#and with 100% earnestness saying 'the way she's holding this for her is so relationship-coded???' BRO IT'S A BIRTHDAY PARTY
I am about to say something that will probably put a giant fucking target above my head, but against all good reason - I fucking hate this whole 'gaylor' trend.
let's get the facts out right now: 1. I am a non-binary dyke, in case anyone wants to play the queerphobia card 2. I've been a fan of taylor since fearless first came out when I was 11 (before some of you had probably even reached double digits) and 3. yes, this is inspired by the recent ny times article.
honestly I'm usually too much of an old man to be interested in a lot of celebrity news, even for artists I like, so I generally stay clear, but this came through my morning news feed via, bizarrely, ctv (fucking ctv thought this was NEWSWORTHY enough to put on their site which is bonkers, and if you're not canadian, ctv is a nationwide news broadcaster). and it made me livid - because this has now far beyond stretched the line of acceptable.
fucking ny times. this would be perfectly expected for rags like daily soap dish or enquirer or some other bullshit circus, where they spend all their damn days crafting celebrity stories of who's secretly pregnant and who's getting an underground divorce. ny times, in case they fucking forgot, do still have some sort of legitimacy to their name, but I guess they decided they'd run out of enough stories to now outsource to conspiracy theory level fans who's parasocial relationships with their favourite celebrity reaches deity levels. dear ny times, there is actual news still happening in the world in case you're out of ideas.
putting aside this bizarre so called attempt at 'journalism', onto the second point - which is that this. is. gross!! I've had issues with the whole 'gaylor' thing since the start. we, as a fanbase, have seen taylor ripped apart and broken down by this intrusive and harmful celeb culture that analyzes her every move for who she might be seeing, who's she interested in, which male friend could be a potential partner, etc etc, over and over, and how it's been both damaging to her and her love life as she's said. fans have even criticized the media for it and said to leave taylor alone! but now, all of a sudden, just bc you're a fan or bc you're queer or both, it's okay??? it fucking boggles my mind when so-called 'gaylor' fans gush about her and her work, always at her defense and say they care about her, and then do this 180 where they partake in a super invasive thing at her expense and don't even blink an eye??? making your own guesses by yourself is one thing, but creating a whole plot around the fact of taylor secretly being gay and pushing her to come out is a whole other ballroom of nuts.
let's get this out onto the table - she hates this. she doesn't like that you guys do this. she's already stated so and you all keep doing it. just because you're replacing the male character with a female one doesn't mean shit when you're doing the same harmful activity, just switching pronouns. you're not subverting anything, in case any of you need to be told. as a queer fan, this is embarrassing. it is such a gross over-stepping of someone's private life, and now that the goddamn ny times have posted it about it, makes the behavior even more legitimized!! while nothing excuses homophobia, if taylor eventually starts distancing herself from anything and all things queer and starts pushing back, I don't want to see any fucking one of you crying bc it'd be your own damn fault.
thirdly, even if, even if, taylor was gay - it's none of our fucking business!!! it's like all you up and completely blanked out what it was like to be closeted. if you're staying closeted, it's because you're not ready to come out!!! you don't want to or it's not a good time for you or whatever there doesn't need to be any reason for why someone doesn't want to say they're gay!!! it's hard enough trying to make that choice, and then you have the rest of the whole world posting ''''articles'''' about your sexuality, putting a million pairs of eyes on you - fuck, that'd send me back ten more layers into the closet if it happened to me! it's super rude not only to discuss someone's sexuality like it's the weather over brunch, but even worse to demand they say something about it! this is queer etiquette 101 people - you don't run around gossiping about someone's sexuality bc whatever that person decides they doesn't need your fucking input!!
basically if I could spray you all with a spray bottle I fucking would right now - nobody needs your input on their sexuality, celebrity or non! all this does is perpetrate harmful celebrity gossip that just hurts the artist you claim to love so much. taylor is a real person with a real life, she's not a storybook character to speculate over! please, I am begging you, stop this! go outside! touch grass!!
and at the risking of being meme-ified, leave taylor alone!
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ComfortShipping please!
How they first met: They first met when Whitney stopped by the Pokémon Daycare to pick up one of her Gym pokémon that had been staying there. Ethan was visiting his grandparents and was happy to strike up a conversation with the Gym Leader.Where their first date was: Their first date was at the annual Tanabata festival celebrations in Goldenrod. Whitney had some official duties as Gym Leader, but that evening she invited Ethan to join her to walk around the stalls to check out the food and games. The two had a wonderful time enjoying each other’s company, and were holding hands by the end of their first date. Neither of them knew it, but each had wished for romance that year - it seems their wish came true!When they had their first kiss: They had their first kiss on their third date, which was to a new café that Whitney wanted to check out, since she heard it had cute desserts. They got a strawberry shortcake to share and Ethan ended up getting some icing on his nose after taking a large bite. Rather than tell her boyfriend to wipe it off, Whitney simply leaned in and kissed his nose, getting the frosting in the process. She then couldn’t help but giggle at the face he made when he realized what had happened, since she had never seen Ethan so flustered.Who cooks: Neither of them are particularly skilled cooks, so they tend to switch off who cooks so as to split the burden. They also often eat out or get take-out, which is easy thanks to Whitney’s Gym Leader salary. When Ethan’s grandparents were still alive, they would often make soups and the like in bulk for Ethan and Whitney to share, and there are other family friends who send them food once in a while. Once Ethan and Whitney start taking in foster children, they both agree to learn to cook better so that they can provide a better experience for the children in their care. By the time they take in and eventually adopt Carmen, the two have become pretty good cooks, or at least able to follow a recipe, though take out and restaurants are still pretty common traditions.Who proposed: Ethan proposed to Whitney. It was pretty informal, however. They were spending the evening in at their house in Goldenrod when Ethan just asked, ‘Why don’t we get married?’ Whitney was a bit surprised to hear the question, since she hadn’t taken Ethan for the marrying type. When she didn’t say anything, Ethan just sat up and grasped her hands, a bit more confident, saying ‘I love you, and want to spend the rest of my life with you, like this. So why don’t we?’ Whitney, touched by his earnestness, grinned back and hugged him with an enthusiastic ‘Yes!’The dominate one: Ethan is the confident type who isn’t afraid to go after what he wants, but at the same time, Whitney is one of the few people who can get him to do what she wants with just a look. So really, it’s a toss-up.Their favorite pastime together: The two of them have quite different interests, most of the time, Whitney liking to explore cute cafés and shops, while Ethan likes exploring nature. The two of them are perfectly happy to indulge the other, Ethan exploring the city with his wife and Whitney exploring nature with her husband, but they do, in fact, have some shared interests. The main one is taking care of pokémon. Ethan inherits the Daycare from his grandparents, and when he and Whitney get married she’s adamant in helping out there as well. They both love to provide a place to stay for other trainers’ pokémon and a shelter for injured or abandoned pokémon as well. Their other favorite shared pastime is, in fact, baseball. Whitney has been a fan since she was a child, even playing on her school’s team when she was younger. She later inducts Ethan into the sport as well, getting him hooked. The two are part of an informal ‘League Baseball League’ which is comprised of Gym Leaders, the Elite Four (or former Gym Leaders and Elite Four) and their families. Who kissed who first: Whitney kissed Ethan!Who is the flirt: Ethan 100%. He might not seem it at first, but Ethan is a total flirt and has no issue making flirty comments to his wife in public. Whitney, on her part, has no trouble flirting back when he does, though she rarely initiates.Who is the romantic: The two are about equally romantic, loving to indulge and pamper their spouse. Whitney likes to surprise Ethan with desserts she’s bought on the way home from work, while Ethan will set up romantic dates, both on the town and at home.Who wakes up first: Both are actually late sleepers, so it’s a code between them that whoever wakes up first will wake up the other so they don’t oversleep. That being said, there are many mornings where both are running late since they didn’t get up on time.Who comforts who the most: They comfort each other whenever the other needs it, but both are fairly upbeat personalities who don’t need a lot of comforting. As such, sometimes there can be a lack of communication when there’s an issue, so they try to be as open with each other as possible. Whitney feels comfortable going to Ethan for support when her Gym Leader work is driving her mad or tiring her out, and Ethan feels comfortable sharing his stress from running the Daycare or any stress regarding Lance or Draco (Ethan and Whitney have an open relationship, ever since they were just dating, and while Whitney will occasionally go on dates with other people than Ethan, Ethan is actually in a more committed relationship with Lance, though it can be rocky sometimes. Whitney and Lance, on their part, are good friends who like to share silly stories about their husband/boyfriend as well.)The cuddler: Whitney is very cuddly, enjoying holding on to her husband’s arm when they’re out and about, curling up next to him on the couch, or really just any type of physical affection. Ethan loves holding Whitney and cuddling with her as well, so really, they two of them tend to be attached to each other most of the time.The big spoon: Ethan!
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