#and then player makes a comment abt how it didnt feel like *just* a story and tries to pry and kagura's just like :)
questingquasar · 1 year
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there's an old event in hoshi that isn't in dream bf where they're in these outfits, and dio has those glasses
while they were played off as lookalikes with the same name in this event, not the guys themselves, that still makes twice that they've put dio in glasses and my megane nerd heart is overjoyed by this nonsense xD
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ritzcuit · 3 months
since you cant find any ask prompts i'll just ask you a random question. what drew you to Datz as a character specifically? i love him a lot but i'm always curious to know what people vibe with when it comes to their favorite characters
AW hearts... thank you:3
its been a long time since i first met him so ill try to remember.. ik an ace attorney rp group i was in, the few ppl there who had played soj were talking about Gay Datz, so when i wanted to pick up a new muse i was like "that datz dude seemed silly (and we already had a dhurke) so ill just go watch soj for him:3" and then the horrors started
obviously he's an extremely likeable character but he was like the perfect storm of tropes i already liked + tropes i didnt even know i liked yet... him being the funny comedic relief is endearing but it's all the underlying Coolness of him that i just became obsessed with. and the loyalty. the loyalty i think altered my mind permanently. "right hand man" is like a trigger phrase for me being obsessed with a character now LMFAOOO HE BROKE MEEEE. i didnt even know i cared abt loyal guys before him!!! before datz i just cared abt delinquents and criminals
but god he's just so COOL ISNT HE!! his big ass kukri and the confident smug uncle way he peels apples... it really makes me nostalgic for the kind of guys i idolized when i was younger (and still do lmfao) i know he's in nepal-ish-area but he'd be 100% at home with my appalachian family.. the kind of guy who has infinite stories about anything and Probably half of them are made up but he's your uncle so you're gonna listen... bc he's the coolest ever.
PLUS if you put any thought into datz at all, like, the fact that he's made to be the way the player learns about dhurke's (and the kids) past, its like ... Ok but how do YOU know what their childhood was like huh?! and immediately you get this idea that datz is like, a seriously loyal guy who cares not just abt The Cause, but this whole little family dhurke has... that + the way datz solemnly and seriously mourns tahrust drives me CRAZY !!! LOOK AT HIM WITH HIS GENUINE FEELINGS!!!! AND HIS DEPTH!!!ARGH!!! IM GOING TO EAT A TABLE!!!!
and the more i talked abt him with my equally obsessed friends and fleshed out what kind of a Guy he must be, like.. piecing together "ok well if he helped look for apollo's mother after the fire, when dhurke was being accused of Literal Treason, then he must already have been close friends with dhurke or otherwise trust him for some reason...moreover dhurke must have trusted him at least a little..." it paints him as such a capable and loyal guy....Bro he devoted half of his life on this world to dhurke and his cause... his exmilitary history and outdoorsy guy tendencies helping dhurke live on the outskirts of khura'in.....
(trembling)and inthe concept art creator comments in the soj artbook it makes a mention of how datz being the moodmaker of the revolution is what kept it going for so long HELPPPP DATZ!!! DAAAAAATZ!!! ok this isnt even from the game anymore LMAO
short answer is i think he was concocted in a lab to make me, specifically, mentally ill
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daisy--sorbet · 4 years
heyyy, hope you’re having a good night!! if you have the energy and feel okay answering, what’s up w taz graduation? i haven’t checked it out yet but i was thinking ab it. just asking bc you’re the first person i saw talk ab the show having serious issues, but also feel free to not answer this!! hope you have a good week!
i took a nice hot bath, had a strawberry kiwi capri-sun, and did a nice face mask and i’m feeling pretty good - so, y’know what anon? let’s talk about it. 
for anyone who likes taz grad who sees this post: it’ll be tagged with “taz grad hate” (although i feel hate is definitely a very strong word - it’s for the simplicity of tagging it) - so please block the tag if you don’t want to see this post (especially because i put a readmore on a post before and it didn’t show up on mobile and instead gave the full post). mobile tumblr has a tag blocking system, so please feel free to use it! i don’t mind haha
anyway, so this is... probably going to be a lost post, and i wanna go ahead and preface it: this absolutely isn’t any hate on the mcelroys themselves. i love the brothers and their dad a lot, and while i doubt any of them would ever see this (or have it sent to them, or shown to them, because im pretty sure they try to distance themselves from this sort of thing), i just want to make it clear that criticizing a product is different than bashing a person. which brings me to the point of if i do end up sounding as if im bashing someone - please call me out on it! it’s not my intention to target anyone.
with that said, let’s talk about this campaign.
so my problems are as thus: the railroading, the shipping (a fandom problem, but it’s present in the podcast), the NPCs, and some misc problems others have addressed better than i have.
which. i know. that’s basically the entire podcast. (i promise i’ll bring up some positive points to balance it all out). keep in mind i’ve only personally listened to... what, six episodes? and it was enough for me to drop it. some people dropped it first ep, some dropped it ep four, and others are still forcing themselves to listen.
the railroading
there was a time i could handle travis and his railroading [making sure the story goes exactly the way he has planned], because it was the very beginning of the podcast and that’s what you can kind of expect from a plot-heavy podcast. hell, i wouldn’t mind it if the interactions and goofs weren’t a huge part of why i listen to TAZ in particular (which, by the way, is why amnesty still stuck out to me - even if there was a direction griffin wanted to push them towards, the interactions between the players (or players and npcs) made up for any railroading). it’s kind of hard to not railroad a little when it’s story-heavy and you’re trying to built up a world that you’ve put a lot of thought into. however, a huge part of d&d is the spontaneity. 
it’s kind of why i think balance was so popular. while there was railroading towards the end, there was the presence of improv that made it all good. most mcelroy content is enjoyed because of the goofs. the magic brian moment is memorable. the jenkin’s fight still stands out because it was funny (albeit a result of some bad rolls). the boys teasing angus sticks out because the four would play well off of each other. even without that - griffin had talked about how he had to roll with things (the fact he had planned for a fight atop the train, but ditched the idea for what his family members came up with instead). even in amnesty, a couple moments that stick out to me still are ned with the jetpack taking out a pizza hut sign, and the scene with the water where jake was trapped inside. they aren’t as fun, but they still stand out as “things i didnt expect to really end the way they did.”
with grad, it’s just. one after another. the thundermen want to subpoena a xorn? cool, let’s run with that until actually the xorn gets fed rocks and goes home and who cares about the subpoena now. fitzroy wants to keep his cloak? lets talk about it for a while and you also get no rolls to even try to keep it. fitzroy goes to meet higglemas in his office? oh, why are you here fitzroy? im going to keep asking you until you answer fitzroy? you arent getting out of this scene until you answer me, fitzroy, so just tell me why you’re here already, alright, fitzroy? 
and even later in a episode i read a transcript of: hey argo, remember how you have this whole secret motivation? fuck you, im gonna talk about it here in your dream and reveal it to listeners and remove any tension you had building up, and you dont get a choice to talk about it because this all-knowing villain knows all about it :)
and even NOW in the latest episode, there’s a comment that “we should cap argo’s skills here” instead of just... making the checks higher. rogues are good at certain things and usually arent the best in battles. better hope argo never makes it to level 11, because who knows how people are gonna handle the fact that he gets a skill that’ll make it so certain skills can’t have a roll below 10 (reliable talent). 
(griffin, thankfully, calls travis out for that, but still - travis, why would you even imply that, considering you should be aware of how rogues work considering magnus multiclassed into rogue and you played one on tiny heist?)
and in the newest episode, their Big Bad chaos (which, god, i personally hate that name) straight-out says “dont do this” to the thundermen. travis tries to say, on twitter, “a character saying “dont do this” is different than me saying it” but i need to point out that it’s one thing if you’ve said “no” in character but worked with the PCs doing otherwise, but the railroading says differently.
the shipping
ill try to make this quick, because it’s nothing to do with the fandom (ship however you want, man) - but i really feel the need to draw attention to this.
fitzroy, as confirmed by griffin in a ttazz episode, is asexual. not aroace, but ace nonetheless. and i find it... troublesome that the idea of rainer and fitzroy having a relationship is still pushed nonetheless, despite the fact that fitzroy (to my knowledge) was never once shown to reciprocate any feelings. not to be that person, but i really hope that grad doesnt have any sort of romantic relationships in it (at least - not between NPCs and PCs unless they’re actually like... warranted?). 
i dont know, man. one of my closest friends is ace, and i know she wants a relationship, but i think it would reassure her a lot to see an ace character who isn’t pushed into one in case she ever changes her mind. someone once mentioned that they hope fi/tz/ra/in doesnt happen because theres relationships that have that “oh, you can just date” and it goes upwards there to “oh, you can have sex just to please them <3″  (which, to be honest, is kind of a gross mindset - if someone isnt interested, they arent interested).
also, uh, the TTAZZ where griffin states this, there’s kind of the mention tht the whole sexuality question was posed in relation to the episode “creative thinking” (the dream one i mentioned earlier) - which. uh. i don’t know if anyone caught this, but... rainer straight-up wrote fitzroy a letter in the dream like “are you going to accept my proposal? a girl doesn’t like to be left waiting” which. leaves me with some gross feelings because uh.
if... if the whole thing about fitzroys sexual orientation was addressed here, then why would you push your ship anyway? feels kinda iffy, man.
to which i want to say: fitzroy can date. he’s allowed to date. griffins allowed to do whatever he wants with his character. but when a lot of the flirting is met with nothing, i’m not gonna see the chemistry there. just because travis ships it doesn’t mean it’s canon.
the npcs
ah yes. lets talk about the npcs.
there’s... a lot. a lot a lot. i think travis trimmed down how many were present in a scene, but uh. there’s still a lot. and... uh... i kinda wish there wasn’t?
look, i know im going back to balance/amnesty, but just. hang in there for a moment. chill with me. vibe. 
balance didnt have too many NPCs present at all times in each mini-arc. gerblins had some big names like barry, klarg, gundren, killian, yeemick, and magic brian. rockport limited had angus, jess, graham the juicy wizard jenkins, and all of the tom bodetts mentioned. 
amnestys first arc had mama, barclay, jake, dani, pigeon, kirby, minerva, and that was about it for like. big names? and not all of them were present in each scene. 
in the first episode of grad alone: gary, hernandez, jimson, rolandus, zana, rhodes, buckminster eden, rainer, leon, tomas, hieronymous, higglemas, stuart, jackle, bartholomeus, mulligan, groundsy, germaine/victoria/rattles (the skeleton crew). and those are the ones i wrote down (minus groundsy, who i just. ignores. idk him).
like holy shit, my english prof got onto me for having too many characters in my first chapter and i didnt even have half the amount listed there! 
it’s just a huge cast. does this take place in a school? yes! theres bound to be a lot of students present - but you don’t have to name every single one of them, at least not in the first episode!
the miscellaneous
i don’t know if travis ever actually addressed it, but wheelchair users have actually like... said that rainer’s introduction bothered them, because she was like “please ask me abt my wheelchair :)” when travis saying she was in an ornate chair would have sufficed. 
uh. the colonization vibes people have discussed within the centaur arc. mentioned here, the replies here, and this post (and its replies) here as well.
the overall lack of d&d when the campaign was kind of advertised as a return to d&d if i remember correctly
also no one seems to be taking literally any criticism at all which like. ignoring the petty shit, sure, but people have stopped donating to taz and their listener-ship must have dropped some during this entire time - you’d think that maybe someone could say “we need to find out why people dont like the thing and fix the thing” consider this is. yknow. their livelihood.
anyway uhhh 
tl;dr: travis railroads way too much (even now), the shipping in-game has become pushy and gross (especially bc its shoving a relationship onto an asexual character), theres too many npcs that dont stand out well enough, and no ones taking any criticism about the major issues with grad. 
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dystopianharry · 5 years
2018 writing evaluation !
1. Number of stories (including drabbles) posted to AO3: 4
2. Word count posted for the year: 177477
3. List of works published this year (in order of posting):
1. we know full well there’s just time
2. red hands
3. baby, go on, twist the knife.
4. adrenaline
4. Fandoms I wrote for: one direction !
5. Pairings: harry styles/louis tomlinson
6. Story with the most:
·       Kudos: red hands - 627
·       Bookmarks: red hands - 538
·       Comments: red hands - 105 
9. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
red hands ! it took me a year to write n im so goddamn proud of it, its the longest thing ive ever written n i worked so hard on it posting it was the best feeling in the world !! also seeing ppl actually read it n like it is insane :”)
10. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
if i had to pick it’d probably be baby go on twist the knife which is my canon love you goodbye fic, ig im just prouder of other fics ive written this year more than that one ?
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
from adrenaline:
Harry is watching him with those deep, gorgeous eyes, lips pink and soft and kissable, cheeks pink and warm, eyelashes so long they’re grazing his browbones. His hair is bouncy and curly and chestnut brown, and his jumper is snot-stained and smells like Tom Ford cologne and his slacks are wrinkled and his socks are mismatched, and he has a genius IQ and he’s a child prodigy and he goes to Harvard Medical School and he’s a painter and Louis knows he sleeps on his tummy, and he pouts when he wants something, and the way he giggles when he’s happy, and Louis knows how he sounds when he’s about to come and how he bites Louis’ lip when they make out, and he drives an expensive car and he lives in a mansion and he has a private chef and a pink record player and he loves old music and he loves keeping things organized and he loves beautiful things, and he drinks fruity cocktails and martinis, and he’s scared of his parents and he clings to Louis like Louis means everything.
There’s a split second where Louis regrets what he’s said.
Then, “I’m in love with you too,” Harry says, wearing the most beautiful, glowing smile Louis’ ever seen in his entire twenty six years of life, and Louis doesn’t regret a single goddamn thing.
12. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
literally all of them ?? they’re all amazing n every comment feeds me and makes me so happy n i love my readers more than anything 
13. A time when writing was really, really hard:
omg nanowrimo this year kicked my ASS i still cant believe i got through it i didnt think id be able to dfjadsfhjsjhjk
14. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
i think i was most surprised at myself in adrenaline for putting so much of my own life into it, theres a lot of shit in there that is personal on some level n a lot of things that kind of reflect certain parts of myself ive felt at certain times, n i dont normally do that in fic i think
15. How did you grow as a writer this year:
oh my goodness so muCH !!! this year i rly did make writing a huge part of my life, i really really developed my writing style for the first time, i published a longshot fic for the first time, i think i rly rediscovered my passion for it this year n im so happy im a fandom author now its my Calling
16. How do you hope to grow next year:
i wanna post longer fics and with stories i feel passionately about !! rn my wip is abt something v important to me, i wanna keep expanding on that n write from more of a personal place in the future
17. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
my writing gcs n my loggies !! thank u bbys for the writing dates they were super inspiring n i couldnt have got through this year without yall :”)
18. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
see above !! 
19. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
this is gonna sound Dumb but just ,, write a lot. do it A Lot . during nano i wrote 1.5k a day n it was So Hard but it rly helped me discover more of myself and writing just became this huge part of my life i cant remember what it was like before that afladfklfj
20. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
a gay students guide to 1989 !!! im SOSOSOSO excited for it to be finished its been such a project so far and its gonna be posted a lil later than expected but im gonna make sure its worth it , this fic means the world to me and its like one of the most personal things ive ever written :”)
21. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
im just gonna tag the gonger daddy houses gc luh u guys !
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heartsoftruth · 7 years
until now i thot Ney@PSG was just a way for him (and his pai) to get more money/advantages from barca by using PSG as a pressure point ... But now, after what Geri and Masche said, he apparently really considering leaving ... It's not just a mind game with barca's direction, he is actually serious. I still don't know what to think about it ...
Anonymous said:“Do you wane be someone who we hear of when you play in the CL only or one we also wants league matches live?” This got me thinking, maybe PSG could bring him a little more peace. Less media exposition, less pressure. On a personal level, i think it could be good for Ney … On a professional level, Barca is way more competitive of course. I understand why he take his time to truly think about it even if for the fans it is a hard time.
He wants to win the BdO. If he wants to win it in France he or has to score 40+ but especially win the CL. That will be historical. 
Anonymous said:I want him to leave. I think he needs it for his growth. But not like this and not PSG 😭
@imahighfunctioningdisaster​ said:I just really don’t see what’s appealing in going to PSG. (Except maybe for the money, but that what’s interest NSr, not NJr.) Ligue1 is so bad, like there is nothing spectacular or interesting to play in french football. There aren’t good opportunities or way to make yourself more famous, no good club (bc PSG is not a good club, not at all). (And it’s coming from a french person who doesn’t follow la Ligue 1 because of how bad it is.)
I dont see the appeal either tbh. I really dont see it. STAY!
Anonymous said:Neymar, it doesn’t get any better than Barca. You are a part of the best trio in football. You’ve won cups & you get praised for how incredible you are. But you’ll throw it away for money? A Brazilian friend persuading you too? If he leaves to PSG he goes to a shitty league with no competition. No one will care how many goals he scores. He won’t be alongside some of the best players in the world. But at least you got that money right? What a disappointment. Even if he stays, I don’t care.
Anonymous said:Ney will be hated by the fans bc of thinking about leaving. Ofcourse he’s thinks about leaving his dad wants him to go to psg. But I think Ney should man up and tell his father what he wants for once.
Anonymous said:I’m mind blown at how his father is sitting back and letting all this backlash happen, why is he ruining his sons reputation. Money is great and all but as a father your child should come first, his happiness should come first always.
Anonymous said:The damage is done already, Cules don’t want Neymar to stay even the once who really liked him are turning their backs on him. At this point he might as well just leave. I don’t know if he’s even aware of it. But he will be when the Camp Nou welcomes him with boos and whistles.
Exactly, it doesn’t get better than Barça and hell to the no at P$G…
I hope he stays. I’m keeping positive. I hope tonight will be a good came again and maybe some stay Ney chants and he will see what he can achieve with this team. 
He will just have to make up a lot with the fans. 
Anonymous said:Hi i’m sorry to bother but why would JB fans be mad at him? Did something happen? Again sorry for bothering youHi, you don’t bother me. I just dont remember what I said about JB… Anonymous said:hey ash well am a madridista but i wanna say that i really wish ney to stay although this will harm and threaten real Madrid but i want him to stay bec i love him and if he stays within a couples of years he gonna be the best player in world and 2nd its amazing to see such a unique talent in la liga :) am sorry if i interfered in barca issue while i am a Madrid fan good night all xoxox
Aaawh thank you! Thats very nice of you to say! I didnt know RMA fans visited my blog, but your words are too kind! It;s great to see how you appreciate him
Anonymous said:I feel like Geri messed up, meant positive about Neymar, but some things he said come out negative, he made him sound like incompetent child who can’t think for himself, and made it sound like he’ll never lead club cuz he’s not Messi. Not a good msg to send out there. I’m sure he didn’t mean it like that but it came out like that. We all know Ney is still under influence of his dad but he made big choices against him in the past and hes not a compete idiot, I think ppl underestimate him too much
Geri spoke his mind and the truth. I know what Geri means with the child comment and it isn’t as negative as it may seem. I thought he said some interesting stuff in a time where the subject of all this drama isn’t speaking. 
Anonymous said:watching stories from Neymars friends pisses me off even more, they really are such fucking parasites! he does all the work, in the middle of this hot mess they’re just fucking around, partying in messy hotel rooms, all just follow him around and live of of him and his success like leaches, they are no use. How can he be grown up surrounded with ppl like that 24/7?? Are they gonna still sit in his living room when they’re 50? pathetic….
I hvae no idea. I hope they tell him fucking stay at Barca idioto.
Anonymous said:If its abt leadership eventually ney will leave cos lio is the undisputed leader here&he fought his way to be here. Its not like he randomly became the leader over the years he has cemented his place. At the start it was a struggle even for him and right now tbh it would be extremely disrespectful and wrong to ask leo to step down because why should he he isnt declining? Or has shown any signs of it either even at the juve game both goals he was the starting point of it his inch perfect passes
True. He knows Leo won’t step down and is the natural leader. That;s why he might wanna  leave. 
Anonymous said:It’s not lio imposes himself on others infact last season he played in the midfield and became Europe’s top scorer he didn’t exactly took away chances from others but rather he is that good he can play in all positions. He by his talent is the natural leader of the squad. He is the best player in the world. Some people try to make it look like lio is a dictator hence ney is going& nobody acknowledges that even messi on his part sacrificed his play to suit msn. He isnt exactly self centered
Exactly! Leo shouldn’t even be brought into this discussion. Every player knows to what team they go to and who the natural leader is. Leo is a team player, not selfish but everyone respects him as the leader. 
Anonymous said:Sorry…. he said that his making this very clear he loves Neymar more then Barca and better then being with the best player in the world and that he won’t find this somewhere else, and that he needs to enjoy the team, the city which is Barca and he won’t find it anywhere elseAnonymous said:Nah Neymar has massively dissapointed me! Is he really that stupid that he will lose whatever goodwill he has left with fans even his teammates for carrying this on WAY too long. If it was a silly brumar rumour or something to do with Bruna he would be the first person calling out the journalist or posting some silly posts to end the drama but with HIS own life and career and the integrity and respect for a club that has done their best to accommodate him he keeps mute! He should leave tbhAnonymous said:Okay bye Neymar 👋🏽😒!!! I’m sorry if he really wanted to stay as Barca he would have said something by now, which just shows that his actually considering leaving Barca for a club where he’ll only be recognized in the Champions League?! I’m done he has strung everybody along far too long! I’m disappointed in him!!
I get the disappointment because same, but I still want and hope he will stay. Lets hope he makes the right decision. 
Anonymous said:I’m soooo tired of this Neymar drama. Thank God for Lewis, at least one of my faves is treating me right.
Well Lewis also has a lot of drama surrounding him always haha. 
Anonymous said:Neymar’s father did the impossible…Congratulations 👏👏👏*sarcasm* A majority of FC Barcelona fans (90%) now hate Neymar.he Can’t really say anything??This situation is so annoying.If he wants to leave, he need to SAY. EVERYONE is tired of this waiting.
It’s such a mess… 
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