#and winterfell - warmth in its walls. catelyn the southerner who never quite fit....
daenystheedreamer · 2 months
ive been thinking about "there must always be a stark in winterfell" as a threat... i love the theory that the starks had some hand in the others, i LOVE the theory that the starks MADE the others in order to become the kings of winter. i think the idea of winterfell as a prison is so fun the idea that the starks MUST stay there as divine punishment for their choices. "if you leave, you will die, you will stay here forever". it's so antithetical to everything the starks and winterfell mean to the characters and i think that's fun! winterfell is so warm and loving and the castle that feels most like a true home for its inhabitants, the one LEAST like a prison. but its got that ominous crypt of corpses beneath it...
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