#dream boyfriend: astral days
questingquasar · 1 year
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cat cafe white day (well, kind of)~
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sportabrite · 5 months
Might fuck around and get unhealthily attached to a Dream Boyfriend like I did when I was a teenager. Definitely lost my login crap and events aren't a thing anymore so all of my cool outfits are lost to the void but,,,, hhhhnnnng pointless time sinker with a pretty anime boy... Tempting.
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bettyfrommars · 7 months
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The Nightmare Factory
an Eddie Munson x Reader series
The Fabric of Moonbeams
18+Only for mature themes, mention of sleep disorders and sleeping medication, longing, afab!reader, astral travel, horror icons. wc: 4.2.
Eddie got demoted to Ominous Thuds & Ghostly Whispers status after the whole Headless Horseman debacle.  Not because Steve or Saul narced on him, but because the eye in the nightmare sky sees everything.
He tried tapping the morse code that Wayne taught him on your bedroom wall one night, but only succeeded in making you sleep upright in the chair in your living room with all of the lights on.  You had dark circles under your eyes the next day, and almost dozed off at your keyboard.
You spent a lot of time looking at the sketch you had done of him, and the description of the headless horseman dream that you remembered with fascinating clarity.  You could close your eyes and smell the soap and leather of his skin now, and you could see the way his mouth moved when he spoke to you.  He knew your name, and you felt like you knew him.  
You found a book at the library called, “My boyfriend, My Nightmare” about a woman who believed she was in a relationship with a man in her dreams for years.  No one believed her, of course, and she was diagnosed with a particular type of rare disorder that had her on such heavy sleeping medication that it was impossible to remember her dreams, if she even had them at all.  
You sank down on a soft chair and almost read the entire thing in one sitting.  According to this woman, there is a place called The Nightmare Factory where your nightmares punch a clock and take lunch breaks together and collect a paycheck.  Apparently, it sits on a separate plane of existence, and you go there when you sleep.  Nightmares can exist during waking hours as well, the author said, and you sat up straight to read that paragraph.  
“The membrane that keeps our worlds apart begins to dissolve when you are able to perceive the nightmares, when you begin to understand that there is no true distinction between reality and dreams.”
“If you can imagine it, it exists somewhere in possibility,” the author continued.  “The Nightmare Factory workers are a form of entertainment to save us from the true horrors of human existence.”
What ever happened to the woman? Did she ever get to be with the man she fell in love with in her nightmares?  You skipped to the last chapter, and skimmed a few pages until you found what you were looking for.  
Her final words were very vague, but she admitted to going off of her prescribed sleeping medication, which made her have insomnia for a week, but then she started to dream again.  
“I know that no one will believe me, and that’s fine, I did not write this to convince anyone.  I’m having it published through a private company to help those who might find themselves in a similar situation.
By the time you read this, I will be gone.
The physical particles of my body have a hard time assimilating when I return from dreams now, and one day soon, I will stay there with him and not return through the secret door.  I’m not sure if I will ever be able to get back to this astral plane as anything more than a visitor, so please, if you are able to cross over, find me.”
You checked the clock on the wall, knowing you should head home, and then you found a few more books to take with you.  One was a manual on how to decipher your dreams, and the other was another memoir, though not as detailed, that someone had written about moving through the dream world with your physical body.
That’s impossible, you mused to yourself.
But still, some strange blossom of hope in your gut moved you to tuck it under your arm.
Meanwhile, Eddie flirted his way into the 7am Unexplained Voices & Creaking Stairs class by offering to service the teacher’s car for free.  She was a ghostly apparition who wore glasses and a pair of gloves to give students a hint to her presence.  She finally accepted after some hesitation, knowing full well that there was a waitlist. 
Anyway, her ghostmobile was not only serviced, but detailed, and there Eddie was, in the front row, bouncing his knee, eager to learn anything and everything he could.  
His band played a show at the Hideout that night.  The Hideout in Eddie’s dimension was a place where a lot of Nightmare Factory workers went after their shifts, so it often looked like the bar scene from Star Wars, but with ghouls. The factory was the biggest employer for a thirty mile radius, and everyone who grew up in Hawkinsville had worked there at least once in their life.  
It had been difficult when Eddie and Wayne first moved there when he was young.  Eddie was what they called “a normie”, meaning he was not born into the nightmare life.  He hadn’t been raised by evil clowns or wolves or demons who walked on goat legs.  He’d picked up shapeshifting pretty fast though, and he’d learned to make his eyes go completely black whenever he wanted to by the time he was ten.
There were more than four drunks at the place that night, Eddie counted at least six, and then there were a few normies at a table, but he didn’t recognize them.  The bartender had a beer ready for him and slid it to the end of the bar before giving him a “thumbs up” motion.  Corroded Coffin did not get paid by the venue to play on Tuesday nights, so the beer was always on the house.  They had a tip jar at the edge of the stage that usually only had a couple bucks in it by the end of the evening, or a sprinkle of loose change.  
They were halfway through the set when Eddie looked out into the crowd and saw you.
He blinked hard, squeezing his eyes shut for a beat, but when he opened them again, he saw that it was really you—standing there, staring back at him, plain as day.
Sure, the room was dark and filled with smoke, but there seemed to be some type of luminescence around you.
Eddie cleared his throat into the mic and wiped his hair off his sweaty forehead, waiting to make sure to make sure you weren’t a mirage for the thirsty man that he was.  Some shrill feedback sounded through the speakers, and he mumbled an apology to the crowd.
You lifted your hand up slowly to wave at him, and you mouthed a little, “hi,” as a smile twitched across your lips.
But this time, it was Eddie who woke up.
He was back in his own bed, gasping for air, wanting to cry, wanting to return, needing to know how you had made it into his dream.
You were looking for him now.  Somewhere, behind the scenes of time and space, an invisible membrane was getting thinner.  
“Are you coming or what?” Your friend Ellie turned to see that you had stopped short at the entrance to the Haunted House attraction you were about to enter.  You’d already paid, and had your hand stamped, but all of a sudden you wanted to be back in your bed, reading.  
You loved Halloween, but you weren’t a huge fan of jump scares, unless they were coming from that guy you kept dreaming about, the one named Eddie.
You wrote his name down in cursive and blocked letters all over the inside of your notebook, wanting to press it into the wrinkles of your brain.  It had been weeks since you last saw him, and every night you hit the pillow, you were hopeful.  
“I’m coming,” you jogged a bit to catch up, listening to the evil, mechanical cackling and high-pitched screams coming from inside.
You caught up to her and stayed close.  There were strobe lights inside and menacing figures loomed in the narrow hallway before you turned a corner into a dining room full of people with decapitated heads.  A few scare actors jumped out to lurch at you from dark corners while thunderous organ music played.
After the next room, there was a shuffle of people as one of the animatronic spiders dropped down from the ceiling, and one of the scare actors with a pig mask blocked your path right when the hallway split, so you lost Ellie, and all of a sudden, you were alone.  
You spun in a circle and called Ellie’s name.
Surely you’d still be able to hear the sounds from the haunt? But everything was quiet, the crowd was gone, and the noises from earlier were muffled, as if coming from far away.
Panic rose in your throat as you felt along the wall for a light switch or a door.  You stumbled around a black, velvet curtain and caught sight of the glowing EXIT sign with a rush of relief.
“Ellie? Anybody?” You eyes were having a hard time adjusting to the inky darkness, but the illumination from the sign gave you hope
This was fine, you’d wait for the other’s outside and tell them you had to duck out because you weren’t feeling well, which was not a complete lie.  
Beyond the door were aged, wooden stairs that went down.  A single light bulb dangled from the ceiling to offer a weak, ocre glow.  You didn’t remember climbing stairs to get into the building, but you must’ve been mistaken.
You hurried down the steps, hearing the door slam shut behind you with unexpected force, enough to shake the walls.  
Something didn’t feel right; the further you went down on the creaking steps, the darker and danker it seemed to get.  There was a sudden heat emanating and you could make out some soft rattling and hissing sounds.
By the time you realized you’d gone down into a sealed basement, it was too late.  
It wasn’t just a basement, though—it was a…boiler room?
There were metal tanks producing steam mounted with temperature gauges, and you couldn’t see to the other side of the space because they were massive.
“Hello?” You took a tentative step forward, looking around the concrete walls for some type of door to get out of the building.  Your heart was in your throat, and your breathing was getting rapid as your eyes jerked from side to side like a scared rabbit.  
You wrapped your arms around yourself. “Can anyone hear me? I got turned around and I’d like to leave now.”
There came a high pitched scraping then, like nails on a chalkboard, and it was so shrill, you had to cover your ears.  
“I can hear you just fine,” a deep, gravely voice chuckled from somewhere to your right.
Your attention snapped in that direction.  Instinct was telling you to start backing up, to get further away, to go bolt up the stairs, but that’s not what you did—you just froze there.  
It wasn’t long before you spotted a pair of glowing eyes peering at you from between two of the pipes, against the far wall. 
There was a person standing there.
It had to be one of the scare actors, down there on their break, or maybe this was a part of the haunt? But where was everyone else? And why was there a huge, poorly lit boiler room in the basement of that old house?
“I’ve been waiting for you,” he spoke in an evil sneer, like a villain in a cartoon.  
“This isn’t funny,” you shouted. “I just want to get out of here, please.”
He gave another diabolical cackle, and then there was the sound of nails on a chalkboard again.
The man in the basement with you stepped into view with a flourish, brandishing the long, metal daggers on his hand, flexing each finger for you to see each one individually; the tips were sharp and the blades caught the light.  He had on an old, brown fedora, a green and red sweater, and his skin was covered in scar tissue from severe burns.
You were down in that boiler room with Freddy Krueger.
The scream you let out as he charged toward you might’ve cracked fissures in the concrete.
You spun on your heel—
—and landed face first into the body of the person that had been standing behind you.  You felt the ragged, torn nature of a shirt under your cheek as whoever it was had enormous height, and then you pushed back and looked up in time to see a hockey mask with black eyes staring down at you, expressionless. His shoulders were broad and his body massive. Out to the side, he brandished a gleaming machete that was the length of your arm.
“Hi baby, get behind me!” The person in the Jason Voorhees mask said, sounding slightly echoed and muffled. The look he had was the same as in the movies, but this one had curly, almost frizzy dark hair that was long past his shoulders.
That voice…it was Eddie.
It was your Eddie.
You stammered a partial question, but then  you were already moving, letting his arm guide you around so that his body acted as a shield from Freddy who was cackling and swiping his finger knives around; you could hear the sharp whistle of air against the metal.  
You held on to the hips of Voorhees Eddie from behind and peeked under his raised arm to look at Freddy.  This Eddie in front of you was tall and massive, much more so than you remembered from the last dream you had.
“What the hell are you doing here, maggot?” The Freddy Krueger guy growled, saliva dripping from his yellow teeth as his pocked skin stretched over his cheeks like curdled milk.  
“Don’t worry about it, Jerry,” Eddie growled with disdain, throwing his machete into the other hand with deft precision. It twirled in the air and he caught it by the handle.  “This one is mine.”
“Oh, really?” The guy who looked like Freddy suddenly had a normal voice again, and his shoulders relaxed, dropping his hands to his sides. “I didn’t know, wow man, I’m sorry. Did I get the schedules mixed up?”
Voorhees Eddie relaxed too, dropping his free hand down to hold your hip, making sure you were still there. “No, you’re good,” Eddie’s voice was light now, soft, even. “I’m just filling in for Alex, he’s on vacation for a few days.”
“Paid leave?” Freddy/Jerry asked.  You were trying to match his face with the voice coming out, but it wasn’t working.
“I think so,” Eddie nodded once. 
“Must be nice to have seniority,” Jerry put his knives hand on his hip and scratched under his hat with the other. “Okay well, I’m going to head over to the next job. See ya, Munson.”
And with that, a black space the size of a door opened behind Jerry and he stepped through it. The door disappeared, and so did he. 
“Eddie?” You said his name over the hiss of the boilers as he turned to you.  You could see the realistically gray, rotting flesh of his Voorhees skin under his mask.  “What are you doing in a boiler room looking like Jason Voorhees?”
“Workin’,” he smiled and dropped the machete to the concrete with a clang to be able to snake his arms around you so that his fingers clasped at your lower back.  “I’ve been missing you.”
His new height was throwing you off as you tilted your head back to look up at him.  
“I recognized your voice this time,” you smiled, proud of yourself.  
He lowered his head to touch the mask to your forehead.  “I didn’t mean to disappear on you.  It took me a while to be able to have physical form again, to be able to see you like this.”
“It’s okay, I know,” you slid your hands up the torn clothing over his broad chest.
“You know?” He pulled back, searching your face.
“I’ve been reading this book, about where you work,” you wet your lips. “That Nightmare Factory place. I’ve been trying to figure out…how to see you more often.”
Eddie’s heart jumped.  He put his hand over yours on his chest and held it there, and you could see that even as Jason Voorhees, he still wore his signature metal rings.  “You’d do that for me?”
“Of course,” you got a bit bashful and looked down. “I want to…get to know you better.”
“I saw you the other night in my dream,” he rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand.  
You stared up into his eye sockets of his mask, and your face lit up.  “That was cool, wasn’t it? I couldn’t believe I found you.  There is a sort of meditation in the book that I did about a thousand times, and it was only for a second. I think it’s a type of astral projection. You looked really good on stage.”
Eddie tucked his chin almost bashfully, moving his hand to interlace his fingers with yours.  “You thought I looked good?”
Eddie had been learning too.  Learning new skills to come to you in your nightmares, but also learning about a rare case where a nightmare worker crossed into your dimension and stayed there.  They were never heard from again, and some say they didn’t survive the crossover and their particles exploded into the ether, but Eddie chose to believe that was a lie to keep people from trying.  
Suddenly, there was a banging sound, muffled and far away, but you could feel it thudding in your chest.  You checked around the room, thinking it was noise from one of the pipes, but Eddie dropped your hand and squeezed your arm, checking his digital wrist watch with a sigh like he usually did when he was about to make his exit.
Back at the factory, someone was banging their fist against the transportation door, shouting for Eddie. He tightened the muscles in his jaw, frustrated that there never seemed to be enough time. It sounded a whole lot like Kevin.
He had to figure something out soon, before his heart exploded.
“Are you in trouble again?” Now that you knew a bit more about what he did, you feared he might get penalized, and you wouldn’t lay eyes on him for another month.  The pounding continued intermittedly, and you faintly heard someone call out Eddie’s name.
“No, not this time, sweetheart,” Eddie stretched, puffing his chest out a bit, and then bent forward to put the mouth of the mask on your forehead. You could feel his warm breath on your skin there.  “But my shift is over.  I have to get back before my timer goes off.”
“Before your timer goes off? Sounds like you’re in a microwave.”
“Well,” he tipped his head to the side, thoughtfully.  “The technology is similar, I suppose, but yeah, I hate to leave you like this.”
You hugged Eddie Voorhees as hard as you could and spoke into his chest.  “Maybe next time, I’ll find you first.”
The distant banging got louder, more persistent.
He bent down to grab the machete, pushed a button on his watch, and the same square, black opening in the air appeared.
There was a second there when you considered just running and jumping through his door, but then you remembered a part in the book when it mentioned how that type of jarring dimensional travel could give Dreamers what scuba divers called “the bends” from the dramatic change in pressure.  
You were about to tell him you’d miss him, or goodbye, or something else, but then, in a blink, you were jolted back to your senses—
—you were back in the hallway of the haunt right after the spider had dropped from the ceiling.
Wait a minute.  How had that happened?
You were at a dead halt, stopping the flow of people traffic as you looked down at your hands and over at Ellie who had turned around to motion you to keep moving as another scare actor dressed like a deranged doctor covered in blood jumped from the corner.
When you got home, you rushed to your desk to open the book, and flipped to the chapter called “The fabric of moonbeams”.  It talked about “dream pockets” that occurred like daydreams when you were linked to someone.  The author didn’t know exactly how to explain it, but she suspected it had something to do with sudden surges of adrenaline that caused a dimensional shift, especially if you had a connection to someone at the factory.  
You sketched out Eddie again that night, this time, it was what you remembered from when you’d visited him for a few seconds at The Hideout.  Flanked by his bandmates, he was strumming the strings on his guitar, looking down with one knee bent out and his hair hanging down.  
You wanted to recapture the scene as realistically as possible so that you could study it to prepare for the next time you tried to visit him.  Next time, maybe you'd step into his world and not his dream.
Maybe next time, he’d kiss you again.
Happy Halloween weekend to all of you who are enjoying this series, thank you for reading 🧡
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trynafindbarbiee2 · 1 year
Void success story!
Hello there, Barbie! Just came here to tell you that i got into the void last night, after I read your posts on How u got into the void and your success story, I got so motivated and said "just fuck everything I'm going tap in today" AND SO I DID! Let me tell you it was a amazing experience tbh. I knew about the void maybe 6 month ago ig and I had the wrong conception of it. I thought that's it's a magical place or something close to astral realm etc etc... But NO I was wrong!
I used to procrastinate a lot, when I would try to tap in I would easily give up after 10 minutes but yesterday night after doing your challenge it didn't took me more than 5 minutes LIKE WHAT? I'm not even kidding 😭 when I was there I couldn't hear or feel anything, it was me, me and me and nothing else!! I was so relaxed, no thoughts AT ALL and I simply said "I HAVE EVERYTHING FROM MY GOOGLE DOC AND PINTEREST BOARDS" and got out! After that I woke up in my DESIRED APARTMENT with my CUTE KITTEN! I WAS SO HAPPY, I LITERALLY COULDN'T BELIEVE IT, AFTER MONTHS OF TRYING I FINALLY TAPPED IN!!
here's a list of what I manifested, I owe u my whole life <3 You motivated me to finally get up and enter the mf void.
• My desired wardrobe
• Desired body + Face
• Entering the void in 5 sec
• My own apartment
• Celeb boyfriend + very rich
• Rich parents
• Revised my age
• Being photo and videogenic
• voice like ARIANA GRANDE
• Siren beauty
• 1m Instagram followers
• $500, 00 being deposited in my bank accha evey day
• 199 iQ
• Having a small sis whom I'm very closed with
• Being friend with some of my fav kpop idols
And bunch of personal shittt hahaha!
Success Story !
Wait ! Noooo , FIRST OF ALL CONGRATULATIONS , BTW I wasn't expecting so many success stories this early 😭 I'm so Happy that u finally tapped in... I'm glad my challenge was helpful!
I can't express my happiness in words :) Goooo bestiee live your dream life u were meant to have it , I'm so proud of YOU!! ♡
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supercap2319 · 8 months
Stefan and reader who has the power to see into other universes and the one that stood out to him is ours where Him and Paul got married after filming TVD and Stefan finds it interesting that reader has the same name in both universes after reader shows him our universe
"So what is this power called again?" Stefan asked. He watched his boyfriend sitting in the middle of his room in a circle of candles. Y/N's eyes were closed his breathing had slowed down, but he was still awake. At least that's what Stefan could hear from super senses.
Y/N opened his eyes and he looked at Stefan. "According to the internet, it's called Parallel Viewing, but I prefer to call it dream walking. It's like an upgraded version of astral projection. It allows me to travel and see into other universes in the multiverse."
"Isn't that dangerous? I mean did you see the latest Doctor Strange film?"
"Not if you don't get caught. Besides there's no way that's true. What's funny is I saw multiple versions of Stefan Salvatore. Very similar to you."
Stefan raised an eyebrow. "Oh? In what way?"
"In one universe you were with Elena and there was no me in that world. But she chose Damon over you, and you ended up marrying Caroline. In another, you looked completely different. Black curls and very defined green eyes. And you were from Italy."
"Wow, that's pretty cool. Anything else?" Stefan asked.
"Well, there was one universe that stood out to me. In that universe mystic falls is a fictional in tv show and book series called the Vampire Diaries. And you're an actor named Paul Wesley. Oh, and we're married."
Stefan's eyes widened at that. "You're saying that you and I are...?"
"We are. Wanna see?" Y/N asked.
The youngest Salvatore brother nods as Y/N motions for Stefan to sit down across from him. Stefan sits down in the circle of fire as they link hands and Y/N uses his magic to project them both into the universe where they're both fictional characters in a tv show. Stefan and Y/N walk through the veil that separates them from this world as they look on to an interview with Stefan and Y/N's lookalikes.
"So, Paul. I understand you and Y/N tied the knot after the Vampire Diaries ended. What made you want to do that?" The interviewer said.
Paul smiled and chuckled. "I guess you could say that when you play a character who's in love with your coworker's character for eight years, it's kind of hard not to act on those feelings."
"Did you always love Y/N? From the first day on set?"
"Not at first. At first I couldn't stand him, but he eventually grew on me." Paul smiled.
"Well, I think I speak for all of us and your fans that we support you always."
The dreamwalking ended as Y/N opened his eyes and he looked at Stefan. "Told you."
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revasserium · 2 months
a rumination on falling in love; aka the terrifying and strange reality of "dream girl" becoming "real girl"
or, what happens when an only child who has only ever loved in fiction falls in love in real life instead
this is not for you. unless, of course. you, like me, have felt like this before. which is to say, this might be for you. but it most definitely is, 100%, for me. so read on if you'd like. or, close out and move right along.
i am very lucky, i think, to have had the childhood that i had -- only child, two loving parents. but not only that, two loving parents who were good at loving and also good at parenting (which are two very distinct and different things and somehow, at least in my semi-limited exposure to people around my age, is becoming rarer and rarer these days). i am lucky to have been allowed to grow as i have -- to never question that i am loved, unconditionally and endlessly, to never question whether or not i have something -- because of course it's mine -- i've got no siblings to have to share anything with.
now, to some, that might be a sad, lonely thing, but i never thought about it that way. because i was never taught to think about it that way. and contrary to popular belief, it hasn't made me (or at least so i think) stingy or "bad at sharing" -- it's actually made me rather an over-sharer. i always have snacks at the office, i try to offer advice freely, i spot dinners/outings when i can, i like the joy it brings to share things not only to the people being shared with, but also to me -- the person doing the sharing.
but the double-edged sword of only-child-dom in upper-middle class america is time -- the huge, gaping excess of it, giant swaths of it after school, great big chunks of it on the weekends, the seemingly unbridgeable chasm between turning off the light and falling asleep. later, i'd learn that undiagnosed adhd and very high performing manic depression are to blame for most of my vibrating sense of need to fill every hour of every day with some kind of productivity (this, unironically, is why i love new york city -- the frenetic energy of it matches my mental wavelength so that i can feel "productive" even when i'm just walking down the street or sitting in a bar).
but back then, i -- and by extension my lovely parents -- tried to fill it with stuff -- 2 different art classes, ballet, swimming, piano, debate club, singing, chinese school, and of course, with my still yet unfilled hours -- reading and writing. to say i was raised by the books i read would be an understatement. to say i am nothing more than a massive conglomerate of those characters that resonated most with me in those books would be parenthetical to the fact that i'm also built by all those characters i've ever admired or wanted to be. i am, in the most cliche, literal, non-lampshaded sense "that nerdy book girl" who made it her entire fucking personality to be... that nerdy book girl. and this, amidst the stratospheric rise of "not like other girls" media and rhetoric -- it was not healthy (it still isn't), but it was a large part of who i was. and a lingering part of who i am today.
my overactive, adhd-driven imagination served me well, then. into the stories i delved, and what i couldn't find in my normal every day life, i found in narrative. long before the tiktok-ification of "book boyfriends" came the voices in my head that sounded like all the would-be book boyfriends i'd ever have -- everyone from edward cullen to kakashi to four (that one guy from divergent who only has like 4 fears, which in retrospect is so, so cringe, but alas) to fictionalized versions of one direction members. the list goes on. i used to be able to hold entire conversations, play out entire scenes with these mental constructs with impudent ease. spend hours in my room by myself just imagining.
it was like astral projection -- my body, here, my mind and my soul, somewhere else entirely. and this i believe (to this day) is the core of a lot of my writing and creativity. and also the core of a lot of my philosophies and beliefs. the ability to sink into a dream, a scene, a story.
and then. i fell in love.
and sure, it would be much too cliche to say that misery breeds good art so a happy artist would (at best) produce mediocre art/writing/whatever. because i've also seen fantastic art produced by very, very happy artists. the sad truth is only that it's much rarer than the alternative of the painfully mainstream tortured artist.
but to some degree, i think there's an inkling of truth in that saying. because having a real-life boyfriend, with all the real-life machinations and strings of having said real-life boyfriend has made it, somehow, much harder to access that old imaginary part of me. like a child growing up and losing the ability to "make believe" the way they used to. except, i know it's still there. there are still moments where i touch it, where i dip my toes in and it always feels like coming home.
and it's more than just the normal adult-ish responsibilities of going to work and paying bills, making dinner and shopping for groceries. doing laundry and investing in your roth ira. because before real-life boyfriend, i still did those things and i was still able to seamlessly get to that "elsewhere place". somehow, it is the physical presence of real-life boyfriend that seems to act as a "grounding agent". he is home, so i can't go to that other place. or, i can kind of get there, but i've always still got one foot steeped in reality.
it is not a necessarily good or bad thing, just an observation at most. but it does create this new "space" for the "want" of that elsewhere. for the want to being able to slip into that creative asphodel like i used to -- blink and i'm there. so i find myself often sitting at my desk, wishing, and then wondering what it means that i can't. that it isn't always and immediately accessible to me anymore.
perhaps absolute solitude was the unquestioned prerequisite for so long that i'd never noticed it until the solitude was no longer available to me. or perhaps the book-boyfriends are just shy creatures, afraid of the blaring daylight that real-life boyfriend might shed on their ultimate two-dimensional beings.
or perhaps that was always a "safe space" that i'd created for myself, and now real-life boyfriend has created a safe space for me too, and the venne-diagram of the two space spaces overlap just so, making a less singular space of each of them in turn. i don't know, but it's an interesting thought.
it's always struck me, now thinking back, that i've never been even remotely interested in having a real-life relationship before now. but that i've also never questioned if i wanted the current one that i'm in, if this was "the one" or if it was "good for me". and in that too, i know i am very lucky. few people can say that they struck gold the first time they've ever tried.
i know for a fact i wouldn't be this happy, have this good of a life if real-life boyfriend weren't here. he has made me better in ways that i do not have words to describe. but i'm also terrified of the earthen grounding-ness of him. i've spent my entire childhood and most of my adult life with my head in the clouds, taking the necessary trips back down to earth when i had to but... it feels strange to be "here" more and more. there's a hole inside of me where "that" heaven should be.
but two things can be true -- i am happy here; i still yearn for that elsewhere.
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knotmycupofchai · 3 months
❤️‍🩹 ᗴ𝓉𝐞rn𝒶ᒪ 𝕊ⓤ𝔫Şн𝓲𝓝𝔢 ❤️‍🩹
Observations & Predictions
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*** Not an expert, did this just for fun! **** 🤍
*This album already screams Neptune ( will be released during Pisces season). There’s a haziness & soul searching energy to it. This will most likely be a very intimate and reflective album.
The album chart hits her 11H, 12H & 2H quite a bit. So we may get a peek into her self-discovery, healing, privacy, intimacy, values, hidden personality, spiritual or religious beliefs, thoughts and dreams.
Ariana’s energy is known for being very neptunian. Her energy feels like she’s always out of her body. So she either tends to escape reality by substances, day dreaming, out of body experiences ( astral projection and meditation) avoidance or toxic positivity and spiritual bypassing.
Themes( possibly): Living on a loop; living in the past; past memories or trauma resurfacing; mental health ( anxiety, panic attacks & PTSD); delusion & illusions; living within the mind or in the dream state, instead of physical; sexual liberation; femininity; battling societies double standards; privacy & womanhood.
Symbolism: The twin version of Ariana, as well as the many versions of herself ( representing previous albums or eras) show that the album dives deep into her self-discovery journey. The color brown could symbolize her learning to ground herself into the present reality and ground her overwhelming emotions.
The color red could symbolize her trauma, power, strong emotions or energies like anger/ frustration/superficiality/ materialism/ over consumption / sexualization, and the transformation and liberation of herself.
It’s ironic that recently, Ariana has been wearing a shade of scarlet red. It’s shown in her concept, but for promotions as well. The scarlet red shade & the word scarlet itself is known for being associated with prostitution, a sexually promiscuous woman ( having many boyfriends/ sexual partners), adulterous, sinful or immoral. Ariana or her team may have intentionally portrayed her in as “The Scarlet Woman” aka the harlot, Great Mother of Abominations or The whore ( from the Bible)
She could be directly speaking on, hinting at or symbolizing the misogyny, sexism and slurs towards females ( which she has experienced her entire career and now especially with the rumors)
The color white could symbolize her innocence, inner child, clarity, exposure and the bliss that comes from ignorance.
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wqbytop100 · 6 months
Top 140 for the week ending November 26, 2023
Other Boys -Marshmello, Dove Cameron -1/10weeks ''peak 1x2 the weeks of 11/19, 11/26''
I'll Be There -Robin Schulz, Rita Ora, Tiago PZK -3/6weeks
See You Again -Vicetone, Anna Clendenning -2/9weeks ''1x2 the weeks of 11/5, 11/12''
Spend the Night -BJ the Chicago Kid, Coco Jones -7/10weeks
Strangers -Kenya Grace --4/6weeks ''peak3''
Diamond Therapy --Diplo, Walker & Royce, Channel Tres -6/8weeks
One Last Dance -Imanbek, Ali Gatie -8/9weeks
Go Off -- Mike Candys -5/9weeks ''peak5''
^Good Morning --Timmy Trumpet, Alie Farber, YOU -12/7 weeks ''peak4'' ^
Summertime Friends --The Chainsmokers -10/10weeks '' peak1x2 the weeks of 10/22, 10,29''
More Baby --Chris Lake, Aluna -13/10weeks ''peak5''
Hangin' On - A R I Z O N A -11/13weeks ''peak1x4 the weeks of 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15''
Wanna Dance --Alie Farber, James Carter, VARGEN -9/8weeks ''peak9''
Nevada -Vicetone, Cozi Zuehisdorff -14/6weeks
AEIOU --PNAU, Empire of the Sun -28/6weeks
At Your Worst--Calum Scott -18/12weeks ''peak5''
Living In A Haze--Milky Chance -22/21weeks ''peak2x2''
Sorry Now --A R I Z O N A --15/7weeks ''peak5''
Jungle --Alok, The Chainsmokers, Mae Stephens -25/10weeks
One With the Wolves --Robin Schulz -23/13weeks ''peak7''
Stress You --Lucas Estrada, SUPER Hi -21/9weeks
Dark Skies --A R I Z O N A -31/7weeks
Dreaming --Marshmello, Pink, Sting -26/4weeks
Drums --James Hype, Kim Petras -24/7weeks
***Waiting --LP Giobbi, Redfield, DJ Rae - (new)
Dreamteam --Galantis, Neon Trees -64/3weeks
Get Dirty --Return of the Jaded, Tommie Sunshine -27/3weeks
Tension --Kylie Minogue -99/3weeks
Boyfriend --USHER -17/13weeks ''peak10''
Light On --Markus Schulz, Sarah de Warren -34/18weeks ''peak10x2''
Tied to You --Elderbrook -19/9weeks ''peak2''
Your Hired --NEIKED, Ayra Starr -140/7weeks
Strangely Sentimental --Anabel Englund -16/24weeks ''peak1x1 the week of 9.3.23''
Jealous --Pascal Letoublon, IZKO, Jordan Rys -113/2weeks
From this Day On --Andrew Rayel, JES -30/22weeks ''peak1x2 the weeks of 9/10, 9/17''
Following The Sun --SUPER Hi, NEEKA -32/17weeks ''peak4''
Elevator Eyes --Tove Lo -33/13weeks ''peak9''
Body Count --Jason Derulo -35/13weeks ''peak12''
De Selby Part 2 --Hozier -36/17weeks ''peak5''
Moon --Locklead -41/12weeks ''peak26''
Lost & Found --Gorgon City, DRAMA -39/18weeks ''peak8''
Stranger On A Train --SUPER Hi -42/13weeks ''peak25''
The Beautiful Letdown -Switchfoot, Jonas Brothers -43/12weeks ''peak17''
It's In My Head --Provoker -44/8weeks ''peak19''
Smiley Water --Mike. -46/10weeks ''peak24
***You --Svidden, Seeb -(new)
We Could Be Love --Hayden James -47/11weeks ''peak38''
Dressed For A Funeral ---Groupthink, Sunday Scaries -38/25weeks ''peak 16''
eMtunzini --Muzi -37/15weeks ''peak12''
Jacare --Sofi Tukker -49/28weeks ''peak2''
Why You? --Adam Melchor -40/11weeks ''peak20''
Heat Rising--Pete Tong, Jem Cooke, Jules Buckley -117
Hip Trumpets ---Yolando Be Cool, KVISION -53/11weeks ''peak20''
Die For A Night --A R I Z O N A -55/27weeks ''peak1x3 the weeks of 8/13, 8/20, 8/27''
In My Zone --S.O. GIDI -122/11weeks
We Should Get Married --Dan & Shay -56
It's Euphoric --Georgia -45/29weeks ''peak19''
Vogue --NOIZE -58/8weeks ''peak35''
What We Know --Lucas & Steve, Conor Byrne -65/7weeks
All Night --Charlie Houston -60/9weeks
Padam Padam --Kylie Minogue -50/21weeks ''peak2''
Champagne Shit --Janelle Monae, Latto, Quavo -63/5weeks
Bite Marks --Ari Abdul -62/4weeks
Makeba --JAIN (Ian Asher remix) -48 /10weeks ''peak42''
Down Like That --Bryson Tiller -61/11weeks
What Do You Do? --Jess Glynne -124
Waiting 4 U --Laidback Luke, Ralphi, (Jake Silva Remix) -118/12weeks
Weird & Bizarre --Posh Chocolates -123/6weeks ''peak30''
Phone--MEDUZA, Em Beihold, Sam Tompkins (Lili Chan remix) -68/2weeks
Dress Code --Mau P -66/7weeks
Just Think --Video Age -72/3weeks
In The City --Charlie XCX, Sam Smith -70
Dare--Gorillaz -29 (throwback comeback)
Midnight Zone --Astrality, TAPE ANGEL -69
The Tower --Future Islands -97/2weeks
Run Free (Countdown) -- Tiesto, R3HAB -71
If Only I --Loud Luxury, Two Friends, Bebe Rexha -51/17weeks ''peak9''
Motive--Armin Van Buuren -52/19weeks ''peak8''
The Feeling--Lost Frequencies -54/7weeks
The Worst Person Alive --G Flip -57/15weeks ''peak38''
Subterranean --Miss Monique, AVIRA, LUNA -81/7weeks
Moonlight--Laidback Luke, GATTUSO f/Antrex -5915weeks ''peak15''
Joy (Up the Street) -Joy Anonymous -73/3weeks
Fight My Demons --Yung Bae, Barney Bones, Levan Kali -74/4weeks
Feel It (Club Edit) -Jazzy -75/7weeks
Ohh LALA --Idris Elba, Sasha Gigi -76/4weeks
Save My Love --Destiny Rogers -93/4weeks
To Love Someone --Benson Boone -20/2weeks
Blur ---KREAM, Marlo Rex -77/7weeks
Heartbeat Highway---Cannons -78/2weeks
Made Up My Mind ---Jonah Kagen, Lily Meola -79/2weeks
Killing Me ---Conan Gray-103/2weeks
Cheap Thrills --Walker & Royce, Barney Bones -100/2weeks
Fall Again ---Hayla -82/2weeks
Never Trust A Liar----Bae & Her Business -111/2weeks
Turn You Up ---Kaskade, Winn Winn -83/4weeks
Jaguar --Yaeger -98/2weeks
Stranger ---Thomas Day -106/2weeks
On My Way ---SIDEPIECE f/ Faouzia -88/7weeks
Overdrive ---Ofenbach, Norma Jean Martine -94/2weeks
Directions --Biskuwi -61/2weeks
Rinse It -Devault -80/3weeks
Rescue Me -Andrew Rayel -84/3weeks
Forever Gold -Siskin -85/7weeks
Can't Take It Slow -Citizen -86/4weeks
Shades -Andrew Rayel -87/2weeks
The Greatest Thing Alive --Mark Knight, Green Velvet, James Hurr -89/4weeks
Desire -Nicky Romero, TELYKAST, Linney -90/7weeks
It's Gone -Kaskade, Crayskool -91/4weeks
Alone -Andrew Rayel, Amanda Collis -92/4weeks
Heart Still Beating --Nathan Dawe, Bebe Rexha -95/2weeks
Bigger Than the Song -Brittney Spencer -96/8weeks
Guarantee -Black Eyed Peas, J Rey Soul -101/8weeks (off next wk)
Alcohol -X Ambassadors, BRELAND -102/2weeks (off next weeks)
The Little Mushroom that Got Away -Sultan+Shepard, Lane8 -104/7weeks
Fever -Lewis Thompson, PUNCTUAL, HIGHT -105/7weeks
Collide -Nightlaspe, FABER -108/2weeks
Talk -Elly Duhe -109/2weeks
Houdini --Dua Lipa -110/2weeks
Memories -Sam Feldt, Sofiloud -112/4weeks
Closer -Fetish -114/2weeks
Stardust -Jazzy -115/3weeks
Strong Enough -Jonas Bros. & Bailey Zimmerman -116/2weeks
Simulation -Showtek -119/2weeks
Lighter -Steve Aoki, Paris Hilton -120/4weeks
Bitter -Freya Ridings -121/11weeks
Ecstasy -MEDUZA, GENESI -125/5weeks
My Own Advice --William Black, ILLENIUM, Aluna Springsteen -126/5weeks
Sad Forever -Lauren Spencer Smith -127/6weeks (off next weeks)
You're So High -Eli & Fur -128/7weeks
Preacher --Ownboss, Outflux, No/Me -129/4weeks
Better Off (Alone Part III) -Alan Walker, Dash Berlin, VIKKSTAR -130/5weeks
Me & My Guitar -Jax Jones, Fireboy DML -131/11weeks
Heard It Like This -ACRAZE, Joey Valence & Brae -132/4weeks
Sunday--Dermont Kennedy -133/4weeks
On My Love -Zara Larson, David Guetta -134/9weeks
One Of the Girls --Troye Sivan -135/4weeks
It Takes Two --Camila Cabello, Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake -136/4weeks
Location -Lost Frequencies, A7S -137/5weeks
Dancing at the Disco -J Worra, Cherry Tooth -138/6weeks
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sapphyreopal5 · 23 days
What sparked your interest in the paranormal?
Hello Anon thank you for this ask! I really enjoy getting asks like yours because it tells me I have readers out there interested in my story as opposed to simply looking for a reading on someone especially themselves or whatever. Not that I mind giving readings when I am given the greenlight and such but I greatly appreciate it when my readers try to get to know me as well. Anyways, so I've always had a lot of encounters, dreams, etc. that were strange or somehow manifested one way or another. I would like to write a book about my experiences some of which I wrote about on my own blog here and others I haven't shared just yet.
First Memory
As for what REALLY started my interest is probably my first memory in a house I lived in up until I was about 4 years old. My twin sister and I had a room in this house with this ugly darker brown shag carpeting, wood wall paneling, ugly slab wood doors, etc. and one night I remembered seeing some light on the wall with words on it. We couldn't really read it right at the time but I remember looking for like a source of this writing, like a projection. We never saw it again and yes, my sister does kind of remember this also when I brought it up to her a while ago. I've also experienced and saw things throughout my entire life that essentially maintains my interest in the supernatural.
Astral Beings/Astral Selves Aka "The Soul"
I have also seen physical demons multiple times both as a child and as an adult. I also They move very strangely in their true forms because they are astral beings not "physical" like we're used to. Astral beings and astral selves aka "souls" walk around freely, the soul does NOT sit in our body unlike what people think. They do their own thing in the astral planes. I learned for example our astral selves WILL do crazy things physically like pee or poop in our toilets coming out from the astral plane to the physical plane. Apparently this is a way our astral selves will relieve themselves of karma at times. And get this, they don't ever flush either. All those arguments you have had with roommates, your parents, siblings, friends, children or grandchildren, even your partner about not flushing the toilet? "Someone had to do it and it wasn't me!" Well actually it may very well have been you... astrally. The reason I know this to be true is because for half of the week I live alone. My twin sister lives alone in her apartment 100% of the time. I brought up a time where I saw something in the toilet and I said "what the hell, I KNOW for a fact I flushed earlier and I haven't been to the bathroom in hours!" I brought this up to my sister and she said to me "yeah, this happened to me like a couple days ago, apparently this is how our astral selves relieve themselves of karma is what my guides said."
One instance where I know from others' experiences that astral beings DO in fact leave the astral plane to come to the physical to do things besides go use our restroom facilities ha ha. An old boyfriend of mine who I sent a Facebook message almost 3 years ago finally decided to reply to me about 2 weeks or so ago. I remember when I first met him we were hanging out in his basement and there was this one spot by a closet down there where I got the strangest yet some of the darkest vibes I've ever felt at the time... turns out he has a "lookalike" that comes out in the exact spot I kept looking at that one time. He never told anyone else about it but I brought up the feelings I was getting from there and felt like something bad comes out of there and that's when he mentioned his so called lookalike.
Apparently his astral self comes out of the astral plane through a portal that shows up in that exact spot at times. One time apparently his dad thought he was home from school early. His dad saw "him" walk around the corner and go to his room. He even heard him go through his closet some. Didn't see or hear him "come out" of his room after that either (his dad has medical issues that can impact his mobility at times). My ex was so confused when he walked in the door and his dad asked him if he was in his room earlier and he said no.
Demons are Astral Beings Too
In this same ex boyfriend's basement I mentioned in the last paragraph, I recall seeing a demon with a large mouth, large red eyes, pale skin and very long, narrow sharp teeth walking around the basement one time. Frightening sight to say the least. I recall one time a few years ago I was instructed to go to this place another guy I thought was the real deal was near... in the middle of the night per my guides who said it's very important. This was of course a whole month and a half before that car engine died out on me. Boy if I really knew the whole future with my car back then I wouldn't have gone for that drive to this place in the middle of the night. I ended up seeing a hellhound in the middle of this field just like the terror dogs famously portrayed in the Ghostbusters movies. Barely saw anything beyond the red glowing eyes but I do remember seeing the outline of its body some. It just looked at me briefly while I was in the car then ran towards a tree and was gone.
Something else crazy happened this night too I went to the field. I recall a reading I got while I was in the car and kinda hoping to see this guy come out. "Source" and "Creation" are the guides who spoke to me on this one. They said "We're sorry you are feeling disappointed Cameron [who I referred to as "Guy" in this post here] didn't answer. We can't make any guarantees but you will probably see him still." I was very confused about this until I saw what I'm about to describe. The average person would laugh at me if I told them about this tidbit. I remember seeing "something" move EXTREMELY fast, like I'm talking superman fast. I gasped because it looked just like Cameron.
Turns out I was granted passage to the astral plane and that's why I saw that hellhound and also Cameron run so fast. Also, I felt incredibly ill for a couple days after this incident and at one point almost fell down when I went to stand up while at work. Yeah, pretty bad not gonna lie. This was not long before I started getting readings about how hellhounds are "going to rip off Cameron's limbs" along with the other warnings my guides about him as I described in this post I mentioned earlier. My point is with these kinds of hellhounds I mention, anytime I see them in a dream, know about their activity in a specific place, or if I see them or are mentioned by my guides in the context of watching a specific person, I KNOW for a fact something bad will happen near that place, in that place, or to that specific person point blank.
It was absolutely insane, I couldn't believe my eyes and still can't to this day. I did however feel a bit of a scrape as he passed by my car and ended up with a weird mark on my arm the next morning. I felt sick like I could barely stand up right for a couple days. It just shows that what I saw was not just in my head and I'm not crazy because something physical (a mark) came out of it on my antecubital part of my arm (inside part of the elbow where phlebotomists and such often stick needles when drawing blood). I even struggled some with my breathing some because it turns out that in the astral plane, the air is very toxic just like The Upside Down's air is toxic on the show "Stranger Things".
Other Things
I could go on and on about my experiences but I want to make this read a reasonable length ha ha. Plus, I also wrote about some of my other experiences on my blog. Please check out the pinned post on my page for more about my experiences and such (Ex. seeing the beautiful Faye king in the field [and admittedly other times as well!], crossing over off of Earth for almost a whole Earth year and coming back aka being a stasis walk-in, etc. Thank you again for this ask Anon, keep 'em coming!
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msviolacea · 26 days
Okay! Random thoughts and observations about Star Rail 2.2! Spoilers, obviously!
tl;dr - not as coherent as 2.1 was, story-wise, but SO MUCH LORE. SO MUCH. But honestly most of the below is random nonsense and shitposting.
I didn't think Xipe was the kind of god to go Catholic, but apparently they have confession? Huh.
Bravo to Hoyo writers for pulling off the "it was all a dream" gambit in a way that actually works.
I was willing to possibly buy that we were just getting a slightly disappointing easy-out right up until a) the IPC went "nah, we don't want the planet anymore" and b) Ratio and Screwllum were vaguely happy to work together. At that point, it was like "ahhhh, we're in a DREAM dream y'all."
Poor Sunday, radicalized by being an overly protective older sibling. Relatable, tbh. You know, except for the making yourself a giant supervillain mecha god. Though that's tempting some days, I won't lie.
On the other side of things, it did feel like a disappointing cop-out after spending SO MUCH TIME on his story in 2.1 to just be told "yeah, actually Aventurine just got rescued off-screen."
HOWEVER, kudos to Argenti for surfing into Penacony, immediately finding the forbidden dreamspace and rescuing an IPC ambassador, then rolling up to take 2nd place in an idol competition before fucking off to find more beauty or whatever. King shit. Bravo. Come back soon.
Speaking of the HSR husbando game, BOOTHILL. Who thinks pointing a gun in your face is a way to say hello and has a Plan C that's just "... guess we'll take hostages!" Stay forever, you insane space cowboy.
On a slightly related tangent, I loved the flashback exchange between Firefly and Blade, showing their relationship to each other as Stellaron Hunters. After all the Luofu nonsense, it's fun to see Blade as a weird older brother figure.
Another related tangent to the above: since I also watched some of the most recent Genshin patch on YT this week, shoutout to Daman Mills for having the "deep raspy voiced tragic murder hobo" to "ridiculous androgynous magician twink" range. [insert Patrick Stewart "Acting" gif here]
But back to Firefly, I think she had a nice showcase here, though I wish they'd given her more focus in the last bit instead of sorta-kinda-maybe-probably not killing her offscreen via a short Acheron speech. I assume she'll be back, given that she's dropping as a playable character next patch, but still. There was just a lot going on in this patch and not enough time to do everything they really needed to do.
However, they COULD have cut the idol competition, because that added absolutely nothing to the plot and only really existed because someone clearly went "huh, how do we fit more puzzles and trash fights here?"
We also needed more Robin. She was awesome, don't get me wrong, but again, I would have given up the stupid idol competition in favor of maybe getting more time to play her and not just Sparkle-as-Robin running around giving people ... doomsday buttons?
Speaking of which .. wtf? Like, those went NOWHERE. Maybe they're for later payoff, but given that she was explicitly telling people to use them during the concert ... it was weird.
Dan Heng: Listen my past life just cold clocked me over the head, I need time to process and not deal for a while, Imma stay out of Dream Disneyland and chill. Also Dan Heng: so, my friends are in trouble AGAIN, not like this isn't a "must be Tuesday" occurrence for the Astral Express crew, but my first instinct is to use this very important button to call the saner of my previous life's ex-boyfriends to bring an army to help.
Like, I'm CERTAINLY not complaining about the Jing Yuan cameo, even just as a dream, but that was a very quick response, Dan Heng. I see you. (PS: as long as we're giving VA shoutouts in this post, shoutout to Alejandro Saab for Jing Yuan's everything.)
Little detail I didn't catch myself, but saw someone online point out today - Welt gave the IPC the ammunition they need to take out the Dream Master. Early in the patch, he points out that the poker chip Aventurine gave us is actually a transmitter and recorder, and takes it with him to meet with Robin and Sunday and the Dream Master. At the very end, we see Aventurine playing with the chip, and Jade mentions that they obtained a recording "from your Trailblaze friend" that would help them on Penacony/with the Dream Master. So shoutout to Welt for ... well, deciding that space capitalism is preferable to crazy assholes who are trying to use innocent people to revive a god? I guess he's seen plenty of nonsense in his time, tbh, so I'm going to trust his judgement.
Speaking of Welt, Acheron's name drop was not the only Honkai Impact 3rd direct reference. It was an interesting touch for them to include Welt's "real"/original name in the credits sequences. Don't know if it's anything more than just an easter egg for HI3 folks, but still. Interesting.
Harmony Trailblazer is actually pretty strong. I'm definitely going to build mine.
All in all, I didn't enjoy this quite as much as the last patch, but it's the difference between like a 9.5/10 and an 8/10. Coherent self-contained stories mean a lot to me, but the lore and character stuff that was in this patch was A+, and I'm still digesting half of it.
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questingquasar · 1 year
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kind of forgot this blog existed, still playing both dbf and dgf... and, well... i think it’s showing how much i miss when dbf was active lol;;
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
hey! i just wanted to recommend two yandere manhwas (if you haven’t read them yet, that is). one is called Secret Alliance, which is completed, and the other is Free in Dreams (or Dreaming Freedom), which is ongoing. i absolutely love both so much, they are two of my favorites. in Secret Alliance the yandere becomes more apparent in the beginning of the book while in Free in Dreams, the ml doesn’t come off as yandere right off the bat, just a little suspicious. but as you continue to read on and learn more abt his identity and past, he ends up forming an obsessive and dependent love towards the fl. both i highly recommend reading.
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Since I have two asks on Dreaming Freedom, I'm going to try to merge them together here. I did remember reading the beginning of this one, but like a lot of recommendations, I sort of forgot about it until someone reminded me. I did actually read Secret Alliance and did a full review on my blog here. As of writing this, there are about 75 chapters out.
The story starts with Jeongmin being bullied by Juhyeon, whom she justifies because Jeongmin caused her to be bullied in her past. Jeongmin has a bad homelife as well with her abusive father and learns to lucid dream to let out anger, taking her revenge on Juhyeon in her dreams. One day while lucid dreaming, she sees a man watching and observing her. The next day, Juhyeon is absent from school, bleeding from her stomach, a seeming coincidence that Jeongmin did the same in her dreams. She does eventually meet the man in her dreams, finding out that he can indeed astral project into the real world as well as influence people in their dreams (like he did before). He found Jeongmin amusing and wanted to help her, and she eagerly takes his help. With this she's able to blackmail people into being her friend and slowly reclaim back her status in classes, as they realize just how cruel Juhyeon is. During this time, Jeongmin makes a real friend named Jaehyeok, who comes from another school and develops a crush on on him. Juhyeon discovers this and continues her revenge by dating Jaehyeok and turning her against Jeongmin, by telling him that she bullied her in middle school.
During this time Jeongmin finds out the true identity of the man in her dreams via her new friends and learns that he used to be an idol named Siyun, before he went into an accident. Jeongmin finds out that he is currently in a hospital in her town and finds him, and we get to learn about his backstory. Siyun originally was a runaway from home as his parents only cared about his good grades and nothing else. He ended up working hard to be an idol and was predicted to be the next biggest thing in his group. One of his group mates got jealous and started to work to steal the spotlight from him, eventually going so far as to getting people to attack him, so much that he could no longer be an idol. Distraught and alone, he turned to lucid dreaming to escape his reality and seek revenge on this idol, which he eventually does. He gets addicted to lucid dreaming, neglecting his body in the real world and traveling through dreams, getting interested in Jeongmin because she was similar to him. Jeongmin snaps him out of this, telling him that he can't simply lucid dream forever and let his body rot, promising that she will stay by his side and give him a purpose to live. Siyun jumps on this offer immediately, cleaning himself up and getting a place to live (by threatening his old manager). From this moment on, Siyun stops by Jeongmin's school often to pick her up, causing Jeongmin's popularity at school to skyrocket due to having a hot new boyfriend (essentially).
We also get to learn about Juhyeon's backstory as well during this time. While she was pretty young, her parents had a divorce, which resulted in her mother becoming incredibly disinterested in her. She and Jeongmin bonded as friends soon after and Juhyeon became obsessively clingy towards, forcing her to get along with her new friends even when she didn't want to. Eventually, this lead to Jeongmin's so called betrayal with Juhyeon, where Juhyeon was bullied. After they were sent to different schools, however, Juhyeon never seemed to let go of her grudge with Jeongmin and swore to use her new position and popularity to get revenge on Jeongmin. Slowly though, she does realize what she's done, but it's already too late. Jaehyeok tries to confront Jeongmin after seeing Juhyeon cry, attempting to protect his girlfriend, but Siyun jumps in, attacking him in response. After this, Jeongmin explains the situation to Jaehyeok, after Juhyeon breaks up with him. Siyun and Jeongmin eventually get together for real, making him get more obsessed and protective over Jeongmin, however, Jaehyeok, realizing how dangerous Siyun is, attempts to reveal this to Jeongmin, though to not much success.
The story of Dreaming Freedom itself is pretty good, and I find that a lot of stories set in school that have this kind of premise of bullying or otherwise school pressures (such as Save Me or Perfect Mine ) tend to have a good story attached to it, especially when the thriller aspect is higher. Dreaming Freedom does this as well, but eventually goes towards a more romantic aspect as the story goes on. It definitely has a very strong way of showing how bullying can affect someone and how it can very easily turn onto someone else given the circumstances.
Jeongmin as a main character is pretty compelling, wanting to escape her reality of being bullied only to turn on its head. I generally like characters that are more vengeful since it gives them a reason to pull out their motivation and watching how their revenge plot unfold is always entertaining. She is fairly justified in seeking her revenge plan, though we don't actually see so until later. Another thing I like about her is that despite how vengeful she can be and what she does to get people on her side (like blackmail), she actually can be a kind person, like how she tried to help Siyun attempt to live life again (and thus he becomes attached) or trying to stop people from bullying Juhyeon after she is able to turn the table. She isn't necessarily a good person, but she isn't heartless either and I feel like that makes her compelling. She also doesn't let Siyun do things without reason, though she also can be easily manipulated as well.
Siyun despite everything is a rather light yandere, but he is still interesting. He's sympathetic in what's going on with his past, and that's why he clings onto Jeongmin all this time. He is jealous and violent, especially towards Jaehyeok, because while initially he seemed indifferent, he got more jealous as he got attached to him, even to the point of hurting him with a nail. He also is rather clingy towards her, generally in a teasing way and his obsession only grows stronger the longer the two are around each other and especially when they started to date, even going so far to ask the two to get married when they start to date. He also of course uses his power of astral projecting to watch Jeongmin. For the most part though, he seems to simply be there to help out Jeongmin and is more manipulative than violent, though he can be both. I originally thought Siyun would be a lot more sly, but he actually is pretty comedic at times, which I thought was nice since it gives him more humanity than simply being a pretty face.
Overall, Dreaming Freedom is a very good webcomic with an interesting premise and good writing. I wonder what Siyun will do with Jaehyeok now that he's trying hard to keep them apart and what disastrous consequences there may be as a result.
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creepypastagod1 · 2 months
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There was 1 boy named Levi, Levi was always sensitive and was often teased. At the age of 15, he and his father moved to another city to start a new life. They heard a lot of bad news about the town, but they didn't pay much attention to it because his father only had work opportunities there and Levi couldn't stand that school anyway. He hated his mother because she left him for another family, and his half-siblings were no exception. The house they moved to had a story spread about it that years ago a woman possessed by an evil entity and a schizophrenic man lived there. When he entered the house, he was very calm until his father had a bad feeling, but he ignored it and unpacked. Levi helped him carry his things to the attic, while in the shadows he saw a very pale man with bright green eyes and red hair. Stared at him, blinked, then disappeared. Since then he was often tired and became lazy and much more withdrawn than before. No one seemed interested in the new school. From nothing, 1x became just a good student with 0 learning. Oliver, the best student in the class, became jealous of him, so he bullied him with his friends. 2 years have passed, his father could not stand idly by as he is lonely, he decided to adopt a boy who is the same age as him so that he can finally have a friend. The boy's name was Harry. Harry was a Christian because of his upbringing in an orphanage until Levi saw no logic in his faith, but he didn't care. Regardless, they got along well and spent the whole summer well, but strange things happened. Specifically after Harry finished his evening prayers. The most striking was when Levi saw 1 shadow running and then something kicked the door out of its place. Harry was scared while Levi was fascinated by it all. He decided to enter the spiritual world. It was September, school started again. When Levi was better than Oliver on the first day, it pissed him off. In the afternoon they attacked Levi and kicked him on the ground, but then Harry walked over. Levi shouted after him to run but Harry just laughed and his eyes glowed red. "Who do you think you're talking to?,, he continued to laugh and Levi noticed that Harry's aura and radiance had also changed. The noses of the bullies began to bleed, and Oliver's had disgusting black tendrils. Levi loved horror, but this shocked him too. Harry's eyes were black for a moment then he passed out. Levi immediately rushed to the doctor with him, it turned out that he had fallen into a coma, which made Levi depressed and lonely again.
He didn't want to go to school, he always pretended to be sick and slept all day. He never remembered his dreams but this 1 really stuck in him. He was walking with a red haired boy who had black horns, the red haired boy pointed to the distance where Levi saw his mother and She's new family. He was filled with disgust and hatred at the sight. The red boy put a sword in his hand. Levi went to his mother with the sword and stabbed his half-siblings, disemboweled his mother's boyfriend, hung him upside down and then cut off his head. The red boy laughed maniacally and just said "You are my favorite student Levi,,. Levi woke up in a sweat, and 2 weeks later the news station showed how a blue-haired boy kills his family, which was recorded by the security footage. Everything was fine except his hair color. Levi was nervous but happy at the same time.
He decided to try this again only on Oliver, after all it is partly his fault that Harry has become strange and has been in a coma for half a year. Levi cut Oliver into pieces with the sword, the police did not know why, because according to Oliver's mother, Oliver flew into the air and then became several pieces. So the police took the woman away, who was handed over to the news station again. Levi is so used to it that he can't get enough of it, he was going to visit as many countries as possible with astral travel and took the lives of 50 people except for 1 who survived because his aura protected him. The red-haired boy then appeared face to face and said only this: "Be glad that you got your strength from no one else,,
-Levi: Who are you??
- Red haired boy: My name is Zalgo.
Levi froze for a moment. He remembered the stories when they moved there and realized that Zalgo loved torturing and killing people. He thought he was there to hurt him, but Zalgo just gave him a smile and said that he was doing very well. they made an alliance, both of them aiming to destroy humanity.
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catgirlforeskin · 1 year
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I posted 5,099 times in 2022
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I tagged 1,757 of my posts in 2022
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#revue starlight - 54 posts
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#ttrpgs - 27 posts
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Longest Tag: 141 characters
#thinking about the time some dude was going “you shouldn’t celebrate cops dying 😭“ and i went to his blog and half his posts were about some
My Top Posts in 2022:
(me grabbing my toothbrush for the first time in 6 days): it’s fun for me just to brush my. TEETH!
(the beastie boys tulpa I accidentally summoned when I was trying to astrally conjure anthrax into my local Walmart’s manager’s lungs as a diversion to make shoplifting the new halo mega construx building set more easy): during Christmas you have a. WREATH!
2,691 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
shivering lesbian polycule huddled for warmth around high-end gaming laptop running The Sims 3 at 91 degrees celsius to survive the harsh winter of the Pacific Northwest (they all moved there from Southern California)
3,243 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
My wife has that Among Us vent pussy, and sister? I’m the freaking Imposter
8,691 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
It’s funny to me how with games like Rimworld, players will try to make the most evil colony possible and it’ll be like “yeah we run entirely on prison labor and when they die we skin them and turn them into hats” but it’s a very juvenile sense of evil that’s you’d expect to see in the margins of a middle school notebook
but when Cities: Skylines players want to do evil it’ll be “I built an urban freeway interchange and parking lots in accordance with real Texas zoning laws” and every comment is something like “this looks like Houston’s 290/10/160 interchange, I drive on it for work and dream about blowing it up every single day” or “you’re a real sick fuck you know that? Also good job with your frontage roads!”
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20,778 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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50,229 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
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moquall · 2 years
Dissidia Opera Omnia : Force Weapon partner connection (PART 4/?)
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Part 4 compiled the FRs released in February 2022 banners. The purple one is FR user, black one is the partner.
Just click on "fr partner" tags in if you want to see the full list.
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Tifa - Rem (Glitter Strike) : Childhood friend and the love interest of the respective protagonist. Had been living separately with their love interest and not seen each other for years .
Tifa is Cloud's childhood friend, but they were not close. Cloud decided to join SOLDIER as a part to impress Tifa and Tifa asked him to promise to save her when she is in trouble but Cloud was hired as a infantryman instead. Ashamed of his failure, He lost contact with everyone in Nibelheim for years even hide his identity during his visit to Nibelheim with Zack and Sephiroth.
Rem is Machina's childhood friend. Machina promised Rem he is going to become stronger to protect her and one day their village was attacked by Milites. They managed to flee and ever since the incident, they lived separately but years later enrolled in Akademeia and reunited a year before the event of Type-0.
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Llyud - Shelke (Speartek) : Interaction in Edgar's Intertwining Wills. Both unable to feel emotion until later part in their games.
Shelke was subjected to numerous experiment for her rare ability by Deepground, causing a mental scars that lead her become emotionless and talk with robotic manner. She started to feel emotion after experiencing Lucrecia's memories.
Llyud and the Aegyl's anima which is a part of person's soul that allows them to feel emotion were stolen by Feolthanos. After Balthier destroyed the second auralith, all the anima absorbed by that thing returned to their owner, allowing Llyud to regain his emotion.
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Ardyn - Leonhart (Revenant Roar) : Interaction in Arc 3 Chapter 6. The older brother with strong affinity to darkness.
Ardyn is Somnus's older brother and was tainted with Starscourge too much thus makes him immortal and forsaken by the Astrals, unable to escape the darkness and decided to embrace it.
Leonhart is Maria's older brother, wished to be stronger, became the Dark Knight of Palamecia and fought his former allies. In the end, Leon decided to leave Firion's party to atone for his sins.
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Faris - Wakka (Whirlpool Shot) : The eldest siblings and the captains living near the sea.
Faris is the captains of the pirates and Lenna's older sister. Wakka is Chappu's older brother and the captain and coach of Besaid Aurochs where they usually have training in Besaid Beach.
Faris and Lenna, Wakka and Chappu are not twin siblings.
(once again, another pair that feels random. I couldn't find their connection other than what i write here.)
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Rinoa - Yuna (Double Holy) : Interaction in Dissidia NT. "Lost" their boyfriend but managed to reunited with them.
After his final confrontation with Ultimecia in Edea Orphanage, Squall was 'lost' in time, unable to return to his own era but Rinoa, found him with her sorceress power.
Tidus disappeared because the fayth's dream has ended and Sin was ultimately defeated. At the end of FFX-2, Bahamut's fayth asked Yuna if she want to see Tidus again and the fayth revived him so he could live forever with Yuna.
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Aerith - Eiko (Ethereal Dancing Flowers) : The last descendant of an ancient race, serves the white mage role and use holy spell.
Aerith is half-Cetra and referred as "the last Ancient" and serves White Mage role with her high magic stat and can cast Holy after returning to Lifestream to push Meteor back. She is an assist character in dissidia duodecim and has Holy as her HP attack.
Eiko is the last descendant of summoner tribe. While Eiko is a summoner, she has stronger White Mage spells, including Holy compared to Garnet, who has stronger Eidolons. Eiko's Eidolons also casts White Mage ability like Carbuncle and Madeen.
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Balthier - Cid Highwind (Seesawing) : Have an airship and the pilot itself. Once worked in enemy side but left after 'bitter' experience and now live with their female companion.
Balthier is former Judge but left after seeing his father's sanity is fading like talking to someone who wasn't there, not knowing Dr. Cid has been talking to Venat. He stole and modified the prototype airship, named it Strahl and become Sky Pirate with Fran, his female viera partner.
Cid is former mechanical scientist of Shinra company and the one who designs Highwind airship. Cid aborted the rocket's launch to save Shera who is fixing the fault, makes his dream goes unfulfilled. Shera decided to lives with him taking all the criticism toward her but some years later, Cid notices there is a fault in the rocket's oxygen tank and apologize for his rude treatment.
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ruina6471 · 3 months
The art of "reaching in" and draw a card.
Once in a while you'd encounter some bizarre clients you didn't know initially what their deal is. This strange client served as a chance for me to experience that a "reach" for Tarot card divination does exist, and is a very important concept. I will explain what reach means later.
She came to me half a year ago, so it's been a while now-- I refer to my clients as 'they' pronoun, because most of them stay strictly anonymous on PLURK and would not tell me any information other than necessary, but this client wanted the process off PLURK anonymous board.
She requested a Google meeting. She wanted to know how her relationship with the current boyfriend would go. She will only give me the exact question once we meet online and proceed the divination that very evening. I did not think much of it.
HOWEVER, once I opened up the Google Meet for her, she dropped a bombshell- she DOES NOT HAVE A BOYFRIEND... well, not in the physical realm at least. She is a fandom dream girl, meaning, she *imagines* herself to have a relationship with an anime character. Now she wants to know "what her boyfriend/anime character thinks about her".
I have one policy- I do NOT ask for any information, unless the client gives it up willingly and on their own accord. She has no intention to tell me who this "anime guy" is, so be it. I shuffle the cards.
This is when I felt very distinctly "the reach", which in fact always existed, but I wasn't conscious of it before, until I reached for a different space.
This time, when I dipped my finger into the pile, I felt a tighter, narrower astral space, sort of like "a human's mental plane" whence I draw information from, instead of the usual broader and wider universal space-time (no, I refuse to call it Akashic record, no use throwing terminologies I don't partake in around here).
I drew Prince of Disks and Queen of Swords from Crowley Thoth.
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I told her- Your boyfriend is a world builder. He would go off the edge of universe, find an empty place, and build an empire from scratch. It is not an "inclusive" empire, but a world tailored to him that he could truly rule, and he'd like to rule this kingdom with you.
He is probably a CEO from a troubled multi-million company. Unlike his Wolf-of-Wall-street appearance, his life is not on easy mode. He does not have anything handed out to him on a silver platter, so he does not trust anything that is given to him like a free gift. It must've been a trap from his competitor.
His tendency is seen from the Queen of Swords. He does not like women who act pretty and girlish, he would despise damsels in distress. I think CEOs are secretly like that. He actually like women with a brain, with ambition, and is even more business savvy than him. You must be a talented co-ruler, a co-CEO, to be his girlfriend, otherwise he wouldn't have high opinion about you. Thankfully, you value intelligence over beauty yourself.
Then she revealed her anime dream boyfriend to be Leona Kingscholar
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WHO is this???
I'm sorry, I am so old I don't watch a lot of animes anymore. But the client told me she was so happy and so satisfied with this reading, it was exactly what she thought would come out.
So, instead of focusing ONLY on how to interpret cards-- the more important issue is, HOW do these cards come about on your reading table? Is it purely by chance, a 1/78 mathematical probability that a card would be drawn? Of course not, or I'd advice you go to ChatGPT to do a reading for you, you don't have to waste money on Ruina.
In the end of the day, a good divinator has to reach out and grab the information somewhere-- whatever mental magical exercise works for you in order to experience that, just do it, because that makes a whole lot of difference for your clients.
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