pulled the paper bag you brought with you, because you already know he won't accept that first option before hand.
"...is that..." His eyes widen in disbelief at what you pulled out from your paper bag. "Why would you bring Amagi's cloths with you?" He ask as you enter the bathroom to change your clothes.
"Well..." You said in the bathroom before long you come out wearing Rinne casual outfit, with the headband include.
"I don't know if my plan B would work without problem. So I better cosplay as Rinne to be punch by Kohaku."
"...your height isn't even close to Rinne." He told you the flow of your cosplay.
"That doesn't matter. I can fix it being as annoying as rinne." You give a wink as you take out rinne's phone from your paper bag.
HiMERU who watch you have full outfit of his batch leader don't know what you did to have those outfit and his phone as well.
"Oh, I don't steal it or anything. Rinrin owe me something's so he happily help me when I show him some." You gesture some cash.
"... Basically HiMERU is hearing your bribe Amagi?" He seems amuse now.
"How do you even have a lot of cash to take care of us and such. Even to fuel Amagi gumbling addiction now?" His curious where you get those money from.
"Idk. I received cash a few days ago. It's this much..." You gesture the ungodly amount.
"...you don't report it?" Thinking it might be a scam HiMERU cannot believe you accept the money you get out of nowhere.
"Idk man. I say whoever sent it win a lottery or something. Like that amount is the same cash price as thay big lottery from years ago." You chuckle.
"It's as if they know the winning number from the start...." You suddenly pause. You take out your own phone as you pause on texting kohaku on rinne's phone. You look at the name of the person who send you the money.
"Ah... I know who send the money now." You mumble as you realize something. "Which means my plan would totally work! Ahaha!" You give HiMERU your phone where it's show the receipt of the money transfer.
[ ITYSHUWU: (your translation of the username)I told you so HiMERU!! UWU]
"..."HiMERU is speechless.
"cough. Testing. Testing." You who instead of going to school to learn what society want you to learn instead learn random things like Pressure point massage, creating cloths as well copying someone voice.
Honestly it's just you being bored out of your mind and that time it was April fool's.
You and rinne wanted to prank Niki and it work. Your not a pro at this to copy many people voice but only for rinne because it's for a prank. Nothing else.
Through it never occurred to you have to do it again years later.
"[ Ah... Orechi. ]" You smirk as you finally adjust your voice. [ Now then shall we make a bet to decided our fate?] Smirking wearing rinne's outfit made HiMERU start to see rinne instead and it both made him annoyed and amaze.
kohaku Oukawa
he don't know why his gottdamn batch leader--rinne amagi called him out of the blue. But he said it's an important matter. He come to the place rinne texted him, he saw rinne (?) Having a chat with HiMERU which surprised him because HiMERU cannot deal with Rinne to chat casually with him.
"Rinne-han, HiMERU-han." He called as he arrive at that place. Rinne (?) Turn around and he realize it's not rinne.
"MC-han, Why are you cosplaying as Rinne--" before he could say something. you who have rinne outfit reach out to kohaku the moment you approach him in close distance.
The feeling of threads in his doll body (through his in his human form ) being adjust his sight which was looking at your image suddenly saw the real rinne in your place. Through the memories of seeing you just now disappear like it never existed.
"Ahaha. I did it." Rinne said laughing at his proud work. "??? " Kohaku look at his batch leader and HiMERU who looking at the scene in disbelief.
"What.... What did you do?"
"Well. I just sold you feet pics." Rinne says as he show picture of the proof. A site of kohaku's feet pics being sold out under one hour.
"WHAT!!!" Both HiMERU and kohaku yelled in disbelief.
"HiMERU cannot believe you did such horrible things Amagi." HiMERU sigh as he also don't know the full plan.
"Gyahaha. It's for our unit well being so one have to sacrifice -- ack...." Kohaku who suddenly feed up with rinne BS punch rinne so hard he went flying to the wall, become unconscious in the floor withen minutes.
"M-- AMAGI!" HiMERU who saw such scene quickly rush to rinne's side.
"HiMERU-han. Just let that trash be. It's not that he would feel pain or anything." Kohaku rolled his eyes after he delivers a deadly blow just now.
He look at his phone as his classmate who said the teacher come back just now and he needs to come to school right now.
"Sigh, I come here to hear something pointless. But I have to go to school now. Bye now." Kohaku hurried to left the place not knowing the reality.
he don't know what to do with you. He look at you who's in a bad state after kohaku send you flying just now.
He hurried to send you to the hospital after trying to stop your head from bleeding because of the collision just now.
Looking at you in his arms, he wonder why would you do something so stupid just to prove a point.
"Because Kana is my best friend. And you also wish to wake him up. The most important thing to me is dolls wish and my friend who I have no connection with for years will being... before mine." He remembers you said those after you transfer him some money if there's needed to do some operation to you later.
"Don't worry rinne will cover out for me. His out gumbling in another place for couple of days. My plan is bullet proof! Ahaha" you chuckle innocently.
"Because your the bullet proof who will take the hit instead of others... I cannot believe kaname made a friend's like you... How can I ever repay you... I wonder." He hold your hands, you just come up from operating room.
They said your were in very worse state and it was so dangerous if HiMERU don't arrive in the hospital in time. "Please don't end up being deep asleep like kaname is." He mumble full of worries.
your mind is blank but you tried to think about kaname. You wish you could find him. Because you think his probably reliving his past while his dreaming as well.
You thought of the moment of long time ago. In the darkness of unconsciousness, you suddenly hear a voice.
"p-please don't cry... Because I'll cry too wuwuwu!!" The moment you open your eyes. You saw young Kaname crying as he hugged you, comforting you. You look at your hands, looking at child like hands.
You realize you succeed. But your gaze suddenly saw mayoi doll form state. Not even able to be happy in your success as you felt intense loath at that very moment the memories you forgotten resurface.
This was the day you found mayoi in a bad state and Kaname is comforting you as you cried for too long. A memories that believed to be a nightmare for years for you, is a reality you forgotten.
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A/N: aiyooo. What did you just do kohaku? Also do you think the feet pics a lie or not. 😂 Idk should I write some point of view of yours while your in the past again?
Ah yes.
Someone did know something is wrong with you before others did. So it's not a full secret now is it?
TAG LIST : @allimili @valeriele3
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justsoohi · 1 year
Dream Maker/ Episode 2
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Tomoya: ......hmm
Subaru: ?
Tomoya: ......Mmm~
Subaru: Hey Hey. Tomoya-kun, Tomoya-kun? (Poking his fingers on his shoulder)
Tomoya: Eh? Ah, huh? ーIt hurts!? W-what? Why are you poking you finger in my cheek!
Subaru: Haha, sorry, sorry. I didn't think you'd fall for it so spectacularly. a feeling of familiarity springs up because your reaction reminds me of Ukki~♪
You've been staring at that plastic tea bottle for a while now. What's the matter? Are you that worried about the limited Christmas packaging?
Also, I want to drink that tea, but if you don't want it Tomoya-kun can I have that tea?
Tomoya: Ahh. I'm sorry!
I was lost in thought for a moment that I went absent-minded while still holding it tightly. Yes of course, here you are
Subaru: Thank you! I was running around with Daikichi until a while ago, so I got thirsty...
It's so good...haha. Delicious~♪
Tomoya: ..............
Subaru: hm? What's wrong? Are you there~ Look at my face and say something?
Tomoya: (I wonder what Akehoshi-senpai thinks about that........?)
(He said he likes live performances and Christmas. Maybe I should ask him?)
Umm....., Akeboshi-senpai do you like Christmas?
Subaru: What!? Is there anyone who don't like it!?
Tomoya-kun! That guy who doesn't like Christmas is probably an alien or something, so you should definitely stay away from him!
Tomoya: I-Isn't it right!? As I thought Everyone likes it, don't they!? I'm not strage am I?
Subaru: eh. Is this really about an alien who hates Christmas?
Tomoya: Oh no. It's not like that
We had a meeting for the "shuffle project" the other day, right?
At that time, I thought the seniors were very calm and collected. I felt that they were just doing their job.
......Ah. Of course I know it's my job, too.
But Christmas is supposed to be a fun event.... and still I've been feeling gloomily all the time.
I figured it out why when I talked to Amagi-senpai earlier
The seniors think that Christmas is for the kids, so it's not for them to enjoy.
But. I don't want to do a Christmas live concert thinking that it's just an event.……That’s not fun……and it's lonely
At first I was shocked by the "shuffle project," but now I want to do my best.
Subaru: Hm~ I see~
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Subaru: Well, you're not wrong. 'cause we're idols and it's true that we have to entertain our audience
Tomoya: that's true, but...
Subaru: But Tomoyo-kun wants everyone to have fun
I'm with you on that!
Tomoya: Eh
Subaru: Because. I would rather perform live thinking that it is my job, than to have the audience enjoy the show.
It would be better if they could see us enjoying ourselves singing and dancing and think that we are having fun together☆
That's why. I think you should tell everyone how you feel
Tomoya: Ugh~. I'm thinking about that too but I think it's cheeky for me, the youngest junior to do something like this...
Subaru: you don't need to worry about that. After all, We're all friends who have been gathered from various offices to form a "unit" so age doesn't matter, we are all equal
Everyone in "Trickstar" is the same age, so it might not be very convincing~
In "Ra*bits", Nito-senpai is older, but that doesn't mean no one can say anything, right?
Tomoya: well, that's right
Subaru: That's why I'm sure it'll be fine this time too! Fusshii~ and barry~ and Rinne-senpai are guys who understand what you're talking about~
Tomoya: .............
Subaru: Huh?
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Tomoya: It seems we both received messages at the same time
Subaru: which means... ah, as I thought it looks like I got a message from barry about the "Shuffle Project".
Let's see.....[We have a problem with the plan, so we will hold a meeting as soon as possible]....?
Tomoya: what's the problem I wonder
Subaru: who knows?
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aeoki · 3 months
SS Finals - Epilogue 6
Location: SS Stage (Eden) Characters: Hiyori, Jun, Nagisa & Ibara
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Jun: But even if Hidaka-sensei was able to predict the future, he’s not a god so it’s not like he can do anything about it.
So he must have taken preemptive measures with his own assassination in mind.
The documents he left Kagehira-san and I had detailed information about “Priest”.
If someone with power publicly announced that information, then his existence would come to light at the very least.
Even if “Priest” appeared as Akehoshi-san’s father, people could point out that he’s a fake. At the very least, the public would grow suspicious.
Nagisa: …Yeah. I’m sure Hidaka-sensei couldn’t have forgiven him for trying to stand in for himself or someone he loves.
…At the same time, Sensei told me several ways to see through “Priest’s” disguise.
…He also gave me a device that would disable the disguise he wore using the latest “SSVRS” technology.
…Sensei has been in this industry for a long time, so he must have known about “Priest” and the tricks that he would use. His advice was useful and very precise.
Jun: Indeed. I asked Sensei to tell you if he could.
I think Sensei also had a hunch that you would fight “Priest” behind the scenes.
Nagisa: …He truly is a terrifying individual. It’s almost as if he can see everything that happens.
…But I’m sure “Priest” would have also known that it would be difficult to assassinate such a man.
…I took into account that we would protect Touri-kun and chose another method in order to prevent that.
…Everyone would have been suspicious of us, but we told the “Red Team” that we had kidnapped Touri-kun and made them hate us.
…That way, the “Red Team” would have a justifiable reason to defeat the “White Team” and they could give us a beating as much as they liked.
…Saying it was all under the name of divine punishment for kidnapping such an endearing child.
…My position would also gradually worsen. Just as I had expected.
…The source of it all lies at the leader of the defeated army. That was the person I became.
…The one who set that in stone was “Crazy:B”, who mentioned there was a possibility that the voting system was rigged.
…Everyone pointed their fingers at me, saying that I was the culprit behind the scandal.
Hiyori: There’s no way you would have actually been the culprit, though. Was the voting system actually rigged?
Nagisa: …I thought it was suspicious. I don’t think it was true.
…Because if it was actually rigged, people would suspect the “SS” Administration Committee as they’re the one who managed the votes.
…They were under ”Priest’s” arch-enemy’s control. There is no way “Gatekeeper” would turn a blind eye if “Priest” was doing things that benefitted himself.
…If it’s true that the system was rigged, then “Priest” would have made it so that the “White Team”, who he had planned on making an appearance as “Lucifer”, would win.
…That would be best for him. Or rather, things would be easier that way.
…In that situation, he’ll just need to randomly kill someone from the “White Team” and appear as the “Support Idol” to fill in those shoes.
…That way, “Priest” would be able to obtain glory as the winner without having to put in the effort.
…He would have also gained the large sum of money and the position of the hero who saved the “White Team” from the predicament of missing a team member.
…But the “White Team” lost for the sake of the “oracles” I issued.
…That wasn’t how the “Priest” wanted things to turn out. In that aspect, I suspect that he couldn’t have done anything to the voting system itself.
…It wasn’t rigged.
…But the truth doesn’t matter. In “Crazy:B’s” eyes, they just wanted to destroy the structure of the performance battles and the voting system.
…That’s the sort of unit they are. They’re a group of terrorists who destroy everything that goes against their ideals.
…Since Rinne Amagi-kun was acting alone, I’m sure it was because he didn’t want to drag the “Crazy:B” comrades he loves so dearly into it.
…He also intended on shouldering everything by himself. Just like how he tried to do so back in the summer.
Jun: Doesn’t look like he feels sorry for any of the things he’s done.
Ibara: He may not regret his actions, but he’s making progress. In a revolting manner. He was able to carry out his goal precisely this time.
Frankly, I don’t know what he’s trying to do, though. I would have thought he would welcome those sorts of performance battles, where you could turn the tables around in a single move, though.
Jun: I wonder if he just wanted to break the system itself.
Ibara: What’s wrong with that troublesome monster…? The winners of this year’s “SS” Finals are supposed to be able to have the reward all to themselves, so maybe he couldn’t let that “inequality” happen.
Every idol has value. Perhaps he couldn’t tolerate the structure that allowed only the strong idols to earn money.
Nagisa: …Yeah. That’s precisely why he was the only one who could accurately understand my intentions, since I also had similar resolutions.
…That’s why he said I was the culprit behind rigging the voting system. Thanks to him, I was able to make my ultimate move.
…And “Priest” finally moved after that. He caught the bait.
…He had planned on eliminating me after blaming everything on me and appearing as “Lucifer”.
…He would then stand at the top of the idol industry – with an expression that says he has done nothing wrong.
…He would stand there like the saviour who defeated the villain and put an end to the entire tragedy.
…I’m sure he would have most likely wanted to confess and expose the sins my father had committed and claim that I, his “son”, was also a bad person.
…He would make up a villain that was easy for the public to understand, act like he’s on the side of justice and gain their trust.
…He’ll become the best idol praised by everyone.
…He would be able to stand on high by looking down on others. That’s the same thing the CosPro higher-ups did during last year’s “SS”.
…I’m glad the same thing didn’t happen this year.
…I’m really glad the bad things could have been stopped in the critical moments.
…Even now, I see the expression Subaru-kun had last year in my dreams.
…At the very least, I didn’t want to make him bear the same expression this year.
Ibara: Hmph. It wasn’t an outcome Akehoshi-san would have jumped up and down in glee for. There was no truth behind the suggestion that his father was alive.
It was all an evil conspiracy.
But you also saw the battle between “Trickstar” and “Knights” earlier, didn’t you?
Akehoshi-san had a horrid, sparkling smile plastered on his face the entire time.
If his face would ever be clouded, the comrades around him and the rivals he respects would continue to emit a dazzling aura.
Those rays will reflect back at him and he’ll shine once more. He’ll shine like the sun – as if blowing away all of the sorrow.
I don’t think we’re in any way inferior to “Trickstar”, but when I see that smile, I can’t help but think we’re no match for them.
No. I end up hoping that we, too, can smile just like that.
Nagisa: …That’s definitely not a pipe dream that can never come true, Ibara.
…The opportunity is always around us.
…Let’s head towards the stage with that joy.
…It seems the time for me to be crushed and rendered immobile by the weight of my sins has yet to come.
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maximumcheese · 2 years
223. Empathy
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Rinne: “.......”
HiMERU: “—Of course. In short, we can understand you more now.”
Kohaku: “Yeah. That’s to say, Rinne-han decided to do what he thought to be absolutely right. Nah, he musta’ been too scared to do anything else.”
“Saving your beloved relative and friends even at the cost of your own life—That’s a moving tale, a beautiful, righteous, and noble thing to do.”
“It’s ‘cuz Rinne-han looks like a piece of trash, I was wonderin’ why he’d planned on doing such a saintly thing.”
“Good, I'm rather relieved to see the logic. You were afraid of doin’ the wrong thing, weren't you? Then, to be told you're wrong, and denied.”
“To think that your very birth itself was a mistake.”
Rinne: “.......”
HiMERU: “—Yes. HiMERU understands. You no longer had anyone to tell you that you were ‘correct’. And if you did, they all left.”
“To continue to hear ‘You’re a mistake’ from one’s most beloved people is…Even an angel would become sick and break.”
Kohaku: “Yeah. If you assumed you were such a mistake from the start, you got produced as a villain or a baddie, ya know?”
“If you’re in a position where you’re supposed to be right, but all you can do is do what’s considered wrong, you're gonna feel insecure 'bout it.”
“You're gonna think that you’re strange, you know? You’re a defective human being—a distorted, mistaken, malfunctioning, troubled, failure.”
“You're just a fake, pretendin’ to be human.”
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Rinne: “.......”
Kohaku: “Nah, that ain’t it, it’s ‘cuz you wanted to be a human, that you tried to do what’s right. To give up your everything to protect the things you love.”
“If that was your final goal then, if you could do just one right thing, it was fine if you got called wrong in the process.”
“That’s really whatcha’ meant, ain’t it, Rinne-han?”
“It’s the same for me. If the main family walks the road of righteousness, we’re the heretics that’ll carry forth, no matter what. We’ll eliminate everythin’ that threatens the right path, even if it means gettin’ covered in mud.”
“Once in a while, I’m envious of those who walk sparklin’ down that just path but—”
“So it goes, ya know? Thinkin’ things like there’s no place for me where the sun shines—Yeah, I’ve given up on that.”
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HiMERU: “I too—”
“—HiMERU is no different. He is content to be behind the scenes to keep what is right and correct.”
“Looking up at something sparkling, beautiful, and righteous in the distance, gloating inwardly that it is of my own making, and indulging in the joy of self-gratification”
“However. Once in a blue moon, it is frustratingly lonely.”
“We are a collection of outcasts.”
“That’s why, Amagi—We are able to sympathize with you, protect the same nest, fly around and play with you.”
“Yes, it was a real pleasure. The short honeymoon HiMERU had with you all was…”
“I hate to admit it, but for HiMERU it was an irreplaceable, happy time.”
Kohaku: “Ya, it’s the same for me. The outside world didn't hand me the happiness I had always dreamed of.”
“But y’all have really given us something similar and arguably more precious.”
“A place to belong, the joy of living. For your guys' sake, I cried myself to death, got angry, and got into trouble, I was worried and I suffered but—That's what made me happy.”
“It was much uglier and dirtier than I had expected, tastin’ of tears and mud, but still, it was the first sweet nectar I had ever had. I still couldn’t get enough of it.”
“So that’s exactly why. Don’t say you're quittin’ the idol business, Rinne-han. We still gotta do it together, because we dunno how to fly alone yet.”
HiMERU: “—Yes. HiMERU is fine with being alone, but as you can see, Oukawa looks lonely.”
Kohaku: “Well, I dunno ‘bout Niki-han.”
HiMERU: “Yes, I also don’t know about Shiina.”
Niki: “Eh? Well then, I’ll do that, too!”
Kohaku: “You just say that you’re gonna do that… How can you live so carefreely like that, Niki-han?”
HiMERU: “On the contrary, in HiMERU’s opinion, he’s impressed. Shiina seems to have casually moved into a blind spot where everyone else won't notice him, and has begun to eat something—”
“HiMERU also does things at his own pace, but he cannot lose to Shiina.”
Niki: “Monch, monch… While everyone’s been talkin’ forever, I’ve been downin’ my afternoon snack, but it seems I’ve been caught.”
“I get that this is the kinda air where I’ve gotta say somethin’ movin’, but it’s alright if I just swallow this first, right~?”
Rinne: “Ahaha. I feel at ease when I look at you, Niki. ♪”
Niki: “Yes? I mean, this really ain’t the situation to be lookin’ at me, you know?”
Rinne: “.......?”
Niki: “Ohhh, my god~ Even I noticed it, so why hasn’t everyone else?”
“There’s absolutely no point in talkin’ about idols just looking at other idols, but I really don’t wanna be the one to have to tell you that, you know?”
“But hey, you gotta work as least as hard as the salary you get—”
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“Really, life’s a bitch.”
Kohaku: (Ooh? What's up with you all of a sudden, Niki-han? For some reason, he started runnin’ around the edge of the stage, wavin’ his arms in circles......?”
(I’m guessin’ it ain’t some exercise to aid digestion?)
HiMERU: “—Hm. HiMERU and others will join you Shiina, Oukawa.”
Kohaku: “Huh? What for?”
HiMERU: “You'll understand soon enough.”
Kohaku: “......? Well, alright. Why don’t I join ‘em, too~?”
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dunkaroonie · 2 years
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Hinata: The Fusion Unit project is finally here; it's so close.
Yuta: It's good luck to be last though. We 2wink are teaming up with-
Rinne: Don't make me wait, Anzu and ya twins! Crazy: B is here!
Yuta: ....hey. I can predict the future.
Rinne: Hmm hmm, what are ya talking about?
Yuta: No no, don't worry about it!
Niki: Rinne-kun, please enter the room faster~. The back is stuck!
Rinne: My bad, my bad ♪ I completely forgot about you guys!
Aah! Hey now, who's the one kicking my ass!?
Kohaku: Kokoko. Who are ya? You've been in the entrance for forever, so you've been punished?
Anzu-han and both of 2wink have been waitin' for ya.
HiMERU: As said in Hold Hands, my previous job is on hold... Amagi, please sit down quickly.
Rinne: Yeah yeah, I know.
Niki: Nyahaha. Are you finally calling uncle?
Rinne: Shut up.
...and? What are we going to be doing today?
Yuta: It's a meeting for the Fusion Live. Did you come here without knowing anything?
Rinne: I didn't know what to say. It was an icebreaker!
Hinata: That's suspicious, isn't it? Well, he's always suspicious though.
HiMERU: ...Anzu-san, what's wrong? We're all here, so we should start the meeting, you say?
HiMERU agrees. Let's get to the main topic at once.
Hinata: Well, first of all, we should decide which unit will lead the performance. Anzu-san, which do you prefer?
(If Crazy: B was picked)
Rinne: Thank you for choosing Crazy: B! As expected, Anzu-san has good tastes.
Do you regret choosing us? Why's that, nahahaha ⭐
(If 2wink is picked)
Hinata: You're leaving 2wink to us?? Uwaaa♪
I'm glad that you support us so much~ I'll do my best together with Yuta! (he salutes) ⭐
Kohaku: Now that the lead unit has been decided, the next thing to do is decide the content of our concert?
HiMERU: Agreed. Everything should be planned beforehand. HiMERU thinks that it is a good idea to pick an exciting leader to bring us to success.
Rinne: When it comes to excitement, count on me!
Kohaku: What you said is so dumb I thought you were talkin' in your sleep [1]. You're far from being reliable, that side of you is embarassin'
HiMERU: Yes. Those who are truly dependable do not brag about themselves.
Rinne: Argh, why don't you shut up, servants? Obey what the leader says!
Niki: Mmmm. I'm tired of doing that, and I'll say it again... I don't even think he's the oldest~
Rinne: Haaah? Then Niki, you can play a role in all this excitement.
If you dress up in a bee cosplay, I bet the venue will be even more exciting... ⭐
Niki: Eh eh, why is that!? I hate it! I'm sorry~!
HiMERU: This will get us nowhere. Let's let the third party, Anzu-san, decide.
(If Kohaku was picked)
Kohaku: Is it okay for me to do it? ...Ah, yeah, since I already have experience doing a Fusion Live as Double Face.
Leave it ta me. I'm gonna use the memories of that time as a source of excitement.
(If Niki was picked)
Niki: Aah, you want to see my in the cosplay too...eh? No? You just want it to be lively?
Thank goodness~..... Then I can do it. I'll do it, so please leave it to me!
(If Rinne was picked)
Rinne: Gyahaha ⭐ Isn't that right? I knew Anzu-chan would go for me.
Leave it to me. Big brother has great ideas.
(If HiMERU was picked)
HiMERU: - You have picked HiMERU? Of course we will gladly accept.
HiMERU is the perfect idol I will show you how to lead to made everyone excited.
Hinata: It looks like Crazy: B has been all figured out, but what about us?
Yuta: If Aniki is okay with it? I'll be the leader?
Hinata: Eh, it doesn't matter which of us it us, so it's okay for Yuta-kun to be leader.
Okay, let's liven up 2wink together! Do you think that works?
Yuta: Mmm. I feel like it's the same as usual...
How about we let Anzu decide, like for Crazy: B? Then we can't complain, right?
Hinata: I agree! Anzu-san, which is better, me or Yuta-kun?
Yuta: Ahaha, that sounds like you're asking "which one do you like?" Even if one of us doesn't get picked we won't worry about it, so feel free to make a decision ♪
(If Hinata is picked)
Hinata: I'm your choice? As expected, Anzu-san has a keen eye. Ohohohoho ♪
Mm, leave it to me. I'll make the nevue more exciting as a lively role... more than any other unit ♪
(If Yuta is picked)
Yuta: You'll leave it to me? Alright....♪ Thank you, Anzu!
It's a big responsibility, but I'll do my best. I'll plan well and make this venue as lively as possible.
HiMERU: Now that the role of the leaders have been decided, the next step is to decide the costume.
Rinne: That's right! Even though Niki's has already been decided 🎵
Niki: I'm the only one wearing something weird?
Anzu, are you looking for something in your bag?
HiMERU: Ah, they are the costumes that HiMERU and the others have worn before. That helps a lot.
Kohaku: "Be The Party Bee!" And also... "Hot Limit" costumes, "Nightclub" costumes, and our unit costumes?
It's difficult to narrow it down to one... which d'you like, Anzu-han? Will ya give us yer opinion?
(Choice does not affect dialogue)
Niki: I like that costume too! Anzu has good sense, as expected 🎵
Rinne: Oi Niki, that makes it sound like I have bad taste? A-aa?
Well, I have no complaints about Anzu-san's tastes.
Kohaku: We won't lose in terms of costumes. And you each, maybe it's best not ta skip all the practices before the performance?
HiMERU: Those two are worrisome, but HiMERU does not cut corners. We will deliver the best of Crazy: B.
Hinata: I wonder if there was anything else we needed to decide at the meeting?
Kohaku: Though, later... aaa, I dunno if I can decide on an encore song.
HiMERU: Perhaps "Brand New Stars" or "Fusionic Stars" is a good way to end.
Yuta: That's good. It feels like a proper end to a Fusion Unit project, and fans will be happy ♪
Kohaku: Which one is the problem. What d'you think, Anzu-han?
(Choice does not affect dialogue)
Rinne: Alright, that's all we need. Well do~ne.
Yuta: Each unit should practice their songs. And we need to discuss our Fusion Unit Song in another meeting.
Kohaku: It seems that isn't required. One of the highlights of a Fusion Live is that it draws on the different characteristics of idols.
So we should decide for ourselves, like other Fusion Units have done.
Niki: Oh oh. As expected, people with experience are reliable!
What kind of song will our Fusion Unit Song be? I'm looking forward to it~
HiMERU: ...Anzu-san, what is on your smartphone? Ah, we can listen to the demo track?
Hinata: Hmmmm, "Lemon Squash Cheers" is the title of the song. It sounds very much like alcohol-
Niki: Gu.... kiyuyuyuyu.... (stomach rumbles)
Rinne: .... Oi Niki, that was a pitiful sound. It even carried through the air.
Niki:I can't help it... Lemon squash is a delicious name, it's not my fault!
I used my head all meeting long, so I'm short on calories. I can only think of making some rice!
Yuta: Ahahah. When you look at how desperate Shiina-senpai looks, it makes your own stomach feel empty.
Hinata: Same. Why don't we eat rice together as a group rally?
If possible, I'd like if Anzu-san were to come too. I want to hear about the Fusion Lives that have already happened.
Yuta: Good idea! Then, let's all go to the cafeteria!
Kohaku says something more literally along the lines of "You're sleep talking after sleeping", which is a saying along the line of thinking someone could only possibly say something that weird in their sleep.
Directory: https://dunkaroonie.tumblr.com/post/678287449814908928/fusion-crazy-b-x-2wink
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maximumcheese · 2 years
210. Loopholes
Season: Summer
Location: Stalls In Front of the Live Stage
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Time: Just after MDM
Kohaku: Go-o-raaaaahhh! Wait for me! I said I'm not going to beat 'im up, I'm just gonna pull a couple of hairs outta his head!
Why can'tcha just take your punishment like good little boys, you dumb idioooooots!
Niki: Stop stop stop!
My body and hair are my precious, precious possessions that I’ve dumped all my nourishment into~ I’m not gonna let anyone take that away from meeeee!
I didn’t do anything wrong, it was all Rinne-kun’s fault!
If you’re gonna pluck out my hair, at least get him too~! He’s a grown man, so it should totes be terrible for him!
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Rinne: (—Ah, ha ha ♪)
(They’re havin’ fun, hey…It’s like I’m dreaming it all up. We’re not still noddin’ off on the late-night bus, are we?)
(That’d be nice, huh, but well, I’m not, so…)
(I'm not a little brat that believes that bad and miserable things don't happen in this reality.)
(Unfor~tunately, I'm a member of society who already understands that "Depressing Mondays" are sure to come, huh?)
(I don’t want to get climbin’ up in the years, but I can’t keep playing around forever.)
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Hiiro: ………
Rinne: (Last time, I coulda’ taken him by surprise, confused him, and gotten away while he was still open.)
(But it won’t happen again, ‘cause his hunting skills come from my help, after all.)
Hiiro: ………
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Rinne: …Hey. Don’t just stand there all silent and starin’ at me, you’re somehow starting to look like some cute girl tryin’ to pick me up.
Hiiro: …Yes. It seems that in the city, staring at other people's faces is a rude, or even detestable behavior. I just didn’t know where to start.
Rinne: Haha? You poor little thing, you’ve really been disowned by your own family, huh? ♪
You’ve got no right to call me “Nii-san” anymore, and it’s rude to address someone older than you without any honorifics.
You got some sort of psychological resistance referring to someone you hate as “san” or “sama”?
If you don’t know what to call them, it’s fine to just use “scum” or “idiot” you know?
That’s what everyone in this world does, they read off the labels pasted unwillfully on others. ♪
Hiiro: Hm. No, I’m going to call you “Nii-san,” like I normally would.
Rinne: …Really now? And why is that?
Hiiro: Well if it’s you, Nii-san—You’d understand. I was, in fact, disowned by you by virtue of your authority as monarch.
And I was ordered to never call myself an Amagi again.
But. In other words, I’m no longer a citizen of our hometown anymore. I lost that right. And back home, the monarch should have complete submission out of me but—
Rinne: …Yeah ♪
Hiiro: As I’m no longer obligated to follow the monarch’s orders, I can refuse your orders, too.
That’s why no matter what you say, I will call you my brother with dignity because—
I will hold my chest high, because I am Hiiro Amagi.
I’m Alkaloid’s Hiiro Amagi. In that capacity, as a formal idol from ES…I have a request for you Crazy: B.
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Hiiro: Will you comply, or not?
Of course, you have the right to refuse this request. But if possible, I would be happy if you could accept.
Of course, if you fulfill my request, I'll also pay you the official fee in accordance with ES regulations.
…How about that, Nii-san?
Rinne: Hm~......I still think that you’re only thinking with your head, you know?
I want to praise you for findin’ that loophole on your own, and I'm glad we can have a somewhat normal conversation like this but, you know—
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I've loved you since the day you were born.[1]
Hiiro: ………
Rinne: That’s why, cheer up. Do as you like, I’ll accept anything you got for me…What are we supposed to do, Alkaloid?
Hiiro: I’ll explain it now…I'm not going to ask you to do anything that difficult, so don't worry about it. Yes, probably.
Rinne: Gyahaha. Why are you being so delicate and inarticulate, is it ‘cause you had a hard day today? Did you get a sore throat from singin’ too much?
Hiiro: No, I’m fine. Mayoi-senpai trained me well in “bocal teck”.
But. When I was a child, you had been so nice to me, and I thought that had been because you were fulfilling your role as an older brother, as chief but—
After we met again in the city, you had such a disagreeable attitude and you’d make all these reckless remarks.
Surely, I had decided for myself that you hated me.
So when you show me kindness again even now it’s—What is it, like this, embarrassment? I have this strange feeling, is this embarrassment, Nii-san?
Rinne: Ah, yeah…I think? Stop that, you’re makin’ me feel embarrassed too, you know?
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For just this line, Rinne uses “俺” (ore) instead of his usual “俺っち” (orecchi).
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